Monthly Archives: August 2016

Island Offshore – HOME

Posted: August 19, 2016 at 4:17 am

Island Offshore has been chosen to speak at the ONS Technical Sessions during ONS 2016 in Stavanger. Together with Centrica we will present the Butch pilot: The industrys first riser-less coiled tubing drilling. Dont miss out! In addition we will share our thoughts about: 10 years with RLWI- What about the future? To find out more, please follow the link: Where: Hall 6 When: Tuesday 30th August 10:00 AM #ons2016

Island Offshore has been chosen to speak at the ONS Technical Sessions during ONS 2016 in Stavanger. Together with Centrica we will present the Butch pilot: The industrys first riser-less coiled tubing drilling. Dont miss out! In addition we will share our thoughts about: 10 years with RLWI- What about the future? To find out more, please follow the link: Where: Hall 6 When: Tuesday 30th August 10:00 AM #ons2016

15.08.16 15:50

Island Offshore, together with Centrica, are appointed finalists for the ONS Innovation Award! The two companies are nominated for developing a Riser-less coil tubing drilling system utilized to check for shallow gas at the Butch field last year. This was the first time ever in the oil and gas industry that riser-less coiled tubing drilling operations were performed. There were 58 applicants for the award and the five finalists were carefully selected by a jury. The winner will be presented at the conference session Long Term Perspective for the NCS on the second day of the ONS conference in Stavanger; Tuesday 30 August 2016 10-12 AM at the Clarion Hotel Energy. The winner will present its technology at the Technical Session ONS Innovation Award at 15.00 the same day. This session is free and open to everyone. Read more about the nomination here: #ons2016

Island Offshore, together with Centrica, are appointed finalists for the ONS Innovation Award! The two companies are nominated for developing a Riser-less coil tubing drilling system utilized to check for shallow gas at the Butch field last year. This was the first time ever in the oil and gas industry that riser-less coiled tubing drilling operations were performed. There were 58 applicants for the award and the five finalists were carefully selected by a jury. The winner will be presented at the conference session Long Term Perspective for the NCS on the second day of the ONS conference in Stavanger; Tuesday 30 August 2016 10-12 AM at the Clarion Hotel Energy. The winner will present its technology at the Technical Session ONS Innovation Award at 15.00 the same day. This session is free and open to everyone. Read more about the nomination here: #ons2016

09.08.16 15:38

Island Offshore er kra til Oil man of the year 2016, av Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)! Island Offshore vart tildelt prisen for oppbygginga av lett brnnintervensjonsteknologi (LWI) samt gjennomfringa av kveilerrsoperasjonar fr farty, og i grunngjevinga str det mellom anna: - Dette er tankar fleire operatrar har jobba med i fleire r, men ikkje klart gjennomfre. Island Offshore har satsa og gjennomfrt dette med stor suksess, og med auka tilgjenge til subseabrnnar med auka ressursutnytting som resultat. - SPE Stavanger legg til grunn ei stor grad av nytenking og satsing over fleire r. Dette hadde ikkje vore mogleg utan ei leiing og ein eigar som ser verdien av langsiktig tenking, og som har mot til satse utradisjonelt. Ein stolt administrerande direktr Hvard Ulstein var i Stavanger og tok i mot prisen i gr: - Island Offshore blitt bygd opp av drivande dyktige ingenirar, bde i Stavanger og i Ulsteinvik. Desse folka har starta tidleg, og jobba til seint p kveld. Dei har blitt gitt vide fullmakter til utvikle tenester som har gitt auka utnytting av fartya vre, og dei har levert med glans. Uttallige suksessfulle prosjekt kan vitne om det. - Det er ei stor re motta denne prisen, og ein fantastisk motivasjon til halde fram med tye grensene. Island Offshore skal halde fram med nyskaping!

Island Offshore er kra til Oil man of the year 2016, av Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)! Island Offshore vart tildelt prisen for oppbygginga av lett brnnintervensjonsteknologi (LWI) samt gjennomfringa av kveilerrsoperasjonar fr farty, og i grunngjevinga str det mellom anna: - Dette er tankar fleire operatrar har jobba med i fleire r, men ikkje klart gjennomfre. Island Offshore har satsa og gjennomfrt dette med stor suksess, og med auka tilgjenge til subseabrnnar med auka ressursutnytting som resultat. - SPE Stavanger legg til grunn ei stor grad av nytenking og satsing over fleire r. Dette hadde ikkje vore mogleg utan ei leiing og ein eigar som ser verdien av langsiktig tenking, og som har mot til satse utradisjonelt. Ein stolt administrerande direktr Hvard Ulstein var i Stavanger og tok i mot prisen i gr: - Island Offshore blitt bygd opp av drivande dyktige ingenirar, bde i Stavanger og i Ulsteinvik. Desse folka har starta tidleg, og jobba til seint p kveld. Dei har blitt gitt vide fullmakter til utvikle tenester som har gitt auka utnytting av fartya vre, og dei har levert med glans. Uttallige suksessfulle prosjekt kan vitne om det. - Det er ei stor re motta denne prisen, og ein fantastisk motivasjon til halde fram med tye grensene. Island Offshore skal halde fram med nyskaping!

28.05.16 10:09

Denne veka kan vi glede oss over plattform forsyningsfartyet Island Champion som har sikra seg to-rs kontrakt for ASCO Marine Limited! Island Champion gikk p jobb for ASCO i gr, og skal operere ut fr Aberdeen.

Denne veka kan vi glede oss over plattform forsyningsfartyet Island Champion som har sikra seg to-rs kontrakt for ASCO Marine Limited! Island Champion gikk p jobb for ASCO i gr, og skal operere ut fr Aberdeen.

21.04.16 08:35

Island Valiant og Island Constructor har sikra seg jobb p Draugen utover vren og sommaren, og frst ut er Island Valiant som skal utfre IMR-arbeid p tre brnnar no i april. Dette for frebu jobben som Island Constructor skal gjere seinare p sommaren. Sistnevnte har sikra seg tre oppdrag p feltet, og skal utfre lett brnnintervensjon, scale squeeze og IMR-arbeid p fleire brnnar. Kontraktene er signerte med A/S Norske Shell, og samla har dei ein verdi p om lag NOK 100 millionar for Island Offshore. Med dette er alle tre brnnintervensjonsfartya ute av vinteropplag: Island Wellserver og Island Frontier tok til p kontraktene sine for Statoil 1. april.

Island Valiant og Island Constructor har sikra seg jobb p Draugen utover vren og sommaren, og frst ut er Island Valiant som skal utfre IMR-arbeid p tre brnnar no i april. Dette for frebu jobben som Island Constructor skal gjere seinare p sommaren. Sistnevnte har sikra seg tre oppdrag p feltet, og skal utfre lett brnnintervensjon, scale squeeze og IMR-arbeid p fleire brnnar. Kontraktene er signerte med A/S Norske Shell, og samla har dei ein verdi p om lag NOK 100 millionar for Island Offshore. Med dette er alle tre brnnintervensjonsfartya ute av vinteropplag: Island Wellserver og Island Frontier tok til p kontraktene sine for Statoil 1. april.

06.04.16 11:22

Island Condor brillierer med lave utslepp, og viste seg vere den mest miljvennlege bten som beskte hamna i Rotterdam i 2015. Du kan lese meir her:

Island Condor brillierer med lave utslepp, og viste seg vere den mest miljvennlege bten som beskte hamna i Rotterdam i 2015. Du kan lese meir her:

08.03.16 14:51

Ein liten stemningsrapport fr Nordsjen i gr ettermiddag: Island Crusader og Island Innovator nyt siste solstrlane for dagen. Fotograf: Tor Voldsund

Ein liten stemningsrapport fr Nordsjen i gr ettermiddag: Island Crusader og Island Innovator nyt siste solstrlane for dagen. Fotograf: Tor Voldsund

12.02.16 09:59

Ei fin og viktig sak om kadetten vr Espen Skjegstad:

Ei fin og viktig sak om kadetten vr Espen Skjegstad:

10.02.16 08:34

I dag vart Island Offshore tildelt prisen som "rets maritime lrebedrift" for 2015! Dette er ein pris som vert tildelt ei bedrift som har utmerka seg i srs positiv retning for rekruttering av norsk maritim kompetanse, og med 56 opplringsstillingar i flten str Island Offshore fram som ein klar kandidat. Dette er langt over det behovet rederiet sjlv har for pfyll av offiserar og matrosar. - Det betyr mykje for oss motta denne prisen, og spesielt no nr markedet er s krevjande. Folka vre er vr viktigaste ressurs, og denne utnemninga reflekterer nettopp det: Sjlv om det er drlege tider, s kan vi ikkje berre gi slepp p desse unge som faktisk er framtida vr. Det har hg prioritet for oss fortsatt kunne tilby opplringsplassar, seier Hvard Ulstein, administrerande direktr i Island Offshore. P biletet ser du Training Manager Svein Magne Tenfjord saman med Nringsminister Monica Mland som delte ut prisen.

I dag vart Island Offshore tildelt prisen som "rets maritime lrebedrift" for 2015! Dette er ein pris som vert tildelt ei bedrift som har utmerka seg i srs positiv retning for rekruttering av norsk maritim kompetanse, og med 56 opplringsstillingar i flten str Island Offshore fram som ein klar kandidat. Dette er langt over det behovet rederiet sjlv har for pfyll av offiserar og matrosar. - Det betyr mykje for oss motta denne prisen, og spesielt no nr markedet er s krevjande. Folka vre er vr viktigaste ressurs, og denne utnemninga reflekterer nettopp det: Sjlv om det er drlege tider, s kan vi ikkje berre gi slepp p desse unge som faktisk er framtida vr. Det har hg prioritet for oss fortsatt kunne tilby opplringsplassar, seier Hvard Ulstein, administrerande direktr i Island Offshore. P biletet ser du Training Manager Svein Magne Tenfjord saman med Nringsminister Monica Mland som delte ut prisen.

02.02.16 12:52

Dei siste ra har Island Offshore jobba med grensesprengande pionrarbeid innan toppholsboring og bruk av ny kveilerrsteknologi fr bt. Med fleire suksessfulle prosjekt bak oss, ynskjer vi no ta det heile eit steg vidare; gjere teknologien tilgjengeleg for levande brnnar. Til brnnkontrollpakken for nybyggingsprosjektet vrt Island Navigator, skjer difor Stavangerkontoret vrt etter disiplinleiarar i flgande kategoriar: Hydraulic Systems, Subsea Control Systems, Electro Instrumentation, Structural Engineering, Main Bore Valves Du kan skje her:

Dei siste ra har Island Offshore jobba med grensesprengande pionrarbeid innan toppholsboring og bruk av ny kveilerrsteknologi fr bt. Med fleire suksessfulle prosjekt bak oss, ynskjer vi no ta det heile eit steg vidare; gjere teknologien tilgjengeleg for levande brnnar. Til brnnkontrollpakken for nybyggingsprosjektet vrt Island Navigator, skjer difor Stavangerkontoret vrt etter disiplinleiarar i flgande kategoriar: Hydraulic Systems, Subsea Control Systems, Electro Instrumentation, Structural Engineering, Main Bore Valves Du kan skje her:

17.11.15 12:49

Island Offshore skapte store overskrifter forrige veke med nyhenda om den suksessfulle boringa av pilothol p Butchfeltet. Boringa vart gjort ved hjelp av kveilerr; ei metode som ikkje har blitt brukt i offshoreindustrien fr, men som viser seg vere bde eit sikrare og billegare alternativ til tradisjonell boring med rigg. I flge oppdragsgjevar Centrica Energy har dei faktisk hatt ein kostnadsbesparelse p heile 30-50% ved bruk av teknologien vr! Legg ved link til ein av dei mange artiklane som vart skrivne om saka:

Island Offshore skapte store overskrifter forrige veke med nyhenda om den suksessfulle boringa av pilothol p Butchfeltet. Boringa vart gjort ved hjelp av kveilerr; ei metode som ikkje har blitt brukt i offshoreindustrien fr, men som viser seg vere bde eit sikrare og billegare alternativ til tradisjonell boring med rigg. I flge oppdragsgjevar Centrica Energy har dei faktisk hatt ein kostnadsbesparelse p heile 30-50% ved bruk av teknologien vr! Legg ved link til ein av dei mange artiklane som vart skrivne om saka:

27.10.15 18:40

I gr vart Island Venture sjsett ved Ulstein Verft! Skipet som er eigd i felleskap av Island Offshore og Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO), er det strste offshoreskipet som nokon sinne er bygd ved verftet. Med sine 159,9 lengdemeter og 30 meters breidde ruvar den godt ved kaia i Ulsteinvik! Etter ferdigstilling skal Island Venture g til USA, der den skal markedsfrast og driftast av ECO.

I gr vart Island Venture sjsett ved Ulstein Verft! Skipet som er eigd i felleskap av Island Offshore og Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO), er det strste offshoreskipet som nokon sinne er bygd ved verftet. Med sine 159,9 lengdemeter og 30 meters breidde ruvar den godt ved kaia i Ulsteinvik! Etter ferdigstilling skal Island Venture g til USA, der den skal markedsfrast og driftast av ECO.

26.08.15 14:54

Vi har i dag heva alle forbehold i kontrakta om bygging av Island Navigator ved Kawasaki Heavy Industries i Japan. Det 169 meter lange skipet er eit kombinert brnnintervensjons- og toppholsboringsfarty med utstyr og kapasitet til utfre ei rekkje kompliserte subsea- og brnnoperasjonar. Fartyet vert fullfinansiert gjennom japanske finansinstitusjonar og forventa leveringstidspunkt er 2018/2019.

Vi har i dag heva alle forbehold i kontrakta om bygging av Island Navigator ved Kawasaki Heavy Industries i Japan. Det 169 meter lange skipet er eit kombinert brnnintervensjons- og toppholsboringsfarty med utstyr og kapasitet til utfre ei rekkje kompliserte subsea- og brnnoperasjonar. Fartyet vert fullfinansiert gjennom japanske finansinstitusjonar og forventa leveringstidspunkt er 2018/2019.

30.06.15 14:43

Delar eit stemningsbilde fr feltet i dag: Island Patriot nyt fine sommardagar p Valhall i nydeleg ver!

Delar eit stemningsbilde fr feltet i dag: Island Patriot nyt fine sommardagar p Valhall i nydeleg ver!

16.06.15 13:50

Island Endeavour og Island Earl har ftt forlenga kontraktene sine med Peterson ut januar 2017! Dei to PSV'ane jobbar ut fr Den Helder i Nederland, og har vore ein del av Southern North Sea Pool sidan august 2008 og januar 2009.

Island Endeavour og Island Earl har ftt forlenga kontraktene sine med Peterson ut januar 2017! Dei to PSV'ane jobbar ut fr Den Helder i Nederland, og har vore ein del av Southern North Sea Pool sidan august 2008 og januar 2009.

12.06.15 09:55

Island Discoverer fekk smake vatn p kjlen for frste gong i gr, og startar snart p turen til Noreg og Vard Brevik for ferdigstilling. Island Discoverer er det sjette ssterskipet i rekkja av UT 717 design i Island Offshore-flten.

Island Discoverer fekk smake vatn p kjlen for frste gong i gr, og startar snart p turen til Noreg og Vard Brevik for ferdigstilling. Island Discoverer er det sjette ssterskipet i rekkja av UT 717 design i Island Offshore-flten.

20.05.15 09:23

Island Clipper har ftt si frste kontrakt etter at vi tok levering tidlegare i mnaden, og er klar reise p jobb 10.mai! Island Clipper skal drive brnnstimulering p ein brnn i frste omgong, med opsjon p 3x1 brnnar til. Kvar brnn tilsvarar ei arbeidsperiode p omlag 3 mnader, og befinn seg p britisk sektor.

Island Clipper har ftt si frste kontrakt etter at vi tok levering tidlegare i mnaden, og er klar reise p jobb 10.mai! Island Clipper skal drive brnnstimulering p ein brnn i frste omgong, med opsjon p 3x1 brnnar til. Kvar brnn tilsvarar ei arbeidsperiode p omlag 3 mnader, og befinn seg p britisk sektor.

24.04.15 11:21

Kl 13.05 i dag tok vi levering av Island Clipper! Gudmor Laila Bjerke var med p overleveringa ved Vard Brevik, og fekk ra av utfre flaggskiftet. Ein kjempeflott bt med ei flott mannskap! Kaptein er Odd-Steven Wahlberg.

Kl 13.05 i dag tok vi levering av Island Clipper! Gudmor Laila Bjerke var med p overleveringa ved Vard Brevik, og fekk ra av utfre flaggskiftet. Ein kjempeflott bt med ei flott mannskap! Kaptein er Odd-Steven Wahlberg.

09.04.15 16:03

Island Offshore regjerar toppen av miljindeksen Environmental Ship Index: med sju btar blant dei femten beste! ESI identifiserar skip som reduserer utslepp utover det som vert krevd av noverande utsleppsstandardar i IMO. Ved hjelp av eit poengsystem som gir rabattordningar p havneavgift og losberedskapsavgift oppfordrar dei reiarlaga til f ned utsleppa til luft s mykje som mogleg. Island Offshore tronar heilt i toppen med Island Chieftain og Island Condor, og dei fem neste registrerte kjem like bak.

Island Offshore regjerar toppen av miljindeksen Environmental Ship Index: med sju btar blant dei femten beste! ESI identifiserar skip som reduserer utslepp utover det som vert krevd av noverande utsleppsstandardar i IMO. Ved hjelp av eit poengsystem som gir rabattordningar p havneavgift og losberedskapsavgift oppfordrar dei reiarlaga til f ned utsleppa til luft s mykje som mogleg. Island Offshore tronar heilt i toppen med Island Chieftain og Island Condor, og dei fem neste registrerte kjem like bak.

09.04.15 12:03

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Island Offshore - HOME

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Acorn Community

Posted: at 4:16 am

A few weeks ago, we decided to have a Thursday meeting on the subject of labor. To get it started, I rolled a piece of paper across the entire living room and invited people to write down what kinds of labor we do at Acorn, with a couple categories I put in, and left a note encouraging others to write MORE BOXES, MORE WORDS.

I left the poster out for several days for people to add to it, and at the end, although it was useful to us in other ways, I thought it might be useful to new people to get an idea of the kinds of things that we do at Acorn.

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange is our biggest labor area. From growing seeds to winnowing, germination testing, receiving orders, tracking inventory, printing seed packets, packing seeds, picking orders, shipping orders, customer service, troubleshooting and more.

Domestic work is mostly work that people outside of community dont count as work. At Acorn, an hour of domestic work is just the same as any other hour of work, and includes cooking, food processing, laundry, childcare, taking out the trash, keeping the woodstoves running, baking bread and most importantly, cleaning special areas, which is anywhere special enough that you decide to clean it. Almost everyone does domestic work of some kind, and some people specialize in it to some degree.

Landscaping and Perennials includes a large portion of mowing grass, but also includes our trees and bushes, which we plant, water when theyre new, mulch, and prune. Our shiitake mushroom logs also go under this. Killing poison ivy is an important component of this category. Every garden-oriented person looked at this chart and said that they would like to do more of these things until Acorn was a beautiful permaculture landscape, but that the garden takes up too much of their time.

Garden work is for vegetables and herbs for kitchen use, as well as seed crops and trials for the business, and includes the normal direct sowing, transplanting, weeding, mulching, harvesting, seed processing, and pest control that you would expect, as well as greenhouse work, irrigation, keeping our tools organized and in good repair, soil testing and amending the soil, and prioritizing work and throwing work parties so people know what to do.

Auto is mainly routine maintenance, keeping paperwork up to date, troubleshooting car and tractor problems, and driving cars to the shop when theyre out of our league to fix. Currently, we dont have the skills or tools to effectively fix complex car problems, although our neighbor John comes over to fix our tractors. This labor area also includes biking to displace car usage.

Accounting includes a lot of bookkeeping, such as entering the numbers from trip, checkbooks, credit cards, bank deposits, and business. Auditing and making sure things are credited to the correct accounts, and also nagging people is an important component of this (turn in your trip accounting! who made this credit card charge?!) Annual taxes is also in here, which includes sales tax for the business as well as personal 1099 tax forms and state taxes for each of the communards. Annual financial reports are made so that we can make our budget are made once the fiscal years bookkeeping is complete.

Visitor category includes answering e-mails at, talking to potential visitors on the phone, and scheduling, which is done by mostly the same three people. Giving tours and orientations is done by lots of people, and having a visitor buddy and checking in with them is also considered labor-creditable work.

Forestry is a neglected area, which is partially because all of our accessible forest land has been sustainably harvested about as much as its capable of sustaining. We either move into cutting down trees in the swamp, or buying firewood

Livestock includes our chickens, pigs, and goats. The broad categories are daily feeding and watering, fencing and housing concerns, taking care of babies, slaughtering and meat processing, and some specific bits were added: trimming chickens wings and goats hooves, and milking our dairy goats.

Acquisitions is typified by the town trip, where a single person goes into town and buys everything people asked for on a sheet of paper (or two or three). It also includes city trips to get special things, going dumpster-diving or searching thrift stores for things we need while youre out, and picking up large loads in the cargo van such as our favorite free food connections or livestock feed. I also included trash disposal here, although it doesnt exactly fit, but someone does need to drive our entire trash trailer to the landfill sometimes.

Recreation is, in fact, a labor and budget area that is collectively important to us. This includes party planning and music preparation, set-up and clean-up. Theres also the organization of craft supplies and hosting recreative activities (like group read-alouds or yoga or jiu jitsu classes), and the very important job of lighting the fire under the hot tub when it seems like a good hot tub day.

Personal Responsibility is important. Not all personal responsibilities are considered labor-creditable, but everyone agrees that going to the doctor and dentist is important and you get labor hours for it. People can claim two hours of personal exercise a week as labor-creditable. Two important entries on the chart are putting shit away and cancellation of personal entropy through cleaning, which are highly valued traits in communards.

Finding Shit is its own category. Everyone spends lots of time doing it.

Computers/IT is largely handled by the same two people. They build computers, install new programs, monitor the server, make server upgrades, and manage our disk space and backups. They keep our business database software and metrics running despite their constant desire to die, update the databases, write new queries and modify old ones. They shop for new computer parts and research new technologies, and try to expand, improve, and fix services they have like our new accounting software, the internal Acorn Wiki, the project manager and test manager. And, of course, they vacuum dust out of our hardware and fix things as needed.

Maintenance involves noticing missing or broken shit and taking steps to repair or replace it. Big areas people mentioned include building maintenance, cleaning gutters, chimneys, and furnaces, and maintaining our bike fleet, but of course there are many things on the farm to be maintained.

Electrical requires us to pick up and entertain Milo. Occasionally people have learned electrical things from him, but our roving electrician solves most of our problems.

Plumbing was summed up by digging and working in a muddy hole, which is some of it, but it also includes unclogging drains, installing new plumbing or fixtures, and keeping water coolers full for buildings that dont have drinking water.

Interpersonal Process includes scheduled things like attending (or facilitating) weekly meetings, and doing your required clearnesses. It also includes mediating between two people, or being an advocate for someone in an official capacity, or serving on a care team for someone who needs extra help.

The Federation of Egalitarian Communities is exactly whats in the name, a collection of other egalitarian, income-sharing communities. We have an annual assembly and monthly conference calls for our two FEC delegates. One of our delegates writes the Dirt & Dreams internal newsletter, and another of our members has been re-creating the FEC website. FEC work also includes LEX (Labor EXchange), the most exciting part of being in the FEC, where you get to travel to other communities without having to take your vacation time because youre working for them while youre there. Lots of people LEX at local communities including Twin Oaks, Sapling, and Living Energy Farm, and one or two times a year we go on long-distance LEX trips, like going to Missouri to help Sandhill with their fall sorghum harvest.

Activism and Movement Support includes our relationship with the local community and activities to support sustainable agriculture, intentional community, and egalitarian values. Major projects here include Plant-A-Row for the Hungry, a project we sponsor at the local food pantry along with the Louisa County Master Gardeners. Some of us have served on boards of organizations like the Virginia Association of Biological Farming and the Organic Seed Alliance. One of our members is developing websites for the FEC and FIC (Fellowship of Intentional Community). We have labor exchange agreements outside of the FEC with like-minded co-ops such as the Baltimore Free Farm and the Wingnut of Richmond. We have regular tours from CRAFT (Chesapeake Regional Alliance of Farmer Training) and have organized young farmer events. Point A is a big project that some of our members and others are working to promote urban income-sharing communities.

Research has one bulletpoint: [See all other headings]

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Acorn Community

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Twin Oaks Intentional Community – Twin Oaks Intentional …

Posted: at 4:16 am

Hits: 494589 Last Updated: 13 July 2016 Print Email

Twin Oaks is an intentional community in rural central Virginia, made up of around 90 adult members and 15 children. Since the community's beginning in 1967, our way of life has reflected our values of cooperation, sharing, nonviolence, equality, and ecology. We welcome you toschedule a visit.

We do not have a group religion; our beliefs are diverse. We do not have a central leader; we govern ourselves by a form of democracy with responsibility shared among various managers, planners, and committees. We are self-supporting economically, and partly self-sufficient. We are income-sharing. Each member works 42 hours a week in the community's business and domestic areas. Each member receives housing, food, healthcare, and personal spending money from the community.

Our hammocks and casual furniture business has generated most of our income in the past. Making tofu as of 2011 has become roughly equal in importance to hammocks. Indexing books and now seed growing are also significant sources of income. Still, less than half of our work goes into these income-producing activities; the balance goes into a variety of tasks that benefit our quality of lifeincluding milking cows, gardening, cooking, and childcare. Most people prefer doing a variety of work, rather than the same job day in, day out.

A number of us choose to be politically active in issues of peace, ecology, anti-racism, and feminism. Each summer we are hosts to a Women's Gathering and a Communities Conference where we welcome both experienced communitarians, and seekers who are new to community living.

We give tours of Twin Oaks almost every Saturday afternoon from March through October, and on most alternating Saturdays from November through February. Read about the Saturday Tour here.

We offer a structured three week visit designed to give the visitor some general education and experience in living at Twin Oaks. Read about the Visitor Program here

Please do not drop in and expect to get a tour or be able to stay overnight. Tours and visits must always be pre-arranged, and to be a guest here, a member must agree to be your host before you arrive.

Twin Oaks Community 138 Twin Oaks Road # W Louisa, VA 23093 USA

540-894-5126 888-424-8838 Fax Email Us

When communicating with us by email please do not send attachments. Please send only plain text email, not HTML formatted mail. When you write, please tell us how/where you heard about Twin Oaks. If it was through another website, we'd like to know which one, and the URL if possible.

More about Twin Oaks

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Twin Oaks Intentional Community - Twin Oaks Intentional ...

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Human Cloning | The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity

Posted: at 4:14 am

We live in a brave new world in which reproductive technologies are ravaging as well as replenishing families. Increasingly common are variations of the situation in which "baby's mother is also grandma-and sister."1 Sometimes extreme measures are necessary in order to have the kind of child we want.

This new eugenics is simply the latest version of the age-old quest to make human beings--in fact, humanity as a whole--the way we want them to be: perfect. It includes our efforts to be rid of unwanted human beings through abortion and euthanasia. It more recently is focusing on our growing ability to understand and manipulate our genetic code, which directs the formation of many aspects of who we are, for better and for worse.

We aspire to complete control over the code, though at this point relatively little is possible. This backdrop can help us understand the great fascination with human cloning today. It promises to give us a substantial measure of power over the genetic makeup of our offspring. We cannot control their code exactly, but the first major step in that direction is hugely appealing: You can have a child whose genetic code is exactly like your own. And you didn't turn out so badly, did you?

Admittedly, in our most honest moments we would improve a few things about ourselves. So the larger agenda here remains complete genetic control. But human cloning represents one concrete step in that direction, and the forces pushing us from behind to take that step are tremendous. These forces are energized, as we will see, by the very ways we look at life and justify our actions. But before examining such forces, we need a clearer view of human cloning itself.

It was no longer ago than 1997 when the president of the United States first challenged the nation and charged his National Bioethics Advisory Commission2 to give careful thought to how the United States should proceed regarding human cloning. Attention to this issue was spurred by the reported cloning of a large mammal--a sheep--in a new way. The method involved not merely splitting an early-stage embryo to produce identical twins. Rather, it entailed producing a nearly exact genetic replica of an already existing adult.

The technique is called nuclear transfer or nuclear transplantation because it involves transferring the nucleus (and thus most of the genetic material) from a cell of an existing being to an egg cell in order to replace the egg cell's nucleus. Stimulated to divide by the application of electrical energy, this egg--now embryo--is guided by its new genetic material to develop as a being who is genetically almost identical to the being from which the nucleus was taken. This process was reportedly carried out in a sheep to produce the sheep clone named Dolly3 but attention quickly shifted to the prospects for cloning human beings (by which I will mean here and throughout, cloning by nuclear transfer).

Quickly people began to see opportunities for profit and notoriety. By 1998, for example, scientist Richard Seed had announced intentions to set up a Human Clone Clinic--first in Chicago, then in ten to twenty locations nationally, then in five to six locations internationally.4 While the U.S. federal government was pondering how to respond to such initiatives, some of the states began passing legislation to outlaw human cloning research, and nineteen European nations acted quickly to sign a ban on human cloning itself.5 However, the European ban only blocks the actual implantation, nurture, and birth of human clones, and not also cloning research on human embryos that are never implanted. Such research has been slowed in the United States since the president and then Congress withheld federal government funds from research that subjects embryos to risk for non-therapeutic purposes.6 Moreover, a United Nations declaration co-sponsored by eighty-six countries in late 1998 signaled a broad worldwide opposition to research that would lead to human cloning.7

Yet there are signs of this protection for embryos weakening in the face of the huge benefits promised by stem cell research. Stem cells can treat many illnesses and can have the capacity to develop into badly needed body parts such as tissues and organs. One way to obtain stem cells is to divide an early stage embryo into its component cells--thereby destroying the embryonic human being. Under President Clinton, the National Institutes of Health decided that as long as private sources destroyed the embryos and produced the stem cells, the federal government would fund research on those cells.8 During 2001, President Bush prohibited federally-funded research on embryonic stem cells produced after the date his prohibition was announced. In 2002, his newly-formed Council on Bioethics raised serious questions about even this form of embryonic stem cell research, through the Council was divided on this matter.9 These developments underscore that there are a number of technological developments that are closely interrelated and yet have somewhat different ethical considerations involved. While embryo and stem cell research are very important issues, they are distinct ethically from the question of reproducing human beings through cloning. Reproduction by cloning is the specific focus of this essay.

While no scientifically verifiable birth of a human clone has yet been reported, the technology and scientific understanding are already in place to make such an event plausible at any time now. There is an urgent need to think through the relevant ethical issues. To begin with, is it acceptable to refer to human beings produced by cloning technology as "clones"? It would seem so, as long as there does not become a stigma attached to that term that is not attached to more cumbersome expressions like "a person who is the result of cloning" or "someone created through the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer." We call someone from Italy an Italian, no disrespect intended. So it can be that a person "from cloning" is a clone. We must be ready to abandon this term, however, if it becomes a label that no longer meets certain ethical criteria.10

In order to address the ethics of human cloning itself, we need to understand why people would want to do it in the first place. People often respond to the prospect of human cloning in two ways. They are squeamish about the idea--a squeamishness Leon Kass has argued we should take very seriously.11 They also find something alluring about the idea. Such fascination is captured in a variety of films, including "The Boys from Brazil" (portraying the attempt to clone Adolf Hitler), "Bladerunner" (questioning whether a clone would be more like a person or a machine), and "Multiplicity" (presenting a man's attempt to have enough time for his family, job, and other pursuits by producing several live adult replicas of himself). Popular discussions center on the wonderful prospects of creating multiple Mother Teresas, Michael Jordans, or other notable figures.

The greatest problem with creative media-driven discussions like this is that they often reflect a misunderstanding of the science and people involved. The film "Multiplicity" presents human replicas, not clones in the form that we are discussing them here. When an adult is cloned (e.g., the adult sheep from which Dolly was cloned), an embryo is created, not another adult. Although the embryo's cells contain the same genetic code as the cells of the adult being cloned, the embryo must go through many years of development in an environment that is significantly different from that in which the adult developed. Because both our environment and our genetics substantially influence who we are, the embryo will not become the same person as the adult. In fact, because we also have a spiritual capacity to evaluate and alter either or both our environment and our genetics, human clones are bound to be quite different from the adults who provide their genetic code.

If this popular fascination with hero-duplication is not well founded, are there any more thoughtful ethical justifications for human cloning? Many have been put forward, and they cluster into three types: utility justifications, autonomy justifications, and destiny justifications. The first two types reflect ways of looking at the world that are highly influential in the United States and elsewhere today, so we must examine them carefully. They can readily be critiqued on their own terms. The third, while also influential, helpfully opens the door to theological reflection as well. I will begin by explaining the first two justifications. In the following sections I will then assess the first two justifications and carefully examine the third.

Utility justifications defend a practice based on its usefulness, or benefit. As long as it will produce a net increase in human well-being, it is warranted. People are well acquainted with the notion of assessing costs and benefits, and it is common to hear the argument that something will produce so much benefit that efforts to block it must surely be misguided.

Utility justifications are common in discussions of human cloning. Typical examples include:

The second type of justification appeals to the idea of autonomy, an increasingly popular appeal in this postmodern age, in which people's personal experiences and values play a most important role in determining what is right and true for them. According to this justification, we ought to respect people's autonomy as a matter of principle. People's beliefs and values are too diverse to adopt any particular set of them as normative for everyone. Society should do everything possible to enhance the ability of individuals and groups to pursue what they deem most important.

Again, there are many forms that autonomy justifications can take. However, three stand out as particularly influential in discussions of human cloning:

Utility and autonomy are important ethical justifications. However, they do not provide a sufficient ethical basis for human cloning. We will examine them here carefully in turn.

While the concern for utility is admirable, there are many serious problems with this type of justification. Most significantly, it is "unworkable" and it is "dangerous." It is unworkable because knowing how much utility cloning or any other practice has, with a reasonable level of precision, is simply impossible. We cannot know all of the ways that a practice will affect all people in the world infinitely into the future. For example, it is impossible to quantify accurately the satisfaction of every parent in future centuries who will choose cloning rather than traditional sexual reproduction in order to spare their children from newly discovered genetic problems that are now unknown. In fact, as sheep cloner Ian Wilmut was widely quoted as observing, shortly after announcing his cloning of Dolly, "Most of the things cloning will be used for have yet to be imagined." The difficulty of comparing the significance of every foreseeable consequence on the same scale of value--including comparing each person's subjective experiences with everyone else's--only adds to the unworkability.

What happens in real life is that decision makers intuitively compare only those consequences they are most aware of and concerned about. Such an approach is an open invitation to bias and discrimination, intended and unintended. Even more dangerous is the absence of limits to what can be justified. There are no built-in protections for weak individuals or minority groups, including clones. People can be subjected to anything, the worst possible oppression or even death, if it is beneficial to the majority. Situations such as Nazi Germany and American slavery can be justified using this way of thinking.

When utility is our basis for justifying what is allowed in society, people are used, fundamentally, as mere means to achieve the ends of society or of particular people. It may be appropriate to use plants and animals in this way, within limits. Accordingly, most people do not find it objectionable to clone animals and plants to achieve products that will fulfill a purpose--better milk, better grain, and so forth. However, it is demeaning to "use" people in this way.

This demeaning is what bothers us about the prospect of producing a large group of human clones with low intelligence so that society can have a source of cheap menial labor. It is also what is problematic about producing clones to provide spare parts, such as vital transplantable organs for other people. Both actions fail to respect the equal and great dignity of all people by making some, in effect, the slaves of others. Even cloning a child who dies to remove the parents grief forces the clone to have a certain genetic makeup in order to be the parents' child, thereby permanently subjecting the clone to the parents' will. The irony of this last situation, though, is that the clone will not become the same child as was lost--both the child and the clone being the product of far more than their genetics. The clone will be demeaned by not being fully respected and accepted as a unique person, and the parents will fail to regain their lost child in the process.

To summarize: The utility justification is a substantially inadequate basis for defending a practice like cloning. In other words, showing that a good benefit, even a great benefit, will result is not a sufficient argument to justify an action. Although it is easy to forget this basic point when enticed by the promise of a wonderful benefit, we intuitively know it is true. We recognize that we could, for example, cut up one person, take her or his various organs for transplant, and save many lives as a result. But we do not go around doing that. We realize that if the action we take to achieve the benefit is itself horrendous, beneficial results are not enough to justify it.

As significant a critique as this is of a utility justification for human cloning, there is more to say. For even if it were an adequate type of justification, which it is not, it is far from clear that it would justify human cloning. To justify human cloning on the basis of utility, all the consequences of allowing this practice have to be considered, not only the benefits generated by the exceptional situations commonly cited in its defense. What are some of the consequences we need to be concerned about? There is only space here to note two of the many that weigh heavily against human cloning.

First, as suggested earlier, to allow cloning is to open the door to a much more frightening enterprise: genetically engineering people without their consent, not for their own benefit, but for the benefit of particular people or society at large. Cloning entails producing a person with a certain genetic code because of the attractiveness or usefulness of a person with that code. In this sense, cloning is just the tip of a much larger genetic iceberg. We are developing the genetic understanding and capability to shape the human genetic code in many ways. If we allow cloning, we legitimize in principle the entire enterprise of designing children to suit parental or social purposes. As one researcher at the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations has commented, Dolly is best understood as a drop in a towering wave (of genetic research) that is about to crash over us. The personal and social destructiveness of large-scale eugenic efforts (including but by no means limited to Nazi Germany's) has been substantial, but at least it has been restricted to date by our limited genetic understanding and technology.12 Today the stakes are much higher.

The second of the many additional considerations that must be included in any honest utilitarian calculus involves the allocation of limited resources. To spend resources on the development and practice of human cloning is to not spend them on other endeavors that would be more beneficial to society. For many years now there have been extensive discussions about the expense of health care and the large number of people (tens of millions), even in the United States, that do not have health insurance.13 It has also long been established that such lack of insurance means that a significant number of people are going without necessary health care and are suffering or dying as a result.14 Another way of observing similar pressing needs in health care is to survey the specific areas that could most benefit from additional funds.15 In most of these areas, inadequate funding yields serious health consequences because there is no alternative way to produce the basic health result at issue.

Not only are the benefits of human cloning less significant than those that could be achieved by expending the same funds on other health care initiatives, but there are alternative ways of bringing children into the world that can yield at least one major benefit of cloning children themselves. If there were enough resources available to fund every technology needed or wanted by anyone, the situation would be different. But researching and practicing human cloning will result in serious suffering and even loss of life because other pressing health care needs cannot be met.

An open door to unethical genetic engineering technologies and a misallocation of limited resources, then, are among the numerous consequences of human cloning that would likely more than outweigh the benefits the practice would achieve. As previously argued, we would do better to avoid attempting to justify human cloning simply based on its consequences. But if we are tempted to do so, we must be honest and include all the consequences and not be swayed by exceptional cases that seem so appealing because of the special benefits they would achieve.

Many people today are less persuaded by utility justifications than they are by appeals to autonomy. While the concern for freedom and responsibility for one's own life in this way of thinking is admirable, autonomy justifications are as deeply flawed as utility justifications. More specifically, they are selfish and they are dangerous.

The very term by which this type of justification is named underscores its selfishness. The word autonomy comes from two Greek words, auto (meaning "self") and nomos (meaning "law"). In the context of ethics, appeals to autonomy literally signify that the self is its own ethical law that it generates its own standards of right and wrong. There is no encouragement in this way of looking at the world to consider the well-being of others, for that is irrelevant as long as it does not matter to me. Although in theory I should respect the autonomy of others as I live out my own autonomy, in practice an autonomous mindset predisposes me to be unconcerned about how my actions will affect others.

As long as the people making autonomous choices happen to have good moral character that predisposes them to be concerned about the well-being of everyone else, there will not be serious problems. In the United States to date, the substantial influence of Christianity--with its mandate to love others sacrificially--has prompted people to use their autonomous choices to further the interests of others alongside of their own. As Christian influences in public life, from public policy to public education, continue to be eradicated in the name of separation of church and state, the self-centeredness of an autonomy outlook will become increasingly evident. Consciously or unconsciously, selfish and other base motives arise within us continually, and without countervailing influences, there is nothing in an autonomy outlook to ensure that the well-being of others will be protected.

When autonomy rules, then, scientists, family members, and others are predisposed to act on the basis of their own autonomous perspectives, and the risk to others is real. Herein lies the danger of autonomy-based thinking, a danger that is similar to that attending a utility-oriented outlook. Protecting people's choices is fine as long as all people are in a comparable position to make those choices. But if some people are in a very weak position economically or socially or physically, they may not be able to avail themselves of the same opportunities, even if under more equitable circumstances they would surely want to do so. In an autonomy-based approach, there is no commitment to justice, caring, or any other ethical standards that would safeguard those least able to stand up for themselves.

An autonomy justification is simply an insufficient basis for justifying a practice like human cloning. In other words, showing that a freedom would otherwise be curtailed is not a sufficient argument to justify an action. We have learned this lesson the hard way, by allowing scientific inquiry to proceed unfettered. The Nuremberg Code resulted from research atrocities that were allowed to occur because it was not recognized that there are other ethical considerations that can be more important than scientific and personal freedom (autonomy).16

While the autonomy justification itself is flawed, there is more to say about it as a basis for defending human cloning. For even if it were an adequate type of ethical justification--which it is not--it is far from clear that it would actually justify the practice. An honest, complete autonomy-based evaluation of human cloning would have to consider the autonomy of all persons involved, including the people produced through cloning, and not just the autonomy of researchers and people desiring to have clones. Of the many considerations that would need to be taken into account if the autonomy of the clones were taken seriously, space will only permit the examination of two here.

First, human cloning involves a grave risk to the clone's life. There is no plausible way to undertake human cloning at this point without a major loss of human life. In the process of cloning the sheep Dolly, 276 failed attempts occurred, including the death of several so-called "defective" clones. An alternative process used to clone monkeys added the necessary destruction of embryonic life to these other risks. It involved transferring the genetic material from each of the cells in an eight-celled embryo to other egg cells in order to attempt to produce eight so-called clones (or, more properly, identical siblings). Subsequent mammal cloning has continued the large-scale fatalities and deformities that unavoidably accompany cloning research. Were these experimental technologies to be applied to human beings, the evidence and procedures themselves show that many human embryos, fetuses, and infants would be lost--and many others deformed--whatever the process. This tragedy would be compounded by the fact that it is unlikely human cloning research would be limited to a single location. Rather, similar mistakes and loss of human life would be occurring almost simultaneously at various private and public research sites.

Normally, experimentation on human beings is allowed only with their explicit consent. (Needless to say, it is impossible to obtain a clone's consent to be brought into existence through cloning.) An exception is sometimes granted in the case of a child, including one still in the womb, who has a verifiable medical problem which experimental treatment may be able to cure or help. However, human cloning is not covered by this exception for two reasons. First, there is no existing human being with a medical problem in the situation in which a human cloning experiment would be attempted. Second, even if that were not an obstacle, there is typically no significant therapeutic benefit to the clone in the many scenarios for which cloning has been proposed. For the experiment to be ethical, there would need to be therapeutic benefit to the clone so huge as to outweigh the substantial likelihood of the death or deformity that occurred in the Dolly experiment. To proceed with human cloning at this time, then, would involve a massive assault on the autonomy of all clones produced, whether they lived or died.

There is also a second way that human cloning would conflict with the autonomy of the people most intimately involved in the practice, that is, the clones themselves. Human cloning would radically weaken the family structure and relationships of the clone and therefore be fundamentally at odds with their most basic interests. Consider the confusion that arises over even the most basic relationships involved. Are the children who result from cloning really the siblings or the children of their "parents"--really the children or the grandchildren of their "grandparents"? Genetics suggests one answer and age the other. Regardless of any future legal resolutions of such matters, child clones (not to mention others inside and outside the family) will almost certainly experience confusion. Such confusion will impair their psychological and social well being--in fact, their very sense of identity. A host of legal entanglements, including inheritance issues, will also result.

This situation is problematic enough where a clearly identified family is involved. But during the experimental phase in particular, identifying the parents of clones produced in a laboratory may be even more troublesome. Is the donor of the genetic material automatically the parent? What about the donor of the egg into which the genetic material is inserted? If the genetic material and egg are simply donated anonymously for experimental purposes, does the scientist who manipulates them and produces a child from them become the parent? Who will provide the necessary love and care for the damaged embryo, fetus, or child that results when mistakes are made and it is so much easier just to discard them?

As the U.S. National Bioethics Advisory Commission's report has observed (echoed more recently by the report of the President's Council on Bioethics), human cloning "invokes images of manufacturing children according to specification. The lack of acceptance this implies for children who fail to develop according to expectations, and the dominance it introduces into the parent-child relationship, is viewed by many as fundamentally at odds with the acceptance, unconditional love, and openness characteristic of good parenting."17 "It just doesn't make sense," to quote Ian Wilmut, who objected strenuously to the notion of cloning humans after he succeeded in producing the sheep clone Dolly.18 He was joined by U.S. President Clinton, who quickly banned the use of federal funds for human cloning research, and by the World Health Organization, who summarily labeled human cloning ethically unacceptable.19 Their reaction resonates with many, who typically might want to "have" a clone, but would not want to "be" one. What is the difference? It is the intuitive recognition that while the option of cloning may expand the autonomy of the person producing the clone, it undermines the autonomy of the clone.

So the autonomy justification, like the utility justification, is much more problematic than it might at first appear to be. We would do better not even to attempt to justify human cloning by appealing to this type of justification because of its inherent shortcomings. But if we are to invoke it, we must be honest and pay special attention to the autonomy of the person most intimately involved in the cloning, the clone. Particular appeals to "freedom" or "choice" may seem persuasive. But if only the autonomy of people other than clones is in view, or only one limited aspect of a clone's autonomy, then such appeals must be rejected.

As noted near the outset of the chapter, there is a third type of proposed justification for human cloning which moves us more explicitly into the realm of theological reflection: the destiny justification. While other theological arguments against cloning have been advanced in the literature to date,20 many of them are somehow related to the matter of destiny. According to this justification, it is part of our God-given destiny to exercise complete control over our reproductive process. In fact, Richard Seed, in one of his first in-depth interviews after announcing his intentions to clone human beings commercially, made this very argument.21 No less a theologian, President Clinton offered the opposite view when he issued the ban on human cloning. Rather than seeing cloning as human destiny, he rejected it as "playing God."22 Whether or not we think it wise to take our theological cues from either of these individuals, what are we to make of the proposed destiny justification itself? Is human cloning in line with God's purposes for us?

To begin with, there are indeed problems with playing God the way that proponents of human cloning would have us do. For example, God can take utility and autonomy considerations into account in ways that people cannot. God knows the future, including every consequence of every consequence of all our actions, people do not. God loves all persons equally, without bias, and is committed and able to understand and protect the freedom of everyone, people are not. Moreover, there are other ways that the pursuit of utility and autonomy are troubling from a theological perspective.

The utility of human cloning, first of all, is that we can gain some benefit by producing clones. But using other people without their consent for our ends is a violation of their status as beings created in the image of God. People have a God-given dignity that prevents us from using them as mere means to achieve our purposes. Knowing that people are created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27), biblical writers in both the Old and New Testaments periodically invoke this truth to argue that human beings should not be demeaned in various ways (e.g., Gen. 9:6; James 3:9). Since plants and animals are never said to be created in God's image, it is not surprising that they can be treated in ways (including killing) that would never be acceptable if people were in view (cf. Gen. 9:3 with 9:6).

An autonomy-based justification of human cloning is no more acceptable than a utility-based justification from a theological perspective. Some Christian writers, such as Allen Verhey, have helpfully observed that autonomy, understood in a particular way, is a legitimate biblical notion. As he explains, under the sovereignty of God, acknowledging the autonomy of the person can help ensure respect for and proper treatment of people made in God's image.23 There is a risk here, however, because the popular ethics of autonomy has no place for God in it. It is autonomy "over" God, not autonomy "under" God. The challenge is to affirm the critical importance of respect for human beings, and for their freedom and responsibility to make decisions that profoundly affect their lives, but to recognize that such freedom requires God. More specifically, such freedom requires the framework in which autonomy is under God, not over God, a framework in which respecting freedom is not just wishful or convenient thinking that gives way as soon as individuals or society as a whole have more to gain by disregarding it. It must be rooted in something that unavoidably and unchangeably 'is." In other words, it must be rooted in God, in the creation of human beings in the image of God.

God is the creator, and we worship God as such. Of course, people are creative as well, being the images of God that they are. So what is the difference between God's creation of human beings, as portrayed in the book of Genesis, and human procreation as happens daily all over the world (also mandated by God in Genesis)? Creation is "ex nihilo," out of nothing. That means, in the first sense, that God did not just rearrange already existing materials. God actually brought into being a material universe where nothing even existed before. However, God's creation "ex nihilo" suggests something more. It suggests that there was no agenda outside of God that God was following--nothing outside of God that directed what were acceptable options. When it came to the human portion of creation, God created us to be the way God deemed best.

It is no accident that we call what we do when we have babies "procreation." "Pro" means "for" or "forth." To be sure, we do bring babies "forth." But the deeper meaning here is "for." We bring new human beings into the world "for" someone or something. To be specific, we continue the line of human beings for God, in accordance with God's mandate to humanity at the beginning to "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28). We also create for the people whom we help bring into being. We help give them life, and they are the ones most affected by our actions. What is particularly significant about this "procreation," this "creation for," is that by its very nature it is subject to an outside agenda, to God's agenda primarily, and secondarily to the needs of the child being created.

In this light, the human cloning mindset is hugely problematic. With unmitigated pride it claims the right to create rather than procreate. It looks neither to God for the way that he has intended human beings to be procreated and raised by fathers and mothers who are the secondary, that is, genetic source of their life; nor does it look primarily to the needs of the one being procreated. As we have seen, it looks primarily to the cloner's own preferences or to whatever value system one chooses to prioritize (perhaps the "good of society," etc.). In other words, those operating out of the human cloning mindset see themselves as Creator rather than procreator. This is the kind of aspiring to be God for which God has consistently chastised people, and for which God has ultimately wreaked havoc on many a society and civilization.

Leon Kass has observed that we have traditionally used the word "procreation" for having children because we have viewed the world, and human life in particular, as created by God. We have understood our creative involvement in terms of and in relation to God's creation.24 Today we increasingly orient more to the material world than to God. We are more impressed with the gross national product than with the original creation. So we more commonly talk in terms of re"production" rather than pro"creation." In the process, we associate people more closely with things, with products, than with the God of creation. No wonder our respect for human life is deteriorating. We become more like that with which we associate. If we continue on this path, if our destiny is to clone ourselves, then our destiny is also, ultimately, to lose all respect for ourselves, to our peril.

Claims about utility, autonomy, or destiny, then, are woefully inadequate to justify human cloning. In fact, a careful look at any of these types of justification shows that they provide compelling reasons instead to reject human cloning. To stand up and say so may become more and more difficult in our "brave new world." As the culture increasingly promotes production and self-assertion, it will take courage to insist in the new context of cloning that there is something more important. But such a brave new word, echoing the Word of old, is one that we must be bold to speak.

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Human Cloning | The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity

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Historical Satanism –

Posted: at 4:10 am

Before Anton LaVey compiled the philosophy of Satanism and founded the Church of Satan in 1966, who upheld its values? It is always debated whether or not these people were or were not Satanists and what they would have thought of Satanism if it existed during their lives. In The Satanic Bible, Book of Lucifer 12, it name-drops many of these groups and mentions many specific people, times and dates. I do not want to quote it all here, so if you're interested in more of the specifics buy the damned book from Amazon, already. These are the unwitting potential predecessors of Satanism.

The Satanic Bible opens with a few references to groups that are associated with historical Satanism.

In eighteenth-century England a Hell-Fire Club, with connections to the American colonies through Benjamin Franklin, gained some brief notoriety. During the early part of the twentieth century, the press publicized Aleister Crowley as the "wickedest man in the world". And there were hints in the 1920s and '30s of a "black order" in Germany.

To this seemingly old story LaVey and his organization of contemporary Faustians offered two strikingly new chapters. First, they blasphemously represented themselves as a "church", a term previously confined to the branches of Christianity, instead of the traditional coven of Satanism and witchcraft lore. Second, they practiced their black magic openly instead of underground. [...]

[Anton LaVey] had accumulated a library of works that described the Black Mass and other infamous ceremonies conducted by groups such as the Knights Templar in fourteenth-century France, the Hell-Fire club and the Golden Dawn in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England.

Burton Wolfe's introduction to "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey (1969)

This page looks at some groups, some individuals, but is nowhere near a comprehensive look at the subject, just a small window into which you might see some of the rich, convoluted history of the dark, murky development of the philosophies that support Satanism.

There is a saying that history is written by the winners. The victors of a war are the ones who get to write the school books: they write that the defeated are always the enemy of mankind, the evil ones, the monsters. The victors are always fighting desperately for just causes. This trend is historically important in Satanism. As one religion takes over the ground and the demographics of a losing religion, the loser has its gods demonized and its holy places reclaimed. For example the Vatican was housed on an old Mithraist temple, and Gaelic spirits became monsters as Christianity brutalized Europe with its religious propaganda.

There are groups, therefore, that were wiped out by the Christians. The Spanish Inquisition forced, in duress and torture, many confessions out of its victims, confessions of every kind of devil worship. Likewise its larger wars against Muslims, science, freethought, etc, were all done under the guise of fighting against the devil. In cases where their victims left no records of their own we will never know what their true beliefs were. So the legacy of Christian violence has left us with many associations between various people and Devil Worship, and we know that most of these accounts are wrong, barbaric and the truth is grotesquely forced in them.

We know now that most the Christian Churches' previous campaigns were unjustified. Various groups and individuals through have become called Satanists. Such claims are nearly always a result of rumours, mass paranoia and slanderous libel. The dark age victims of this kind of Christian paranoia were largely not actually Satanists, but merely those who didn't believe what the orthodox Church wanted them to believe. Thus, history can be misleading especially when you rely on the religious views of one group, who are clearly biased against competing beliefs!

The Knights Templar were founded in 1118 in the growing shadow of the Dark Ages. They were the most powerful military religious order of the Middle Ages. They built Europe's most impressive ancient Cathedrals and were the bankers "for practically every throne in Europe"1. Some historians trace the history of all globalised multinationals to the banking practices of the Knights Templar2. They had strong presence in multiple countries; Portugal, England, Spain, Scotland, Africa (i.e. Ethiopia) and France. They were rich and powerful, with members in royal families and the highest places including Kings. King John II of Portugal was once Grand Master of the Order. They explored the oceans, built roads and trade routes and policed them, created the first banking system, sanctioned castles, built glorious buildings, and had adequate forces to protect their prized holy places and objects. Their fleet was world-faring, and their masterly knightly battle skills were invaluable to any who could befriend them or afford their mercenary services.

The Knights Templar fell into disrepute with the powerful Catholic Church and the French kingdom, and the Catholics ran a long campaign against them, accusing them of devil worship, of immorality, subversion, and accused them of practicing magic and every kind of occult art. The organisation was finally destroyed and its members burned from 1310. Nowadays, although the accusations are thoroughly discredited, they are still equated with the Occult and sometimes with Satanism, sometimes even by practitioners of those arts themselves.

"The Knights Templar: 1. The Rise of the Knights Templar" by Vexen Crabtree (2004)

The Satanism-for-fun-and-games fad next appeared in England in the middle 18th Century in the form of Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Medmanham Fanciscans, popularly called The Hell-Fire Club. While eliminating the blood, gore, and baby-fat candles of the previous century's masses, Sir Francis managed to conduct rituals replete with good dirty fun, and certainly provided a colorful and harmless form of psychodrama for many of the leading lights of the period. An interesting sideline of Sir Francis, which lends a clue to the climate of the Hell-Fire Club, was a group called the Dilettanti Club, of which he was the founder.

"The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey (1969)

The Hell-Fire Clubs conjure up images of aristocratic rakes outraging respectability at every turn, cutting a swath through the village maidens and celebrating Black Masses. While all this is true, it is not the whole story. The author of this volume has assembled an account of the Clubs and of their antecedents and descendants. At the centre of the book is the principal brotherhood, known by the Hell-Fire name - Sir Francis Dashwood's notorious Monks of Medmenham, with their strange rituals and initiation rites, library of erotica and nun companions recruited from the brothels of London. From this maverick group flow such notable literary libertines as Horace Walpole and Lord Byron. Pre-dating Medmenham are the figures of Rabelais and John Dee, both expounding philosophies of "do what you will" or "anything goes". Geoffrey Ashe traces the influence of libertarian philosophies on the world of the Enlightenment, showing how they met the need for a secular morality at a time when Christianity faced the onslaught of rationalism and empiricism. He follows the libertarian tradition through de Sade and into the 20th century, with discussions of Aleister Crowley, Charles Manson and Timothy Leary, delving below the scandals to reveal the social and political impact of "doing your own thing" which has roots far deeper than the post-war permissive society.

Amazon Review of The Hell-fire Clubs: A History of Anti-morality by Geoffrey Ashe

An informal network of Hellfire Clubs thrived in Britain during the eighteenth century, dedicated to debauchery and blasphemy. With members drawn from the cream of the political, artistic and literary establishments, they became sufficiently scandalous to inspire a number of Acts of Parliament aimed at their suppression. Historians have been inclined to dismiss the Hellfire Clubs as nothing more than riotous drinking societies, but the significance of many of the nation's most powerful and brilliant men dedicating themselves to Satan is difficult to ignore. That they did so with laughter on their lips, and a drink in their hands, does not diminish the gesture so much as place them more firmly in the Satanic tradition.

The inspiration for the Hellfire Clubs [also] drew heavily from profane literature - such as Gargantua, an unusual work combining folklore, satire, coarse humour and light-hearted philosophy written in the sixteenth century by a renegade monk named Francois Rabelais. One section of the book concerned a monk who [...] has an abbey built that he names Thelema [which is] dedicated to the pleasures of the flesh. Only the brightest, most beautiful and best are permitted within its walls, and its motto is 'Fait Ce Que Vouldras' ('Do What You Will').

"Lucifer Rising" by Gavin Baddeley (1999)3

Gavin Baddeley's book opens with a long, fascinating and awe-inspiring chapter on histories Satanic traditions, following such trends through enlightenment, the decadents, through art, aristocracy and nobility, before concentrating the rest of the book on modern rock and roll devilry. It is a highly recommended book!

The magical and occult elements of Satanism have parallels with previous groups and teachings. Frequent references and commentary are made on certain sources. None of those listed here were Satanists except possibly Crowley:

The Knights Templar (11th-14th Centuries; France, Portugal, Europe) have contributed some symbolism and methodology but not much in the way of teachings.

Chaos Magic has contributed magical theory and psychological techniques to magical practices.

Quantum Physics has contributed high-brow theory on such areas as how consciousness may be able manipulate events.

The New Age (1900s+) has contributed some of the less respectable pop-magic aspects to Satanism such as Tarot, Divination, etc. Although Satanism was in part a reaction against the new age, some aspects of it have been generally adopted.

John Dee and Kelly (17th Century) created the Enochian system of speech used for emoting ('sonic tarot') and pronounciation in any way the user sees fit. LaVey adopted the Enochian Keys for rituals and includes his translation of them in The Satanic Bible.

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947, England) was an infamous occultist and magician, and has lent a large portion of his techniques and general character to magical practice and psychology, as well as chunks of philosophy and teachings on magic and life in general.

The Kabballah, as the mother-text of nearly all the occult arts, has indirectly influenced Satanism, lending all kinds of esoteric thoughts, geometry, procedures, general ideas and some specifics to all occult practices.


Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844 Oct 15 - 1900 Aug 25, was a German philosopher who challenged the foundations of morality and promoted life affirmation and individualism. He was one of the first existentialist philosophers. Some of Nietzsche's philosophies have surfaced as those upheld by Satanists.

Life: 1875 - 1947. Scotland, United Kingdom.

Infamous occultist and hedonist and influential on modern Satanism. Some hate him and think him a contentless, drug-addled, meaningless diabolicist with little depth except obscurantism. Others consider him an eye-opening Satanic mystic who changed the course of history. His general attitude is one found frequently amongst Satanists and his experimental, extreme, party-animal life is either stupidly self-destructive or a model of candle-burning perfection, depending on what type of Satanist you ask.

Some Satanists are quite well-read of Crowley and his groups. His magical theories, techniques and style have definitely influenced the way many Satanists think about ritual and magic.

As far as Satanism is concerned, the closest outward signs of this were the neo-Pagan rites conducted by MacGregor Mathers' Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and Aleister Crowley's later Order of the Silver Star (A... A... - Argentinum Astrum) and Order of Oriental Templars (O.T.O.), which paranoiacally denied any association with Satanism, despite Crowley's self-imposed image of the beast of revelation. Aside from some rather charming poetry and a smattering of magical bric-a-brac, when not climbing mountains Crowley spent most of his time as a poseur par excellence and worked overtime to be wicked. Like his contemporary, Rev.(?) Mantague Summers, Crowley obviously spent a large part of his life with his tongue jammed firmly into his cheek, but his followers, today, are somehow able to read esoteric meaning into his every word.

Book of Air 12 "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey (1969)

Links to other sites:

Europe has had a history of powerful indulgent groups espounding Satanic philosophies; with the occassional rich group emerging from the underground to terrorize traditionalist, stifling morals of their respective times, these groups have led progressive changes in society in the West. Satanists to this day employ shock tactics, public horror and outrage in order to blitzkreig their progressive freethought messages behind the barriers of traditionalist mental prisons.

When such movements surfaced in the USA in the guise of the Church of Satan, it was a little more commercialist than others. Previous European groups have also been successful businesses, the Knights Templar and resultant Masons, etc, being profound examples of the occassional success of left hand path commerce. The modern-day Church of Satan is a little more subdued as society has moved in a more acceptable, accepting, direction since the Hellfire Clubs. As science rules in the West, and occultism is public, there is no place for secretive initiatory Knights Templar or gnostic movements; the Church of Satan is a stable and quiet beacon rather than a reactionary explosion of decadence.

It is the first permanent non-European (but still Western) Satanic-ethos group to openly publish its pro-self doctrines, reflecting the general trends of society towards honesty and dissatisfaction with anti-science and anti-truth white light religions.

Popular press and popular opinion are the worst sources of information. This holds especially true with the case of Satanism. Especially given that the exterior of Satanism projects imagery that is almost intentionally confusing to anyone unintiated. From time to time public paranoia arises, especially in the USA, claiming some company, person or event is "Satanic". The public are nearly always wrong and nearly always acting out of irrational fear, sheepish ignorance and gullibility. Public outcries are nearly always erroneous when they claim that a particular group, historical or present, are Satanic.

Similar to this is the relatively large Christian genre of writing that deals with everything unChristian. The likes of Dennis Wheatley, Eliphas Levi, etc, churn out countless books all based on the assumption that anything non-Christian is Satanic, and describe many religious practices as such. These books would be misleading if they had any plausibility, but thankfully all readers except their already-deluded Christian extremist audience cannot take them seriously. Nevertheless occasionally they contribute to public paranoia about Satanism.

In the press and sociology, the phenomenon of public paranoia about criminal activities of assumed Satanic groups is called Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) Panic. SRA claims are equal to UFO, abduction, faeries and monsters in both the character profile of the manics involved and the lack of all evidence (despite extensive searching!) to actually uncover such groups.


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Powerful NSA hacking tools have been revealed online – The …

Posted: at 4:08 am

Strings of code were released to the Internet by a group calling themselves "the Shadow Brokers". They claim the code is a tool that can be used to hack into any computer. (Jhaan Elker/The Washington Post)

Some of the most powerful espionage tools created by the National Security Agencys elite group of hackers have been revealed in recent days, a development that could pose severe consequences for the spy agencys operations and the security of government and corporate computers.

A cache of hacking tools with code names such as Epicbanana, Buzzdirection and Egregiousblunder appeared mysteriously online over the weekend, setting the security world abuzz with speculation over whether the material was legitimate.

The file appeared to be real, according to former NSA personnel who worked in the agencys hacking division, known as Tailored Access Operations (TAO).

Without a doubt, theyre the keys to the kingdom, said one former TAO employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal operations. The stuff youre talking about would undermine the security of a lot of major government and corporate networks both here and abroad.

Said a second former TAO hacker who saw the file: From what I saw, there was no doubt in my mind that it was legitimate.

[National Security Agency plans major reorganization]

The file contained 300 megabytes of information, including several exploits, or tools for taking control of firewalls in order to control a network, and a number of implants that might, for instance, exfiltrate or modify information.

The exploits are not run-of-the-mill tools to target everyday individuals. They are expensive software used to take over firewalls, such as Cisco and Fortinet, that are used in the largest and most critical commercial, educational and government agencies around the world, said Blake Darche, another former TAO operator and now head of security research at Area 1 Security.

The software apparently dates back to 2013 and appears to have been taken then, experts said, citing file creation dates, among other things.

Whats clear is that these are highly sophisticated and authentic hacking tools, said Oren Falkowitz, chief executive of Area 1 Security and another former TAO employee.

Several of the exploits were pieces of computer code that took advantage of zero-day or previously unknown flaws or vulnerabilities in firewalls, which appear to be unfixed to this day, said one of the former hackers.

The disclosure of the file means that at least one other party possibly another countrys spy agency has had access to the same hacking tools used by the NSA and could deploy them against organizations that are using vulnerable routers and firewalls. It might also see what the NSA is targeting and spying on. And now that the tools are public, as long as the flaws remain unpatched, other hackers can take advantage of them, too.

[Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump]

The NSA did not respond to requests for comment.

Faking this information would be monumentally difficult, there is just such a sheer volume of meaningful stuff, Nicholas Weaver, a computer security researcher at the University of California at Berkeley, said in an interview. Much of this code should never leave the NSA.

The tools were posted by a group calling itself the Shadow Brokers using file-sharing sites such as BitTorrent and DropBox.

As is typical in such cases, the true identity of whoever put the tools online remains hidden. Attached to the cache was an auction note that purported to be selling a second set of tools to the highest bidder: !!! Attention government sponsors of cyber warfare and those who profit from it !!!! How much you pay for enemies cyber weapons?

The group also said that if the auction raised 1 million bitcoins equivalent to roughly $500million it would release the second file to the world.

The auction is a joke, Weaver said. Its designed to distract. Its total nonsense. He said that bitcoin is so traceable that a Doctor Evil scheme of laundering $1 million, let alone $500 million, is frankly lunacy.

One of the former TAO operators said he suspected that whoever found the tools doesnt have everything. The stuff they have there is super-duper interesting, but it is by far not the most interesting stuff in the tool set, he said. If you had the rest of it, youd be leading off with that, because youd be commanding a much higher rate.

TAO, a secretive unit that helped craft the digital weapon known as Stuxnet, has grown in the past decade or so from several hundred to more than 2,000 personnel at the NSAs Fort Meade, Md., headquarters. The group dates to the early 1990s. Its moniker, Tailored Access Organization, suggests a precision of technique that some officials have likened to brain surgery. Its name also reflects how coding whizzes create exquisite tools from scratch, in the same way a fine tailor takes a bolt of wool and fashions a bespoke suit only the computer geeks more often work in jeans and T-shirts. We break out the Nerf guns and have epic Nerf gun fights, one of the former hackers said.

Some former agency employees suspect that the leak was the result of a mistake by an NSA operator, rather than a successful hack by a foreign government of the agencys infrastructure.

When NSA personnel hack foreign computers, they dont move directly from their own covert systems to the targets, fearing that the attack would be too easy to trace. They use a form of proxy server called a redirector that masks the hackers origin. They use one or more such servers to make it difficult to trace a hack.

NSA is often lurking undetected for years on the ... [proxy hops] of state hackers, former agency contractor Edward Snowden tweeted Tuesday. This is how we follow their operations.

[Edward Snowden, the brand]

At the same time, other spy services, like Russias, are doing the same thing to the United States.

It is not unprecedented for a TAO operator to accidentally upload a large file of tools to a redirector, one of the former employees said. Whats unprecedented is to not realize you made a mistake, he said. You would recognize, Oops, I uploaded that set and delete it.

Critics of the NSA have suspected that the agency, when it discovers a software vulnerability, frequently does not disclose it, thereby putting at risk the cybersecurity of anyone using that product. The file disclosure shows why its important to tell software-makers when flaws are detected, rather than keeping them secret, one of the former agency employees said, because now the information is public, available for anyone to employ to hack widely used Internet infrastructure.

Snowden, Weaver and some of the former NSA hackers say they suspect Russian involvement in the release of the cache, though no one has offered hard evidence. They say the timing in the wake of high-profile disclosures of Russian government hacking of the Democratic National Committee and other party organizations is notable.

Tweeted Snowden: Circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom indicates Russian responsibility. He said that the disclosure is likely a warning that someone can prove U.S. responsibility for any attacks that originated from this redirector or malware server by linking it to the NSA.

This could have significant foreign policy consequences, he said in another tweet. Particularly if any of those operations targeted U.S. allies or their elections.

Accordingly, he tweeted, this may be an effort to influence the calculus of decision-makers wondering how sharply to respond to the DNC hacks.

In other words, he tweeted, it looks like somebody sending a message that retaliating against Russia for its hacks of the political organizations could get messy fast.

Read more:

WikiLeaks, NSA leaker Edward Snowden clash on Twitter

The NSAs phone records program is over. That doesnt mean the data it collected is gone.

In a major cyber-hack, whom do you call? The White House spells it out.

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Powerful NSA hacking tools have been revealed online - The ...

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Snowden: NSA hack might reveal ugly side of US spying

Posted: at 4:08 am

Over the weekend, a mysterious group called "The Shadow Brokers" leaked what appear to be hacking tools that the U.S. National Security Agency uses to spy on people.

This bundle of computer code is about three years old. But it's still dangerous, since it puts a high-tech military arsenal online within reach of all kinds of criminals. They can use these tools to rob banks, steal government secrets or expose personal lives.

And on Tuesday morning, in a series of tweets, ex-NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden pointed out yet another potential repercussion from the leak.

If these digital weapons are found on a computer, that's evidence of an attack -- similar to finding fragments of a blown up missile.

Computer security researchers around the world are now reviewing computer networks for these tools. And wherever they find this leaked code, they'll know the NSA was spying.

The United States currently claims the moral high ground and censures China, Iran, North Korea and Russia for hacking Americans. But it could soon be caught doing the same to others.

Here's an easy-to-understand explanation of Snowden's technical commentary on Twitter this morning, in which he describes how modern-day computer spying works.

Modern day spying 101

Ever wonder how the U.S. government can accuse China of hacking the United States?

To launch an attack, an enemy government wouldn't hit American targets directly. That's too easy to trace back. Instead, foreign hackers find a dummy spot to launch their attack.

For example, Chinese hackers might slip into a computer server at a company in Peru. Then they'll use that server as a launchpad, sending commands from that computer to break into a U.S. target.

It's like China launching a missile at the United States from Peru.

The job of NSA hackers is sneak into those enemy launchpad computer servers and scrape off computer code evidence of a breach. Next time that same code is used in an attack, the NSA can trace it back to the bad guys.

But the NSA's job is also to spy on foreign governments, so it too launches hacking missions from unsuspecting servers. And foreign governments try to collect evidence of NSA tools to identify the NSA in the future.

The NSA's elite hacking team, called Tailored Access Operations, is instructed to always wipe evidence of its presence after a mission. It's like a Navy SEAL team picking up its spent ammunition shells. But sometimes evidence gets left behind.

Typically, enemy governments keep the evidence they find of an NSA hack a secret. What's new this time around is that someone is actually calling out the United States in a way that will help other countries detect American spy activity.

Here, Snowden is referring to recent veiled accusations by the United States that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee. The U.S. government hasn't formally pointed the finger, but officials are hinting to reporters that Russia is messing with American politics.

Snowden thinks this NSA tool leak could be a message to the United States: You toy with foreign politics too -- don't be hypocritical.

Snowden ended his screed by pointing out an interesting tidbit. Even though these NSA tools have just been leaked, it appears that they were stolen back in 2013 -- a short time after Snowden blew the whistle on NSA spying on Americans. At that point, the NSA went into lockdown mode and ramped up security.

So, ironically, the NSA's response to Snowden's alleged treachery might have actually prevented enemy hackers from continuing to steal NSA tools.

CNNMoney (New York) First published August 16, 2016: 1:36 PM ET

Snowden: NSA hack might reveal ugly side of US spying

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Were Russians Involved in NSA Hack? – NBC News

Posted: at 4:08 am

Edward Snowden is seen on a screen as he delivers a speech during the Roskilde Festival in Roskilde, Denmark, June 28 2016. Mathias Loevgreen Bojesen / Scanpix Denmark via Reuters

In clumsily worded English, the Shadow Brokers also boasted online that they were saving their best stolen material for a public auction, to be sold to the highest bidder.

Since then, many cybersecurity experts -- including some former NSA officials -- have come to believe the material posted by the Shadow Brokers is indeed "exploits" and other specially constructed pieces of malware created by the NSA to break into the computers and communications devices of governments like Iran and China, as well as companies and individuals, and to either steal or manipulate the data they contain.

Snowden, the self-described superhacker spy, took to Twitter on Tuesday to say he thinks the public posting of what he described as NSA cybertools may be part of a broader influence operation by Russia.

The U.S. intelligence community believes Russia is behind numerous hacks of entities and people associated with the Democratic Party over the past year, and federal authorities are investigating them and the subsequent release of information via WikiLeaks and other outlets. Many U.S. officials believe those hacks are part of an effort by Russian President Vladimir Putin to help his favored candidate, Republican Donald Trump, and hinder his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

But so far, the Obama administration hasn't formally accused Russia or taken steps to publicly confront it or issue sanctions. And Snowden speculated that Russia may be using the weekend disclosures to warn the White House against taking such actions.

In one tweet, Snowden noted that the "undetected hacker squatting on this NSA server lost access in June 2013," suggesting the hackers have been sitting on the material for three years.

"Why did they do it? No one knows, but I suspect this is more diplomacy than intelligence, related to the escalation around the DNC hack," Snowden tweeted. He also said the weekend postings "may be an effort to influence the calculus of decision-makers wondering how sharply to respond to the DNC hacks. This leak looks like a somebody [sic] sending a message that an escalation in the attribution game could get messy fast."

The NSA leaker also said any U..S. action against Russia could result in the public disclosure of embarrassing information about cyber-operations of its own: "Here's why that is significant," Snowden said. "This leak is likely a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server."

Such a disclosure could have huge foreign policy consequences, Snowden said, especially if it shows that NSA hackers were targeting U.S. allies. "Particularly if any of those operations targeted elections," he said.

The NSA did not respond to requests for comment, but when asked if the agency had been hacked, one NSA official told NBC News that, "I don't have anything for you on that."

NSA expert James Bamford said the hack appeared to be significant, but he cautioned against pointing the finger at Russia, especially the government, given how many different groups of hackers routinely target NSA servers.

"There are so many unknowns here, and a lot of people in the hacking community don't think this is the Russian government," said Bamford, the author of three books about the NSA who has also visited Snowden in Russia and interviewed him there.

"I don't know how Snowden would have any idea who did this, sitting there in an apartment in Moscow," Bamford said. "Even the NSA probably doesn't know who did this."

In recent days, other security experts also have come to believe that the computer code comes from the NSA and that Russia is behind its theft and release.

Former NSA general counsel Stewart Baker told NBC News that "there is a lot of consensus among technical experts" that the cybertools were indeed stolen from the NSA, most likely from an external command and control server created to launch hacking operations that couldn't be traced back to the U.S.

"The more disastrous and less likely scenario is that someone has hacked U.S. infrastructure and extracted large files," said Baker, a prominent international cybersecurity lawyer.

Either way, the weekend postings are cause for dismay, Baker said, noting that "the assumption that it is Russian intelligence is a good first estimate, as it's one of a half dozen leaks of information directly hostile to the U.S. government and U.S. institutions."

"It shows how very sophisticated the spy-vs-spy game in cyberspace has become," he said. "What we are now seeing is an example of one spy agency trying to compromise the infrastructure of another spy agency and how that it is happening at an almost unfathomably sophisticated level."

Read the rest here:
Were Russians Involved in NSA Hack? - NBC News

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In ‘Bizarre’ NSA-Linked Hacking Saga, Some Exploits Prove …

Posted: at 4:08 am

At least some of the hacking weapons possibly pilfered from an NSA-linked cyberoperation and exposed publicly earlier this week are real and include a zero-day exploit, according to two companies whose products were targeted.

Cybersecurity companies Cisco and Fortinet announced online Wednesday that some code published by the mysterious Shadow Group affected legacy versions of their firewalls, but the vulnerabilities already were addressed in upgraded versions. More severely, however, Cisco said one of the exploits in the code was unknown to the company until it popped up online and is still a threat.

If the right configurations are present, Cisco said, the vulnerability "could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary code and obtain full control of the system or to cause a reload of the affected system."

Yvonne Malmgren, a spokeswoman for Cisco, told ABC News that the company is directing its customers to workarounds to "mitigate that particular vulnerability" and that a fix is coming "in the near future."

Cybersecurity experts and former U.S. officials who have analyzed some of the code released online by the Shadow Brokers were already convinced at least some of it appeared very real. Zero-day vulnerabilities those that are unknown to makers of the target software are particularly valuable on the cyber black market because, by definition, there's no specific defense against them.

The Shadow Brokers a name that's new to the cybersecurity community and could be a reference to a popular video game popped up online over the weekend claiming to have broken into the files of another elite hacking team known as the Equation Group. The Equation Group was first identified in February 2015 by the Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab, which recently described it as the "apex predator" of the hacking world.

In its initial report, Kaspersky said that the Equation Group "is unique almost in every aspect of their activities: They use tools that are very complicated and expensive to develop, in order to infect victims, retrieve data and hide activity in an outstandingly professional way, and utilize classic spying techniques to deliver malicious payloads to the victims."

Kaspersky also said the Equation Group appeared to have "solid links" with the creators of the cyber-superweapon Stuxnet, which was reportedly the product of a joint U.S. National Security AgencyIsraeli intelligence operation. That link, along with Equation Group's reported long-time targeting of Iranian, Russian, Chinese and Pakistani systems, among others, has led observers to suspect the Equation Group is at least connected to the NSA or some Western intelligence agency.

The names of some of the exploits released by the Shadow Brokers refer to operations exposed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, but researchers pointed out that since his revelations in 2013, those names have been public information.

The Shadow Brokers announced in stilted English earlier this week that they plan to put the best of the cyberweapons up for auction and that if it nets at least 1 million bitcoins (worth over $560 million), they will release more Equation Group files to the public. As of this report, the auction has pulled in less than $1,000.

It's unclear how the Shadow Brokers got a hold of the cyberweapons; the group claims to have "followed" Equation Group traffic to its "source range" and then hacked it.

The question remains whether the Equation Group or another U.S.-aligned or -allied hacking group, private contractor or intelligence agency was actually hacked and, more immediately, whether the yet-to-be-released cyberweapons are as real as the teaser code. The Shadow Group billed the unseen payloads as "better than Stuxnet," the game-changing worm that physically damaged an Iranian nuclear facility.

Snowden noted on Twitter that date references in the released code end in the fall of 2013, just after he went public with revelations about NSA surveillance operations. He speculated that perhaps an NSA outside "staging server" essentially a holding pen for malware had been hacked and the NSA migrated the malware to a different server after he went public as a security precaution, inadvertently but fortuitously cutting off the hackers' access.

Oren Falkowitz, a former NSA hacker with the agency's elite Tailored Access Operations, said he strongly doubted the NSA itself was hacked a sentiment shared by two other cybersecurity experts who spoke to ABC News.

"I can think of a dozen ways" the tools could have been stolen, Falkowitz said, such as being taken from an outside server and being pilfered from an unsecured laptop. The NSA from time to time outsources the development of offensive cyberweapons to private contractors, according to cybersecurity experts.

As for who the Shadow Brokers are, there's only speculation, which runs the gamut from a disgruntled insider at a U.S.-linked group to a sophisticated nation-state like Russia. But the group's public posturing has thrown observers for a loop.

"Revealing the results [of a major hack] in this way is extremely atypical," Falkowitz said. "To do something as childish as hold a public auction with bitcoin ... just seems like not consistent with the way really sophisticated government groups would operate."

"It's really bizarre," he said.

Fortinet did not immediately respond to a request for comment for this report.

See the article here:
In 'Bizarre' NSA-Linked Hacking Saga, Some Exploits Prove ...

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Trump foes miss the mark on Clinton’s Second Amendment …

Posted: at 4:08 am

Donald Trump keeps saying that Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the Second Amendment. But the media fact checkers are having none of it. Last week, CNN called his accusation persistent and false. At the same time, a Washington Post editorial also called the claim absurd.

In his analysis for CNN, Eric Bradner acknowledges Clintons support for many different types of gun control -- a 25 percent tax on handguns, an assault weapons ban, repeal of laws allowing permitted concealed handguns, and background checks on the private transfer of guns. Clinton also has supported increased fees and a variety of regulations that her husband imposed. Thanks to Bill Clintons regulations, the number of licensed firearms dealers from 248,155 in 1992 to 67,479 in 2000 -- a 73 percent reduction.

The media picks and chooses when to take Clinton at her word. CNN pointed to a recent Fox News Sunday appearance where Hillary Clinton claimed: "I'm not looking to repeal the Second Amendment. I'm not looking to take people's guns away." The Washington Post noted a statement from her campaign website about how gun ownership is part of the fabric of many law-abiding communities.

But in June, ABCs George Stephanopoulos pushed Clinton twice on whether people have a right to own guns. But that's not what I asked. I said do you believe that their conclusion that an individual's right to bear arms is a constitutional right? Clinton could only say: If it is a constitutional right . . . .

Similarly, in New York Cityin the fall, she told donors: The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance that I get. In Maryland in April, Chelsea Clinton promised that her mom would appoint to the Supreme Court justices who would overturn past decisions that struck down gun-control measures. But the only lawsthat the Supreme Court evaluated were complete gun bans and a law that made it a crime to use a gun.

Washington, D.C., had a complete handgun ban in place until 2008. It was also a felony, punishable by five years in prison, to put a bullet in the chamber of a gun. This amounted to a complete gun ban on using guns for self-defense. The U.S. Supreme Courts ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller struck down that ban.

Clinton told Stephanopoulos her opinion of this ruling: I think that for most of our history, there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment until the decision by the late Justice Scalia. She continued, There was no argument until then that localities and states and the federal government had a right, as we do with every amendment, to impose reasonable regulation.

Clinton went on to talk about her push for expanded background checks, an issue that was irrelevant to Scalias decision in Heller. Instead, the question is why was D.C.s local gun ban a reasonable regulation. Why should people be imprisoned for five years for defending their families?

In McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010), Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer wrote in his dissent: "I can find nothing in the Second Amendments text, history, or underlying rationale that could warrant characterizing it as fundamental insofar as it seeks to protect the keeping and bearing of arms for private self-defense purposes. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor signed on to Breyers opinion.

Breyer and Ginsburg were both appointed by President Bill Clinton. Sotomayor was Obamas first nominee to the Supreme Court. Obamas second nominee, Elana Kagan, would clearly have voted the same way had she been on the court at the time of McDonald. Indeed, Kagan served in Bill Clintons administration and helped lead the Presidents gun control initiatives.

The Washington Post dismisses all this talk about the Supreme Court by saying that appointing Justices to the court would not be anything like abolishing an amendment, which no court can do. And it is true that the court cant simply remove the amendment from the Constitution. But the media is appearing to be deliberately obtuse. If the court reverses Heller and McDonald and changes its interpretation of the Second Amendment as Hillary promises, what will really be left of the Second Amendment?

The media might not like to admit it, but The War on Guns is real. If Hillary wins in November, she will appoint Scalias successor and the Supreme Court will overturn the Heller and McDonald decisions. Make no mistake about it, the government will again be able to ban guns. Her claim that she isn't looking to take people's guns away is not consistent with her promise to overturn existing Supreme Court decisions.

John R. Lott, Jr. is a columnist He is an economist and was formerly chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission. Lott is also a leading expert on guns and op-eds on that issue are done in conjunction with the Crime Prevention Research Center. He is the author of nine books including "More Guns, Less Crime." His latest book is "The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies (August 1, 2016). Follow him on Twitter@johnrlottjr.

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