Monthly Archives: July 2016

10 Bizarre Micronations – ODDEE

Posted: July 25, 2016 at 3:56 pm

Why settle for a house when you can have a nation of your own? These Micronations are not just tiny, they're also weird! 1 The Kingdom of Talossa: created by a 14-Year-Old All hail the Boy King!

On December 26, 1979 from his bedroom in Milwaukee Wisconsin, 14-year-old Robert Ben Madison declared it a separate country called Talossa and appointed himself King. While this proclamation has never been recognized by any Government, Talossa is considered one of the first micronations, inspiring many copycats. Madison/Talossa was tech-savvy enough to have its own website since 1995. It now boasts 222 citizens (you can become one here.)

This peaceful Kingdom is not without internal strife in 2004 a group seceded, forming the Republic of Talossa. However, in 2012 the country was made whole again. (Source 1 | Source 2)

The Province of Bumbunga is yet another tiny breakaway region from a First World country in this case, Australia. It was founded March 29, 1976 by Alex Brackstone, a former monkey-trainer and British Crown loyalist who did not like how Australia was turning against the monarchy. He created Bumbunga on his 4 hectare property and named himself Governor, so at least a small part of the country would still be loyal to the British Throne. He tried to create a giant model of Great Britain out of strawberry patches, but they ended up dying in a drought.

Bumbunga also issued a series of stamps with British royalty; these cannot be used to actually mail anything but became a collector's item amongst nerds. (Source)

On June 2, 1996, the tiny country of Ladonia was founded by artist Lars Vilks in a nature reserve in southern Sweden because of a legal dispute over his art. In 1980, he had built a 70-ton driftwood sculpture entitled Nimis in this remote region accessible only by water or a long hike. When the authorities finally discovered it, they ordered it destroyed and a years-long battle in the courts ensued. After losing his last appeal, Vilks created the country of Ladonia, which he says trades only in creative expression. There is a queen and crown princess as well as ambassadors and ministers and its official language only has two words: waaaall and p (although it's unclear what they mean). Anyone can apply to be a citizen here as Ladonia claims all its people are nomads. (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo)

The inventor of the Segway, Dean Kamen, owns this tiny island just off Long Island, New York (and north of South Dumpling Island). Like many micronations on this list, it was started because of a dispute with government authorities about building something without permission in this case it was a wind turbine. Kamen seceded and established his own one-man nation with flag, navy, currency, and even its own anthem written by Broadway director Paul Lazarus, who is also the nation's Ministry of Brunch. He even got his friend President George H.W. Bush to sign a non-aggression pact. While this is the folly of a very rich, well connected person, he claims his busy life offers no time to relax and this lets him unwind. Why not just take a ride along a trail on a Segway instead? (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo)

On October 20, 2008, at 11:30 am British Standard Time, another 14-year-old boy (see #1) declared a tiny nation within a bigger country's borders; in this case it was Jonathan Austen declaring his father Terry Emperor and himself Crown prince of Austenasia, located within the confines of their London flat. The country is run as a constitutional monarchy and has expanded to 5 territories in the nearby area. They are very serious about their endeavor (they claim Articles 1 and 3 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention allow them to declare their sovereignty) and have created dozens of Acts of Parliament. You can become an "honorary subject" here. They say you can visit their country as long as they are contacted beforehand. The website asks just don't turn up. (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo)

How to start your own micronation in 9 easy steps!

1. Be very rich or very young 2. Be an artist and/or a little bit crazy 3. Give the country a funny name and yourself a ridiculous title 4. Write a declaration, cite Article 1 and 3 of Montevideo Convention 5. Try and get your president friend to sign a non-aggression pact 6. Set up a website and offer free citizenship 7. Mint your own coins or stamps 8. Prepare to be thrown in jail or taken to court for doing #7 9. If micronation is larger than 1 person, prepare for civil war or coup

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10 Bizarre Micronations - ODDEE

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Space Travel and Exploration

Posted: at 3:56 pm

NASA Establishes Institute to Explore New Ways to Protect Astronauts 20 New Countries to Invest in Space Programs by 2025 NASA, USAID Open Environmental Monitoring Hub in West Africa Russia, US Discuss Lunar Station for Mars Mission Dark Matter Particle Remains Elusive NASA Seeks Picometer Accuracy For Webb Telescope Return to the underwater Space Station .. A decade of plant biology in space On this day 10 years ago, Space Shuttle Discovery was launched to the International Space Station carrying ESA's European Modular Cultivation System - a miniature greenhouse to probe how plants grow ... more .. Mathematical framework prioritizes key patterns to accelerate scientific discovery Networks are mathematical representations to explore and understand diverse, complex systems-everything from military logistics and global finance to air traffic, social media, and the biological pr ... more .. Exploring inner space for outer space An international team of six astronauts from China, Japan, USA, Spain and Russia have descended into the caves of Sardinia, Italy, to explore the depths and train for life in outer space. One of the ... more .. Quantum technologies to revolutionize 21st century Is quantum technology the future of the 21st century? On the occasion of the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, this is the key question to be explored today in a panel discussion with the Nobel La ... more .. Blue Origin has fourth successful rocket booster landing US space firm Blue Origin conducted a successful fourth test Sunday of its reusable New Shepard rocket, which dropped back to Earth for a flawless upright landing seen on a live webcast. ... more .. TED Talks aim for wider global reach TED Talks, known for "ideas worth spreading," are aiming for a wider global audience with a new mobile application that can be used in two dozen languages. ... more .. Disney brings its brand to Shanghai with new theme park Entertainment giant Disney brings the ultimate American cultural concept to Communist-ruled China on Thursday, opening a massive theme park in Shanghai catering to a rising middle class. ... more .. Tech, beauty intersect in Silicon Valley The beauty industry has long relied on creating a sense of mystery, magic even, around its creams, powders and potions. But now it has something else up its sleeve: high technology. ... more

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Space Travel and Exploration

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‘Ascension’: What Syfy Did Better Than Most TV Networks

Posted: at 3:55 pm

NOTE: It goes without saying but, still, the following post contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Ascension.

In the age of social media spoilers and remixed versions of old properties, its hard to be surprised by anything on television anymore. Sure, sometimes we find ourselves enthralled by the journey of characters such as Walter White, Jax Teller, Hannibal Lecter and Daenerys Targaryen, and that submission to journey is what can lead to surprises that include dragons and the moral complexities of letting a drug addict choke on her own vomit but its rare in todays small screen to see anything that grabs hold of us from the beginning and never lets go, like the early days of The Shieldor24.

Enter Ascension. For the uninitiated:Ascensionfollows the citizens aboard the U.S.S. Ascension, a massive spacecraft launched by the Kennedy administration in the 60s, in hopes of achieving a 100-year mission of reaching a new planet that would allow humanity to live on, should the Cold War ever turnhot. However, as the ship left the solar system, it remained stuck in the ways of the 60s, thus leading to whats essentially been sold to the viewing public as Mad Menin space. But things arent as simple as Syfys marketing would have us believe. As it turns out, the truth behind the new series is far more interesting than originally suspected, as the show actually focuses on a massive science experiment launched in the 1960s that tricked people into believing they were in space when in fact they never went anywhere.For the last 50 years, thatsociety unknowingly lived on a vessel that never left earth, and every movement and decision made inside the ship has been tracked from the outside via video streams.

During the months of marketing that led to the premiere of the series, Syfy could have spilled the beans in order to attract a wider audience because, truthfully, the pitch of Mad Menin space is rather dull and sounds more like something theSouth Parkmanatees would have thought of. However, had the network made that reveal prior to the series premiere, no one would have tuned in because the conversation would have shifted to something along the lines of, itsMad Menin space meetsThe Matrix. In marketing theres no winning, so instead, Syfy didnt even bother trying.

Considering its response to a simple 1.8 million viewers for the first episode (which isnt low for Syfy, but hardly the 3.5 millionWarehouse 13 once saw in the summer, no less), the networks expectation for viewership was always low. It knew the marketing strategy it went with was never going to be the most ideal for the sake of gaining viewers, but it was going to be the ideal for making the ones who tune in come back for episode two. After that, everyone knew the social media audience would do the rest of the heavy lifting.

Thats the beauty ofAscension, it held off on ruiningthe best thing it had going, and the show was made better for it. On first watch,Ascensionis a fairly standard series. Its got somewhat well-constructed world, with characters that feel like people we may want to see more of. But during the first three-quarters of the premiere, the whole thing feels like another case of series premise being put over character. However, the moment everything comes to light and the big reveal is made, the entire series changes.

In one moment, we go from watching a science fiction series to watching a psychological thriller, and thats glorious. Like the series it promoted, the marketing was a complete lie, and theres something to truly admire about that in 2014. When networks these days are so focused on attracting viewers by any means necessary, we all need to step back and celebrate when one chooses to go against the grain. By holding off on the big moment until it actually occurred in context, the audience was able to forgive the series for whatever faults the rest of the episode may have had, and invest intuning in for the next phase of the mission (the series only dipped by 27% in overall viewership between nights one and two). This is what we need more of on television, and its interesting to think it took Syfy, of all networks, to show us that.

Ascension aired December 15 17 on Syfy. You can check out a preview below:

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'Ascension': What Syfy Did Better Than Most TV Networks

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SINAPSE – Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology

Posted: at 3:53 pm

Prof. Chia Hung's publication featured on cover page !

Prof. Chia Hung's publication in Royal Society of Chemistry journal, featured on Jan. 7th issue cover page. Nano-separation is essential for bio-sample characterization, chemical synthesis and diagnosis. Current nano-particle separation methods of centrifugation, column chromatography and continuous-flow techniques suffer from particle aggregation, multi-stage process, complex setups and necessary nanofabrication. These increase process costs and time, reduce efficiency and limit dynamic range. Here, we achieve an unprecedented real-time nanoparticle separation (51-1500 nm) using a large-pore (2 micron) deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) device. No external force fields or nanofabrication are required. Instead, we investigated innate long-range electrostatic influences on nanoparticles within a fluid medium at different NaCl ionic concentrations. By simply controlling buffer solutions, we achieve dynamic nanoparticle size separation on a single device with a rapid response time (<20 s) and an enlarged dynamic range (>1200%), outperforming standard benchtop centrifuge systems. This novel method and model combines device simplicity, isolation precision and dynamic flexibility, opening opportunities for high-throughput applications in nano-separation for future industrial applications.

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International Childfree Day | Celebrating Childfree Men …

Posted: at 3:52 pm

The nominations for 2016 Childfree Man and Woman of the Year have gone to the Selection Panel.Winners will be announced on August 1, International Childfree Day!

Meanwhile, want to know about past winners? Check them out Here!

TODAY is the Nomination Deadline for the 2016 Childfree Man&Woman of the Year! Know an amazing childfree person? Its time to nominate him/her for the 2016 Childfree Man/Woman of the Year! Heres How Check out last years winners How did this start? Check it out!

by Laura S. Scott

When I was writing my book, Two Is Enough: A Couples Guide to Living Childless by Choice, I reflected on my early role models for childfree living. I was what I call an early articulator. I knew in my early teens that I didnt want children but I didnt have a lot of role models for that life decision-making in my neighborhood, or in my family. However, I did have a TV and there I could find a number of really inspiring role models who appeared to be without children and were apparently quite happy to remain so. Continue reading

by Rachel Chrastil

I find inspiration in both famous childfree people and the less-sung individuals who created meaningful lives for themselves without children. We sometimes find them in unexpected times and places. One such person is an ordinary woman from pre-revolutionary France who had no children a skilled tailor named Louise Le Mace. Continue reading

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International Childfree Day | Celebrating Childfree Men ...

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Evolution – The New York Times

Posted: at 3:52 pm

Latest Articles

A single-cell, bacterium-like organism clinging to volcanic sea vents may have been the forebear of every animal, plant and microbe on earth.


In the extremity of the urban environment, natural selection is transforming species in unexpected ways.


Gualicho shinyae was found to have evolved its stubby arms independently, suggesting there was some evolutionary advantage to the small size.


An ancient reptilian creature was found by researchers to be the source of the spikes, plumage and fur that cover reptiles, birds and mammals.


Members of the mustelid family, including badgers, ferrets and otters, have evolved into remarkable predators.


A ripple effect of weather, insects and other food supplies, from the Arctic to the tropics, may be driving down the population of the red knot, a study finds.


The bearded dragon shows stages of sleep similar to those in humans and other mammals, suggesting that the stages evolved earlier than scientists thought.


Most of the diversity outlined on the new tree has been hiding in plain sight.


When everyone has a theory, actual scientific theories like evolution take a hit.


Humans arent so special. Animals think much more deeply than we imagine.


An exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History documents the recently established link between dinosaurs and modern birds.


In a cave in Thailand, scientists discovered a parallel to one of evolutions signature events: the transition from sea to land.


The interbreeding may have given modern humans better immunity to pathogens, according to the authors of the analysis of global genomes.


Male nursery web spiders tie up females with spider silk before mating to avoid being killed and eaten.


Scientists at Harvard concluded that stone tools that broke down food could have helped early human relatives conserve energy, aiding in their evolution.


A report in the journal Science reveals how evolution harnessed viral DNA to rewire humans own genetic circuitry and strengthen the immune system.


It may seem noble and selfless, but its also about improving your reputation.


1 . .


A dig in Kenya has uncovered the remains of a slaughter from 10,000 years ago, suggesting that warfare may have existed even before humans began agriculture.


Humans sleep more deeply but for shorter periods than other primates habits, a study finds. The pattern may have helped humans evolve more powerful brains.


A single-cell, bacterium-like organism clinging to volcanic sea vents may have been the forebear of every animal, plant and microbe on earth.


In the extremity of the urban environment, natural selection is transforming species in unexpected ways.


Gualicho shinyae was found to have evolved its stubby arms independently, suggesting there was some evolutionary advantage to the small size.


An ancient reptilian creature was found by researchers to be the source of the spikes, plumage and fur that cover reptiles, birds and mammals.


Members of the mustelid family, including badgers, ferrets and otters, have evolved into remarkable predators.


A ripple effect of weather, insects and other food supplies, from the Arctic to the tropics, may be driving down the population of the red knot, a study finds.


The bearded dragon shows stages of sleep similar to those in humans and other mammals, suggesting that the stages evolved earlier than scientists thought.


Most of the diversity outlined on the new tree has been hiding in plain sight.


When everyone has a theory, actual scientific theories like evolution take a hit.


Humans arent so special. Animals think much more deeply than we imagine.


An exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History documents the recently established link between dinosaurs and modern birds.


In a cave in Thailand, scientists discovered a parallel to one of evolutions signature events: the transition from sea to land.


The interbreeding may have given modern humans better immunity to pathogens, according to the authors of the analysis of global genomes.


Male nursery web spiders tie up females with spider silk before mating to avoid being killed and eaten.


Scientists at Harvard concluded that stone tools that broke down food could have helped early human relatives conserve energy, aiding in their evolution.


A report in the journal Science reveals how evolution harnessed viral DNA to rewire humans own genetic circuitry and strengthen the immune system.


It may seem noble and selfless, but its also about improving your reputation.


1 . .


A dig in Kenya has uncovered the remains of a slaughter from 10,000 years ago, suggesting that warfare may have existed even before humans began agriculture.


Humans sleep more deeply but for shorter periods than other primates habits, a study finds. The pattern may have helped humans evolve more powerful brains.


Excerpt from:

Evolution - The New York Times

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VRAC | Virtual Reality Applications Center

Posted: at 3:51 pm

About the VRAC

Iowa State Universitys Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC) is an interdisciplinary research center focused at the intersection of humans and technology, aimed broadly at enhancing the productivity and creativity of people. The VRACs world-class research infrastructure supports the research of faculty and students representing all seven of ISUs colleges, as well as the interests of collaborators from several federal agencies and numerous industry partners.

The VRAC research community spans a wide spectrum of disciplinary experts with particular strengths in state-of-the-art interaction technologies including virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) as well as mobile computing, developmental robotics, and haptics interaction. The VRAC community is also skilled at human centered design and user experience (UX) evaluation as well as assessing the effectiveness of new interaction modalities via formal user studies.

To complement its research mission the VRAC established and now leads ISUs interdepartmental graduate major in Human Computer Interaction (HCI). With more than 200 students currently enrolled, the HCI program is now the largest interdepartmental graduate major at ISU and offers PhD, MS and Professional Certificate degrees to resident and on-line student communities.

A friendly, efficient, service-oriented staff supports the collaborative interdisciplinary culture at VRAC. Administrative support facilitates research proposal preparation and submission, grant administration, purchasing and student appointments, while technical staff provides hardware maintenance, system integration, vendor coordination and technical assistance to the research community.

The hottest app making the news these days is an example of one of VRACs research areas augmented reality. Continue reading

2015 REU Intern Jordan Zonner cites Dr. Sharmin Sikich and the IINSPIRE-LSAMP program at Doane University with helping her find Continue reading

One of the largest conferences held annually for new research in human computer interaction is the Association for Computing Machinerys Continue reading


VRAC | Virtual Reality Applications Center

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Immersion (virtual reality) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 3:51 pm

Immersion into virtual reality is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. The perception is created by surrounding the user of the VR system in images, sound or other stimuli that provide an engrossing total environment.

The name is a metaphoric use of the experience of submersion applied to representation, fiction or simulation. Immersion can also be defined as the state of consciousness where a "visitor" (Maurice Benayoun) or "immersant" (Char Davies)'s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an artificial environment; used for describing partial or complete suspension of disbelief, enabling action or reaction to stimulations encountered in a virtual or artistic environment. The degree to which the virtual or artistic environment faithfully reproduces reality determines the degree of suspension of disbelief. The greater the suspension of disbelief, the greater the degree of presence achieved.

According to Ernest W. Adams, author and consultant on game design,[1] immersion can be separated into three main categories:

Staffan Bjrk and Jussi Holopainen, in Patterns In Game Design,[2] divide immersion into similar categories, but call them sensory-motoric immersion, cognitive immersion and emotional immersion, respectively. In addition to these, they add a new category:

Presence, a term derived from the shortening of the original "telepresence," is a phenomenon enabling people to interact with and feel connected to the world outside their physical bodies via technology. It is defined as a person's subjective sensation of being there in a scene depicted by a medium, usually virtual in nature (Barfield et al., 1995).[full citation needed] Most designers focus on the technology used to create a high-fidelity virtual environment; however, the human factors involved in achieving a state of presence must be taken into account as well. It is the subjective perception, although generated by and/or filtered through human-made technology, that ultimately determines the successful attainment of presence (Thornson, Goldiez, & Le, 2009).[full citation needed]

Virtual reality glasses can produce a visceral feeling of being in a simulated world, a form of spatial immersion called Presence. According to Oculus VR, the technology requirements to achieve this visceral reaction are low-latency and precise tracking of movements.[4][5][6]

Michael Abrash gave a talk on VR at Steam Dev Days in 2014.[7] According to the VR research team at Valve, all of the following are needed to establish presence.

Immersive virtual reality is a hypothetical future technology that exists today as virtual reality art projects, for the most part.[8] It consists of immersion in an artificial environment where the user feels just as immersed as they usually feel in consensus reality.

The most considered method would be to induce the sensations that made up the virtual reality in the nervous system directly. In functionalism/conventional biology we interact with consensus reality through the nervous system. Thus we receive all input from all the senses as nerve impulses. It gives your neurons a feeling of heightened sensation. It would involve the user receiving inputs as artificially stimulated nerve impulses, the system would receive the CNS outputs (natural nerve impulses) and process them allowing the user to interact with the virtual reality. Natural impulses between the body and central nervous system would need to be prevented. This could be done by blocking out natural impulses using nanorobots which attach themselves to the brain wiring, whilst receiving the digital impulses of which describe the virtual world, which could then be sent into the wiring of the brain. A feedback system between the user and the computer which stores the information would also be needed. Considering how much information would be required for such a system, it is likely that it would be based on hypothetical forms of computer technology.

A comprehensive understanding of which nerve impulses correspond to which sensations, and which motor impulses correspond to which muscle contractions will be required. This will allow the correct sensations in the user, and actions in the virtual reality to occur. The Blue Brain Project is the current, most promising research with the idea of understanding how the brain works by building very large scale computer models.

The nervous system would obviously need to be manipulated. Whilst non-invasive devices using radiation have been postulated, invasive cybernetic implants are likely to become available sooner and be more accurate. Manipulation could occur at any stage of the nervous system the spinal cord is likely to be simplest; as all nerves pass through here, this could be the only site of manipulation. Molecular Nanotechnology is likely to provide the degree of precision required and could allow the implant to be built inside the body rather than be inserted by an operation.

A very powerful computer would be necessary for processing virtual reality complex enough to be nearly indistinguishable from consensus reality and interacting with central nervous system fast enough.

An immersive digital environment is an artificial, interactive, computer-created scene or "world" within which a user can immerse themselves.[9]

Immersive digital environments could be thought of as synonymous with virtual reality, but without the implication that actual "reality" is being simulated. An immersive digital environment could be a model of reality, but it could also be a complete fantasy user interface or abstraction, as long as the user of the environment is immersed within it. The definition of immersion is wide and variable, but here it is assumed to mean simply that the user feels like they are part of the simulated "universe". The success with which an immersive digital environment can actually immerse the user is dependent on many factors such as believable 3D computer graphics, surround sound, interactive user-input and other factors such as simplicity, functionality and potential for enjoyment. New technologies are currently under development which claim to bring realistic environmental effects to the players' environment effects like wind, seat vibration and ambient lighting.

To create a sense of full immersion, the 5 senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste) must perceive the digital environment to be physically real. Immersive technology can perceptually fool the senses through:

Once the senses reach a sufficient belief that the digital environment is real (it is interaction and involvement which can never be real), the user must then be able to interact with the environment in a natural, intuitive manner. Various immersive technologies such as gestural controls, motion tracking, and computer vision respond to the user's actions and movements. Brain control interfaces (BCI) respond to the user's brainwave activity.

Training and rehearsal simulations run the gamut from part task procedural training (often buttonology, for example: which button do you push to deploy a refueling boom) through situational simulation (such as crisis response or convoy driver training) to full motion simulations which train pilots or soldiers and law enforcement in scenarios that are too dangerous to train in actual equipment using live ordinance.

Computer games from simple arcade to massively multiplayer online game and training programs such as flight and driving simulators. Entertainment environments such as motion simulators that immerse the riders/players in a virtual digital environment enhanced by motion, visual and aural cues. Reality simulators, such as one of the Virunga Mountains in Rwanda that takes you on a trip through the jungle to meet a tribe of mountain gorillas.[10] Or training versions such as one which simulates taking a ride through human arteries and the heart to witness the buildup of plaque and thus learn about cholesterol and health.[11]

In parallel with scientist, artists like Knowbotic Research, Donna Cox, Rebecca Allen, Robbie Cooper, Maurice Benayoun, Char Davies, and Jeffrey Shaw use the potential of immersive virtual reality to create physiologic or symbolic experiences and situations.

Other examples of immersion technology include physical environment / immersive space with surrounding digital projections and sound such as the CAVE, and the use of virtual reality headsets for viewing movies, with head-tracking and computer control of the image presented, so that the viewer appears to be inside the scene. The next generation is VIRTSIM, which achieves total immersion through motion capture and wireless head mounted displays for teams of up to thirteen immersants enabling natural movement through space and interaction in both the virtual and physical space simultaneously.

New fields of studies linked to the immersive virtual reality emerges every day. Researchers see a great potential in virtual reality tests serving as complementary interview methods in psychiatric care.[12] Immersive virtual reality have in studies also been used as an educational tool in which the visualization of psychotic states have been used to get increased understanding of patients with similar symptoms.[13] New treatment methods are available for schizophrenia[14] and other newly developed research areas where immersive virtual reality is expected to achieve melioration is in education of surgical procedures,[15] rehabilitation program from injuries and surgeries[16] and reduction of phantom limb pain.[17]

Simulation sickness, or simulator sickness, is a condition where a person exhibits symptoms similar to motion sickness caused by playing computer/simulation/video games (Oculus Rift is working to solve simulator sickness).[18]

Motion sickness due to virtual reality is very similar to simulation sickness and motion sickness due to films. In virtual reality, however, the effect is made more acute as all external reference points are blocked from vision, the simulated images are three-dimensional and in some cases stereo sound that may also give a sense of motion. Studies have shown that exposure to rotational motions in a virtual environment can cause significant increases in nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness.[19]

Other behavioural changes such as stress, addiction, isolation and mood changes are also discussed to be side-effects caused by immersive virtual reality.[20]

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Immersion (virtual reality) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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ai – Dizionario italiano-inglese WordReference

Posted: at 3:51 pm

Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali ai prep (a i) to the preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." Il maestro distribu i compiti ai bambini. The teacher passed the homework out to the children. Compound Forms/Forme composte addetto ai lavori (US) authorized personnel nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (UK) authorised personnel nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ai fini di for the purposes of advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." ai margini on the border, on the edge preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." ai minimi storici at a historical low advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." ai piedi del letto at the foot of the bed preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." ai quattro venti (idiom.) to the four winds ai sensi della legge in accordance with the law exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." Ai vecchi tempi the olden days advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." arrivare ai ferri corti be at loggerheads viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." avere male ai piedi have foot ache viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." Essere ai ferri corti be at loggerheads with s.o. estraneo ai fatti someone had nothing to do with it, someone was totally innocent fa venire il latte ai gomiti exasperate frazione ai minimi termini lowest terms fraction gettare le perle ai porci (Biblical reference) throw your pearls to the pigs, throw pearls before swine exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." in culo ai lupi out in the sticks, out in the middle of nowhere idiomatic (Offensive!!) out in bumfuck idiomatic lampada ai vapori di sodio sodium vapour lamp nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. largo ai giovani 1 lavorare ai fianchi work beside [sb] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." mandare ai matti vtr (colloquiale) drive [sb] mad mettere ai voti vote on [sth], put to vote v mettere il carro davanti ai buoi (figurative) put the cart in front of the horse v monumento ai caduti (mil.) war memorial non addetto ai lavori (US) unauthorized personnel nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (UK) unauthorised personnel nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. non credere ai propri occhi not believe one's own eyes v orientamento ai risultati results orientation nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. passare dalle parole ai fatti put words into action vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." rispondere ai requisiti meet requirements senza dire n ai n bai neither saying yay or nay expression Servizio ai tavoli (restaurant) waiting service, the service of the waiting staff nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. stare ai patti stick to the agreement, keep one's side of the bargain v suggerire le risposte ai compagni give answers to classmates, give hints to classmates v

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ai - Dizionario italiano-inglese WordReference

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Ai – Definition and Meaning, Bible Dictionary

Posted: at 3:51 pm


a'-i (`ay, written always with the definite article, ha-`ay, probably meaning "the ruin," kindred root, `awah):

(1) A town of central Palestine, in the tribe of Benjamin, near and just east of Bethel (Genesis 12:8). It is identified with the modern Haiyan, just south of the village Der Diwan (Conder in HDB; Delitzsch in Commentary on Genesis 12:8) or with a mound, El-Tell, to the north of the modern village (Davis, Dict. Biblical). The name first appears in the earliest journey of Abraham through Palestine (Genesis 12:8), where its location is given as east of Bethel, and near the altar which Abraham built between the two places. It is given similar mention as he returns from his sojourn in Egypt (Genesis 13:3). In both of these occurrences the King James Version has the form Hai, including the article in transliterating. The most conspicuous mention of Ai is in the narrative of the Conquest. As a consequence of the sin of Achan in appropriating articles from the devoted spoil of Jericho, the Israelites were routed in the attack upon the town; but after confession and expiation, a second assault was successful, the city was taken and burned, and left a heap of ruins, the inhabitants, in number twelve thousand, were put to death, the king captured, hanged and buried under a heap of stones at the gate of the ruined city, only the cattle being kept as spoil by the people (Joshua 7; 8). The town had not been rebuilt when Jos was written (Joshua 8:28). The fall of Ai gave the Israelites entrance to the heart of Canaan, where at once they became established, Bethel and other towns in the vicinity seeming to have yielded without a struggle. Ai was rebuilt at some later period, and is mentioned by Isa (Isaiah 10:28) in his vivid description of the approach of the Assyrian army, the feminine form (`ayyath) being used. Its place in the order of march, as just beyond Michmash from Jerusalem, corresponds with the identification given above. It is mentioned also in post-exilic times by Ezra 2:28 and Nehemiah 7:32, (and in Nehemiah 11:31 as, `ayya'), identified in each case by the grouping with Bethel.

(2) The Ai of Jeremiah 49:3 is an Ammonite town, the text probably being a corruption of `ar; or ha-`ir, "the city" (BDB).

Edward Mack

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Ai - Definition and Meaning, Bible Dictionary

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