Monthly Archives: July 2016

The Very Sad Childfree Life | Strange Notions

Posted: July 31, 2016 at 5:50 am

TimeMagazine's recent cover story "The Childfree Life" has generated a good deal of controversy and commentary. The photo that graces the cover of the edition pretty much sums up the argument: a young, fit couple lounge languidly on a beach and gaze up at the camera with blissful smilesand no child anywhere in sight.

What the editors want us to accept is that this scenario is not just increasingly a fact in our country, but that it is morally acceptable as well, a lifestyle choice that some people legitimately make. Whereas in one phase of the feminist movement, "having it all" meant that a woman should be able to both pursue a career and raise a family, now it apparently means a relationship and a career without the crushing encumbrance of annoying, expensive, and demanding children.

There is no question that childlessness is on the rise in theUnited States. Our birthrate is the lowest in recorded history, surpassing even the crash in reproduction that followed the economic crash of the 1930's. We have not yet reached the drastic levels found in Europe (inItaly, for example, one in four women never give birth), but childlessness has risen in our country across all ethnic and racial groups, even those that have traditionally put a particular premium on large families.

What is behind this phenomenon? The article's author spoke to a variety of women who had decided not to have children and found a number of different reasons for their decision. Some said that they simply never experienced the desire for children; others said that their careers were so satisfying to them that they couldn't imagine taking on the responsibility of raising children; still others argued that in an era when bringing up a child costs upward of $250,000, they simply couldn't afford to have even one baby; and the comedian Margaret Cho admitted, bluntly enough, "Babies scare me more than anything." A researcher at the London School of Economics weighed in to say that there is a tight correlation between intelligence and childlessness: the smarter you are, it appears, the less likely you are to have children!

In accord with the tenor of our time, those who have opted out of the children game paint themselves, of course, as victims. They are persecuted, they say, by a culture that remains relentlessly baby-obsessed and, in the words of one of the interviewees, "oppressively family-centric." Patricia O'Laughlin, a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist, specializes in helping women cope with the crushing expectations of a society that expects them to reproduce. As an act of resistance, many childless couples have banded together for mutual support. One such group in Nashville comes together for activities such as "zip-lining, canoeing, and a monthly dinner the foodie couple in the group organizes." One of their members, Andrea Reynolds, was quoted as saying, "We can do anything we want, so why wouldn't we?"

What particularly struck me in this article was that none of the people interviewed ever moved outside of the ambit of his or her private desire. Some people, it seems, are into children, and others aren't, just as some people like baseball and others prefer football. No childless couple would insist that every couple remain childless, and they would expect the same tolerance to be accorded to them from the other side. But never, in these discussions, was reference made to values that present themselves in their sheer objectivity to the subject, values that make a demand on freedom. Rather, the individual will was consistently construed as sovereign and self-disposing.

And this represents a sea change in cultural orientation. Up until very recent times, the decision whether or not to have children would never have been simply "up to the individual." Rather, the individual choice would have been situated in the context of a whole series of values that properly condition and shape the will: family, neighborhood, society, culture, the human race, nature, and ultimately, God. We can see this so clearly in the initiation rituals of primal peoples and in the formation of young people in practically every culture on the planet until the modern period. Having children was about carrying on the family name and tradition; it was about contributing to the strength and integrity of one's society; it was about perpetuating the great adventure of the human race; it was a participation in the dynamisms of nature itself. And finally, it was about cooperating with God's desire that life flourish: "And you, be fruitful and multiply, teem on the earth and multiply in it" (Gen. 9:7).

None of this is meant to be crushing to the will, but liberating. When these great values present themselves to our freedom, we are drawn out beyond ourselves and integrated into great realities that expand us and make us more alive.

It is finally with relief and a burst of joy that we realize that our lives are not about us. Traditionally, having children was one of the primary means by which this shift in consciousness took place. That increasingly this liberation is forestalled and that people are finding themselves locked in the cold space of what they sovereignly choose, I find rather sad. Originally posted at Real Clear Religion. Used with author's permission. (Image credit: TIME Magazine)

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The Very Sad Childfree Life | Strange Notions

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The History of SIM, Whole Brain Emulation and Mind Uploading

Posted: at 5:49 am

by Dr. Randal A. Koene

SIM, the concept of substrate-independent minds. We call a mind substrate-independent when its self-same functions that carry out thinking processes can be implemented through the operations available in a number of different computational platforms. For example, if we can carry out the function of a mind both in a biological brain and in a brain that is composed of computer software or neuromorphic hardware (a hardware architecture with design principles based on biological neural systems), then that mind is substrate-independent. The mind continues to depend on a substrate to exist and to operate, but there are substrate choices.

The goal of substrate-independence is to continue personality, individual characteristics, a manner of experiencing and a personal way of processing those experiences. Your identity, your memories can then be embodied physically in many ways. They can also be backed up and operate robustly on fault-tolerant hardware with redundancy schemes. Achieving substrate-independence will allow us to optimize the operational framework (i.e., the hardware) to challenges posed by novel circumstances and different environments. But where did all this start? How did this particular concept of SIM and the organized efforts seeking to accomplish it come about?

The term Substrate-Independent Minds (SIM) is fairly recent. Many of the core ideas have been previously referred to by the terms mind uploading or off-loading. Unfortunately, those older terms have also led to some confusion, especially among those new to the ideas. Why "uploading", why not "downloading" or "off-loading"? I have heard all three terms used with regards to memory. And in each case, those terms really only describe the act of moving data from one storage location to another. Storage does not tell us anything about the use of that data. In this sense, taking a magnetic resonance image (MRI) of a brain could constitute "uploading". The most important part of the objective is of course that data is not simply recorded, but used to re-implement functions of mind. The objective is to carry on the functions of a specific mind. A re-implementation of functions must operate on some substrate, but when you can do this in a number of sufficiently powerful computational substrates then the mind has become substrate-independent in that way. We call that a substrate-independent mind, a SIM - which is the objective.

Mind uploading is a process, and that is what the term is now used for. By convention, we refer to mind uploading as the process by which that which constitutes a specific mind is transferred from one substrate (especially the biological brain) to another substrate (e.g., an implementation in-silico).

Beyond the process of moving to other substrates, we are especially interested in enhancement of the mind. We seek to achieve far greater adaptability and therefore greater competitive strength in a wide range of challenging circumstances. This goal is more than preservation or life-extension. I paid special attention to that aspect of SIM in "Pattern survival versus Genesurvival" (R.A. Koene,, 2011). Enhancement or augmentation is where the multidisciplinary requirements for SIM intersect with research and development of brain-machine interfaces (BMI) or brain-computer interfaces (BCI). As a brain-machine interface, SIM enables increasingly intimate man-machine merger that integrates with us the capabilities of our creations.

There are numerous technological proposals for the accomplishment of SIM (R.A. Koene, International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 2012). At present count, there are at least six main tracks. Our understanding is still limited with regards to the manner in which fundamental computational elements of the brain participate in the vast interaction of concurrent processes from which mind emerges. For the vast majority of tasks that a mind can deal with, we do not understand the top-down set of strategies at each level of processing. For this reason, high-level approaches that begin with abstract assumptions about functions of mind and how those might be recorded and recreated are difficult to justify and validate.

Someday, extremely insightful methods of uploading from a biological mind to a SIM may be feasible and well-supported. And it may become possible to convert or compile functions of mind that were generated by processes in the neurophysiology directly into a form that is optimized to make use of the features of the target platform, while still achieving at least equivalent and satisfactory re-implementation of the specific mind. That is not yet feasible.

At present, nearly everyone who is actively working in the field of SIM and in closely related domains takes a much more conservative approach. That approach is to faithfully re-implement by emulating the basic computational functions carried out by elements of the neurophysiology, while at the same time faithfully re-implementing the connectivity as it exists between those elements in the neuroanatomy. The problem is decomposed into much smaller physical pieces for which so-called system identification must be feasibly carried out. At that level, there are still suppositions about scope and resolution that need to be tested. E.g., do ensembles of neurons, individual spiking neurons, morphologically detailed neurons, or molecular processes in synaptic channels attain the requisite resolution for emulation? Still, the acquisition and recreation of function and structure are feasible with understanding at a level within reach of current neuroscience, and with tools that we can construct today. In 2000, I named this approach descriptively as Whole Brain Emulation (WBE). The term caught on and was eventually adopted by related research aspirations, where it is sometimes abbreviated to "brain emulation" if the whole brain is not the scope of a project.

On the other tracks to SIM, significant practical work is also taking place to develop neural interfaces and brain-machine interfaces. Such interfaces, may provide a path of Augmentation up to SIM. It is an interesting possibility, because that path is highly incremental. We have always augmented ourselves with tools, and not just by relying on computer networks and smart phones. Today, we already see that a prosthesis can help an individual outperform the unaugmented. This is the case with Oscar Pistorius, the famous South African runner who has "Cheetah blades" instead of legs. As in that example, there is a case to be made for BMI as an approach that benefits from market pull.

Imagine introducing simple, non-invasive augmentative technology that lawyers can use in the court room. When that technology gives lawyers who have it an edge, there will be demand. Other professionals, such as those working on stock markets, may then notice the appeal so that the market for augmentation expands. In addition to breadth, competition in the market can lead to a need for higher bandwidth integration and interfacing. Once there, you begin to bump into the same questions that need solving for technological advances that achieve SIM.

The core idea, that the significant aspects of a person's mental life can persist when properly transferred from body to machine, from machine to machine, or from body to body has been around for a long while. In those early forms, it was a fancy and a fantasy, the purview of magical transformations. With the scientific renaissance, modern philosophy and psychology, thought experiments along the same lines became more refined, and by the middle of the 20th century, serious science fiction writers were incorporating in their stories some ideas that quite closely resemble the current conceptions of mind uploading, whole brain emulation and substrate-independent minds.

My own thinking was influenced by reading "The City and the Stars" (A.C. Clarke, 1956), a 1956 re-write by science fiction legend Arthur C. Clarke of his first novel. In the story, the inhabitants of the city Diaspar take turns having 1000 year intervals of active life between periods of stasis in which they are stored as data patterns in the city's computer. Either shortly before or shortly after I read that story, sometime in 1984, was when I decided that substrate-independent minds would be the objective I needed to achieve first. (According to my thinking at the time, the next mission would require control of matter in the fashion that is now known as nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing.) I have explained the reasons for this elsewhere (R.A. Koene & S. Olson, 2011).

In the early 1990's, the rise of the Internet began to facilitate the formation of on-line interest groups and communities that would otherwise have had a very difficult time finding their peers on a global scale. One of these interest groups coalesced around the concept of mind uploading. A collection of web pages was maintained by Joe Strout, which was most notable for practical ideas about the reconstruction of brains by building compartmental models of neurons from structural scans. Joe Strout, at UCSD at the time, also established a mailing list called the mind uploading research group (MURG).

It is when I discovered and joined that mailing list in 1994 that I first realized that I was not alone. There were some early fellow travelers with the same destination, who understood the difference between impossible projects and ambitious projects, and who were willing to devise practical plans and dedicate their efforts to the necessary actions. The archives of the MURG list and some of the pages that I have retained on the site give insight to this period. It is during the early years of that web site and my tenure as curator of the MURG list that Whole Brain Emulation was coined (April 29, 1998) for clarity and in an effort to move from good ideas to feasible projects. The focus on whole brain emulation also distinguished our efforts from approaches that shared many of the same ultimate ambitions, but had different methodological philosophies or different criteria for success (e.g., the Terasem Movement).

In 2007, the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, and in particular Nick Bostrom and Anders Sandberg (a former computational neuroscientist) began to take a serious interest in Whole Brain Emulation. The first Whole Brain Emulation Workshop was convened at Oxford University. The result of this workshop was a technical report on the feasibility of WBE, a first attempt at a roadmap of sorts (A. Sandberg & N. Bostrom, 2008). The report already included key technologies such as the Knife-Edge Scanning Microscope (KESM), the Automatic Tape-Collecting Lathe Ultramicrotome (ATLUM, now called an ATUM) and functional recording work by Peter Passaro.

Thinkers from outside the domains of neuroscience, physics, and engineering wrote about future possibilities that included WBE from the social/philosophical (D.J. Chalmers, 2010) and economic (R. Hanson, 1994) perspectives. Around the time of the 2009 Singularity Summit in New York, I was working on the organization of systematic efforts to bring together the key pieces needed to achieve WBE and SIM. During the summit workshop, we were able to put forward WBE as a transformative technology to be considered and contrasted with Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and its potential existential risks.

In 2010, WBE was for the first time included in the annual conference on Artificial General Intelligence (Lugano, Switzerland). There, I teamed up with Dr. Suzanne Gildert (D-Wave, Vancouver) and we revamped the organizational network around the multidisciplinary research and development efforts toward WBE. We introduced Substrate-Independent Minds (SIM) as a well-defined objective, employing the acronym ASIM for Advancing Substrate-Independent Minds to indicate the purpose of our new action-oriented organization

As of this writing, most of those working on SIM are focused on research and tool development aimed at the initial challenge to gain sufficient access to the biological human brain. In those efforts, we now include the world-class expertise of Jeff Lichtman, Ted Berger, Henry Markram, Sebastian Seung, Ed Boyden, George Church, Anthony Zador, Konrad Kording, Clay Reid, their laboratories and many others.

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The History of SIM, Whole Brain Emulation and Mind Uploading

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Immortality Immorality – TV Tropes

Posted: at 5:48 am

"When one tries to rise above Nature one is liable to fall below it... Consider, Watson, that the material, the sensual, the worldly would all prolong their worthless lives. The spiritual would not avoid the call to something higher. It would be the survival of the least fit. What sort of cesspool may not our poor world become?"

Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Creeping Man

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Anime and Manga

Comic Books

Films Animated

Films Live-Action

Teague: The trick isn't living forever, Jackie. The trick is living with yourself forever.

Blackbeard: I'm a bad man.


Kumori: Can you imagine if da Vinci had continued to live, to study, to paint, to invent? That the remarkable accomplishments of his lifetime could have continued through the centuries rather than dying in the dim past? Can you imagine going to see Beethoven in concert? Taking a theology class taught by Martin Luther? Attending a symposium hosted by Einstein? Think, Dresden. It boggles the mind.

"Her only sin was that she loved life and all the meanings of life," said the Stygian girl. "To win life she courted death. She could not bear to think of growing old and shriveled and worn, and dying at last as hags die. She wooed Darkness like a lover and his gift was life-life that, not being life as mortals know it, can never grow old and fade. She went into the shadows to cheat age and death "

Live-Action TV

Tabletop Games

Video Games

Web Original


Western Animation

Narrator: [singing] Oh Marceline! Why are you so mean?

Marceline: '[singing back] I'm not mean, I'm a thousand years old, and I just lost track of my moral code.

Real Life

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Immortality Immorality - TV Tropes

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Alternative Medicine, Home Remedy and Natural Cures

Posted: at 5:48 am

Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering. Buddha provides you with several natural cures and home remedies, based on Ayurveda, Siddha and Chinese Medicine. We will present to you only those remedies that are scientifically studied and proven to be effective.

Alternative medicine is a 5 trillion dollar industry and there are many alternative medicines and home remedies that are either unproven or dis-proven It is important to weed out wrong methods and scams and practice only those herbs and methods that are scientifically proven to be effective.

Unlike the conventional medicine which is more oriented towards relieving the symptoms, medical systems like Ayurveda and Siddha focus on the root cause of disease. These systems also deal about herbs that can give you almost instant relief from your symptoms.

Yoga Therapy is growing like wild fire, as it provides effective treatment for many common ailments. Get to know yoga therapy from a certified yoga trainer who is intensively practicing yoga for over 15 years.

Pharma companies keep claiming that their drugs are safe, despite that you will hear news about these same drugs being pulled off from the market as they are unsafe.

There is a widespread belief that the Big Pharma Giants have kept some of the most remarkable herbal treatments under wraps. However it is also very important that you dont fall for some fake home remedy which you find in some random blogs. There are several bogus websites which promote fake systems and fake medicines in the name of alternative treatment. We have tried to compile a list of natural remedy for common diseases and ailments.

Please read our Disclaimer, this website is meant to provide just information and not medical advice. Consult a certified medical practitioner for treating your medical conditions.

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Alternative Medicine, Home Remedy and Natural Cures

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Open International University for Alternative Medicines

Posted: at 5:48 am

Indian Board of Alternative Medicines 80, Chowringhee Road Kolkata 700020. India. Tel: From India: 033-24865910 / 09163312416 From Outside India: 0091-9163312416 / 0091-33-24865910 Website:

Notice:The official website of Indian Board of Alternative Medicines has shifted tohttp://www.altmedworld.netStudents may visit the new website for latest information on courses, conferences and workshops.

The Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, based in Calcutta (Kolkata), India is an internationally-recognized holistic medicine training institute offering classroom-based training and distance learning courses to students all over the world. We offer undergraduate and graduate diploma and degree programmes in a range of alternative medicine disciplines including Naturopathy; Medicinal Herbalism; Reflexology; Reiki Therapy among many others. All of our courses are taught through English.

Those who graduate from The Indian Board of Alternative Medicines are required to demonstrate a broad understanding and competency in health care and maintain a commitment to intellectual development, health and healing practice, and scholarship in complementary, alternative and traditional medicine, and integrated health practices.

Distance Learning Alternative Medicine Courses:

Diploma Courses: -Two-year Diploma in Alternative Medicines course - One-year Diploma courses are available in the following therapies: Yoga and Massage; Naturopathy; Bach Flower Remedies; Reiki Therapy; Acupressure; Acupuncture; Magnetotherapy; Reflexology; Aromatherapy; Hypnotherapy; Iridology; Electro - Homeopathy; Radiesthesia and Radionics; Medical Astrology; Gem - Tele - Chromotherapy; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Chiropractic; Holistic Health & Nutrition; Medicinal Herbalism.

Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Medicine Course (1 year): Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Medicine (P.G.D.A.M.) distance learning course is designed as a foundation for a career in alternative medicine.

Bachelor Programmes: - Bachelor's in Alternative Medicine (B.A.M.S. (A.M.) / B.A.S.M.) - 2 years. - Bachelor's in the following list of therapies - 2 years: Naturopathy & Yoga; Reiki Healing; Acupressure & Magnetotherapy; Medicinal Herbalism; Medical Astrology; Gem-Tele-Chromo Therapy; Electro-Homoeopathy; Hypnotherapy; Aroma Therapy; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Radiesthesia & Radionics; Iridology Science; Chiropractic; Acupuncture; Holistic Health & Nutrition; Reflexology

Graduate Course: - Master's in Psychotherapy and Counseling (M.P.C.) Program

Doctorate Courses: - Doctor of Naturopathy / Natural Medicine ( N.D. / N.M.D.) - Doctor of Oriental Medicine ( O.M.D. ) - Doctor of Holistic Medicine ( H.M.D. ) - Doctor of Medicine in Alternative Medicines M.D.(A.M.) - Doctor of Philosophy in Alternative Medicines - Ph.D(A.M.) - Doctor of Science in Alternative Medicines - D.Sc (A.M.) - Doctor of Literature in Alternative Medicine- D.Litt (A.M.) - Doctor of Medicine in Acupuncture - M.D. (Acu.) - Doctor of Medicine in Electro Homeopathy - M.D. (E.H.)

Our Philosophy:

The Indian Board of Alternative Medicines believes firmly that the citizens of the world want and deserve the opportunity to receive the highest quality of health care, with the broadest range of care options. In keeping with this set of beliefs, Board is organized to educate and develop health care professionals, including those already in health care practice, to serve the public with love, care and compassion. The learning community of the Board seeks to cultivate a renewed sense of purpose and leadership within each individual and to promote and enduring search for knowledge, influence and excellence in human and health service.

How Does Distance Learning Work? Lessons & study materials on the specific therapy of each course and on general medical subjects are sent by air mail. The student is allowed a certain amount of time to study the lessons following which examination papers are mailed to the student. All the question papers have to be solved and the answers sent to the Institute for evaluation.

Recognition in India:

Founder President:

Dr. Suresh Kumar Agarwal, widely regarded as the pioneer of the holistic medical movement in India isthe Founder President of India Board of Alternative Medicine. An internationally renowned practitioner of alternative medicine, Dr. Agarwal is also an organizer, visionary, author and teacher.

Born in 1961 in Rajasthan, Dr. Agarwal graduated from the University of Calcutta in 1980. In 1984 he graduated with a Diploma in Medicine and Surgery from the Council of Homoeopathic Medicine, Govt. of West Bengal. He has completed Doctorate in Medicine in Homoeopathy from University Grants Commission Recognised University and Recognised by Central Council of Homoeopathy under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Also graduated in Ayurveda from Hindi University, Allahbad and Naturopathy from the Indian Institute of Naturopathy, Coimbatore. He also completed courses in Yoga Therapy from Kaivalyadham, Pune and Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari. He then studied the different systems of therapy in leading institutions in India and abroad. He obtained a M.D. in traditional & Alternative Medicine from the Open International University, Colombo and a Ph.D. from Medicina Alternativa, Kazakhastan (the then USSR). Dr.Agarwal was conferred the D.Sc. Honoris Causa in 1994 by the Open International University, Colombo, for his outstanding services to the promotion and popularization of holistic healing in India.

He is the National Vice-Chancellor of the International Association of Educators for World Peace and a visiting professor of the Open International University, Colombo and East West University for Holistic Health Science, California, USA. He is editor of the Indian Journal of Holistic Health & Medicine, and is author of several books besides having articles published in leading newspapers and magazines of the country, and has also actively participated in number of national and international conferences organized by government and non- government organizations in India and abroad, his name having become synonymous with alternative medicines in India and has appeared in Asia Internationals Whos Who for his outstanding contribution to the cause of Alternative Medicine in India.

Student Testimonials:

"Thank you for helping me all the way. I enjoyed the course and the certification. It is really good and presentable. I am displaying in my clinic and recommending your school to others. You are doing a GREAT job. May God give you long life, health and wealth And more resources to do good projects. Insha Allah in the future i will join Ph.D program." - Naeem Sharieff, California, U.S.A.

"I have truly enjoyed this learning experience, and I thank IBAM for facilitating this opportunity, as well as for your help during this process. I hope to receive a First Division grade for the work I have submitted. Thank you very much, and wishing you all the best in your future endeavors." - Monde Leck, South Carolina, U.S.A.

"The Doctoral program in Naturopathy was highly enriching and has helped me evolve as a practitioner. Your course has helped me in my experience in natural medicine, as an author for a book on self-healing that I shall start shortly and as a teacher with better credibility and skills." - Maria J. C. Maia, Ferno Ferro, Portugal

"Thank you for the quality study and for the excellent quality of your organization and thank you for processing of all of the 16 exams related to the ND/NMD study. I hope to clear the examinations with First Division. I have written over 100,000 words as part of my assignments and greetings from Netherlands." - Dr. Herman Fridsma, Landsmeer, Netherland

"Thank you very much. I received today the Diploma in Chiropractic, very nice diploma from your prestigious institution. I want to inquire again on another course offered by IBAM as Bachelors in Acupuncture. I would like to start another program of study at the earliest." - Dr. Ronnie A. Royo, Manila, Philippines

Global Greetings:

..............these systems of medicines do play an important role in the promotion of health, as well as in the prevention and cure of diseases, especially in the poor countries of the world. Date : 26th November, 1993,Mother Teresa

I understand that the endeavour of the International Institute of Health Sciences and the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines is to evolve a consensus on health and related issues amongst the different disciplines of medical science and various systems of medicines. From our own experiences the Tibetan medical system, like the Ayurvedic and Unani systems , has been extremely effective and beneficial for the treatment of a variety of illnesses, especially chronic illnesses. I there fore believe there is scope for other alternative systems to be able to cobtribute to the better health of people. Date : November, 2000,H. H. Dalai Lama

.............There are many approaches to combatting the scourge of AIDS. I am pleased to support the contribution being made by practitioners of Alternative Medicines in this regard. I encourage you to continue your efforts and wish you well as you meet to discuss this extermely important health issue which has such serious implications for our future. Date : 25th November, 1997,Rev. Desmond. M. Tutu

.............For those who live in communities that have not yet begun to suffer the psychological, social and economic impact of the epidemic, it is time to come together to create awareness of what could lie ahead. Government ministries, health care workers, human rights advocates, non-governmental and community-based organizations, scientists and medical doctors must all unite in a partnership to bring about the changes in attitude and behavior which can prevent the further spread of the virus. Date : 1st December, 1993,Boutros Boutros - Ghali- Secretary General, United Nations

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Alternative Medicine in Utah

Posted: at 5:48 am

Goal of IV Nutritional Therapies

The goals of intravenous nutritional therapy are the same as the goals for oral nutritional therapy. Yet there are advantages with intravenous.

In the practice of molecular medicine the intravenous nutrient protocols must be formulated with several considerations;

1. They must be safe in relation to human biology.

2. They should reflect the metabolic roles of nutrients in both health and disease.

3. They must be integrated with nutritional and environmental medicine, founded upon the belief in the bodys ability to self-regulate.

4. They should reflect the core and accepted value of nutrient protocols, which other colleagues with extensive experience have likewise observed.

Dr. Haskell has been using intravenous nutrient and ozone therapies for over 20 years having received training through Dr. Frank Shallenberger, M.D. and Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D.

He has completed course certifications through the International Society for Chelation Technicians and from the IVNTP (Intravenous Nutritional Therapy for Physicians).

To read more about ozone therapy click here.

To view a list of conditions treated with IV protocols go to IV Nutrient Ingredients.

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Alternative Medicine in Utah

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American Institute of Alternative Medicine

Posted: at 5:48 am

Diane Sater-Wee, BS LMT Chief Executive Officer

Diane is responsible for AIAM's strategic direction and compliance with legal and accrediting standards. She has served on the National and State of Ohio Boards of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), the Executive Committee for the National Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, the founding board of the Ohio Council of Massage Therapy Schools, and on various committees for the State Medical Board of Ohio and the Asian Bodywork Therapy Association.

Diane worked as an Account Representative for five years and as an Engineer for another five years with IBM. Diane received her undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University College of Engineering and her massage diploma from the Central Ohio School of Massage. email

Helen co-founded AIAM with Diane in 1990. She is responsible for setting the schools administrative and financial objectives, policies and practices. She also directs the acquisition, development, implementation and operation support systems. In addition to her work at AIAM, Helen serves on the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) site visit team for the evaluation of acupuncture schools across the country.

Helen serves on the Stonewall Columbus Board of Trustees and is on the Board of Directors for State of the Arts Productions. She previously served as President of the Pacific Association of Women Martial Artists. Helen has competed in both national and international martial arts competitions throughout her career and was an alternate in the 1988 Olympics. She competed on the U.S. Tae Kwon Do team in 1990, earning a silver medal in the World Cup in Madrid, Spain. Helen was inducted into the Bruce Lee Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 2015. email

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American Institute of Alternative Medicine

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Alternative Medicine Degrees, Online Alternative Medicine …

Posted: at 5:48 am

alternative medicine was rated

8 out of 10 based on 19 rating(s)

Q:What are some of the alternative medical degrees I can pursue?

A:Students interested in alternative medical degrees have a number of options to choose from. Some of these options are Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Osteopathy, Acupuncture and Ayurveda. All of these branches of medicine offer Bachelors and Masters Degree qualifications. With the health care industry experiencing an upward trend all over the United States, alternative medicine a recognized field is also expected to flourish in the future.

Q:What are the advantages of pursuing a fast alternative health online degree?

A:There are a number advantages associated with pursuing a fast alternative health online degree. Online degrees give students an opportunity to study at their own convenience and pace. The curriculum for online degrees is comprehensive with every aspect of the subject discussed in detail. Online education is comparatively inexpensive with students saving money on travel and accommodation. Prospective students interested in online education are recommended to search our website for an extensive list of online institutions.

Q:How long is the training in herbal medicine?

A:The duration of the programs offered in herbal medicine varies with the program type. The undergraduate bachelor's degree in herbal medicine takes about four year to complete which can be followed by the masters program. The master's degree in herbal medicine is for two year and the doctorate in herbal medicine takes additional three years or more.

Q:Online alternative medicine degrees at bachelor level comprise of what main courses?

A:A bachelor degree in alternative medicine will comprise of a number of courses that touch all major aspects of this field. Some of the courses you can expect in this degree include health psychology, health science research methods, history of medicine, nutrition, alternative diagnostic procedures, chiropractic studies, advanced anatomy and physiology, organic chemistry, dietary influences, herbology, and botany.

Q:What are the advantages alternative medicine online programs?

A:Many people are now seeking alternative healthcare options for effective treatment, directly increasing the demand for these professionals. To pursue a career in this area, a degree in alternative medicine is needed. Earning this degree online will cost you a little less and you can study from any location. No travelling costs and book costs make this a great option for those with financial constraints.

Q:A degree in holistic medicine will cover what different courses or subjects?

A:Holistic medicine degrees will teach you about the various holistic cures and treatments being used nowadays. You will acquire an in-depth understanding of subjects such as the following: massage therapy, aromatic compounds, nutrition, injury prevention, stress management, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and hydrotherapy. The exact curriculum will vary from college to college.

Q:What are holistic medicine degree programs designed for? What will I learn in them?

A:Holistic health is a growing trend in healthcare. Many individuals are seeking alternative medical treatments which have led to the growing demand of holistic medicine professionals. A degree in this field will provide you with an in-depth understanding of different holistic medicine approaches, treatments, and therapies. You will learn to apply holistic medicine and therapies to modern day medical conditions.

Q:I wish to go for an alternative medical degree online. How can it be cost effective?

A:An online alternative medical degree can save you money in a number of ways. In an online program you do not have to pay for travelling costs, hostel accommodation, or textbooks. In addition to that, a cost efficient online setup enables students to pay a lesser tuition fee, than they are normally being charged in on-campus programs.

Q:How long will it take for me to complete an alternative medicine degree at associate level?

A: An alternative medicine degree at associate level is an undergraduate program. It can be completes in two years. The program aims at providing students with fundamental knowledge of the field. Students acquire a brief understanding of alternative medicine and various therapies. Some medical schools offer this program online as well.

Q:Can I take an alternative medicine degree BA online?

A:Alternative medicine is a field that relies on traditional methods of treatment. It may include study of acupuncture, herbal remedies and homeopathy etc. Many institutes offer degrees in this field. You can easily pursue an online degree in alternative medicine but be sure to go for a reputed institute and also check the curriculum and mode of learning before opting for one.

Q:How can I get an alternative medicine degree online?

A:There are many programs available for alternative medicine. You can find associate, bachelor and masters programs offered by different institutes. You can visit the website of these institutes check their admission criterion and apply online. The lectures and learning material is managed via internet and emails or chat sessions with periodic exams.

Q:What do alternative medicine degrees online deal with?

A:Alternative medicine degrees have a broad category and different areas of specializations. You can check them online. Generally, you get to study about range of different practices that include acupuncture, therapeutic massage, spiritualism, homeopathy and herbalism etc. It focuses on human health as a whole rather than focusing on symptoms alone.

Q:How long can an alternative medicine nursing degree take?

A:Alternative medicine nursing degree would deal with training being a nurse who understands alternative medicine fundamentals and treatment practices. It has an entirely different focus from a regular nursing degree. The duration would depend on the kind of course you are pursuing. You can find a yearlong program as well as full fledge degree programs that are for two years or longer.

Q:Is taking an alternative medicine online degree more beneficial?

A:If you are interested in alternative medicine degree but your busy schedule does not allow it or you have time constraints then an online degree becomes most convenient. With it there are no geographical or time constraints as you can get online from anywhere and start your study process. It is also more cost efficient.

Q:What careers can I aim for after taking an alternative medicine program?

A:Alternative medicine is a field that has it set of followers, who believe that it works better than other medical practices. After taking an alternative medicine program you can work as an energy healer, massage therapist, acupuncture specialist, herbalist, homeopathic specialist, yoga instructor or instructor in holistic health and in such related areas. The opportunities are quite varied.

Q:I came across alternative medicine schools online that offer naturopathy certifications, can you explain it?

A:Alternative medicine schools online have diverse areas and naturopathy is one of them. It deals with such techniques as herbalism, nutritional therapy and homeopathy etc. It is best to go for accredited schools. Some states have regulations and license requirements that have to be met before naturopaths can practice therefore always check them and see if the course can prepare you to be in the practical field.

Q:To be able to enroll in alternative medicine degrees, do I need to complete my high school education?

A:Yes, if you want to enroll in a associate, bachelor, or masters degree in alternative medicine, you need to first complete your high school diploma. With a high school diploma, there is no way you can enroll in any program at all. A high school diploma is the basic requirement for any degree program. For masters level degrees, you need a bachelor degree.

Q:Alternative degree programs are available at what levels?

A:Alternative medicine is a fast growing healthcare sector. You can pursue field this at all levels of post-secondary education. Some of the degree programs include associate degree, bachelor degree, and masters degree. There are also a number of non-degree programs available. Alternative medicine focuses on herbal treatments, holistic health, acupuncture, yoga, and more.

Q:What will I learn in an alternative medicine associates degree?

A:Alternative medicine is a field that focuses on using natural remedies for treatment and health. You can pursue this field at associate, bachelor, and masters level. The program will equip you with understanding of areas such as aromatherapy, herbal medicine, massage therapy, and more. Take a look at our page for more information.

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Alternative Medicine Salary | How Much Can an Alternative …

Posted: at 5:48 am

Your salary will depend on the specific alternative medicine job you choose to work in. Find out your earning potential.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) latest salary updates, health diagnosing and treating practitioners earn a median annual salary of $73,400.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) latest salary updates, health diagnosing and treating practitioners earn a median annual salary of $73,400.

According to the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC), naturopathic doctors (NDs) working in large practices earn between $80,000 and $90,000 per year.

Actual salaries may vary greatly based on specialization within the field, location, years of experience and a variety of other factors. Plus, as you gain more years of experience, youll be able to demand a higher salary.

NDs have a strong earning potential since their salaries are often based on the business they generate. If youre planning to run your own practice, youll need to spend time networking and marketing yourself in the community where your practice is located.

NDs just starting out who and building a client base or have an early residency position may earn between $20,000 and $30,000 per year, according to the AANMC.

But the chance to earn more is certainly there. Naturopathic doctors who have worked at building a reputable practice have been known to earn upwards of $200,000 per year.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17 Edition,Massage Therapists;Dietitians and Nutritionists;Chiropractors.

*The salary information listed is based on a national average, unless noted. Actual salaries may vary greatly based on specialization within the field, location, years of experience and a variety of other factors. National long-term projections of employment growth may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions, and do not guarantee actual job growth.

Alternative medicine careers have skyrocketed in the last decade and continue to remain popular among patients uncomfortable with Western medicine. In fact, American patients have increased their spending on alternative medicine products by 26 percent over the last decade.

If youre particularly interested in reaching those who need the most treatment, some of the biggest demand exists in in lower-income areas in both cities and rural areas.

Alternative medicine has become a welcome form of treatment for many Americans. Because of this demand, above average job growth is expected for alternative medicine careers like chiropractic and nutrition, according to the BLS.

The surge in holistic healing methods occurred in recent years because more patients were looking for less expensive and non-invasive treatment options. The AANMC says the number of adult visits to ND practitioners rose 46 percent over a five-year period.

As the push for natural treatments and products continue, now has never been a better time to start a career in alternative medicine.

According to the AANMC, the amount of NDs practicing in the U.S. has tripled over the last decade. While there are approximately 3,500 NDs working, there is also a growing interest from patients, therefore competition will depend on factors unique to your situation and location.

If you plan to run a private practice, consider the area where youll be located. Are there many alternative medicine practitioners in the community or will you be providing a solution to a demand? Networking and marketing yourself is one of the best ways to get your name out there and build a base of clients.

One way to stand out from the competition is being flexible. Accommodating more patients may mean working irregular hours. If youre willing to commit to some evening and weekend hours, you may offer something another practitioner doesnt.

Whether holistic health, hypnotherapy or homeopathy interests you, alternative medicine practitioners can find careers in natural medicine clinics, hospitals and wellness centers.

Additionally, natural pharmacies, research labs, corporate offices and insurance companies do plenty of hiring. Alternative medicine schools also hire practitioners to work as instructors.

Advancement in your career will depend on which area of alternative medicine you choose. Often, furthering your education will help garner better jobs and salaries.

For example, if youve earned a bachelors degree in general alternative medicine, consider enrolling in a masters program and learn a specialty. If youre interested in becoming an ND, or even an MD, adding a treatment like hypnotherapy to your services can help you further your career.

If youve earned the highest degree possible for your area of expertise, stay up to date with continuing education courses. They will teach you the latest skills and practices relevant to your line of work.

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Topical Index – Alternatives to Medicine – The Skeptic’s …

Posted: at 5:48 am

(For an alternative version of theses entries, see the Short and Irreverent E-dition, part 1, sCAM [so-called Complementary & Alternative Medicine])

A acupuncture alkaline diet allopathy alphabiotics "alternative" health practice angel therapy animal quacker anthroposophic medicine applied kinesiology aromatherapy astrotherapy aura therapy Ayurvedic medicine B Bach's flower therapy Jon Barron bio-ching bioharmonics Blaylock, Russell Body Code of Bradley Nelson Rashid Buttar, D.O. C chelation therapy chi chiropractic Hulda Clark complementary medicine complex homeopathy coning (ear candling) Consegrity craniosacral therapy cupping

D Day, Phillip dental amalgam detoxification therapies DHEA dolphin-assisted therapy Dr. Dragon Dabic E Emotional Freedom Technique Emotion Code of Bradley Nelson Dr. Fritz - "energy healing" Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) F facilitated communication faith healing frontier medicine functional medicine G Gerson therapy Jay Gordon gua sha H healing touch holistic medicine homeopathy Leonard Horowitz hypnosis I immune system quackery integrative medicine integrative oncology intuitive (intuitionist) intuitive healer iridology isopathy Issels Immuno-Oncology treatment J joy touch K Rauni Kilde kinergetics Kirlian photography L Lightning ProcessTM M macrobiotics magical thinking magnet therapy massage therapy Joseph Mercola microacupuncture moxibustion N natural cancer cures naturopathy Bradley Nelson neuro-linguistic programming New Age psychotherapies noni fruit and juice nosode O osteopathy P prayer psychic surgery Q quackery R Reams, Carey reflexology Rader, William C., M.D. reiki Rolfing S shark cartilage as a cancer cure T therapeutic touch thought field therapy traditional Chinese medicine trepanation U urine therapy V vibrational medicine vitamin and mineral supplements W Andrew Wakefield Joel D. Wallach, "The Mineral Doctor" Y Robert O. Young Z zenreiki

Last updated 03-Jan-2016

Myth 2. Prescription drugs are one of the leading causes of death.

Myth 3. Most medical treatments have never been clinically tested.

Myth 19. Medical doctors typically know nothing about nutrition.

Myth 21. Faith healing works.*

Myth 22. Dr. Randolph Byrd scientifically proved that prayer can heal.

Myth 23. Even if Dr. Byrd failed, others have succeeded in proving scientifically that prayer heals.

Myth 25. Transplant organs carry personality traits which are transferred from donors to receivers.

Myth 31. Crimes, mental illness, suicides, and emergency room visits increase when there is a full moon.

Myth 43. Suicide increases over the holidays.

Myth 46. Switching to a low-tar cigarette will reduce one's chances of being exposed to the carcinogens in cigarette smoke.

Myth 47. Vaccination*of children with the (MMR) vaccine to prevent measles, mumps and rubella causes autism.*

Myth 53. Sugar causes hyperactivity in children.

Myth 54. Alcohol, especially red wine, is good for your health.*(read this one carefully and to the end) and *

Myth 55. A migraine is a bad headache.

Myth 58. The moon can trigger ovulation and bring on fertility depending on what phase the moon was at when you were born.

Myth 59. The mercury in dental amalgam is poisoning people.*

Myth 60. You should drink eight glasses of water a day for good health.* One study, however, does seem to have good evidence that drinking five glasses a day is better than drinking two or fewer with respect to fatal coronary heart disease.

Myth 71. A diet low in animal fat will prevent high cholesterol which will prevent atherosclerosis which will make you immune to having a heart attack.

Myth 72. Pasteur renounced all his works on his death bed.

Myth 73. Laetrile is an effective cancer treatment whose humanitarian discoverer has been persecuted, depriving millions of people of the benefits of this wonder drug.

Myth 74. Peptic ulcers are caused by stress and eating spicy food.*

Myth 83. A study was published in the Western Journal of Medicine that showed changing the letters EPHO (each letter representing a drug being used to treat small-cell lung cancer) to HOPE led to a spectacular increase in positive response to the treatment.

Myths 86-89, thanks to the British Medical Journal:

Myth 86. There are several effective cures for a hangover.

Myth 87. People who eat late at night gain more weight than those who eat the same amount of food earlier in the day.

Myth 88. More heat escapes from the head than any other part of the body.

Myth 89. Poinsettias are poisonous.

Myth 92. Fruit must be eaten on an empty stomach in order for the body to absorb it properly.

Myth 93. Drinking cold water after meals causes cancer.

Barrett, Stephen and William T. Jarvis. eds. The Health Robbers: A Close Look at Quackery in America (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1993).

Barrett, Stephen and Kurt Butler (eds.) A Consumers Guide to Alternative Medicine : A Close Look at Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Faith-Healing, and Other Unconventional Treatments; edited by (Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1992).

Bausell, R. Barker. (2007). Snake Oil Science: The Truth about Complementary and Alternative Medicine Oxford. (review)

Ernst, Edzard MD PhD, Max H. Pittler MD PHD , Barbara Wider MA. 2006. The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach. 2nd ed. Mosby.

Randi, James. The Faith Healers (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1989).

Raso, Jack. "Alternative" Healthcare: A Comprehensive Guide (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1994).

Sampson, Wallace and Lewis Vaughn, editors. Science Meets Alternative Medicine: What the Evidence Says About Unconventional Treatments (Prometheus Books, 2000).

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