Daily Archives: July 23, 2016

Political correctness | The Economist

Posted: July 23, 2016 at 4:15 am

Avoid, if you can, giving gratuitous offence (see Euphemisms): you risk losing your readers, or at least their goodwill, and therefore your arguments. But pandering to every plea for politically correct terminology may make your prose unreadable, and therefore also unread.

So strike a balance. If you judge that a group wishes to be known by a particular term, that the term is widely understood and that using any other would seem odd, old-fashioned or offensive, then use it. Context may be important: Coloured is a common term in South Africa for people of mixed race; it is not considered derogatory. Elsewhere it may be. Remember that both times and terms change: expressions that were in common use a few decades ago are now odious. Nothing is to be gained by casually insulting your readers.

On the other hand, do not labour to avoid imaginary insults, especially if the effort does violence to the language. Some people, such as the members of the Task Force on Bias-Free Language of the Association of American University Presses, believe that ghetto-blaster is offensive as a stereotype of African-American culture, that it is invidious to speak of a normal child, that massacre should not be used to refer to a successful American Indian raid or battle victory against white colonisers and invaders, and that the use of the term cretin is distressing. They want, they say, to avoid victimisation and to get the person before the disability. The intent may be admirable, but they are unduly sensitive, often inventing slights where none exists.

An example is given by Denis Dutton in his review of the editors' advice (What Are Editors For?, Philosophy and Literature 20, 1996). Mr Dutton points out that the origins of the word cretin lie in the Latin word for Christian. The term, he says, came into use as a way of acknowledging the essential humanity of a physically deformed or intellectually subnormal person. It is now used for a definable medical condition. The editors' aversion to cretin presumably arises from its slight similarity to cripple, a plain word now almost universally discarded in favour of the euphemistic physically handicapped or disabled.

As Mr Dutton points out, Thomas Bowdler provides a cautionary example. His version of Shakespeare, produced in 1818 using judicious paraphrase and expurgation, was designed to be read by men to their families with no one offended or embarrassed. In doing so, he gave his name to an insidious form of censorship.

Some people believe the possibility of giving offence, causing embarrassment, lowering self-esteem, reinforcing stereotypes, perpetuating prejudice, victimising, marginalising or discriminating to be more important than stating the truth, never mind the chance of doing so with any verve or panache. They are wrong. Do not bowdlerise your own prose. You may be neither Galileo nor Salman Rushdie, but you too may sometimes be right to cause offence. Your first duty is to the truth.

HE, SHE, THEY You also have a duty to grammar. The struggle to be gender-neutral rests on a misconception about Gender, a grammatical convention to make words masculine, feminine or neuter. Since English is unusual in assigning few genders to nouns other than those relating to people (ships and countries are exceptions), feminists have come to argue that language should be gender-neutral.

This would be a forlorn undertaking in most tongues, and even in English it presents difficulties. It may be no tragedy that policemen are now almost always police officers and firemen firefighters, but to call chairmen chairs serves chiefly to remind everyone that the world of committees and those who make it go round are largely devoid of humour. Avoid also chairpersons (chairwoman is permissible), humankind and the person in the streetugly expressions all.

It is no more demeaning to women to use the words actress, ballerina or seamstress than goddess, princess or queen. (Similarly, you should feel as free to separate Siamese twins or welsh on debtsat your own riskas you would to go on a Dutch treat, pass through french windows, or play Russian roulette. Note, though, that you risk being dogged by catty language police.)

If you believe it is exclusionary or insulting to women to use he in a general sense, you can rephrase some sentences in the plural. Thus Instruct the reader without lecturing him may be put as Instruct readers without lecturing them. But some sentences resist this treatment: Find a good teacher and take his advice is not easily rendered gender-neutral. So do not be ashamed of sometimes using man to include women, or making he do for she.

And, so long as you are not insensitive in other ways, few women will be offended if you restrain yourself from putting or she after every he.

He or she which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him or her depart; his or her passport shall be made, And crowns for convoy put into his or her purse: We would not die in that person's company That fears his or her fellowship to die with us.

In some contexts, though, she can be a substitute for he:

That ever was thrall, now is he free; That ever was small, now great is she; Now shall God deem both thee and me Unto His bliss if we do well.

(15th-century carol)

Avoid, above all, the sort of scrambled syntax that people adopt because they cannot bring themselves to use a singular pronoun: We can't afford to squander anyone's talents, whatever colour their skin is. Or When someone takes their own life, they leave their loved ones with an agonising legacy of guilt. Or There's a child somewhere in Birmingham and all across the country and needs somebody to put their arm around them and to say: I love you; you're a part of America. (George Bush)

See also Ethnic groups, Gender, Tribe.

See the article here:

Political correctness | The Economist

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Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work – About Us

Posted: at 4:12 am

The Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work(CATW) exposes the cruelty of digging out foxes and the injuries also inflicted on terriers. We are seeking legislation in the UK and Ireland outlawing the use of terriers to attack animals underground. Terrierwork is one of the cruellest so called 'sports' and should be illegal, just like dog fighting, fox hunting and badger baiting have become.

Trapped in darkness, being suffocated while attacked from the rear and dug out from above makes this activity one of the cruellest sports in the world as the pictures on our website clearly show! Terrier work is considered by the Countryside Alliance to be a "legitimate field sport in its own right."

Under pressure from the bloodsport industry the Government allowed terrier work to continue under exemptions for gamekeepers and other wildlife killers.

Every fox hunt have terriermen ready to dig out foxes out, whilst many terrier men are independent, and will travel hundreds of miles for "the crack" (cowardly pleasure) of setting their terriers on a fox.

Some of the photos and videos within our website graphically illustrate the horror of foxhunting and terriermen cause to foxes, badgers and terriers. These may cause distress.

See the original post here:

Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work - About Us

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Posthumanism: A Critical Analysis: Stefan Herbrechter …

Posted: at 4:11 am

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Go here to see the original:

Posthumanism: A Critical Analysis: Stefan Herbrechter ...

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Survival Plus – Kurt Saxon, survivalism, survivalist

Posted: at 4:11 am


Kurt Saxon, owner of Atlan Formularies, is the father of Survivalism. He coined the word. For years he's collected knowledge on trades, crafts, cottage industries and survival skills from a past when our immediate ancestors had to do for themselves on a day to day basis. His work is in anticipation of a time when our overcrowded and down-bred system goes the way of Rome.

Kurt started his business in January of 1976 with a quarterly newsletter called "The Survivor". After publishing and selling twelve issues of "The Survivor", Mr. Saxon would collect all those back-issues and combine 3 to 5 long out of print books to this concoction to create a bound volume of one of his most famous works to date; "The Survivor" series of books. We have 2 volumes in print with 8 more on both CD and DVD ROM ready to go to press just as soon we have the financial where-with-all to print them.

Kurt's most famous (or "infamous" if you happen to roost on the left side of the political spectrum) work is called "The Poor Man's James Bond" series. We have the first of this series in print, with the other 4 all on CD/DVD. Though much of the information (chemistry, chemicals, improvised weapons, weaponry, bombs, explosives, etc.) found in these books could be usedfor some home grown domestic mayhem, Mr. Saxon has assembled it all in one handy package for one reason and one reason only. So that you and/or any group of your friends or fellow citizens would have all the info necessary to defend yourselves from all the thugs, punks and assorted two-legged vermin that always seem to come out of the woodwork when any local, state or national disaster strikes.

His program is in no way political, racist or religious. He leaves such considerations to those who seek security in belief rather than practical knowledge.

The only inalienable right is to die for ones beliefs. Those who choose beliefs over knowledge, as well as those who don't know the difference, will not survive the collapse. In most cases, they will have done the only good thing they have ever done, which is to take their defective genes out of our species.

Atlan Formularies supplies the knowledge to survive. Those who reject such knowledge are welcome to share the fate of the rest of the doomed herd.

Read more here:

Survival Plus - Kurt Saxon, survivalism, survivalist

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YOcoin A new open-source cryptocurrency distributed by you!

Posted: at 4:07 am

Cryptocurrencyis conquering the world of currencies and finance in a way wecould not even imaginefive years ago

In this next video, Wences Casares, the founder and CEO of Xapo, a Swiss-based Bitcoin wallet and vault company takes us through a short but compelling history of money. In less than 15 minutes you will hear what is so special and monumental about Bitcoin and real cryptocurrency like YOcoin.

Take notes on the videos belowthey couldhave a big impact on your financial future!

Click this linkfor information on how toset up your Ethereum Wallet!

Once you have your wallet set up, you will want toregister in anexchange. Watch the video below for more information on this!

A step-by-step guideinto setting up your new Ethereum wallet

Check it out

Digital bank WB21 announced that it has added Bitcoin as a method for its customers to transfer and deposit funds to their checking accounts.

Check it out

YO Clubs first promotion just might send you on a trip to Dubai!

Check it out

The Bitcoin is skyrocketing but at the expense of gold.

Check it out

The Bitcoins market capitalization surpassed the $9 billion mark.

Check it out


We want to hear from you! Send us a message in the contact box below.

Original post:
YOcoin A new open-source cryptocurrency distributed by you!

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Catherine Austin Fitts – Transhumanist Depopulation Agenda …

Posted: at 4:05 am

Part 1 of the Breakthrough Interview with Catherine Austin FItts on The Transhumanist Agenda and the 2016 Presidential Election - June 24th, 2016

Deep State Transhumanist Agenda in 2016 Political Race In this special part 1 of 2 episodes, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former US Assistant Housing Secretary, Financial Expert and Publisher of the Solari Report Catherine Austin Fitts.

Catherine's deep analysis of the socio-political forces working under the radar in 2016 shows that unnerving trends like the engineered rise of autism, GMO proliferation, the expansion of Entrainment Technology, the rise of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and the dumbing down of American students with Common Core are all in place to drive a massive Transhumanist Depopulation Agenda!

She sees a clash of political forces in the 2016 presidential election being pawns in a game run by Deep State forces which are committed to putting a friendly face on totalitarian policies by electing corrupt establishment democrat Clinton to grab a number of initiatives under the facade of social equality and female empowerment with he soft revolution.

On the other side of the coin she sees the Trump phenomena and his role as outsider as a strange contrast to his lifelong insider deal-making and status as a top member of the one percent elite. Together they consider the possibility that he developed his own rogue agenda of exposing issues like Common Core and the Transnational Corporate agenda and to expose the secets of the American establishment in the public domain he is upsetting the insiders that helped his rise in the polls.

We're in for a wild ride with this exciting, unexpurgated and shocking Dark Journalist part 1 episode!

Read more:
Catherine Austin Fitts - Transhumanist Depopulation Agenda ...

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