Daily Archives: July 21, 2016

ESA – Space for Kids – Life in Space – Space Exploration

Posted: July 21, 2016 at 2:17 am

For centuries, people dreamed about leaving Earth and travelling to other worlds. Then, in 1957, the Soviet Union made the first small step into space by launching a small satellite, called Sputnik. The Space Age had begun.

During the last 60 years, unmanned probes have been sent towards all of the planets in the Solar System, as well as many satellites, asteroids and comets. Spacecraft have soft-landed on half a dozen worlds, while rovers have driven over the surfaces of the Moon and Mars. The Sun has also been explored in great detail by a fleet of spacecraft.

Many space observatories, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, have been launched to look at the distant Universe. They have sent back some amazing pictures taken in visible light. But they can also observe stars and galaxies at wavelengths that are invisible to human eyes radio, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. The flood of discoveries has changed the way we look at the Universe.

More than 500 people have also flown in space since Yuri Gagarin paved the way in 1961. 20 people have travelled to the Moon and 12 of them have walked on the Moon. Space stations have been built, and astronauts have learned to live and work in space for many months, or even years.

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ESA - Space for Kids - Life in Space - Space Exploration

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Boy & Girl Scout Space Exploration Merit Badge

Posted: at 2:17 am

Is your Girl or Boy Scout troop interested in earning their Space Exploration Merit Badge or Patch? If so, theres no better place to learn about space exploration than Kennedy Space Center, NASAs launch headquarters!

Join us for an exciting day of hands-on learning activities designed to fulfill the requirements necessary for Scouts to earn the Space Exploration Merit Badge or Patch.

Hours of Operation are from 9 am - 4 pm

The cost of the program is $65 (plus tax) per scout and $21 (plus tax) per chaperone, which includes a one-day admission ticket to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, valid for use within six days of the program. Program cost also includes instruction from educators who are Merit Badge/Patch Counselors, certified through the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America, along with all program and rocket supplies.

Please note: All scouts must bring their blue card with them in order to receive an educators signature certifying that badge requirements have been met.

Call 855.437.0482 to reserve your space now! Agents are available daily from 8 am 6 pm.

In order to ensure adequate supplies for each scout, please register five days prior to the program date.

Group Size This event is open to individual scouts or troops.

Food/BeverageAll participants and chaperones should pack their own lunch, snacks and beverages. Water fountains are available. No food or drink will be sold onsite.

Location/Parking All activities will take place at ATX Center, located six miles west of Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. There is no cost for parking.

Arrival/Check-In Please arrive by 8:30 am to check in your scout or troop. Activities will begin promptly at 9 am.

See the article here:

Boy & Girl Scout Space Exploration Merit Badge

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Political correctness – Uncyclopedia – Wikia

Posted: at 2:14 am

Political correctness gone MAD!


Even our games must now be politically correct.

Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Political correctness was invented for niggers, bitches, fags and retards. AIDS is good because it kills off all those dirty Niggers. All non-"white straight working for the man and having two kids in a nice family with a picket fence and a dog Christian males" should be killed

Political correctness was brought in for blacks, women, gays and disabled people. People who follow PC should be killed. Black people should die. You are making me self censor myself bitch-

Political correctness was introduced for African-Americans, females, homosexuals and mentally or physically challenged persons, to avoid discrim-


Now, as I was saying, Political correctness is based on the valid idea protected under principles of a civilized society proposed by progressive elements of society and empathic and sociable interest groups to promote civilized behavior and prevent exclusion towards minorities, disadvantaged members of society, and fellow human beings outside of one's own particular society. This responsible code of conduct prevents offensive or otherwise undesirable projections towards persons of specific demographics.

Political correctness is generally considered a taboo trait, but the Daily Mail, on the left (which is unusual for them), has supported the practice of political correctness for many years now.

It is slightly more popular than other forms of constrained writing, such as palindromes, omitting the letter "u" from words such as colour, or "your mom" poetry. The most common definition is that it is a form of writing where politically incorrect, also known as the truth, is outlawed. Politically incorrect speech is extremely offensive to minorities, gays, disabled people, and women. The reason for this is because these people know they are the scum of society and can't handle the truth. A bunch of gutless, cowardly liberal politicians, (predominantly Left-wingers), invented Political Correctness (PC for short) in order to win votes and protect people's wussy feelings.

Not the punishment for being politically incorrect. Unfortunately.

Political correctness can be defined as the act of altering the wording of a statement that refers to a certain group of people so that they feel better about themselves; for example foreigners and overweight people. However, over time, society has decided that the truth is rude and unacceptable, so we are made to sugar-coat reality.

It is defined by politically correct people as follows...note the way that no possible entity in this universe could possibly be offended, except maybe the blind or illiterate:

Political correctness is making sure not to offend any person human living thing that is capable of thinking feeling existing.

The movement for political correctness has spent many years researching the most neutral way to address a group of people, without stepping on any toes. Phrases such as "souls", "brothers and sisters", "carbon-based lifeforms", "sentient protein chains", "spatial distinctivenesses", "not-self" and "friends" have all been found insensitive. Originally the word "Love" was the only universally acceptable form of communication, but it was found this could be used to insult an individual by expressing it to everyone BUT them.

Politically incorrect activists frown on the term political incorrectness, seeing it as a bastardisation of English that political correctness is known for. It was therefore universally agreed that they shall henceforth be known as bastards.

Political correctness is now part of the school curriculum.

Federal law requires the article to be translated into another language. It is bilingualism, multiculturalism and PC-ness in its best.

A lei federal requer que este artigo seja traduzido em outra lingugagem. bilingualismo, multiculturalismo e polticamente correto em seu melhor.

La ley federal requiere que el artculo sea traducido a otro idioma. Es el bilingismo, el multiculturalismo y PC-dad en su mejor momento. (Gracias por los Estadounidenses hable Espanol.)

The honky lo made we be jivin in anotha way brothas talk all right. yeah. (Ebonics version for use in the "African-American" communities, ask the Oakland public school district, they said it is a real language.)

Liittovaltion laki edellytt artikkeli knnetn toiselle kielelle. Se on kaksikielisyys, monikulttuurisuus ja PC-ness parhaimmillaan. (thanks to the European Union, but I forgot if this was Estonian or Finnish, not Euskara.)

La loi fdrale exige que l'article soit traduit dans une autre langue. Il est de bon ton que le bilinguisme, le multiculturalisme et le PC-tion fassent partie intgrante de cet article. (Merci beaucoup, French-Canadian version, not the Parisian French version...oui, oui, euro'pee'in.)

. bilingualism, PC - . (Korean is one of California's 100 official languages printed in documents like the DMV handbooks).

PC -(White people are encouraged to learn this language, we are a globalized economy, dominated by the Yellow, er...I mean "Asian" race. Remember not all Chinks are alike, but all look the same.)

Federal legeak eskatzen artikulua beste hizkuntza batera itzuli behar. Elebitasuna, kultur aniztasuna eta PC-Ness da bere onenean. (Again, the PC movement wants to protect very rare endangered languages, like animal species. This one is Euskara or the Basque language in Spain and France, go figure.)

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Political correctness - Uncyclopedia - Wikia

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political correctness – The American Prospect

Posted: at 2:14 am

From left, Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie participate in the CNN Republican presidential debate on Dec. 15 in Las Vegas.

Like most people over a certain age, I first heard the term "politically correct" when I arrived at college (this was a couple of decades ago). At my small liberal arts school where almost everyone was a liberal, the PC folks were the ones who took things farther than the rest of us had the energy to go, turning their belief in social justice or environmentalism into a public performance of earnestness and commitment. At worst, they inspired guiltsure, you tossed your soda can in the recycling, but if you really cared about the planet you'd be weaving napkins out of hempbut back then nobody talked about being "politically incorrect" because the idea of bravely standing up to the politically correct was absurd. You can't rebel against people who have no power.

We've come a long way since then, and today there is no mantle claimed more enthusiastically on the right than that of the politically incorrect, the courageous pathbreaker risking so much to oppose the sinister forces of political correctness. The idea has been around for some time, but 2016 marks the first election where so many presidential contenders are taking the crusade against political correctness as their rallying point.

It's almost odd that it took this long, when you consider that our modern presidential campaign is mostly devoted to what we might call the utterance-outrage cycle. If you went back and looked over a month or two's worth of campaign news, you'd see that the majority of it revolves around micro-controversies that begin when a candidate says something controversial (or at least something that can be made controversial if taken out of context), then his or her opponents express their umbrage, then reporters and pundits chatter about what the candidate really meant and whether it really was so awful, and we all have something with which to fill the news hole for a few days until somebody else says something terrible.

In other words, we spend the campaign in an extended meta-conversation, talking about talking. So it was inevitable that we'd end up talking about what we're supposedly not allowed to talk about.

It also stands to reason that we'd see it among today's Republican contenders, since more than ever before this a field that takes its cues from the rhetoric of conservative media, where political correctness has been a regular topic for years. In the telling of people like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, conservatives live their lives in fear of the vicious mobs of liberals wielding political correctness like a nail-studded club. Speak the truth about anything, and the politically correct shock troops will swoop in to strike you down.

As they would have it, when somebody criticizes you for something you said, it constitutes proof that the thing you said was both courageous and true. What could be more appealing to a presidential candidate? So Ted Cruz says the Obama administration would have stopped the San Bernardino attacks, were it not so politically correct, and as a consequence, "Political correctness is killing people." Ben Carson says that our military should just go ahead and kill civilians and torture prisoners, because "there is no such thing as a politically correct war." Donald Trump justifies every appalling thing that comes out of his mouth by saying he won't kowtow to political correctness. "Everybody wants to be politically correct, and that's part of the problem that we have with our country," he says.

Let's be clear about something: when the candidates talk about political correctness, they're seldom talking about things like campus speech codes. There's a legitimate discussion to be had about whether in certain contexts, people have gotten too sensitive about hearing opposing views and too eager to create "safe spaces" where certain opinions aren't allowed to be expressed. But that's not what the candidates are referring to. Nobody is keeping them from saying what they want, and they don't really care about what the atmosphere in the Oberlin student center is like. They cry "political correctness!" when someone criticizes them for what they say or what they believe.

The truth is that what conservatives call political correctness is often better described as "people telling you not to be such a jerk." But for today's Republican, if people think you're a jerk then you must be doing something right, and the political correctness charge has become an all-purpose answer to criticism of any sort. You say my facts are wrong? I'm not going to knuckle under to your political correctness! You say my beliefs are abominable? Take your political correctness and shove it! It's a way to pose as a brave truth-teller, even if all that's actually happening is that people are pointing out that you're a brave crap-teller.

There's no question that the obsession with political correctness on the right has its roots in the slow decline of a certain kind of privilege certain people used to enjoy. Not caring about other people's fortunes, let alone their feelings, is a big part of that privilege. But as women and minorities of all kinds have fought for their rights in recent decades, they've also drawn attention to the ways oppression is enacted in a broad range of behaviors and language. If you're a man who grew up thinking it was perfectly fine to call your secretary "sweetheart" and give her a pat on the behind whenever the mood struck you, existing in today's world can feel like something has been taken away from you. Older people in particular have trouble keeping up with the ways language evolves, including the ways it evolves to not offend people needlessly.

But fear not: There's an entire political movement that's here to tell you that you're the victim in all this, particularly when it comes to race. You may have seen me make this point before, but I repeat it because it is so important to understanding what's happening now: Those who make up the audiences for conservative media have been fed a steady diet of racial resentment for years, and the force-feeding became particularly vigorous when Barack Obama became president. They have been told again and again that white people (and white men in particular) are oppressed in America, that liberals are keeping them down because of who they are, and that the principal tool of that oppression is the false charges of racism used to silence and punish them.

They've been told that they're being cowed by minorities and their white liberal allies who want to censor the conservatives who speak the truth. They've been told that Obama is a racial avenger, that literally everything he does is part of his project to punish white people for imagined sins of the past, that any domestic policy conservatives don't like is "reparations" being showered on undeserving black people at the expense of hard-working whites, and that foreign policies they don't like are part of his plan to destroy America's place in the world so that the alien dark-hued victims of long-ago and better-forgotten colonialism may rise.

So when someone like Trump comes along and sets about to insult and offend every disadvantaged group he can find, it's no surprise that lots and lots of conservatives cheer him for "telling it like it is." When Trump and other Republicans pledge that they won't abide political correctness, they're saying to the (largely) older and (almost entirely) white people whose votes they seek: I'll be your voice. Everything you think but realize you shouldn't say out loud, I'll say for you. I'll tell those you-know-whats just what you think of them, and where they can go if they don't like it.

"I'm so tired of this politically correct crap," says Donald Trump, and he knows that plenty of Republican voters feel the same way. So he and the other GOP candidates promise liberation, that they'll unshackle suffering white men from the rhetorical chains that bind them. It's no wonder so many people are cheering.

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political correctness - The American Prospect

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The Meaning of Empowerment – Powerful Information

Posted: at 2:12 am

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"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

Confucius (Chinese philosopher, 551 BC - 479 BC)

Much of our work is concerned with empowerment- the photo shows three participants emerging from one of learning circles in Sierra Leone, proud of their education packs and the progress that they are making. We have explained below what we mean by this term. In essence, empowerment is about having or taking more control over all aspects of your life.

Individuals: On an individual level we see empowerment as building confidence, insight and understanding, and developing personal skills, for example, being able to analyze situations and communicate more effectively with others. Being empowered presupposes some level of common sense and emotional maturity and access to appropriate information and know how; it also implies someone who cares about others and is tolerant of other's views and behaviour (within limits!)

Groups: Within a group or community, empowerment can be taken to involve building trust, co-operation and communication between members, and a prerequisite for this is that there are appropriate structures, protocols and procedures in place, with effective sanctions against those who default or abuse the system. There must be opportunities for people to meet and exchange views and opinions, and ways of recording what is agreed and done; and there must be scope for having fun and celebrating achievement.

The evidence for empowerment is often anecdotal in nature, but this is still valid, especially when set alongside quantitative data. We have listed below some possible indicators that we consider useful:

For an insight into how we put all of this into practice, see our programme for rural womens basic education in Sierra Leone. You might also like to look at some of our most recent work on empowering local people; or return to Home Page.

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Max More

Posted: at 2:11 am

strategic philosopher Max More

Dr. Max More is an internationally acclaimed strategic futurist who writes, speaks, and organizes events about the fundamental challenges of emerging technologies. Max is concerned that our rapidly developing technological capabilities are racing far ahead of our standard ways of thinking about future possibilities. His work aims to improve our ability to anticipate, adapt to, and shape the future for the better.

In developing, communicating, and implementing better ways of foreseeing possible futures and of making decisions under growing uncertainty, Max takes a highly interdisciplinary approach. Drawing on philosophy, economics, cognitive and social psychology, management theory, and other fields, he develops solutions and strategies for minimizing the dangers of progress and maximizing the benefits.

Dr. More co-founded and until 2007acted as Chairman of Extropy Institute, a diverse network of innovative thinkers committed to creating solutions to enduring humanproblems. He authored the Principles of Extropy, which form the core of a transhumanist perspective. As a leading transhumanist thinker, Max strongly challenges traditional, limiting beliefs about the possibilities of our future. At the same time, he tempers visionary aims with analytical and practical strategizing.

As a writer, Max has authored dozens of articles and papers on topics including how to improve and apply critical and creative thinking, especially about uncertain future possibilities; the ethics of biotechnology and other technologies that directly affect humans; the philosophical implications of technological transformations of human nature; and strategic futures thinking in business. He recently wrote the Proactionary Principle, the latest of influential pieces that include "The Principles of Extropy", and A Letter to Mother Nature. He is currently working on a book, tentatively titled Beyond Caution, that responds to resurgent neophobia with a spirited yet balanced defense of progress.

As a speaker, Max frequently lectures at conferences and companies, gives seminars, and engages in debates and panel discussions on issues surrounding the impact of emerging technologies. Known as a highly capable communicator, he is able to synthesize diverse areas of knowledge and communicate the results clearly and insightfully.

As an organizer, Max brings together a diverse range of thinkers, scientists, philosophers, artists, and entrepreneurs to examine technological and social trends and then form individual and organizational strategies for flourishing in a time of accelerated change.

As a consultant, Max (as part of the ManyWorlds team) works with companies and other organizations to improve strategic futures thinking and weave it into regular decision-making and innovation processes. This includes analyzing the interaction of technological trends, and developing strategic scenarios.

His academic background: Max has a degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from St. Annes College, Oxford University (1984-87). He was awarded a Deans Fellowship in Philosophy in 1987 by the University of Southern California. Max studied and taught philosophy at USC with an emphasis on philosophy of mind, ethics, and personal identity, completing his Ph.D. in 1995, with a dissertation that examined issues including the nature of death, and what it is about each individual that continues despite great change over time.

He is currently writing a book on the forces driving us into the future and how to apply cognitive and strategic tools to improve our thinking about the resulting issues.


Born in January 1964 in Bristol, in the Southwest of England of half-English, half-Welsh ancestry. Married since 1996 to Natasha Vita-More. After living for 15 years in the Los Angeles area, Max moved to Austin, Texas in 2002.

At least since watching the Apollo 11 moon landing at the age of 5, Max has always been fascinated by the possibilities offered by technology for overcoming limits. He started a personal life extension regimen in his early teens, and created several publications to discuss ideas about space colonization, life extension, cognitive enhancement, and liberty. His deep interest in economics shifted increasingly to philosophy as he formulated a "big picture" of possible futures. At the age of 40, More has been writing about these ideas and organizing practical activity for over 20 years. Before moving to the USA in 1987, he incorporated the first biostasis organization in Britain, generating considerable media coverage. His doctoral work on personal identity analyzed the effects of technology on the self, and alternatives to current conceptions of death and identity.

Max More has become a widely recognized thinker on the philosophical and cultural implications of advanced, emerging, and future technologies. Echoing the words of his instructors throughout his education, reporters have noted his ability to explain clearly and persuasively radical and complex ideas. Jim McClellan, in his major 1995 Observer (UK newspaper) article, said: "The funny thing about Max is that while his ideas are wild, he argues them so calmly and rationally you find yourself being drawn in."

Maxs ideas and background have been described in publications such as Wired (where Ed Regis described him as "the primary intellectual force behind Extropianism") The Village Voice, Icon, Knowledge@Wharton, The L.A. Weekly, GQ (Britain), GQ (Spain), The New York Times Magazine, Focus, .net, and ct (Germany), the national UK newspapers The Observer, The Guardian, and The Sunday Times.

His ideas have been discussed in books including Gundolf Freyermuths Cyberland, Brian Alexanders Rapture: How Biotech Became the New Religion, Damien Brodericks The Spike, Chris Dewdneys Last Flesh, Mark Derys Escape Velocity, Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, by Rodney Brooks, Erik Daviss Techgnosis, among others.

Television and video appearances include a bioethics debate on Crossfire, two series on The Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel, documentaries in France, Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands, Russia, Chile, and Belgium, the Terry Wogan Show (then Britains top talk show); CNNs Futurewatch; the CBS series Mysteries of the Millennium; several appearances on Breakthroughs: A Transcentury Update cable TV show; the documentaries New Edge and the theatrical release Synthetic Pleasures; and many other television and radio shows. Dr. Mores thinking has been discussed in a dozen books. He has also appeared in at least two novels, but continues to insist that he is a real person.

When not working, he may be found scuba diving, skiing, shooting, or in the gym weight-training or running, or at home playing with his cats Quark and Quasar and his dog Oscar.


Marvin Minsky, the father of artificial intelligence, said of Dr. More: We have a dreadful shortage of people who know so much, can both think so boldly and clearly, and can express themselves so articulately. Carl Sagan was another such oneand (partly by paying the price of his life) managed to capture the public eye. But Sagan is gone and has not been replaced. I see Max as my candidate for that post. Ray Kurzweil, author, inventor, and winner of the Presidential Medal for innovation in technology said: Max More's ideas are very influential among other "big thinkers," who in turn are influence leaders themselves. Max's writings represent well grounded science futurism, and reflect a sophisticated understanding of technology trends and how these trends are likely to develop during this coming century.

Max More: max@maxmore.com

See the article here:

Max More

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Posted: at 2:11 am

"Survivalism" I should have listened to her So hard to keep control We kept on eating but Our bloated belly's still not full She gave us all she had but We went and took some more Can't seem to shut her legs Our mother nature is a whore

I got my propaganda I got revisionism I got my violence In hi-def ultra-realism All a part of this great nation I got my fist I got my plan I got survivalism

Hypnotic sound of sirens Echoing through the street The cocking of the rifles The marching of the feet You see your world on fire Don't try to act surprised We did just what you told us Lost our faith along the way and found ourselves believing your lies

I got my propaganda I got revisionism I got my violence In hi-def ultra-realism All a part of this great nation I got my fist I got my plan I got survivalism

All bruised and broken, bleeding She asked to take my hand I turned, just keep on walking But you'd do the same thing in the circumstance I'm sure you'll understand

I got my propaganda I got revisionism I got my violence In hi-def ultra-realism All a part of this great nation I got my fist I got my plan I got survivalism

Visit http://www.azlyrics.com for these lyrics.

Thanks to Dima Marius Andrei for adding these lyrics.

Lyrics powered by http://www.musixmatch.com

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Survivalism (song) – NinWiki

Posted: at 2:11 am

"Survivalism" Album: Year Zero Length: 4:23 Tempo: 130 BPM Versions: Survivalism Survivalism (Instrumental) Survivalism (Radio Edit) Survivalism_Tardusted Survivalism_OpalHeartClinic_Niggy_Tardust!(Escaped... Survivalism (David Sitek Remix) Survivalism (deadmau5 Remix) Live: Performance 2007 through NIN 2014 Europe/UK Tour

"Survivalism" is the third track and the first single from the 2007 album Year Zero.

Survivalism is the belief that one must be prepared to survive a major catastrophe by stocking up on food and weapons. A survivalist therefore is a person who anticipates and prepares for a future disruption in local, regional or worldwide social or political order. Survivalists often prepare for this anticipated disruption by learning skills (e.g., emergency medical training), stockpiling food and water, or building structures that will help them to survive (e.g., an underground shelter).

On March 13, the source files for the song were released in GarageBand format at NIN.com. "Survivalism" is the third NIN song to be officially released as source files"Only" and "The Hand That Feeds" were previously released.

Found on Year Zero as well as the Survivalism single and promo. Characterized by much synthetic layering and a consistent eighth note drum machine pulse, matched by a single note bass riff that begins on the second eighth and ends on the eighth before repeating. This gives the song an apparent metric shift one eighth note forward, though the first downbeat of each measure is actually in the space between the stop and start of the bass and guitar riff. The chorus features many layers of group vocals, including some by Saul Williams. After the final chorus, a new guitar riff leads off a coda that builds in layers of drones until suddenly stopping and leading into "The Good Soldier."

This unmastered vocal-less mix was released by Reznor through his remix.nin.com account.

A radio-friendly edited version that is found on the Survivalism promo. The word "whore" is edited out.

Included on the Survivalism single and Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D, this remix was created by Williams and Thavius Beck. The music isn't as guitar-driven as the album version and the chorus consists of Reznor's vocals with Williams' vocal contributions reduced significantly. The breakdown repeats the lyric "All a part of this great nation." There is also hand-clap percussion over pulsating beats and some distortion on Reznor's vocals at some points in the song. Although it may not seem as heavy as the original, it's still heavy in terms of percussion.

Remix: Saul Williams, Thavius Beck

Available on the UK 9" Vinyl Survivalism single. This remix, also by Williams, features him incorporating new lyrics into the verses and delivering them with more of a spoken word/hip-hop flow. Reznor's vocals become backing vocals on this track, allowing Williams to come to the front. The music is very similar to that used in the "Tardusted" version. The new lyrics sung by Williams are as follows:

The spoken word rhythm of this remix has a strong resemblance to Williams' song "P.G." from Saul Williams.

David Andrew Sitek is member of TV On The Radio, who opened for Nine Inch Nails during the With Teeth tour. This remix was originally available as a UK-only iTunes download. It came as a free bonus track packaged with the full album download of Year Zero. It is alternatively available on the Capital G single. It is akin to the original song sound-wise, but features a heavier and more plodding drum line. Additionally, it enhances Williams' back up vocals and makes them more prominent than in the original. The structure and length of the song remains relatively unchanged.

This is a remix by deadmau5, originally released through his official SoundCloud account in 2012, then commercially on his album while(1<2).

On 3/13/07 Garage Band files for Survivalism were released on nin.com. Along with Survivalism, there was another file called Survivalism Our End Trip with some weird sounds. After rearranging the file through a spectogram, this was found. The following case number for Judson Ogram was found:

Filming for the "Survivalism" video began on February 5, 2007. It was directed by Alex Lieu, Rob Sheridan, and Reznor, and produced by Susan Bonds. The video was "leaked" to the internet via flash drives found dotted around the venue by people attending the Nine Inch Nails concert in London on March 7, 2007.

SPOILERS BEGIN A wall of surveillance monitors details the activities of several people in an apartment building. A group of rebels is creating stencils and spray-painting the "Art Is Resistance" logo on walls. In an apartment, a pair of gay lovers share an intimate moment. In another dwelling, a young asian woman stands topless at her mirror doing her hair and applying make-up. Elsewhere someone is high on drugs, while a couple just sits on their couch in their home. A man is seen on a computer with several photos and news clippingsbehind him. Another man is seen on camera eating his dinner. Seen on several monitors is Nine Inch Nails playing the song in what is assumed to be their practice space. Intercut with these scenes is footage of armed soldiers, dressed like SWAT members, moving in on the building and one of the spaces in the video.

At the end of the video the people in the other monitors seem to respond to an ado in one of the spaces seen on the monitor wall. The space where NIN was playing has its door busted in and a pool of blood leading out, while all of the other cameras trained on the band have gone to static. At the very end a body is seen being dragged around a corner, leaving a trail of blood. Presumably the body is that of Reznor, as it wears the same scarf that he is seen wearing throughout the video. END SPOILERS

The video has aired on MTV2, but in a censored form. The screens with the woman at her mirror and the gay lovers have been replaced by a white screen bearing the seal of the US Bureau of Morality and the phrase "CENSORED FOR YOUR PROTECTION." This is not unlike the use of SCENE MISSING screens in the "Closer" video. Interestingly enough, the word "whore" and the screen depicting the girl using opal are left intact. Even the ending scenes of the pool of blood in the band's space and the body getting dragged off are retained.

"Survivalism" was played live for the first time at the Razzmatazz in Barcelona, Spain, on February 19, 2007, and since then became a staple song for 2007 performance and all tours that followed. [3]

Here is a video of the performance in Barcelona.

However, the last lines of the third verse are changed to the following on the actual recording:

Excerpt from:

Survivalism (song) - NinWiki

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U.S. Mission to NATO

Posted: at 2:09 am

11 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Warsaw Declaration on Transatlantic Security Warsaw Summit Communiqu NATO-EU Joint Declaration Commitment to Enhance Resilience Cyber Defense Pledge NATO Policy for the Protection of Civilians

10 July | Fact Sheets, U.S. & NATO

FACT SHEET: U.S. and NATO Efforts in Support of NATO Partners, including Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova From The White House The United States strongly

10 July | Fact Sheets, U.S. & NATO

FACT SHEET: U.S. Contributions to Enhancing Allied Resilience From The White House At the NATO Warsaw Summit, heads of state and government will commit their

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Remarks by President Obama at Press Conference After NATO Summit July 9,2016 PRESIDENT OBAMA:Good evening, everybody. Once again, I want to thank the government and

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Joint statement of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the Level of Heads of State and Government We, the Heads of State and Government of the

9 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

The Warsaw Declaration on Transatlantic Security Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw

9 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Endorsed by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw 8-9 July 2016 I. INTRODUCTION 1.

9 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw 8-9 July 2016 1. We, the

9 July | Fact Sheets

FACT SHEET: NATOs Enduring Commitment to Afghanistan From The White House NATOs mission in Afghanistan has been the Alliances largest and one of its

9 July | NATO Summits, Speeches

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Opening Remarks Following the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the Level of Heads of State and Government in

9 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Issued by the Heads of State and Government of Afghanistan and Alliesand their Resolute Support Operational Partners We, the Heads of State and Government of

8 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Cyber Defence Pledge 1. In recognition of the new realities of security threats to NATO, we, the Allied Heads of State and Government, pledge to

8 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw, 8-9 July 2016 We, the Heads

8 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Joint statement of the NATO-Georgia Commission at the level of Foreign Ministers We, Allied Foreign Ministers and the Foreign Minister of Georgia, met today in

8 July | NATO Summits, Speeches, Transcripts

Press Statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Signing Ceremony of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration Followed by Statements by President Tuskand PresidentJuncker July

8 July | NATO Summits, President Barack Obama, Speeches

Remarks by President Obama, President Tusk of the European Council, and President Juncker of the European Commission After U.S.-EU Meeting July 8, 2016 PRESIDENT OBAMA:

8 July | Cooperative Security, Fact Sheets, U.S. & NATO

FACT SHEET: U.S. Assurance and Deterrence Efforts in Support of NATO Allies From The White House In the last 18 months, the United States

8 July | Key Documents, NATO Summits

Joint Declaration by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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U.S. Mission to NATO

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Bitcoin Summer School 2016 – Blockchain Technologies

Posted: at 2:08 am

We're running the first summer school on blockchains and cryptocurrencies. We welcome students, researchers and professionals with an interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchains to join us.

We have a great program lined up for 2016. We're excited to welcome the leading experts on blockchains from industry and academia.

Boston University, USA

University of Innsbruck, AT

Stanford University, USA

Coin Center, USA

IBM Research, CH

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

University College London, UK

University of Edinburgh, UK

University College London, UK

ETH Zurich, CH

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

Foteini is a postdoctoral researcher in the BU Security group at Boston University.

Aggelos is a Professor at the University of Edinburgh.

Sarah is an Assistant Professor in the departments of Computer Science and Security and Crime Science at UCL.

Bitcoin school is not-for-profit. We are accepting donations in bitcoin to help us run the school.

Thank you for your generosity!

We welcome diversity and are striving to offer equal opportunities to all students. We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion.

All stipends are now allocated. Thanks to NSF, IOHK and INTEL for their sponsorship.

The school will be hosted at the Corfu Imperial Hotel.

Participants that wish to stay at the school venue can book their rooms using the code SUMSCH at the discounted rate of 150/night for double- and 130/night for single-occupancy (taxes and breakfast included).

By plane

The best way to reach Corfu is by plane. Aegean Airlines has daily service between Athens and Corfu (3-4 flights per day) and Ryanair flies between Athens and Corfu every Sunday and Friday. Astra-airlines flies from Thessaloniki to Corfu 4 times a week.

Corfu is directly connected to various European cities via charter flights. Ryanair and EasyJet, also provide direct connection with multiple European airports.

By bus and ferry

You could also reach Corfu by bus and boat. The KTEL bus service provides 3 daily connections to Corfu from Athens. The total trip will be around 8 hours.

Corfucoin is the cryptocurrency of the summer school for attendees to play around with, mine and share!

Getting the Corfucoin wallet

Address registry

If you would like to share your Corfucoin address with the other attendees, you may use the address registry.

Mining Corfucoin

Corfucoin is a fork of Litecoin, which uses a scrypt proof-of-work scheme. Corfucoins can be mined by using cpuminer.

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Bitcoin Summer School 2016 - Blockchain Technologies

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