Daily Archives: July 18, 2016

Home – Libertarian Party of Ohio

Posted: July 18, 2016 at 3:39 pm

COLUMBUSThe Libertarian Party of Ohios newly elected central committee elected new officers and a new state executive committee at its biennial reorganizational meeting on April 23.

Bob Frey was elected as chair of the state central committee, the partys governing body that chooses an executive committee to run the partys day-to-day operations. Bob Bridges was elected to begin a full term as executive committee chair, after having served for several months in that position as a replacement for a previous chair who resigned.

"I am excited to be elected Chair of the Central Committee, said Frey. We have a strong group of volunteers, who are dedicated no matter the obstacles the state puts in our way. I look forward to helping be a part of this team, who WILL get the presidential nominee on the ballot, and continue to fight for freedom and liberty."

This terms central committee elections were conducted at special election meetings of LPO members in participating congressional districts, rather than by Libertarian voters in Ohios primary election, because the Libertarian Party is currently prohibited from participating in Ohio elections by Senate Bill 193, which was signed by failed presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich in 2013 after being passed with only Republican votes in the Ohio House and Senate.

Other newly elected central committee members are Vice Chair Don Kissick, Secretary David Macko, and Treasurer Ann Leech.

The executive committee includes Vice Chair Scott Pettigrew, Secretary Bob Coogan, Treasurer Linda Comstock, and members at large Christopher Gill, Ann Leech, and Harold Thomas. According to LPO bylaws, executive committee members at large must also be members of the central committee.

After the meeting, Bridges made the following appointments and re-appointments to his management team:

Tricia SpranklePolitical Director

Gregory PizarroFinance Director

Joe BowersoxDeputy Political Director

Kevin KnedlerDeputy Secretary

Aaron Keith HarrisParty Spokesman, K-12 Liaison

LPO Central Committee (two seats available for each US Congressionial district)

District 1 - Seat A Bob Frey

District 1 - Seat B Scott Pettigrew

District 2 - Seat A Rick Kanis

District 2 - Seat B Ann Leech

District 3 - Seat A Harold Thomas

District 3 - Seat B Bob Bridges

District 4 - Seat A

District 4 - Seat B

District 5 - Seat A Don Kissick

District 5 - Seat B Sarah Kissick

District 6 - Seat A Lowell Lufkin

District 6 - Seat B Aarica Burwell

District 7 - Seat A

District 7 - Seat B

District 8 - Seat A Bob Coogan

District 8 - Seat B

District 9 - Seat A

District 9 - Seat B

District 10 - Seat A Aaron Harris

District 10 - Seat B Dan Zink

District 11 - Seat A

District 11 - Seat B

District 12 - Seat A Linda Comstock

District 12 - Seat B Kevin Knedler

District 13 - Seat A

District 13 - Seat B

District 14 - Seat A Justin Gleason

District 14 - Seat B David Macko

District 15 - Seat A Christopher Gill

District 15 - Seat B Franklin DeMint

District 16 - Seat A

District 16 - Seat B

For more information:

Aaron Keith Harris

LPO Party Spokesman

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Follow this link for more information about the 2016 Independent Presidential Ticket

Recognizing that the time before the upcoming November General Election is becoming short, the Libertarian Party of Ohio is charting a new direction in the fight to give real choice to Ohio voters. With the deadline for the November election now being just four months away, the LPO will focus on gaining ballot access for the Libertarian Partys presidential ticket without a party label.

Since the passage of SB193, the infamous John Kasich Reelection Protection Act, and the success of efforts by Republican Party operatives to remove Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Earl from the 2014 ballot, the LPOs focus has been two-pronged: pursuing various court remedies and beginning a long and expensive petitioning effort to restore the party as a whole to ballot access. That petitioning effort requires approximately 35,000 valid signatures, with SB193 also requiring certain geographic distribution requirements. In contrast, placing the national ticket on the ballot without party label requires only 5000 valid signatures.

While the partys national ticket will not be chosen until the Libertarian National Convention over Memorial Day weekend in Orlando, Florida, petitioning is beginning now with placeholder candidates. John Fockler, whose term as Chair of the LPOs Central Committee ended recently, explained, We couldnt wait until the ticket is chosen. Ohio law allows us to begin petitioning with a temporary ticket now, and substitute the names of the actual ticket afterwards. The placeholder candidates are Earl, for President, and Kentucky LP activist Ken Moellman as Vice-President. Having Charlies name on the ticket as our temporary candidate is a big help, Fockler said. Charlie is extremely well-known in pro-liberty circles throughout the state and gives this effort extra credibility with people outside the Libertarian Party.

This does not represent a surrender in the efforts to achieve full ballot access for the Libertarian Party of Ohio, said Bob Bridges, recently reelected as Chair of the LPOs Executive Committee. We are as determined as ever that the voters of Ohio will again have the full range of choices they deserve, and not be limited to only those that the two big government parties think they should have.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dear fellow Libertarians,

As the presidential election season has begun to heat up, we have seen a greatly increased amount of traffic on LPO.org and on social media. Many new people are telling us they're fed up with Republicans and Democrats and they're asking how to become new members of the Libertarian Party of Ohio.

Here are my answers to the three most commonly asked questions:

1) Who is the 2016 Libertarian presidential candidate?

The Libertarian Party will nominate its candidates for president and vice president at our 2016 Libertarian Party National Presidential Nominating Conventionin Orlando over Memorial Day weekend.

Along with our 2012 nominee, Gov. Gary Johnson, and Ohios own LPO Central Committee Vice Chair Marc Allan Feldman, there are several other candidates. Visit this link for a current list of those who have announced their candidacy.

LPO Communications Director Aaron Keith Harris interviews Tom Zawistowski of the Portage County Tea Party.

Topics include the corruption of the Kasich administration, the 2016 Republican presidential candidates, and possible alliances among the Tea Party, constitutional conservatives, and Libertarians.

Listen here.

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Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Still Rising, Says New …

Posted: at 3:39 pm

For those who can't stomach the idea of voting for Donald Trump OR Hillary Clinton, the prospect of voting for a Libertarian candidate was the only option that didn't look like selling your soul.

The rush to the Libertarian party was somewhat noticeable. Spikes in membership saw the Libertarian party gaining 100 new members a month, and somewhere around $400,000 in donations...and that was reported back in May.

Apparently, approval for Gary Johnson has seen something of an uptick since then, as the Libertarian candidate has seen a 2% growth in approval, bringing him up to 12%, according to a NYT/CBS poll. While Republicans sit at 9%, and Democrats sit at 5%, Independents support Johnson at 21%.

There could be several factors leading to this bump for Johnson, such as Bernie Sanders dropping out and throwing his weight behind Clinton, and of course, Clinton escaping any kind of punishment for hervery obvious crimes surrounding her private email servers.

Regardless of the reason, this is exciting news for those would like to see Johnson at least make a showing on the debate stage alongside Clinton and Trump. Johnson needs a total of 15% to appear next to the Democrat, and other Democrat.

As it stands, many people don't seem to know that a 3rd party candidate even exists. Johnson's appearance on the national stage would probably be a massive upset to poll numbers for the two main parties, whose candidates no one seems to like. The introduction of a new candidate could begin a voter's exodus toward the Libertarian cause.

This all hinges on Johnson reaching 15% however, and in terms of distance, 12% is so close, yet so far away. If Libertarians are going to formally introduce themselves to America in the coming months by appearing on the debate stage, they should turn their campaigning up to 11.

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Libertarian Party of Texas

Posted: at 3:39 pm

The Libertarian Party was created in 1971 by dissatisfied Republicans searching for an alternative to the two-party system. In 1972, Texas became one of the thirteen original founding state parties at the first Libertarian Party convention. Since then, the party has enjoyed rapid growth. In the 2010 election, there were over 150 candidates on the ballot in Texas.

The Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) is the third largest political party in the state of Texas, and the only party that is consistently committed to a platform of peace, prosperity and freedom for all Americans. The Libertarian Party is sometimes described as the party of both fiscal responsibility and social tolerance, the best of both worlds approach to political policy that doesn't accept or require the false choice between liberal and conservative. LPTexas represents liberty, justice, equality, privacy, independence, non-aggression, and the rule of law - the founding principles of our great nation - and is committed to a mission of political action to restore these core principles to our government and chart a future course based on voluntary cooperation, mutual respect, free markets, and the realization of human potential.

The Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) is governed by theState Libertarian Executive Committee (SLEC), which is comprised of two representatives from each state senatorial district and four state officers. At the local level, the state party is divided intocounty affiliates, governed by a County Chair and officers. Each county affiliate is divided further into four districts, with representatives from each. Within these districts are voting precincts, managed by Voting Precinct Chairs. LPTexas is a bottom-up, grassroots organization that highly values the important work done locally to spread the Libertarian message. If youd like to get involved in a leadership role or as a volunteer or donor, pleasecontact us.

LPTexas is an affiliate of theLibertarian National Committee. Our mission is to serve as a watchdog over the state legislature and advocate for passage or defeat of proposed legislation, inform our membership of political issues, maintain the partys ballot access, recruit candidates, encourage strong Libertarian voter turnout and assist county affiliates in increasing party membership.

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Libertarian Party of Alabama

Posted: at 3:39 pm

Libertarian Party of Alabama

4 hours ago

Libertarian Party mourns slain officers in Baton Rouge

ALEXANDRIA Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, states, "The events in Baton Rouge are heartbreaking and we all mourn with the people of Baton Rouge as they grapple with the loss of innocent lives."

"After every tragedy, people rightfully want to find the cause and prevent future tragedies. Many will use this event to call for gun control and more laws. However, the real solution here would be fewer laws."

Sarwark continues, "If we truly want to reduce situations in which police are pitted against the people they are sworn to protect, we would end the war on drugs. The constant escalation of prohibitionist policies have increasingly pitted police and citizens against each other for decades and are largely responsible for the militarization of police forces across America.

"Ending the violence means ending the policies that lead to black and grey markets, the highest incarceration rate in the world, and reduced economic opportunities in the formal labor market for huge swaths of Americans. Ending the violence means ending the war on drugs.

"Ending the drug war will do more to heal the divide between police and citizens than any other measure. It is the best way to save lives: both those of innocent police officers and innocent citizens."

The Libertarian Party is the only political party in America devoted to protecting all rights of all human beings all the time. As part of this mission, the Libertarian Party seeks a minimal set of just laws that defend the rights of individuals and are equally applied to all. ... See MoreSee Less

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Singularity – RationalWiki

Posted: at 3:37 pm

There is not the slightest reason to believe in a coming singularity. The fact that you can visualize a future in your imagination is not evidence that it is likely or even possible. Look at domed cities, jet-pack commuting, underwater cities, mile-high buildings, and nuclear-powered automobiles--all staples of futuristic fantasies when I was a child that have never arrived. Sheer processing power is not a pixie dust that magically solves all your problems.

A singularity is a sign that your model doesn't apply past a certain point, not infinity arriving in real life

A singularity, as most commonly used, is a point at which expected rules break down. The term comes from mathematics, where a point on a curve that has a sudden break in slope is considered to have a slope of undefined or infinite value; such a point is known as a singularity.

The term has extended into other fields; the most notable use is in astrophysics, where a singularity is a point (usually, but perhaps not exclusively, at the center a of black hole) where curvature of spacetime approaches infinity.

This article, however, is not about the mathematical or physics uses of the term, but rather the borrowing of it by various futurists. They define a technological singularity as the point beyond which we can know nothing about the world. So, of course, they then write at length on the world after that time.

It's intelligent design for the IQ 140 people. This proposition that we're heading to this point at which everything is going to be just unimaginably different - it's fundamentally, in my view, driven by a religious impulse. And all of the frantic arm-waving can't obscure that fact for me, no matter what numbers he marshals in favor of it. He's very good at having a lot of curves that point up to the right.

In transhumanist belief, the "technological singularity" refers to a hypothetical point beyond which human technology and civilization is no longer comprehensible to the current human mind. The theory of technological singularity states that at some point in time humans will invent a machine that through the use of artificial intelligence will be smarter than any human could ever be. This machine in turn will be capable of inventing new technologies that are even smarter. This event will trigger an exponential explosion of technological advances of which the outcome and effect on humankind is heavily debated by transhumanists and singularists.

Many proponents of the theory believe that the machines eventually will see no use for humans on Earth and simply wipe us out their intelligence being far superior to humans, there would be probably nothing we could do about it. They also fear that the use of extremely intelligent machines to solve complex mathematical problems may lead to our extinction. The machine may theoretically respond to our question by turning all matter in our solar system or our galaxy into a giant calculator, thus destroying all of humankind.

Critics, however, believe that humans will never be able to invent a machine that will match human intelligence, let alone exceed it. They also attack the methodology that is used to "prove" the theory by suggesting that Moore's Law may be subject to the law of diminishing returns, or that other metrics used by proponents to measure progress are totally subjective and meaningless. Theorists like Theodore Modis argue that progress measured in metrics such as CPU clock speeds is decreasing, refuting Moore's Law[3]. (As of 2015, not only Moore's Law is beginning to stall, Dennard scaling is also long dead, returns in raw compute power from transistors is subjected to diminishing returns as we use more and more of them, there is also Amdahl's Law and Wirth's law to take into account, and also that raw computing power simply doesn't scale up linearly at providing real marginal utility. Then even after all those things, we still haven't taken into account of the fundamental limitations of conventional computing architecture. Moore's law suddenly doesn't look to be the panacea to our problems now, does it?)

Transhumanist thinkers see a chance of the technological singularity arriving on Earth within the twenty first century, a concept that most[Who?]rationalists either consider a little too messianic in nature or ignore outright. Some of the wishful thinking may simply be the expression of a desire to avoid death, since the singularity is supposed to bring the technology to reverse human aging, or to upload human minds into computers. However, recent research, supported by singularitarian organizations including MIRI and the Future of Humanity Institute, does not support the hypothesis that near-term predictions of the singularity are motivated by a desire to avoid death, but instead provides some evidence that many optimistic predications about the timing of a singularity are motivated by a desire to "gain credit for working on something that will be of relevance, but without any possibility that their prediction could be shown to be false within their current career".[4][5]

Don't bother quoting Ray Kurzweil to anyone who knows a damn thing about human cognition or, indeed, biology. He's a computer science genius who has difficulty in perceiving when he's well out of his area of expertise.[6]

Eliezer Yudkowsky identifies three major schools of thinking when it comes to the singularity.[7] While all share common ground in advancing intelligence and rapidly developing technology, they differ in how the singularity will occur and the evidence to support the position.

Under this school of thought, it is assumed that change and development of technology and human (or AI assisted) intelligence will accelerate at an exponential rate. So change a decade ago was much faster than change a century ago, which was faster than a millennium ago. While thinking in exponential terms can lead to predictions about the future and the developments that will occur, it does mean that past events are an unreliable source of evidence for making these predictions.

The "event horizon" school posits that the post-singularity world would be unpredictable. Here, the creation of a super-human artificial intelligence will change the world so dramatically that it would bear no resemblance to the current world, or even the wildest science fiction. This school of thought sees the singularity most like a single point event rather than a process indeed, it is this thesis that spawned the term "singularity." However, this view of the singularity does treat transhuman intelligence as some kind of magic.

This posits that the singularity is driven by a feedback cycle between intelligence enhancing technology and intelligence itself. As Yudkowsky (who endorses this view) "What would humans with brain-computer interfaces do with their augmented intelligence? One good bet is that theyd design the next generation of brain-computer interfaces." When this feedback loop of technology and intelligence begins to increase rapidly, the singularity is upon us.

There is also a fourth singularity school which is much more popular than the other three: It's all a load of baloney![8] This position is not popular with high-tech billionaires.[9]

This is largely dependent on your definition of "singularity".

The intelligence explosion singularity is by far the most unlikely. According to present calculations, a hypothetical future supercomputer may well not be able to replicate a human brain in real time. We presently don't even understand how intelligence works, and there is no evidence that intelligence is self-iterative in this manner - indeed, it is not unlikely that improvements on intelligence are actually more difficult the smarter you become, meaning that each improvement on intelligence is increasingly difficult to execute. Indeed, how much smarter it is possible for something to even be than a human being is an open question. Energy requirements are another issue; humans can run off of Doritos and Mountain Dew Dr. Pepper, while supercomputers require vast amounts of energy to function. Unless such an intelligence can solve problems better than groups of humans, its greater intelligence may well not matter, as it may not be as efficient as groups of humans working together to solve problems.

Another major issue arises from the nature of intellectual development; if an artificial intelligence needs to be raised and trained, it may well take twenty years or more between generations of artificial intelligences to get further improvements. More intelligent animals seem to generally require longer to mature, which may put another limitation on any such "explosion".

Accelerating change is questionable; in real life, the rate of patents per capita actually peaked in the 20th century, with a minor decline since then, despite the fact that human beings have gotten more intelligent and gotten superior tools. As noted above, Moore's Law has been in decline, and outside of the realm of computers, the rate of increase in other things has not been exponential - airplanes and cars continue to improve, but they do not improve at the ridiculous rate of computers. It is likely that once computers hit physical limits of transistor density, their rate of improvement will fall off dramatically, and already even today, computers which are "good enough" continue to operate for many years, something which was unheard of in the 1990s, where old computers were rapidly and obviously obsoleted by new ones.

According to this point of view, the Singularity is a past event, and we live in a post-Singularity world.

The rate of advancement has actually been in decline in recent times, as patents per-capita has gone down, and the rate of increase of technology has declined rather than risen, though the basal rate is higher than it was in centuries past. According to this point of view, the intelligence explosion and increasing rate of change already happened with computers, and now that everyone has handheld computing devices, the rate of increase is going to decline as we hit natural barriers in how much additional benefit we gain out of additional computing power. The densification of transistors on microchips has slowed by about a third, and the absolute limit to transistors is approaching - a true, physical barrier which cannot be bypassed or broken, and which would require an entirely different means of computing to create a denser still microchip.

From the point of view of travel, humans have gone from walking to sailing to railroads to highways to airplanes, but communication has now reached the point where a lot of travel is obsolete - the Internet is omnipresent and allows us to effectively communicate with people on any corner of the planet without travelling at all. From this point of view, there is no further point of advancement, because we're already at the point where we can be anywhere on the planet instantly for many purposes, and with improvements in automation, the amount of physical travel necessary for the average human being has declined over recent years. Instant global communication and the ability to communicate and do calculations from anywhere are a natural physical barrier, beyond which further advancement is less meaningful, as it is mostly just making things more convenient - the cost is already extremely low.

The prevalence of computers and communications devices has completely changed the world, as has the presence of cheap, high-speed transportation technology. The world of the 21st century is almost unrecognizable to people from the founding of the United States in the latter half of the 18th century, or even to people from the height of the industrial era at the turn of the 20th century.

Extraterrestrial technological singularities might become evident from acts of stellar/cosmic engineering. One such possibility for example would be the construction of Dyson Spheres that would result in the altering of a star's electromagnetic spectrum in a way detectable from Earth. Both SETI and Fermilab have incorporated that possibility into their searches for alien life. [10][11]

A different view of the concept of singularity is explored in the science fiction book Dragon's Egg by Robert Lull Forward, in which an alien civilization on the surface of a neutron star, being observed by human space explorers, goes from Stone Age to technological singularity in the space of about an hour in human time, leaving behind a large quantity of encrypted data for the human explorers that are expected to take over a million years (for humanity) to even develop the technology to decrypt.

No signs of extraterrestrial civilizations have been found as of 2016.

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Architectural Design Philosophy – SFIA

Posted: at 3:37 pm

Experiencing great architecture is like enjoying the finest of natural environments. It rewards the senses. It sparks imagination and emotions. It inspires. It enhances consciousness. SFIAs mission is to provide that kind of experience in the process of architectural education. Hundreds of architects, artists, and technologists are working on this level. These are the ones we study and learn from at SFIA. These architects work in ways that are called Organic, Evolutionary, Ecological, and even Extropian or Futurist.

Organic Architecture is integrated with environmental and human needs to a degree never seen in conventional buildings or known to most schools of architecture. The depth and impact of this integration is similar to that found in great music and the natural world. The results, at their best, are a synthesis of function and form, poetry and technology, humanity and nature . . . and extraordinarily uplifting to those fortunate enough to experience it.

Evolutionary and Ecological architectures combine Organic integration with natural process, environmental sensitivity, health awareness, and economical simplicity.

Extropian and Futurist architectures suggest that life and human consciousness can be raised to higher plateaus through visionary applications of advanced technology.

Nature Based Architecture is the overall term that describes all of the above. Nature based architecture represents, in a single phrase, the architecture that is emerging from this school, its teachers, and its students.

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Architectural Design Philosophy - SFIA

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Clerk of Court – Home

Posted: at 3:37 pm

Welcome to the official website of the Ascension Parish Clerk of Court!

Our office is pleased to provide an online resource to help residents and visitors obtain information and conduct business. We hope you find this website useful and we welcome your suggestions and comments for improvement.

Our mission is to provide excellence in service, preservation and management of records and provide access to legal documents filed in our office. Exceptional customer service is very important to us and we strive to provide this service with professionalism, proficiency and courtesy to our customers.

We have offices located in both Donaldsonville and Gonzales for your convenience. Our main office is located at the Courthouse in Donaldsonville and our satellite office in Gonzales is located across the street from the Courthouse. Our Minute Clerk and Criminal Department is located in the Courthouse complex in Gonzales.

The duties and responsibilities of the Clerk of Court are established in the Louisiana Constitution which include but are not limited to: Clerk of the District Court, Clerk of the Parish Court, Ex-Officio Recorder of Deeds, Mortgages, and other legal instruments, Treasurer for the Court system, Chief Elections Officer for the Parish and Custodian of Voting Machines, Ex-Officio Member of the Jury Commission, and Ex-Officio Member of the Board of Supervisors of Elections.

We strive to continue to keep pace with the latest technology and are proud to offer an online record search for Mortgage, Conveyance, Maps, Criminal, Traffic, Marriage,and Civil records. You can subscribe to our Ascension Clerk of Court Electronic Search System (ACCESS) through a monthly subscription or day rate. Each office is equipped with public access computers that will enable you to access general information for records filed in our office.

Fees collected for recordings, certified copies and all services rendered in connection with civil and criminal proceedings are established by statute. All salaries and expenses of the office are paid out of fees that are collected which make the Clerk of Courts Office entirely self-supporting.

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Ascension of Our Lord

Posted: at 3:37 pm

Mission Statement

With Reason, Religion and Kindness, we guide each other in developing our God given talents through the Catholic faith and challenging academic standards.

Here at Ascension of Our Lord Catholic School, Christ is the center of everything we do. Our students flourish in an environment of academic excellence filled with challenging opportunities to learn and succeed at all levels. Ascension of Our Lords tradition of great faith and strong academics are carried out through the curriculum. We are committed to building a strong spiritual, academic and moral foundation that empowers our students to strive for success. A wide array of extracurricular activities and enrichment classes are offered, allowing each individual to excel to their fullest potential. We invite you to take a tour of our campus to experience first-hand what it feels like to be a part of the Crusader Family.

Ascension of Our Lord School admits students of any race, color and national origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to students of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, extracurricular activities and other school administered programs.

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Posted: at 3:35 pm

A new $54 million robotics center at the University of Michigan will help advance the field as researchers say its reaching a tipping point poised to deliver autonomous technologies that are woven into our everyday lives.

The Robotics program at Michigan offers MS and PhD engineering degrees that will integrate knowledge from across a range of technical fields for applications to robotics.

This program focuses on three core disciplines essential to robotics: Sensing of the environment, external agents, and internal body information to determine state information, Reasoning with that information to make decisions for guidance, control, and localization, and Acting upon the body and environment to produce motion or other outputs that enable the robot to locomote or interact with the environment. Each of these areas may be considered a sub-plan for coursework and research study. The Robotics program trains students as independent researchers and engineers, and as future leaders in robotics research in academia, industry, and government.

The interdisciplinary field of robotics holds enormous potential for scientific exploration, human efficiency, and improved quality of life. Applications for robotic systems can be found in the exploration of uninhabitable environments, automated transportation, manufacturing, search and rescue, safety systems, microsurgery, and for neural-controlled prosthetics and restored mobility, among others.

The University of Michigan provides excellence across the broad range of disciplines related to robotics, including computer science, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, computer vision, electrical engineering, control systems, psychology, human-robot interaction, sociology, philosophy, ethics, law, biomedical engineering, medicine, business, economics, public policy, and many others. Of particular prominence is an unusually broad yet strong College of Engineering, with top-ranked programs in traditional areas such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science, but also with specializations such as Aerospace Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences. Robotic applications are increasingly important in all of these fields, as well as in Medicine, where the University has a world-class program.

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Directory of Innovative Anti-Aging Doctors, Health And …

Posted: at 3:34 pm

The directory of Innovative Doctors and Health Practitioners is a worldwide listing of anti-aging doctors and other medical professionals who practice or have expressed interest in all aspects of preventive medicine (such as heart attack and stroke prevention), hormone replacement therapy, nutrition and dietary supplements, and other areas of alternative and complementary medicine. Invariably, they welcome individuals who choose to be involved in their own health care.

Provided to you by Extension, the directory of Innovative Doctors and Health Practitioners facilitates the location of anti-aging doctors and health practitioners who are open to alternatives to allopathic medicine. Conveniently organized geographically, the listing can be used to find a doctor by areaa handy feature for those who are traveling or are simply seeking out anti-aging doctors or health practitioners at home. The directory of Innovative Doctors and Health Practitioners is especially useful for those on a life extension program that includes the use of dietary supplements and hormones, as the listed physicians and health practitioners would likely be more suited to evaluate such a program than more conventional doctors.

While prevention, nutrition and longevity are important to the physicians and health practitioners listed, each of them has their own approach to health and wellness. So be sure to clarify the reason for your visit, as well as your goals in seeking out such treatment when scheduling your appointment.


DISCLAIMER: Inclusion in the directory of Innovative Doctors and Health and Wellness Practitioners does not constitute endorsement by Life Extension, nor are these physicians or other health practitioners affiliated with Life Extension. All physicians and health practitioners who appear on this list do so on the sole basis of their own expression of interest in the fields of health and wellness, longevity, or preventive medicine. Life Extension has not verified the competence, professional credentials, business practices or validity of the expressed interests of these physicians and health practitioners. Life Extension makes no recommendation of any physician or health practitioner on this list and makes no suggestion that any such physician or health practitioner will cure or prevent any disease, reduce anyone's rate of aging or extend anyone's life. Those consulting a physician or other health practitioner on this list should approach the consultation exactly as they would with any other unknown physician or health practitioner. Listings are periodically updated. However, physicians and health practitioners are not obligated to notify Life Extension should they relocate or retire. Life Extension relies in great part on feedback, which determines the continued eligibility of the physicians and health practitioners listed. Please contact Life Extension if you have any comments concerning any of the physicians or other health practitioners on this list.

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Directory of Innovative Anti-Aging Doctors, Health And ...

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