Daily Archives: July 14, 2016

Articles about Germ Warfare – latimes

Posted: July 14, 2016 at 4:37 pm


August 6, 1997 | From Reuters

Iraq could reassemble its germ warfare program within six months with a still-intact scientific team working with freeze-dried organisms, a former U.N. investigator said in a report published Tuesday. "The work force of more than 200 persons who staffed Iraq's biological warfare program is intact," Raymond Zilinskas said. "Iraq's civilian biotechnological infrastructure, comprising more than 80 research, development and production facilities, is whole and well equipped," he added.


December 8, 2001 | From Times Wire Services

An international conference on germ warfare disbanded in chaos and anger Friday after the United States sought to cut off discussions about enforcing the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. The treaty, ratified by the U.S. and 143 other governments, bans the development, stockpiling and production of germ warfare agents--but it has no enforcement mechanism. The purpose of the conference was to discuss the progress of a six-year effort to negotiate measures to enforce compliance.


May 4, 1988 | JOHN M. BRODER, Times Staff Writer

Ten nations, many of them hostile to the United States, currently are producing biological weapons, making it crucial that the Army pursue its controversial plan to build a germ warfare facility in Utah, a senior Defense Department official told Congress Tuesday.


January 22, 2008 | DANA PARSONS

They say war is hell, but getting sick is no picnic either. Here's my briefing: Two weeks ago I was bivouacked on the sofa around 2200 hours, eating Jell-O pudding, when I detected the first sign of hostile troop movement. Unfortunately, the invaders' advance party was small and stealthy, and my sentries paid little heed. I finished the pudding, watched more TV and went to bed around midnight. As I slept, the enemy massed. By daybreak, I was surrounded.



Sheldon H. Harris, a Cal State Northridge historian whose groundbreaking work helped establish that Japan conducted biological warfare experiments on Chinese civilians and military prisoners during World War II, has died. He was 74. Harris died of a blood infection Aug. 31 at UCLA Medical Center, but lived long enough to experience a moment of particular gratification, his son, David, said.


October 10, 2001 | ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Arianna Huffington is a syndicated columnist. E-mail: arianna@ariannaonline.com

When it comes to matters of the heart, we've been sold the premise that men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Maybe, maybe not. But when it comes to thinking the unthinkable, the sexes are most definitely from different planets. At a dinner party in Los Angeles last week, six men and six women sat around a beautifully laid-out table. While the setting evoked an escapist fantasy, the conversation dwelt on the inescapable realities of the moment.

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Articles about Germ Warfare - latimes

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Gambling Addiction: Ten Ways to Stop Forever | Healdove

Posted: at 4:36 pm

Gambling addiction is brutal and highly destructive. It can lead to dire consequences that run the gamut from bankruptcy, job loss, depression, anxiety, loss of friends and family, and even suicide. It is so important for the addict to stop gambling sooner rather than later.

This addiction does not discriminate. If the propensity is there, and the gambler crosses over that invisible line into problem gambling, addiction can occur in anyones life. It does not matter whether the person is rich or poor, educated or uneducated. An addiction like this can send people to jail, cause major social and occupational problems, mental instability, and financial devastation that can last for years.

Studies show that problem gamblers are more likely to commit suicide than all other types of addicts combined.

It is important to get help as soon as possible. It isnt easy to quit gambling, but there are ways you can help yourself before you get to the point of no return. Here are ten strategies to use to stop gambling and reclaim your life!

Gambling is one of the most dangerous addictions, because of the related risk of suicide. Find help now and make a plan to begin quitting. Take it one day, or hour, at a time and keep in mind how great you will feel when you have come clean and stopped gambling with your life.

See the rest here:

Gambling Addiction: Ten Ways to Stop Forever | Healdove

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GambleAware: Gambling Help & Gambling Addiction

Posted: at 4:36 pm

GambleAwareaims to promote responsibility in gambling. We provide information to help people make informed decisions about their gambling. We will help you to find out more about gambling and what responsible gambling means, to understand and recognise problem gambling, and show you where to go for further information, help and support should you need it.

For most people, gambling is a fun, recreational activity which they are able to enjoy without losing control. However for some people gambling can become a serious problem, both for themselves and for their family, friends, and those concerned about them. We provide tools to help you to recognise problem gambling behaviour. Follow the links to try out our quiz and see whether you might have a gambling problem, or use our gambling calculator to see how much you really spend.

If you have questions or concerns about your own gambling or about that of a friend or family member, a good place to start is the National Gambling Helpline on Freephone 0808 8020 133. If you think you are spending too much time or money gambling, you canself-excludefrom different gambling operators.

of British adults

gamble at least once a year

Most people

gamble without harm

But does it pay off?

Up to 590,000

adults in Britain

may have a gambling problem

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GambleAware: Gambling Help & Gambling Addiction

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Frequently Asked Questions | The Ayn Rand Institute

Posted: at 4:36 pm

About Ayn Rands Life

How do you pronounce the name Ayn?

Ayn rhymes with mine.

What is the origin of the name Ayn Rand?

Ayn Rand, born Alisa Rosenbaum, based her professional first name on a Finnish one (see Letters of Ayn Rand). Archival research suggests that Rand may have been an abbreviation of her Russian surname. (The story claiming that the name was borrowed from her Remington Rand typewriter is incorrect.)

Where can I find out more about Ayn Rands life?

Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, February 2, 1905. She died in New York City, March 6, 1982. She is buried in Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, New York, next to her husband, Frank OConnor (who died in 1979). Learn more about her here or watch a free, online documentary-style course tracing Rands life from the perspective of her goal to become a fiction writer, Ayn Rand: A Writers Life.

How can I find out more about Ayn Rands intellectual and artistic development?

A few suggestions:

Who is Leonard Peikoff?

Dr. Leonard Peikoff is Ayn Rands legal heir. For the last thirty years of Rands life, he was her student, associate and friend. Today he is the foremost authority on her philosophy. Learn more at his website.

What kind of research, writing and scholarship has been produced about Ayn Rands thought?

There is growing interest in Rand'sthought. Notable examples:

How can I obtain permission to reprint or anthologize Ayn Rands writings?

If you are a professor, please follow these instructions for submitting such requests. Others should direct their requests to reprints@aynrand.org.

I would like to perform Miss Rands play Night of January 16th. To whom should I write?

For professional production rights requests, contact: Curtis Brown, Ltd. Ten Astor Place New York, NY 10003

For dramatic performance or film/television permission requests, please contact the Curtis Brown, Ltd. film department at (212) 473-5400, ext. 183.

For amateur production rights requests, contact: Random House Permissions Department 1745 Broadway, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 Mail your request, or fax to (212) 572-6066.

Also note that the only version that Ayn Rand wanted performed is the one that is in the paperback book of Night of January 16th, published by Plume. (Due to many mix-ups, this is likely not the version you will get if you use standard means for obtaining plays.)

Where can I find a listing of foreign editions of Ayn Rands works?

This list is updated periodically.

Have any of Ayn Rands novels been adapted into movies?

Yes: The Fountainhead,We the Livingand Atlas Shrugged.

The Fountainhead was made into a movie in 1949, starring Gary Cooper, Patricia Neal and Raymond Massey. Ayn Rand wrote the screenplay but was not fully satisfied with the movie.

We the Living was made into a two-part movie in 1942 in Fascist Italy, starring Alida Valli, Fosco Giachetti and Rossano Brazzi. It was made without Ayn Rands knowledge or consent, but she later saw the movie and thought that, overall, it was well done and that Valli gives a great performance as Kira Argounova.

Parts I and II of Atlas Shrugged have been made into low-budget movies after Ayn Rands death.

Where can I read Ayn Rands view on . . . ?

Is ARI or anyone else formally vested with the right to speak on behalf of Ayn Rands philosophy, Objectivism?

No. Objectivism is the name of Ayn Rands philosophy, which is presented in the material she wrote or endorsed.

ARI advocates her philosophy and applies its principles to many issues and events, including ones Rand herself never discussed. Each individual must judge for himself whether ARIs positions are consistent with the principles of Objectivism.

In a similar connection, Rand wrote: I urge the readers to use their own judgment as to whether a particular article is or is not consonant with Objectivist principles. Remember, it is a fundamental tenet of Objectivism that one must not accept ideas on faith.

How can I financially support ARI?

Learn more about how you can contribute.

Im a contributor and I have some questions; whom should I contact?

Please email Donor Services or call 949-222-6550, ext. 204.

What is ARIs view of the libertarian movement?

No. But the meaning of the term libertarian has been changing over the decades. Consequently, individuals or organizations that today call themselves libertarian may or may not hold the ideas we oppose.

The libertarianism we oppose is a specific set of ideas, the essence of which is a dedicated, thoroughgoing subjectivism. Libertarianism in this sense was spearheaded by Murray Rothbard and his followers in the 1960s and 1970s. Its political expression is anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism as they often term it, and a foreign policy of rabid anti-Americanism (which they pass off as non-interventionism).

The libertarians, in this usage of the term, plagiarize Ayn Rands non-initiation of force principle and convert it into an axiom, denying the need for and relevance of philosophical fundamentals not only the underlying ethics, but also the underlying metaphysics and epistemology.

This is the anti-objective, anti-philosophic position that, in 1985, ARIs then-chairman of the board, Peter Schwartz, properly denounced in his essay Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty. That comprehensive critique of libertarianism exposes the movements essence: nihilism. (A condensed version of this article is published in The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought under the same title.) We agreed with and continue to agree with the essence of Peter Schwartzs analysis.

As Mr. Schwartz demonstrated at length, this libertarianism declares that the value of liberty and the evil of initiating force are self-evident primaries, needing no justification or even explanation leaving undefined such key concepts as liberty, force, justice, good, and evil. It claims compatibility with all views in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics even subjectivism, mysticism, skepticism, altruism, and nihilism substituting hate the state for intellectual content.

This is why Ayn Rand opposed it from the start.

In print in 1972 Rand issued this warning to individuals interested in defending capitalism:

(For more of Rands comments on the libertarian movement, see here.)

ARI has always viewed the movement holding this set of ideas and attitudes as an enemy of capitalism and freedom, and we continue to do so. We will never sanction, cooperate with, or collaborate with any organization that advocates libertarianism in this sense. This policy is required both as a matter of integrity and in intellectual self-defense. The principle involved was identified by Ayn Rand: In any collaboration between two men (or two groups) who hold different basic principles, it is the more evil or irrational one who wins. [The Anatomy of Compromise, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal]

When this subjectivist approach to philosophy and politics dominated the libertarian movement in the 70s and 80s, ARI refused to cooperate with anyone belonging to it. Such cooperation would have constituted a sanction of the anti-ideology of libertarianism. However, today we see evidence to suggest that there is no longer a cohesive libertarian movement. The movement has become fragmented and leaderless (intellectually as well as organizationally), and the term libertarian is progressively losing its former meaning.

Thus when someone or some organization today calls itself, or is called by others, libertarian, one should not assume that this means the person or organization is part of the anti-philosophical libertarian movement. What matters, in evaluating these individuals and organizations, are the ideas they actually hold and advocate.

The term libertarian has been used increasingly over the last few years to mean a vague leaning toward liberty rather than government control. Many people, including reporters and commentators, sense that neither liberals nor conservatives are advocates of freedom. Commentators need a different term to describe those who seem to be more on the side of liberty and will often use the term libertarian.

However, none of the three political terms liberal, conservative, or libertarian has a clearly defined meaning, because there exist no clearly defined ideologies. Consequently, the fact that today someone calls himself or is called by others a libertarian says virtually nothing about his political viewpoint: he could be a religionist, an anarchist, a laissez-faire capitalist, a middle-of-the-roader, etc. In the current terminological confusion, we look to the content of the ideas advocated, not just to the label attached to them.

Objectivism is not liberal, conservative, or libertarian. Objectivism has a clear, well-defined, and unique view of political principles, which exist as outgrowths of their philosophical foundations. The best way for an Objectivist to describe his social-political position is to use the terms pro-capitalist and laissez-faire capitalism. Capitalism, in Rands definition, is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned. [What Is Capitalism? Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal] As Rand herself wrote in 1962 to describe her position:

Objectivism is a philosophical movement; since politics is a branch of philosophy, Objectivism advocates certain political principles specifically, those of laissez-faire capitalism as the consequence and the ultimate practical application of its fundamental philosophical principles. It does not regard politics as a separate or primary goal, that is: as a goal that can be achieved without a wider ideological context. . . . Objectivists are not "conservatives." We are radicals for capitalism; we are fighting for that philosophical base which capitalism did not have and without which it was doomed to perish. [Choose Your Issues, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1]

Of course an advocate of Rands philosophy can also simply use the term Objectivist to describe his political ideology, naming individual rights as the essential political principle. These terms are in much wider circulation today, thanks to increasing public familiarity with Rands thought.

There still exist organizations committed to the inherently corrupt anti-ideology of libertarianism, in the earlier sense of the word. ARI does not deal with such organizations. Although dealing with an ideological organization does not necessarily imply ideological agreement (as, say, when ARI co-sponsors a debate), it does imply that one considers the organization legitimate which, in the case of the anti-ideology libertarians, we do not.

But ARI does seek to work with other organizations on select issues or projects in order to increase ARIs reach and impact. We assess whether it is proper, and beneficial to our mission, to work with a particular organization, and if so, in what form and under what conditions. For many years now, and especially as ARI has grown to enjoy the resources and manpower necessary to do so, we have been dealing with outside scholars and organizations.

Some of the guidelines ARI applies in deciding whether or not to deal with another organization are:

Judging whether to work with another organization, even for a specific and delimited project, is often difficult. ARI does not take such decisions lightly.

Is the Foundation for the New Intellectual still active?

No, it has been dissolved; please contact Kathy Cross, Gift & Estate Planning Manager at ARI, if you have further questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions | The Ayn Rand Institute

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Delaware Liberal

Posted: at 4:35 pm

His disgusting politics are well known, but the many other ways he is disgusting have always been a matter of speculation. Until now.

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Here is Bernie endorsing Hillary and Hillarys speech immediately after (which was one of her better speeches this campaign). It was as if I had written the endorsement speech myself, and I give much credit to the Senator for writing and delivering it. Yes, I have, in Danas words, trashed the Senator throughout the campaign, much as Dana and others have trashed Hillary. But it is time to move on, to let it go (cue Frozen soundtrack), and to come together. And thanks to Hillary and Bernies combined efforts in reaching agreement on the platform, we have the beginnings of a Democratic juggernaut that shall obliterate all Republicans.

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Dont you just hate it when youre a Democratic candidate for US Congress from Delaware, and something like this happens?:

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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has ramped up her criticism of Donald Trump in recent days, going so far as to say late Monday that the businessman is a faker who must release his tax returns. He is a faker, Ginsburg said in an interview with CNN. He has no consistency about him. He []

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The News Journal released the results of their poll last night, which shows the race being much closer than the common wisdom (including mine) would have suggested. Heres the numbers:

Kevin Kelly 18% Mike Purzycki 14% Dennis Williams 13% Theo Gregory 11% Eugene Young 9% Norm Griffiths 8% Robert Marshall 2% Maria Cabrera 2% Undecided 21%

The margin of error on this poll is 5.8 and reached landlines only. This surveyed likely Democratic voters. This polly also asked about registration and primary practices where we find that this group of likely Democratic voters think that it should be easier to switch parties to vote and that primaries should be open.

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I may return to my old haunt just to see this:

Progressive Democrats for Delaware Democratic Primary Candidate Forum New Castle County 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 3rd 19 E. Commons Blvd, 2nd Fl. New Castle DE 19720

For NCC Executive: Tom Gordon and Matt Meyer.

NCC Council President: Penrose Hollins, Dave Roberts and Karen Hartley-Nagle.

Come out and bring your questions for county government!

Mark your calendars!

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I remember saying this some weeks ago and being laughed at by the Sanderistas here. Now that Bernie agrees with me that the Democratic Party has the most progressive platform ever, who is laughing now? Hell, even Jeff Weaver is on board.

Here is more on just how liberal and progressive the Democratic platform is, and that we do have Bernie to thank for it. His campaign, in the end, did exactly what I wanted it to do: keep Hillary on the left by giving her the incentive to stay there. Without Sanders or any serious challenge from progressive quarters, I am not sure Hillary would have moved dramatically to the center or right because American politics doesnt work like that anymore. There are no moderates to win over in that middle ground. Everyone is polarized and turning out your own base is the way to win. But the Sanders challenge helped Hillary shed the last vestiges of 90s caution and to be vocal about her progressive positions.

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Carney inexplicably STILL wants to cut the state budget, not grow it. In spite of all of the evidence to the contrary, he still views debt as an anathema, and growth killing austerity as a virtue. He basically still believes in the utter failed Republican economics of trickle down. It makes no sense, and in the era of very cheap borrowing, it is the exact opposite of what we should actually be doing.

And whats worse, the markets have taken notice.[See Swiss Negative Yield Bonds] Smart money is beginning to adjust to the new normal and accept the fact that deficit hawks and austerity evangelists like Carney are determined to strangle economic growth with their wrongheadedness which would be simply goofy at this point, were it not so pernicious. Here is Paul Krugman on the topic:

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I dont think Im reading between the lines to say that Carneys plan is more of the same giveaways (both monetary and regulatory) to large corporations: John understands that the role of government in promoting a strong economy is to create an environment where businesses can thrive and invest in Delaware. That means moving faster []

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He had a poll done by Public Policy Polling and the result (as reported in the NJ) is at Gordon 33%, Meyer at 30%, Undecided at 38? This is a statistical tie.

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The filing deadline is this Tuesday, July 12 at 12 noon. After Tuesday, parties may file candidates, but individuals cannot file on their own separate from the party. The deadline for withdrawing ones candidacy and getting ones filing fee returned is this Friday, July 15 at 4:30 pm. Friday is also the deadline for candidates to switch from one race to another. Ill likely be out campaigning for the candidate of my choice (Bryan Townsend) at the Tuesday deadline, so please keep us posted on any last minute developments.

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Dallas police were doing everything right and then the shooting started

The Dallas PD have been doing the hard work to engage their communities, to up the training for officers (especially in de-escalation skills), be more open and less of an occupying army:

As the Dallas Morning News reported last year, Dallas police have shifted to a stronger focus on deescalation techniques since David Brown became police chief in 2010, with dramatic results. In 2009, there were 147 excessive force complaints against police officers; by 2014, those complaints dropped by 64 percent. And as of November, when the article was published, there had been just 13 such complaints in 2015.

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Ive been too depressed to read much, but this is so worth it. (Thanks to Dorian Gray for the link) And yet, two pieces of writing published on conservative news sites on Friday morning, as well as an extraordinary Facebook Live chat with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, suggest that the combination of Thursday nights []

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This was all prepared in advance, but it shrinks and fades into specs of trivia and meaningless gossip in view of our ongoing inhumanity toward each other. I ask myself what I can do to try and stand up against a world that seems on a trajectory toward less decency and less humanity, and I come up empty.

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John Daniellos bulk mail form letter was the kind of move one would expect an 84 year old man to make. He may have been the winningest, most effective, most Republican-hating Chair in the world, but it is time to move on. According to Mike Matthews (via FB) it has been time for him to []

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Delaware Liberal

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Liberal Democrat Voice

Posted: at 4:35 pm

There is a smell of defeatism in the air, a widespread view that the people have spoken and that we must respect them and accept their verdict. What nonsense! There is nothing sacred about a referendum vote, any more than the result of a General Election. We Lib Dems cannot accept Brexit because it would be a calamity that would undo everything we have always fought for. Furthermore reversing Brexit is not a hopeless cause.

When the time is right, there is every justification for a new referendum. A referendum must offer a clear choice, which the last did not. When Theresa May says Brexit means Brexit, what does Brexit mean? Some Leavers want no more free movement of labour, which means no access to the single market. Others want access, which means the free movement of labour must stay. Indeed with only a very tiny margin in favour of Leave, far more votes were cast for Remain than for each of these two incompatible objectives of the Leave Camps.

A re-run is especially justified if there is a dramatic change in circumstances, such as a massive shift in public opinion. This is very likely. Most economists and every independent expert organization, the IMF, the IFS and the Bank of England, predict a serious recession. Leavers promised a future in the sunny uplands, and lots of new money for the NHS, not more austerity and severe cuts in spending. Now they may be ringing their bells, but soon they will be wringing their hands.

Finally the report from The Committee of Climate Change on fracking has been released and produced some interesting results, raising concerns of the effect of fracking on the UKs climate change targets.

Shale gas production of the UK is not going to be the answer to our energy needs when it comes to meeting our climate change targets. It is now obvious the UK has missed the boat on this payday unless development is done on a huge scale, industrializing vast areas of rural England. The recommended regulations in the report to facilitate the size of expansion needed will never be in place.

The regulations needed to mitigate fugitive emissions are also not financially viable, making the cost of fracking even more expensive. There will always be methane leaks, the industry cannot stop it. The industrys own figures of 2% to 5% expected leakage of methane from exploration, production and the supporting infrastructure needed, will put the UKs climate change targets in jeopardy.

The report states that UK shale gas production must displace imported gas rather than increasing domestic consumption. Allowing unabated consumption above these levels would not be consistent with the decarbonisation required under the Climate Change Act. Each alternative has an almost identical climate change footprint and the imports are likely to be cheaper. If the government commits to use domestic fracked gas this will drive up energy prices and eventually hit the poorest families in the pocket!

The report does not consider the ongoing technical issues such waste disposal, water pollution, set back distances, community disruption, seismic concerns, industrialisation, etc. etc. etc! It is time for the government to stop bending over for the gas and oil lobbyists and realise they are backing the wrong horse.

A familiar face heads back to Lib Dem HQ. Phil Reilly, the man who wrote Nick Cleggs brilliant resignation speech which inspired 20,000 people to join the party, has been appointed interim Head of Communications following the departure of James Holt to pastures new. Phil has been working for Nick since then including helping Nick with his new book which is coming out in September.

Since the election, hes shared some funny stories on his blog, Blimey OReilly.

The most recent involves his old colleague Mr Holt, who had a bit of a brainwave at the Eastleigh by-election to get Nick Clegg out of the campaign HQ without being harassed by a throng of journalists. I wonder if Boris might consider using the same technique when he leaves home every day although I doubt the same personnel would be as willing to help him.

The entrance to the building was an enormous roll-up, corrugated metal affair, like a huge garage door or the sort of thing you would use to protect a massive off license after hours. The press pack were all expecting the DPM to come out through the smaller front door, built into the roll-up wall, into an open car park, where they could pounce on him like jaguars on a gazelle. So, Holty arranged dozens of activists, some gripping placards and bright orange diamonds, inside the building facing the entrance, like infantry preparing to march into battle.

Behind the advanced guard was Nick Clegg flanked by dozens more activists and, rather conspicuously, a couple of the Metropolitan Polices finest close protection officers.

Mark Easton presented some interesting Brexit expectations polling by ComRes for the BBC last night on the Ten Oclock News. Here are a couple of highlights:

Most Britons think that maintaining access to the single market should be the priority for the Government when negotiating the UKs withdrawal from the EU (66%), while just a third say this of restricting freedom of movement (31%).

The new Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis, has already helpfully set out his Brexit negotiating positions in a speech to the Institute of Chartered Engineers in March (carried in full on his website). He has also more recently written a detailed article on the subject on Conservative Home.

The Federal Policy Committee is traditionally very busy in the immediate run-up to the summer holiday. That is because of conference deadlines and the need to get everything concluded before August when a lot of people are away.

The most recent meeting of the committee, which came hot on the heels of the last one, was on 13th July 2016. It also happened to be the day that Labour plunged further into disarray following the revelation that Jeremy Corbyn will appear on the ballot paper in their leadership election and, of course, the country had a new Prime Minister foisted upon it.

As we were going through the meeting, government announcements were being about new Cabinet members. We paused several time for a collective intake of breath.

There was a lot to discuss. We did not finish until some time after 9pm.

Gareth Epps has resigned from the committee because he has taken a job that is politically restricted. Gareth has been a very active member of FPC for a long time and he will certainly be missed from the committee. We were, however, delighted to welcome Antony Hook as his replacement.

The committee agreed the chairs, membership, and remits of three new working groups. Each of those groups was recommended by the Agenda 2020 exercise.

The first of these was education. The remit requires the group to identify proposals for new policy in Education in England. The group is particularly to be directed to identify policies which could be strong campaigning issues within education, reinforcing our overall liberal vision of creating opportunity for everyone regardless of background. The group is also expected to consider and address Liberal Democrat principles on diversity and equalities in developing their proposals. It will deal with the overall principles of education, Early Years, funding, structures, academies, governors, standards and inspections, quality, teacher recruitment, closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students, school and the world of work, Further Education and adult education. It will not deal with Higher Education.

The chair is to be Lucy Nethsingha. The membership of the group was appointed. It is fair to say that there was very strong competition for places. In fact, we had over 830 applications for the working groups.

It does seem that the news over the past fortnight or so has been dominated by people saying goodbye to spend more time with their families or whatever. In some cases, they will be more missed than in others, and, on this occasion, it is time to mark the retirement from the House of Lords of our longtime spokesperson on Universities, Baroness (Margaret) Sharp of Guildford, who has decided to take up the option to retire at the still relatively spritely age of 77.

Margaret is another of those whose work over many years led to a triumph celebrated by others, in that it was her success in reducing the Conservative majority in Guildford from over 20,000 to a rather more slender 4,500 that helped Sue Doughty to her famous success in 2001.

An economist of some regard, Margaret taught at the London School of Economics, as well as working in the National Economic Development Office in the 1970s, before becoming politically active with the onset of the Social Democrats.

Originally posted here:

Liberal Democrat Voice

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Prepping 101: Financial Independence | Suburban Steader

Posted: at 4:35 pm

I want to let you in on a dirty little secret about prepping: it aint cheap!

Once you get through your Oh, crap! moment, youre going to do the same thing I did. Youll realize that theres a whole lot of action you need to take and a fair amount of things you need to acquire. A lot of these actions and acquisitions require money money you might not have right now. So, what are you going to do to get started?

Go into debt?

Buy it on credit cards?


Youre going to do the first thing I did sit down and make a plan to get out of debt. If you do nothing else described in this series, youll benefit immensely just by getting out of debt and creating financial independence for your family. Not being handcuffed by the credit card companies and banks will make you breath easier and sleep sounder.

Your first thought might be why should I get my checkbook in shape before I stock up on beans, bullets or band-aids? The answer is simple: without a solid financial backing, you cant buy anything. Putting yourself into debt just to be prepared is detrimental to your cause. You can have all the food store, medical supplies and firearms you can handle, but youll be up a creek without a paddle if spend all your money on preps and cant afford to pay your mortgage or rent.

The first thing I recommend doing to start getting your finances in order is nothing.

Sound counter-intuitive? It is.

Youre not going to change your spending habits, youre not going to change your income, youre not going to change your monthly bills. Youre simply going to track your incomes and expenses for the next three months. Tracking this information lets you find out where your money is coming from and where its going.

There are a ton of different ways to track your money.

Some people like the old school method of pencil and paper. And that process works just fine. Write down dates and transactions incomes and outcomes. At the end of the month, add them up.

Other people, myself included, prefer a slightly more technologically advanced approach.There are many software applications (both freeware and paid) that allow you to track your expenses. We have been using the freeware software Microsoft Money Plus. Yes, its Microsoft, but it does a great job of providing a clean interface that allow us to easily track my money. In addition, it allows us to run monthly reports. Plus its free thats a bonus for this endeavor! You can find it, along with a handful of other free finance tracking software suites, on this site.

Now you need to take an honest look at the results of your financial tracking.Im going to warn you right now this next step isnt going to be comfortable.

We spent three months tracking my financial transactions every paycheck, Dunkin Donut stop and fill up at the gas station. After three months, we was able to generate three monthly reports and get a pretty good snapshot of how we spend our money.

At this point, we could see where we needed to tighten the belt a little. One of our big findings was that we were eating out ALOT! Those $5 breakfasts, lunch runs and were too tired to cook dinners were catching up to us. We had a couple of other areas we were unknowingly spending a lot of money.

The next step is to tighten up in your overspending areas. This step will be uncomfortable. Not going out to eat as much as we used to sucked. For instance, I personally felt like I was losing a social aspect of work. Likewise, we felt we worked hard during the week and deserved to go out to a nice dinner on the weekends. But you know what else we found out? We found out we were able to save some money in just a few months. After tightening the belt a bit for a few months, we were starting to see our income trump our expenses for the month (youre still tracking your finances, right?).

We made a list of our debts credit cards, loans, mortgages, etc. And we also stumbled upon Dave Ramseys Debt Snowball. Spend some time reading up about this approach on your own, but the premise is this:

Pay off the smallest debt first by adding additional monthly payments while still paying your regular monthly payments to all your bills. Then you take the money you were paying monthly on the first bill and tack it onto the payments for the next smallest bill. Once that loan is paid off, you take the money you were paying on the first two loans and attack the third smallest loan with that extra monthly money. And so on, and so on. Essentially youre paying the same amount every month, but your debt starts to disappear.

Download the Debt Snowball spreadsheet from Vertex42.com

Were in the middle of this process approaching some of our bigger loans and can honestly say it works. Dave Ramsey has a pretty good approach to financial security give him a chance.

So youve paid off everything with exception of maybe your mortgage. What do you do now? First give yourself a giant slap on the back. Youve done something that most folks dont think is possible. Youve used what you have to get out of debt. You can breath easy. You can sleep sound at night. Next make yourself a promise. Promise yourself that this will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! Make smart decisions, dont finance your wants and live debt free. Now you can prep with an open mind.

Youre probably asking do I need to take care of my finances before I do any prepping?

The answer is YESand NO.

First, remember that building up your financial security is a big part of prepping, so dont overlook it. Second, realize that you can do small things on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to build up your preps. Well get into different ideas when we talk about water and food storage. Also, if you can find ways to augment your income, you can justify making a prepping fund where you can save money and put it towards prepping. This approach doesnt strictly follow Dave Ramsays advice, but I have found that allowing yourself an occasional reward does help you keep on the straight. At least for me, sometimes I need something more than seeing the monthly statements disintegrating before my eyes. Just be sure that your occasional treats dont overtake your debt reduction process.

I hope you enjoyed this first article on Prepping 101. I am happy to answer any questions in the comments section here or on Facebook. If you dont want to make your question public, you can always email me at dan AT suburbansteader.com. Keep an eye out for our next Prepping 101 article on identifying what youre doing thats working against self-sufficiency.

photo credit: psyberartist via photopin cc

A beginners guide to the prepping mindset


Prepping 101: Financial Independence | Suburban Steader

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Bahamas travel deals – Nassau Paradise Island

Posted: at 4:33 pm

Atlantis, Paradise Island

Expires: August 03, 2016

Sandals Royal Bahamian Spa Resort & Offshore Island

Expires: July 29, 2016

One&Only Ocean Club

Expires: September 27, 2016

British Colonial Hilton Nassau

Expires: August 31, 2016

Comfort Suites Paradise Island

Expires: December 22, 2016

The Cove Atlantis

Expires: August 03, 2016

Meli Nassau Beach All Inclusive

Expires: August 31, 2016

Sandals Royal Bahamian Spa Resort & Offshore Island

Expires: July 29, 2016

The Reef Atlantis

Expires: August 03, 2016

Graycliff Hotel

Expires: August 31, 2016

Atlantis, Paradise Island

Expires: August 03, 2016

British Colonial Hilton Nassau

Expires: September 02, 2016

The Cove Atlantis

Expires: August 03, 2016

One&Only Ocean Club

Expires: September 27, 2016

Sandals Royal Bahamian Spa Resort & Offshore Island

Expires: July 29, 2016

Graycliff Hotel

Expires: August 31, 2016

British Colonial Hilton Nassau

Expires: December 31, 2016

One&Only Ocean Club

Expires: December 15, 2016

Sunrise Beach Club & Villas

Expires: August 11, 2016

Best Western Bay View Suites

Expires: September 30, 2016

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Bahamas travel deals - Nassau Paradise Island

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Offshore | TradeWinds

Posted: at 4:33 pm

Singapore-based offshore vessel owner sees 'challenging' year ahead with rates remaining weak.

18:09 GMT

Milan-listed Saipem, one of the worlds three top-tier subsea contractors, says it won new contracts and other variation orders worth a total of EUR 1.5bn ($1.7bn).

17:00 GMT

Buoyed by low charter rates, Indias state-owned Oil & Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) is looking to increase its long-term chartering activities over next few months.

17:00 GMT

Norwegian subsea player has soundly beaten market estimates by about 20% on average

17:00 GMT

Singapore-listed Swiber Holdings is blaming the severe downturn in the offshore sector for delays to one of its most important field-development contracts off West Africa while its $200m share subscription has also hit problems.

17:00 GMT

US-based rig owner Hercules Offshore, which declared bankruptcy in June for the second time in six months, says it has sold one of its jack-up rigs this week for just $3.16m to an unnamed buyer.

17:00 GMT

Offshore vessels have seen a clear reversal in demand for drilling support, as the total number of rigs working offshore fell in June after the preceding two months registered rises.

17:00 GMT

The US Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is a clear example of how oil companies cost-cutting is now moving beyond exploration and into operational budgets a key concern for struggling offshore-support players, says a well-known analyst.

17:00 GMT

Shell chief executive Ben van Beurden appears to have partly confirmed analyst warnings about Brexits potential chilling effects for the UK shelf

17:00 GMT

Indian offshore vessel owner to deploy one ship and one ROV to oil majors project.

14:41 GMT

Singapore owner sending personnel to work on oil and gas company's projects.

07:25 GMT

Struggling Norwegian PSV owner keeps two vessels working in Brazil, with four laid up.

06:18 GMT

Alec Litowitz firm holding heap of Teekay Offshore common shares after preferred share conversion and private placement.

13 Jul 20:36 GMT

Oslo-listed owner offloads 1996-built vessel and says its new owner will not deploy it in the OSV sector.

13 Jul 13:06 GMT

Two-thirds of investors opt to take 2015 dividend as new stock.

13 Jul 06:47 GMT

Phase one of floatel owner's restructuring complete as it tries to boost liquidity by $478m.

13 Jul 06:29 GMT

GulfMark, Genco, Hornbeck and Star Bulk surge by more than 11% as New York stock markets pooh-pooh global uncertainties.

12 Jul 21:05 GMT

Taiwanese entities in Chapter 11 reach deal with creditors and Vantage over cash frozen amid fight with Nobu Su.

12 Jul 19:10 GMT

Oslo-listed shipowner's net profit dips 1.2% to $25.5m, though adjusted result shows improvement.

12 Jul 16:44 GMT

Bondholders to vote on final solution as banks sign off on debt deal.

12 Jul 08:03 GMT

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Offshore | TradeWinds

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Houston Offshore Engineering – Marine Engineering, Naval …

Posted: at 4:33 pm

Joey E. Lopez

Manager of Design

Thirty years experience, design projects include TLPs, FPSOs, Spars, Semisubmersibles, jack-up drilling rigs, pipe laying barges & fixed platforms.

Philip B. Poll

Manager of Projects

Sixteen years experience in offshore engineering and engineering management.

Jun Zou

Manager of Naval Architecture

Over ten years as a Principal/Senior Naval Architect, five years as a Research Assistant, & five years as a Project Engineer.

Chuck Brown

Senior Principal Piping Designer

35 years of diversified domestic & international experience in platform layout/ arrangement, Piping design, & project management.

H.T. Chen

Senior Principal Naval Architect

Over 30 years project experience with Tension Leg Platforms, Semi- submersibles, Spars, FPSOs, Barges, & other production systems.

When-Yen Tein

Sr. Principal Structural Engineer

Over 18 years structural analysis & design experience in offshore & onshore engineering; Deck Structural Lead of major deepwater projects.

Shan Shi

Manager of Riser Systems

Specialized in complex top-tensioned and flexible riser system design/analysis. Expertise in coupled dynamic analysis for offshore deep-water systems.

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Houston Offshore Engineering - Marine Engineering, Naval ...

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