Monthly Archives: June 2016

Ayn Rand – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Posted: June 21, 2016 at 11:19 pm

Ayn Rand, seudnimo de Alisa Zinvievna Rosenbaum (San Petersburgo, Imperio ruso, 2 de febrero de 1905-Nueva York, Estados Unidos, 6 de marzo de 1982), filsofa y escritora estadounidense de origen judo ruso, ampliamente conocida por haber escrito los superventas El manantial y La rebelin de Atlas, y por haber desarrollado un sistema filosfico al que denomin objetivismo.

Rand defenda el egosmo racional, el individualismo y el capitalismo laissez faire, argumentando que es el nico sistema econmico que le permite al ser humano vivir como ser humano, es decir, haciendo uso de su facultad de razonar. En consecuencia, rechazaba absolutamente el socialismo, el altruismo y la religin.

Entre sus principios sostena que el hombre debe elegir sus valores y sus acciones mediante la razn, que cada individuo tiene derecho a existir por s mismo, sin sacrificarse por los dems ni sacrificando a otros para s, y que nadie tiene derecho a obtener valores provenientes de otros recurriendo a la fuerza fsica.[1]

Teniendo la conviccin de que los gobiernos tienen una funcin legtima pero limitada, a Ayn Rand no se le puede confundir con una anarcocapitalista, pudiendo en cambio ser considerada liberal y minarquista, pese a que ella nunca aplic este ltimo trmino para referirse a s misma.

Ayn Rand ( , Alisa Zinvievna Rosenbaum) naci el 2 de febrero de 1905 en San Petersburgo (Imperio ruso), era la mayor de tres hermanos de una familia juda, cuyos padres no eran practicantes de esta religin. Desde muy joven sinti un fuerte inters por la literatura y por el arte cinematogrfico, empezando a escribir novelas y guiones a los siete aos. Ley las novelas de Alejandro Dumas, Walter Scott, entre otros escritores romnticos, y expres un apasionado entusiasmo por el movimiento romntico. Descubri a Vctor Hugo a los trece aos: qued prendada por sus novelas. Aprendi francs gracias a su madre.

Durante sus aos en la escuela secundaria, fue testigo tanto de la Revolucin de Kerensky y la Revolucin Bolchevique en 1917. Para escapar de los combates, su familia se fue a Crimea, donde ella termin la escuela secundaria.

Una vez que su familia regres de Crimea, Ayn Rand se matricul en la Universidad de San Petersburgo para estudiar filosofa e historia. Se gradu en 1924. Como admiradora del cine, se inscribi en 1924 en el Instituto Estatal de Artes Cinematogrficas para aprender a escribir guiones cinematogrficos. Fue en esta poca cuando consigui publicar por primera vez: un folleto sobre la actriz Pola Negri (1925), y un folleto titulado Hollywood: American Movie City (1926); ambos han sido reimpresos en 1999 en los llamados Escritos de Rusia en Hollywood.

A finales de 1925 obtuvo permiso de salir de la Rusia sovitica para visitar a sus familiares en los Estados Unidos. Aunque les dijo a las autoridades soviticas que su visita sera corta, estaba decidida a no regresar nunca a Rusia. Pas los siguientes seis meses con sus parientes en Chicago, obtuvo una prrroga de su visado, y luego continu a Hollywood para seguir la carrera de guionista.

Descubri tambin en la Universidad a Nietzsche, de quien apreciaba mucho su exaltacin de lo heroico y del individuo heroico, aunque aos ms tarde critic fuertemente lo irracional de su filosofa.

Su mayor influencia la recibi de Aristteles, al que consideraba el mayor filsofo del mundo y apreciaba en especial su rganon (Lgica).

Ayn Rand detestaba a Rusia, sobre todo desde la revolucin de 1917, que haba expropiado a su padre su negocio de farmacia y empeorado an ms sus condiciones de vida. Conociendo Nueva York por las pelculas estadounidenses, Ayn Rand tena muy claro que quera emigrar a los Estados Unidos. Aos ms tarde escribi Los que vivimos, un relato de primera mano de esos aos y de la atmsfera de la Rusia de entonces, sobre el cual dijo: Es lo ms cercano a una autobiografa que haya escrito nunca.

A finales de 1925, Ayn Rand consigui un visado para abandonar el pas y visitar a parientes suyos ya establecidos en Estados Unidos, a donde lleg en febrero de 1926, con 21 aos.

Ayn estuvo un tiempo en casa de sus parientes en Chicago. Ms tarde se traslad a Hollywood, donde aceptaba cualquier tipo de trabajo para pagar sus gastos bsicos. Casualmente conoci all a Cecil B. De Mille, quien se interes por esta rusa recin llegada a Estados Unidos y fascinada por el mundo del cine. Cecil B. De Mille le mostr el funcionamiento bsico de un estudio de cine y le ofreci trabajo como extra, que Ayn Rand acept, y apareci as de forma visible entre los extras en el metraje definitivo de Rey de reyes [1] (metraje visible en el documental en el DVD Ayn Rand, a sense of life). En el rodaje de la pelcula conoci, adems, al que sera su marido el resto de su vida: el tambin actor Frank O'Connor, con quien se cas en 1929.

En 1931 Ayn Rand adquiri la ciudadana de los Estados Unidos de Amrica.

En 1936 escribi: Llmenlo destino o irona, pero yo nac, de entre todos los pases de la Tierra, en el menos conveniente para una fantica del individualismo: Rusia. Decid ser escritora a la edad de nueve aos, y todo lo que he hecho se ha circunscrito a tal propsito. Soy estadounidense por eleccin y conviccin. Nac en Europa, pero emigr a los Estados Unidos de Amrica porque este era el pas donde una poda sentirse totalmente libre para escribir.

Ayn Rand estaba muy satisfecha de ser ciudadana estadounidense, y en 1973 dijo en una conferencia que dio en West Point: Puedo decir, y no como un mero patrioterismo, sino con el conocimiento completo de las necesarias races metafsicas, epistemolgicas, ticas, polticas y estticas, que Estados Unidos de Amrica es el ms grande, noble y, en sus principios fundadores originales, el nico pas moral en la historia del mundo.

Ayn Rand fue sometida a ciruga por cncer de pulmn en 1974 luego de dcadas de fumar mucho.[2] En 1976, dej de escribir en su peridico y, a pesar de sus objeciones iniciales, le permiti a Evva Pryor, una trabajadora social de la oficina de su abogado, que la inscribiese en la Seguridad Social y Medicare.[3][4]

Ayn Rand muri en 1982. Est enterrada junto a su marido en el cementerio de Valhalla (Estado de Nueva York).

Las novelas ms importantes de Ayn Rand son los superventas El manantial (1943) y La rebelin de Atlas (1957).

Sus novelas crearon el arquetipo del hroe randiano, un individuo racional digno de vivir en la tierra, ya que puede lograr lo mejor de s mismo, un hombre cuya habilidad e independencia lo hacen entrar en conflicto con los hombres-masa, pero que aun as persevera, alcanzando finalmente la realizacin de sus valores.

En 1932 consigue vender su primer guion cinematogrfico, Red pawn (Pen rojo), a los estudios Universal.

En 1934 Ayn escribe la obra de teatro Night of January 16th (La noche del 16 de enero, conocida tambin como Penthouse Legend), que incorpora la novedad absoluta en el mundo del teatro de incorporar al pblico que desee participar en un jurado al final de la obra que debe decidir sobre la inocencia o culpabilidad de la protagonista. En la nota inicial dirigida al productor de la obra, Ayn Rand explica:

La obra est construida de tal manera que las pruebas de la culpabilidad o la inocencia de la acusada estn cuidadosamente contrapesadas, y la decisin se basar en el carcter y valores del jurado. Es realmente a la audiencia a la que se juzga. En palabras del abogado defensor: A quin se juzga en este caso? A Karen Andre [coprotagonista de la obra]? No!, son ustedes, damas y caballeros del jurado, quienes estn siendo juzgados. Son sus almas las que sern puestas
a la luz cuando hayan tomado su decisin.

Ayn Rand

La obra se sigue representando con xito como parte del repertorio clsico de obras de teatro para compaas de aficionados en Estados Unidos.

En 1936 publica We the living (Los que vivimos) que, segn Ayn Rand, fue lo ms parecido a una autobiografa que hubiese nunca escrito. En Los que vivimos se narra la vida dramtica de una mujer de espritu independiente bajo el rgimen totalitario sovitico.

La novela no fue bien recibida inicialmente en Estados Unidos, que estaba sumergido en la Gran Depresin y en lo que a veces all se llama la dcada roja, esto es, la dcada de mximo apogeo de las ideas socialistas y comunistas en aquel pas.

Sin el permiso ni el conocimiento de Ayn Rand (quien se enter de toda la historia despus de la Segunda Guerra Mundial), la Italia de Mussolini rod en 1942 dos pelculas basadas en la novela: Noi vivi y Addio, Kira, de los estudios Scalara Films. Las pelculas eran un intento de propaganda antisovitica por parte del rgimen italiano, y fueron un gran xito en Italia. Orgullosos de su xito, prepararon copias que enviaron a los nazis alemanes, quienes se enfurecieron al ver la pelcula y aconsejaron a los italianos su inmediata retirada de la circulacin. Los jerarcas nazis, ms coherentes en su ideologa antiliberal que los italianos, percibieron inmediatamente que el mensaje del libro no era tan slo antisovitico, sino adems antitotalitario, y que el libro no criticaba slo el totalitarismo sovitico, sino cualquier forma de totalitarismo.[5]

Estas pelculas fueron tambin proyectadas sin permiso de Ayn Rand en la Espaa de Francisco Franco. Ayn Rand pidi derechos atrasados a ambos pases.[6] Finalmente, Ayn Rand an en vida autoriz una reedicin de estas pelculas, las cuales fueron finalmente comercializadas para vdeo domstico en 1986.[7]

Himno (Anthem, titulada Vivir! en las primeras ediciones en espaol) es una novela corta que presenta en trminos altamente simblicos la lucha de un individualista contra una sociedad del futuro en la cual el colectivismo ha triunfado. Se trata de una distopa en la que el concepto de individualidad ha desaparecido (por ejemplo, el pronombre yo ha sido eliminado del lenguaje) y en la que se aprecian numerosas similitudes con la novela Nosotros (1921), de Yevgeni Zamiatin, pero tambin notables diferencias en el tono (serio en Rand, satrico en Zamiatin) y en el discurrir de la historia. Los temas que constituyen el ncleo de Himno sern desarrollados en posteriores obras extensas de Rand, como El manantial y La rebelin de Atlas.

Himno no encontr editor en Estados Unidos y fue publicada primero en el Reino Unido en 1938. Por razones algo abstrusas, es la nica obra de Rand que se encuentra en el dominio pblico en Estados Unidos (no as en otros pases), lo que ha permitido incorporarla al Proyecto Gutenberg.

En 1943 vino el primer xito importante de Ayn Rand como novelista, con la publicacin de El manantial (The fountainhead). El libro, que haba tardado siete aos en escribir, fue rechazado por doce editores, hasta que, en la editorial Bobbs-Merrill, un editor joven le espet a su jefe: Si este no es un libro adecuado para usted, entonces yo tampoco debo trabajar para usted.[8]

En 1949 se realiz una versin flmica de El manantial, dirigida por King Vidor y protagonizada por Gary Cooper (Howard Roark), Patricia Neal (Dominique Francon), Raymond Massey (Gail Wynand) y Kent Smith (Peter Keating).

El guion fue escrito por Ayn Rand y controlado minuciosamente por ella misma de una forma completamente desacostumbrada en Hollywood, donde los estudios se toman todo tipo de libertades con los guiones originales. En varias ocasiones durante el rodaje, Ayn amenaz con suspender todo el proyecto si el guion sufra la ms leve modificacin. Tanto Gary Cooper como Ayn Rand no quedaron satisfechos con la pelcula. Gary Cooper, quizs ya demasiado mayor para un papel que en el libro corresponde a un hombre joven, pronunci el famoso discurso final sin entenderlo realmente, cosa que se nota en la entonacin y el nfasis. Ayn Rand tuvo que luchar mucho para mantener la integridad del guion, y aun as tampoco qued satisfecha con la pelcula, llegando a afirmar que lo nico bueno que tena era que conseguira nuevos lectores para la novela. No obstante, la pelcula es muy apreciada hoy en da en crculos objetivistas y, dado lo irregular de su distribucin, suele estar disponible en redes P2P.

El fundamento de El manantial es el individualismo y el colectivismo en el alma humana. La obra se concentra en las vidas de los cinco principales personajes. El hroe, Howard Roark, es la persona ideal para Rand: Un arquitecto intransigente que est completamente entregado firmemente, aun cuando de manera serena, a sus ideales, especialmente creyendo que ninguna persona debe jams copiar el estilo de otra, sobre todo en el campo de la arquitectura. A lo largo de la novela, todos los dems protagonistas en algn momento u otro, por diferentes razones y con distintos grados de nfasis, le piden que renuncie a algunos de sus principios. Sin embargo, Howard se mantiene inclume y no compromete su integridad. Un aspecto interesante e impactante de la personalidad de Howard es que, en contraste con las formas acostumbradas de los hroes tpicos, no se lanza a explicar sus puntos de vista y por qu el mundo no es lugar justo por medio de largos y apasionados sermones y monlogos; todo lo contrario, Howard lo hace de forma desdeosa, lacnica y altiva.

La rebelin de Atlas (Atlas Shrugged) es considerada por muchos la obra de ficcin ms completa y poderosa de Rand sobre la filosofa objetivista. En los aos ochenta, la Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos hizo una encuesta, preguntando cul era el libro que mayor influencia haba tenido en la vida de los encuestados. El primero en el rnking fue La Biblia, el segundo, La rebelin de Atlas.

La rebelin de Atlas es el principal motivo, por encima de cualesquiera otros, por el que ms individuos confiesan haber llegado a ser libertarios o, dicho de otro modo, anarcocapitalistas.[9]

El libro narra la decadencia de los Estados Unidos como consecuencia del excesivo intervencionismo del gobierno. A pesar de que el libro se escribi entre los aos 1946 y 1957, algunas personas ven en la lectura del proceso de destruccin econmico que el libro narra, una situacin de deterioro econmico similar al vivido por Cuba a partir de 1960. [citarequerida]

El libro divide la fibra social de Estados Unidos en dos clases: la de los saqueadores y la de los nosaqueadores.

Galt, desde su escondite en las montaas, da rdenes, sugiere iniciativas y mueve todos los hilos. Junto con l, se refugian los principales empresarios. Durante el tiempo que dura la huelga y la desaparicin de los empresarios, el sistema estadounidense se va hundiendo bajo el peso del cada vez ms opresivo intervencionismo estatal. La obra termina cuando los empresarios deciden abandonar por completo el "Mundo Exterior" para volver a las "Montaas Rocosas" y comenzar una nueva sociedad.

Rand quera llamar a su novela La huelga. El ttulo La rebelin de Atlas le fue sugerido por su esposo, pues as equipara el empresario al titn mtico que carga a sus espaldas los destinos del mundo. Cuando la obra apareci, llam la atencin por lo atrevido y osado del planteamiento para ese entonces. Hasta ese momento, ni siquiera en Estados Unidos alguien se haba atrevido a realizar un planteamiento en el que los empresarios fuesen los buenos y el Estado el malvado.

Para Ayn Rand, el hecho de que una huelga pudiera hundir en el caos a los Estados Unidos es la
confirmacin de que el pas no puede vivir sin su clase empresarial, que la poltica debe subordinarse a las necesidades de la economa empresarial y, finalmente, que es preciso volver al espritu de los primeros colonos que se sublevaron contra Inglaterra en el siglo XVIII: lucharon contra el intervencionismo estatal y en defensa de sus derechos individuales. Lo que propone Rand es volver al origen de la tradicin americana, solo que el hroe ya no es un granjero que se subleva contra los ingleses, sino el patrono que lucha contra el intervencionismo subyugante del Estado y cuyo esfuerzo es el que verdaderamente crea riqueza.

Al poco tiempo de salir se vendieron cuatro millones de ejemplares de la obra. Luego de este libro, solo escribi ensayos, en los que desarroll explcitamente las premisas filosficas implcitas de La rebelin de Atlas. Uno de esos ensayos, La virtud del egosmo es considerado uno de los manifiestos principales de la corriente filosfica de Rand.

Ayn Rand sostena:

En La virtud del egosmo Rand escribi sobre la vida:

En Derechos del hombre dijo:

En La rebelin de Atlas escribi sobre el trabajo manual, los empresarios y los inventores:

Ayn Rand no se consideraba a s misma como de derechas (tampoco de izquierdas). En innumerables ocasiones Ayn Rand declar I am not a conservative (No soy conservadora), al mismo tiempo que declaraba vehementemente su oposicin a Ronald Reagan. En el espectro poltico usualmente se la ubica en la derecha poltica por su apego a un tipo de individualismo heroico y capitalista.

Desde cierto punto de vista, se la puede considerar como una seguidora del ideal liberal libertario o simplemente liberal. Ella estaba de acuerdo en buscar la maximizacin de los derechos del individuo desde un anlisis liberal individualista; sin embargo, Rand tambin buscaba maximizar lo que consideraba beneficios de la propiedad privada y del sistema capitalista, lo cual se identifica con los conservadores, quienes a su vez son considerados de derecha. No obstante, Ayn Rand denost hasta su muerte a los liberales libertarios, a los que llamaba hippies de derechas.

Algunos puntos de la ideologa de Ayn Rand sugeriran su no adscripcin ideolgica a la derecha conservadora:

Basndose en el principio de que la esfera de la libertad del individuo slo puede autorrealizarse a travs de la propiedad privada, Ayn Rand reconoce en el sistema poltico capitalista la afirmacin de la economa libre y el ideal del autointers personal mediante la cooperacin social en el mercado. Partiendo de esta base miseana, Rand procede a identificar mediante el principio de no agresin al trabajo personal. En esto la doctrina de Ayn Rand es coincidente con lo sostenido por lo que se considera la derecha liberal, por cuanto que las desigualdades no seran estructuralmente impuestas por la sociedad, sino producto de la utilidad desigual de los bienes productivos en el mercado libre, sean estos el capital o el trabajo asalariado. Desasociaba as cualquier relacin necesaria entre poder econmico (defensivo) y poder poltico (agresivo), presentndolos como opuestos naturales. Tambin reinterpret y legitim la desigualdad de oportunidades por no ser dependiente de la cuanta del dinero, sino de su uso productivo en el mercado, idea que desarroll junto a Alan Greenspan en Capitalism: the unknown ideal.

Su filosofa ha sido as apologtica del orden social capitalista puro sin intervencin gubernamental, y por ende el modelo, a la vez tico y utilitario, para muchos grandes empresarios en la bsqueda del xito en los negocios que no dependan de la coercin poltica. La influencia del egosmo individualista racional randiano se puede rastrear hasta la obra de Milton Friedman al respecto de la idea de internalizacin de las externalidades, limitando la responsabilidad corporativa al beneficio de los accionistas, as como en los trabajos de Robert Hessen y Stephen Hicks sobre la tica en los negocios.

Las ideas de Rand sobre esttica giran en torno al concepto de lo que ella llamara realismo romntico, que suele referirse al arte que trata los temas de la volicin y de los valores humanos, reconociendo tambin la importancia de la tcnica artstica y del reconocimiento de la realidad. El realismo romntico plasma frecuentemente a seres humanos heroicos en situaciones de alegra y triunfo vital, con un fondo optimista y una estimacin positiva de la Ciencia y de la Tcnica. A menudo hay referencias ms o menos sutiles a Ayn Rand en estas obras.

Aun habiendo sido utilizado anteriormente, el trmino fue popularizado por Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand defini al realismo romntico como la representacin de las cosas y de los seres humanos como podran ser y deberan ser, tomando estos conceptos de Aristteles.

Esta combinacin est basada en la idea de que los valores heroicos son racionales y realistas, ya que el realismo romntico considera como falsa la dicotoma entre realismo y romanticismo.

Tanto el trabajo literario como el trabajo filosfico de Ayn Rand han sido objeto de innumerables crticas. Tambin se ha criticado su metodologa y su personalidad egocntrica.

La lucha contra el altruismo por parte de Ayn Rand atrajo crticas de orden tico. El famoso escritor estadounidense izquierdista Gore Vidal escribi tratando el tema en 1961:

A partir del momento en que las personas deben vivir en comunidad, dependiendo los unos de los otros, el altruismo es necesario para la supervivencia.

Gore tambin explica el porqu de la popularidad de las ideas de Ayn Rand:

Rand siente una gran afinidad por las personas que se hallan a s mismas perdidas en una sociedad organizada. Son personas renuentes a pagar impuestos, que no soportan al Estado y sus leyes y que sienten remordimientos frente al dolor ajeno pero buscan endurecer sus corazones. A estas personas ella les ofrece una solucin muy atractiva: el altruismo es el origen de todos los males, el inters individual es el nico bien, y si alguien es estpido o incompetente, ese es su problema.

Los aspectos biogrficos de Ayn Rand tambin han sido centro de controversias. En la obra The Passion of Ayn Rand's Critics, James Valliant apoya su tesis sobre unas supuestas manipulaciones que Nathaniel Branden y su esposa hicieron a los hechos que tratan sobre la vida de Rand. Segn Valliant, los herederos de Ayn Rand exageraron su carrera y ocultaron anotaciones del diario de la filsofa.

El filsofo Robert Nozick critica la obra de Rand en su libro Socratic puzzles (ISBN 0-674-81654-4). Nozick es liberal libertario, por lo que simpatiza con varias de las conclusiones de Ayn Rand, aunque est en desacuerdo con aspectos fundamentales de su obra. En Socratic puzzles critica el argumento fundacional de la tica de Rand: la proclamacin de que la propia vida es, para cada hombre, el valor definitivo, ya que es el valor que hace posibles a todos los dems. Nozick afirma que Rand no explic por qu alguien no podra preferir racionalmente morir y el no tener ningn valor. De acuerdo con este argumento, la defensa de Rand del egosmo es una petitio principii (peticin de principio), y la solucin de Rand al problema del ser-deber ser de David Hume no es satisfactoria.

Las novelas de Rand, al ser publicadas, se convirtieron desde el principio en superventas, tanto dentro como fuera de los Estados Unidos, debido principalmente al boca a boca entre los lectores. Aunque recibieron algunas crticas especializadas positivas, fueron denostadas por la crtica literaria como terribles o simplemente malas. Los expertos en literatura inglesa y la lite cultural progresista en general han ignorado sus novelas.
Como excepcin, el crtico literario Harold Bloom encontr la obra de Rand lo suficientemente significativa como para incluirla en su antologa crtica American women fiction writers (escritoras estadounidenses de ficcin, 1998).[11]

El movimiento objetivista fundado por Rand y que fue disuelto tras su separacin de Nathaniel Branden en 1968 ha sido acusado de haber sido una secta destructiva, con Rand como la figura de culto.

En 1979, en una entrevista televisiva, Ayn Rand afirm: yo no soy una secta.[12]

Un seguidor ciego es precisamente lo que mi filosofa condena, y lo que yo rechazo. El objetivismo no es una secta mstica.

Cuando sucedi el colapso del instituto NBI (Nathaniel Branden Institute), Ayn Rand declar que ella ni siquiera haba querido tener un movimiento organizado:

Por lo tanto quiero aclarar enfticamente que el objetivismo no es un movimiento organizado y nadie lo debe considerar as.

El trmino randroide (una mezcla de las palabras Rand y androide) se ha utilizado para evocar la imagen de los robots imitadores de Galt producidos por la secta.[15]

Las sugerencias de que la conducta sectaria de los objetivistas comenzaron durante los das del Nathaniel Branden Institute. Con la creciente cobertura de los medios, comenzaron a aparecer artculos que hablaban de la secta de Ayn Rand, y que la comparaban con varios lderes religiosos.[16]

Terry Teachout describi al Nathaniel Branden Institute como una casisecta que giraba en torno a la adoracin de Ayn Rand y de sus hroes de ficcin, una secta que se desintegr cuando Rand se separ de Nathaniel Branden.[17]

En 1968, el psiclogo Albert Ellis, a raz de un debate pblico con Nathaniel Branden, public un libro argumentando que el objetivismo era una religin, cuyas prcticas incluan la condenacin y la demonizacin, el puritanismo sexual, el absolutismo y la divinizacin hacia Ayn Rand y sus hroes de ficcin.[18]

En sus memorias, dice Nathaniel Branden del Colectivo y del Nathaniel Branden Institute que haba un aspecto de secta en nuestro mundo [...] ramos un grupo organizado en torno a un lder carismtico, donde cada miembro juzgaba el carcter del otro principalmente sobre la base de la lealtad hacia esa lder y sus ideas.[19]

En 1972, el autor libertario Murray Rothbard comenz a hacer circular de manera privada su ensayo The sociology of the Ayn Rand cult (la sociologa de la secta de Ayn Rand), en la que escribi:

Si las contradicciones internas evidentes de las sectas leninistas las convierten en intrigantes objetos de estudio, ms an lo es la secta de Ayn Rand [...] [p]orque que la secta Rand no solo era explcitamente atea, antirreligiosa y aduladora de la Razn, sino que tambin promueve la dependencia servil a un gur en nombre de la independencia; la adoracin y la obediencia hacia un lder en nombre de la individualidad de cada persona; y la emocin ciega y la fe en el gur en nombre de la Razn.[20]

Rothbard tambin escribi que

el espritu gua del movimiento randiano no era la libertad individual sino el poder personal de Ayn Rand y sus principales discpulos.[21]

En 1993, Michael Shermer fundador de The Skeptics Society, escribi sobre este tema el artculo The unlikeliest cult in History (La secta ms improbable de la historia).[22] Shermer argument que el movimiento objetivista mostraba caractersticas de las sectas religiosas, como la veneracin y la infalibilidad del lder; las intenciones ocultas, la explotacin sexual y financiera, y la creencia de que el movimiento ofreca la verdad absoluta y la moral absoluta. Shermer sostuvo que ciertos aspectos de la epistemologa y la tica objetivista promueve conductas sectarias:

{{cita|En el momento en que un grupo se establece como rbitro moral definitivo de las acciones de otras personas sobre todo cuando sus miembros creen que han descubierto patrones absolutos del bien y del mal es el principio del fin de la tolerancia, y por lo tanto de la razn y la racionalidad. Es esta caracterstica ms que cualquier otra la que convierte a una secta, a una religin, a una nacin o a cualquier otro grupo en algo peligroso para la libertad individual. El absolutismo es el mayor defecto del objetivismo de Ayn Rand, la cual es la secta ms improbable de la Historia.[23]

En 1999, Jeff Walker public The Ayn Rand cult (la secta de Ayn Rand). En un pasaje, Walker compar el objetivismo con las prcticas dianticas de la cienciologa, que muchos consideran como una secta destructiva. Segn Walker, ambos son conjuntos de creencias totalitarias que defienden una tica para las masas sobre la base de la supervivencia como un ente racional. Walker contina: La diantica utiliza un razonamiento un tanto similar al de Rand acerca de considerar el cerebro como una mquina. [...] Ambos hablan de una mente superior que puede reprogramar el resto de la mente. Walker seala adems que ambas doctrinas pretenden basarse en la ciencia y en la lgica.[24]

El libro de Walker provoc las crticas de los seguidores de Rand. Chris Matthew Sciabarra critic la objetividad y la academicidad de Walker.[25] Mimi Reisel Gladstein escribi que la tesis de Walker es cuestionable ya menudo depende de la insinuacin ms que de la lgica.[26] R.W.Bradford afirm que para los estudiosos el libro es simplemente aburrido.[27]

Las afirmaciones de la calidad sectaria de esta doctrina siguieron en aos ms recientes. En 2004, Thomas Szasz escribi en apoyo de 1972 el ensayo de Rothbard,[28] y en 2006, Albert Ellis public una edicin actualizada de su libro de 1968, donde incluy algunas referencias favorables a Walker.[29] Del mismo modo, Walter Block aunque expres su admiracin por algunas ideas y afirm la fuerte influencia de Rand sobre el libertarismo describi al movimiento objetivista como una diminuta secta implosiva.[30]

Personas que convivieron con Ayn Rand han escrito libros sobre ella en los que mezclan el elogio con la crtica personal.

Estos libros son The passion of Ayn Rand (La pasin de Ayn Rand), ISBN 0-385-24388-X, de Barbara Branden, y My years with Ayn Rand (Mis aos con Ayn Rand), ISBN 0-7879-4513-7, de Nathaniel Branden.

Ambos autores han sido asimismo criticados en el libro de James Valliant The passion of Ayn Rands critics (ISBN 1-930754-67-1).

A blind follower [el nfasis aparece en el original] is precisely what my philosophy condemns and what I reject. Objectivism is not a mystic cult.

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I want, therefore, to make it emphatically clear that Objectivism is not an organized movement and is not to be regarded as such by anyone.

If the glaring inner contradictions of the Leninist cults make them intriguing objects of study, still more so is the Ayn Rand cult... [f]or not only was the Rand cult explicitly atheist, anti-religious, and an extoller of Reason; it also promoted slavish dependence on the guru in the name of independence; adoration and obedience to the leader in the name of every person's individuality; and blind emotion and faith in the guru in the name of Reason.

[A]s soon as a group sets itself up to be the final moral arbiter of other people's actions, especially when its members believe they have discovered absolute standards of right and wrong, it is the beginning of the end of tolerance, and thus reason and
rationality. It is this characteristic more than any other that makes a cult, a religion, a nation, or any other group, dangerous to individual freedom. Its absolutism was the biggest flaw in Ayn Rand's Objectivism, the unlikeliest cult in history.

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Ayn Rand Institute – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit think tank in Irvine, California that promotes Ayn Rand's philosophy, Objectivism. It was established in 1985, three years after Rand's death, by Leonard Peikoff, Rand's legal heir. Its executive director is Yaron Brook.[2]

ARI's stated goal is:

. . . to spearhead a cultural renaissance that will reverse the anti-reason, anti-individualism, anti-freedom, anti-capitalist trends in today's culture. The major battleground in this fight for reason and capitalism is the educational institutionshigh schools and, above all, the universities, where students learn the ideas that shape their lives.[3]

ARI is mainly an educational organization, but also has "outreach programs." Its various programs include classes on Objectivism and related subjects offered through its Objectivist Academic Center, public lectures, op-ed articles, letters to the editor, competitions for essays about Rand's novels, materials for Objectivist campus clubs, supplying Rand's writings to schools and professors, and providing intellectuals for radio and TV interviews.[4]

During her lifetime, Rand helped establish The Foundation for the New Intellectual, to promote Objectivist ideas. The Foundation was dissolved some 15 years after her death, as having been made redundant by the Ayn Rand Institute. Although Rand never intended for Objectivism to become an organized movement, she heartily approved of rational individuals with the same ideas working toward a common goal.[5] Peikoff, her legal heir, was convinced to start the organization after businessman Ed Snider organized a meeting of possible financial supporters in New York in the fall of 1983.[6] Peikoff also agreed to be the first chairman of the organization's board of directors.[7]

ARI began operations on February 1, 1985, three years after Rand's death. The first board of directors included Snider and psychologist Edith Packer. Snider was also one of the founding donors for the organization.[7] Its first executive director was Michael Berliner, who was previously the chairman of the Department of Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education at California State University, Northridge.[8] ARI also established a board of governors, which initially included Harry Binswanger, Robert Hessen, Edwin A. Locke, Arthur Mode, George Reisman, Jay Snider, and Mary Ann Sures, with Peter Schwartz as its chairman.[9]M. Northrup Buechner and George Walsh joined the board of advisors shortly thereafter.[10]

ARI's first two projects were aimed at students. One was developing a network of college clubs to study Objectivism. The other was a college scholarship contest for high-school students based on writing an essay about Rand's novel The Fountainhead.[10] Later, additional essay contests were added based on Anthem, We the Living and Atlas Shrugged.[11] In 1988 the institute began publishing a newsletter for contributors, called Impact.[12]

In 1989, a philosophical dispute resulted in ARI ending its association with philosopher David Kelley.[13] Board of advisors member George Walsh, who agreed with Kelley, also left.[14] Kelley subsequently founded his own competing institute now known as The Atlas Society, which remains critical of ARI's stance on loyalty.[15]

In January 2000, Berliner retired as Executive Director, replaced by Yaron Brook, then an assistant professor of finance at Santa Clara University.[2] The institute was originally headquartered in Marina del Rey, California, but in 2002, it moved to larger offices in Irvine, California.[16]

Charity Navigator, which rates charitable and educational organizations to inform potential donors, gives ARI four out of four stars. According to the latest data from Charity Navigator, ARI spends 86.7% of its expenses on programs, 8.6% on fundraising, and 4.6% on administration.[17] As of June 2012[update] the institute's board of directors[18] consists of Brook; Berliner (co-chair); Arline Mann (co-chair), retired attorney, formerly of Goldman, Sachs & Co.; Carl Barney, CEO of several private colleges; Harry Binswanger, long-time associate of Ayn Rand; Peter LePort, a surgeon in private practice; Tara Smith, professor of philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin;[19] and John Allison, CEO of the Cato Institute and former CEO of BB&T.[20]

Peikoff retains a cooperative and influential relationship with ARI.[21] In 2006, he remarked that he approved of the work ARI has done[22] and in November 2010 that the executive director "has done a splendid job."[23] Peikoff was a featured speaker at ARI summer conferences in 2007 and 2010.[24] In August, 2010, he demanded and received a change to ARI's board of directors.[25]

ARI runs a variety of programs:

In 2008, ARI opened the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights ("ARC") in Washington, D.C. to specialize in issues of public policy.[27]

During the current economic crisis, the ARC has been a vocal proponent of the position that government intervention is responsible for the crisis, and that the solution lies not in further government regulation but in moving toward full laissez-faire capitalism.[28][29]

On foreign policy, the ARC advocates American national self-interest, including ending the regimes that sponsor terrorism, rather than the Bush Administration's policies which they see as timid, halfway measures that only weaken America's position in the world.[30]

ARI sponsored writers and speakers have promoted a number of specific positions in contemporary political and social controversies.[31]

Since Objectivism advocates atheism, ARI promotes the separation of church and state, and its writers argue that the Religious Right poses a threat to individual rights.[32] They have argued against displaying religious symbols (such as the Ten Commandments) in government facilities[33] and against faith-based initiatives.[34] The institute argues that religion is incompatible with American ideals[35] and opposes the teaching of "intelligent design" in public schools.[36]

ARI has taken many controversial positions with respect to the Muslim world. They hold that the motivation for Islamic terrorism comes from their religiosity, not poverty or a reaction to Western policies.[37] They have urged that the US use overwhelming, retaliatory force to "end states who sponsor terrorism", using whatever means are necessary to end the threat.[38] In his article "Ends States Who Sponsor Terrorism", which was published as a full page ad in The New York Times, Peikoff wrote, "The choice today is mass death in the United States or mass death in the terrorist nations. Our Commander-In-Chief must decide whether it is his duty to save Americans or the governments who conspire to kill them." Although some at ARI initially supported the invasion of Iraq, it has criticized how the Iraq War was handled.[39] Since October 2, 2001, the institute has held that Iran should be the primary target in the war against "Islamic totalitarianism".[38]

ARI is generally supportive of Israel.[40] Of Zionism, executive director of the institute Yaron Brook writes: "Zionism fused a valid concern self-preservation amid a storm of hostility with a toxic premise ethnically based collectivism and religion."[41]

In response to the Muhammad cartoons controversy, ARI started a Free Speech Campaign in 2006.[42]

ARI is highly critical of environmentalism and animal rights, arguing that they are destructive of human well-being.[43][44]

The institute is
also highly critical of diversity and affirmative action programs, as well as multiculturalism, arguing that they are based on racist premises that ignore the commonality of a shared humanity.[45][46]

ARI supports women's right to choose abortion,[47] voluntary euthanasia, and assisted suicide.[48]

ARI denounces neoconservatism in general. For example, C. Bradley Thompson wrote an article entitled "The Decline and Fall of American Conservatism",[49] which was later turned into the book (with Yaron Brook) Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea.[50]

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Ayn Rand Wikipdia

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Ayn Rand (prononc [an rnd]), ne Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum (en cyrillique russe: ), est une philosophe[1], scnariste et romancire[2] amricaine d'origine russe, juive athe, ne le 2 fvrier 1905 Saint-Ptersbourg et morte le 6 mars 1982 New York.

Ayn Rand est connue pour sa philosophie rationaliste, proche de celle du mouvement politique libertarien, laquelle elle a donn le nom d'objectivisme. Elle a crit de nombreux essais philosophiques sur des concepts tenant de la pense librale, comme la libert, la justice sociale, la proprit ou l'tat et dont le principal (et l'un des seuls de ses textes traduits en franais, avec La Grve (Atlas Shrugged)), est La Vertu d'gosme (The Virtue of Selfishness en langue originale). Ses contributions principales s'inscrivent dans les domaines de l'thique, de la philosophie politique et de l'pistmologie. Cependant, malgr sa considrable popularit hors du champ acadmique, ses travaux ne sont gnralement pas comments par la plupart des philosophes. Cela peut s'expliquer parce qu'une lecture de ses romans est requise pour discuter les lments de sa philosophie objectiviste, et que les philosophes rechignent la lecture d'ouvrages de fiction[3].

Ayn Rand a galement publi des uvres de fiction telles que La Grve (Atlas Shrugged), La Source vive (The Fountainhead) et Nous, les vivants (We the Living), qui figurent parmi les plus vendues aux tats-Unis. Elle a par ailleurs crit de nombreux scnarios pour le cinma, dont des adaptations de ses propres uvres de fiction.

Ayn Rand est considre comme la thoricienne d'un capitalisme individualiste ainsi que d'un libertarianisme refusant toute forme de coercition et prnant les valeurs de la raison, du mrite et de l'gosme rationnel, son concept central. Figure de l'anti-communisme radical, Ayn Rand prne galement l'indpendance et le laissez-faire face toute forme de collectivisme ou de religion tablis.

De nombreuses personnalits, comme le psychothrapeute Nathaniel Branden, les conomistes Alan Greenspan et M. Northrup Buechner[4], le romancier Terry Goodkind, le prsident Ronald Reagan ou le fondateur de Wikipdia, Jimmy Wales, se rclament de ses conceptions. Ayn Rand a aussi profondment nourri la vision libertarienne dite minarchiste, replaant l'individu au centre de la socit et de l'thique.

Elle avait trouv dans Ludwig von Mises, lui aussi migr aux tats-Unis, le grand thoricien contemporain du laissez-faire qui compltait sa comprhension de l'conomie.

Selon Alain Laurent, un des spcialistes francophones de son uvre, Ayn Rand reprsenterait l'incarnation de la self-made woman immigre, car elle russit cet exploit tout en professant un athisme radical (...) et critiquant violemment l'altruisme au nom de l'gosme rationnel[5]. Ayn Rand fut par ailleurs la cible de nombreuses critiques dont la principale s'attache expliquer qu'en dpit d'une argumentation se voulant rationnelle, elle n'en matrisait pas toujours les raisonnements[6].

Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum nat Saint-Ptersbourg le 2 fvrier 1905 (le 20 janvier du calendrier julien) dans une famille juive agnostique de la classe moyenne, compose de trois enfants dont elle est l'ane[7]. Son pre, Zinovy Zacharovich Rosenbaum, pharmacien, est n Brestlitovsk le 18 novembre 1869 alors que sa mre, Anna Borisovna Kaplan, est ne Saint-Ptersbourg le 15 octobre 1880[8].

Elle s'intresse trs jeune la littrature et au cinma, crivant ds l'ge de 7 ans des romans ou des scnarios. l'ge de 9 ans, elle dcide de devenir crivain. Elle lit notamment Walter Scott et Alexandre Dumas et s'enthousiasme pour le courant romantique. Elle lit avec passion le roman d'aventure La Valle mystrieuse (1915) du romancier franais Maurice Champagne. Son personnage principal, figure de l'homme hroque et vertueux, marque l'imagination d'Alissa. Ce type de personnage se retrouve dans toute son uvre et, en particulier, travers le personnage principal d'Atlas Shrugged, John Galt[9]. Elle dcouvre 13 ans celui qui devient son auteur favori et qu'elle considre comme le plus grand crivain: Victor Hugo. Au collge, elle se montre brillante en mathmatiques; sa carrire universitaire semble alors toute trace. En 1912, sa famille s'installe dans la Perspective Nevski, dans le quartier Znamenskaya. La jeune Alissa y assiste sa premire exposition, consacre aux images de films, en 1913. Le cinma la passionnera en effet toute sa vie.

La ville de Saint-Ptersbourg est depuis longtemps l'un des foyers des troubles rvolutionnaires qui agitent la Russie tsariste. Rand soutient au dbut la rvolution[Quand?] mene par Kerensky mais l'arrive au pouvoir des bolchviques, en octobre 1917, puis la confiscation de la pharmacie de son pre par le gouvernement rvolutionnaire, contraignent sa famille fuir la Russie pour l'Ukraine puis pour la Crime. Les Rosenbaum s'installent Yevpatoria jusqu' ce que celle-ci soit envahie par les rvolutionnaires en 1921[10]. dater de ce jour Rand nourrit une haine tenace pour les communistes, sentiment qui traverse tous ses crits. Elle brle alors son journal intime, car elle a pris l'habitude d'y consigner des rflexions et des critiques sur les rvolutionnaires.

Le 30 juin 1921, Alissa Rosenbaum est diplme du lyce de Yevpatoria. L'anne suivante, la famille Rosenbaum retourne Petrograd[11]. Alissa, qui a alors 16 ans, entame des tudes d'histoire et de philosophie l'universit de Petrograd et y dcouvre les uvres d'Edmond Rostand, de Friedrich von Schiller, d'Aristote et de Fiodor Dostoevski. Ses tudes lui donnent accs, selon ses propres termes, une culture millnaire travers laquelle elle juge nfaste l'influence des ides communistes en Russie. Ces dernires annes en Union des rpubliques socialistes sovitiques, o elle est oblige d'intgrer la propagande communiste, formeront la base de sa critique des systmes collectivistes.

Le 13 octobre 1924, Alissa sort diplme de l'universit. Elle continue crire et entre l'Institut d'tat des Arts cinmatographiques en 1924[12]. Elle y tudie l'histoire et la politique amricaine et dcouvre aussi le cinma nord-amricain, dont les westerns, mais aussi toute la culture des tats-Unis. Elle devient alors une admiratrice de la socit amricaine et de ses valeurs d'individualisme et d'optimisme. Comprenant qu'elle ne peut raliser son rve d'crire des romans en Union des rpubliques socialistes sovitiques en raison de la censure communiste, elle se rsigne l'ide de quitter le pays pour les tats-Unis[10]. En 1925 elle publie une brochure sur l'actrice de cinma Pola Negri, Moscou et Lningrad, puis en 1926 un petit essai intitul Hollywood: American Movie City Moscou[13]. la fin de l'anne 1926, elle se voit accorder un visa pour rendre visite des proches habitant aux tats-Unis et ce pour une courte priode, ce qui lui permet d'immigrer dans ce pays o elle s'installe pour le reste de sa vie.

Aprs s'tre arrte dans plusieurs villes d'Europe de l'Ouest, dont le port du Havre en France, d'o elle prend un bateau, le De Grasse, Alissa Rosenbaum arrive New York le 19 fvrier 1926. Ses premires impressions devant les gratte-ciels la marquent profondment et inspirent les descriptions de son roman La Source vive. Elle rejoint ensuite Chicago, dans l'Illinois, o elle vit pendant 6 mois et apprend la langue anglaise. Elle commence galement mettre en forme ses ides de romans et de films et dcide de devenir scnariste. Elle se voit accorder une extension de son visa par les autorits sovitiques. Alissa choisit alors de ne pas retourner en URSS et part pour Hollywood o elle devient scnariste sous la directi
on du ralisateur et producteur Cecil B. DeMille, qui s'intresse elle par hasard, alors qu'elle fait le pied de grue devant son studio[14]. Alissa lui explique qu'elle est passionne de cinma amricain et qu'elle arrive de Russie. DeMille travaille alors sur le film The King of Kings et l'emploie comme figurante. La jeune femme y rencontre galement l'acteur Frank O'Connor dont elle dira qu'il tait son visage idal[9]. Ils se marient le 15 avril 1929, et le resteront jusqu' la mort d'O'Connor, en 1979.

Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum est naturalise amricaine le 13 mars 1931. C'est alors qu'elle change son nom en Ayn Rand, en rfrence selon elle la transcription en cyrillique du nom de sa famille. Une autre explication veut que ce serait en rfrence la machine crire Remington Rand, mais celle-ci n'a t vendue qu'ultrieurement[15]. Elle se montre fire de sa nouvelle nationalit et dclare ainsi en 1974, dans un discours aux lves de l'acadmie militaire de West Point: Je peux dire et il ne s'agit pas d'une banalit patriotique, mais avec une connaissance complte des racines mtaphysiques, pistmologiques, morales, politiques et esthtiques ncessaires que les tats-Unis d'Amrique sont le pays plus grand, le plus noble et, dans ses principes, le seul moral de l'histoire du monde[16].

Ayn Rand travaille trs dur comme lectrice de scnario, pour DeMille, ayant cur de se faire une place dans le monde d'Hollywood[9]. Paralllement, elle crit afin de raliser son rve. Avant de vivre de sa plume, elle occupe divers emplois, notamment la garde-robe de la RKO Radio Pictures[17] jusqu'en 1932, anne o elle russit vendre le scnario de Red Pawn Universal Studios. Son niveau de vie s'amliore alors considrablement, et Rand peut s'acheter une automobile, ce qui est pour elle cette poque le signe d'une russite sociale certaine qui contraste avec ses annes en Union des rpubliques socialistes sovitiques[9]. Le producteur Josef von Sternberg pense donner le premier rle l'actrice Marlene Dietrich mais le thme anti-sovitique tant encore mal considr cette poque, le projet choue[18].

Elle crit ensuite en 1934 les pices de thtre Ideal et Woman on Trial, cette dernire tant joue Hollywood le 22 octobre. La pice Woman on Trial, qui retrace le parcours peu commun de l'industriel et autodidacte sudois Ivar Kreuger, est recompose en 1935 puis produite sous le titre Night of January 16th qui est reprsente d'abord Hollywood puis Broadway le 16 septembre. La pice est originale: l'action consiste en un procs dont le jury, choisi parmi les spectateurs, pouvait dterminer la fin. Deux pilogues sont donc possibles, suivant la dcision du jury populaire.

Le manuscrit de son roman Nous, les vivants (We the Living, partiellement inspir par sa propre exprience) lui demande beaucoup de travail. L'ayant achev en 1933, elle ne parvient cependant le faire publier que le 18 avril 1936, aprs l'avoir fait parvenir de nombreux diteurs. Ce sont les ditions Macmillan pour les tats-Unis et Cassell pour l'Angleterre qui l'ont accept. Elle le considre comme la plus autobiographique de ses uvres de fictions: en effet, le roman dcrit la vie de son hrone sous la domination communiste, sa confrontation avec la violence absurde du rgime et sa fuite pour l'tranger. Cependant, Nous, les vivants ne reoit pas un accueil enthousiaste de la critique amricaine, en partie cause du fait que, dans les annes 1930, priode nomme la dcennie rouge (Red Decade), le communisme tant encore relativement bien considr dans les milieux intellectuels et artistiques amricains[10]. Nanmoins Rand considrait elle-mme Nous, les vivants comme davantage qu'une simple autobiographie: Ce n'est pas une autobiographie proprement dite, l'ouvrage a davantage un sens intellectuel. L'intrigue est invente mais l'arrire-plan non[19].

Ds 1935, Ayn Rand travaille sur son projet principal, la rdaction du roman La Source vive (The Fountainhead), dimension plus philosophique.

En 1938, elle publie en Angleterre le roman dystopique Hymne (Anthem), qui dcrit une socit dans laquelle le collectivisme a triomph. Hymne n'est accept par aucun diteur aux tats-Unis alors que We the Living n'a pas non plus rencontr un grand succs. Stephen Cox, de lObjectivist Center, considre que cela est d lpoque: We the Living fut publi quand la popularit du socialisme russe tait au plus haut parmi les faiseurs d'opinions amricains explique-t-il[20]. En 1939 Ayn Rand reoit les dernires nouvelles de ses parents demeurs en URSS, elle a ainsi dfinitivement coup toute relation avec son pass russe.

En 1940, Rand participe, avec son mari, la campagne prsidentielle amricaine pour le candidat libral Wendell Willkie dans sa section de la ville de New York. Cet activisme lui permet de rencontrer des intellectuels favorables au capitalisme de laissez-faire. Le journaliste du New York Times Henry Hazlitt et sa femme permettent Rand et son mari de rencontrer l'conomiste autrichien Ludwig von Mises qui admire les travaux de Rand, en dpit de diffrences philosophiques[21].

La mme anne, l'adaptation thtrale de We the Living, The Unconquered, par George Abbott, est reprsente Broadway le 13 fvrier. Abbott a nanmoins adouci la dimension critique du roman, le rendant davantage au got du public, notamment en ajoutant des dialogues sentimentaux[9]. Elle connat son premier grand succs avec la publication de La Source vive, le 8 mai 1943, roman qu'elle a mis sept ans crire. Refus par douze diteurs, le manuscrit est finalement accept par la maison d'dition Bobbs-Merrill grce l'insistance d'Archibald Ogden, membre du comit ditorial, qui a menac de dmissionner si l'on ne publiait pas l'ouvrage[22]. Vendu six millions d'exemplaires, le livre devient un succs plantaire, (il s'en vend encore 100000 par an). Adapt au cinma en 1949 par King Vidor la Warner avec Gary Cooper et Patricia Neal dans les rles principaux, le film est distribu en France la mme anne sous le titre Le Rebelle.

Rand commence pouvoir vivre de ses crits. Elle travaille ds lors comme scnariste mi-temps, toujours pour le producteur Hal B. Wallis. Sous sa direction, elle adapte en 1945 le roman Pity My Simplicity de Christopher Massie, nomm aux Oscars sous le titre Love Letters ainsi que You Came Along[23]. Rand travaille ensuite, en aot 1943 un article The Moral Basis of Individualism puis emmnage en Californie pour rdiger le scnario de The Fountainhead.

Elle s'installe donc la Von Sternberg House construite par l'architecte Richard Neutra. Par ailleurs elle rencontre Taliesin East le clbre architecte Frank Lloyd Wright qu'elle admire normment: pour elle Wright fut un innovateur, dfendant larchitecture moderne contre la tradition [24]. Toujours Taliesin East Rand rencontre d'autres figures intellectuelles du moment comme Morrie Ryskind, Janet Gaynor, Gilbert Adrian et Leonard Read. L'architecte devient un fervent admirateur de son roman The Fountainhead; il dessine pour elle une maison qui ne sera toutefois jamais construite. En septembre 1944, Rand crit le scnario de Love Letters. L'anne suivante The Fountainhead est class 6e best-seller de l'anne par le New York Times [25].

Ayn Rand se lie d'amiti avec l'crivaine libertarienne Isabel Paterson (18861961), qui l'initie l'histoire des tats-Unis. Leur amiti cessera par la suite, Rand n'ayant pas apprci le comportement de Paterson lors d'une crmonie Hollywood. Les deux femmes entretiennent alors une abondante correspondance. Le biographe de Paterson, Stephen Cox, explique que les penses des deux femmes se sont mutuellement influences[26]. Ayn Rand considre l'essai d'Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943), comme l'quivalen
t pour les dfenseurs du capitalisme de ce qu'est Le Capital pour les communistes et la Bible pour les chrtiens[27].

Ds 1946, Ayn Rand travaille au manuscrit de son roman La Grve (Atlas Shrugged), tout en assurant un emploi de scnariste pour le producteur Hal B. Wallis. En 1947, en pleine priode du maccarthysme, elle tmoigne charge dans les procs des Dix d'Hollywood, qui dbouchent sur la constitution des listes noires[28], devant le United States House Un-American Activities Committee qui identifie les personnalits pro-communistes amricaines[29]. Ayn Rand est l'une des premires intellectuelles amricaines fustiger la propagande communiste dans le milieu du cinma. Pour ce faire, elle rdige Screen Guide for Americans qui recommande treize principes face au communisme et rejoint la MPA (la Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of the American Ideals) la mme anne[9]. Anthem est par ailleurs publi aux tats-Unis, en juillet 1946.

En 1949 The Fountainhead est adapt l'cran, le 23 juin. Ayn Rand dcide en 1951, en compagnie de son mari, de quitter Hollywood pour emmnager New York (au 120 East de la 34e rue), sa ville prfre en raison de ses gratte-ciel qui la fascinent, et o elle travaille plein temps sur son nouveau roman, La Grve (Atlas Shrugged), qu'elle n'achve que six ans plus tard. La rdaction de ce long roman provoque une dpression nanmoins vite surmonte[30].

En 1950, Ayn Rand et quelques proches crent un groupe qui prend par provocation le nom de Le Collectif, form par Alan Greenspan, futur prsident de la Fed et le psychologue Nathanael Blumenthal (qui deviendra Nathaniel Branden, l'auteur de The Psychology of Self-Esteem), futur amant de Rand, sa femme, Barbara Branden, et Leonard Peikoff, profondment influenc par The Fountainhead. Avec ce groupe, qui multiplie les confrences publiques, Rand compte diffuser sa philosophie et ses crits. Le cercle d'amis prend ainsi un rle de plus en plus important, aidant Ayn Rand diffuser son systme philosophique, auquel elle donne le nom d'objectivisme. Sous l'impulsion de Branden, le groupe fonde le Nathaniel Branden Institute (N.B.I), qui dite un priodique, The Objectivist, actif de 1962 1965. Le priodique devient ensuite The Objectivist Newsletter, de 1966 1971. Puis le groupe dite, de 1971 1976, une lettre d'information, The Ayn Rand Letter[note 1]. Ayn Rand y publie des articles, qui forment la base pour ces essais philosophiques, et en premier lieu l'ouvrage The Virtue of Selfishness qui dveloppe sa thorie du point de vue thique. La compilation Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966) regroupe ses tudes conomiques et politiques alors que Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (1971) prsente sa thorie des concepts, sa contribution la plus importante la philosophie. Rand crit galement une tude esthtique, The Romantic Manifesto (1969).

En 1957 est publie sa principale uvre, La Grve (Atlas Shrugged), aux ditions Random House, roman de prs de 1500 pages qui met en scne des entrepreneurs qui dcident de cesser d'tre les esclaves d'un tatisme pr-totalitaire qui ravage la socit l'image du New Deal de Roosevelt. Le tirage initial est de 100000 exemplaires et le livre devient rapidement un best-seller mondial puisque son tirage tait chaque anne de 200000 units jusqu' l'lection du prsident Obama, qui a conduit en vendre un million d'exemplaires en deux ans et demi[31]. Dans une tude de 1991 de la Bibliothque du Congrs amricain, le livre tait cit par les Amricains comme celui qui les avait le plus influencs, aprs la Bible[32]. Le roman mle divers thmes et sujets de rflexion, passant de l'pistmologie la mtaphysique, suivant une action classique, centre autour du combat d'un mystrieux personnage, John Galt, qui n'apparat qu' la fin. Il marque aussi la fin de l'activit romanesque de Rand, et le dbut de ses crits philosophiques[33].

En 1958, Rand anime des sminaires d'criture et, le 6 mars, elle fait sa premire confrence au Queens College de New York. Elle prend la parole pour la premire fois la tlvision amricaine, sur le plateau de Mike Wallace en 1959[34]. Elle prsente son essai Faith and Force: Destroyers of the Modern World l'universit Yale le 17 fvrier 1960. Le rythme de ses lectures publiques mais galement universitaires s'acclre. En 1961, Rand publie For the New Intellectual le 24 mars et fait une confrence au Ford Hall Forum, The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Our Age le 26 mars. Le Ford Hall Forum devient le lieu privilgi de ses confrences qui ont lieu de 1962 1976. Elle ralise galement des allocutions et des ateliers (workshops) au Nathaniel Branden Institute qui ouvre en janvier 1962. Le mme mois le premier numro de The Objectivist Newsletter est publi.

La popularit de Rand s'accrot galement. De plus en plus sollicite par les journaux, elle signe, le 17 juin 1961, sa premire intervention dans la Weekly column du Los Angeles Times qu'elle animera quelques annes durant. Ses confrences sont toutes enregistres et diffuses aux tats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Ayn Rand enseigne par ailleurs dans de nombreuses universits partir de 1960, Yale, Princeton et Columbia. Elle enseigne galement Harvard, l'universit du Wisconsin, l'universit Johns-Hopkins et au MIT. Durant ses dernires annes, Ayn Rand prend galement position sur de grandes questions de socit, s'opposant l'engagement amricain dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et soutenant Isral pendant la guerre du Kippour. Elle s'exprime sur tous les thmes de socit o sa morale objectiviste peut trancher: l'galit des sexes et l'homosexualit, le racisme et le travail.

Le 2 octobre 1963 Rand reoit un honorary doctorate de l'universit Lewis et Clark et publie en dcembre 1964 The Virtue of Selfishness (La Vertu d'gosme), l'essai qui prsente le mieux sa pense thique et philosophique. En juillet 1966, elle crit une autre tude, en plusieurs parties, publie dans le priodique The Objectivist intitul Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology[35] destine exposer les fondements de sa philosophie de la connaissance.

La relation sentimentale de Rand avec le psychothrapeute Nathaniel Branden s'intensifie dans les annes 1960. Branden publie galement divers textes psychologiques dans la revue d'Ayn Rand. En 1968, le couple illgitime rompt, en partie cause du fait que chacun tait mari[36].

Ds mars 1969, Ayn Rand donne des cours d'criture, pour les essais cette fois, des membres du Nathaniel Branden Institute. Le 11 octobre, elle anime des ateliers autour de l'pistmologie objectiviste. Le 16 juillet, elle assiste comme V.I.P. au lancement de la fuse Apollo 11. Cet vnement lui inspire deux essais[note 2] vantant le progrs technique permis par le capitalisme: La signification fondamentale du triomphe d'Apollo 11 n'est pas politique ni mme philosophique, elle est davantage pistmologique et morale[37] dit-elle cette occasion qui la marque beaucoup. Rand se lie par ailleurs d'amiti avec l'astronaute Michael Collins[38] ainsi qu'avec l'crivain Mickey Spillane et le critique musical Deems Taylor avec qui elle entretient une longue correspondance[39].

La sant d'Ayn Rand se dtriore au dbut des annes 1970. Elle est opre en 1974 pour un cancer du poumon car c'est une grande fumeuse. La fin de la relation avec Branden signe la fin de facto du Nathaniel Branden Institute et certains amis objectivistes s'loignent d'elle. Rand publie dans The Objectivist une critique de Nathaniel Branden, qu'elle juge avoir t malhonnte envers elle et d'avoir eu un comportement irrationnel dans sa vie personnelle[40]. Le 6 mars 1974 Rand fait une confrence West Point intitule Philosophy: Who Needs It, ouvrage parachevant sa philosophie
de la ralit et de l'homme[41]. Le 14 avril, elle reoit sa sur, Nora Drobysheva, qui a pu obtenir une autorisation de quitter l'URSS. Rand tente de lui proposer son aide pour qu'elle immigre aux tats-Unis, mais sa sur refuse et rentre en URSS aprs quelques jours.

En janvier 1976, Rand publie son dernier article dans le recueil The Ayn Rand Letter, The Energy Crisis qui traite des enjeux gopolitiques. Le 27 juillet, elle est invite la Maison-Blanche pour diner avec l'homme politique libral australien Malcolm Fraser, futur premier ministre d'Australie: c'est le signe d'une reconnaissance nationale. Le 10 avril 1977, elle est invite au Ford Hall Forum pour un dner en son honneur, avec tous les membres du Nathaniel Branden Institute.

En septembre 1979, La Grve (Atlas Shrugged) est scnaris pour un projet de srie tlvise puis, en avril, son dernier essai, Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, est publi par la New American Library. Le 9 novembre, son mari Frank OConnor dcde et, ds lors les activits d'Ayn Rand au sein du mouvement objectiviste se rarfient. Sa sant dcline par ailleurs. L'un de ses derniers projets est une adaptation tlvise de La Grve (Atlas Shrugged) ainsi qu'un roman, To Lorne Dieterling, dont elle ne laisse que des brouillons prparatoires.

En 1981 Rand anime ses dernires confrences: au Ford Hall Forum avec The Age of Mediocrity, le 26 avril et The Sanction of the Victims La Nouvelle-Orlans le 21 novembre. Elle travaille aux dernires pages du scnario tlvis de La Grve (Atlas Shrugged), qu'elle achve en janvier. Malade, elle recourt l'aide sociale pour couvrir ses dpenses de sant, sous le faux-nom d'Ann O'Connor, contredisant quelque peu ses principes[42]. Elle meurt d'une insuffisance cardiaque le 6 mars 1982 chez elle, New York.

De nombreux compagnons objectivistes se rendent son enterrement, dont Alan Greenspan et David Kelley, qui lit lors des obsques le pome If, de Rudyard Kipling[43]. Rand est enterre au cimetire de Kensico, Valhalla, New York. Dans ses dernires volonts, elle dsigne Leonard Peikoff comme hritier de sa proprit intellectuelle et le reconnat galement comme le meilleur spcialiste de sa philosophie[44]. Peikoff fonde le Ayn Rand Institute pour propager ses ides.

Ayn Rand a, au fur et mesure de ses crits, constitu un mouvement philosophique intitul l'objectivisme[45] reposant sur le postulat selon lequel ma philosophie conoit essentiellement l'Homme comme un tre hroque dont l'thique de vie est la poursuite de son propre bonheur, la ralisation de soi son activit la plus noble, et la Raison son seul absolu.[46]. En 1976, Rand explique que sa contribution principale la philosophie est sa thorie et [s]es concepts, [s]on thique, et [s]a dcouverte que, en politique, le mal - la violation des droits - consiste en un commencement de pouvoir et de force[47].

Rejetant la foi considre comme oppose la raison, Rand condamne toute forme de mysticisme, y compris les religions, et prne le ralisme philosophique[48]. Rand met en avant ce qu'elle nomme l'gosme rationnel, ou gosme de l'intrt personnel, seul principe moral digne d'tre suivi par opposition l'altruisme, de mentalit collectiviste. L'individu est selon elle la base de toute morale, il se doit d'exister pour lui-mme crit-elle en 1962 et de ne jamais se sacrifier pour les autres, ni sacrifier les autres pour lui-mme[49]. En 1976, Rand explique que sa contribution principale la philosophie est sa thorie et [s]es concepts, [s]on thique, et [s]a dcouverte que, en politique, le mal la violation des droits consiste en un commencement de pouvoir et de force[47].

Rand pose que le seul systme moral pertinent est celui du laissez-faire, le capitalisme. Elle est donc profondment individualiste et s'oppose tout systme collectiviste, en premier lieu au communisme. Elle critique de manire vhmente autant certains libraux et conservateurs amricains, comme les partisans du rgime sovitique[note 3].

D'inspiration aristotlicienne, la philosophie d'Ayn Rand se veut profondment rationaliste et objectiviste, les motions de l'homme se devant d'tre soumises sa raison, faute de quoi, l'homme baserait son existence sur des chimres issues de ses reprsentations du monde et non sur les faits. Elle ne renie pas pour autant la sphre motionnelle mais considre que l'homme qui se perd dans ses motions essaie de fuir la ralit au lieu de s'y adapter. Ayn Rand a ainsi dfini la psycho-pistmologie, socle de son systme objectiviste, comme l'tude des processus cognitifs humains vus partir de l'interaction entre l'esprit conscient et les fonctions automatiques de l'inconscient[50]. Harry Binswanger a continu ses travaux sur ce point. La vie de lhomme est considre comme le fondement de toute valeur, et sa propre vie est le but thique de tout individu. Le passage dit de l'allocution de John Galt (John Galt speaking), personnage principal du livre La Grve (Atlas Shrugged), reprsente la quintessence de sa pense propos de l'individu[51].

Ayn Rand a t influence par de nombreux philosophes comme Aristote en premier lieu[52] (et mme nul autre que lui, ses propres dires[53]), mais aussi John Locke, Thomas d'Aquin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Max Stirner, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Ludwig von Mises ou Isabel Paterson. Nanmoins, Douglas B. Rasmussen dcrit son approche de l'enseignement d'Aristote comme tant extrmement imprcise, alors que sa connaissance de son systme thique tait pour sa part trs mince[54].

L'influence de Nietzsche est, selon Ronald E. Merrill, auteur de The Ideas of Ayn Rand, relle[55], notamment travers la notion de surhomme qui se retrouve dans tous ses crits. Ayn Rand dit partager avec Friedrich Nietzsche le culte de l'ego humain, dont The Fountainhead veut rendre compte. C'est pourquoi elle apposa en en-tte du manuscrit de cette uvre une citation de Par del le bien et le mal exprimant, selon elle, ce culte. Elle dcida nanmoins de retirer cette citation de l'dition finale de l'ouvrage du fait de son dsaccord avec la philosophie de Nietzsche, dont elle rejetait le mysticisme et l'irrationalisme[56].

Pour elle, au sein de l'histoire de la philosophie, seuls trois auteurs, dont elle-mme, ont marqu l'thique, qu'elle nomme les trois A, pour Aristote, Thomas d'Aquin et Ayn Rand[57]. Parmi les philosophes, Rand prouve un ddain particulier pour Emmanuel Kant, qu'elle dit tre un monstre et le plus mauvais homme de l'histoire car il prne un systme thique totalement tranger l'intrt personnel. Elle critique la position de Kant, qui veut expliquer que la raison ne peut connatre la ralit en soi: pour Rand, sa philosophie est l'exacte oppos des positions kantiennes[58]. Pour les philosophes objectivistes George Walsh[59] et Fred Seddon[60], Rand n'a pas su interprter l'apport de Kant; pour le premier elle exagre l'ambition du philosophe allemand. D'autres critiques condamnent sa vision du kantisme comme tant simplement ignorante et indigne[61]. Il reste que la plupart des philosophes ralistes postrieurs Kant en ont autant, sinon plus, son gard[62].

Ayn Rand est surtout connue pour ses fictions, principalement Atlas Shrugged, vritable best-seller, et The Fountainhead. Les personnages de ses romans sont ainsi devenus des rfrences cls dans la culture amricaine comme John Galt, Dagny Taggart ou Kira Argounova[63]. Rand se dpeint elle-mme comme une romantique raliste, et toute son uvre reflte cette double tendance[64].

Atlas Shrugged est un roman de plus de 1000 pages qui fit d'Ayn Rand une romancire populaire, ds sa publication en 1957. En 2007, soit cinquante ans aprs la premire publication du roman, prs de 185000 exemplaires furent vendus d'a
prs le Ayn Rand Institute[65]. Selon un sondage ralis par Freestar Media/Zogby, 8% des Amricains avaient lu Atlas Shrugged en 2007[66]. Une traduction franaise du roman est parue en octobre 2011 sous le titre La Grve, qui tait le premier auquel Ayn Rand songeait (The Strike) lorsqu'elle crivait son roman[67].

D'aprs l'auteur elle-mme, Atlas Shrugged a pour thme le rle de l'esprit humain dans la socit[68]. L'intrigue met donc en scne des hommes de l'esprit (men of the mind: scientifiques indpendants, entrepreneurs honntes, artistes individualistes) qui disparaissent mystrieusement, provoquant crises et catastrophes, dans un avenir (pour les annes 1950) proche qui n'en ressemble pas moins la catastrophe des annes 1930. Il s'agit d'un roman ides, par lequel Rand dveloppe sa conception de la vrit, de la libert et de l'gosme rationnel, tout en prsentant les mfaits de l'tatisme qu'elle prsente comme le produit du subjectivisme moral et intellectuel. Le titre Atlas Shrugged se rfre au titan de la mythologie grecque Atlas qui tient le monde sur ses paules, symbole du rle irremplaable des hommes de l'esprit, entrepreneurs et crateurs de valeurs, dans la socit. Ce roman dcrit galement la manire dont l'intervention de l'tat dtruit la production et la rgulation sociale[69], lui opposant la libre initiative et la responsabilit personnelle.

Le personnage principal du roman, John Galt, est l'archtype du hros vertueux et entreprenant. La premire phrase du rcit, Who is John Galt? a marqu la culture populaire amricaine, de mme que son allocution, long passage de 62 pages[70], qui est un morceau majeur de la philosophie, car il expose les racines profondes de l'idologie tatiste, qui sont chercher en premier lieu, et dans l'ordre, dans les domaines de la mtaphysique, de l'pistmologie et enfin de l'thique. explique le traducteur suisse, Pierre-Louis Boitel[71].

Publi en 1943 le roman La Source vive connut un grand succs et fut ensuite adapt au cinma par King Vidor en 1949 sous le titre Le Rebelle. Le titre du livre fait rfrence une dclaration d'Ayn Rand: l'ego de l'Homme est la source vive du progrs humain[72]. Refus par de nombreux diteurs car non commercial, le livre est pourtant parmi les plus vendus au monde au sein de l'uvre de Rand[73].

Le rcit dcrit la vie d'un architecte individualiste, Howard Roark, dans le New-York des annes 1920 qui ne parvient pas faire accepter ses crations. Par lui, Rand dveloppe les thmes contenus dans sa doctrine objectiviste, savoir l'intgrit, l'gosme rationnel, la vertu d'indpendance et la crativit. Chaque chapitre est dvolu un personnage, emblme d'une valeur randienne. Ayn Rand y esquisse deux philosophies antagonistes, travers les deux personnages en opposition. Le premier, incarn par Roark, est lhomme volontariste et libre, qui reprsente lgoste absolu, et dot de libert de jugement alors que Keating est l'archtype du parasite social. The Fountainhead peut, selon Mimi Reisel Gladstein, tre lu comme une version moderne d'une pice mdivale de moralit[74].

Les romans de Rand furent l'objet de vives critiques lors de leur publication[75]. Selon Jeff Britting, la popularit des crits de Rand doit beaucoup au bouche oreille[76]. En effet, les milieux universitaires et littraires ont longtemps ignor les romans de Rand. Le philosophe John Lewis dclare cependant, dans sa Literary Encyclopedia de 2001, que Rand a crit les uvres de fiction les plus intellectuellement brillantes de sa gnration[77].

Les premiers comptes-rendus de la critique apparaissent avec sa pice de thtre Night of January 16th. Ses autres premiers crits, We the Living et Anthem ont reu une faible attention des critiques, seul son best-seller The Fountainhead mobilisa vritablement la presse et en particulier le New York Times[78], journal que Rand apprciait grandement[79]. C'est surtout son roman La Grve (Atlas Shrugged) qui reut la plus grande critique, principalement ngative. En particulier, l'ancien espion sovitique repenti Whittaker Chambers, dans la National Review, qualifia l'ouvrage d'immature et de remarquablement stupide, ajoutant qu'on ne pouvait l'appeler un roman qu'en dvaluant le mot[80].

Les travaux de Rand veillrent peu d'intrt dans les milieux acadmiques et universitaires[81]. La premire tude sur son uvre, publie en 1971, tait celle de William F. O'Neill, With Charity Toward None: An Analysis of Ayn Rand's Philosophy[82]. L'auteur fut vivement critiqu par ses pairs, qui lui reprochrent d'tre de parti-pris pour avoir pris Rand et ses crits au srieux. La revue The Personalist publia aprs sa mort de nombreux articles et le philosophe Robert Nozick y rdigea l'article On the Randian Argument[83].

Comme le souligne Alain Laurent, la popularit d'Ayn Rand a t telle qu'aux tats-Unis, presque tout le monde l'a lue et a eu son moment Ayn Rand comme l'a confi Hillary Clinton. Aprs sa mort, elle est demeure bien vivante dans le paysage intellectuel et politique amricain, influenant le libralisme classique comme le Cato Institute[84].

L'essai The Virtue of Selfishness, traduit en franais sous le titre La Vertu d'gosme synthtise la pense thique d'Ayn Rand[85]. Publi en 1964, il s'agit de ses principaux textes issus des confrences. Annonc par ses prcdents crits, la doctrine du vivre pour soi est le sujet de ce livre qui expose la plupart des axiomes objectivistes et en premier lieu le principe selon lequel l'ego est la seule rfrence thique: Aucune loi, aucun parti ne pourra jamais tuer cette chose en l'homme qui sait dire je[86]. Ainsi rsume Pierre Lemieux, La nature de l'homme lui impose un code d'thique rationnel (...) Les droits de l'homme se rsument dans le droit pour un individu d'utiliser sa raison, l'exclusion de toute coercition, pour mener sa propre vie. Raison et libert vont de pair pour Ayn Rand[87].

Le capitalisme est ainsi le seul systme o les hommes productifs sont libres d'agir et de cooprer en vertu de leurs liberts. Contrairement une critique rpandue, Rand n'est pas anarchiste, ni anarcho-capitaliste, car elle considre que l'anarchie en tant que concept politique, est une abstraction vague et nave[88]. Nanmoins Rand est souvent considre comme une thoricienne anarchiste, notamment par Ulrike Heider qui la surnomme the queen of reason[89]. Par ailleurs elle ne prne pas une socit sans tat. Elle propose un systme alternatif o l'tat est limit une activit judiciaire, via le monopole du contrle des contrats entre citoyens. Selon Alain Laurent, Rand est minarchiste, c'est une adepte du limited government. L'tat doit ainsi seulement protger l'individu de la violence physique, protger son droit la vie, la libert, la proprit et la poursuite de son propre bonheur. Ces objectifs concident exactement avec les principes des Founding Fathers, les pres fondateurs des tats-Unis[90]. L'thique de Rand renoue avec le concept aristotlicien de valeur qui est ainsi pour elle ce pourquoi l'on entreprend une action pour acqurir et (ou) conserver quelque chose[91].

La mthode de Rand se fonde sur l'objectivit dfinie comme Une mthode pour valuer la connaissance base sur sa conformit ou non la ralit[93]. La premire partie de ce livre est consacre dmontrer en quoi la vie, et l'individu, est essentiellement rationnel, et que son existence doit tre objective, c'est--dire conforme la ralit. Le rationnel est donc le moyen de survie, et, par extension, l'thique rgulant son comportement et ses choix[94]. Rand s'oppose aux doctrines philosophiques et politiques qui posent que l'thique est irrationnelle et donc que la raison n'est pas inhrente l'homme, justifiant par l un altruisme au service de l
a collectivit. Ces doctrines justifient le recours la force, caractristique de l'tat. La conduite thique est donc celle de la rflexion et du travail productif[95]. Selon Alain Laurent, dans Le Libralisme amricain, De ces prmisses [Rand] dduit une thique anti-sacrificielle et anti-collectiviste affirmant la lgitimit exclusive de la poursuite du self-interest cal sur le droit individuel de proprit, l'change librement consenti et le principe de non-initiation de la force[96].

Ayn Rand condamnait l'engagement amricain dans la Premire et dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale[97], puis dans la guerre de Core, considrant que la seule justification de la guerre doit tre le principe de lgitime dfense de soi-mme, et non des autres.

Elle s'est tout aussi publiquement oppose la guerre du Vit Nam en dclarant: Si vous voulez voir le summum ultime, suicidaire, de l'altruisme l'chelle internationale, observez la guerre du Vit Nam, une guerre o chaque soldat amricain meurt sans raison d'aucune sorte[98].

Rand s'opposait donc toute politique d'intervention et d'ingrence, mais au seul nom de la souverainet des tats respectueux du Droit: pour elle, les tats "tyranniques" et les conglomrats de "sauvages", n'avaient aucun Droit. Ainsi, elle interprtait la guerre du Kippour de 1973 comme partant d'une attaque contre un tat respectueux des droits individuels, et elle soutint en consquence Isral, dclarant: Les Arabes sont une des cultures les moins dveloppes. Ils sont typiquement nomades. Leur culture est primitive et ils prouvent du ressentiment contre Isral car c'est la seule tte de pont de la science moderne et de la civilisation sur leur continent. Quand vous avez des hommes civiliss qui combattent des sauvages, vous soutenez les hommes civiliss, peu importe qui ils sont.[99].

Elle avait une vision tranche, voire expditive, de la politique internationale. Dans The Foreign Policy of a Mixed Economy, Rand condamnait le principe de l'aide publique entre les tats, qui nourrit les guerres conomiques et abaisse les liberts humaines, contribuant balkaniser les socits, notamment en entretenant le principe de l'ethnicit, selon le titre de son article Global Balkanization. Pour Ayn Rand, l'irrationnalisme (dont la ralisation historique ultime est le communisme, thse qu'elle dveloppe dans son article Capitalism vs. Communism) se propage, conduisant un nouveau fascisme, celui d'un culte du consensus[100] et du tout-tat, toujours plus prdateur et dpensier. Rand y voit par ailleurs la cause de la volont de certains tats, comme les tats-Unis, de conduire des guerres d'ingrence qui sont injustes (The Wreckage of the Consensus) parce qu'on les mne suivant les principes de l'altruisme, ce qui outrepasse leurs fonctions lgitimes et viole les droits de leurs citoyens.

Plusieurs des ouvrages de Rand prsentent les femmes et les hommes comme gaux sur le plan intellectuel. Toutefois, elle a, plusieurs reprises, affirm que les diffrences physiologiques entre les deux sexes conduisaient des diffrences psychologiques fondamentales, sources d'une diffrenciation naturellement sexue des rles sociaux. Il s'agit l d'un des postulats de ce qu'elle nomme la psycho-pistmologie, la science qui examine le rapport du psychisme humain la ralit. Rand affirma par exemple que, si les femmes sont comptentes pour occuper la fonction de Prsidente, aucune femme rationnelle ne devrait chercher atteindre cette position; elle expliqua plus tard qu'une telle fonction serait psychologiquement perturbante pour une femme[101]. Rand pense ainsi que l'essence de la fminit est la vnration le dsir d'admiration de l'homme, qu'une femme idale doit vnrer les hommes, et qu'un homme idal est le plus haut symbole de l'humanit[102]. Le sexe est pour elle l'expression de l'estime de soi[103].

Ayn Rand s'est exprime publiquement une unique occasion sur le thme de l'homosexualit, lors d'une confrence au Ford Hall Forum de 1968. En 1971, elle publie un recueil d'essais, The New Left, o elle attaque les mouvements fministes et gay, puisque la discrimination positive impose par l'tat est par dfinition injuste, et affirme que l'homosexualit est immorale en soi. En dpit de cette critique, elle estime que la loi ne doit pas intervenir dans une relation entre deux adultes consentants. Dans des conversations tenues en 1980 avec le philosophe Harry Binswanger, elle nuancera sa position, revenant sur le terme d'immoral sans retirer sa critique[104]. Rand dfendait par ailleurs le droit des entreprises de discriminer sur la base de l'orientation sexuelle, de la race ou de n'importe quel autre critre: c'est par dfinition du Droit de proprit que le refus d'une personne ou d'une organisation de traiter avec une autre ne viole aucun droit, quand la raison en serait irrationnelle, raciste ou homophobe[105].

Dans ses articles Racism et Balkanisation globale, Rand estime que le racisme est la forme la plus basse, la plus crment primitive de collectivisme[106]. Que cette notion implique qu'un homme soit jug non sur ses propres actions mais sur celles d'un collectif d'anctres apparaissait intolrable dans son systme de pense[107] car le racisme, a fortiori institu par l'tat, nie les deux aspects de la vie de l'homme: sa raison et sa moralit pour y substituer un dterminisme gntique. Elle tait oppose toute intervention tatique ce sujet, estimant qu' partir du moment o ce n'est pas l'tat qui l'impose, le racisme n'est pas un problme de Droit mais une question morale, et ne peut tre combattu que par des moyens privs, tels que le boycott conomique ou l'ostracisme social.[108].

La culture n'est pas le produit anonyme de masses indiffrencies, mais la somme des ralisations intellectuelles d'hommes individuels[110] selon Ayn Rand qui fait de la culture et du progrs scientifique des domaines thiques. Cependant, dans son article Our Cultural Value-Deprivation (1966), elle note la perte de valeur dans la culture et notamment la valeur individualiste. Son essai The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Our Age (1961)[111] a pour but de condamner une culture de masse mondialise, celle du XXesicle qui refuse l'hritage libral du sicle prcdent.

En matire d'cologie et d'environnement, Rand y voit une manipulation des gouvernements, destine rduire les liberts et faire primer l'motion sur la raison. Critiquant l'environnementalisme, dans Against Environnementalist, elle considre que l'cologie est un retour du religieux et de l'irrationnel, alors que seul le progrs technique peut amliorer la condition humaine[112].

Adepte du minarchisme et d'un libertarianisme anti-tat, Rand prconise un tat minimal. Elle oppose l'tatisme l'intrt bien compris des individus. Selon elle l'tat, qu'elle qualifie d'absolu lorsqu'il ambitionne de rgenter toute la sphre sociale et conomique, ne fait que violer le Droit qu'il est l pour faire respecter L'tatisme a toujours t le corollaire politique du collectivisme[113] explique-t-elle, sa dmesure culminant dans le communisme.

Ses jugements sur l'tatisme ont suscit l'admiration dans tous les mouvements libraux. La formule L'tat absolu n'est simplement qu'une forme institutionnalise du banditisme, quel que soit le gang particulier qui prend le pouvoir[113] rsume au mieux sa pense. Cependant, Rand n'est pas pour l'anarchisme, qui prne la disparition de l'tat. Elle considre que celui-ci doit exister, pour veiller ce que les citoyens jouissent de toute leur libert de choix et de raison: Le gouvernement agit seulement comme un agent de police qui protge l'homme des droits, il utilise la force physique uniquement et seulement titre de reprsailles contre ceux qui prennent l'initiative de son utilisation, tels
que des criminels ou des envahisseurs trangers.[114]. En d'autres termes, l'tat doit veiller la conservation des droits individuels (la libert et la proprit), dont la source est la nature de l'homme car: la seule justification valable de l'existence d'un tat [est d'] assurer les Droits des hommes en protgeant ceux-ci de la violence physique[115].

Seul le systme du laissez-faire capitaliste peut garantir les liberts individuelles. La socit doit veiller ce qu'une complte sparation de l'tat et l'conomie existe, de la mme manire et pour les mmes raisons qu'existe la sparation de l'tat et l'glise [116].

Les crits d'Ayn Rand continuent d'tre largement vendus et lus, travers le monde, avec plus de 25 millions d'ouvrages vendus en 2007, et prs de 800000 de plus chaque anne selon le Ayn Rand Institute[117], y compris dans le milieu scolaire[118]. Selon une tude conduite par la Bibliothque du Congrs amricain et par Book of the Month Club (le club du livre du mois) dans les annes 1990, La Grve (Atlas Shrugged) est le livre le plus influent aprs la Bible aux tats-Unis[10].

Une certaine branche du mouvement fministe amricain se rclame des travaux de Rand. Dans Feminist interpretations of Ayn Rand[119] Mimi Reisel Gladstein et Chais Matthew Sciabarra analysent la nature de cette influence et expliquent mme en quoi la philosophe peut tre qualifie de fministe avant l'heure[120].

Ayn Rand a eu galement une profonde influence sur des penseurs et des personnalits contemporains tels John Hospers (le premier candidat du parti libertarien aux lections prsidentielles amricaines de 1972), George Hamilton Smith (pdagogue et auteur libertarien), le philosophe et pistmologue Allan Gotthelf, les philosophes et universitaires Robert Mayhew (auteur de Essays on Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged) et Tara Smith, l'conomiste George Reisman, le psychologue comme Edwin A. Locke, crateur de la goal-setting theory, l'historien Robert Hessen, et les politologues Charles Murray (crateur de l'American Enterprise Institute) et Peter Schwartz[121]. Selon Pierre Lemieux, Rand, en dpit de son aversion pour l'anarchie, est galement un modle des mouvements anarcho-capitalistes[87]. Les thoriciens anarchistes et minarchistes Murray Rothbard et Robert Nozick reconnaissent l'apport de Rand dans le champ thique surtout. L'crivain Mario Vargas Llosa est un de ses admirateurs[122]. Alain Laurent, citant une confidence d'Alan Greenspan explique mme que le prsident russe Vladimir Poutine non seulement connat ses crits mais de plus aime en discuter[123]>.

L'ancien prsident de la Fed, Alan Greenspan, a beaucoup t influenc[124] par Rand et dclara son propos: Elle m'a montr que le capitalisme n'est pas seulement efficace, mais aussi moral[125]. Ayn Rand a aussi eu une influence sur James Clavell, George Reisman, Alan Greenspan, Terry Goodkind et le professeur de marketing Jerry Kirkpatrick. L'ancien prsident des tats-Unis, Ronald Reagan se dit lui-mme un admirateur de Rand, dans sa correspondance prive[126]. Le dessinateur de comics Steve Ditko est un lecteur de Rand[127]. Parmi d'autres personnalits publiques, l'actrice Angelina Jolie et son mari et acteur Brad Pitt, Frank Miller, Vince Vaughn ou Ron Paul, ancien candidat la Prsidence amricaine, se disent influencs par l'objectivisme d'Ayn Rand.

Jimmy Wales, le fondateur de l'encyclopdie libre Wikipdia, professe son admiration pour Ayn Rand: ayant lu The Fountainhead, il se qualifie lui-mme de libertarien: La catgorie de personnes dans laquelle je peux le mieux me considrer serait celle des libertariens[128] dit-il. La pense de Rand colore tout ce que je fais et tout ce que je pense[129]. Wales a ainsi anim, de 1992 1996 une liste de diffusion lectronique nomme Moderated Discussion of Objectivist Philosophy. Il donna une interview qui fit la premire page du numro de juin 2007 du magazine libertarien Reason[130].

Un groupe d'entrepreneurs dcids fonder une cryptarchie en 1998, baptise Laissez Faire City d'abord en Indonsie, sur l'le de Bintan, puis au Costa Rica voulaient mettre en application les directives objectivistes. Le projet choua faute de trouver un territoire libre et en dehors de tout contrle tatique[132].

Ds ses dbuts Ayn Rand a runi autour d'elle une gnration de penseurs considrs comme objectivistes[133]. Plusieurs d'entre eux continuent, aprs sa mort, promouvoir sa philosophie, aux tats-Unis et dans le monde.

En 1985, Leonard Peikoff, en qui Rand avait totale confiance pour reprsenter sa philosophie, fonde le Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), qui a pour but de faire connatre la pense de Rand aux jeunes gnrations, de soutenir et dvelopper ses ides, et de promouvoir les principes de la raison, de l'intrt priv rationnel, des droits individuels et du capitalisme du laissez-faire le plus largement possible. En 1989, David Kelley cre quant lui lInstitute for Objectivist Studies, devenu The Atlas Society, et qui s'intresse davantage la dimension philosophique et universitaire des travaux d'Ayn Rand. En 2000, l'historien John McCaskey organise lAnthem Foundation for Objectivist Scholarship, qui offre des bourses et des rcompenses pour des crits universitaires lis l'objectivisme pour les universits de Pittsburgh et du Texas Austin. L'association amricaine Rebirth of Reason fonde en 2005 par Joseph Rowlands et qui sige Santa Clara, en Californie regroupe la plupart des continuateurs de l'objectivisme[134].

En France, Alain Laurent, philosophe et essayiste, a fond avec Jos Luis Goyena une Ayn Rand French Society. La Ayn Rand French Society organise des confrences pour prsenter la pense librale et ralise des articles, tous publis dans le priodique numrique Le Nouvel 1dividualiste[135].

Jim Powell, du Cato Institute, considre Ayn Rand comme l'une des trois plus importantes femmes du mouvement libertarien moderne amricain, aux cts de Rose Wilder Lane et d'Isabel Paterson[136]. Alain Laurent parle lui des Founding Mothers (les mres fondatrices) du no-libralisme[137]. Pourtant, Rand a toujours refus d'tre considre comme une thoricienne du mouvement libertarien.

Le mouvement philosophique pro-technologique dit de l'extropianisme, ainsi que celui du transhumanisme, reconnat dans les concepts d'gosme et de productivit de Rand des valeurs ontologiques fondatrices. Dans ses Principles of Extropy, le fondateur de ce courant de pense, Max More dfinit l'optimisme pratique (practical optimism), l'auto-transformation (self-transformation), ainsi que l'auto-direction (self-direction) en rfrence aux considrations de l'Objectivisme; les parallles tant en effet nombreux[138]. L'Objectivisme tant une philosophie qui vante le progrs scientifique et technique, la manire du scientisme, des courants technophiles comme celui dit du Neo-Tech et qui a pour but llimination du mysticisme de la pense humaine, se rclament no-Objectiviste

La doctrine de l'gosme radical et de l'individualisme d'Ayn Rand a t rcupre par un certain nombre de personnalits sectaires; ainsi, Rand est l'un des principaux auteurs cits dans la Bible de Satan d'Anton Szandor LaVey, lequel explique que sa religion est uniquement la philosophie d'Ayn Rand laquelle a t ajoute des crmonials et des rituels[139],[140].

Les crits et la philosophie d'Ayn Rand ont t la cible de diverses critiques, tenant soit sa personnalit, soit son systme d'ides, soit son style littraire.

La contestation de l'altruisme de la part d'Ayn Rand a d'abord attir des critiques d'ordre thique. Par exemple, l'crivain Gore Vidal formule ainsi en 1961: Ds lors que nous devons vivre ensemble, dpendants les uns des
autres, l'altruisme est ncessaire la survie. Il explique la popularit d'Ayn Rand en ces termes: Elle a un grand attrait pour les gens simples, perdus dans une socit organise, rticents payer des impts, n'aimant pas l'tat providence, qui se sentent coupables face la souffrance des autres mais voudraient durcir leur cur. Elle leur propose une prescription allchante: l'altruisme est source de tous les maux, l'intrt individuel est le seul bien, et si vous tes stupide ou incomptent, c'est votre problme. [141].

La prsentation de la vie d'Ayn Rand est elle-mme sujet controverse. Dans The Passion of Ayn Rand's Critics[142], James Valliant axe son tude sur les manipulations biographiques possibles faites par Nathaniel Branden et sa femme de la vie de la philosophe aprs sa mort. Pour Valliant, les hritiers de Rand ont embelli son parcours et dissimul certaines notes de son journal[143].

L'anarcho-capitaliste Murray Rothbard, dans The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult (1972), aprs avoir soutenu Rand[144], dcrit les rouages de la socit objectiviste, la comparant une secte: non seulement la secte dAyn Rand tait explicitement athe, anti-religieuse, non seulement elle glorifiait la Raison, mais elle professait une dpendance de type matre-esclave envers le gourou au nom de lindpendance, une adoration et une obissance au chef au nom de lindividualit de chacun et une croyance aveugle dans le gourou au nom de la Raison[145]. Les critiques universitaires et politiques anti-libertariennes sont nombreuses[146]. Le clbre psychologue amricain Albert Ellis prsente le mouvement randien comme une religion dans son article Is Objectivism A Religion?[147](1968).

D'autres considrent que le raisonnement philosophique de Rand est sophistique, dtournant le concept de rationalit, tel Scott Ryan dans Objectivism and the Corruption of Rationality: A Critique of Ayn Rand's Epistemology qui s'attaque, lui, aux fondements pistmologiques de la pense randienne, considre comme une pseudo-philosophie[148].

La pense de Rand continue gagner des dfenseurs, en dpit de la critique continuelle la qualifiant de mal construite et peu mthodique[149]. Son style est ainsi dcrit, mme au sein de ses partisans, comme tant littraire, hyperbolique et motionnel[150]. Le philosophe Jack Wheeler note la grandiloquence incessante et la dcharge continue de haine des crits de Rand, en dpit de cela, il voit son systme thique comme le plus achev et le plus fcond des tudes contemporaines[151]. Enfin, le populaire et satirique The Philosophical Lexicon ralis par les philosophes Daniel Dennett et Asbjrn Steglich-Petersen, dfinit le rand comme une tirade nerve cause lorsque l'on considre tort un dsaccord d'ordre philosophique comme une attaque personnelle et/ou comme la preuve d'une innommable corruption morale. "Lorsque j'ai remis en question sa seconde affirmation, il s'est lanc dans un rand"[152].

De nombreux dessins anims amricains font rfrence Rand. Un pisode de Futurama[Lequel?] imagine Rand dans le futur alors qu'elle vit dans les gouts.Dans l'pisode Le Charmeur de poules de South Park parle d'Atlas Shrugged comme d'un morceau de dchet [153]. alors que de multiples rfrences sont faites dans Les Simpson, particulirement dans l'pisode Manucure pour 4 femmes o une allusion critique est faite au livre The Fountainhead.

Des jeux tlviss font galement rfrence Rand, Jeopardy! mais aussi des sries dramatiques, Gilmore Girls (2000) et Mad Men (2007), ou des missions comiques (The Colbert Report...)[154].

Le groupe de rock canadien Rush, dans l'album 2112 fait rfrence au monde dcrit dans Anthem. En littrature, l'crivain objectiviste Kay Nolte Smith prsente un roman clef, Elegy for a Soprano inspir par le groupe du Collectif avec Rand et Branden. Le roman de William F. Buckley, Getting it Right fait galement allusion Rand. Le jeu vido BioShock utilise des lments de l'action du livre Atlas Shrugged.

Le visage de Rand apparat sur un timbre cre le 22 avril 1999 New York par le United States Postal Service[155].

Whoisjohngalt est un code dans l'extension Frozen throne de Warcraft 3 pour obtenir de faon rapide l'ensemble des amliorations disponibles.

Du vivant d'Ayn Rand

titre original: The Virtue of Selfishness (1964), prface d'Alain Laurent, traduction de Marc Meunier.

Premire dition en 1966

En collaboration avec Peter Schwartz.

Sous la direction de Michael S. Berliner, introduction de Leonard Peikoff

Premire dition en 1969.

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Ayn Rand Wikipdia

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Atlas Shrugged: Part II (2012) – Rotten Tomatoes

Posted: at 11:18 pm { "id" : "771311191", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for brief language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T07:58:40-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 4 }, "year" : 2012, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Atlas Distribution", "dvdWindow" : "on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-31649", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY0OTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs2MDE", "height" : 601, "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Unemployment has risen to 24%. Gas is now $42 per gallon. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear at the hands of the unknown. Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well be the answer to a mounting energy crisis - found abandoned amongst the ruins of a once productive factory, a revolutionary motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is dead... there is no one left to decipher its secret... and, someone is watching. It's a race against the clock to find the inventor before the motor of the World is stopped for good. Who is John Galt? -- (C) Official Site", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2013-02-19", "theater" : "2012-10-12" }, "runningTime" : 112, "title" : "Atlas Shrugged: Part II", "creationDate" : "2012-06-28T06:30:13-07:00", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11166914", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTE2NjkxNDtqOzE3MDk0OzEyMDA7NjAwOzg4MA", "height" : 880, "width" : 600, "format" : "JPG" }, "vanity" : "atlas_shrugged_part_ii", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11170711", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II", "sourceId" : "759732", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 129, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "PG13", "affiliates" : { "id" : "771311191", "type" : "affiliates", "vuduInfo" : [ { "id" : "106961", "type" : "VDB", "endDate" : "2020-01-01", "price" : 9.99, "format" : "hd", "currency" : "USD", "startDate" : "2015-12-14" }, { "id" : "106960", "type" : "VDR", "endDate" : "2020-01-01", "price" : 3.99, "format" : "hd", "currency" : "USD", "startDate" : "2015-12-14" }, { "id" : "106963", "type" : "VDB", "endDate" : "2020-01-01", "price" : 9.99, "format" : "hdx", "currency" : "USD", "startDate" : "2015-12-14" }, { "id" : "106962", "type" : "VDR", "endDate" : "2020-01-01", "price" : 3.99, "format" : "hdx", "currency" : "USD", "startDate" : "2015-12-14" }, { "id" : "106959", "type" : "VDB", "endDate" : "2020-01-01", "price" : 9.99, "format" : "sd", "currency" : "USD", "startDate" : "2015-12-14" }, { "id" : "106958", "type" : "VDR", "endDate" : "2020-01-01", "price" : 2.99, "format" : "sd", "currency" : "USD", "startDate" : "2015-12-14" } ], "sonicInfo" : [ ], "amazonInfo" : [ ], "itunesInfo" : [ ] }, "audienceReviews" : [ { "id" : "10816", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 6.0, "ratingDate" : "2014-09-22T05:17:35-07:00", "userImage" : { "thumbnailUrl" : "" }, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike is a compelling and provocative film that brings Ayn Rand's classic novel to life. The saga continues with Dagny Taggart and Henry Rearden struggling to hold off a total economic collapse while an oppressive government tightens their control and leading industrialists mysteriously disappear. All of the major roles have been recast, which is rather off putting and doesn't result in any noticeable improvements in the characters. However, the directing is a little better and delivers a clearer vision than the first film had. Additionally, the special effects are fairly well-done for an independent film, and are used quite effectively to add energy and excitement to the scenes. While Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike doesn't live up to the quality of the source material, it still delivers a solid dramatic thriller.", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Dann Michalski", "userId" : null }, { "id" : "10813", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 5.0, "ratingDate" : "2013-06-29T09:30:16-07:00", "userImage" : null, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "Ayn Rand's industrialists fight against the Fair Share Act, which further strangles the economy. nFirst, the most unfortunate thing about this film was the endorsement that the real Sean Hannity gave to the fictional Hank Rearden. Additionally, protesters directly referenced the Occupy Wall Street rhetoric. The one-to-one relationship between the modern day right wing and Rand's objectivists is bullshit, and it's a shame that this film's creators got sucked into Rand's abduction by the right wing. After all the contemporary right wing is in the pocket of conservative Christians, yet Rand was an ardent atheist; the modern day right wing gives welfare to corporate fat cats whom Rand would consider looters. What does this have to do with the film? The iconography of the protesters and Hannity place the film in our historical moment, not Rand's, which takes us out of the film's world. nSecond, I was impressed with Samantha Mathis's performance. Her Dagny was given more to human emotion, which played peek-a-boo amid Dagny's characteristic stoicism. But her acting was the best of the cast. I particularly disliked Jason Beghe's gravel-voiced Rearden. nFinally, the film is poorly paced. The speeches by Readen and Francisco belong in the film, but director John Putch should have taken a walking and talking page from Aaron Sorkin's book to give the film some energy, and the montages of poverty do little to add to the plot. nOverall, this is a controversial film not because Rand is a controversial figure (even though she is) but primarily because the film doesn't really get her.", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Jim Hunter", "userId" : null }, { "id" : "10814", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 4.0, "ratingDate" : "2013-06-25T18:51:02-07:00", "userImage" : { "thumbnailUrl" : "" }, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "What the heck happened here? They changed the actors for almost EVERY role from the part 1 of this saga. Whose bright idea was that?? This could have been an interesting continuing story, but I found the new actors way too distracting....were they all busy? sheesh...", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Cynthia S.", "userId" : null }, { "id" : "10815", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 3.0, "ratingDate" : "2013-02-21T05:58:59-08:00", "userImage" : null, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "You'd think after the horrible and horribly boring Atlas Shrugged: Part One that a promised Part Two might just disappear into the ether. If only we could have been so fortunate. Ayn Rand's cautionary opus about the evils of big government is given another creaky adaptation that fails to justify its existence. I feel like I could repeat verbati
m my faults with the first film. Once again we don't have characters but mouthpieces for ideology, an ideology that celebrates untamed greed. Once again the "best and brightest" (a.k.a. world's richest) are disappearing and the world is grinding to a halt without their necessary genius. Does anyone really think if the world's billionaires left in a huff that the world would cease to function? The assumption that financial wealth equates brilliance seems fatally flawed. Once again it's in a modern setting where America has gone back in time to value railroads. Once again the main thrust of the inert drama is over inconsequential railway economics. Once again people just talk in circles in cheap locations. Once again the government agencies are a bunch of clucking stooges, eager to punish successful business. Once again Rand's Objectivist worldview is treated as gospel and value is only ascribed to the amount of money one can produce. This time we have a slightly better budget, a better director, and some recognizable actors like Samantha Manthis, Esai Morales, Ray Wise, Richard T. Jones, and D.B. Sweeney as the mysterious John Gault. The story transitions to a ridiculous government mandate that include such incomprehensible edicts like making sure no one spends more money than another person. Can you imagine the paperwork involved? This woeful sequel will only appeal to Rand's most faithful admirers, and you probably don't want to hang out with those people anyway. There's your clue: if you see someone carrying a copy of Atlas Shrugged: Part Two they either lack taste or are far too generous with movies. If there is indeed a concluding Part Three, it will be further proof that Rand's market-based screeds are not accurate. The market has already rejected two of these dreadful movies.rnrnNate's Grade: D", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Nate Zoebl", "userId" : null } ], "meta" : { "totalCount" : 39 }, "reviews" : [ { "id" : "2110251", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "Seriously, if this is the best promotion of itself that the free market can manage, it really would benefit from the help of a Ministry of Culture or something.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-15T02:06:24-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "472", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Village Voice" }, "critic" : { "id" : "14220", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2363", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMzYzO2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0Mg", "height" : 42, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Alan Scherstuhl", "vanity" : "alan-scherstuhl" } }, { "id" : "2110231", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "Director John Putch struggles to find balance or generate a single spark from the clunky mix of romance, political diatribe and thriller.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-15T00:31:31-07:00", "url" : ",0,3134211.story", "publication" : { "id" : "268", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Los Angeles Times" }, "critic" : { "id" : "5517", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2608", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyNjA4O2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxNTA7MTUw", "height" : 150, "width" : 150, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Sheri Linden", "vanity" : "sheri-linden" } }, { "id" : "2110230", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "The producers are going to have to hire a better director if they want moviegoers to be curious enough about this Galt guy to buy a ticket for the presumptive third and final chapter.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-15T00:28:05-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "337", "type" : "publication", "name" : "New York Times" }, "critic" : { "id" : "5988", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2630", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyNjMwO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxNTA7MTUw", "height" : 150, "width" : 150, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Manohla Dargis", "vanity" : "manohla-dargis" } }, { "id" : "2110082", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "It's consistent with its predecessor as a somewhat awkward translation of Ayn Rand's 1957 novel to our current era, handled with bland telepic-style competency.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-13T15:43:49-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "466", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Variety" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3084", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Dennis Harvey", "vanity" : "dennis-harvey" } }, { "id" : "2110051", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "A disaster as a film, Atlas also is laughable in its presentation of Rand's ideology.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-13T10:27:38-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "361", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Philadelphia Inquirer" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12125", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Tirdad Derakhshani", "vanity" : "tirdad-derakhshani" } }, { "id" : "2110050", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "If the novel Atlas Shrugged is ultimate libertarian porn, then the first two installments of the screen adaptation are soggy softcore.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-13T10:24:13-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "213", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Hollywood Reporter" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1284", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1663", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNjYzO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs1Mg", "height" : 52, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Todd McCarthy", "vanity" : "todd-mccarthy" } }, { "id" : "2109921", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "The people behind the Atlas Shrugged series of films have things they want to tell you, and just to make sure that you know what they are, the movies tell you, and tell you, and then tell you again.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T08:55:17-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2205", "type" : "publication", "name" : "TheWrap" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12622", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2620", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyNjIwO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxNTA7MTUw", "height" : 150, "width" : 150, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Alonso Duralde", "vanity" : "alonso-duralde" } }, { "id" : "2109919", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "Proving the theorem from Todd Solondz's Palindromes that different actors can play the same role without losing much continuity, Samantha Mat
his plays Dagny with all the lifelessness Taylor Schilling brought to the original role.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "F", "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T08:54:00-07:00", "url" : ",86633/", "publication" : { "id" : "833", "type" : "publication", "name" : "AV Club" }, "critic" : { "id" : "336", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Scott Tobias", "vanity" : "scott-tobias" } }, { "id" : "2109918", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "I didn't hate this movie. The first one was far worse -- mercifully, the cast and director have all been replaced.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T08:51:03-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "44", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Boston Globe" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1301", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1664", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNjY0O2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0OQ", "height" : 49, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Wesley Morris", "vanity" : "wesley-morris" } }, { "id" : "2109675", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : ""Atlas Shrugged: Part II" is political economy written with crayon.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-11T20:34:30-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "336", "type" : "publication", "name" : "New York Post" }, "critic" : { "id" : "6626", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1744", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzQ0O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0MQ", "height" : 41, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Kyle Smith", "vanity" : "kyle-smith" } }, { "id" : "2109589", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "Rather than refresh the cast with new actors, the producers would have done better to just digitally reanimate Patricia Neal and Gary Cooper, the stars of the 1949 adaptation of Rand's The Fountainhead.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1.5/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-11T10:45:44-07:00", "url" : ",1233956/critic-review.html", "publication" : { "id" : "474", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Washington Post" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1186", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Mark Jenkins", "vanity" : "mark-jenkins" } }, { "id" : "2260041", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "A greedy billionaire's most feverish nightmare realized with all the amateurish panache of a daytime soap opera.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2015-05-03T08:42:27-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "362", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Philadelphia Weekly" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3462", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2563", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyNTYzO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxNTI7MTY4", "height" : 168, "width" : 152, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Sean Burns", "vanity" : "sean-burns" } }, { "id" : "2146723", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "There are ironic footnotes in cinema history because they champion the free market yet fail miserably in it.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1.5/5", "creationDate" : "2013-06-09T08:32:17-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1593", "type" : "publication", "name" : "7M Pictures" }, "critic" : { "id" : "6773", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1747", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzQ3O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs1NA", "height" : 54, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Kevin Carr", "vanity" : "kevin-carr" } }, { "id" : "2129220", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The determined, if questionably talented, cast and crew of Ayn Rand devotees continue to hack their way through the lionized author's obtuse prose", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "2/4", "creationDate" : "2013-02-18T11:29:07-08:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2288", "type" : "publication", "name" : "OK! Magazine" }, "critic" : { "id" : "4335", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1717", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzE3O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0NQ", "height" : 45, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Phil Villarreal", "vanity" : "phil-villarreal" } }, { "id" : "2113401", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The Bad Boys II of ****ty propaganda films, morally and aesthetically corrupt yet compulsively watchable in the broad strokes. Somewhere, in heaven, Eisenstein is laughing. Hard.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "0.5/4", "creationDate" : "2012-11-05T03:43:00-08:00", "url" : null, "publication" : { "id" : "1866", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Projection Booth" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12145", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2213", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMjEzO2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxMDA7ODc", "height" : 87, "width" : 100, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Rob Humanick", "vanity" : "rob-humanick" } }, { "id" : "2111501", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The acting is better than in Part 1 but the fact this is the middle segment leaves the audience that might like it dissatisfied", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "5/10", "creationDate" : "2012-10-23T08:10:51-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1557", "type" : "publication", "name" : "" }, "critic" : { "id" : "10513", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1770", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzcwO2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0MA", "height" : 40, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Jackie K. Cooper", "vanity" : "jackie-k-cooper" } }, { "id" : "2111190", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The film's excruciating unwatchability transcends politics.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/10", "creationDate" : "2012-10-19T16:43:50-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1900", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Antagony & Ecstasy" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12682", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2219", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMjE5O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxMDA7MTAw", "height" : 100, "width" : 100, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Tim Brayton", "vanity" : "tim-brayton" } }, { "id" : "2111061", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "Atlas won't be the only one to shrug off this tiresome load.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/5", "creationDat
e" : "2012-10-19T03:34:34-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "28", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Austin Chronicle" }, "critic" : { "id" : "34", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Marjorie Baumgarten", "vanity" : "marjorie-baumgarten" } }, { "id" : "2110734", "type" : "review", "score" : "fresh", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "Rand's detractors will hate the movie as much as they do her, but her fans will be satisfied ... ", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "3/5", "creationDate" : "2012-10-18T06:05:08-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "599", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Sacramento News & Review" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3224", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2104", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMTA0O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDs5ODsxMjI", "height" : 122, "width" : 98, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Jim Lane", "vanity" : "jim-lane" } }, { "id" : "2110404", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "A niche movie on a par with any cheapjack faith-based picture, which is why it resembles one -- and only the most ardently faithful need apply.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : ".5/5", "creationDate" : "2012-10-16T07:51:47-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1020", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)" }, "critic" : { "id" : "5783", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1730", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzMwO2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0NA", "height" : 44, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Ken Hanke", "vanity" : "ken-hanke" } }, { "id" : "2110277", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "It's still kinda bad, but at least this movie won't be an industry punchline for years to come. ... Oh, what a difference competence makes.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "4.5/10", "creationDate" : "2012-10-15T05:06:41-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1906", "type" : "publication", "name" : "CraveOnline" }, "critic" : { "id" : "14539", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2338", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMzM4O2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0Mg", "height" : 42, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "William Bibbiani", "vanity" : "william-bibbiani" } }, { "id" : "2110117", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The portrait of American gloom and doom has its layers of meanings and philosophies, but I'd rather approach Atlas as a clumsy B-movie with occasional entertainment value.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "C", "creationDate" : "2012-10-14T06:18:04-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2468", "type" : "publication", "name" : "" }, "critic" : { "id" : "2771", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2237", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMjM3O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsyNTA7Mjg1", "height" : 285, "width" : 250, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Brian Orndorf", "vanity" : "brian-orndorf" } }, { "id" : "2109950", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "New viewers aren't expected to jump into the dense story now, and anyone coming back for seconds is predisposed to believing this is the most important movie of the year. Sean Hannity or another right-wing mouthpiece told them so.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "B-", "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T09:31:55-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1457", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Tampa Bay Times" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3876", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1710", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzEwO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0Mg", "height" : 42, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Steve Persall", "vanity" : "steve-persall" } }, { "id" : "2109891", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "A stupid person's idea of what a smart movie sounds like. ", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T06:56:59-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2448", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Tribune News Service" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1238", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1654", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNjU0O2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0NQ", "height" : 45, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Roger Moore", "vanity" : "roger-moore" } } ], "images" : [ { "id" : "n-31649", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY0OTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs2MDE", "height" : 601 }, { "id" : "n-31650", "type" : "image", "width" : 1067, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MDtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTA2NzsxNDIz", "height" : 1423 }, { "id" : "n-31651", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs5MDA", "height" : 900 }, { "id" : "n-31652", "type" : "image", "width" : 1024, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MjtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTAyNDs3Njg", "height" : 768 }, { "id" : "n-31653", "type" : "image", "width" : 1423, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MztqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTQyMzsxMDY3", "height" : 1067 }, { "id" : "n-31654", "type" : "image", "width" : 1423, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1NDtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTQyMzsxMDY3", "height" : 1067 }, { "id" : "n-31655", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1NTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs5MDA", "height" : 900 }, { "id" : "n-31656", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1NjtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs5MDA", "height" : 900 } ], "audienceSummary" : { "id" : "771311191", "type" : "audienceSummary", "avgScore" : 3.5, "popcornMeter" : { "state" : "upright", "value" : 61 }, "audienceCount" : 12817 }, "videoClips" : [ { "id" : "11170711", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 129, "sourceId" : "759732", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II", "clipType" : "TRL" }, { "id" : "11250297", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 132, "sourceId" : "939825", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged: Part II (Blu-ray/DVD Trailer)", "clipType" : "TRL" }, { "id" : "11170712", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 64, "sourceId" : "762001", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II (trailer 1)", "clipType" : "TRL" }, { "id" : "11171768", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 37, "sourceId" : "571118", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "https://content.inte", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II (trailer 2)", "clipType" : "TRL" } ], "movieCast" : [ { "id" : "773245636", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ ], "role" : "DIR", "person" : { "id" : "162658586", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "n-800493", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs4MDA0OTM7ajsxNzAxOTsxMjAwOzU0MDs3MjA", "height" : 720, "width" : 540, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "John Putch", "vanity" : "john_putch" } }, { "id" : "774026912", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ ], "role" : "PRO", "person" : { "id" : "771366821", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "John Aglialoro", "vanity" : "john_aglialoro" } }, { "id" : "774026913", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ ], "role" : "PRO", "person" : { "id" : "533571670", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Jeff Freilich", "vanity" : "jeff_freilich" } }, { "id" : "774026914", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ ], "role" : "PRO", "person" : { "id" : "364660757", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Harmon M. 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Unemployment has risen to 24%. Gas is now $42 per gallon. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear at the hands of the unknown. Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well be the answer to a mounting energy crisis - found abandoned amongst the ruins of a once productive factory, a revolutionary motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is dead... there is no one left to decipher its secret... and, someone is watching. It's a race against the clock to find the inventor before the motor of the World is stopped for good. Who is John Galt? -- (C) Official Site", "runningTime" : 112, "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2013-02-19", "theater" : "2012-10-12" }, "lastModifiedDate
" : "2016-06-21T07:58:40-07:00", "creationDate" : "2012-06-28T06:30:13-07:00", "vanity" : "atlas_shrugged_part_ii", "officialUrl" : "", "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11170711", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II", "sourceId" : "759732", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 129, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "mpaaRating" : "PG13", "genres" : [ { "id" : "9", "type" : "genre", "name" : "Drama", "tag" : "drama" } ], "castItems" : [ { "id" : "773245631", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "Dagny Taggart" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "162656115", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "r-43375", "thumborId" : "v1.cjs0MzM3NTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MjIwOzE5Ng", "height" : 196, "width" : 220, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Samantha Mathis", "vanity" : "samantha_mathis" } }, { "id" : "773245632", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "Henry Rearden" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "162728844", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "n-210107", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsyMTAxMDc7ajsxNzAxMjsxMjAwOzE5NDg7MTQ2MQ", "height" : 1461, "width" : 1948, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Jason Beghe", "vanity" : "jason_beghe" } }, { "id" : "773245633", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "Francisco d'Anconia" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "162666833", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "r-45839", "thumborId" : "v1.cjs0NTgzOTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MzQ4OzMxMA", "height" : 310, "width" : 348, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Esai Morales", "vanity" : "esai_morales" } }, { "id" : "773245634", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "James Taggart" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "388433340", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "r-44645", "thumborId" : "v1.cjs0NDY0NTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MzI1OzI5MA", "height" : 290, "width" : 325, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Patrick Fabian", "vanity" : "patrick-fabian" } }, { "id" : "773245635", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "Lillian Rearden" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "770751203", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "n-31655", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1NTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs5MDA", "height" : 900, "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Kim Rhodes", "vanity" : "kim_rhodes" } }, { "id" : "773278080", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "Dr. Floyd Ferris" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "770689041", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "n-192397", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxOTIzOTc7ajsxNzAxMjsxMjAwOzg2NDs2NDg", "height" : 648, "width" : 864, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "John Rubinstein", "vanity" : "john_rubinstein" } }, { "id" : "773278082", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "Head of State Thompson" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "162689781", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "r-44978", "thumborId" : "v1.cjs0NDk3ODtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MjIwOzE5Ng", "height" : 196, "width" : 220, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Ray Wise", "vanity" : "ray_wise" } }, { "id" : "773265674", "type" : "movieCast", "characters" : [ "Eddie Willers" ], "role" : "ACT", "person" : { "id" : "162711070", "type" : "person", "mainImage" : { "id" : "n-775791", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs3NzU3OTE7ajsxNzAxODsxMjAwOzQ4MDs3MjA", "height" : 720, "width" : 480, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Richard T. 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", "vanity" : "sheri-linden" } }, { "id" : "2110230", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "The producers are going to have to hire a better director if they want moviegoers to be curious enough about this Galt guy to buy a ticket for the presumptive third and final chapter.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-15T00:28:05-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "337", "type" : "publication", "name" : "New York Times" }, "critic" : { "id" : "5988", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2630", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyNjMwO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxNTA7MTUw", "height" : 150, "width" : 150, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Manohla Dargis", "vanity" : "manohla-dargis" } }, { "id" : "2110082", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "It's consistent with its predecessor as a somewhat awkward translation of Ayn Rand's 1957 novel to our current era, handled with bland telepic-style competency.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-13T15:43:49-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "466", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Variety" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3084", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Dennis Harvey", "vanity" : "dennis-harvey" } }, { "id" : "2110051", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "A disaster as a film, Atlas also is laughable in its presentation of Rand's ideology.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-13T10:27:38-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "361", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Philadelphia Inquirer" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12125", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Tirdad Derakhshani", "vanity" : "tirdad-derakhshani" } }, { "id" : "2110050", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "If the novel Atlas Shrugged is ultimate libertarian porn, then the first two installments of the screen adaptation are soggy softcore.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-13T10:24:13-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "213", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Hollywood Reporter" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1284", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1663", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNjYzO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs1Mg", "height" : 52, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Todd McCarthy", "vanity" : "todd-mccarthy" } }, { "id" : "2109921", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "The people behind the Atlas Shrugged series of films have things they want to tell you, and just to make sure that you know what they are, the movies tell you, and tell you, and then tell you again.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T08:55:17-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2205", "type" : "publication", "name" : "TheWrap" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12622", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2620", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyNjIwO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxNTA7MTUw", "height" : 150, "width" : 150, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Alonso Duralde", "vanity" : "alonso-duralde" } }, { "id" : "2109919", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "Proving the theorem from Todd Solondz's Palindromes that different actors can play the same role without losing much continuity, Samantha Mathis plays Dagny with all the lifelessness Taylor Schilling brought to the original role.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "F", "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T08:54:00-07:00", "url" : ",86633/", "publication" : { "id" : "833", "type" : "publication", "name" : "AV Club" }, "critic" : { "id" : "336", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Scott Tobias", "vanity" : "scott-tobias" } }, { "id" : "2109918", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "I didn't hate this movie. The first one was far worse -- mercifully, the cast and director have all been replaced.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T08:51:03-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "44", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Boston Globe" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1301", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1664", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNjY0O2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0OQ", "height" : 49, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Wesley Morris", "vanity" : "wesley-morris" } }, { "id" : "2109675", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : ""Atlas Shrugged: Part II" is political economy written with crayon.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-11T20:34:30-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "336", "type" : "publication", "name" : "New York Post" }, "critic" : { "id" : "6626", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1744", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzQ0O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0MQ", "height" : 41, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Kyle Smith", "vanity" : "kyle-smith" } }, { "id" : "2109589", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : true, "quote" : "Rather than refresh the cast with new actors, the producers would have done better to just digitally reanimate Patricia Neal and Gary Cooper, the stars of the 1949 adaptation of Rand's The Fountainhead.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1.5/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-11T10:45:44-07:00", "url" : ",1233956/critic-review.html", "publication" : { "id" : "474", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Washington Post" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1186", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Mark Jenkins", "vanity" : "mark-jenkins" } }, { "id" : "2260041", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "A greedy billionaire's most feverish nightmare realized with all the amateurish panache of a daytime soap opera.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : null, "creationDate" : "2015-05-03T08:42:27-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "362", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Philadelphia Weekly" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3462", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2563", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyNTYzO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxNTI7MTY4",
"height" : 168, "width" : 152, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Sean Burns", "vanity" : "sean-burns" } }, { "id" : "2146723", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "There are ironic footnotes in cinema history because they champion the free market yet fail miserably in it.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1.5/5", "creationDate" : "2013-06-09T08:32:17-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1593", "type" : "publication", "name" : "7M Pictures" }, "critic" : { "id" : "6773", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1747", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzQ3O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs1NA", "height" : 54, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Kevin Carr", "vanity" : "kevin-carr" } }, { "id" : "2129220", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The determined, if questionably talented, cast and crew of Ayn Rand devotees continue to hack their way through the lionized author's obtuse prose", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "2/4", "creationDate" : "2013-02-18T11:29:07-08:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2288", "type" : "publication", "name" : "OK! Magazine" }, "critic" : { "id" : "4335", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1717", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzE3O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0NQ", "height" : 45, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Phil Villarreal", "vanity" : "phil-villarreal" } }, { "id" : "2113401", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The Bad Boys II of ****ty propaganda films, morally and aesthetically corrupt yet compulsively watchable in the broad strokes. Somewhere, in heaven, Eisenstein is laughing. Hard.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "0.5/4", "creationDate" : "2012-11-05T03:43:00-08:00", "url" : null, "publication" : { "id" : "1866", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Projection Booth" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12145", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2213", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMjEzO2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxMDA7ODc", "height" : 87, "width" : 100, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Rob Humanick", "vanity" : "rob-humanick" } }, { "id" : "2111501", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The acting is better than in Part 1 but the fact this is the middle segment leaves the audience that might like it dissatisfied", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "5/10", "creationDate" : "2012-10-23T08:10:51-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1557", "type" : "publication", "name" : "" }, "critic" : { "id" : "10513", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1770", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzcwO2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0MA", "height" : 40, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Jackie K. Cooper", "vanity" : "jackie-k-cooper" } }, { "id" : "2111190", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The film's excruciating unwatchability transcends politics.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/10", "creationDate" : "2012-10-19T16:43:50-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1900", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Antagony & Ecstasy" }, "critic" : { "id" : "12682", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2219", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMjE5O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsxMDA7MTAw", "height" : 100, "width" : 100, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Tim Brayton", "vanity" : "tim-brayton" } }, { "id" : "2111061", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "Atlas won't be the only one to shrug off this tiresome load.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/5", "creationDate" : "2012-10-19T03:34:34-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "28", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Austin Chronicle" }, "critic" : { "id" : "34", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : null, "name" : "Marjorie Baumgarten", "vanity" : "marjorie-baumgarten" } }, { "id" : "2110734", "type" : "review", "score" : "fresh", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "Rand's detractors will hate the movie as much as they do her, but her fans will be satisfied ... ", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "3/5", "creationDate" : "2012-10-18T06:05:08-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "599", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Sacramento News & Review" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3224", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2104", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMTA0O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDs5ODsxMjI", "height" : 122, "width" : 98, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Jim Lane", "vanity" : "jim-lane" } }, { "id" : "2110404", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "A niche movie on a par with any cheapjack faith-based picture, which is why it resembles one -- and only the most ardently faithful need apply.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : ".5/5", "creationDate" : "2012-10-16T07:51:47-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1020", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)" }, "critic" : { "id" : "5783", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1730", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzMwO2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0NA", "height" : 44, "width" : 38, "format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Ken Hanke", "vanity" : "ken-hanke" } }, { "id" : "2110277", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "It's still kinda bad, but at least this movie won't be an industry punchline for years to come. ... Oh, what a difference competence makes.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "4.5/10", "creationDate" : "2012-10-15T05:06:41-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1906", "type" : "publication", "name" : "CraveOnline" }, "critic" : { "id" : "14539", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2338", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMzM4O2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0Mg", "height" : 42, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "William Bibbiani", "vanity" : "william-bibbiani" } }, { "id" : "2110117", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "The portrait of American gloom and doom has its layers of meanings and philosophies, but I'd rather approach Atlas as a clumsy B-movie with occasional entertainment value.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "C", "creationDate" : "2012-10-14T06:18:04-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2468", "type" : "publication", "name" : "" }, "critic" : { "id" : "2771", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-2237", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsyMjM3O2o7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDsyNTA7Mjg1", "height" : 285, "width" : 250,
"format" : "JPG" }, "name" : "Brian Orndorf", "vanity" : "brian-orndorf" } }, { "id" : "2109950", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "New viewers aren't expected to jump into the dense story now, and anyone coming back for seconds is predisposed to believing this is the most important movie of the year. Sean Hannity or another right-wing mouthpiece told them so.", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "B-", "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T09:31:55-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "1457", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Tampa Bay Times" }, "critic" : { "id" : "3876", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1710", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNzEwO2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0Mg", "height" : 42, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Steve Persall", "vanity" : "steve-persall" } }, { "id" : "2109891", "type" : "review", "score" : "rotten", "topCritic" : false, "quote" : "A stupid person's idea of what a smart movie sounds like. ", "movieId" : 771311191, "scoreOri" : "1/4", "creationDate" : "2012-10-12T06:56:59-07:00", "url" : "", "publication" : { "id" : "2448", "type" : "publication", "name" : "Tribune News Service" }, "critic" : { "id" : "1238", "type" : "critic", "mainImage" : { "id" : "c-1654", "thumborId" : "v1.YzsxNjU0O2c7MTcwMTA7MTIwMDszODs0NQ", "height" : 45, "width" : 38, "format" : "GIF" }, "name" : "Roger Moore", "vanity" : "roger-moore" } } ], "audienceReviews" : [ { "id" : "10816", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 6.0, "ratingDate" : "2014-09-22T05:17:35-07:00", "userImage" : { "thumbnailUrl" : "" }, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike is a compelling and provocative film that brings Ayn Rand's classic novel to life. The saga continues with Dagny Taggart and Henry Rearden struggling to hold off a total economic collapse while an oppressive government tightens their control and leading industrialists mysteriously disappear. All of the major roles have been recast, which is rather off putting and doesn't result in any noticeable improvements in the characters. However, the directing is a little better and delivers a clearer vision than the first film had. Additionally, the special effects are fairly well-done for an independent film, and are used quite effectively to add energy and excitement to the scenes. While Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike doesn't live up to the quality of the source material, it still delivers a solid dramatic thriller.", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Dann Michalski", "userId" : null }, { "id" : "10813", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 5.0, "ratingDate" : "2013-06-29T09:30:16-07:00", "userImage" : null, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "Ayn Rand's industrialists fight against the Fair Share Act, which further strangles the economy. nFirst, the most unfortunate thing about this film was the endorsement that the real Sean Hannity gave to the fictional Hank Rearden. Additionally, protesters directly referenced the Occupy Wall Street rhetoric. The one-to-one relationship between the modern day right wing and Rand's objectivists is bullshit, and it's a shame that this film's creators got sucked into Rand's abduction by the right wing. After all the contemporary right wing is in the pocket of conservative Christians, yet Rand was an ardent atheist; the modern day right wing gives welfare to corporate fat cats whom Rand would consider looters. What does this have to do with the film? The iconography of the protesters and Hannity place the film in our historical moment, not Rand's, which takes us out of the film's world. nSecond, I was impressed with Samantha Mathis's performance. Her Dagny was given more to human emotion, which played peek-a-boo amid Dagny's characteristic stoicism. But her acting was the best of the cast. I particularly disliked Jason Beghe's gravel-voiced Rearden. nFinally, the film is poorly paced. The speeches by Readen and Francisco belong in the film, but director John Putch should have taken a walking and talking page from Aaron Sorkin's book to give the film some energy, and the montages of poverty do little to add to the plot. nOverall, this is a controversial film not because Rand is a controversial figure (even though she is) but primarily because the film doesn't really get her.", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Jim Hunter", "userId" : null }, { "id" : "10814", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 4.0, "ratingDate" : "2013-06-25T18:51:02-07:00", "userImage" : { "thumbnailUrl" : "" }, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "What the heck happened here? They changed the actors for almost EVERY role from the part 1 of this saga. Whose bright idea was that?? This could have been an interesting continuing story, but I found the new actors way too distracting....were they all busy? sheesh...", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Cynthia S.", "userId" : null }, { "id" : "10815", "type" : "audienceReview", "score" : 3.0, "ratingDate" : "2013-02-21T05:58:59-08:00", "userImage" : null, "superReviewer" : true, "movieId" : 771311191, "comment" : "You'd think after the horrible and horribly boring Atlas Shrugged: Part One that a promised Part Two might just disappear into the ether. If only we could have been so fortunate. Ayn Rand's cautionary opus about the evils of big government is given another creaky adaptation that fails to justify its existence. I feel like I could repeat verbatim my faults with the first film. Once again we don't have characters but mouthpieces for ideology, an ideology that celebrates untamed greed. Once again the "best and brightest" (a.k.a. world's richest) are disappearing and the world is grinding to a halt without their necessary genius. Does anyone really think if the world's billionaires left in a huff that the world would cease to function? The assumption that financial wealth equates brilliance seems fatally flawed. Once again it's in a modern setting where America has gone back in time to value railroads. Once again the main thrust of the inert drama is over inconsequential railway economics. Once again people just talk in circles in cheap locations. Once again the government agencies are a bunch of clucking stooges, eager to punish successful business. Once again Rand's Objectivist worldview is treated as gospel and value is only ascribed to the amount of money one can produce. This time we have a slightly better budget, a better director, and some recognizable actors like Samantha Manthis, Esai Morales, Ray Wise, Richard T. Jones, and D.B. Sweeney as the mysterious John Gault. The story transitions to a ridiculous government mandate that include such incomprehensible edicts like making sure no one spends more money than another person. Can you imagine the paperwork involved? This woeful sequel will only appeal to Rand's most faithful admirers, and you probably don't want to hang out with those people anyway. There's your clue: if you see someone carrying a copy of Atlas Shrugged: Part Two they either lack taste or are far too generous with movies. If there is indeed a concluding Part Three, it will be further proof that Rand's market-based screeds are not accurate. The market has already rejected two of these dreadful movies.rnrnNate's Grade: D", "ratingSource" : null, "userName" : "Nate Zoebl", "userId" : null } ], "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-31649", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY0OTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs2MDE", "height" : 60
1, "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG" }, "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11166914", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTE2NjkxNDtqOzE3MDk0OzEyMDA7NjAwOzg4MA", "height" : 880, "width" : 600, "format" : "JPG" }, "videoClips" : [ { "id" : "11170711", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 129, "sourceId" : "759732", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II", "clipType" : "TRL" }, { "id" : "11250297", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 132, "sourceId" : "939825", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged: Part II (Blu-ray/DVD Trailer)", "clipType" : "TRL" }, { "id" : "11170712", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 64, "sourceId" : "762001", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II (trailer 1)", "clipType" : "TRL" }, { "id" : "11171768", "type" : "videoClip", "duration" : 37, "sourceId" : "571118", "source" : "VDD", "thumbUrl" : "", "title" : "Atlas Shrugged Part II (trailer 2)", "clipType" : "TRL" } ], "images" : [ { "id" : "n-31649", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY0OTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs2MDE", "height" : 601 }, { "id" : "n-31650", "type" : "image", "width" : 1067, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MDtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTA2NzsxNDIz", "height" : 1423 }, { "id" : "n-31651", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs5MDA", "height" : 900 }, { "id" : "n-31652", "type" : "image", "width" : 1024, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MjtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTAyNDs3Njg", "height" : 768 }, { "id" : "n-31653", "type" : "image", "width" : 1423, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1MztqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTQyMzsxMDY3", "height" : 1067 }, { "id" : "n-31654", "type" : "image", "width" : 1423, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1NDtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTQyMzsxMDY3", "height" : 1067 }, { "id" : "n-31655", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1NTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs5MDA", "height" : 900 }, { "id" : "n-31656", "type" : "image", "width" : 1200, "format" : "JPG", "thumborId" : "v1.bjszMTY1NjtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MTIwMDs5MDA", "height" : 900 } ], "openingWindow" : "NA", "releaseScope" : "wide"} { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Movie", "name" : "Atlas Shrugged: Part II", "description" : "The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Unemployment has risen to 24%. Gas is now $42 per gallon. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear at the hands of the unknown. Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well be the answer to a mounting energy crisis - found abandoned amongst the ruins of a once productive factory, a revolutionary motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is dead... there is no one left to decipher its secret... and, someone is watching. It's a race against the clock to find the inventor before the motor of the World is stopped for good. Who is John Galt? -- (C) Official Site", "actor" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Samantha Mathis" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Jason Beghe" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Esai Morales" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Patrick Fabian" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Kim Rhodes" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "John Rubinstein" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Ray Wise" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Richard T. Jones" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "D.B. Sweeney" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Diedrich Bader" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Paul McCrane" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Robert Picardo" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Bug Hall" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Arye Gross" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Rex Linn" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Larisa Oleynik" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Jeff Yagher" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Michael Gross" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Stephen Macht" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Thomas F. Wilson" } ], "director" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "John Putch" } ], "author" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Brian Patrick O'Toole" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Duke Sandefur" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Duncan Scott" } ], "productionCompany" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Atlas Distribution" }, "aggregateRating" : { "@type" : "AggregateRating", "ratingValue" : 4, "bestRating" : "100", "worstRating" : "0", "reviewCount" : 23, "name" : "Tomatometer", "description" : "The Tomatometer rating based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics is a trusted measurement of movie and TV programming quality for millions of moviegoers. It represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show." }, "contentRating" : "PG13", "dateModified" : "2016-06-21T07:58:40-07:00", "dateCreated" : "2012-06-28T06:30:13-07:00", "datePublished" : 2012, "genre" : [ "Drama" ], "sameAs" : "", "review" : [ { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "Seriously, if this is the best promotion of itself that the free market can manage, it really would benefit from the help of a Ministry of Culture or something.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-15T02:06:24-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Alan Scherstuhl" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Village Voice" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "Director John Putch struggles to find balance or generate a single spark from the clunky mix of romance, political diatribe and thriller.", "url" : ",0,3134211.story", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-15T00:31:31-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Sheri Linden" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Los Angeles Times" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "The producers are going to have to hire a better director if they want moviegoers to be curious enough about this Galt guy to buy a ticket for the presumptive third and final chapter.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-15T00:28:05-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Manohla Dargis" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "New York Times" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "rev
iewBody" : "It's consistent with its predecessor as a somewhat awkward translation of Ayn Rand's 1957 novel to our current era, handled with bland telepic-style competency.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-13T15:43:49-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Dennis Harvey" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Variety" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "A disaster as a film, Atlas also is laughable in its presentation of Rand's ideology.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-13T10:27:38-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Tirdad Derakhshani" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Philadelphia Inquirer" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "If the novel Atlas Shrugged is ultimate libertarian porn, then the first two installments of the screen adaptation are soggy softcore.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-13T10:24:13-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Todd McCarthy" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Hollywood Reporter" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "The people behind the Atlas Shrugged series of films have things they want to tell you, and just to make sure that you know what they are, the movies tell you, and tell you, and then tell you again.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-12T08:55:17-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Alonso Duralde" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "TheWrap" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "Proving the theorem from Todd Solondz's Palindromes that different actors can play the same role without losing much continuity, Samantha Mathis plays Dagny with all the lifelessness Taylor Schilling brought to the original role.", "url" : ",86633/", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-12T08:54:00-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Scott Tobias" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "AV Club" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "I didn't hate this movie. The first one was far worse -- mercifully, the cast and director have all been replaced.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-12T08:51:03-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Wesley Morris" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Boston Globe" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : ""Atlas Shrugged: Part II" is political economy written with crayon.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-11T20:34:30-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Kyle Smith" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "New York Post" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "Rather than refresh the cast with new actors, the producers would have done better to just digitally reanimate Patricia Neal and Gary Cooper, the stars of the 1949 adaptation of Rand's The Fountainhead.", "url" : ",1233956/critic-review.html", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-11T10:45:44-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Mark Jenkins" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Washington Post" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "A greedy billionaire's most feverish nightmare realized with all the amateurish panache of a daytime soap opera.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2015-05-03T08:42:27-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Sean Burns" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Philadelphia Weekly" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "There are ironic footnotes in cinema history because they champion the free market yet fail miserably in it.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2013-06-09T08:32:17-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Kevin Carr" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "7M Pictures" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "The determined, if questionably talented, cast and crew of Ayn Rand devotees continue to hack their way through the lionized author's obtuse prose", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2013-02-18T11:29:07-08:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Phil Villarreal" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "OK! Magazine" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "The Bad Boys II of ****ty propaganda films, morally and aesthetically corrupt yet compulsively watchable in the broad strokes. Somewhere, in heaven, Eisenstein is laughing. Hard.", "dateCreated" : "2012-11-05T03:43:00-08:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Rob Humanick" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization
", "name" : "Projection Booth" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "The acting is better than in Part 1 but the fact this is the middle segment leaves the audience that might like it dissatisfied", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-23T08:10:51-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Jackie K. Cooper" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "The film's excruciating unwatchability transcends politics.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-19T16:43:50-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Tim Brayton" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Antagony & Ecstasy" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "Atlas won't be the only one to shrug off this tiresome load.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-19T03:34:34-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Marjorie Baumgarten" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Austin Chronicle" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "Rand's detractors will hate the movie as much as they do her, but her fans will be satisfied ... ", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-18T06:05:08-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Jim Lane" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Sacramento News & Review" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "fresh" } }, { "@type" : "Review", "reviewBody" : "A niche movie on a par with any cheapjack faith-based picture, which is why it resembles one -- and only the most ardently faithful need apply.", "url" : "", "dateCreated" : "2012-10-16T07:51:47-07:00", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "url" : "", "name" : "Ken Hanke" }, "publisher" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)" }, "reviewRating" : { "@type" : "Rating", "bestRating" : "F", "worstRating" : "R", "ratingValue" : "rotten" } } ], "duration" : "PT112M", "url" : "", "releasedEvent" : [ { "@type" : "PublicationEvent", "startDate" : "2012-10-12", "name" : "Theater" }, { "@type" : "PublicationEvent", "startDate" : "2013-02-19", "name" : "DVD" } ], "character" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Dagny Taggart" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Henry Rearden" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Francisco d'Anconia" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "James Taggart" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Lillian Rearden" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Dr. Floyd Ferris" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Head of State Thompson" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Eddie Willers" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "John Galt" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Quentin Daniels" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Wesley Mouch" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Dr. Robert Stadler" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Leonard Small" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Ken Danagger" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Kip Chalmers" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Cherryl Brooks" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Jeff Allen" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Ted 'Buzz' Killman" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Clem Weatherby" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Robert Collins" } ]} { "boxOffice" : [ { "id" : "771403192", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for crude and suggestive humor, some nudity, action violence and brief strong language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:34:41-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 66 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Warner Bros. 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But before the staid numbers-cruncher realizes what he's getting into, it's too late to get out, as his increasingly unpredictable new friend drags him through a world of shoot-outs, double-crosses and espionage that could get them both killed in more ways than Calvin can count.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-17" }, "runningTime" : 114, "title" : "Central Intelligence", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11946483", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTk0NjQ4MztqOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7ODAwOzExODY", "height" : 1186, "width" : 800, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-11-12T23:16:29-08:00", "vanity" : "central_intelligence", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 35535250, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232634", "title" : "Central Intelligence", "sourceId" : "866156", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 156, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 35535250, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771375842", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for terror and horror violence", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:37:11-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 78 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Warner Bros. Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1124575", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTI0NTc1O2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsyMTMzOzEyMDA", "height" : 1200, "width" : 2133, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Reprising their roles, Oscar nominee Vera Farmiga ("Up In the Air," TV's "Bates Motel") and Patrick Wilson (the "Insidious" films), star as Lorraine and Ed Warren, who, in one of their most terrifying paranormal investigations, travel to north London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by malicious spirits.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-10" }, "runningTime" : 133, "title" : "The Conjuring 2", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11882329", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTg4MjMyOTtqOzE3MDEyOzEyMDA7MTQxNzsyMTAw", "height" : 2100, "width" : 1417, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-02-27T21:34:33-08:00", "vanity" : "the_conjuring_2", "officialUrl" : "",
"cummulativeBoxOffice" : 0, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11234499", "title" : "The Conjuring 2", "sourceId" : "62422", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 159, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 14880050, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771353630", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for mild thematic elements", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:43:03-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 94 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Walt Disney Pictures/PIXAR", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1129082", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTI5MDgyO2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsxODAwOzg0MA", "height" : 840, "width" : 1800, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : ""Finding Dory" reunites the friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the true meaning of family along the way. The all-new big-screen adventure dives into theaters in 2016, taking moviegoers back to the extraordinary underwater world from the original film.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-17" }, "runningTime" : 100, "title" : "Finding Dory", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11685530", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTY4NTUzMDtwOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7NDMyOzYzNw", "height" : 637, "width" : 432, "format" : "PNG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-04-02T07:00:46-07:00", "vanity" : "finding_dory", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232306", "title" : "Finding Dory", "sourceId" : "480095", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 155, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 10238270, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG" }, { "id" : "771362372", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for violence and some language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:34:42-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 34 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Lionsgate", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1122109", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTIyMTA5O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDszNjAwOzI1MTg", "height" : 2518, "width" : 3600, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "THE FOUR HORSEMEN (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, Lizzy Caplan) return for a second mind-bending adventure, elevating the limits of stage illusion to new heights and taking them around the globe. One year after outwitting the FBI and winning the public's adulation with their Robin Hood-style magic spectacles, the illusionists resurface for a comeback performance in hopes of exposing the unethical practices of a tech magnate. The man behind their vanishing act is none other than WALTER MABRY (Daniel Radcliffe), a tech prodigy who threatens the Horsemen into pulling off their most impossible heist yet. Their only hope is to perform one last unprecedented stunt to clear their names and reveal the mastermind behind it all.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-10" }, "runningTime" : 115, "title" : "Now You See Me 2", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11863097", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTg2MzA5NztqOzE3MDEyOzEyMDA7NTAwMDs3NjAw", "height" : 7600, "width" : 5000, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-08-14T01:40:49-07:00", "vanity" : "now_you_see_me_2", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 41085908, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11236858", "title" : "Now You See Me 2 (International Trailer 1)", "sourceId" : "929812", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 60, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 9373379, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771021948", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for extended sequences of intense fantasy violence", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:34:41-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 29 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Universal Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1122138", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTIyMTM4O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDs1MTEyOzIxMzI", "height" : 2132, "width" : 5112, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Legendary Pictures' WARCRAFT, a 3D epic adventure of world-colliding conflict based upon Blizzard Entertainment's globally-renowned universe, is directed by Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) and is written by Charles Leavitt and rewritten by Duncan Jones. The producers are Charles Roven, Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni and Alex Gartner. Stuart Fenegan, Jillian Share and Brent O'Connor serve as executive producers. Blizzard's Chris Metzen co-produces. (C) Universal", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-10" }, "runningTime" : 100, "title" : "Warcraft", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11785752", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTc4NTc1MjtqOzE3MDExOzEyMDA7MzE1ODs1MDAw", "height" : 5000, "width" : 3158, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2010-04-12T19:50:26-07:00", "vanity" : "warcraft", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 38432955, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232069", "title" : "Warcraft", "sourceId" : "723419", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 103, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 7241430, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771371217", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for sequences of violence, action and destruction, brief strong language and some suggestive images", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:37:11-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 48 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "20th Century Fox", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1117775", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTE3Nzc1O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsyMTg0OzExNTI", "height" : 1152, "width" : 2184, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel's X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-05-27" }, "runningTime" : 136, "title" : "X-Men: Apocalypse", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11949610", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTk0OTYxMDtqOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7MjAyNTszMDAw", "height" : 3000, "width" : 2025, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-12-05T21:44:25-08:00", "vanity" : "x_men_apocalypse", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11233434", "title" : "X-Men: Apocalypse", "sourceId" : "58483", "thumbUrl" : "", "dura
tion" : 154, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 5309290, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771386622", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for sci-fi action violence", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:40:26-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 37 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Paramount Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1117796", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTE3Nzk2O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsxNDAwOzUyNA", "height" : 524, "width" : 1400, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael return to theaters this summer to battle bigger, badder villains, alongside April O'Neil (Megan Fox), Vern Fenwick (Will Arnett), and a newcomer: the hockey-masked vigilante Casey Jones (Stephen Amell). After supervillain Shredder (Brian Tee) escapes custody, he joins forces with mad scientist Baxter Stockman (Tyler Perry) and two dimwitted henchmen, Bebop (Gary Anthony Williams) and Rocksteady (WWE Superstar Stephen "Sheamus" Farrelly), to unleash a diabolical plan to take over the world. As the Turtles prepare to take on Shredder and his new crew, they find themselves facing an even greater evil with similar intentions: the notorious Krang.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-03" }, "runningTime" : 97, "title" : "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11940336", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTk0MDMzNjtqOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7MTY5MTsyNjM5", "height" : 2639, "width" : 1691, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-08-15T03:57:01-07:00", "vanity" : "teenage_mutant_ninja_turtles_out_of_the_shadows", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 0, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11233402", "title" : "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows", "sourceId" : "214547", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 98, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 5251531, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771370508", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for fantasy action/peril and some language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:43:12-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 30 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Walt Disney Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1103872", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTAzODcyO2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsxOTIwOzEwODA", "height" : 1080, "width" : 1920, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "In Disney's "Alice Through the Looking Glass," an all-new spectacular adventure featuring the unforgettable characters from Lewis Carroll's beloved stories, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Underland and travels back in time to save the Mad Hatter. Directed by James Bobin, who brings his own unique vision to the spectacular world Tim Burton created on screen in 2010 with "Alice in Wonderland," the film is written by Linda Woolverton based on characters created by Lewis Carroll and produced by Joe Roth, Suzanne Todd and Jennifer Todd and Tim Burton with John G. Scotti serving as executive producer. "Alice Through the Looking Glass" reunites the all-star cast from the worldwide blockbuster phenomenon, including: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Mia Wasikowska and Helena Bonham Carter along with the voices of Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen and Timothy Spall. We are also introduced to several new characters: Zanik Hightopp (Rhys Ifans), the Mad Hatter's father and Time himself (Sacha Baron Cohen), a peculiar creature who is part human, part clock. Alice Kingsleigh (Wasikowska) has spent the past few years following in her father's footsteps and sailing the high seas. Upon her return to London, she comes across a magical looking glass and returns to the fantastical realm of Underland and her friends the White Rabbit (Sheen), Absolem (Rickman), the Cheshire Cat (Fry) and the Mad Hatter (Depp), who is not himself. The Hatter has lost his Muchness, so Mirana (Hathaway) sends Alice on a quest to borrow the Chronosphere, a metallic globe inside the chamber of the Grand Clock which powers all time. Returning to the past, she comes across friends - and enemies - at different points in their lives, and embarks on a perilous race to save the Hatter before time runs out. Presented in Digital 3D(TM), Real D 3D and IMAX (R) 3D, Disney's "Alice Through the Looking Glass" opens in U.S. theaters on May 27, 2016.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-05-27" }, "runningTime" : 108, "title" : "Alice Through the Looking Glass", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11591428", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTU5MTQyODtqOzE3MDk5OzEyMDA7ODY0OzEyODA", "height" : 1280, "width" : 864, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-11-23T14:19:22-08:00", "vanity" : "alice_in_wonderland_through_the_looking_glass", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232093", "title" : "Alice Through The Looking Glass", "sourceId" : "813185", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 147, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 4290760, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG" }, { "id" : "771385244", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for thematic elements and some suggestive material", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:34:42-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 57 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Warner Bros. Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1038538", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDM4NTM4O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsxMjgwOzg1MQ", "height" : 851, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Adapted from the bestselling novel by Jo Jo Moyes, Me Before You tells the story of the unexpected relationship that blossoms between a contented small town Englishwoman and the wealthy, paralyzed Londoner who hires her as his caretaker. Theater director Thea Sharrock makes her feature directorial debut with this MGM/New Line Cinema co-production. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-03" }, "runningTime" : 110, "title" : "Me Before You", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11543773", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTU0Mzc3MztqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7NDA1OzYwMA", "height" : 600, "width" : 405, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-07-17T23:40:31-07:00", "vanity" : "me_before_you", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 46112029, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11235957", "title" : "Me Before You", "sourceId" : "949915", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 153, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 3911175, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771377017", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for extended sequences of violence, action and mayhem", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:34:43-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 90 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Walt Disney Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1062070", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDYyMDcwO2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsyMDAwOzEzMzM", "height" : 1333, "width" : 2000, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Marvel's "Captain America: Civil War" finds Steve Rogers leading the newly formed team of Avengers in their continued efforts
to safeguard humanity. But after another incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability, headed by a governing body to oversee and direct the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers, resulting in two camps-one led by Steve Rogers and his desire for the Avengers to remain free to defend humanity without government interference, and the other following Tony Stark's surprising decision to support government oversight and accountability.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-05-06" }, "runningTime" : 146, "title" : "Captain America: Civil War", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11690070", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTY5MDA3MDtwOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7NDg4OzcyMA", "height" : 720, "width" : 488, "format" : "PNG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-03-18T01:52:19-07:00", "vanity" : "captain_america_civil_war", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 401312591, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232773", "title" : "Captain America: Civil War", "sourceId" : "472058", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 152, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 2331622, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" } ], "opening" : [ { "id" : "771436876", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for thematic elements including violent content, and for some language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T06:21:37-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 100 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Piki Films", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1092612", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDkyNjEyO2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsyMDQ4OzEzNjM", "height" : 1363, "width" : 2048, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Raised on hip-hop and foster care, defiant city kid Ricky gets a fresh start in the New Zealand countryside. He quickly finds himself at home with his new foster family: the loving Aunt Bella, the cantankerous Uncle Hec, and dog Tupac. When a tragedy strikes that threatens to ship Ricky to another home, both he and Hec go on the run in the bush. As a national manhunt ensues, the newly branded outlaws must face their options: go out in a blaze of glory or overcome their differences and survive as a family. Equal parts road comedy and rousing adventure story, director Taika Waititi (WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS, upcoming THOR: RAGNORAK) masterfully weaves lively humor with emotionally honest performances by Sam Neill and Julian Dennison. A hilarious, touching crowd-pleaser, HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE reminds us about the journey that growing up is (at any age) and those who help us along the way.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 101, "title" : "Hunt for the Wilderpeople", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11939842", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTkzOTg0MjtwOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7NDc4OzcwOA", "height" : 708, "width" : 478, "format" : "PNG" }, "creationDate" : "2016-01-25T01:17:27-08:00", "vanity" : "hunt_for_the_wilderpeople", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11245753", "title" : "Hunt For The Wilderpeople", "sourceId" : "545243", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 151, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "opening", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771359352", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for sequences of sci-fi action and destruction, and for some language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T12:29:00-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 60 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "20th Century Fox", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1129912", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTI5OTEyO2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDszMDAwOzEyNTA", "height" : 1250, "width" : 3000, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "We always knew they were coming back. After INDEPENDENCE DAY redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global catastrophe on an unimaginable scale. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens' advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction. (C) Fox", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 119, "title" : "Independence Day: Resurgence", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11573414", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTU3MzQxNDtqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7MjAyNTszMDAw", "height" : 3000, "width" : 2025, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-06-20T22:10:16-07:00", "vanity" : "independence_day_resurgence", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11233502", "title" : "Independence Day: Resurgence", "sourceId" : "614920", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 151, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 50000000, "openingWindow" : "opening", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771414367", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "brutal battle scenes and disturbing graphic images", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:18-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 0 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "STX Entertainment", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1133355", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTMzMzU1O2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDs1NzYwOzM4NDA", "height" : 3840, "width" : 5760, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Directed by four-time Oscar (R) nominee Gary Ross and starring Oscar (R) winner Matthew McConaughey, Free State of Jones is an epic action-drama set during the Civil War, and tells the story of defiant Southern farmer, Newt Knight, and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the Confederacy. Banding together with other small farmers and local slaves, Knight launched an uprising that led Jones County, Mississippi to secede from the Confederacy, creating a Free State of Jones. Knight continued his struggle into Reconstruction, distinguishing him as a compelling, if controversial, figure of defiance long beyond the War.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 139, "title" : "Free State of Jones", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-12036570", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMjAzNjU3MDtqOzE3MDE0OzEyMDA7MTk2MjsyODI2", "height" : 2826, "width" : 1962, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-03-01T22:03:45-08:00", "vanity" : "free_state_of_jones", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11234809", "title" : "Free State Of Jones", "sourceId" : "431647", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 68, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 15000000, "openingWindow" : "opening", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771422973", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for bloody images, intense sequences of peril, and brief strong language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:40:44-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Ombra Films", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1100848", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTAwODQ4O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDs1NjE2Oz
MxNTk", "height" : 3159, "width" : 5616, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "In the taut thriller The Shallows, when Nancy (Blake Lively) is surfing on a secluded beach, she finds herself on the feeding ground of a great white shark. Though she is stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of Nancy's ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 87, "title" : "The Shallows", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11730097", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTczMDA5NztqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7MjAyNTszMDAw", "height" : 3000, "width" : 2025, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-08-07T03:01:53-07:00", "vanity" : "the_shallows", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11238393", "title" : "The Shallows", "sourceId" : "139669", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 108, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 12000000, "openingWindow" : "opening", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" } ], "upcoming" : [ { "id" : "770808377", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:19-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Sony Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1086458", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDg2NDU4O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDszMDAwOzIwMDQ", "height" : 2004, "width" : 3000, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today--Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they're here to save the world!", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-15" }, "runningTime" : 105, "title" : "Ghostbusters", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11557040", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTU1NzA0MDtqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7MzAwMDs0MDAw", "height" : 4000, "width" : 3000, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2009-04-28T03:24:46-07:00", "vanity" : "ghostbusters_2016", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11237463", "title" : "Ghostbusters", "sourceId" : "843035", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 139, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771350404", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for action and some rude humor", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:26-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 80 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Universal Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-816945", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs4MTY5NDU7ajsxNzAxOTsxMjAwOzEyODA7NzIw", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "For their fifth fully-animated feature-film collaboration, Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures present The Secret Life of Pets, a comedy about the lives our pets lead after we leave for work or school each day. Comedy superstars Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet and Kevin Hart make their animated feature-film debuts in The Secret Life of Pets, which co-stars Ellie Kemper, Lake Bell, Jenny Slate, Bobby Moynihan, Hannibal Buress and Albert Brooks. Illumination founder and CEO Chris Meledandri and his longtime collaborator Janet Healy produce the film directed by Chris Renaud (Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2), co-directed by Yarrow Cheney and written by Brian Lynch and Cinco Paul & Ken Daurio.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-08" }, "runningTime" : null, "title" : "The Secret Life of Pets", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11510769", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTUxMDc2OTtqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7NDgwOzc2MA", "height" : 760, "width" : 480, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-02-14T21:15:39-08:00", "vanity" : "the_secret_life_of_pets", "officialUrl" : null, "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11227335", "title" : "The Secret Life Of Pets", "sourceId" : "910344", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 153, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771374700", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for sequences of action and violence, some sensuality and brief rude dialogue", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:22-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Lionsgate Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1133635", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTMzNjM1O2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsyMzUwOzEyMDA", "height" : 1200, "width" : 2350, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "It has been years since the man once known as Tarzan (Alexander Skarsgrd) left the jungles of Africa behind for a gentrified life as John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, with his beloved wife, Jane (Margot Robbie) at his side. Now, he has been invited back to the Congo to serve as a trade emissary of Parliament, unaware that he is a pawn in a deadly convergence of greed and revenge, masterminded by the Belgian, Captain Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz). But those behind the murderous plot have no idea what they are about to unleash.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-01" }, "runningTime" : 109, "title" : "The Legend of Tarzan", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11954606", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTk1NDYwNjtqOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7NTc0Ozg1MQ", "height" : 851, "width" : 574, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-02-12T03:30:39-08:00", "vanity" : "the_legend_of_tarzan", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11233392", "title" : "The Legend Of Tarzan", "sourceId" : "39102", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 147, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771400429", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for sequences of violence and action throughout, disturbing behavior, suggestive content and language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:26-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Warner Bros. Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-864935", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs4NjQ5MzU7ajsxNzAyMDsxMjAwOzEyODA7NzIw", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Director David Ayer (Fury) takes the helm for this Warner Bros. production adapted from the DC Comics series about a group of super-villains who are given a shot at redemption by embarking on a heroic mission that will most likely mean the death of them all. Dan Lin produces from a script by Justin Marks.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-08-05" }, "runningTime" : 100, "title" : "Suicide Squad", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11483740", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTQ4Mzc0MDtwOzE3MDk3OzEyMDA7NTY3Ozg0MA", "height" : 840, "width" : 567, "format" : "PNG" }, "creationDate" : "20
14-10-17T23:15:51-07:00", "vanity" : "suicide_squad_2016", "officialUrl" : null, "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11228225", "title" : "Suicide Squad", "sourceId" : "125938", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 153, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771411544", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for disturbing bloody violence and strong language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:24-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Universal Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1133400", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTMzNDAwO2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsxOTIwOzEwODA", "height" : 1080, "width" : 1920, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Writer/director James DeMonaco returns for the third installment of the franchise starring Frank Grillo.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-01" }, "runningTime" : null, "title" : "The Purge: Election Year", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-12007674", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMjAwNzY3NDtqOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7NTAwMDs3OTE3", "height" : 7917, "width" : 5000, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-01-12T03:00:11-08:00", "vanity" : "the_purge_election_year", "officialUrl" : null, "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11236361", "title" : "The Purge: Election Year (Australia Trailer 1)", "sourceId" : "483765", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 142, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771372077", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for mild rude humor and some action/peril", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:43:01-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "20th Century Fox", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-982720", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs5ODI3MjA7ajsxNzAyMTsxMjAwOzEyODA7NzIw", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Scrat's epic pursuit of the elusive acorn catapults him into the universe where he accidentally sets off a series of cosmic events that transform and threaten the Ice Age World. To save themselves, Sid, Manny, Diego, and the rest of the herd must leave their home and embark on a quest full of comedy and adventure, travelling to exotic new lands and encountering a host of colorful new characters.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-22" }, "runningTime" : 100, "title" : "Ice Age: Collision Course", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11362509", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTM2MjUwOTtqOzE3MDk2OzEyMDA7NjAwOzgwMA", "height" : 800, "width" : 600, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-12-23T06:30:23-08:00", "vanity" : "ice_age_collision_course", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11233536", "title" : "Ice Age: Collision Course", "sourceId" : "381486", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 146, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "PG" }, { "id" : "771361911", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:26-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Paramount Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-982685", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs5ODI2ODU7ajsxNzAyMTsxMjAwOzEyODA7NzIw", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "The crew of the starship Enterprise embarks on another mission into deep space in this Paramount production penned by Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness scribes Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-22" }, "runningTime" : null, "title" : "Star Trek Beyond", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-12027103", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMjAyNzEwMztqOzE3MDE0OzEyMDA7Mjg2OzQ0Ng", "height" : 446, "width" : 286, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-08-07T01:43:50-07:00", "vanity" : "star_trek_beyond", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11233501", "title" : "Star Trek Beyond", "sourceId" : "939225", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 152, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771365099", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "strong crude sexual content, pervasive language, and drug use", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:37:08-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 100 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Sony Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1064625", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDY0NjI1O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsxMjgwOzcyMA", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "A misplaced sausage and his savory friends embark on an existential adventure through the aisles of a massive supermarket in this raunchy animated comedy from Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. 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Jason Bourne is the fifth installment in the action franchise, and the third to be directed by Paul Greengrass.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-29" }, "runningTime" : null, "title" : "Jason Bourne", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11560338", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTU2MDMzODtqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7MzE1ODs1MDAw", "height" : 5000, "width" : 3158, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-10-05T0
0:04:31-07:00", "vanity" : "jason_bourne", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11236137", "title" : "Jason Bourne", "sourceId" : "654034", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 148, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771382797", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for action/peril, some scary moments and brief rude humor", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:14-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 70 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Walt Disney Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "NA", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1134422", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTM0NDIyO2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsyMTgwOzExNTI", "height" : 1152, "width" : 2180, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "This film tells the tale of a young girl, the Queen of England and a benevolent giant known as the BFG, who set out on an adventure to capture the evil, man-eating giants who have been invading the human world.", "releaseDates" : { "theater" : "2016-07-01" }, "runningTime" : 115, "title" : "The BFG", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11931565", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTkzMTU2NTtqOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7MTY4ODsyNTAw", "height" : 2500, "width" : 1688, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-06-19T08:16:48-07:00", "vanity" : "the_bfg_2016", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11233325", "title" : "The BFG", "sourceId" : "823354", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 133, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "upcoming", "mpaaRating" : "PG" } ], "topRentals" : [ { "id" : "771442118", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for strong violence and language.", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T07:29:03-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Mandeville Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1133604", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTMzNjA0O2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsxMjU4OzUyNQ", "height" : 525, "width" : 1258, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "THE DUEL stars Liam Hemsworth as a Texas Ranger who investigates a series of murders in a small town led by a charismatic preacher played by Woody Harrelson. However, the routine undercover investigation soon turns personal for the ranger who must solve the case before he loses everything to the mysterious town.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-24", "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 109, "title" : "The Duel", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11869259", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTg2OTI1OTtwOzE3MDEyOzEyMDA7NDY4OzY5NQ", "height" : 695, "width" : 468, "format" : "PNG" }, "creationDate" : "2016-04-27T02:39:12-07:00", "vanity" : "the_duel_2016", "officialUrl" : null, "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11245275", "title" : "The Duel", "sourceId" : "860754", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 115, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "opening", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771435751", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T06:23:50-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 75 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Worldwide Pants", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1117772", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTE3NzcyO2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDs1NzYwOzM4NDA", "height" : 3840, "width" : 5760, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "An 18-year-old with muscular dystrophy (Craig Roberts) goes on a road trip with his caregiver (Paul Rudd), and the pair learn about life from the people they meet along the way. Written and directed by Rob Burnett, The Fundamentals of Caring made its world premiere at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 93, "title" : "The Fundamentals of Caring", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-12033115", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMjAzMzExNTtqOzE3MDE0OzEyMDA7MTUwMDsyMjIy", "height" : 2222, "width" : 1500, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-12-25T19:10:13-08:00", "vanity" : "the_fundamentals_of_caring", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : null, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771441659", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:24-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 100 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Bron Capital Partners", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1134247", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTM0MjQ3O2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDs1MzkwOzM2MDA", "height" : 3600, "width" : 5390, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "When major-league rookie pitcher Hopper Gibson (Johnny Simmons) can't find the plate, he's sent down to the minor leagues and begins sessions with an unorthodox sports psychologist (Paul Giamatti). In the process, hidden conflicts with his overbearing father (Ethan Hawke) are brought to light.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-24", "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 88, "title" : "The Phenom", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11922523", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTkyMjUyMztqOzE3MDEyOzEyMDA7NTcwOzg0MA", "height" : 840, "width" : 570, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2016-04-22T08:25:52-07:00", "vanity" : "the_phenom_2016", "officialUrl" : null, "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11248690", "title" : "The Phenom", "sourceId" : "190086", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 148, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "opening", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771444017", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T09:59:35-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Stormchaser Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1129882", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTI5ODgyO2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsxOTIwOzEwODA", "height" : 1080, "width" : 1920, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "A young woman's quiet night in becomes a free-fall into fear in this disturbing home invasion thriller. After she lands her dream job, a young cellist (Louise Linton) settles in for a relaxing few days holed up in her apartment-but as a violent storm rages outside, she can't shake the feeling that someone is watching her every move. Cleverly toying with the rules of suspense, director Travis Z wrings maximum terror from everyone's worst nightmare: you may not be alone.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-24", "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 91, "title" : "Intruder", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-12027346", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMjAyNzM0NjtqOzE3MDE0OzEyMDA7MTY5MDsyNTAw", "height" : 2500, "width" : 1690, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2016-05-26T19:29:53-07:00", "vanity" : "intruder_2016", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeB
oxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : null, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "opening", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771443837", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T02:49:04-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA" }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : null, "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1117896", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTE3ODk2O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsxMjgwOzcyMA", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Seattle Road explores the paradox of a couple's love and the resentment that forms between two ambitious people. Eve is a beautiful but wounded woman, the product of an affluent and sophisticated background. Adam a sheltered, vulnerable man raised in a cult-like commune with his mother and younger brother who only recently escaped his confining background. Early in their relationship, Eve suffers from the loss of her estranged father and convinces Adam to move into her father's abandoned country home. She hides the fact that the property is actually not left to her in the will, and that they will basically be squatting at the home. Together they unknowingly embark on a journey that will be tumultuous to their relationship, leading to a great sense of impending doom. Exploring the ideas of serendipity and predestination, Adam and Eve are on a romantic collision course that's part of a larger design - that they're fated to be partners and to go through stages in their relationship that mirror their archetypal story from Genesis. Relying on the use of imperfect fragments of memory, this film deconstructs a relationship in a painful, realistic and ultimately hopeful journey.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-24", "theater" : "2016-06-24" }, "runningTime" : 83, "title" : "Seattle Road", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11949608", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTk0OTYwODtwOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7MzE1OzQ2Nw", "height" : 467, "width" : 315, "format" : "PNG" }, "creationDate" : "2016-05-23T05:13:42-07:00", "vanity" : "seattle_road_2016", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11250058", "title" : "Seattle Road", "sourceId" : "829656", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 60, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771381397", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for some suggestive material", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T12:04:00-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 29 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Gold Circle Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1064568", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDY0NTY4O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsyMzcxOzE1MDA", "height" : 1500, "width" : 2371, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Gold Circle Entertainment and HBO present a Playtone production of My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, the long-awaited follow-up to the highest-grossing romantic comedy of all time. Written by Academy Award (R) nominee Nia Vardalos, who stars alongside the entire returning cast of favorites, the film reveals a Portokalos family secret that will bring the beloved characters back together for an even bigger and Greeker wedding. Kirk Jones (Nanny McPhee, Waking Ned Devine) directs the next chapter of the film that will be once again produced by Rita Wilson and Playtone partners Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman. Paul Brooks and Steven Shareshian return to executive produce alongside Vardalos and Scott Niemeyer. Universal Pictures will distribute the comedy domestically and in select international territories.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-25" }, "runningTime" : 94, "title" : "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11564384", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTU2NDM4NDtqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7Mjg0OzQwNQ", "height" : 405, "width" : 284, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-05-31T01:53:24-07:00", "vanity" : "my_big_fat_greek_wedding_2", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 59573085, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232322", "title" : "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2", "sourceId" : "530904", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 136, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 141501, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771362417", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for some violence and action", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:22-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 83 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Warner Bros. Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1049439", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDQ5NDM5O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDs0MDk2OzE1NDQ", "height" : 1544, "width" : 4096, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, and Kirsten Dunst star in writer/director Jeff Nichols' drama about a father and his eight-year-old son who go on the lam upon discovering that the boy possesses mysterious powers. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-18" }, "runningTime" : 111, "title" : "Midnight Special", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11708091", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTcwODA5MTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7NDA1MDs2MDAw", "height" : 6000, "width" : 4050, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-08-15T01:45:15-07:00", "vanity" : "midnight_special_2015", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232640", "title" : "Midnight Special", "sourceId" : "871053", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 125, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 153508, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771433283", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for strong crude sexual content, graphic nudity, violence, language, and some drug use", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T07:58:53-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 38 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Big Talk Productions", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-957062", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs5NTcwNjI7ajsxNzAyMTsxMjAwOzEyODA7NzIw", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Nobby (Sacha Baron Cohen), a sweet but dimwitted English football hooligan, reunites with his long-lost brother Sebastian (Mark Strong), a deadly MI6 agent, to prevent a massive global terror attack and prove that behind every great spy is an embarrassing sibling. Nobby has everything a man from Grimsby could want, including 11 children and the most gorgeous girlfriend in the northeast of England (Rebel Wilson). There's only one thing missing: his little brother, Sebastian, who Nobby has spent 28 years searching for after they were separated as kids. Nobby sets off to reunite with Sebastian, unaware that not only is his brother MI6's deadliest assassin, but he's just uncovered plans for an imminent global terrorist attack. On the run and wrongfully accused, Sebastian realizes that if he is going to save the world, he will need the help of its biggest idiot.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-11" }, "runningTime" : 83, "title" : "The Brothers Grimsby", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11644966", "thumborId" :
"v1.bTsxMTY0NDk2NjtqOzE3MDk5OzEyMDA7MTM1ODsyMDEy", "height" : 2012, "width" : 1358, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-10-30T08:06:56-07:00", "vanity" : "the_brothers_grimsby", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 0, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11231917", "title" : "The Brothers Grimsby", "sourceId" : "950765", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 173, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771428953", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:17-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 99 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Buffalo Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1007034", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDA3MDM0O2o7MTcwMjE7MTIwMDsxMjgwOzcyMA", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Embrace of the Serpent features the encounter, apparent betrayal and finally life-affirming friendship between an Amazonian shaman (the last survivor of his people) and two foreign scientists.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-02-17" }, "runningTime" : 123, "title" : "Embrace Of The Serpent (El Abrazo De La Serpiente)", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11314106", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTMxNDEwNjtqOzE3MDk1OzEyMDA7NDMyOzY0MA", "height" : 640, "width" : 432, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-09-11T06:46:20-07:00", "vanity" : "embrace_of_the_serpent", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 1320005, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11234643", "title" : "Embrace Of The Serpent (US)", "sourceId" : "230252", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 127, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 30406, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771260322", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for some nudity, sexuality and language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T06:50:57-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 46 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Broad Green Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1048803", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDQ4ODAzO2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsxOTgwOzEzMzE", "height" : 1331, "width" : 1980, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Knight of Cups follows writer Rick (Christian Bale, The Fighter, American Hustle) on an odyssey through the playgrounds of Los Angeles and Las Vegas as he undertakes a search for love and self. Even as he moves through a desire-laden landscape of mansions, resorts, beaches and clubs, Rick grapples over complicated relationships with his brother (Wes Bentley) and father (Brian Dennehy). His quest to break the spell of his disenchantment takes him on a series of adventures with six alluring women: rebellious Della (Imogen Poots); his physician ex-wife, Nancy (Cate Blanchett); a serene model Helen (Freida Pinto); a woman he wronged in the past Elizabeth (Natalie Portman); a spirited, playful stripper Karen (Teresa Palmer); and an innocent Isabel (Isabel Lucas), who helps him see a way forward. Rick moves in a daze through a strange and overwhelming dreamscape -- but can he wake up to the beauty, humanity and rhythms of life around him? The deeper he searches, the more the journey becomes his destination. The 7th film from director Terrence Malick (The Thin Red Line, Tree of Life), Knight of Cups (the title refers to the Tarot card depicting a romantic adventurer guided by his emotions) offers both a vision of modern life and an intensely personal experience of memory, family, and love. Knight of Cups is produced by Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green and Ken Kao. Prominent crew includes cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (Gravity, Birdman), production designer Jack Fisk, costume designer Jacqueline West, and composer Hanan Townshend (To The Wonder). The film's ensemble cast also includes Antonio Banderas, Cherry Jones and Armin Mueller-Stahl.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-04" }, "runningTime" : 118, "title" : "Knight of Cups", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11510773", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTUxMDc3MztqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7NTY3Ozg0MA", "height" : 840, "width" : 567, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2011-11-04T01:21:25-07:00", "vanity" : "knight_of_cups", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 558402, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11223182", "title" : "Knight Of Cups", "sourceId" : "230816", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 141, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 3970, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "R" } ], "newOnDvd" : [ { "id" : "771381397", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for some suggestive material", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T12:04:00-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 29 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Gold Circle Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1064568", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDY0NTY4O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsyMzcxOzE1MDA", "height" : 1500, "width" : 2371, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Gold Circle Entertainment and HBO present a Playtone production of My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, the long-awaited follow-up to the highest-grossing romantic comedy of all time. Written by Academy Award (R) nominee Nia Vardalos, who stars alongside the entire returning cast of favorites, the film reveals a Portokalos family secret that will bring the beloved characters back together for an even bigger and Greeker wedding. Kirk Jones (Nanny McPhee, Waking Ned Devine) directs the next chapter of the film that will be once again produced by Rita Wilson and Playtone partners Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman. Paul Brooks and Steven Shareshian return to executive produce alongside Vardalos and Scott Niemeyer. Universal Pictures will distribute the comedy domestically and in select international territories.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-25" }, "runningTime" : 94, "title" : "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11564384", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTU2NDM4NDtqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7Mjg0OzQwNQ", "height" : 405, "width" : 284, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2014-05-31T01:53:24-07:00", "vanity" : "my_big_fat_greek_wedding_2", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 59573085, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232322", "title" : "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2", "sourceId" : "530904", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 136, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 69378, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771362417", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for some violence and action", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:22-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 83 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Warner Bros. Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1049439", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDQ5NDM5O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDs0MDk2OzE1NDQ", "height" : 1544, "width" : 4096, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, and Kirsten Dunst
star in writer/director Jeff Nichols' drama about a father and his eight-year-old son who go on the lam upon discovering that the boy possesses mysterious powers. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-18" }, "runningTime" : 111, "title" : "Midnight Special", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11708091", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTcwODA5MTtqOzE3MDEwOzEyMDA7NDA1MDs2MDAw", "height" : 6000, "width" : 4050, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-08-15T01:45:15-07:00", "vanity" : "midnight_special_2015", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11232640", "title" : "Midnight Special", "sourceId" : "871053", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 125, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 132372, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "PG13" }, { "id" : "771433283", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for strong crude sexual content, graphic nudity, violence, language, and some drug use", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T07:58:53-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 38 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "wide", "studioName" : "Big Talk Productions", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-957062", "thumborId" : "v1.bjs5NTcwNjI7ajsxNzAyMTsxMjAwOzEyODA7NzIw", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Nobby (Sacha Baron Cohen), a sweet but dimwitted English football hooligan, reunites with his long-lost brother Sebastian (Mark Strong), a deadly MI6 agent, to prevent a massive global terror attack and prove that behind every great spy is an embarrassing sibling. Nobby has everything a man from Grimsby could want, including 11 children and the most gorgeous girlfriend in the northeast of England (Rebel Wilson). There's only one thing missing: his little brother, Sebastian, who Nobby has spent 28 years searching for after they were separated as kids. Nobby sets off to reunite with Sebastian, unaware that not only is his brother MI6's deadliest assassin, but he's just uncovered plans for an imminent global terrorist attack. On the run and wrongfully accused, Sebastian realizes that if he is going to save the world, he will need the help of its biggest idiot.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-11" }, "runningTime" : 83, "title" : "The Brothers Grimsby", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11644966", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTY0NDk2NjtqOzE3MDk5OzEyMDA7MTM1ODsyMDEy", "height" : 2012, "width" : 1358, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-10-30T08:06:56-07:00", "vanity" : "the_brothers_grimsby", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 0, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11231917", "title" : "The Brothers Grimsby", "sourceId" : "950765", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 173, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771428953", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T10:49:17-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 99 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Buffalo Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1007034", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDA3MDM0O2o7MTcwMjE7MTIwMDsxMjgwOzcyMA", "height" : 720, "width" : 1280, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Embrace of the Serpent features the encounter, apparent betrayal and finally life-affirming friendship between an Amazonian shaman (the last survivor of his people) and two foreign scientists.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-02-17" }, "runningTime" : 123, "title" : "Embrace Of The Serpent (El Abrazo De La Serpiente)", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11314106", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTMxNDEwNjtqOzE3MDk1OzEyMDA7NDMyOzY0MA", "height" : 640, "width" : 432, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-09-11T06:46:20-07:00", "vanity" : "embrace_of_the_serpent", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 1320005, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11234643", "title" : "Embrace Of The Serpent (US)", "sourceId" : "230252", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 127, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 22000, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771260322", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for some nudity, sexuality and language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T06:50:57-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 46 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Broad Green Pictures", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1048803", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDQ4ODAzO2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsxOTgwOzEzMzE", "height" : 1331, "width" : 1980, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Knight of Cups follows writer Rick (Christian Bale, The Fighter, American Hustle) on an odyssey through the playgrounds of Los Angeles and Las Vegas as he undertakes a search for love and self. Even as he moves through a desire-laden landscape of mansions, resorts, beaches and clubs, Rick grapples over complicated relationships with his brother (Wes Bentley) and father (Brian Dennehy). His quest to break the spell of his disenchantment takes him on a series of adventures with six alluring women: rebellious Della (Imogen Poots); his physician ex-wife, Nancy (Cate Blanchett); a serene model Helen (Freida Pinto); a woman he wronged in the past Elizabeth (Natalie Portman); a spirited, playful stripper Karen (Teresa Palmer); and an innocent Isabel (Isabel Lucas), who helps him see a way forward. Rick moves in a daze through a strange and overwhelming dreamscape -- but can he wake up to the beauty, humanity and rhythms of life around him? The deeper he searches, the more the journey becomes his destination. The 7th film from director Terrence Malick (The Thin Red Line, Tree of Life), Knight of Cups (the title refers to the Tarot card depicting a romantic adventurer guided by his emotions) offers both a vision of modern life and an intensely personal experience of memory, family, and love. Knight of Cups is produced by Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green and Ken Kao. Prominent crew includes cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (Gravity, Birdman), production designer Jack Fisk, costume designer Jacqueline West, and composer Hanan Townshend (To The Wonder). The film's ensemble cast also includes Antonio Banderas, Cherry Jones and Armin Mueller-Stahl.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-04" }, "runningTime" : 118, "title" : "Knight of Cups", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11510773", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTUxMDc3MztqOzE3MDk4OzEyMDA7NTY3Ozg0MA", "height" : 840, "width" : 567, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2011-11-04T01:21:25-07:00", "vanity" : "knight_of_cups", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 558402, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11223182", "title" : "Knight Of Cups", "sourceId" : "230816", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 141, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 1675, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771428923", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for some language and disaster images", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-0
6-21T07:57:51-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 80 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : null, "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1013881", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDEzODgxO2o7MTcwMjE7MTIwMDsxMzkyOzc4Mw", "height" : 783, "width" : 1392, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Nestled in Norway's Sunnmre region, Geiranger is one of the most spectacular tourist draws on the planet. With the mountain kerneset overlooking the village - and constantly threatening to collapse into the fjord - it is also a place where cataclysm could strike at any moment. After putting in several years at Geiranger's warning center, geologist Kristian is moving on to a prestigious gig with an oil company. But the very day he's about to drive his family to their new life in the city, Kristian senses something isn't right. The substrata are shifting. No one wants to believe that this could be the big one, especially with tourist season at its peak, but when that mountain begins to crumble, every soul in Geiranger has ten minutes to get to high ground before a tsunami hits, consuming everything in its path.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-03-04" }, "runningTime" : 104, "title" : "The Wave (Bolgen)", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11644967", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTY0NDk2NztqOzE3MDk5OzEyMDA7NjkxOzEwMjQ", "height" : 1024, "width" : 691, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-09-11T03:31:58-07:00", "vanity" : "the_wave_2016", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 176637, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11235260", "title" : "The Wave (US)", "sourceId" : "306314", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 130, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : 2034, "openingWindow" : "NA", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771366842", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T07:58:29-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 86 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Level 33 Entertainment", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1093538", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMDkzNTM4O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsyMjg4OzE3MTI", "height" : 1712, "width" : 2288, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "In 1931, Harold Lasseter's body was found in the Central Australian desert. His diary revealed he'd discovered gold -- worth billions of dollars today -- but he'd give it all away for a loaf of bread and a chance at survival. The gold has never been found. Filmmaker Luke Walker finds Lasseter's 85 year-old son, still wandering the desert trying to find the gold that killed his father. Is it still possible to piece together the fragments of history Lasseter left behind? Armed with a camera, Walker chases his footsteps in hopes to unravel the tangle of myths, lies and legend that remain buried with Lasseter's bones. But as he follows his last few steps he finds himself closer to the gold than anyone has been for 80 years. Do you dare join the adventure and take part in the quest for Australia's Lost Gold?", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-21", "theater" : "2016-05-27" }, "runningTime" : 104, "title" : "Australia's Lost Gold (Lasseter's Bones)", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11882327", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTg4MjMyNztqOzE3MDEyOzEyMDA7NTk3Ozg0MA", "height" : 840, "width" : 597, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-10-16T06:30:43-07:00", "vanity" : "australias_lost_gold", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11239324", "title" : "Australia's Lost Gold", "sourceId" : "694401", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 128, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771362909", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : "for horror violence and gore, and for language", "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:34:50-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 43 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Dimension Films, Anchor Bay Entertainment", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1130013", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTMwMDEzO2o7MTcwMjM7MTIwMDsxMTYxOzY0MA", "height" : 640, "width" : 1161, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "CLOWN is a story of a loving father who dons a clown outfit and makeup to perform at his son's sixth birthday, only to later discover that the costume--red nose and wig included--will not come off and his own personality changes in a horrific fashion. To break the curse of the evil outfit, the father must make grim choices with his own family facing danger.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-17", "theater" : "2016-06-17" }, "runningTime" : 99, "title" : "Clown", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11952145", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTk1MjE0NTtqOzE3MDEzOzEyMDA7NjAyOzg1MQ", "height" : 851, "width" : 602, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-08-21T01:39:22-07:00", "vanity" : "clown_2016", "officialUrl" : null, "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 26920, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11234393", "title" : "Clown", "sourceId" : "294899", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 137, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "R" }, { "id" : "771362219", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-20T23:06:05-07:00", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 70 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "IFC Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1114834", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTE0ODM0O2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDsyNDk2OzE0MDQ", "height" : 1404, "width" : 2496, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "Based on the international bestseller, the riveting first film in the Department Q series introduces maverick detective Carl Mrck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) who, after majorly botching an assignment, is relegated to reviewing cold cases. With his new partner (Fares Fares), the moody Mrck begins digging into the unsolved disappearance of a high-ranking female politician (Sonja Richter) who supposedly committed suicide but whose body was never recovered--a mystery that plunges the investigators into a dark and disturbing conspiracy. A nonstop series of ingenious twists and shocking surprises keep the suspense simmering in this stylish thriller.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-17", "theater" : "2016-06-17" }, "runningTime" : 97, "title" : "The Keeper of Lost Causes (Kvinden i buret)", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-12027349", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMjAyNzM0OTtqOzE3MDE0OzEyMDA7NTc1Ozg1MQ", "height" : 851, "width" : 575, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2013-08-13T01:45:20-07:00", "vanity" : "the_keeper_of_lost_causes", "officialUrl" : null, "cummulativeBoxOffice" : null, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11250661", "title" : "Department Q (Trilogy Trailer)", "sourceId" : "503683", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 138, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "NR" }, { "id" : "771414328", "type" : "movie", "advisory" : null, "lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T11:34:53-07:00", "tomatom
eter" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 92 }, "year" : 2016, "releaseScope" : "limited", "studioName" : "Drafthouse Films", "dvdWindow" : "new-on-dvd", "heroImage" : { "id" : "n-1122173", "thumborId" : "v1.bjsxMTIyMTczO2o7MTcwMjI7MTIwMDs5MDA7NTA1", "height" : 505, "width" : 900, "format" : "JPG" }, "synopsis" : "After Steven Spielberg's classic Raiders of the Lost Ark was released 35 years ago, three 11-year-old boys from Mississippi set out on what would become a 7-year-long labor of love and tribute to their favorite film: a faithful, shot-for-shot adaptation of the action adventure film. They finished every scene...except one; the film's explosive airplane set piece. Over two decades later, the trio reunited with the original cast members from their childhood in order to complete their masterpiece. Featuring interviews with John Rhys Davies, Eli Roth and more, Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made is just that: the story of this long-gestating project's culmination, chronicling the friends' dedication to their artistic vision-mixed in with some movie magic-to create a personal, epic love letter to a true modern classic.", "releaseDates" : { "dvd" : "2016-06-17", "theater" : "2016-06-17" }, "runningTime" : 104, "title" : "Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made", "posterImage" : { "id" : "m-11917989", "thumborId" : "v1.bTsxMTkxNzk4OTtqOzE3MDEyOzEyMDA7MTM4MzsyMDQ4", "height" : 2048, "width" : 1383, "format" : "JPG" }, "creationDate" : "2015-02-27T23:02:45-08:00", "vanity" : "raiders_the_story_of_the_greatest_fan_film_ever_made", "officialUrl" : "", "cummulativeBoxOffice" : 26059, "mainTrailer" : { "id" : "11248227", "title" : "Raiders: The Story Of The Greatest Fan Film Ever Made", "sourceId" : "915105", "thumbUrl" : "", "duration" : 127, "clipType" : "TRL", "source" : "VDD" }, "boxOffice" : null, "openingWindow" : "in-theaters", "mpaaRating" : "NR" } ], "most-popular-tv" : [ { "link" : "//", "score" : 93, "showId" : 15349, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Game of Thrones: Season 6", "title" : "Game of Thrones: Season 6", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 93 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 90, "showId" : 12261, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Preacher: Season 1", "title" : "Preacher: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 90 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 15200, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Orange is the New Black: Season 4", "title" : "Orange is the New Black: Season 4", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 16038, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Full Frontal With Samantha Bee: Season 1", "title" : "Full Frontal With Samantha Bee: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 16402, "rating" : "fresh", "showTitle" : "Voltron: Legendary Defender: Season 1", "title" : "Voltron: Legendary Defender: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 97, "showId" : 15425, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "UnReal: Season 2", "title" : "UnReal: Season 2", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 97 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 79, "showId" : 14135, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Outcast: Season 1", "title" : "Outcast: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 79 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 86, "showId" : 14959, "rating" : "fresh", "showTitle" : "12 Monkeys: Season 2", "title" : "12 Monkeys: Season 2", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 86 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 15197, "rating" : "fresh", "showTitle" : "Silicon Valley: Season 3", "title" : "Silicon Valley: Season 3", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 97, "showId" : 11634, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Outlander: Season 2", "title" : "Outlander: Season 2", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 97 } } ], "new-tv-tonight" : [ { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 15275, "rating" : "fresh", "showTitle" : "Person Of Interest: Season 5", "title" : "Person Of Interest: Season 5", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 93, "showId" : 15280, "rating" : "fresh", "showTitle" : "The Mindy Project: Season 4", "title" : "The Mindy Project: Season 4", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 93 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 87, "showId" : 15686, "rating" : "fresh", "showTitle" : "Casual: Season 2", "title" : "Casual: Season 2", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 87 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 53, "showId" : 16133, "rating" : "rotten", "showTitle" : "Containment: Season 1", "title" : "Containment: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 53 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 50, "showId" : 16296, "rating" : "rotten", "showTitle" : "Maya & Marty: Season 1", "title" : "Maya & Marty: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 50 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 32, "showId" : 14680, "rating" : "rotten", "showTitle" : "Uncle Buck: Season 1", "title" : "Uncle Buck: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 32 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 23, "showId" : 16268, "rating" : "rotten", "showTitle" : "Feed the Beast: Season 1", "title" : "Feed the Beast: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 23 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : -1, "showId" : 15571, "rating" : "rotten", "showTitle" : "Powers: Season 2", "title" : "Powers: Season 2", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "NA", "value" : null } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 72, "showId" : 16167, "rating" : "fresh", "showTitle" : "Animal Kingdom: Season 1", "title" : "Animal Kingdom: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "fresh", "value" : 72 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 55, "showId" : 16297, "rating" : "rotten", "showTitle" : "Wrecked: Season 1", "title" : "Wrecked: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "rotten", "value" : 55 } } ], "certified-fresh-tv" : [ { "link" : "//", "score" : 99, "showId" : 15112, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "The Americans: Sea
son 4", "title" : "The Americans: Season 4", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 99 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 15683, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Catastrophe: Series 2", "title" : "Catastrophe: Series 2", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 82, "showId" : 16022, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "The Detour: Season 1", "title" : "The Detour: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 82 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 16038, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Full Frontal With Samantha Bee: Season 1", "title" : "Full Frontal With Samantha Bee: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 93, "showId" : 15349, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Game of Thrones: Season 6", "title" : "Game of Thrones: Season 6", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 93 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 81, "showId" : 14501, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "The Girlfriend Experience: Season 1", "title" : "The Girlfriend Experience: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 81 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 93, "showId" : 16258, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Lady Dynamite: Season 1", "title" : "Lady Dynamite: Season 1", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 93 } }, { "score" : 100, "showId" : 771442788, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "O.J.: Made in America", "title" : "O.J.: Made in America", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 100, "showId" : 15200, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Orange is the New Black: Season 4", "title" : "Orange is the New Black: Season 4", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 100 } }, { "link" : "//", "score" : 97, "showId" : 15230, "rating" : "certified", "showTitle" : "Orphan Black: Season 4", "title" : "Orphan Black: Season 4", "tomatometer" : { "state" : "certified_fresh", "value" : 97 } } ]}

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Atlas Shrugged: Part II (2012) - Rotten Tomatoes

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Learn Liberty | What is Libertarian?

Posted: at 11:18 pm

Learn Liberty On Demand offers you a series of videos on new and exciting topics in the world of policy and ideas that you can watch any time, anywhere, on your schedule. Have you wondered what distinguishes the ideas of minarchists and anarchists, or the economists of the Austrian and Chicago Schools? If so, this is the place for you.

Youve heard the phrase but what exactly does it mean to be libertarian or classical liberal?Ah, the question of the sages, like Locke and Smith. (Not to mention newer sages like Hayek, Friedman, Rothbard and Nozick!) Now hear it best from one of Learn Libertysown classical liberal sages Dr. Nigel Ashford. Join him in eightengaging videos as he explains the origins, basic tenets and philosophies of classical liberalism like the Austrian School, the Chicago School, Public Choice, Natural Rights, Anarcho-Capitalism and more. Because the more you know what its about the more you can do with it to make the world a better place.

See the rest here:

Learn Liberty | What is Libertarian?

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Libertarian Republican – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 11:18 pm

A libertarian Republican is a politician or Republican party member who has advocated libertarian policies while typically voting for and being involved with the United States Republican Party.

Sometimes the terms Republitarian or liberty Republican are used as well. Libertarian Republicans' views are similar to Libertarian Party members, but differ in regard to the strategy used to implement libertarian policies.[citation needed]

Libertarian Republicans represent a political faction within the Republican Party. They are strong believers in the traditional Republican principle of economic libertarianism that was advocated by past and present presidential candidates such as former Senator Robert A. Taft, former Senator Barry Goldwater and former Representative Ron Paul and his son, current Senator Rand Paul. Individuals who self-identify as libertarian Republicans do not necessarily share the same political beliefs across the spectrum, though there do seem to be several issues that bind them together, including beliefs in fiscal conservatism, personal responsibility, and personal liberty.[citation needed]

The most common belief libertarian Republicans share is fiscal conservatism specifically, advocating for lower taxes at every level of government, a reduction in the level of spending in the federal budget, easing the burden of federal regulations on business interests, the reform of the entitlement system, and ending or making significant cuts to the welfare state. Additionally, they oppose budget deficits and deficit spending and work to minimize it as much as possible. Libertarian Republicans tend to support more fiscal conservatism than their mainstream counterparts in the party, and are less willing to abandon these principles for political expediency.[citation needed]

Libertarian Republicans often differ from traditional Republicans in their emphasis on protection of civil liberties.[1] It is distinct from the Republican Party because it sees state-enforced conservative social policies as encroachments on personal privacy and individual liberties.[1] Libertarian Republicans disagree with the activities of mainstream Republicans with regard to civil liberties since the September 11 attacks in 2001, opposing the PATRIOT Act, its reform the USA Freedom Act, REAL ID, and President George W. Bush's domestic intelligence program.[2]

Opposition to the use of the term libertarian Republican comes from the libertarian adherence to the Non-Aggression Principle, its core philosophy of voluntaryism and lack of force against individuals, to which the Republican Party platform or philosophy does not adhere.[3]

The Republican Liberty Caucus was founded in 1991 at a meeting of a group of Florida members of the Libertarian Republican Organizing Committee attending a Young Republicans Convention. They included Philip Blumel, Tom Walls, Eric Rittberg, and Rex Curry and decided to develop a national Republican Liberty Caucus organization.[4] The group represents the GOP's libertarian wing.

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2016 Libertarian Party National Convention

Posted: at 11:18 pm

The 2016 Libertarian National Convention is gearing up and online registration is now closed. Don't be discouraged! You can still register at the door (as long as room remains available). To help expedite the process to do so, please click on the thumbnail to be directed to a printable registration form. Please print and complete the form and turn into the registration desk when you arrive to help us expedite the registration process for you. Thank you for attending, participating in and being a part of #LegalizeFreedom, we most sincerely welcome you here.

The Libertarian National Committee (LNC) and the LP headquarters staff invite you to join us for the 2016 Libertarian Party National Presidential Nominating Convention, to help us #LegalizeFreedom.

The Libertarian Party National Convention will be held from Friday, May 27, through Monday, May 30, 2016 (Memorial Day), with special committee meetings, candidate and activist training seminars, and a Welcome Reception on Thursday, May 26. Visit our Schedule page for more information.

The convention will be held at the Rosen Centre Hotel & Resort in Orlando, Florida. See our Location page for special LP rates on hotel rooms, or visit our LP Suite Packages page.

This biennial convention offersseminars, forums, debates, discussion groups, and Exhibits.The Party's delegateswill elect its nominees for U.S. President and Vice President, consider proposed amendments to the Party's Platformand Bylaws, and elect our national leadership for the next term.

All LP members in good standing are encouraged to attend and help shape the future of the LP and the liberty movement. Contact your state party to learn how to be appointed as an official voting delegate from your state.

Family, friends, and observers who aren't ticketed convention attendees are most welcome to watch the non-ticketed events in the main hall, including the election of the Presidential and Vice Presidentialcandidates, take in the exhibits, and enjoy family-friendly attractions, shopping and recreationalopportunities.

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Golden Rule Plumbing Heating & Cooling

Posted: at 11:18 pm

Plumbing Services

Whether your drainpipes have become clogged, or your water heater is leaking water, make sure that you have a reliable Des Moines plumber at your beck and call. We offer comprehensive plumbing repair, installation, replacement, and maintenance services that can keep your home free of water damage and bountifully supplied with hot and cold water. We want you to have a reliable plumbing system, and we have the quality workmanship and technical expertise to make sure that this is the case. Thousands of customers in Des Moines choose Golden Rule for their plumbing needs, and wed love an opportunity to earn your business.

Staying warm during the winter is as simple as having a reliable heater in the home. At Golden Rule Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, we provide comprehensive heating service in the Des Moines area, including installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance. We service all brands of equipment, and we can make sure that your furnace, boiler, heat pump, radiant heat, hybrid heating system, geothermal, or ductless mini split is professionally installed and serviced.

At Golden Rule Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, we also offer excellent air conditioning service in Des Moines, IA. Our service technicians can help with everything frominstallation and replacement to repair and maintenance. We not only install and service central air conditioners, which are probably the most common, but also heat pumps, ductless mini splits and geothermal systems. Having a great cooling system is essential to the comfort of your home in the summer.

One of our specialties is geothermal. This type of heating and cooling system delivers yearround comfort to your home while cutting down on energy consumption significantly. It is a great way not only to be more selfsufficient, but also to reduce your energy bill and to utilize a renewable resource. It involves the installation of underground piping as well as conventional HVAC components such as the heat pump and ductwork. You can depend on us for professional geothermal service throughout Des Moines.

A leak or clog at home is often a minor inconvenience. But when it occurs at your place of business or at the commercial property that you manage, it directly affects your livelihood. We can take care of your commercial plumbing and commercial HVAC services in Des Moines, IA, whether its the installation of a comprehensive new rooftop heating and cooling unit or the replacement of your existing water heater with a new tankless model, Golden Rule Plumbing, Heating & Cooling can help. Call us today.

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What is the Golden Rule? –

Posted: at 11:18 pm

Question: "What is the Golden Rule?"


What we call the Golden Rule refers to Matthew 7:12: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Jesus knew the human heart and its selfishness. In fact, in the preceding verse, He describes human beings as innately evil (verse 11). Jesus Golden Rule gives us a standard by which naturally selfish people can gauge their actions: actively treat others the way they themselves like to be treated.

The English Standard Version translates the Golden Rule like this: Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Jesus brilliantly condenses the entire Old Testament into this single principle, taken from Leviticus 19:18: Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. Again, we see the implication that people are naturally lovers of self, and the command uses that human flaw as a place to start in how to treat others.

People universally demand respect, love, and appreciation, whether they deserve it or not. Jesus understood this desire and used it to promote godly behavior. Do you want to be shown respect? Then respect others. Do you crave a kind word? Then speak words of kindness to others. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). The Golden Rule is also part of the second greatest commandment, preceded only by the command to love God Himself (Matthew 22:3739).

What is interesting to note about the Golden Rule is that no other religious or philosophical system has its equal. Jesus Golden Rule is not the ethic of reciprocity so commonly espoused by non-Christian moralists. Frequently, liberal critics and secular humanists attempt to explain away the uniqueness of the Golden Rule, saying it is a common ethic shared by all religions. This is not the case. Jesus command has a subtle, but very important, difference. A quick survey of the sayings of Eastern religions will make this plain:

Confucianism: "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you" (Analects 15:23) Hindusim: This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you (Mahabharata 5:1517) Buddhism: Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful" (Udanavarga 5:18)

These sayings are similar to the Golden Rule but are stated negatively and rely on passivity. Jesus Golden Rule is a positive command to show love proactively. The Eastern religions say, Refrain from doing; Jesus says, Do! The Eastern religions say it is enough to hold your negative behavior in check; Jesus says to look for ways to act positively. Because of the inverted nature of the non-Christian sayings, they have been described as the silver rule.

Some have accused Jesus of borrowing the idea of the Golden Rule from the Eastern religions. However, the texts for Confucianism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, cited above, were all written between 500 and 400 BC, at the earliest. Jesus takes the Golden Rule from Leviticus, written about 1450 BC. So, Jesus source for the Golden Rule predates the silver rule by about 1,000 years. Who borrowed from whom?

The command to love is what separates the Christian ethic from every other religions ethic. In fact, the Bibles championing of love includes the radical command to love even ones enemies (Matthew 5:4344; cf. Exodus 23:45). This is unheard of in other religions.

Obeying the Christian imperative to love others is a mark of a true Christian (John 13:35). In fact, Christians cannot claim to love God if they dont actively love other people as well. If someone says, I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen (1 John 4:20). The Golden Rule encapsulates this idea and is unique to the Judeo-Christian Scriptures.


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Conservative vs Liberal – Difference and Comparison | Diffen

Posted: at 11:17 pm

Social Issues

In terms of views on social issues, conservatives oppose gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Liberals on the other hand, are more left-leaning and generally supportive of the right of gay people to get married and women's right to choose to have an abortion, as ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v Wade.

With regard to the right to bear arms, conservatives support this right as it applies to all US citizens, whereas liberals oppose civilian gun ownership - or at the very least, demand that restrictions be places such as background checks on people who want to buy guns, requiring guns to be registered etc.

The different schools of economic thought found among conservatives and liberals are closely related to America's anti-federalist and federalist history, with conservatives desiring little to no government intervention in economic affairs and liberals desiring greater regulation.

Economic conservatives believe that the private sector can provide most services more efficiently than the government can. They also believe that government regulation is bad for businesses, usually has unintended consequences, and should be minimal. With many conservatives believing in "trickle-down" economics, they favor a small government that collects fewer taxes and spends less.

In contrast, liberals believe many citizens rely on government services for healthcare, unemployment insurance, health and safety regulations, and so on. As such, liberals often favor a larger government that taxes more and spends more to provide services to its citizens.

See Also: Comparing Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's Tax Plans

Some good examples of this policy split are the Environmental Protection Agency, which liberals think is vital and some conservatives want to abolish or scale down, and the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which liberals want to expand and conservatives believe should be partially or completely privatized through a voucher system connected to private health insurers.

In the early part of the twentieth century, liberals - especially those in Britain - were those who stood for laissez fair capitalism. In more recent times, however, the nomenclature seems to have reversed. The exception to this is found in Australia, where the mainstream conservative party is called the Liberal Party and the mainstream non-conservative party is called the Labour Party.

Political liberals believe that parties motivated by self-interest are willing to behave in ways that are harmful to society unless government is prepared- and empowered to constrain them. They believe regulation is necessitated when individuals-, corporations-, and industries demonstrate a willingness to pursue financial gain at an intolerable cost to society--and grow too powerful to be constrained by other social institutions. Liberals believe in systematic protections against hazardous workplaces, unsafe consumer products, and environmental pollution. They remain wary of the corruption- and historic abuses--particularly the oppression of political minorities--that have taken place in the absence of oversight for state- and local authorities. Liberals value educators and put their trust in science. They believe the public welfare is promoted by cultivating a widely-tolerant and -permissive society.

Political conservatives believe commercial regulation does more harm than good--unnecessarily usurping political freedoms, potentially stifling transformative innovations, and typically leading to further regulatory interference. They endorse the contraction of governmental involvement in non-commercial aspects of society as well, calling upon the private sector to assume their activities. Conservatives call for the devolution of powers to the states, and believe locally-tailored solutions are more appropriate to local circumstances. They promulgate individual responsibility, and believe a strong society is made up of citizens who can stand on their own. Conservatives value the armed forces and place their emphasis on faith. Conservatives believe in the importance of stability, and promote law and order to protect the status quo.

Liberals believe in universal access to health care--they believe personal health should be in no way dependent upon one's financial resources, and support government intervention to sever that link. Political conservatives prefer no government sponsorship of health care; they prefer all industries to be private, favour deregulation of commerce, and advocate a reduced role for government in all aspects of society--they believe government should be in no way involved in one's healthcare purchasing decisions.

Jonathan Haidt, a University of Virginia psychology professor, has examined the values of liberals and conservatives through paired moral attributes: harm/care, fairnesss/reciprocity, ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, purity/sanctity. He outlines the psychological differences in the following TED talk:

Haidt has also written a book, The Righteous Mind, based on his studies conducted over several years on liberal and conservative subjects. Nicholas Kristof, an avowed liberal, offered an unbiased review of the book and cited some interesting findings such as:

Liberals should not be confused with libertarians. Libertarians believe that the role of the government should be extremely limited, especially in the economic sphere. They believe that governments are prone to corruption and inefficiencies and that the private sector in a free market can achieve better outcomes than government bureaucracies, because they make better decisions on resource allocation. Liberals, on the other hand, favor more government involvement because they believe there are several areas where the private sector -- especially if left unregulated -- needs checks and balances to ensure consumer protection.

The primary focus of libertarians is the maximization of liberty for all citizens, regardless of race, class, or socio-economic position.

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