Monthly Archives: June 2016

World War 3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries with Irvin Baxter

Posted: June 22, 2016 at 11:39 pm

Fear nothing but God, only fear God. Never be afraid of Wars, deaths, pain, blood, and anything else that is a Sin against God. Satan is trying his hardest to make all this fear, a fear of Worldy/Earthly things like War, deaths, blood, all that violent stuff. He does not want you all to fear God, but to fear Sin and Evil. Everything is quiet right now: gun shots, music, cars, tvs are all not sounds, they are just limited and illuminated wave lengths created by God to make this World seem like a loud place. Wait until you listen and watch Gods 2nd coming, the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. You will know what true sounds and violence is. Im not even afraid of getting killed when WW3 begins, because I know God will take those out of this World that believes in him, and leave the Anti-Christ people on Earth to feel a temporary suffer and pain to get a taste of what Hell will really be like. You all call this Earth, hell and going through hard times. Wait until you Anti-Christ people see what God will really show you what true pain and suffering is. God is not a man of Peace, God is a man of Justice. Thats why the Bible says you must repent of all your Sins and accept God for who he is if you want to be saved. Most people take Sins for granted, and expect to be forgiven by God without praying to him and asking for forgivness. Most people go a head and Sin all they want and think God will grant them Heaven in the after life. This world shows that God is near, all these events occuring from the Bible. As a Christian, I am still confused and dont fully understand God, but all I know he is ready to come back soon, and not in a Peaceful way like we expect. He is coming with anger, fear, pain, and suffering that no human ever expierenced, he is coming with more Power than those Anti-Christ who brutally crucified Jesus Christ 2016 years ago, he is coming with more Power than all the Nuclear bombs/missiles combined. He wont come sucker punching us all, he will come with everything in his Power he has, and that Power is everything we cant stop. Nothing can never and will never stop Gods power, not even Satan and his Anti-Christ can stop God. God is the creator of all, he created Satan too, and gave Satan limited Power. Just like all of us Humans, Satan too has his own Free Will because God gave us all Free Will. The Earth WILL SHAKE, those who believe in God and repent their Sins and accepts God will be saved, all the Anti-Christ will be left on Earth to Wage War against one another, to feel the Sucker Punch of Hell, to get a taste of what Hell will be like. Imagine the fear, pain, suffering, and INFINITY NON-STOP burning that Hell will really be like. Pinch yourself on your arm as soft as you could, it will hurt. Slap yourself on your cheek, it will hurt. Get a paper cut, and it will hurt. Imagine all the Pain, fear and suffering God has prepared in Hell for all Anti-Christ. In Hell, the pain, suffering and fears wont be from Satan, but from God. God said in the Bible that Satan too will burn and suffer in Hell forever. Right now there is no Heaven and Hell yet, that will be set when God arrives on his 2nd coming. Thats why we put Rest in Peace on all crosses of death, everyone dead right now is unconcsious and resting in death, until God comes. When God comes, all the Dead will arise then, the dead is not risen yet on Earth until God comes. Thats why many places on Earth have demons and haunting in their homes where Violence or death once took place, all the dead Anti-Christ will never rest, never rest, never rest. Thats why you feel peacful about a Christian death, and feel bad inside when a Anti-Christ dies. God is all one, he hears and sees everything from beginning to end. He knows all your secrets and gossips, he knows every single one of your Sins. God knew you before you were born on this Earth. Im glad I grew up in a Christian home, I see many Anti-Christ that are already going through the hardest times Ive ever seen! Ive witness a murder, and all these Anti-Christ are suffering more. Ive been through many trials in my life where I supposed to die in the ER and not even survive, but praying to God saved me. Praying to God saved me. Doctors were speechless, they didnt feel like doctors when they gave everything they got to keep me alive. They gave me the Maximum amount of all pain meds, shots, pills, and IV, they said all that was enough meds to knock out a cancer patient and a big animal like an elephant at the same time from the same dose of pain meds. I dont believe in chemicals thats why it never help me in the ER when i almost died a lot of times from alcohol poisoning. Only thing that kept me going was praying to God.

A lot of people believe in coincidence, what exactly does coincidence mean to them, what is their understanding defintion of coincidence? Everything is meant to happen for a reason, and God created all those reasons. They are not coincidence, a word of the Anti-Christ. Just like God told us, he sees all, he knows all. Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is Gods reason that everything happens, not from coincidence. If you have gone this far in reading and trying to understand more about God and how Satan is at work right now on Earth. Here is your good chance to understand why everything happens for a reason. We all get confused when something happens, oh my god what just happened?, jesus christ, what happened?. We all say those things without realizing it when we are confused, we dont know what happened but we know God had something to do with it and everything else that happens.

One example of something meant to be or meant to happen is not a coincidence, but a true reason of God. I was a witness of a brutal murder on September 8, 2007, a man murdered for his booze and money by a gang of violent alcoholics. It all happened so fast but yet felt so slow to watch it happen. The leader of that violent gang died on May 17th, 2016 from suicide, after he murdered another person, on May 12th, 2016. My best friend died from suicide on March 9, 2013, and my best friends birthday was May 12th, the same day the leader of that gang made his 2nd murder. Coincidence? Nope, reason of God. You see, how can God put it in a more perfect time frame, and you all call it coincidence? Coincidence is a word of Satan, a confusing word he uses that doesnt let you full understand why everything is happening the way they are. Satan doesnt want you to know that everything is happening because of God. Satan doesnt want you to know that God is in control of everything. Satan wants you to be blind and not understand God.

Us Humans, our minds are weaker than we think, it is very easy for Satan to take advantage of your life style without you knowing it. Alcohol, drugs, mixed martial arts fighting, all the violent stuff we see everyday is the hard work of Satan, not the entertainment for ourselves that we think we get, but just a brain-washed violent activity that God hates, called Sin. Satans biggest way of taking over lives and brain-washing lives is through Entertainment. People will say, f*** reading the Bible, im going to go drink, play video games, and watch Mixed Martial Arts all day, and have some beautiful sex with your cousins. Yeah man, all this numb feeling you had is finally turning into pain of understandment of what is really going on. Sin! Sin! Sin! We all think were going to get away with Sin and somehow make it to Heaven. Of course we all think we are going to Heaven, that is a sign of brain-washed by Satan, when you think you can Sin all you want and still make it to Heaven. Lot of people think they are so special and cool or bad a** when they are doing violent things. Those kind of people want to be hugged and kissed and congradulated for their violent things they do. They want to be awarded for their doings and be known to the World. They want the whole attention when they Sin.

You can never be prepared for the unexpected. God will come like a unknown robber, you never know what time and day he will come, just like you never know when a robber will rob your house. We never know when God will come, but he will come unexpected. His angels do not know his time and day of coming to Earth, only God himself knows. Satan is at his best right now, just like any violent Sinner is at their best right now. ISIS, wars, all these violent deaths are occuring because of Satans power and Sin. All these are the signs from the Bible that Satan and all the Anti-Christ will be scavenging the Earth at their best Power trying to destroy all lives to believe there is no God.

Let me put it in words this way, for you people who do not understand about God yet. Satan and his Anti-Christ are a bunch of violent Sinners, and God is a man of Justice. This world is like the Door of Gods house. We are just at the Door of Gods house, and Satan and his Anti-Christ are scavenging this Earth to try rob much souls as they could. We never know when and what God will come out that door with, but we do know he will come out that door pissed off and ready for Justice.

Its like a bunch of people are violently knocking on someones door forever and not giving them rest, we never know what the owner will do when he opens that door, we never know what kind of Justice the owner will have when he opens his door, but we know the owner will be pissed off and want Justice when be opens that door of violent people knocking. Never mess with God, never bang on his door (Sin). Pray (Call) to him before you go to his house, let him know when youre coming. Dont just go knocking on Gods door and expect forgivness and peace. God will come out that door with Justice.

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World War 3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries with Irvin Baxter

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Entheogens: mescaline, LSD, LSA, ALD, psilocybin, DMT …

Posted: at 11:39 pm

Insights, Wisdom & Pleasures

Entheogens marked Legal* means that the plant sourcesare legal, not the refined chemicals. Things marked Legal are.

San Pedro: (Legal*)same active chemicals as Peyote

Cannabis Culture: Cannabis as a way of life...

Psilocybin Mushrooms

LSD: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

ALD-52 : N-Acetyl-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

LSA: (Legal*)Morning Glory/Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seed

5MEO DMT:(Legal) 5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine

Fly Agaric Mushroom: (Legal) The Amanita Muscaria Family

GHB & GBL:Gamma-butyrolactone (now illegal)

MDA:(legal*)Sassafras albidum converts into MDA; Dangerous oil

Blue Lilly:(Legal)Used by ancient Egyptians and Mayans

Ibogaine: Under Construction

United States Drug Control Act:Schedualed Substance Laws


Mystery Man Tea:The tea that makes your spirit soar!

Diary of Two Madmen: Experience Reports


Jimpson Weed:(Legal)"Datura" Hallucinogen; dangerous?

DMT:(legal*)Smokable N,N-dimethyltryptamine from Organic Sources

DXM (Legal) Synthetic (dissociative)


Feed Starving People at NO cost to you


Grow Mushrooms At Home

Psilocybe FAQ

Analysis of three mushroom species

Medical Marijuana

Entheogen Documents

Tryptamine Hallucinogens and Consciousness

Spiritual Hallucinogens


On Site Links:

The Bad: Warnings, Cautions, &StuffThat Goes Wrong

On-Line Suppliers and Catalogs

The Mad Hatter's Home page


Contact info: Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Information are Welcome.

Chesher Cat

The Mind Behind The Madness

The Chesher Cat is a Mysterious Man

updated 02-29-2000

WARNING: Do not use any substance if there is a history or the potential of mental or physical illness unless it has been shown to improve your condition or attitude. Do not use substances if you are on psychotropic pharmaceuticals or other types of drugs until you have researched possible interactions.


This page is not advocating the use of any particular substance. Chemical use should be an individual decision made after much research and thought. To deny people the ability to explore their religion and take their sacraments is horrible. For this reason, an honest source of information is required. There are many dangers in all things in life and this is not any different. This information is provided as a public service to educate. It is built on experience, research and submissions.

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Entheogens: mescaline, LSD, LSA, ALD, psilocybin, DMT ...

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The Nootropics Guy | Testing and Reviewing Nootropics

Posted: at 11:39 pm

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Although nootropics by their very nature generally have a positive impact on the users cognitive performance, it is important to be aware that different types focus on various factors. For example, some nootropics are more likely to make people feel energized while improving their memory, but others can have a sedative effect that makes them a good choice for people ... Read More

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Phenylpiracetam is a nootropic (substance that improves mental function) that is very similar to, but 30 to 60 times stronger than, piracetam. Oddly enough, piracetam has been banned for use as a dietary supplement by the FDA, but phenylpiracetam is still available. Forms Phenylpiracetam takes three basic forms: the R-isomer (effective for stimulatory and mental improvement), the S-isomer, which is ... Read More

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I was contacted by one of the foundersof Maven Labs, wanting to know if Id be interested in trying their new product/new formula of Brain Stack. Of course, I accepted the offer. While I waitingfor the product to ship, I exchanged some emails with Paul(co-founderof Maven Labs). During these exchanges it gave me sometime to pick his brain about ... Read More

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Today I will be reviewing a slightly different product. Although it is not technically a nootropic by standard definition, it is something worth at least trying. ShroomTech Sport was formulated to help in the energy department. It is made by Onnit Labs, the same company that makes Alpha Brain(read that review here). Before I go into all the details of ... Read More

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Im sure most of you if not all of you have heard of Focus Factor. It has been around for quite a while now and was one of the first things that got me into Nootropics, and learning more about supplements to help improve memory and concentration. Focus Factor is labeled as Americas #1 Brain Health Supplement. Now that is ... Read More

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*I would like to start off by saying that this product was provided free of charge by Health Supplement Wholesalers. They carry a wide variety of different supplements.* Phenibut was on my list of products to try for awhile now. Mainly because I have a lot of anxiety and stress, and this product is suppose to help with this. Ive ... Read More

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I started taking noopept a couple weeks back and I feel that now that I can make an accurate assumption how this product worked for ME. Please, keep in mind that this review is MY experience and yours may be different. The funny thing about nootropics is that certain ones seems to effect people differently. If you are not familiar ... Read More

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Introduction Phenibut was developed back in the 1960s in Russia. It is a unique product and some will say that it is not technically a nootropic. It is primarily used for its calming effects rather than as a cognitive enhancer. Though some claim that it does havecognition enhancing/nootropic effects. It is often used in stacks alongside other nootropics. How Does ... Read More

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Introduction Noopept is a white powdery substance that is in a class of its own. Although it is very similar to racetam nootropics, it is not technically a racetam. It was first developed in Russia, where it was prescribed to protect brain neurons and to help improvecognitive function. How Does it Work Through research and studies it was found that ... Read More

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Well it has been about 30 days since I started to taking Alpha Brain. If you havent done so yet, I suggest starting and reading part 1 of this review first. My dosage was 2 capsules for the first 15 days, then I upped it to 4 capsules for the next 15 days. I will come right out and say ... Read More

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The Nootropics Guy | Testing and Reviewing Nootropics

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Piracetam (Nootropil) | Nootropics | Memory Supplements

Posted: at 11:39 pm

a) The Synthesis

Corneliu E. Giurgea, a Romanian psychologist and chemist formulated and synthesized Piracetam in 1964. It is a compound known to conform to the characteristics of both a nootropic and neuroprotective agent. It is prepared by condensing 2-pyrrolidinone with ethyl chloroacetate which then is converted into an amide with ammonia.

b) Use

Pharmacologically, as a neuroprotective agent, it is known to prevent damage to the brain/spinal cord from convulsions, ischemia, stroke, or trauma. The mechanism of action could be various but in effect, they either directly or indirectly minimize the damage produced by the excitatory amino acids. As nootropic agents, they are used to enhance learning, and or memory. In particular, they are recommended to reduce the cognitive deficits associated with dementia, i.e. loss of memory. It needs to be kept in mind that no nootropic drugs have been accepted for general use and they are still at an experimentary stage.

Piracetam is a racetam supplement and gets absorbed into the system very quickly. It has 100% bioavailability when taken in the form of capsules, powders, solutions ortablets. This racetam is excreted more or less, completely through the urine. It is used in renal dialysis and has the ability to cross placental barrier and diffuse itself across membranes. It is also naturally exerted in human breast milk so avoid using if you are pregnant.

Piracetam is proving its efficacy over a period of time on treating disorders relating to

While administration of Piracetam did not exhibit long-term benefits for the treatment of mild cognitive disorders, its neurprotective effect was demonstrated in its efficacy during coronary bypass surgery. It was also found to be effective in the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. When its efficiency between the treatment for enhancing memory and reducing anxiety and depression was compared, it was found to be effective much later. As a supplement, it is useful for patients suffering from myoclonus epilepsy and tardive dyskinesia. When supplemented with a vasodilator drug, it was found to improve cognitive disabilities.

Some people also believe Piracetam can improve creativity. They believe this because it is reported to have a unique ability to increase the contact between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This is understood to improve creativeness. The effect of improving the memory helps in the users ability to save and store more information in the brain. Piracetam is not a tonic drug, yet it has the effect of working inside our ion channels to improve blood flow which promotes membrane permeability to particular fragments of the brain. In short, the positive effects of Piracetam could be compared to snowballs that build off one another to improve the cognitive abilities over a long period.

Piracetam is currently available in some countries without a prescription. Sometimes it can be mixed with supplemental constituents like: Huperzine A., Choline, Alpha-Lipoic Acid and complex B vitamins. This is believed to enhance the nootropic effects of this racetam but there is little hard evidence to back this up and some scientists dispute it.

Piracetam is contradicted in patients with cerebral hemorrhage, end stage renal diseases. It should also not be used by those suffering from Hunlington Chorea. The safety of its usage during pregnancy and lactation has not been conclusively established.

It is known to produce adverse reaction in those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, immune system disorders, nervous system disorders including headache, insomnia, somnolence, psychiatric disorders as agitation, confusion, skin disorders as dermatitis, pruritus etc

Some common side effects include:

The side effects are usually dosage dependent and some users may be more sensitive than others. It is recommended to consult a doctor before you take Piracetam.

Available in tablets, liquid, and powder. Advance Nootropics currently only carries powder form as Piracetam is needed in higher doses. Reports have shown dosages from .01/g 10g being used. We recommended to not go higher than 1g per dose to avoid complications. Be responsible, and read the directions.

Currently, the shelf life of our powdered Piracetam is 3 years. Store in a cool dry place and avoid contamination by keeping the package sealed. Keep package below 25 degrees C.

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Piracetam (Nootropil) | Nootropics | Memory Supplements

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Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution

Posted: at 11:37 pm

You are here: Science >> Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

Darwin's Theory of Evolution - The Premise Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature).

Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Natural Selection While Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a relatively young archetype, the evolutionary worldview itself is as old as antiquity. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Anaximander postulated the development of life from non-life and the evolutionary descent of man from animal. Charles Darwin simply brought something new to the old philosophy -- a plausible mechanism called "natural selection." Natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations. Suppose a member of a species developed a functional advantage (it grew wings and learned to fly). Its offspring would inherit that advantage and pass it on to their offspring. The inferior (disadvantaged) members of the same species would gradually die out, leaving only the superior (advantaged) members of the species. Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage that enables a species to compete better in the wild. Natural selection is the naturalistic equivalent to domestic breeding. Over the centuries, human breeders have produced dramatic changes in domestic animal populations by selecting individuals to breed. Breeders eliminate undesirable traits gradually over time. Similarly, natural selection eliminates inferior species gradually over time.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Slowly But Surely... Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a slow gradual process. Darwin wrote, "Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps." [1] Thus, Darwin conceded that, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." [2] Such a complex organ would be known as an "irreducibly complex system". An irreducibly complex system is one composed of multiple parts, all of which are necessary for the system to function. If even one part is missing, the entire system will fail to function. Every individual part is integral. [3] Thus, such a system could not have evolved slowly, piece by piece. The common mousetrap is an everyday non-biological example of irreducible complexity. It is composed of five basic parts: a catch (to hold the bait), a powerful spring, a thin rod called "the hammer," a holding bar to secure the hammer in place, and a platform to mount the trap. If any one of these parts is missing, the mechanism will not work. Each individual part is integral. The mousetrap is irreducibly complex. [4]

Darwin's Theory of Evolution - A Theory In Crisis Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a theory in crisis in light of the tremendous advances we've made in molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics over the past fifty years. We now know that there are in fact tens of thousands of irreducibly complex systems on the cellular level. Specified complexity pervades the microscopic biological world. Molecular biologist Michael Denton wrote, "Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10-12 grams, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machinery built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world." [5]

And we don't need a microscope to observe irreducible complexity. The eye, the ear and the heart are all examples of irreducible complexity, though they were not recognized as such in Darwin's day. Nevertheless, Darwin confessed, "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." [6]

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Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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Virtual Reality (VR) Leading Technology Company | VIRTALIS

Posted: at 11:37 pm

Visionary Render Visionary Render

Visionary Render software allows users to access and experience a real-time, interactive and immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environment created from huge 3D datasets.

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The ActiveWorks range of immersive, interactive 3D visualisation and VR systems set the industry benchmark for both price and performance.

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GeoVisionary was developed by Virtalis in collaboration with the British Geological Survey as specialist software for high-resolution visualisation of spatial data.

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Immerse yourself. Make Virtual a Reality with Virtalis.

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We are a world-leading Virtual Reality (VR) and advanced visualisation company. Our products and systems give you the chance to really understand your information and data, to interact with it, giving every project a new dimension.

Advanced visualisation, simulation and VR offers an immersive experience as well as a valuable return on investment. We will arm you with an essential set of tools to improve your competitive position.



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Virtalis Partners With Granite Energy

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GDP Architects Get a Different Perspective With Virtalis Technology

Virtalis Demo Day -HTC Vive and Virtalis Visionary Render

Industry 4.0 The Next Industrial Revolution

IAM Annual Conference 2016

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Virtual Reality (VR) Leading Technology Company | VIRTALIS

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Virtual Reality Immersion – How Virtual Reality Works …

Posted: at 11:37 pm

In a virtual reality environment, a user experiences immersion, or the feeling of being inside and a part of that world. He is also able to interact with his environment in meaningful ways. The combination of a sense of immersion and interactivity is called telepresence. Computer scientist Jonathan Steuer defined it as the extent to which one feels present in the mediated environment, rather than in the immediate physical environment. In other words, an effective VR experience causes you to become unaware of your real surroundings and focus on your existence inside the virtual environment.

Jonathan Steuer proposed two main components of immersion: depth of information and breadth of information. Depth of information refers to the amount and quality of data in the signals a user receives when interacting in a virtual environment. For the user, this could refer to a displays resolution, the complexity of the environments graphics, the sophistication of the systems audio output, et cetera. Steuer defines breadth of information as the number of sensory dimensions simultaneously presented. A virtual environment experience has a wide breadth of information if it stimulates all your senses. Most virtual environment experiences prioritize visual and audio components over other sensory-stimulating factors, but a growing number of scientists and engineers are looking into ways to incorporate a users sense of touch. Systems that give a user force feedback and touch interaction are called haptic systems.

For immersion to be effective, a user must be able to explore what appears to be a life-sized virtual environment and be able to change perspectives seamlessly. If the virtual environment consists of a single pedestal in the middle of a room, a user should be able to view the pedestal from any angle and the point of view should shift according to where the user is looking. Dr. Frederick Brooks, a pioneer in VR technology and theory, says that displays must project a frame rate of at least 20 - 30 frames per second in order to create a convincing user experience.

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Virtual Reality Toronto – VRTO – Virtual Reality, Toronto

Posted: at 11:37 pm

Welcome to the official site for the VRTO Meetup Virtual Reality, Toronto.

VRTO is a productivity-oriented think tank and discovery group for innovators, developers, inventors, storytellers, content producers, entrepreneurs, hackers, modders, programmers, pioneers, ontologists and adventurers in virtual, augmented and blended reality technologies, content and their development.

VRTO Meetups include practical, actionable, explorational, philosophical and technical discussions as well as content demos about contemporary virtual and augmented reality, opportunities and threats, blue sky and resource swapping.

Created in April of 2015 by founder Keram Malicki-Sanchez, the meetup has quickly grown into a variety of initiatives, community outreach, networks, festivals and conferences including the FIVARS VR/AR International Stories festival and competition.

VRTO puts on public-facing events in undercovered areas of the market; in 2015 this included:

Toronto is a powerhouse for independent games development, technology and filmmaking and arts and culture. This meetup is targeted towards drawing the brightest and best, the curious and motivated, the adventurous and courageous together with the aim of pushing this paradigm-shifting new medium towards its best and upper limits.

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Virtual Reality Toronto - VRTO - Virtual Reality, Toronto

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ai – Wiktionary

Posted: at 11:36 pm

English[edit] Etymology[edit]

Originated 168595, from Brazilian Portuguese a, from Old Tupi.

ai (plural ais or ai)


From Proto-Albanian *a-ei (compound of proclitic particle a and ei), from Proto-Indo-European *hy- (he, this (one)). Compare Latin is, German er, Lithuanian js, Sanskrit (aym)).

ai msg (accusative at, dative atij, ablative atij)

forms of ai

Albanian personal pronouns



From Proto-Oceanic *wai, from Proto-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian *wai, from Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian *wai, from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *wahi.



Chuukese possessive determiners



From Latin allium.

aim (plural ais)


From Proto-Polynesian *qai



Hiri Motu personal pronouns



From Proto-Yeniseian *a ("I"). Compare Arin and Assan aj ("I") and Pumpokol ad ("I").


From English eye.


From English I


From English high.




ai (Latin spelling, Hebrew spelling )



Compare Russian (oj, ow!).

i: IPA(key): /a/

a: IPA(key): //

i! or a!








ai (masculine plural possessive)

From Latin allium / alium.

aim (uncountable)

declension of ai (singular only)


(tu) ai (modal auxiliary, second-person singular form of avea, used with infinitives to form conditional tenses)




From Proto-Malayo-Chamic *air, from Proto-Malayo-Sumbawan *wair, from Proto-Sunda-Sulawesi *wair, from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *wahi.


From English eye.


From English I.


From English eye.




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ai - Wiktionary

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Freedom Synonyms, Freedom Antonyms |

Posted: at 11:33 pm

It's awful to be chained, especially for a dog like me that loves his freedom.

We've got to work not so much for equality in freedom as for equality in responsibility to the nation.

We are with them when they enlist in the great army of freedom.

So petty and local was Ziliotto's party, with no idea of the world or of freedom.

But freedom was not absolute; it was to be dependent on the moral law.

How fared the spirit of Lafayette during this debauchery in the name of freedom?

She should get her freedom there, where she had forbidden him to come.

Soldier of freedom, thou camest to us in the time of our greatest need.

In all lands it was hailed as the end of despotism and the triumph of democracy and freedom.

There was no watch kept, and the captives had no indication that they were abridged of their freedom.

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Freedom Synonyms, Freedom Antonyms |

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