Daily Archives: June 28, 2016

Trasferimento della mente – Wikipedia

Posted: June 28, 2016 at 2:46 am

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Il trasferimento della mente o mind uploading (in lingua inglese letteralmente "caricamento della mente") o emulazione del cervello l'ipotetico processo del trasferimento o della copia di una mente cosciente da un cervello a un substrato non biologico. Il processo prevede la scansione e la mappatura dettagliata del cervello biologico e la copia del suo stato in un sistema informatico o altro dispositivo di calcolo.[1] Il computer eseguirebbe una simulazione del modello cos fedele all'originale che la mente simulata si comporterebbe, in sostanza, allo stesso modo del cervello originale, o per tutti gli scopi pratici, in maniera indistinguibile.[2] La mente simulata verrebbe considerata parte della realt virtuale del mondo simulato e potrebbe essere supportata da un modello anatomico tridimensionale che simula il corpo. In alternativa, la mente simulata potrebbe risiedere in un computer (o connessa ad esso) innestato all'interno di un robot umanoide o di un corpo biologico sostituendone il cervello.

L'emulazione di un intero cervello viene considerata dai futurologi come il punto logico finale[2] nei campi della neuroscienza computazionale e della neuroinformatica, ossia nella simulazione del cervello per scopi di ricerca medica. Essa viene trattata in pubblicazioni di ricerca riguardanti l'intelligenza artificiale[3] come un approccio all'intelligenza artificiale forte. Secondo i futurologi e per i movimenti transumanisti il mind uploading una tecnologia che rappresenta un'importante possibilit di estensione della vita, originariamente suggerita dalla letteratura biomedica gi nel 1971.[4] Il mind uploading rappresenta, inoltre, un elemento centrale in numerose opere di fantascienza, quali romanzi e film, come, ad esempio Transcendence.

Il mind uploading viene considerato da alcuni scienziati come una tecnologia teorica e futuribile ma possibile,[2] sebbene i principali finanziatori della ricerca e le principali riviste scientifiche rimangano scettici. Diverse previsioni contraddittorie sono state formulate riguardo a quando un cervello umano potr essere interamente emulato e alcune delle previsioni fatte in passato sono risultate troppo ottimistiche. Gi nel 1950 uno dei padri fondatori della cibernetica, Norbert Wiener, predisse che un giorno si sarebbe potuta trasferire una mente attraverso i fili di un telegrafo.[1] Una ricerca tradizionale nel campo comunque in corso in settori pertinenti, compresi campi quali lo sviluppo di supercomputer sempre pi veloci, la realt virtuale, le interfacce neurali, la mappatura e la simulazione di cervelli di animali, la connettomica e l'estrazione di informazioni da un cervello in funzione.[5] La questione del trasferimento dei dati e dell'intera struttura funzionale di un cervello tramite un processo tecnologico un argomento discusso anche dai filosofi, e la possibilit di una reale attuazione del processo pu essere vista come impossibile o inaccettabile da coloro che possiedono una visione dualistica del mondo, che comune a molte religioni.

Il cervello dell'essere umano contiene circa 86 miliardi di cellule nervose, chiamate neuroni, ciascuna singolarmente legata ad altri neuroni per mezzo di connettori chiamati assoni e dendriti. I segnali che percorrono le giunture (sinapsi) di queste connessioni vengono trasmessi tramite il rilascio e il rilevamento di sostanze chimiche note come neurotrasmettitori. Si concordi nel credere che la mente umana sia in gran parte una propriet emergente dell'elaborazione delle informazioni di questa rete neurale.

I neuroscienziati hanno dichiarato che importanti funzioni svolte dalla mente, come l'apprendimento, la memoria e la coscienza, sono dovuti a processi puramente fisici ed elettrochimici nel cervello e sono regolati da leggi vigenti. Christof Koch e Giulio Tononi hanno scritto nell'IEEE Spectrum:

Il concetto di mind uploading si basa su questa visione meccanicistica della mente, e nega la visione vitalista della vita umana e della coscienza. Molti eminenti scienziati, informatici e neuroscienziati hanno previsto che i computer saranno in grado di pensare e persino di raggiungere il livello di coscienza, inclusi Koch e Tononi,[6]Douglas Hofstadter,[7]Jeff Hawkins,[7]Marvin Minsky,[8]Randal A. Koene,[9] e Rodolfo Llins.[10]

Tale capacit di intelligenza delle macchine potrebbe fornire il substrato computazionale necessario per il caricamento della mente. Tuttavia, anche se il mind uploading dipende da una tale capacit generale, concettualmente distinto dalle forme generali di intelligenza artificiale in quanto il risultato di una rianimazione dinamica di informazioni derivanti da una mente umana in modo che la mente conservi un senso di identit storica (altre forme sono possibili ma comprometterebbero o eliminerebbero la caratteristica dell'estensione della vita generalmente associata con il mind uploading). Le informazioni trasferite e rianimate diverrebbero una forma di intelligenza artificiale, talvolta chiamata anche infomorfo o "nomorph".

Molti teorici hanno presentato modelli del cervello e hanno stabilito una serie di stime della quantit di potenza di calcolo necessaria per simulazioni parziali e complete. Secondo questi modelli, il mind uploading pu diventare possibile entro qualche decennio, se le tendenze nel progresso tecnologico, come quelle rappresentate dalla legge di Moore, continuassero allo stesso ritmo esponenziale.[11]

La prospettiva di caricare la coscienza umana in questo modo solleva molte questioni filosofiche che coinvolgono l'identit, l'individualit e questioni riguardanti l'anima e la mente definite come il contenuto informativo del cervello, cos come numerosi problemi di etica medica e moralit alla base processo.

In teoria, se le informazioni e i processi della mente possono essere dissociati dal corpo biologico, essi non sono pi legate ai limiti fisici individuali di quel corpo. Inoltre, le informazioni all'interno di un cervello potrebbero essere in parte o interamente copiate o trasferite a una o pi altri substrati (come una memorizzazione di tipo digitale o un altro cervello), riducendo o eliminando il rischio di mortalit. Questa lettura del processo fu proposta per la prima volta nella letteratura biomedica nel 1971 dal biogerontologo George M. Martin dell'Universit di Washington.[4]

Una intelligenza basata su computer, come quella risultante da un mind uploading, potrebbe pensare molto pi velocemente di un essere umano. I neuroni umani scambiano i segnali elettrochimici con una velocit massima di circa 150 metri al secondo, mentre la velocit della luce di circa 300 milioni di metri al secondo, circa due milioni di volte pi veloce. Inoltre, i neuroni possono generare un massimo di circa 200-1000 potenziali d'azione o "picchi" al secondo, mentre il numero di segnali al secondo nei moderni chip per computer di circa 3GHz (circa 20 milioni di volte maggiore) e dovrebbe aumentare di almeno un fattore 100. Pertanto, anche se i componenti del computer responsabile della simulazione di un cervello non sono significativamente pi piccoli rispetto a quelli di un cervello biologico, e anche se la temperatura di questi componenti non significativamente pi bassa, Eliezer Yudkowsky del Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence calcola un limite massimo teorico per la velocit di una futura rete neurale artificiale. La rete potrebbe in teoria funzionare circa un milione di volte pi velocemente di un vero cervello, sperimentando un anno di tempo soggettivo in soli 31 secondi di tempo reale.[12][13][14]

Tuttavia, ne
lla pratica questa implementazione in parallelo richiederebbe entit computazionali per ciascuno dei cento miliardi di neuroni e ciascuna delle 100.000 miliardi di sinapsi. Ci richiede un computer o reti neurali artificiali dalle potenzialit enormi, molto pi grandi anche degli attuali supercomputer.[13] In un'implementazione meno futuristica, il time-sharing permetterebbe l'emulazione sequenziale di diversi neuroni con la stessa unit di calcolo. Cos le dimensioni del computer potrebbero essere pi limitate, anche se l'aumento di velocit potrebbe essere minore. Supponendo che le minicolonne corticali raggruppate in ipercolonne siano le unit di calcolo, il cervello di un mammifero pu essere emulato da un supercomputer di oggi, ma risulterebbe operante a una velocit inferiore rispetto a quella del cervello biologico.[15]

Il mind uploading pone potenziali benefici per i viaggi nello spazio interstellare perch consentirebbe ad esseri immortali di viaggiare per il cosmo senza soffrire di accelerazione estrema oltre che delle limitazioni intrinseche di un corpo biologico. Una societ intera di menti processate con un mind uploading pu essere emulata da un computer su una nave spaziale dalle dimensioni estremamente limitate, che consuma molta meno energia rispetto a quella utilizzata per i viaggi spaziali tradizionali.

Le menti digitalizzate avrebbero il controllo della nave e sarebbero in grado di prendere decisioni sul viaggio in tempo reale, indipendentemente da eventuali segnali provenienti dalla Terra, che potrebbero eventualmente richiedere mesi o anni per raggiungere l'astronave. Inoltre una coscienza virtuale pu essere posta in uno stato di ibernazione, o le sue attivit rallentate; le menti virtuali non dovrebbero quindi essere costrette a sperimentare la noia infinita di un viaggio che potrebbe richiedere anche migliaia di anni. Le menti potrebbero essere risvegliate solo quando il computer di bordo rileva che la destinazione stata raggiunta.

Un'altra possibilit per il viaggio sarebbe quella di trasmettere una mente tramite un laser, o via radio, tra due localit gi colonizzate. Il viaggio richiederebbe solo l'energia per trasmettere i segnali con la potenza necessaria per la destinazione.

Un altro concetto collegato al mind uploading, esplorato pi nella fantascienza che nella speculazione scientifica, la possibilit di ottenere diverse copie speculari di una sola mente umana. Tali copie potrebbero consentire a un "individuo" di provare pi cose in una volta, reintegrando le esperienze di tutte le copie in una mente centrale in un certo momento del futuro, di fatto permettendo a un singolo essere senziente di vivere in molti luoghi e fare pi cose contemporaneamente; questo concetto stato esplorato in particolare nella narrativa. Tali copie parziali e complete di un essere senziente sollevano questioni interessanti per quanto riguarda l'identit e l'individualit.

I sostenitori del mind uploading puntano alla legge di Moore per sostenere l'idea secondo cui la potenza di calcolo necessaria potrebbe essere disponibile in pochi decenni. Tuttavia, le effettive esigenze di calcolo per l'esecuzione di una mente umana caricata in un supporto tecnologico sono molto difficili da quantificare, rendendo altamente speculativo tale argomento. Indipendentemente dalla tecnica utilizzata per acquisire o ricreare la funzione di una mente umana, le esigenze di elaborazione possono essere immense, a causa del gran numero di neuroni presenti nel cervello umano e della notevole complessit di ogni neurone.

Nel 2004 Henry Markram, ricercatore capo del "Blue Brain Project", ha dichiarato che "non il loro obiettivo costruire una rete intelligente neurale", basata esclusivamente sulle esigenze computazioni che un tale progetto richiederebbe:[16]

Cinque anni pi tardi, dopo la riuscita simulazione di una parte di cervello di un ratto, lo stesso scienziato si rivelato molto pi ottimista al riguardo. Nel 2009, quando era direttore del progetto Blue Brain, aveva affermato che "Un dettagliato e funzionale cervello umano artificiale pu essere costruito entro i prossimi 10 anni".[18]

Poich la funzione della mente umana, e i suoi collegamenti con il funzionamento della rete neurale del cervello, sono questioni poco conosciute, il mind uploading si basa sul concetto di emulazione della rete neurale. Invece di dover comprendere i processi psicologici di alto livello e le grandi strutture del cervello, e di costruire su di essi un modello utilizzando l'intelligenza artificiale classica e i modelli della psicologia cognitiva, viene scansionato il basso livello di struttura della rete neurale sottostante, mappato e quindi emulato con un sistema informatico. Per dirla con la terminologia informatica, piuttosto che fare un'analisi e un reverse engineering del comportamento degli algoritmi e delle strutture dei dati che risiedono nel cervello, uno schema del suo codice sorgente viene ricompilato in un altro linguaggio di programmazione. La mente umana e l'identit personale verrebbero poi, in teoria, generati dalla rete neurale emulata nello stesso modo in cui vengono generati dalla rete neurale biologica.

D'altra parte, una simulazione a scala molecolare del cervello potrebbe non essere necessaria, a condizione che il funzionamento dei neuroni non sia influenzato da processi della meccanica quantistica. L'approccio all'emulazione della rete neurale richiede solo che siano compresi il funzionamento e l'interazione dei neuroni e delle sinapsi. Si prevede che possa essere sufficiente un modello black box dell'elaborazione del segnale con il quale i neuroni rispondono agli impulsi nervosi (elettrici e trasmissione sinaptica chimica).

richiesto un modello sufficientemente complesso e accurato dei neuroni. Un tradizionale modello artificiale di una rete neurale, ad esempio un modello di rete multi-livello di tipo perceptron, non considerato sufficiente. richiesto il modello di una rete neuronale di impulsi (SNN, Spiking Neural Network), che rifletterebbe la propriet del neurone che spara impulsi solo quando un potenziale di membrana raggiunge un certo livello. probabile che il modello debba includere delay (ritardi nella risposta), funzioni non lineari ed equazioni differenziali che descrivono il rapporto tra i parametri elettrofisiologici come correnti elettriche, tensioni, stati di membrane (stati dei canali ionici) e neuromodulatori.

Dal momento che si ritiene che l'apprendimento e la memoria a lungo termine siano il risultato del rafforzamento o dell'indebolimento delle sinapsi attraverso un meccanismo noto come plasticit sinaptica o adattamento sinaptico, il modello dovrebbe comprendere questo meccanismo. Dovrebbero essere inseriti nel modello anche le risposte dei recettori sensoriali ai vari stimoli.

Inoltre, il modello dovrebbe includere necessariamente il metabolismo del cervello, ossia le modalit con le quali i neuroni sono affetti dagli ormoni e da altre sostanze chimiche che possono attraversare la barriera emato-encefalica. Si ritiene probabile che il modello debba includere anche neuromodulatori, neurotrasmettitori e canali ionici al momento sconosciuti. Si ritiene improbabile che il modello di simulazione debba includere anche l'interazione delle proteine, il che renderebbe il tutto computazionalmente molto pi complesso.[2]

Un modello di simulazione digitale al computer di un sistema analogico come il cervello un'approssimazione che pu comportare casuali errori di quantizzazione e di distorsione. Tuttavia, i neuroni biologici soffrono anche di casualit e di precisione limitata, per esempio a causa di rumori di fondo (informazioni irri
levanti, non corrette o duplicate). Gli errori del modello possono essere ridotti, rispetto a quelli del cervello biologico, scegliendo risoluzioni e frequenza di campionamento sufficientemente variabili e modelli sufficientemente accurati di non linearit. La potenza di calcolo e di memoria del computer deve comunque essere sufficiente per eseguire tali simulazioni di grandi dimensioni, preferibilmente in tempo reale.

Durante la modellazione e la simulazione del cervello di un individuo, una mappa del cervello o un database delle varie connessioni tra i neuroni devono essere estratti da un modello anatomico del cervello. Questa mappatura della rete dovrebbe mostrare la connettivit di tutto il sistema nervoso umano, tra cui il midollo spinale, i recettori sensoriali e le cellule muscolari. Una scansione di tipo distruttivo del cervello umano, compresi i dettagli sinaptici, possibile dalla fine del 2010.[19] Una mappa completa del cervello dovrebbe anche riflettere la forza sinaptica (il "peso") di ciascuna connessione. Non chiaro se questo sia possibile con la tecnologia attuale.

stato proposto che la memoria a breve termine e la memoria di lavoro possano essere una prolungata o ripetuta azione dei neuroni, cos come i processi dinamici intra-neurali. Poich lo stato del segnale elettrico e chimico delle sinapsi e dei neuroni pu essere difficile da estrarre, l'uploading potrebbe comportare per la mente caricata una perdita di memoria degli eventi immediatamente prima della scansione del cervello. Una completa mappatura del cervello occuperebbe meno di 2 x 1016 byte (20.000 terabyte) e memorizzerebbe gli indirizzi dei neuroni connessi, il tipo di sinapsi e il "peso" delle sinapsi per ciascuna delle 1015 sinapsi del cervello.

Un possibile metodo per il mind uploading il sezionamento seriale del cervello, processo in cui il tessuto cerebrale e forse altre parti del sistema nervoso sono congelati e poi scansionati e analizzati strato per strato, in modo da catturare la struttura dei neuroni e delle loro interconnessioni.[20] La struttura della superficie esposta del tessuto nervoso congelato verrebbe acquisita e registrata, e poi lo strato superficiale di tessuto asportato. Anche se questo sarebbe un processo molto lento e laborioso, la ricerca attualmente in corso per automatizzare la raccolta e la microscopia di sezioni seriali.[21] Le scansioni sarebbero quindi analizzate e verrebbe ricreato un modello della rete neurale nel sistema in cui la mente stata caricata.

Ci sono diverse incertezze riguardo a questo approccio che utilizza le attuali tecniche di microscopia. Se possibile replicare la funzione dei neuroni solo visualizzandone la struttura visibile, la risoluzione offerta da un microscopio elettronico a scansione sarebbe sufficiente per una tale tecnica.[21] Tuttavia, dato che la funzione del tessuto cerebrale in parte determinata da eventi molecolari, questo potrebbe non bastare per la cattura e la simulazione delle funzioni dei neuroni. possibile estendere le tecniche di sezionamento seriale e catturare la composizione molecolare interna dei neuroni, attraverso l'utilizzo di sofisticati metodi di colorazione immunoistochimica che potrebbero poi essere letti attraverso la microscopia confocale a scansione laser. Tuttavia, dato che la genesi fisiologica della mente non attualmente nota, questo metodo non pu essere in grado di accedere a tutte le informazioni biochimiche necessarie per ricreare un cervello umano con una sufficiente fedelt.

Pu anche essere possibile creare mappe 3D funzionali dell'attivit cerebrale, utilizzando avanzate tecnologie di neuroimaging, come la risonanza magnetica funzionale (fMRI, per mappare il cambiamento del flusso sanguigno), magnetoencefalografia (MEG, per la mappatura delle correnti elettriche), o combinazioni di pi metodi, per costruire un dettagliato modello tridimensionale del cervello con metodi non invasivi e non distruttivi. Oggi, la fMRI spesso combinata con la magnetoencefalografia per la creazione di mappe funzionali della corteccia cerebrale umana durante i compiti cognitivi pi complessi, dato che due metodi sono complementari. Anche se la tecnologia di imaging attuale manca della risoluzione spaziale necessaria per raccogliere le informazioni necessarie per una simile scansione, importanti sviluppi recenti e futuri sono previsti atti a migliorare sostanzialmente sia la risoluzione spaziale che quella temporale delle tecnologie esistenti.[22]

Processo di acquisizione da una risonanza magnetica della intera rete strutturale di un cervello.

Le interfacce neurali (BCI, Brain-Computer Interface; note anche come interfacce neuro-computer o interfacce cerebrali) costituiscono una delle tecnologie ipotetiche per la lettura delle informazioni di un cervello funzionante. La produzione di questo dispositivo o di uno simile potrebbe rivelarsi basilare nel processo di mind uploading di un soggetto umano vivente.

Una rete neurale artificiale, descritta come "grande e complessa quanto la met del cervello di un topo", stato eseguita su un supercomputer IBM Blue Gene da un gruppo di ricerca dell'Universit del Nevada nel 2007. Per simulare il tempo di un secondo ci sono voluti dieci secondi di tempo di esecuzione del computer. I ricercatori hanno riferito di aver constatato impulsi nervosi "biologicamente coerenti" attraverso la corteccia virtuale. Tuttavia, nella simulazione mancavano le strutture cerebrali in tempo reale del cervello dei topi, e i ricercatori hanno riferito che intendono migliorare in tal senso l'accuratezza del modello dei neuroni.[23]

Blue Brain un progetto, lanciato nel maggio 2005 da IBM e dall'cole polytechnique fdrale di Losanna, che ha l'obiettivo di creare una simulazione al computer di una colonna corticale dei mammiferi a livello molecolare.[24] Il progetto utilizza un supercomputer su base Blue Gene per simulare il comportamento elettrico dei neuroni in base alla loro connessione sinaptica e sulle relative correnti di membrana. L'obiettivo iniziale del progetto, completato nel dicembre 2006,[25] era la simulazione della colonna neocorticale di un topo, che pu essere considerata la pi piccola unit funzionale della corteccia cerebrale (la parte del cervello ritenuta responsabile delle funzioni superiori, come il pensiero cosciente), contenente 10.000 neuroni (e 108 sinapsi). Tra il 1995 e il 2005, Henry Markram mapp i tipi di neuroni e le loro connessioni in una colonna. Nel novembre 2007,[26] il progetto arriv al termine della prima fase, durante la quale erano stati raccolti i dati per il processo di creazione, validazione e ricerca della colonna neocorticale. Il progetto si propone di rivelare alla fine gli aspetti della cognizione umana e di vari disturbi psichiatrici causati dal malfunzionamento dei neuroni, come l'autismo, e di capire come gli agenti farmacologici influenzano il comportamento della rete neurale.

Un'organizzazione chiamata Brain Preservation Foundation[27] stata fondata nel 2010 e offre un premio Brain Preservation Technology al fine di promuovere le ricerche nel campo della preservazione del cervello. Il premio viene assegnato in due parti: il 25% verr assegnato al primo team internazionale che riuscir a preservare l'intero cervello di un topo, il 75% al team che riuscir per primo a preservare l'intero cervello di un animale di grandi dimensioni in un modo che possa essere adottato anche per gli esseri umani dopo la morte clinica. In definitiva l'obiettivo di questo premio quello di generare una intera mappa del cervello che possa essere utilizzata a sostegno degli sforzi separati per fare l'uploading e possibilment
e "rivitalizzare" una mente in uno spazio virtuale.

Pu essere difficile garantire la tutela dei diritti umani in mondi simulati. Per esempio, i ricercatori delle scienze sociali potrebbero essere tentati di utilizzare le menti simulate, o intere societ di menti simulate, per esperimenti controllati in cui sono esposte molte copie delle stesse menti (in serie o contemporaneamente) in condizioni di prova diverse.

L'unica risorsa fisica limitata a cui necessariamente attenersi in un mondo simulato la capacit di calcolo, e quindi la velocit e la complessit della simulazione. Individui ricchi o privilegiati in una societ di menti emulate potrebbero cos fare un'esperienza soggettiva del tempo ben maggiore rispetto ad altre nello stesso tempo reale, o potrebbero essere in grado di eseguire pi copie di loro stessi o di altri, e quindi produrre pi servizi e diventare ancora pi ricchi. Altri potrebbero soffrire della mancanza di risorse computazionali (starvation) e mostrare un comportamento al rallentatore.

Un altro problema filosofico derivante dal mind uploading ruota intorno all'individualit della mente caricata: pu essere considerata la stessa dell'originale, dotata della stessa coscienza, o semplicemente una copia esatta con gli stessi ricordi e la personalit? E se invece risultassero differenti, quali sarebbero le differenze tra la copia e l'originale?

Le principali tecnologie di scansione del cervello prese in considerazione, come il sezionamento seriale, risulterebbero necessariamente distruttive e il cervello originale non sopravviverebbe alla procedura di scansione. Ma se l'originale pu essere mantenuto intatto, la coscienza emulata potrebbe essere una copia esatta e speculare della persona biologica. In questo caso diverrebbe implicita la possibilit di copie multiple di una singola coscienza originale che pu letteralmente "entrare" in una o pi copie, dal momento che queste tecnologie comportano generalmente la simulazione di un cervello umano in un computer di qualche tipo, tramite file digitali che possono essere copiati all'infinito (storage permettendo) con assoluta precisione. Il problema infatti reso ancora pi complesso proprio da questa possibilit di creare un numero potenzialmente infinito di copie inizialmente identiche del soggetto originale che sarebbero ovviamente tutte presenti, allo stesso tempo, come esseri distinti. Si suppone che una volta che le varie versioni vengono poi esposte, dopo l'uploading, a diversi input sensoriali, le loro esperienze comincerebbero a divergere, rendendole semplicemente menti distinte, anche se tutti i loro ricordi fino al momento della copia resterebbero gli stessi. Ma molte varianti, pi o meno complesse, sono possibili. A seconda della capacit di calcolo, la simulazione pu essere eseguita con un tempo pi veloce o pi lento rispetto al tempo fisico, con ovvie conseguenze per l'interazione tra una mente biologica e una mente simulata. Un cervello emulato pu essere inoltre avviato, messo in pausa per un backup e riavviato di nuovo da uno stato di backup salvato in qualsiasi momento. La mente simulata in quest'ultimo caso, necessariamente non ricorderebbe tutto ci che successo dopo l'istante della messa in pausa e forse non potrebbe nemmeno essere consapevole che un duplicato appena avviato. Risulterebbero diverse le interazioni possibili tra copie di cervelli emulati; una versione precedente di una mente simulata pu interagire con una versione pi "giovane" e condividere esperienze con essa.

Il limite di Bekenstein il limite superiore delle informazioni che possono essere contenute all'interno di una regione finita di spazio che ha una quantit finita di energia o, al contrario, la quantit massima di informazioni necessarie a descrivere perfettamente un dato sistema fisico fino al livello quantistico.[28]

Un cervello umano medio ha un peso di 1,5kg e un volume di 1260cm. L'energia (E=mc) sar 1.348131017J e se si considera il cervello una sfera il raggio sar 6.70030102metri.

Il limite di Bekenstein per un cervello umano medio sarebbe 2.589911042bit che rappresenta il limite superiore delle informazioni necessarie per ricreare perfettamente un cervello umano medio fino al livello quantico. Ci implica che il numero dei diversi stati (=2I) del cervello umano (e della mente se si considera il fisicalismo) almeno 107.796401041.

Tuttavia, come descritto sopra, secondo molti sostenitori del mind uploading i modelli a livello quantistico e la simulazione dei neuroni a scala molecolare non saranno necessari, quindi il limite di Bekenstein rappresenta solo un limite massimo. Si stima che l'ippocampo di un cervello umano adulto possa memorizzare dati fino a un limite equivalente a 2,5 petabyte in campo binario.[29]

I seguaci del Movimento Raeliano sostengono il mind uploading nel processo di clonazione umana per raggiungere la vita eterna. Vivere all'interno di un computer viene vista come una delle principali possibilit.[30] Il mind uploading viene sostenuto anche da diversi ricercatori nel campo delle neuroscienze e dell'intelligenza artificiale, come Marvin Minsky. Nel 1993, Joe Strout cre un piccolo sito web chiamato Mind Uploading Home Page, e cominci a sostenere l'idea della creazione di circoli sulla crionica in rete. Molti transumanisti credono allo sviluppo e all'implementazione del mind uploading e alcuni di essi, tra cui Nick Bostrom, prevedono che sar possibile entro il XXI secolo considerando le tendenze tecnologiche, come la legge di Moore.[2]

Il libro Beyond Humanity: CyberEvolution and Future Minds di Gregory S. Paul & Earl D. Cox,, tratta dell'eventualit (per gli autori, quasi inevitabile) dell'evoluzione dei computer in esseri senzienti, ma si occupa anche di mind uploading. Wetwares: Experiments in PostVital Living, di Richard Doyle Wetwares, tratta ampiamente il mind uploading e sostiene che gli esseri umani sono parte di un "fenotipo di vita artificiale". La visione di Doyle inverte il processo del mind uploading introducendo forme di vita artificiali attivamente alla ricerca di incarnazioni biologiche come parte della loro strategia riproduttiva. Raymond Kurzweil, esponente di rilievo del transumanesimo e convinto sostenitore della probabilit di una singolarit tecnologica, ha suggerito che il percorso pi facile per arrivare a un livello umano di intelligenza artificiale potrebbe trovarsi nel reverse-engineering del cervello umano, argomento che usa di solito per riferirsi alla creazione di una nuova intelligenza in base ai principi di funzionamento del cervello e all'uploading di singole menti umane sulla base di scansioni e simulazioni estremamente dettagliate. L'idea discussa anche nel suo libro La singolarit vicina.

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Intro to Artificial Intelligence Course and Training …

Posted: at 2:46 am

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has a long history but is still constantly and actively growing and changing. In this course, youll learn the basics of modern AI as well as some of the representative applications of AI. Along the way, we also hope to excite you about the numerous applications and huge possibilities in the field of AI, which continues to expand human capability beyond our imagination.

Note: Parts of this course are featured in the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree and the Data Analyst Nanodegree programs. If you are interested in AI, be sure to check out those programs as well!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is increasingly prevalent in our everyday lives. It has uses in a variety of industries from gaming, journalism/media, to finance, as well as in the state-of-the-art research fields from robotics, medical diagnosis, and quantum science. In this course youll learn the basics and applications of AI, including: machine learning, probabilistic reasoning, robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing.

Some of the topics in Introduction to Artificial Intelligence will build on probability theory and linear algebra. You should have understanding of probability theory comparable to that covered in our Intro to Statistics course.

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Peter Norvig is Director of Research at Google Inc. He is also a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence and the Association for Computing Machinery. Norvig is co-author of the popular textbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prior to joining Google he was the head of the Computation Sciences Division at NASA Ames Research Center.

Sebastian Thrun is a Research Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, a Google Fellow, a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the German Academy of Sciences. Thrun is best known for his research in robotics and machine learning, specifically his work with self-driving cars.

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Seasteading | Online Only | n+1

Posted: at 2:43 am

Ephemerisle, 2009. Photo by Liz Henry via flickr.

To get to Ephemerisle, the floating festival of radical self-reliance, I left San Francisco in a rental car and drove east through Oakland, along the California Delta Highway, and onto Route 4. I passed windmill farms, trailer parks, and fields of produce dotted with multicolored Porta Potties. I took an accidental detour around Stockton, a municipality that would soon declare bankruptcy, citing generous public pensions as a main reason for its economic collapse. After rumbling along the gravely path, I reached the edge of the SacramentoSan Joaquin River Delta. The delta is one of the most dredged, dammed, and government subsidized bodies of water in the region. Its estimated that it provides two-thirds of Californians with their water supply.

At the marina closest to the festival, I spotted a group of Ephemerislers in swimsuits crammed into a dinghy. I approached them, but they were uninterested in small talk: their engine had run out of gas, and the marina was all out, too. They could give me a ride, they said, if I tracked down fuel. I contemplated the sad marina, its shabby rental boats, the murky water. Almost an hour had passed when the festivals ferry service showed up. At around noon, six of us took off in a small motorboat, speeding past Venice Island, a private sliver of land where Barron Hilton, heir to the Hilton hotel fortune, hunts ducks and puts on an annual July 4th firework display. Five minutes later, Ephemerisle came into sight, bobbing gently in an area called the Mandeville Tip.

It looked, at first, like a shapeless pile of floating junk, but as the boat drew closer, a sense of order emerged. The island was made up of two rows of houseboats, anchored about a hundred feet apart, with a smaller cluster of boats and yachts set off to the west. The boats had been bound together with planks, barrels, cleats, and ropes, assembled ad-hoc by someone with at least a rudimentary understanding of knots and anchors. Residents decorated their decks with banners and flags and tied kayaks and inflatable toys off the sides, giving the overall landscape the cephalopodan quality of raver pants. Dirty socks and plastic dishes and iPads and iPhones littered the decks. An enormous sound system blasted dance music, it turned out, at all hours of the day.

Each of the two-dozen boats at the party had a nameBayesian Conspiracy, Snuggly Nemo, Magic Carpet, Mini-ocracyand each name a personality to match, conveyed by the resident boaters choice of drug, beverage, or degree of exhibitionism. When I arrived, the Ephemerislers were partying in various stages of undress. They had been encouraged to make the space their own, to mind their own business, and to do as they pleased. This was, after all, a celebration of the laissez-faire lifean escape from the oppressive, rule-bound grind of dry land. In this suspended, provisional unreality, everybody was a planner, an economist, a designer, a king. Attendees were ready for everything the elements had in store, but knew escape was just a few clicks away, should the experiment go terribly wrong.

It is apparently a coincidence that Ephemerisles location shared a name with the 16th-century proto-libertarian philosopher Bernard de Mandeville. Mandeville Tip is a breezy point in the middle of the Delta, flanked by levees and a short boat ride away from a former county park. Its named after a 19th-century Californian politician, J. W. Mandeville, but the more well-known Mandeville, of the Fable of the Bees, had much in common with Ephemerisles freewheeling spirit. The Fables most famous lines, cited by Keynes, come from Mandevilles poem entitled The Grumbling Hive: or, Knaves turnd Honest, which argues that allowing private vices makes for good public policy. Bare Virtue cant make Nations live / In Splendor; they, that would revive / A Golden Age, must be as free / For Acorns, as for Honesty, concludes Mandeville, after bemoaning the unhappiness and lack of prosperity the bees experience while living in a more wholesome, regulated hive. Ephemerisle was its own little beehive of decadence, a floating pillow fort saturated in sex and soft drugs. It billed itself as a gathering of people interested in the possibility of permanent experimental ocean communities, but felt more like Burning Man, if Burners frolicked in the tears of Ludwig Von Mises.

Ephemerisle got its libertarian streak from its founders: the event was originally conceived of by the Seasteading Institute, a San Francisco nonprofit that supports the creation of thousands of floating city-states in international waters. After overseeing the first Ephemerisle in 2009, the Institute handed over responsibility for the festival to the community in 2010it turns out a raucous floating party costs too much for a tiny think tank to insureand last year, the group consisted of 300 amateur boaters, intoxicated partiers, and a committed clan of Seasteaders.

Seasteaders made up about a quarter of Ephemerisles attendees. If they took the operation somewhat more seriously than the young Californians who came just to party and build things, its because they dream of a day when theyll have their pick of floating city-states to live on, work from, and eventually abandon in favor of a different platform when they get bored. Borrowing from the lexicon of evolution, the Seasteaders say that a Cambrian explosion of these new countries will bring about greater freedom of choice for individuals, stimulate competition between existing governments, and provide blank nation-slates for experiments in governance. Ephemerisle is supposed to distill the ambitious project into a weekend that would give people the direct experience of political autonomy. It combines its political ambitions with appeals to back-to-the-land survivalism, off-the-grid drug use, and a vague nostalgia for water parks. There are no tickets, no central organizers, no rules, no rangers to keep you safe, reads the Ephemerisle mission statement. Its a new adventure into an alien environment, with discoveries, adventures, and mishaps along the way.

I was dropped off on the North neighborhoodthe most raucous of the threewhich, in addition to a row of houseboats, had a big platform serving as a communal front yard. One of the boats had pirated a radio station, Radio FMerisle. Other boats had tents pitched on their roofs to accommodate boatless hangers-on. It was a vision straight out of Neal Stephensons cult sci-fi novel Snow Crash (1992), which turned out to be one of the most influential texts in the Seasteading communitybeloved for its dystopian portrayals of life in a virtual, post-statist society. Small pleasure craft, sampans, junk, dhows, dinghies, life rafts, houseboats, makeshift structures built on air-filled oil drums and slabs of styrofoam, wrote Stephenson two decades ago, describing an itinerant flotilla full of refugees called The Raft. A good fifty percent of it isnt real boat material at all, just a garble of ropes, cables, planks, nets, and other debris tied together on top of whatever kind of flotsam was handy.

As I hopped from boat to boat and onto the platform, I noticed many of the men in attendance had sparkly turquoise polish on their grubby toenails. On one of the houseboats, a body-painting session was in full swing, but the hot California sun quickly reduced the painted swirls to an eczemic crust. Within minutes, I overheard an endless stream of conversations about start-ups, incubators, hackerspaces and apps. Naked bodies ambled by. While looking for a bathroom, I walked in on a couple having sex in a houseboats aft cabin.

I ha
d arranged via Facebook and Paypal to sleep in a houseboat in the South neighborhood of the island, not realizing the logistical difficulties involved: unless a motorboat happened to be passing by, the options for moving from one platform to another were limited to kayaking or pulling oneself across with a rope while balancing on wooden planks. The rope looked precarious, so I found a soggy kayak and paddled over three days worth of luggage, food, and supplies. The South looked a lot like the North, only less busy. Its smaller shared platform housed the Cuddle Gallery, a large white tent adorned with a cloth jellyfish where boatless residents could nap and work by day, and sleep, or cuddle, at night.

My cabin mates were already in the South when I arrived. Cyprien Noel, a soft-spoken French libertarian and an avid advocate for the Seasteading project, had rented the houseboat from the marina with his sister and brother-in-law, who were visiting him in the Bay Area from France. Hed also invited two Chinese engineers from San Jose and a woman in her thirties who had brought with her an espresso machine, a waffle iron, and a milk frother that looked like it hadnt been cleaned in weeks. They planned to stay afloat for four nights and four days.

I asked Cyprien how hed ended up so far from home. He explained, in French, that after trying unsuccessfully to obtain an American visa to work as an entrepreneur, hed won the Green Card lottery and immigrated to the United States about four years ago. He wanted to leave France in part to escape an overbearing state that he found closed and afraid, and today sees Seasteading as a potential solution to the lack of competition in government. Theres no real innovation or genuinely free market in France. I was tired of it, he said, adding, Libertarians in the US dont know how good they have it.

The Seasteading Institute was founded in 2008 by PayPal founder Peter Thiel and Patri Friedman, a former Google engineer best known for being Milton Friedmans grandson. Although both men are outspoken libertarians, the nonprofit institute insists that it isnt politically motivated. It claims to want more space for political experimentationand the beauty of aquatic governance experiments is that theyre free to fail on their own merits. If we can solve the engineering challenges of Seasteading, two-thirds of the Earths surface becomes open for these political start-ups, explains Friedman, a self-styled cult leader whos known to the community as just Patri. The Seasteaders have chosen as their motto Let a Thousand Nations Blooman apparent spin on Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom, a Maoist policy which encouraged dissidents to speak out and then used their views as a pretext to jail them.

The mantra was repeated many times during the Seasteading Institutes third annual conference, which took place one week before Ephemerisle in the basement of the San Francisco Grand Meridien Hotel. The Institute hasnt been officially affiliated with Ephemerisle since 2009, but a number of attendees, many of them Seasteading Institute staffers, had plans to go to the festival and encouraged me to come party with them. A few older donors to the Seasteading cause planned to make appearances at Ephemerisle, expecting to look out of place in the festivals trippy, offbeat surroundings. There was a rumor that Peter Thiel would go, too, but no one could confirm it.

The crowd at the conference was disproportionately white, male (I counted maybe ten women in the room) and wealthy (tickets started at $715), and the vast majority of attendees needed no prompting to profess their tax-hating libertarian views just minutes into a conversation. The junket also brought together a number of academics, who, I later learned, had been courted by the Seasteading Institute because their expertiselegal, environmental, or technicalhappened to contribute to the greater Seasteading project. The experts had no plans to visit Ephemerisle; in fact, the movements radical, libertine side seemed to elude them completely.

Like Ephemerisle, the tenor of the conference was scrappy, defiant, and idealistic. The event was staffed by a group of a dozen Seasteading Institute ambassadors, who proselytize for the cause all over the world, and talks ranged from the highly speculativeSeasteading for Medical Tourism, The Economic Viability of Large Floating Structuresto the practical: Seastead Security, for instance, outlined how water cannons and noise machines can protect the cities from pirates and government agents. A panel of legal experts offered a dense explanation of the legal aspects of Seasteading, which is theoretically possible since no one nation has jurisdiction over the high seas. Still, as one lawyer on the panel pointed out, theres no way of knowing how existing countries will react to this assault on their dignity. The Seasteaders I spoke to were undeterred by the possibility of a seastead shutting down at the hands of a belligerent country or the international community. One Institute ambassador who spoke of Patri Friedman in hushed, reverent tones, told me she was confident that the movement was on the right side of history, and that they would be vindicated in the end.

A Costa Rican professor of agricultural engineering named Ricardo Radulovich gave one of the sessions most impassioned talks, about how terrestrial crops like tomatoes could thrive at sea and how algae could provide a sustainable energy alternative to fossil fuels. I met Radulovich, a dapper, ponytailed man in his fifties, over breakfast on the first day of the conference. After telling me about his passion for seaweed, Radulovich pulled a small vial of dried algae from his pocket and opened it on the table. Between bites of his Continental breakfast, he assured me that the powder, which smelled like fish food, would someday feed the world. He described his involvement in Seasteading as a conversion: I couldnt care less about land anymore. I was able to transcend land. It is too limited for the solutions we need.

The end of the second day of the conference ended with a boat cruise, complete with open bar and live jazz band. The ship looped around the Bay as the sun set. The Seasteading Institutes male employees looked like theyd stepped out of a casino, wearing jaunty fitted suits, sunglasses, fedoras, and silver jewelry. Attendees name-dropped Austrian economists and carried on long discussions about the restrictive, freedom-thwarting nature of American immigration policy. I sat at a table with a clean-cut young Seasteading Institute employee named Charlie, who was explaining to an older gentleman the merits of the Paleo diet, a lifestyle that advocates eating a lot of fat and mimicking the eating habits of our caveman ancestors. Paleo was one of the meal options I was given when I signed up for the conference; I would soon learn that it was popular lifestyle among the new wave of tech-libertarians.

I advocate butter for life extension and feeling vibrant, said Charlie Some foods just give you the urge to lift things. His interlocutor, an Institute ambassador in his fifties, looked a little confused. Im sick of being fat, he said. Can we have a seastead with a bootcamp?

The Institute also held a dinner for its benefactors aboard Forbes Island, a floating restaurant off of Pier 39. The dining area was below the deck and maritime paraphernalia adorned the walls of the dim cabin. The room could have passed for a Midtown social club, with its entrepreneurial young men and its rare steaks and red wine, except that the scene would periodically tilt overa queasy reminder that there was no ground below.

I met Patri Fr
iedman in the apartment of Seasteading donor John Chisholm, on the thirty-third floor of Infinity Towers, a high-rise development in San Franciscos SoMa district. Just over five feet tall with a mane of curly black hair and a wiry beard covering his pointy chin, he sat in a chair by the window, explaining his political philosophy while puffing on an electronic cigarette. Seasteading, Patri told me, was borne out of his personal dissatisfaction with the range, as a consumer. The faulty products that Patri referred to were countries.

Some thirty years ago Patris grandfather famously argued that companies have a social responsibility to increase profits and engage in competition. He didnt advocate for a complete free-for-allbusinesses and individuals, he insisted, must play by the rulesbut governments shouldnt be allowed to thwart free trade by monopolizing industry, either. Patri has adapted this thesis for a globalized ideas economy in which countries and borders dont matter as much as the free flow of people, money, and information. Governments, Patri says, should operate the way companies do, serving their customers (that is, citizens) with the best product possible. And like retail consumers, citizens ought to be able to vote with their feet, converging in self-selected groups and encouraging governments to compete for their allegiances. What if Apples genius designers applied their insights on a user experience to build a city thats as fun to use as an iPad? Patri asked during his talk at the conference.

As the theory goes, increased competition for citizens in the public sector would cause the best systems to attract more people, encouraging the widespread adoption of the most popular forms of governance while precipitating the decline of oppressive ones. Thousands of aquatic petri dishes (or, as his colleagues quip, Patri dishes) would encourage people to try out new forms of government to see which ones worked best. If the market were truly free, this would occur naturally, but the structural constraints of the world we live inthe finite number of countries, the limits on mobility based on a persons citizenship, and the artificially imposed impossibility of starting new countries from scratchinstead creates a monopoly on the governance market. Existing governments have no interest in making themselves vulnerable by opening up their borders, so the only solution is to go create thousands of start-up countries in the legal vacuum of international waters.

Patri came to these conclusions after having searched far and wide for Utopia. After graduating from college with a degree in discrete math in 2002, he led the itinerant and occasionally debauched life of a self-professed trust fund kid: living abroad, playing poker, experimenting with drugs and sex, and traveling the world looking for a country to call his own. The thought of living alone, on an island that is completely mine, quietly building infrastructure and waiting for others to choose to join me, is a serene one, Friedman wrote in a Livejournal entry (since deleted) during an exploratory trip to Costa Rica shortly after September 11. True freedom would be worth long periods of isolation. But how much loneliness can I accept for this little step towards freedom, this slight disentanglement from government?

Patris initial hopes for starting an anarcho-capitalist commune in Costa Rica didnt pan out. He liked the idea of Switzerland and Singapore well enough, but they werent long-term solutions. He even considered buying into a citizenship-by-investment scheme in the Caribbean to escape the US, but the costs, he said, were too high. So Patri returned to California, enrolled in a part-time MBA program at Stanford, and began thinking about more radical ways to opt outstarting, then leaving, an intentional community, and co-founding the Seasteading Institute. To spend the rest of my life living under a society whose rules dont fit with my sense of justicethat just sounded horrible and miserable, Patri told me. So I learned about this whole history of nation-founding and floating city movements, and was like You know, theres something to this. People should be able to start new countries. And I think the ocean is the most realistic way of doing it.

The idea of an island utopia isnt exactly new. Erwin S. Strausss How to Start Your Own Country (1983) has served both as a handbook both for new country founders and for historians of floating-city ventures. Strausss definition of a country is a loose one: sidestepping the mainstream understanding of what constitutes a countrya population, a currency, land, and some sort of law, for startersStrauss focuses on one-man attempts at physical DIY statehood staged on ships, fortresses, and artificial land masses.

In 1965, Ernest Hemingways little brother Leicester announced himself the president of the Republic of New Atlantis, an eight-by-thirty-foot barge anchored near the west coast of Jamaica, and later claimed sovereignty over a larger barge near the Bahamas. A few years later, an Objectivist businessman named Werner K. Stiefel founded Operation Atlantis, a new country venture he planned to develop on an island in the Caribbean. Operation Atlantis was originally run out of a motel in upstate New York, where Stiefel lodged volunteers in exchange for their labor. His staff spent several years preparing a ship that finally launched off the East Coast in December 1969, but the Atlanteans took a few liberties with the ships design, according to Strauss, and the boat sank in a hurricane. Then in 1972 a Lithuanian immigrant-turned Las Vegas real estate mogul named Michael J. Oliver hired an Australian dredging ship for $10,000 a week to fill in two reefs with sand 260 miles northeast of the Kingdom of Tonga. He filled fifteen acres, hoping that investors would finance the remaining 1,485 acres to build an island, but the King of Tonga intervened, sending a gang of Tongan convicts to plant a Tongan flag, sing the Tongan national anthem, and claim the land for the Kingdom.

The best-known self-made country is the Principality of Sealand, founded by Paddy Roy Bates, a British pirate radio operator who moved into a World War II anti-aircraft tower off the coast of Great Britain. Bates declared his independence on September 2, 1967 and went to great lengths to preserve his honor, firing shots at repairmen working on a nearby tower and taking some German businessmen hostage after they attempted a purported coup dtat. About ten years ago Prince Roy started a data hosting service called HavenCo with entrepreneur and cyberpunk author Sean Hasting, hoping to build a relatively unregulated alternative to existing server farms on Sealand. The experiment was short-lived: it turned out that the rig-like platform lacked the necessary infrastructure to host sophisticated servers, and when Hastings dropped out for personal reasons in 2002 there was no one to lead the way.

Four years later, a fire broke out on Sealand. The Bateses were in Spain at the time; the only Sealand resident, a security guard, was rescued by the British Royal Air Force. The damage reached half a million pounds, but authorities decided not to charge Sealand for the trouble.

A more contemporary example of aquatic self-governance is Freewinds, a cruise ship chartered by the Church of Scientology (another California-based, sci-fi inspired faction of privileged, somewhat paranoid individuals). Freewinds houses the Sea Org, the groups elite junior corps, and flies a Panamanian flag, functioning essentially as its own floating nation. But its anything but idyllic: a number of former residents have publicly complained about the
slavelike conditions and environmental hazards on the ship.

The vast majority of the ventures in How to Start Your Own Country are either the follies of egocentric young men or thinly veiled tax and regulation avoidance schemes. None of the countries Strauss describes were ever recognized by other, existing countries, or by the UN, which is generally how new states gain legitimacy. Aware of this history, the Seasteading Institute has done what it can to distance itself from the comical undoings of new countries pastcouching its free-market theories in techno-utopian language and using the abracadabra of innovation as its crutch. People dismiss the idea as crackpotish, remarked John Chisholm, the donor, at the conference. But if you address them as you would your fellow futurist, it might be more palatable.

The Institute has also focused on the idea of creating artificial landmass on its owna way, perhaps, to demand legitimacy from those unwilling to see ships or barges as proper countries. Recast in the language of the start-up economy, the spectacular failures of DIY countries become noble enterprises. And, like start-up companies, they just might succeed in changing the way we see the worldand make a few people very, very rich. The countrys running on an operating system from 1778, Patri told me. If cars did that, wed be riding horses.

As he spoke, Patri gestured toward the great beyond. The view was breathtaking: wall-to-wall windows overlooked the Bay Bridge, and the water looked like an inky, peaceful swimming pool. Lookthats a container ship coming out of the Port of Oakland, going out to the bridge, he said, pointing to a large vessel with the giddy enthusiasm of a small child. It was easy, from three hundred feet up, to imagine a seastead in its place.

After I met my cabin-mates on Ephemerisles South Island, I kayaked back to the North to catch the senior director of the Seasteading Institute introducing a series of lectures on the main platform The state of Seasteading is strong! declared Randy Hencken, a ropey man with dragon tattoos covering his chest and back. Hencken, who had recently left a job at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, explained that a dearth of employment and freedom on land would precipitate the development of seasteads over the next two decades. The Institute had already made progress: an anonymous donor had given them a 275-foot cruise ship, and a general-audience book about Seasteading will be published by Simon & Schuster later this year.

The first presentation showcased the jellypus, an iPad-controlled luminescent jellyfish that sat about a foot under water, pulsing with light to the rhythm of whatever song was on. Then Michael Hartl, a bald, affable physicist who told me he writes off Ephemerisle as a business expense in his taxes (networking) led a pirate shanty sing-along in a pitch-perfect baritone. Hartl embodies what tech entrepreneurs call creative disruption: he made a name for himself by pressing mathematicians to stop using Pi as a constant and instead rely on the more elegant Tau, the ratio of a circles circumference to its radius. Hartl has also taught astrophysics at Caltech and mentored Thiel Fellowscollege students whom Peter Thiel, perhaps the worlds most famous disrupter, paid $100,000 to drop out of school and start companies. Ever since I was a little kid, Ive wanted to be a pirate, Hartl beamed. And now Im doing it!

A young man named Kevin then went on at length about how large doses of electrolytesthe equivalent of twenty Gatoradescan make you smarter.

What about Creatine? asked an audience member. Does Creatine make you smarter?

Only if youre a vegetarian, replied Kevin. Creatine only makes you smarter if you dont eat meat.

In addition to seeing government as just another problem that technology can overcome, Seasteaders try to hack every aspect of their existence down to their self-care regimens. Many participate in health and fitness regimes like the Paleo Diet and Crossfitlifestyles that dovetail nicely with more mainstream libertarian retro-futurism, which argues humans ought to live more like they did before their freedom was impinged upon by large state governments, all while enjoying the enhancements of technological innovation forged in the free market. It wasnt just Charlie from the boat cruise who proselytized the health benefits of butter: the unofficial beverage of Ephemerisle was Bulletproof Coffeeblack coffee with half a stick of butter mixed inwhich advocates claim increases their mental acuity and helps them stay trim. The inventor of the concoction claims to have increased his IQ by twenty points and lost 100 pounds as a result of his experiments hacking his biology. He was at Ephemerisle, too and later, in an email, told me hed had a great time.

This tendency toward engineering everything spills into the social sphere. To supplement real or perceived romantic shortcomings, some Seasteaders dabble in pickup artistry, a method of seducing women thats been likened to an algorithm and self-legitimized by handpicked data and bunk theories about evolution. The male vanity coursing under all this life-hacking may explain why so few women participate in projects like these. While theres little overt sexism in the gay-friendly, drug-happy Seasteading community, theres nothing preventing a hypothetical start-up country from regressing into a patriarchal, Paleo-Futuristic state. If anything, the movements reverence for caveman essentialism suggests the latterthat real goal is to remake civilization, starting from a primal, natural condition that they can revive in the modern world thanks to new technologies.

Or maybe the goal is to build Facebook, the country. Seasteading rhetoric echoes early visions of the Internet, recalling John Perry Barlows web manifesto, The Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. Perry liberally employs the metaphor of a seamless, timeless, borderless ocean to describe the web, and his vehement resistance to any form of Internet regulation has a real-life parallel in the no-countries, no-rules ethos that Seasteaders embrace. We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks, wrote Barlow, on behalf of Cyberspace, in 1996. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear. The idea of the Internet promised an impossible libertarian dream: a way to be alone, together.

The actual Internet has largely failed to live up to Barlows ideal of fluid, seamless space. But that hasnt stopped Seasteading from attempting to recreate his vision IRL. At Ephemerisle, Internet piracy manifested in hacked radio stations and in the shanties of actual pirates. Memesbacon, cuddling, BFFLswere acted out offline. There was even a rumor that someone had brought a cat onto one of the houseboats. The festival was conceived of and organized almost entirely online; it has its own Facebook page, a Twitter, a detailed wiki with planning notes, evaluations, and a postmortem for the past few events.

Its no coincidence that members of the online Reddit community, all male, made plans independently of the Seasteaders to take over an island in the Caribbean. The project failed.

On Saturday morning, I woke up at sunrise after having slept on a foldout bench in the front section of our houseboat. The wind had picked up dramatically overnight, and when I s
tepped onto the deck for some fresh air I nearly lost my balance. Over the next four hours, the gusts proceeded to tear the floating cities apart. The platforms rocked on the water and the inflatable rafts tied to out boat now blew violently onto our deck, knocking over chairs and crashing into the doorframe.

I watched from my boat as the islands deteriorated in slow motion. First, the North side rotated 90 degrees; then, it began to lose chunks of its main platform, one by one. The South began to wobble precariously, and a few rugged types whod taken charge of the situation were yelling orders at each other from their decks and frantically Tweeting alerts to other islands. The turquoise toenail polish the men had applied the day before sparkled on their bloodied feet as they attempted to untangle rogue anchors from the riverbed and fold up the Cuddle Gallery, which was on the verge of blowing away.

Ephemerisle had entered a state of emergency, and its residents were more than ready to declare martial law. The North is floating toward us! barked a young man from outside. Stay in your houseboats! When I tried to escape my stuffy cabin and climb up to the roof, a second young man gave me a brusque lecture on safety.

By mid-morning, the two main cities had fractured into a half dozen stranded units floating alone in the turbulent waters. The West had vanished entirelyone of the boats had drifted off and gotten stuck by a nearby levee, while most of the others took off to other parts of the river. There was no reliable form of communication between the boats. A few people had radios. Some yelled. The rest of us had half-charged phones with weak Internet connections. Transport, as always, was limited.

Confined to a few square feet with a leaky trash bag and too many bodies in one cabin, my cabin-mates and I showered with tepid river water and nursed hangovers with our dwindling supply of store-bought liquids. Dirty, smelly, and bored, we sat around and tried to make small talk. We had nothing to talk about; aquatic life had grown tiresome.

Sorry it didnt work out quite as planned, you guys, said Cyprien. Its not so fun being isolated. The Chinese engineers napped, and Cypriens relatives hung out at the back of the boat looking bored. On the other end, some people just took off and went home. Im done with this. Goodbye! yelled Michael Hartl from his deck.

As Hartls boat rumbled away into the distance, a sense of relief washed over the South. We remembered that nothing bound us to this placewe could leave. No countries, no rules: when Id asked Patri what would happen if a seastead turned into a dictatorship, or the Scientologists Freewinds ship, hed advocated for the right of exit. It is this rightultimately, the right to choose ones neighborswas what made Seasteading so desirable in the first place. You could build a utopia, but you had no obligation to stick with it. After all, one quality of utopia, at least libertarian utopia, was that you could leave anytime. So we did.

Ephemerisle, though, went on through Sunday, and ended on a happy note. Those who persevered pieced what was left of the two remaining neighborhoods back together when the wind died down, and continued their revelry late into the night with just one notable incident. At around 5 PM a young man decided to go skinny-dipping in the river. He had dropped acid earlier in the day, so a fellow Ephemerisler, worried about his safety, coaxed him out and called the Coast Guard over to the islands for guidance. The man was standing on a houseboat wearing nothing but his blanket when the officers arrived; when he saw them, he dropped the sheet, jumped in the water again, and swam away. He reached a levee, scrambled out of the water, and took off running through the reedsa free man living a free life, in the radical wilderness of the American West.

But the law was onto him, and the law won: within minutes, the naked white male was caught, cuffed, and escorted back to dry land. The Ephemerislers watched from their boats.

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Seastead – Seasteading

Posted: at 2:43 am

From Seasteading

A seastead is a structure which is safe to live on in international waters. The goal is to enable dynamic geography where people can pick which legal system they are in without having to box up their stuff and change houses. Since the focus is on living on the water, not getting anywhere quickly or carrying heavy cargo, a seastead design can sacrifice speed through the water and cargo capacity to achieve lower costs per square foot and greater stability than a boat/yacht/ship of similar price. The goal of seasteading is to make a community of people living on affordable seasteads.

There are several different lines of thinking about what seasteads should look like and the best strategies to get them built. The table below shows the main visions for what we should be working on to advance seasteading.

Note that the above approaches are not mutually exclusive, except in the sense that if you spend your time and money on one you don't have it to spend on another.

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User:Vincecate – Seasteading

Posted: at 2:43 am

From Seasteading

Home Page and floatingislands.com and blog.floatingislands.com Most recent stuff at http://www.islandboys.ai. Here is a video with some recent thinking.

There are several main ideas for bringing seasteads to real life. I have written up something on my views about seasteading which has been called the "Single Family Seasteading Manifesto".

I have made proposals for:

I am interested in scale models and have made and tested a group of models. I am willing to test any seastead models that anyone sends me, no charge. I have easy access to a variety of natural waves and a Casio EX-FH20 that can make really nice slow motion video.

I am interested in possible ideas for Seastead ventures. I like these:

I have started a page on big wave videos and some platform videos.

I think each seastead could use a kite and sea anchor to control movement on an annual migration.

I think Convoy Communications would avoid expensive satellite communications costs.

I think a good way to move people or cargo between seasteads is with a SkyWay.

Looks like there are hurricane resistant Life rafts.

I think Cost estimation is important.

Started pages on IP and Patents.

I have updated the HangingBallast using video from some of my experiments.

I found some online charts of the San Fransisco Bay.

I think we need to understand what is Acceptable Motion for seasteads.

I think we need to use some type of Low Cost Wave Tank so we can afford to do lots of experiments. This is a new design space that needs to be explored, so there are many possible things to try.

I would like to thank those that have helped fund my experiments.

I think efficient Thrusters are key for seastead operation. The Propeller Efficiency issues mean we need large propellers for slow seasteads.

Trying to put together a single family seastead budget estimate.

I think Prizes are the most efficient way to get something new like a seastead developed. The trick is designing the prize. I have posted a Ephemerisle_Contest prize idea.

I think UAVs will be important for seasteading.

I have built a 1:5 scale prototype large enough for 3 people. I am getting ready to take it on a second experimental voyage.

Thinking a bit about a WaterWalker3 idea where opposite buoys are connected together by a rope on pulleys.

I have a new baby coming soon and am trying to finish off and release some software for a startup this year. So I won't be spending nearly as much time or dream-cycles on seasteading stuff in 2009 as I did in 2008. But seasteading has been a passion of mine for more than 20 years and I will be back at it in the future.

Some things I am thinking about doing next.

Organized links to different strategies to bring about Seasteads.

"You can't possibly get a good technology going without an enormous number of failures. It's a universal rule. If you look at bicycles, there were thousands of weird models built and tried before they found the one that really worked. You could never design a bicycle theoretically. Even now, after we've been building them for 100 years, it's very difficult to understand just why a bicycle works - it's even difficult to formulate it as a mathematical problem. But just by trial and error, we found out how to do it, and the error was essential. The same is true of airplanes. " Freeman Dyson

"Art without engineering is dreaming; engineering without art is calculating." Steven K Roberts. I think Seasteading needs to be careful to have both the imagination and engineering. I think just designing an oil platform but removing the tension legs is not enough imagination and not good engineering. Drawing pretty pictures of floating cities without engineering behind them is just art. Only with both imagination and engineering can seasteading be made to work.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi


User:Vincecate - Seasteading

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PayPal Founder Peter Thiel Continues to Tout Anti-Government …

Posted: at 2:43 am

Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal, is sick of paying taxes, and hes not going to stand for it any more. Rather than unilaterally secede from the government and face the indignity of being hauled to court as a tax-defying sovereign citizen, however, the super-rich hedge fund manager plans to start his own country.

Thiels no dummy: He knows that all the land on earth is already controlled by some nation or another.

Thats why he plans to establish his new country on the high seas. Thiel is an avid fan of seasteading, an ultra-libertarian concept in which autonomous ocean communities stationed in international waters would experiment with different forms of governance, competing for citizens fealty and wealth.

I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible, Thiel wrote in a 2009 manifesto published by the libertarian Cato Institute. Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians have rendered the notion of capitalist democracy into an oxymoron. Bemoaning the fate of the smartest libertarians who, he claims, were so bummed out by the state of capitalism that they escaped not only to alcohol but beyond it, he outlined a vision of the future free from the quixotic desires of the poor, stupid, and X-chromosomed among us.

The driving ideal of PayPal, he wrote, was to create a new world currency, free from all government control and dilution the end of monetary sovereignty, as it were.

Seasteading, he continued, is merely another means of achieving freedom from government control.

Seasteading is the brainchild of Patri Friedman, a former Google software engineer whose grandfather, Milton Friedman, was the Nobel Prize-winning free market economist. In 2008, Thiel provided the seed money to found, along with Friedman, the Seasteading Institute, which according to its website envision[s] a vibrant startup sector for governments.

The world needs a place where those who wish to experiment with building new societies can go to test out their ideas, it says. All land on Earth is already claimed, making the oceans humanitys next frontier.

In other words, seasteading would allow experimentation with all kinds of cool governments. Always wanted to live on an anarcho-syndicalist commune? How about a benevolent dictatorship? Or maybe your ideal is something like the Principality of Outer Baldonia, a now-defunct micro-nation off the coast of Nova Scotia whose declaration of independence endowed fishermen with inalienable rights including the right to lie and be believed, and the right of freedom from questioning, nagging, shaving, interruption, women, taxes, politics, war, monologues, cant and inhibition. Outer Baldonia even had its own currency the Tunar, named for a game fish abundant in its waters.

With seasteading, all this and more would be possible.

Thiel already is helping to fund one floating utopia Blueseed, a proposed vessel to be anchored in international waters 12 miles off the coast of Silicon Valley. Blueseed, which plans to launch by early 2014, intends to circumvent U.S. immigration law and be a haven for the boldest, brightest, and most talented tech entrepreneurs from around the world.

The Seasteading Institute has even bigger plans. Last November, it released a location study for larger, untethered ship-based and large-scale city scenarios, which took into account the factors that would be required for more elaborate autonomous ocean communities.

Seasteading isnt the only sci-fi idea Thiel has invested in. In 2009, the quirky libertarian pledged up to $3.5 million to the Methuselah Foundation, a nonprofit group that funds research on Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS). In 2004, Aubrey de Grey, the foundations gaunt and long-bearded founder, told the BBC he thinks the first person who will live to 1,000 could be 60 already.

At 44, having invested in avoiding both death and taxes, Thiel must be feeling ahead of the game.

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Personal Empowerment Solutions.com | All about Personal …

Posted: at 2:43 am

The human mind is complex it perceives things differently according to our beliefs and thought patterns. This unique part of our body gives us the insights and mental prowess to go through life by utilizing our own abilities to survive and adapt. But if you want to live life to the fullest then you better let your creative juices flow to come up with great ideas for self-improvement in both your personal life and career. Everyone has the capacity to be creative, as long as they dont put a limit to their capability to think and to accept new ideas from the outside. But there are certain hindrances that stop the flow of creative juices on our brain and here are some ideas on how to burst the dam and let the creative you show itself to the world. Get Rid Of Your Stress Stress is one of the hindrances in letting your creative juices flow out of you. In most cases, our problems, fears, inhibitions, physical exhaustion, or even our emotions can become a hurdle that stops our mind from thinking anything beside the problem. Stress management can help get rid of this problem and let your mind relax to boost your creativity. It also helps you focus your eyes on an object that gives you comfort or that can help you relax. You might also want to indulge in your favorite activities to help you get rid of negative thoughts that stop your brain from being creative. Expand Your Repertoire Using your own stock knowledge may not be enough to guarantee a fresh flow of creative juices to run through your head. If you want to get some good ideas then you better get out of your hiding-hole and look at your surroundings to get some good

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This was sent to me by a dear friend. I thought it was interesting enough to share with you. Best Regards Selva A theology professor was teaching about Anger; He asked his students, Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset? The students thought for a while. One of them said, because we lose our calm, we shout for that. But why shout when the other person is just next to you? asked the professor. Isnt it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you are angry? The students gave some other answers but none satisfied the professor. Finally he explained, When two people are angry at each other, their hearts psychologically distance themselves. To cover the distance, they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will shout to hear each other through that great distance. Then the professor asked, What happens when two people fall in love? They dont shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are psychologically very close. The distance between them is very small. The professor continued, When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they even get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and thats all. So next time you shout to a loved one, know that you are creating distance between your heart and that persons heart.

You may be surprised how some individuals act on certain occasions. Your integrity and response largely depend on your character and how it was honed for years. The decisions and choices you make are triggered by your background and your own created values and virtues. The way you were raised and your experiences will lead to how you relate with other people and the world as a whole. Here are some ways to build good character. 1. Define Character First of all, you have to understand the meaning of character. It is the total of traits and qualities that will define a certain individual or group of people. It describes the ethical and moral strength of the individual, as well as attributes and abilities that will ultimately correspond to their life choices. Character defines the person and his or her actions, with the possibility of these being positive on how to become a better you. Character is closely related to integrity, which is defined as consistent adherence to strict moral or ethical code. People who have integrity can be defined as complete, unimpaired and sound. Integrity, as a whole, can be defined as performing the right things for the right reasons, regardless of the conditions and circumstances. 2. On Values If you want to build good character, you have to select as set of principles and rules that you will abide by for the rest of your life. The actions you take to follow these guidelines will ultimately lead to a happy and contented life, which in turn, will reflect your positivity and support toward creating a better world and environment for everyone. You can effectively follow the ethics of a certain group or religion. You can also develop your own ideals, based on your beliefs, experiences and personal opinions.

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Psychological Egoism vs Ethical Egoism | Flow Psychology

Posted: at 2:42 am

It is said that selfishness is a human nature. Consequently, selfishness is something that relates to egoism. Selfishness is in many forms, which will be discussed later on. Both of these subjects have been a center of discussion for years now. Among the subjects that have been part of it is the topic about psychological egoism vs. ethical egoism.

As for the psychological egoism vs. ethical egoism, the latter is described as the belief in which it states that humans are usually always selfish. Humans are always acting out of their own self-interest, which leads to happiness. The former, however, is the belief that humans are supposed to act only concerning their own interest.

Based on the beliefs itself and how each was defined, the kinds of egoisms that people practice are now differentiated. One type of egoism tells about acting based on or with the presence of a motive and the other acting on something based purely for the persons benefit.

In psychological egoism, it is explained that individuals only do good things because it is in their own interest to do so. As an example, a person decided and chose not to steal for the fact that he or she is afraid to feel the guilt or afraid to go to prison. As for ethical egoism, it is explained that it is just right for individuals to act based on their own self-interest. It means a person acts out for his or her benefit only.

In general, it is described as the empirical doctrine in which the motive for which a person makes a voluntary action is one that falls for that same individuals benefit. In a wider scope, in every action that a person does, even though it is seen as something that is for the benefit of others, there is still a hidden motive that serves for the self-interest of the person.

There are two arguments under this. One, this egoism is considered as a descriptive theory that resulted from the observations made on human behavior. Thus, it can only become a real empirical theory once there are no present exceptions. Second, there is no claim as to how a person should act. Thus, it is a fact that all individuals are seeking their self-interest in the theory. For psychological egoist, they view this as a verifiable and non-moral.

It is described as that doctrine that is prescriptive or normative. It means a person is supposed to seek something only for his own welfare. The primary idea in this belief is that only the persons own welfare is the one valuable for that same individual. There are also two arguments here. One, not all people are naturally seeking just their self-interest. It only claims that people should seek ones self-interest even if not everyone will do the same thing. The second, if it is to be regarded as one theory, then it must be applicable to all persons.

In the end, there is only one thing that can be concluded about the subject psychological egoism vs. ethical egoism. It is that even with the stated theories on egoism, people are not always motivated to act based on selfishness. At times, people just act based on pure kindness in mind.

Dec 20, 2013-Flow Psychology Editor

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NSA Surveillance – gov1.info

Posted: at 2:40 am

Surveillance Techniques: How Your Data Becomes Our Data

In 2001, NSA published the secret "Transition 2001" report defining our strategy for the 21st century. No longer could we simply access analog communications using conventional means, the new digital world of globally-networked encrypted communications required a dramatic change to our surveillance strategy: NSA would need to "live on the network".

We've turned our nation's Internet and telecommunications companies into collection partners by installing filters in their facilities, serving them with secret court orders, building back doors into their software and acquiring keys to break their encryption.

NSA technicians have installed intercept stations at key junction points, or switches, throughout the country. These switches are located in large windowless buildings owned by the major telecommunication companies and control the domestic internet traffic flow across the nation. A fiber optic splitter is placed on the incoming communication lines and routes the traffic to an NSA intercept station for processing.

View a sample route that internet data traverses from a home in Toronto to the San Francisco Art Institute passing through several NSA intercept stations.

Larger version of map More information about this map

In the past, we used our close partnership with the FBI to collect bulk telephone records on an ongoing basis using a Top Secret order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA). The metadata we collected from this program gave us information about what communications you sent and received, who you talked to, where you were when you talked to them, the lengths of your conversations, and what kind of device you were using.

In mid-2015, Congress passed the USA Freedom Act sadly ending this valuable bulk collection program for the time being.

Our partners at the FBI DITU (Data Intercept Technology Unit) extract information from the servers of nine major American internet companies: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple. This important partnership gives us direct access to audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs for each of these systems.

Established in 2007, the Top Secret PRISM program has allowed us to closely track targeted individuals over time. Our ability to conduct live surveillance of search terms has given us important insights into their thoughts and intentions.

This slide lists our information providers and the type of data available to our analysts

To learn more about the PRISM program, view additional PRISM slides.

The NSA "MUSCULAR" program allows us to conveniently conduct large-scale data gathering outside the jurisdiction of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by secretly tapping into the communication links between Google's data centers outside the U.S. The Special Source Operations (SSO) group discovered a clever way around Google's security measures giving us full access to the rich data Google stores on the cloud for its users.

Our bulk cellphone location tracking program captures almost 5 billion records a day and feeds into a massive 27 terabyte database storing information about the locations of a hundred million devices. By tapping into the cables that connect the mobile networks globally and working with our corporate partners to install intercept equipment, we can apply mathematical techniques that enable our analysts to map cellphone owners' relationships by correlating their patterns of movement over time with thousands or millions of other phone users who cross their paths. This "Co-traveler" program allows us to look for unknown associates of known intelligence targets by tracking people whose movements intersect.

When the data we seek resides in places we cannot access using the above surveillance techniques, we rely on the technical experts in the Tailored Access Operations Group and their specialized tools from the ANT Product Catalog. The categories of available tools are listed below.

An FBI fleet of over one hundred specially-modified Cessna planes equipped with sophisticated camera systems in steerable mounts that can provide detailed video, night vision, and infrared thermal imaging quietly fly circular routes daily around many major U.S. cities tracking targets and gathering intelligence. Some of the planes use augmented reality software and sophisticated surveillance technology capable of tracking thousands of cellphones users.

Zoom in and click on the red map markers to view images of the unusual flight patterns in the FBI's targeted areas. View the map in full-screen mode.

In June 2015, a Senate bill was introduced to "protect" our citizens from Mass Aerial Surveillance. We are happy to report that no action has been taken on this bill and we have every confidence that Congress will agree with us that mass surveillance "IS" protection for our citizens. You can track the progress of this ill-advised bill below.

By tapping into the worldwide network of undersea cables, our OAKSTAR, STORMBREW, BLARNEY and FAIRVIEW systems can process data as it flows across the internet. Each system is responsible for different types of intercepted data. For example, the BLARNEY system gathers metadata describing who is speaking to whom and through which networks and devices.

There are two methods employed for tapping into the undersea cable network. A modified nuclear submarine houses the technicians and gear needed to place the physical taps on the undersea cables along strategic points in the network. The second method involves using intercept probes at the point where the cables connect to the landing stations in various countries. These probes capture and copy the data as it flows onward.

As data flows through our worldwide data collection points, the XKeyscore system indexes and stores this information in a rolling three-day buffer database containing all internet activity passing through each collection site. XKeyscore is a massive distributed Linux cluster with over 700 servers distributed around the world.

The theory behind XKeyscore is simple: People spend a large amount of time on the web performing actions that are anonymous. We can use this traffic to detect anomalies which can lead us to intelligence by itself, or provide a selection path for further inquiries. Examples of anomalous events: Someone searching the web for "suspicious stuff" or someone who is using encryption.

This slide shows a worldwide map of the XKeyscore server locations

This slide shows how metadata is extracted and stored in the XKeyscore database

Learn more about the XKeyscore system.

The "Boundless Informant" mapping tool provides our analysts the means to track intelligence collection statistics worldwide. Using a color-coded map, we can quickly determine the volume of collection data we have by geographical location. This global heat map assigns each nation a color code based on its surveillance intensity ranging from green (least subjected to surveillance) through yellow and orange to red (most surveillance). With the monthly domestic intelligence collection volume at almost three billion pieces, the United States is assigned the color orange.

Learn more about the Boundless Info
rmant program

In addition to our own data collection activities, the Domestic Surveillance Directorate receives a constant flow of information from other sources. For more information about these sources, visit Our Partners page.

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