Daily Archives: June 27, 2016

American Patriot Friends Network APFN

Posted: June 27, 2016 at 6:36 am

Then 'MAKE SURE' your vote is counted! http://www.votersunite.org/

Why did 65 US Senators break a solemn oath? Watch. Listen http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oath-of-office.htm

The Case for Impeachment C-Span2 Book TV 8/2/06 With Dave Lindorff and Barbara Oskansky Website: http://www.thiscantbehappening.net

HOW TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT Includes 6 part videos: 'The Case for Impeachment' http://www.apfn.org/apfn/impeach_pres.htm

Cointelpro, Provacateurs,Disinfo Agents.

Citizen's Rule Book 44 pages Download here: http://www.apfn.org/pdf/citizen.pdf

Quality pocketsized hardcopies of this booklet may be obtained from: Whitten Printers (602) 258-6406 1001 S 5th St., Phoenix, AZ 85004 Editoral Work by Webster Adams PAPER-HOUSE PUBLICATIONS "Stronger than Steel" 4th Revision

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others. . .they send forth a ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." - Robert F. Kennedy

Philosophy Of Liberty (Flash) http://www.apfn.org/flash/PhilosophyOfLiberty-english.swf

March 29, 2000

Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. --Harry S. Truman

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American Patriot Friends Network a/k/a American Patriot Fax Network was founded Feb. 21, 1993. We started with faxing daily reports from the Weaver-Harris trials. Then on Feb. 28 1993, The BATF launched Operation Showtime - "The Siege on the Branch Davidians". From this point, it's been the Death of Vince Foster, the Oklahoma Bombing, TWA-800, The Train Deaths, Bio-War, on and on. We are not anti-government, we are anti-corrupt-government. A Patriot is one who loves God, Family and Country.....

We believe Patriots should rule America.... Please join in the fight with us in seeking TRUTH, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM FOR ALL AMERICANS....

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Without Justice, there is JUST_US

EXCELLENT!! Download & WATCH THIS! (Flash Player) http://www.apfn.org/apfn/pentagon121.swf

The Attack on America 9/11 http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC.htm

9/11 Philip Marshall and His Two Children Silenced for Telling the Truth http://www.apfn.org/apfn/bamboozle.htm

OBAMA'S DRONES WAR ON WOMEN AND CHILDREN http://www.apfn.org/apfn/drones.htm

SMART METERS and Agenda 21 http://www.apfn.org/apfn/smartmeters.htm


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"I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies."



".... a network of net-worker's...."


I was born an American. I live as an American; I shall die an American; and I intend to perform the duties incumbent upon me in that character to the end of my career. I mean to do this with absolute disregard to personal consequences. What are the personal consequences?

What is the individual man with all the good or evil that may betide him, in comparison with the good and evil which may befall a great country, and in the midst of great transactions which concern that country's fate? Let the consequences be what they will, I am careless, No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer or if he fall, in the defense of the liberties and Constitution of his country.

...Daniel Webster


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American Patriot Friends Network APFN

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Fiscal Cricket Figuring out this financial freedom thing.

Posted: at 6:35 am

The budget meeting went well today. With several website/iOS development invoices coming in this month there should be ~$4,000+ extra at the end of the month to pay off credit cards. There is a possibility that this money may go to buying a used vehicle and selling the newer vehicle. This would free up ~$600/month of cashflow and knock out about 30K of car loan debt! My financial advisor is crunching these numbers and we will decide if its better to pay off the cards or buy a used car/sell newer car. Ill update this Friday.

Had another great meeting this week! Unfortunately there is ~$550 of vehicle and income tax adjustments that are due that wont go towards my our debt

There is ~$800 budgeted towards a small personal loan that will be paid off this month as well. I am expecting ~$2700 worth of development work to come in this month and am expecting a $2500 bonus (drastically reduced by taxes Im sure) in my first June paycheck. My hope is that this month well be able to pay off close to 3 credit cards at the end of the month!

Still feeling positive and making progress!

Fantastic meeting with financial planner today. Great news! Since we started the blog weve paid down several credit cards!! Last month I was able to pay off the two smallest cards. Today I was able to pay off another credit card as well! Im awaiting several payments for invoices for development work for several companies. When they arrive I should be able to allocate them for two more cards possibly in the next few weeks!

Current net worth:

Focusing on paying off personal debt is my number one priority. I do, however, enjoy reading various perspectives on what people do to achieve financial independence.

Currently my thought-process is more of Dave Ramsey approach and working with gazelle intensity to pay off debt.

I spent part of this past weekend looking through various websites and reading about personal finance. Im sure everyone has read some, if not all, of the websites I began reading through but wanted to include them in on this site as a reference for readers and myself, just in case.

The sites I began reading through, from the very first post I might add, were:

Lots of fantastic information on these sites. Ill keep adding more resources as I come across other great websites.

I met with my financial planner today. This was a crazy month with my Mrs. FC traveling (a trip planned prior to working on finances) but will be able to pay at least $2,000 on credit cards this month. An additional $1,200 came about because of an iOS app I helped to develop last year for free. The product owner decided to allocate funds toward it. It was for a non-profit. Next month Im aiming for $3,500.

There will be, hopefully, a minimum of $3,200 total will be applied to credit card balances at the end of May! Whoop whoop!

I decided to start writing about my personal finances because I felt that it would help to keep my motivated on my way to becoming 100% debt free. I also wanted to document the process for myself and my family. I especially wanted to have a narrative for my three small children so that one day they could read what their mother and I had to do in order to dig ourselves out of our financial hole. Hoping that they would never have to go to through this and that their parents loved them very much.

I would like this site to ultimately consist of 3 things:

I could see this possibly evolving over time but wanted to point out those main objectives.

Currently our financial coach at Artisan Finance is having us stay one month ahead with our expenses. This has been fantastic and I would encourage everyone to have at least one, if not more, months of expenses in the bank. After we have the next months expenses locked in any excess funds at the end of the month are used to pay down debt. At that time I would like to update the total debt outstanding on this site to keep track of that as a way for me to see progress.

I have learned a lot in the past year about financial planning and goal setting. I have asked and received may additional resources along the way from people and sources online. I would like to document articles, tweets, podcasts and websites I come across. Ill add them in posts and try to keep a list up-to-date for people that find the site as these are great for motivation.

This year is critical. There should be, and will, be major milestones. The goal for 2016 is to sell our vehicle ($35,000) and buy a older vehicle for ~$5,000. Credit cards ($16,000) should be gone. Medical bills in collections should be paid off and cleared as well ($4,000). These will definitely be documented and Im going to celebrate!

I wanted to include our starting point on the About page as a reference to where we began.

Below is our current status:

Any feedback is welcome, send me an email through the contact page.

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Fiscal Cricket Figuring out this financial freedom thing.

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The Four Stages of Financial Independence – The Simple Dollar

Posted: at 6:35 am

Financial independence is a tricky phrase because it can mean different things to different people.

Right now, I view financial independence as being a state where I no longer have to work for money. Yet, seven or eight years ago, I might have viewed it as simply being free from worrying about my next paycheck. At different points in there, I might have seen financial independence completely differently.

Along the way, Ive come to realize that financial independence is made up of a series of stages. Some people might see more stages, while others might see fewer; I see four clear ones.

In my own financial journey and in the journey of others that Ive had conversations with financial independence generally means the next stage that hasnt been achieved yet.

For example, once upon a time, I viewed financial independence as not needing to rely on my parents or on my very next paycheck to survive. As I achieved that, my definition changed.

Lets walk through these four stages and look at what needs to be done to achieve each one.

According to recent studies, 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. In the words of the article:

Fewer than one in four Americans have enough money in their savings account to cover at least six months of expenses, enough to help cushion the blow of a job loss, medical emergency or some other unexpected event, according to the survey of 1,000 adults. Meanwhile, 50% of those surveyed have less than a three-month cushion and 27% had no savings at all.

In other words, a person is in this category if theyre going to see significant financial problems within a short period if they lose their primary job. You can define short period however you want a month, six months, whatever.

I tend to define it as six months. If you were fired tomorrow and could survive for six months without getting a comparable job and without facing complete financial apocalypse or a huge explosion in your debt, youre probably enjoying freedom from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Believe it or not, three in four Americans cant match that level.

A part of this is freedom from financial outpatient support from the Bank of Mom and Dad. If you still require a regular influx of cash from your parents to maintain your current lifestyle, then you are unquestionably still living paycheck to paycheck. Some people receive these kinds of gifts and channel all of it into savings, which is the best way to make financial progress with parental support. You must stand on your own two feet.

How did I do it? We achieved this level in late 2006 or early 2007, perhaps nine months after the beginning of our financial turnaround. We paid off several credit cards and built a very healthy emergency fund during those early months, but it took until the end of the year for us to begin to feel a bit of security about our situation.

How do you get here? The best method is to cut expenses. Live as cheap as possible and use the excess to get your bills up to date and build up some cash in your savings account. If youre not fully employed, look for work as you need income to make this happen. Spend less than you earn and master it, as youll always want to be in that state.

The next level of financial independence, in my experience, is freedom from debt. Why is this such a vital level? It represents the clearest possible case for minimizing ones monthly expenditures. Once your debts are gone, your set of monthly bills is going to be awfully small, plus you wont be giving away money in the form of interest payments.

When most people reach debt freedom, theyre often stunned at the amount of cash sitting in their checking account. It becomes much, much easier to invest for the future as you can take the money that was disappearing into a black hole of debt and instead apply it to your future. Youre building wealth instead of undoing earlier mistakes.

How did I do it? We achieved freedom from all non-mortgage debts in 2008 and complete debt freedom in 2011. Not only did it feel like a huge weight left our shoulders at that point, we noticed that our financial growth really began to accelerate. With no debt payments, we moved to a model where we have been banking my entire income since early 2012.

How do you get here? Build and execute a debt repayment plan. Keep your expenses low so that you can blow through that plan.

At this point, you can lose any of your family income streams and youll still survive. If you lose your primary job, you can keep rolling in perpetuity. You still need to work for a living, but none of your methods of earning money are a requirement. A pink slip is just shrugged off and changing career paths is completely fine.

Ideally, this is true because you have income arriving from a number of different sources. Maybe you earn money from your primary job, your investments, an array of Youtube videos youve posted, and maybe a book you wrote a year or two ago. If you lose any of those streams, youre still fine it just means you devote more time to the other ones. If you find your passion is gone from one of those streams, you can simply close one out and move to another one.

How did I do it? Sarah and I achieved this threshold sometime in late 2012 or early 2013. During that time, Sarah realistically thought about leaving her current career path for a while to pursue other things and we realized during that conversation that our finances really werent the primary part of the discussion any more. Yes, there would have been financial impact from that choice, but the discussion mostly revolved around Sarahs personal goals. She was free from her job at that point; she chose to stick with it because she realized how much she loved her work.

How do you get here? Invest for the future so that your money starts producing income on your own. Spend some of your spare time creating things that generate income for you, like writing a book or recording Youtube videos. Keep your expenses low so that you can afford to invest a lot and so that losing an income stream isnt devastating.

The final level which is the target that Sarah and I have for the future comes when your investment income exceeds your living expenses, which means that you no longer have to work for money. You can spend your time however you wish as long as you dont spend money foolishly. Ideally, your income from investments exceeds your spending so that you can roll some of that investment income into more investments, making you more or less inflation proof.

Our goal is to achieve this level by 2020 or so. Were aware that we do have the expensive mountain of three children entering into postsecondary education all within five years in the early 2020s; otherwise, wed probably be able to achieve it sooner than that.

How do you get here? Keep investing. Eventually, when you get close, invest in things that produce direct income for you, such as dividend-paying stocks or rental properties. Keep your expenses low, too.

Theres one common thread running through all of these stages: keep your spending under control. No matter where youre at financially, frivolous spending is your enemy. It pushes your financial goals away from you and increases the time it takes to move to the next level.

Still, its a balancing act. Sometimes, expenses that bring joy today are worth putting off that financial progress. The key is recognizing that your spending is slowing down your progress. Always question your unnecessary desires; let them thrive sometimes, but put the stops on the sillier ones.

This progression isnt going to happen immediately. Sarah and I took years to move from level to level, and we threw ourselves deeply into frugality while we were both working full-time jobs and I was starting a significant side business that was very time intensive and personal labor intensive. Be patient.

One final thought: it feels great to achieve each level. It makes your day-to-day life feel less challenging and less stressful. You experience much more freedom than before and you include many more factors such as personal happiness and engagement when making major life and career decisions.

Best of luck in your financial journey!

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The Four Stages of Financial Independence - The Simple Dollar

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Seychelles Holidays | Hotels & Island Hopping | Seyvillas.com

Posted: at 6:33 am

Discounts and Special Offers*

Valid in travel period: 17.06.2016 - 06.07.2016Minimum stay 3 nights

Valid in travel period: 01.01.2015 - 31.10.2016, 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017Not valid in travel period: 01.10.2017 - 30.11.2017, 01.03.2017 - 30.05.2017

Valid in travel period: 01.04.2016 - 31.07.2016, 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017

Experience Package (subject to availability, valid year-round, minimum stay: 4 nights after which standard prices apply, prices based on double occupancy, with half-board): - Local welcome drink. - La Belle Tortue's daily dinner experience. - Creole cooking lesson with the Belle Tortue chef. - Discover local spices, fruits and trees during a walk. - Coconut-themed workshop OR a local fishing experience. Special prices per night (for 2 guests, including half board): Lodge room: 420 (high season) / 340 (low season). Varangue room: 480 (high season) / 430 (low season). Anne Dieu-le-veut Villa: 610 (high season) / 570 (low season).

Family offer (subject to availability, chosen room category and seasonal rate): - Free meals for under-12s. - 50% discount on boat transfers. - Book two lodge rooms, get a 50% discount on the second room. - Book suite and children stay for free in the lounge. - Book private villa and children stay for free, and the lounge is free. Valid: May-September and Christmas period (18th December 28th December 2015).

Fishing Package: - One day fishing on the Belle Tortue boat. - Includes picnic and fishing. - Cookery course on how to prepare the catch of the day. - Dinner, where you eat your catch. Special prices per night (subject to availability, minimum stay: 4 nights after that, standard prices apply): Lodge room: 530 (high season) / 450 (low season). Varangue room: 600 (high season) / 540 (low season). Anne Dieu-le-veut Villa: 750 (high season) / 710 (low season).

Romantic package:(upon availability, valid all year, minimum stay: 4 nights, after which standard prices apply, half board) - Bottle of champagne. - Candlelight dinner. - Romantic picnic on the beach. Special prices per night (subject to availability, booked on half board, minimum stay: 4 nights after that, standard prices apply): Lodge room: 420 (high season) / 340 (low season). Varangue room: 490 (high season) / 430 (low season). Anne Dieu-le-veut Villa: 640 (high season) / 600 (low season). Valid all year-round.

San Valentine's Special Day: special present available on site for the couples staying at La Belle Tortue on the 14th February 2016

*The offers are automatically calculated in the final price.

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Seychelles Holidays | Hotels & Island Hopping | Seyvillas.com

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Seychelles – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 6:33 am

Seychelles is an African country in the Indian Ocean. Its capital city is Victoria. The official languages are Creole, English, and French.

The country is to the east of the African continent. The islands of Madagascar and Mauritius lie to the south. The republic is made up of 115 islands. The biggest part of the population is a mix of freed slaves from the African Continent and Madagascar and European settlers. They make up about 90%. There are small minorities of immigrants from Europe, China and India. Most people are Roman Catholics, about 90% of them. About 8% are Protestants.

Other nearby island countries and territories include Zanzibar to the west, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega and Runion to the south, and Comoros and Mayotte to the southwest. Seychelles has an estimated population of 86,525. It is the smallest population of any African state.[3]

Seychelles is to the northeast of Madagascar and about 1,600km (994mi) east of Kenya. The number of islands in the archipelago is often given as 115 but the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles lists 155.

According to the president of Nauru, the Seychelles has been ranked the ninth most endangered nation due to flooding from climate change.[4]

Some of the cities in Seychelles include: Anse Boileau, Takamaka and Cote DOr.

Seychelles is divided into twenty-five administrative regions. Eight of the districts make up the capital of Seychelles. They are called Greater Victoria. Another 14 districts are considered the rural part of the main island of Mah. There are two districts on Praslin and one on La Digue which also include satellite islands. The rest of the Outer Islands are not considered part of any district.

During the plantation era, cinnamon, vanilla, and copra were the main exports. In the 1960s, about 33% of the working population worked at plantations, and 20% worked in the public or government sector. In 1971, with the opening of Seychelles International Airport, tourism became a serious industry.

Like many fragile island ecosystems, the Seychelles had loss of biodiversity during early human history. This included the disappearance of most of the giant tortoises from the granitic islands. There was also the extinction of species such as the chestnut flanked white eye, the Seychelles Parakeet, the Seychelles Black Terrapin and the saltwater crocodile. However, extinctions were far fewer than on islands such as Mauritius or Hawaii. This was partly due to a shorter period of human occupation being only since 1770. The Seychelles today is known for success stories in protecting its flora and fauna. The rare Seychelles Black Parrot, the national bird of the country, is now protected.

The granitic islands of Seychelles are home to about 75 endemic plant species. There are a further 25 or so species in the Aldabra group. Particularly well-known is the Coco de Mer, a species of palm that grows only on the islands of Praslin and neighbouring Curieuse. The jellyfish tree is to be found in only a few locations on Mahe. This strange and ancient plant is in a genus of its own (Medusagynaceae). Other unique plant species include the Wright's Gardenia Rothmannia annae found only on Aride Island Special Reserve.

The freshwater crab genus Seychellum is endemic to the granitic Seychelles. There are a further 26 species of crabs and 5 species of hermit crabs that live on the islands.[5]

The Aldabra Giant Tortoise now lives on many of the islands of the Seychelles. The Aldabra population is the largest in the world. These unique reptiles can be found even in captive herds.

There are several unique varieties of orchids on the Islands.

The marine life around the islands, especially the more remote coral islands, can be spectacular. More than 1,000 species of fish have been recorded. Since the use of spearguns and dynamite for fishing was banned in the 1960s, the wildlife is unafraid of snorkelers and divers. Coral bleaching in 1998 has damaged most reefs, but some reefs show healthy recovery.

The main natural resources of the Seychelles are fish, copra, cinnamon, coconuts, salt and iron.

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Seychelles - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Caribbean Vacation Packages & Travel Deals | BookIt.com

Posted: at 6:32 am

From the glossy resorts to the idyllic beaches and traditional culture, a vacation package to the Caribbean is filled with spectacular things to do. Travel to the naturally made Devil's Bridge on Antigua, enjoy the soothing vibe of Reggae in Jamaica or explore the underground shallow caves of Aruba on your vacation package to the Caribbean.

From the resorts of Punta Cana to the hotel packages on Grand Bahama Island, you'll never tire of the expansive beauty with a vacation to any of the incredible Caribbean islands. Enjoy the many perks of your vacation package, including all-inclusive deals, as you bask in the sun, swim through the water or simply enjoy lounging poolside.

No matter your destination it is easy to reach the Caribbean, with flights into major airports like Queen Beatrix International in Aruba, Sangster International near Montego Bay and V.C. Bird International on Antigua. While the weather stays mostly moderate and tropical, it varies somewhat between islands, dry in Aruba and sometimes misty in others.

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Caribbean Vacation Packages & Travel Deals | BookIt.com

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Caribbean Sea – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 6:32 am

The Caribbean Sea (Spanish: Mar Caribe French: Mer des Carabes Dutch: Carabische Zee) is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean located in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere. It is bounded by Belize and Central America to the west and south west, to the north by the Greater Antilles starting with Cuba, to the east by the Lesser Antilles, and to the south by the north coast of South America.

The entire area of the Caribbean Sea, the numerous islands of the West Indies, and adjacent coasts, are collectively known as the Caribbean. The Caribbean Sea is one of the largest seas and has an area of about 2,754,000km2 (1,063,000 sq mi).[1] The sea's deepest point is the Cayman Trough, between the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, at 7,686m (25,220ft) below sea level. The Caribbean coastline has many gulfs and bays: the Gulf of Gonve, Gulf of Venezuela, Gulf of Darin, Golfo de los Mosquitos, Gulf of Paria and Gulf of Honduras.

The Caribbean Sea has the second biggest[citation needed] barrier reef in the world, the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. It runs 1,000km (620mi) along the coasts of Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras.

The name "Caribbean" derives from the Caribs, one of the dominant Native American groups in the region at the time of European contact during the late 15th century. After the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492, the Spanish term Antillas applied to the lands; stemming from this, "Sea of the Antilles" became a common alternative name for "Caribbean Sea" in various European languages. During the first century of development, Spanish dominance in the region remained undisputed.

From the 16th century, Europeans visiting the Caribbean region identified the "South Sea" (the Pacific Ocean, to the south of the isthmus of Panama) as opposed to the "North Sea" (the Caribbean Sea, to the north of the same isthmus).[2]

The Caribbean Sea had been unknown to the populations of Eurasia until 1492, when Christopher Columbus first sailed into Caribbean waters on a quest to find a sea route to Asia. At that time the Western Hemisphere in general was unknown to Europeans. Following the discovery of the islands by Columbus, the area was quickly colonised by several Western cultures (initially Spain, then later Portugal,[citation needed]England, the Dutch Republic, France, Courland and Denmark). Following the colonisation of the Caribbean islands, the Caribbean Sea became a busy area for European-based marine trading and transport, and this commerce eventually attracted piracy.

Due to the abundance of sunshine, year-round tropical temperatures moderated by the almost constant trade winds, and the great variety of scenic destinations to visit, during the second half of the 20th century and on into the 21st, the Caribbean Sea became a popular place for tourism.

As of 2015[update] the area is home to 22 island territories and borders 12 continental countries.

The International Hydrographic Organization defines the limits of the Caribbean Sea as follows:[3]

Note that, although Barbados is an island on the same continental shelf, it is considered to be in the Atlantic Ocean rather than the Caribbean Sea.

The Caribbean Sea is an oceanic sea largely situated on the Caribbean Plate. The Caribbean Sea is separated from the ocean by several island arcs of various ages. The youngest of them stretches from the Lesser Antilles to the Virgin Islands to the north east of Trinidad and Tobago off the coast of Venezuela. This arc was formed by the collision of the South American Plate with the Caribbean Plate and includes active and extinct volcanoes such as Mount Pelee, the Quill (volcano) on Sint Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands and Morne Trois Pitons on Dominica. The larger islands in the northern part of the sea Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico lie on an older island arc. The geological age of the Caribbean Sea is not known with certainty but is estimated to have an age between 160 and 180 million years and was formed by a horizontal fracture that split the supercontinent called Pangea in the Mesozoic Era.[4] It is assumed that the proto-caribbean basin existed in the Devonian period. In the early Carboniferous movement of Gondwana to the north and its convergence with the Euramerica basin decreased in size. The next stage of the formation of the Caribbean Sea began in the Triassic. Powerful rifting led to the formation of narrow troughs, stretching from modern Newfoundland to the west coast of the Gulf of Mexico which formed siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. In the early Jurassic due to powerful marine transgression, water broke into the present area of the Gulf of Mexico creating a vast shallow pool here. The emergence of deep basins in the Caribbean occurred during the era of the Middle Jurassic rifting. The emergence of these basins marked the beginning of the Atlantic Ocean and contributed to the destruction of Pangaea at the end of the late Jurassic. During the Cretaceous the Caribbean acquired the shape close to that seen today. In the early Paleogene due to Marine regression the Caribbean became separated from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean by the land of Cuba and Haiti. The Caribbean remained like this for most of the Cenozoic until the Holocene when rising water levels of the oceans restored communication with the Atlantic Ocean.

The floor of the Caribbean is composed of sub-oceanic sediments of deep red clay in the deep basins and troughs. On continental slopes and ridges calcareous silts are found. Clay minerals likely having been deposited by the mainland river Orinoco and the Magdalena River. Deposits on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico have a thickness of about 1km. Upper sedimentary layers relate to the period from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic (250 million years ago to present) and the lower layers from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic.

The Caribbean sea floor is divided into five basins separated from each other by underwater ridges and mountain ranges. Atlantic Ocean water enters the Caribbean through the Anegada Passage lying between the Lesser Antilles and Virgin Islands and the Windward Passage located between Cuba and Haiti. The Yucatn Channel between Mexico and Cuba links the Gulf of Mexico with the Caribbean. The deepest points of the sea lie in Cayman Trough with depths reaching approximately 7,686 m (25,220ft). Despite this, the Caribbean Sea is considered a relatively shallow sea in comparison to other bodies of water.

The pressure of the South American Plate to the east of the Caribbean causes the region of the Lesser Antilles to have high volcanic activity. There was a very serious eruption of Mount Pele in 1902 which caused many casualties.

The Caribbean sea floor is also home to two oceanic trenches: the Cayman Trench and Puerto Rico Trench, which put the area at a high risk of earthquakes. Underwater earthquakes pose a threat of generating tsunamis which could have a devastating effect on the Caribbean islands. Scientific data reveals that over the last 500 years the area has seen a dozen earthquakes above 7.5 magnitude.[7] Most recently, a 7.1 earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010.

The hydrology of the sea has a high level of homogeneity. Annual variations in monthly average water temperatures at the surface do not exceed 3C. Over the past fifty years the Caribbean has gone through three stages: cooling until 1974; a cold phase with peaks during 1974-1976 and 1984-1986 then; a warming phase with increase in temperature of 0.6C per year. Virtually all temperature extremes were associated with the phenomena of el Nio and la Nia. The salinity of sea water is about 3.6% and its density is 1.0235-1.0240 103kg/m3. The surface water colour is blue-green to green.

The Caribbean is home to about 9% of the world's coral reefs covering about 50,000km2 (19,000sqmi), most of which are located off the Caribbean Islands and the Central American coast.[8] Among them stands out the Belize Barrier Reef with an area of 96,300 ha which was declared a World Heritage Site in 1996. It forms part of the Great Mayan Reef also known as the MBRS and being over a thousand km in length is the world's second longest. It runs along the Caribbean coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras.

During the past ten years,[when?] unusually warm Caribbean waters have been increasingly threatening Caribbean coral reefs. Coral reefs support some of the most diverse marine habitats in the world, but they are fragile ecosystems. When tropical waters become unusually warm for extended periods of time, microscopic plants called zooxanthellae, which are symbiotic partners living within the coral polyp tissues, die off. These plants provide food for the corals, and give them their color. The result of the death and dispersal of these tiny plants is called coral bleaching, and can lead to the devastation of large areas of reef. Over 42% of corals are completely bleached and 95% are experiencing some type of whitening.[9]

The habitats supported by the reefs are critical to such tourist activities as fishing and diving, and provide an annual economic value to Caribbean nations of $3.1-$4.6 billion. Continued destruction of the reefs could severely damage the region's economy.[10] A Protocol of the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region came in effect in 1986 to protect the various endangered marine life of the Caribbean through forbidding human activities that would advance the continued destruction of such marine life in various areas. Currently this protocol has been ratified by 15 countries.[11] Also several charitable organisations have been formed to preserve the Caribbean marine life, such as Caribbean Conservation Corporation which seeks to study and protect sea turtles while educating others about them.[12]

In connection with the foregoing, the Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, conducted a regional study, funded by the Department of Technical Cooperation of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in which specialists from 11 Latin American countries (Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Venezuela plus Jamaica) participated. The findings indicate that heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead, have been identified in the coastal zone of the Caribbean Sea. Analysis of toxic metals and hydrocarbons is based on the investigation of coastal sediments that have accumulated less than 50 meters deep during the last hundred and fifty years. The project results were presented in Vienna in the forum "Water Matters", and the 2011 General Conference of said multilateral organization.[13]

The Caribbean weather is influenced by the Gulf Stream and Humboldt Current ocean currents.[15] The tropical location of the sea helps the water to maintain a warm temperature ranging from the low of 2126C (7079F) by the season.

The Caribbean is a focal area for many hurricanes within the Western Hemisphere. A series of low pressure systems develop off the West coast of Africa and make their way across the Atlantic Ocean. While most of these systems do not become tropical storms, some do. The tropical storms can develop into Atlantic hurricanes, often in the low pressure areas of the eastern Caribbean. The Caribbean hurricane season as a whole lasts from June through November, with the majority of hurricanes occurring during August and September. On average around 9 tropical storms form each year, with 5 reaching hurricane strength. According to the National Hurricane Center 385 hurricanes occurred in the Caribbean between 1494 and 1900.

Every year hurricanes represent a potential threat to the islands of the Caribbean, due to the extremely destructive nature of these powerful weather systems. Coral reefs can easily be damaged by violent wave action, and can be destroyed when a hurricane dumps sand or mud onto a reef. When this happens, the coral organisms are smothered and the reef dies and ultimately breaks apart.

The region has a high level of biodiversity and many species are endemic to the Caribbean.

The vegetation of the region is mostly tropical but differences in topography, soil and climatic conditions increase species diversity. Where there are porous limestone terraced islands these are generally poor in nutrients. It is estimated that 13 thousand species of plants grow in the Caribbean of which 6.5 thousand are endemic. For example, guaiac wood (Guaiacum officinale), the flower of which is the national flower of Jamaica and the Bayahibe rose (Pereskia quisqueyana) which is the national flower of the Dominican Republic and the ceiba which is the national tree of both Puerto Rico and Guatemala. The mahogany is the national tree of the Dominican Republic and Belize. The caimito (Chrysophyllum cainito) grows throughout the Caribbean. In coastal zones there are coconut palms and in lagoons and estuaries are found thick areas of black mangrove and red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle).

In shallow water flora and fauna is concentrated around coral reefs where there is little variation in water temperature, purity and salinity. Leeward side of lagoons provide areas of growth for sea grasses. Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) is common in the Caribbean as is manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme) which can grow together as well as in fields of single species at depths up to 20 metres. Another type shoal grass (Halodule wrightii) grows on sand and mud surfaces at depths of up to 5 metres. In brackish water of harbours and estuaries at depths less than 2.5 metres widgeongrass (Ruppia maritima) grows. Representatives of three species belonging to the genus Halophila, (Halophila baillonii, Halophila engelmani and Halophila decipiens) are found at depths of up to 30 metres except for Halophila engelmani which does not grow below 5 metres and is confined to the Bahamas, Florida, the Greater Antilles and the western part of the Caribbean. Halophila baillonii has been found only in the Lesser Antilles.[16]

Marine biota in the region have representatives of both the Indian and Pacific oceans which were caught in the Caribbean before the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama four million years ago.[17] In the Caribbean Sea there are around 1,000 documented species of fish, including sharks (bull shark, tiger shark, silky shark and Caribbean reef shark), flying fish, giant oceanic manta ray, angel fish, spotfin butterflyfish, parrotfish, Atlantic Goliath grouper, tarpon and moray eels. Throughout the Caribbean there is industrial catching of lobster and sardines (off the coast of Yucatn Peninsula).

There are 90 species of mammals in the Caribbean including sperm whales, humpback whales and dolphins. The island of Jamaica is home to seals and manatees. The Caribbean monk seal which lived in the Caribbean is considered extinct. The solenodon is endangered.

There are 500 species of reptiles (94% of which are endemic). Islands are inhabited by some endemic species such as rock iguanas and American crocodile. The green iguana and the blue iguana both endemic to the island of Grand Cayman are endangered. The Mona ground iguana which inhabits the island of Mona, Puerto Rico, is endangered. The rhinoceros iguana from the island of Hispaniola which is shared between Haiti and the Dominican Republic is also endangered. The region has several types of sea turtle (loggerhead, green turtle, hawksbill, leatherback turtle, Atlantic ridley and olive ridley). Some species are threatened with extinction.[18] Their populations have been greatly reduced since the 17th century - the number of green turtles has declined from 91 million to 300,000 and hawksbill turtles from 11 million to less than 30,000 by 2006.[19]

All 170 species of amphibians that live in the region are endemic. The habitats of almost all members of the toad family, poison dart frogs, tree frogs and leptodactylidae (a type of frog) are limited to only one island.[20] The Golden coqui is in serious threat of extinction.

In the Caribbean 600 species of birds have been recorded of which 163 are endemic such as the tody, Fernandina's flicker and palmchat. The American yellow warbler is found in many areas as is the green heron. Of the endemic species 48 are threatened with extinction including the Puerto Rican amazon, yellow-breasted crake and the Zapata wren. According to Birdlife International in 2006 in Cuba 29 species of bird are in danger of extinction and two species officially extinct.[21] The black-fronted piping guan is endangered as is the plain pigeon. The Antilles along with Central America lie in the flight path of migrating birds from North America so the size of populations is subject to seasonal fluctuations. In the forests are found parrots, bananaquit and toucans. Over the open sea can be seen frigatebirds and tropicbirds.

The Caribbean region has seen a significant increase in human activity since the colonisation period. The sea is one of the largest oil production areas in the world, producing approximately 170 million tons per year.[22] The area also generates a large fishing industry for the surrounding countries, accounting for half a million metric tons of fish a year.[23]

Human activity in the area also accounts for a significant amount of pollution, The Pan American Health Organization estimated in 1993 that only about 10% of the sewage from the Central American and Caribbean Island countries is properly treated before being released into the sea.[22]

The Caribbean region supports a large tourist industry. The Caribbean Tourism Organization calculates that about 12 million people a year visit the area, including (in 19911992) about 8 million cruise ship tourists. Tourism based upon scuba diving and snorkeling on coral reefs of many Caribbean islands makes a major contribution to their economies.[24]

The Caribbean is the setting for countless literary efforts often related to piracy acts and swashbuckling. One memorable work of pulp fiction has in its title a geographic feature unique in its way to the islands: Fear Cay, the eleventh Doc Savage adventure by Lester Dent. Many James Bond adventures were set there. All of the action of the Monkey Island series videogames takes place within the Caribbean Sea area. It is also well known as the location of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, featuring Port Royal. Less swashbuckling, but not lacking in man-against-the-sea exploits, is Peter Matthiessen's Far Tortuga (1975), which chronicles the adventures of a turtling crew in the late 1960s.

The video game series Assassin's Creed features the Caribbean as an important place in its timeline. For example, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, along with its Freedom Cry DLC, entirely takes place in the Caribbean Sea, while some events also occur in the Caribbean in Assassin's Creed III to stop further British expeditions during the American Revolutionary War.

Coordinates: 15N 75W / 15N 75W / 15; -75

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Caribbean Holidays 2015 & 2016 – Royal Caribbean Cruises

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Collins, CO (QWF) Ft. Collins/Loveland, CO (FNL) Ft. Dodge, Iowa (FOD) Ft. Huachuca/Sierra Vista, AZ (FHU) Ft. Lauderdale, FL (FLL) Ft. Leonard Wood, MO (TBN) Ft. McMurray, AB (YMM) Ft. Myers (Page Field), FL (FMY) Ft. Myers, FL (RSW) Ft. Pierce, FL (FPR) Ft. Richardson, AK (FRN) Ft. Smith, AR (FSM) Ft. St. John, BC (YXJ) Ft. Walton Beach, FL (VPS) Ft. Wayne, IN (FWA) Gainesville, FL (GNV) Gallup, NM (GUP) Gander, NF (YQX) Garden City, KS (GCK) Gary, IN (GYY) Gaspe, QC (YGP) Gettysburg, PA (GTY) Gillette, WY (GCC) Glasgow, MT (GGW) Glendale, CA (JGX) Glendive, MT (GDV) Goodland, KS (GLD) Goose Bay, NF (YYR) Grand Canyon, AZ (GCN) Grand Forks, ND (GFK) Grand Island, NE (GRI) Grand Junction, CO (GJT) Grand Rapids, MI (GRR) Grand Rapids, MN (GPZ) Grande Prairie, AB (YQU) Great Bend, KS (GBD) Great Falls, MT (GTF) Green Bay, WI (GRB) Greenbrier, WV (LWB) Greensboro, NC (GSO) Greenville, MS (GLH) Greenville, NC (PGV) Greenville, SC (GSP) Guam (GUM) Gulfport/Biloxi, MS (GPT) Gunnison, CO (GUC) Gustavus, AK (GST) Hagerstown, MD (HGR) Haines, AK (HNS) Halifax, NS (YHZ) Hana Maui, HI (HNM) Hancock, MI (CMX) Harlingen, TX (HRL) Harrisburg, PA (MDT) Harrison, AZ (HRO) Hartford (Bradley), CT (BDL) Hartford (Brainard), CT (HFD) Havre, MT (HVR) Hays, KS (HYS) Helena, MT (HLN) Hibbings, MN (HIB) Hickory, NC (HKY) Hilo, HI (ITO) Hilton Head Island, SC (HHH) Hobbs, NM (HOB) Hollis, AK (HYL) Hollywood, FL (HWO) Homer, AK (HOM) Honolulu, HI (HNL) Hoonah, AK (HNH) Hooper Bay, AK (HPB) Hot Springs, AR (HOT) Houston Hobby, TX (HOU) Houston Intercontinental, TX (IAH) Huntington, WV (HTS) Huntsville (Redstone), AL (HUA) Huntsville, AL (HSV) Huron, SD (HON) Huslia, AK (HSL) Hyannis, MA (HYA) Idaho Falls, ID (IDA) Iles-de-la Madeleine, QC (YGR) Iliamna, AK (ILI) Imperial, CA (IPL) Indianapolis, IN (IND) International Falls, MN (INL) Inykern, CA (IYK) Iron Mountain, MI (IMT) Ironwood, MI (IWD) Islip, NY (ISP) Ithaca, NY (ITH) Jackson Hole, WY (JAC) Jackson, MS (JAN) Jackson, TN (MKL) Jacksonville, FL (JAX) Jacksonville, NC (OAJ) Jamestown, ND (JMS) Jamestown, NY (JHW) Jasper, AB (YJA) Johnstown, PA (JST) Joliet, IL (JOT) Jonesboro, AR (JBR) Joplin, MO (JLN) Juneau, AK (JNU) Kake, AK (KAE) Kalamazoo, MI (AZO) Kalaupapa, HI (LUP) Kalispell/Glacier, MT (FCA) Kaltag, AK (KAL) Kamloops, BC (YKA) Kamuela, HI (MUE) Kansas City Municipal, MO (MKC) Kansas City, MO (MCI) Kapalua West, HI (JHM) Kearney, NE (EAR) Keene, NH (EEN) Kelowna, BC (YLW) Kenai, AK (ENA) Ketchikan, AK (KTN) Key West, FL (EYW) Keystone, CO (QKS) Killeen (Ft. Hood), TX (GRK) Killeen (Skylark), TX (ILE) King Salomon, AK (AKN) Kingman, AZ (IGM) Kingston, ON (YGK) Kinston, NC (ISO) Kirksville, MO (IRK) Kitchener/Waterloo, ON (YKF) Kivalina, AK (KVL) Klamath Falls, OR (LMT) Knoxville, TN (TYS) Kodiak, AK (ADQ) Koliganek, AK (KGK) Kona, HI (KOA) Kotzbue, AK (OTZ) Koyukuk, AK (KYU) Kwethluk, AK (KWT) La Crosse, WI (LSE) Lafayette, IN (LAF) Lafayette, LA (LFT) Lake Charles, LA (LCH) Lake Havasu City, AZ (HII) Lake Tahoe, CA (TVL) Lanai, HI (LNY) Lancaster, PA (LNS) Lansing, MI (LAN) Laramie, WY (LAR) Laredo, TX (LRD) Las Cruces International, NM (LRU) Las Vegas North, NV (VGT) Las Vegas, NV (LAS) Latrobe, PA (LBE) Laughlin/Bullhead International, AZ (IFP) Laurel, MS (PIB) Lawton, OK (LAW) Lebanon, NH (LEB) Lethbridge, AB (YQL) Levelock, AK (KLL) Lewiston, ID (LWS) Lewiston, MT (LWT) Lexington, KY (LEX) Liberal, KS (LBL) Lihue, HI (LIH) Lincoln, NE (LNK) Little Rock, AR (LIT) London, ON (YXU) Long Beach, CA (LGB) Longview, TX (GGG) Lopez Island, WA (LPS) Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Louisville, KY (SDF) Loveland, CO (LLD) Lubbock, TX (LBB) Lynchburg, VA (LYH) Macon, GA (MCN) Madison, WI (MSN) Mammoth, CA (MMH) Manchester, NH (MHT) Manhattan, KS (MHK) Manistee, MI (MBL) Mankato, MN (MKT) Manteo, NC (MEO) Marathon, FL (MTH) Marietta, GA (MGE) Marion, IL (MWA) Marquette, MI (MQT) Marshall, NJ (MML) Martha's Vineyard, MA (MVY) Mason City, IA (MCW) Massea/ Richards, NY (MSS) Maui, HI (OGG) McAllen, TX (MFE) McCook, NE (MCK) McGarth, AK (MCG) Medford, OR (MFR) Medicine Hat, AB (YXH) Melbourne, FL (MLB) Memphis, TN (MEM) Merced, CA (MCE) Meridian, MS (MEI) Metlakatla, AK (MTM) Miami Seaplane, FL (MPB) Miami, FL (MIA) Midland/Odessa, TX (MAF) Miles City, MT (MLS) Milwaukee, WI (MKE) Minneapolis, MN (MSP) Minot, ND (MOT) Missoula, MT (MSO) Moab, UT (CNY) Mobile, AL (MOB) Modesto, CA (MOD) Moline, IL (MLI) Molokai, HI (MKK) Moncton, NB (YQM) Monroe, LA (MLU) Mont Joli, QC (YYY) Mont Tremblant, QC (YTM) Montauk, NY (MTP) Monterey, CA (MRY) Montgomery, AL (MGM) Monticello, NY (MSV) Montreal (Trudeau), QC (YUL) Montrose/Delta, CO (MTJ) Monument Valley, UT (GMV) Morgantown, WV (MGW) Morristown, NJ (MMU) Moses Lake Larson AFB, WA (LRN) Moses Lake, WA (MWH) Mount Holly, NJ (LLY) Mountain Home, AR (WMH) Mountain View, CA (NUQ) Muncie, IN (MIE) Muscle Shoals, AL (MSL) Muskegon, MI (MKG) Myrtle Beach, SC (MYR) Nanaimo, BC (YCD) Nantucket, MA (ACK) Napa, CA (APC) Naples, FL (APF) Nashville, TN (BNA) New Bedford, MA (EWB) New Bern, NC (EWN) New Haven, CT (HVN) New London, CT (GON) New Orleans, LA (MSY) New York Kennedy, NY (JFK) New York LaGuardia, NY (LGA) Newark, NJ (EWR) Newport News,VA (PHF) Newport, OR (ONP) Newport, RI (NPT) Niagara Falls, ON (XLV) Nome, AK (OME) Norfolk, NE (OFK) Norfolk, VA (ORF) North Bay, ON (YYB) North Bend, OR (OTH) North Platte, NE (LBF) Norwalk, CT (ORQ) Norwood, MA (OWD) Nulato, AK (NUL) Oak Harbor, WA (ODW) Oakland County, CA (PTK) Oakland, CA (OAK) Oakville, ON (XOK) Ogden Municipal, UT Ogdensburg, NY (OGS) Oklahoma City, OK (OKC) Olympia, WA (OLM) Omaha, NE (OMA) Ontario, CA (ONT) Orange County, CA (SNA) Orlando Metropolitan, FL (ORL) Orlando, FL (MCO) Oshkosh, WI (OSH) Ottawa, ON (YOW) Ottumwa, IA (OTM) Owensboro, KY (OWB) Oxnard, CA (OXR) Paducah/Barkley, KY (PAH) Page Municipal, AZ (PGA) Palm Beach, FL (PBI) Palm Springs, CA (PSP) Palmdale, CA (PMD) Palmer, AK (PAQ) Palo Alto, CA (PAO) Panama City (County), FL (PFN) Panama City, FL (ECP) Parkersburg, WV (PKB) Pasadena, CA (JPD) Pasco, WA (PSC) Pelican, AK (PEC) Pellston, MI (PLN) Pendleton, OR (PDT) Pensacola, FL (PNS) Penticton, BC (YYF) Peoria, IL (PIA) Perryville, AK (KPV) Petersburg, AK (PSG) Philadelphia, PA (PHL) Phoenix, AZ (PHX) Phoenix-Mesa Gateway (AZA) Pierre, SD (PIR) Pilot Point, AK (PIP) Pilot Point/Ugashnik Bay, AK (UGB) Pilot Station, AK (PQS) Pinehurst, NC (SOP) Pittsburgh, PA (PIT) Platinum, AK (PTU) Plattsburgh Intl, NY (PBG) Plattsburgh, NY (PLB) Pleasanton, CA (JBS) Pocatello, ID (PIH) Point Baker, AK (KPB) Point Hope, AK (PHO) Point Lay, AK (PIZ) Pompano Beach, FL (PPM) Ponca City, OK (PNC) Port Alsworth, AK (PTA) Port Angeles, WA (CLM) Port Canaveral, FL (XPC) Port Clarence, AK (KPC) Port Moller, AK (PML) Portland, ME (PWM) Portland, OR (PDX) Portsmouth (Pease), NH (PSM) Portsmouth, NH (PMH) Poughkeepsie, NY (POU) Prescott, AZ (PRC) Presque Isle, ME (PQI) Prince George, BC (YXS) Prince Rupert, BC (YPR) Princeton, NJ (PCT) Providence, RI (PVD) Provincetown, MA (PVC) Provo, UT (PVU) Prudhoe Bay (Deadhorse), AK (SCC) Prudhoe Bay, AK (PUO) Pueblo, CO (PUB) Pullman, WA (PUW) Purgatory, CO (ZPU) Quakertown, PA (UKT) Quebec, QC (YQB) Quesnel, BC (YQZ) Quincy, IL (UIN) Raleigh-Durham, NC (RDU) Rampart, AK (RMP) Rapid City, SD (RAP) Reading, PA (RDG) Red Devil, AK (RDV) Redding, CA (RDD) Redmond, OR (RDM) Regina, SK (YQR) Reno, NV (RNO) Rhinelander, WI (RHI) Richmond, VA (RIC) Riverton, WY (RIW) Roanoke, VA (ROA) Roberval, QC (YRJ) Roche Harbor, WA (RCE) Rochester Municipal, MN (JRC) Rochester, MN (RST) Rochester, NY (ROC) Rock Springs, WY (RKS) Rockford (Park & Ride), IL (ZRF) Rockford, IL (RFD) Rockland, ME (RKD) Rocky Mount, NC (RWI) Rosario, WA (RSJ) Roswell, NM (ROW) Rouyn, QC (YUY) Rutland, VT (RUT) Sacramento, CA (SMF) Salem, OR (SLE) Salina, KS (SLN) Salisbury, MD (SBY) Salt Lake City, UT (SLC) San Angelo, TX (SJT) San Antonio, TX (SAT) San Diego, CA (SAN) San Francisco, CA (SFO) San Jose, CA (SJC) San Juan, PR (SJU) San Luis Obispo County, CA (SBP) San Luis Obispo, CA (CSL) San Pedro, CA (SPQ) Sand Point, AK (SDP) Sandspit, BC (YZP) Sanford, FL (SFB) Santa Barbara, CA (SBA) Santa Clara, CA (ZSM) Santa Fe, NM (SAF) Santa Maria, CA (SMX) Santa Monica, CA (SMO) Santa Rosa, CA (STS) Saranac Lake, NY (SLK) Sarasota, FL (SRQ) Sarnia, ON (YZR) Saskatoon, SK (YXE) Sault Ste Marie, MI (CIU) Sault Ste-Marie, ON (YAM) Saulte Ste. Marie (SSM) Savannah, GA (SAV) Scottsbluff, NE (BFF) Scottsdale, AZ (SCF) Scranton, PA (SCR) Seattle (Boeing), WA (BFI) Seattle, WA (SEA) Sedona, AZ (SDX) Seldovia, AK (SOV) Sept-Iles, QC (YZV) Seward, AK (SWD) Sheridan, WY (SHR) Show Low, AZ (SOW) Shreveport, LA (SHV) Sidney, MT (SDY) Silver City, NM (SVC) Sioux City, IA (SUX) Sioux Falls, SD (FSD) Sitka, AK (SIT) Skagway, AK (SGY) Smithers, BC (YYD) Smyrna, TN (MQY) Soldotna, AK (SXQ) South Bend, IN (SBN) Southfield, MI (DTF) Sparta, IL (SAR) Spencer, IA (SPW) Spokane, WA (GEG) Springfield, IL (SPI) Springfield, MO (SGF) St. Cloud, MN (STC) St. Croix, US Virgin Islands (STX) St. George, UT (SGU) St. John Island, UVI (SJF) St. John, NB (YSJ) St. Johns, NF (YYT) St. Louis, MO (STL) St. Mary's, AK (KSM) St. Michael, AK (SMK) St. Paul, AK (SNP) St. Petersburg, FL (PIE) St. Thomas / St. John, US Virgin Islands (STT) State College, PA (SCE) Staunton, VA (SHD) Steamboat Springs, CO (SBS) Stebbins, AK (WBB) Stevens Point, WI (STE) Stevens Village, AK (SUS) Stewart International, NY (SWF) Stillwater, OK (SWO) Stockton, CA (SCK) Sudbury, ON (YSB) Sun Valley, ID (SUN) Sydney, NS (YQY) Syracuse, NY (SYR) Tacoma, WA (TIW) Talkeetna, AK (TKA) Tallahassee, FL (TLH) Tampa, FL (TPA) Taos, NM (TSM) Tatitlek, AK (TEK) Telluride, CO (TEX) Terrace, BC (YXT) Terre Haute, IN (HUF) Teterboro, NJ (TEB) Texarkana, AR (TXK) Thief River Falls, MN (TVF) Thunder Bay, ON (YQT) Timmins, ON (YTS) Tin City, AK (TNC) Togiak, AK (TOG) Tok, AK (TKJ) Toksook, AK (OOK) Toledo, OH (TOL) Topeka, KS (FOE) Topp, AK (TOP) Toronto Metropolitan Area, ON (YTO) Toronto Pearson International, ON (YYZ) Torrance, CA (TOA) Traverse City, MI (TVC) Trenton, NJ (TTN) Tri-City Airport, TN (TRI) Tucson, AZ (TUS) Tulsa, OK (TUL) Tuluksak, AK (TLT) Tununak, AK (TNK) Tupelo, MS (TUP) Tuscaloosa, AL (TCL) Twin Falls, ID (TWF) Tyler, TX (TYR) Unalakleet, AK (UNK) Utica, NY (UCA) Vail/Eagle, CO (EGE) Val D'Or, QC (YVO) Valdez, AK (VDZ) Valdosta, GA (VLD) Vancouver, BC (YVR) Venetic, AK (VEE) Vernal, UT (VEL) Vero Beach, FL (VRB) Victoria, BC (YYJ) Victoria, TX (VCT) Visalia, CA (VIS) Wabush, NL (YWK) Waco, TX (ACT) Wainwright, AK (AIN) Walla Walla, WA (ALW) Waltham, MA (WLM) Washington Dulles, DC(IAD) Washington National, DC (DCA) Wasilla, AK (WWA) Waterfall, AK (KWF) Waterloo, IA (ALO) Watertown, NY (ART) Watertown, SD (ATY) Waukesha, WI (UES) Wausau, WI (AUW) Wausau/Stvns Pnt, WI (CWA) Wenatchee, WA (EAT) Westerly, RI (WST) Westport, CT (WPT) Westsound, WA (WSX) White Mountain, AK (WMO) White Plains, NY (HPN) Whitehorse, YT (YXY) Wichita Falls, TX (SPS) Wichita, KS (ICT) Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA (AVP) Williams Lake, BC (YWL) Williamsport, PA (IPT) Williston, ND (ISN) Willow, AK (WOW) Wilmington, NC (ILM) Wilmington/New Castle, DE (ILG) Windsor, ON (YQG) Winnipeg, MB (YWG) Winona, MN (ONA) Winston/Salem, NC (INT) Wolf Point, MT (OLF) Worcester, MA (ORH) Worland, WY (WRL) Wrangell, AK (WRG) Yakima, WA (YKM) Yakutat, AK (YAK) Yampa Valley, CO (HDN) Yankton, SD (YKN) Yellowstone, MT (WYS) Yosemite, CA (YOS) Youngstown, OH (YNG) Yuma, AZ (YUM)

Paradise awaits just 50 miles east of Florida. Paradise Island, that is, one of the 700 aptly named isles that make up the balmy, beautiful Bahamas. Scattered across 100,000 square miles of jewel-blue ocean, the Bahamas lure travelers in search of sugar-white sand, lush tropical greenery and the fiery palette of an Atlantic sunrise. The nation's official tourism slogan is, "It's better in the Bahamas," and Vacations To Go will help you discover why. Having lent a hand to more than five million travelers planning memorable vacations, we'll help find a Bahamas resort that's right for you -- at the lowest possible price!

Use the box to the left for an instant quote, or read on to learn more about the Bahamas.

All-inclusive resorts are popular lodging options in the Bahamas, because accommodations, meals, beverages and a number of engaging activities are included in a single price that's paid upfront. The quote box at right will provide rates for all-inclusive resorts, as well as traditional hotels.

The Bahamas are a favorite stop for passing cruise ships, but the islands' sunny shores beg for extended exploration. This destination is vacation ready year-round, offering the perfect Spring Break retreat, summer holiday spot or winter escape. Annual high temperatures hover between 74 and 89 degrees, so be ready to hit the water -- the Bahamas encircle the world's third-largest barrier reef, where submerged caverns and coral gardens lure scuba and snorkeling enthusiasts of all skill levels. The sea is so crystal-clear in this part of the world that divers enjoy visibility up to 200 feet beneath the surface.

Some of the islands' most popular resorts are found around Nassau, the colorful capital of the Bahamas. Here, colonial charm is energized by a distinct tropical attitude -- nearly every building is swathed in vibrant colors, from private homes to the pink parliament building. In Freeport, on Grand Bahama Island, you'll find fragrant botanical gardens, well-kept state parks and high-end shopping. A quieter escape awaits on Exuma, a spot so secluded that it's recently emerged as a celebrity hideout. And Paradise Island promises its namesake with hotels like Atlantis, the megaresort with 2,300 rooms, its own waterpark and a kiddie camp run by the Discovery Channel.

It's time to visit these ideal islands for yourself. Click any link above to search for your perfect Bahamas resort or hotel stay, or use the quote box at the top of this page for a no-obligation quote in seconds. See something you like? Call us at 800-998-6925 for a reservation. Our fast, friendly travel counselors are ready to assist.


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