Daily Archives: June 22, 2016

Singularity – GameSpot

Posted: June 22, 2016 at 11:42 pm

Pax East Panel: Owned but Independant

Key members of Raven Software, High Moon Studios, and Vicarious Visions talk about what it's like to be an Activision Studio.

God of War III, Singularity, Prince of Persia, and Star Wars: Force Unleashed II also receive 2010 Writers Guild of America nods for achievement in game writing.

Wisconsin developer of Singularity, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance reportedly sees payroll trimmed by around 20.

This new trailer that shows more of the multiplayer aspect of Singularity!

The doctor explains why all good PC users need to keep their TMD in tip-top condition in this montage for the PC version of Singularity.

Kathryn needs a bit of help as she gets assaulted by a pack of deadly creatures.

Evil things often lurk on the other side of locked doors; be careful.

Turn Nazis to dust after navigating through the tight corridors of a building complex.

Give the lady a boost, but don't let your guard down, enemy soldiers are everywhere.

Kevin VanOrd takes us back to the '50s to show us how the Russians almost ruled the world in his review for Singularity.

A soldier with a shotgun takes on barrel-throwing creatures.

A player steers bullets onto targets.

A player learns from the mistakes of the dead.

A player freezes creatures and takes them out.

A player uses the power of barf to win.

A player fries, blasts, and shoots his supernatural enemies.






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Singularity - GameSpot

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Amazon.com: Singularity – Xbox 360: Video Games

Posted: at 11:42 pm

When I first heard of Singularity last fall, I was pretty happy since I like science fiction style FPS games. Well, after a delay or two the game came out and I am pretty happy I bought it.

PROS: -Eerie atmosphere (akin to FEAR) that can, and will, keep you on edge - unique enemies that each take some thought as how to defeat - A pretty good science fiction/alternate reality story (I won't spoil here) -Good gunfights, some thoughtful weaponry -Good multiplayer, unique because it isn't just another "soldier v soldier" match, instead it is creatures v soldiers -On normal, the campaign is probably 8 to 10 hours long, so it isn't short by any means, maybe typical of fps lengths. -It is similar to the Bioshock/System Shock 2 -I enjoy not knowing what situation will come next in the campaign, keeps me on edge - Campaign jumps between the year 2010 and the 1950s

CONS: -AI needs a little work, but puts up a decent fight (I'm on normal) -Not too many multiplayer modes yet -No subtitles or place to reference previously found notes and tape recordings -tape recordings -fairly linear story (I don't mind at all, but some people want a more sandbox style FPS, I guess) -Iffy Russian accents -Unfortunately, too many backwards "R" letters, and many of the films or posters are written in english, but using Russian Cyrillic characters to spell which seems lazy or cheesy to me since I know a bit of Russian.

It may seem like there are a lot of cons listed, but really they are nothing major and more of just personal taste for me. I really enjoy this game and intend to play it for quite a while. If you like atmospheric FPS games then go and buy this. Ideally you should have pre-ordered as it came with a free copy of the 360 game "Prototype", a 1GB usb memory stick, and a multiplayer skin for the regular price of an Xbox 360 game.

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Amazon.com: Singularity - Xbox 360: Video Games

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The Best Definition of Singularity

Posted: at 11:41 pm

The term Singularity has many definitions.

The everyday English definition of Singularity is a noun that designates the quality of being one of a kind, strange, unique, remarkable or unusual.

For a more specific definition of Singularity we can search The Wiktionary where we get the following five Singularity definitions:

1. the state of being singular, distinct, peculiar, uncommon or unusual 2. a point where all parallel lines meet 3. a point where a measured variable reaches unmeasurable or infinite value 4. (mathematics) the value or range of values of a function for which a derivative does not exist 5. (physics) a point or region in spacetime in which gravitational forces cause matter to have an infinite density; associated with Black Holes

What we are most interested in, however, is the definition of Singularity as a technological phenomenon -- i.e. the Technological Singularity. Here we can also find a variety of subtly different interpretations of the definition of Singularity.

John von Neumann was quoted as saying that "the ever accelerating progress of technology ... gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue." His definition of the Singularity was that the Singularity is the moment beyond which "technological progress will become incomprehensively rapid and complicated."

Vernor Vinge introduced the term Technological Singularity in his science fiction novel Marooned in Realtime(1986) and later developed the concept in his essay the Coming Technological Singularity (1993). His definition of Singularity is widely known as the event horizon thesis and in essence says that trans or post-human minds will imply a weirder future than we can imagine:

"Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended. [...] I think it's fair to call this event a singularity. It is a point where our models must be discarded and a new reality rules. As we move closer and closer to this point, it will loom vaster and vaster over human affairs till the notion becomes a commonplace. Yet when it finally happens it may still be a great surprise and a greater unknown."

I.J. Good, who greatly influenced Vinge himself, never used the term Singularity itself. However, what Vinge called Singularity Good called intelligence explosion and by that he meant a positive feedback cycle within which minds will make technology to improve on minds which once started will rapidly surge upwards and create super-intelligence. This definition of Singularity is also known as the intelligence explosion hypothesis.

Ray Kurzweil is associated with the third and most popular interpretation of the Technological Singularity, often referred to as the accelerating change thesis. In his book The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology Kurzweil defined the Technological Singularity as:

"... a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed. Although neither utopian nor dystopian, this epoch will transform the concepts that we rely on to give meaning to our lifes, from our business models to the cycle of human life, including death itself."

Kevin Kelly, founder of Wired Magazine

Singularity is the point at which "all the change in the last million years will be superseded by the change in the next five minutes."

James Martin, a world-renowned leading futurist, computer scientist, author, lecturer and, among many other things, the largest donor in the history of Oxford University.

Singularity "is a break in human evolution that will be caused by the staggering speed of technological evolution."


Since all of the above refer to the same broad occurrence, I will simply define the Technological Singularity as the event, or sequence of events, likely to occur at or after the birth of Artificial Intelligence. (especially when AI surpasses human intelligence)

If anything, it has to be clear that we really do not know what the Singularity is (or will be) so we are just using the term to show (or hide) our own ignorance.

For more on this topic check out 17 Definitions of the Technological Singularity

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THE singularitiy, not the tech one. Not rated yet I am puzzled that THE singularity is barely mentioned on this site - the singularity before which time, space, matter and energy did not exist - (not

Singuarity or Chaos?Not rated yet Perhaps it will be the time when the number of recongized, recorded & real-time shared "patterns" will be so unfathomably large that all around "us" will

Singularity And The Infinite InvisibleNot rated yet The Universe continues to expand from its point of origin (Alpha point) since its inception at the Big Bang. As such, time itself expands along with it,

D'Count Lessismore of Moran-OvaNot rated yet D&D's take on all this is: That super AI equals human irrelevance. The soon to come very few super power leaders will voraciously control

The third factor of intelligenceNot rated yet I am thinking of a new theory. At least to me it is new. I am thinking of the point when artificial intelligence is measured as equal or greater than human

The SarkhhoobadNot rated yet Singularity is best explained by the "sarkhoobad", a mysterious phenomenon which if unraveled would shed light on many of the difficult to explain questions

bliss to ignorance ratioNot rated yet singularity transcends human comprehension as a linear event, therefore if it occurs we will be incapable of detecting its existence. time, place and

Albert Not rated yet I agree that human evolution is heading in this direction, namely trans humanism. Earth will probably experience another extinction event, so humans should

Time TravelNot rated yet I do not believe that there is much more to be done technologically (in a vastly more incomprehensible way) than what has already transpired with the exceptions

Ananda Jaisingh, VedantinNot rated yet Singularity means Brahman, satyam gyanam anantam, brahman as it is the source of all knowledge and therefore must be conscious, without limit or boundary,

Noone ScientistNot rated yet Singularity is the initial point which everthing that exist, has existed and will exist, is acted upon by the magic magnetic first particle of matter,

singularityNot rated yet We would not be able to recognise a singularity in a future sense, we would experience the now or the present event prior to the singularity,then pass

Mr. Ronald finn.Not rated yet Singularity is where everything meets you, no matter where you are or whatever you are doing it still relates to you and only you. A single direction without

Dr.Not rated yet A singularity is a point in the future where an intelligence explosion takes place.

Splitting of the SpeciesNot rated yet Single body, many minds vs many bodies single minds. Singularity? Iit means individualism while joining with many others in a single unit. Single does

Margie Call ) artistNot rated yet If because of exponential growth, and thoughts are things it seems to me everything would get so entangled that there will be a big bang that converts

Paul BennettNot rated yet In the "Electric Kool-aid Acid Test" it is 'said' that you are either "on the bus" or "off the bus" in the event of a technological singularity you will

George Anstadt MD FACPMNot rated yet the Singularity: When the relentless drive of DNA to survive commands a being with the power of artificial intelligence.

Good, Bad, WeirdNot rated yet The Singularity, as defined above, is an unknown unknown. That means this whole thing is a random event. In the future there is a point, which statistically

Continuation of the Human RaceNot rated yet The essence of what we call the human race has to be evolved into a form of transmittable energy that will transcend the limits of the observable universe.

The Universal Grand IllusionNot rated yet This will be the point when the self-absorbed intellectual elites reach the apex of the Ego, becoming convinced that we have fully digested the essence

human beingNot rated yet singularity is the moment when we have the capacity to understand all knowledge from the past and from the future in the present

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The Best Definition of Singularity

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Singularity on Steam

Posted: at 11:41 pm

I've played this game back in 2010 when it first came out, and I liked it. I bought it on steam few months ago and decided to replay it, and there's no wonder i liked it even more. First off, the gameplay mechanics are very interesting and well executed. Making crumble with TMD glove is great, and on the other hand you have around 10 weapons to choose in the game, and design of them is pretty good i would say. Atmosphere is good overall, there is noise all the time, you hear wind blows outside and moving , you hear monsters eating corpses and that makes you feel frighten. So like i said, good atmosphere overall, from the point of sound at least. The design of environment does not fall behind either. First act of the game stands out on that point especially. I'm not saying that the second act is bad with environment design, just that the first is a little better in my opinion. Destroyed Kathorka 12 island looks very creepy. For example, at the beginning of the game there's a primary school made for children whose parents came to work on Kathorka, which was destroyed and left to rot with rest of the island. You can find tape recordings all over the place. Some of them are from the period before the catastrophe, and some are after. Number of recordings makes you feel bad for people left to die there, you hear them talking about 'waiting for help to arrive' and then realize, that corpse lying by recorder is the person which recorded it on the first place. The story is good, it has a good plot, interesting details and multiple endings (which is great). I won't get further into the story 'cause of spoilers... At the end 7.5/10 for me, maybe even 8/10, but game has a few cons, and one of them is 6 hours campaign, which is short as long as i'm concerned. Short but really enjoyable experience.

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Singularity on Steam

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Moore Nanotechnology Systems: Ultra-Precision Machining Systems

Posted: at 11:40 pm

Moore Nanotechnology Systems, LLC (Nanotech) is dedicated to the development of ultra-precision machining systems and their successful utilization through the formation of lifelong customer partnerships. Total customer satisfaction of our products and services has always been, and will continue to be, our highest priority as we support our customers expansion into new markets through the design and development of new products, complimentary machine accessories, and enhancements to our existing products.

Our ultra-precision machine systems support single point diamond turning, deterministic micro-grinding, precision micro-milling, and glass press molding for the production of advanced optics including diamond turning sphere, asphere, freeform, conformal, lens array, and plano surfaces. We offer a diverse line of options and accessories to customize our machining platforms to suit our customers specific applications. From our state-of-the-art NFTS-6000 Fast Tool Servo systemto the industry's first touch swipe gesture interactive Windows based HMI, Nanotech builds to a higher standard of quality and reliability.

(click on a photo below to see a larger version)

Established in 1997, our abbreviated name Nanotech was from the beginning not only our registered trademark, but also a symbol of our commitment to developing highly advanced equipment and manufacturing processes capable of achieving nanometer level surface accuracies on advanced optical components. Our ultra-precision machining systems support many industries including consumer electronics, defense, aerospace, lighting, medical, automotive, and ophthalmic. Our world-class team of specialists has dedicated their careers to this technology, and their vision has made Nanotech the fastest growing company in this field.

For additional information visit our Machines Page. You can also E-mail Us or call 603-352-3030 to discuss your specific requirements.

Top 100 Private Companies in New Hampshire

From2010 through 2014, Business NH Magazine has ranked Moore Nanotechnology Systems as one of the top 100 private companies in the State of NH.

In addition, Moore Nanotechnology Systems, LLC was selected as 2008 Company of the Year by the State of New Hampshire Department of Economic Development

Dec. 3, 2008 Moore Nanotechnology Systems was lauded by Department of Resources and Economic Development Commissioner George Bald for its innovative spirit which have made it the fastest growing company in the precision machining field. read more >

Nanotech Reaches 100th 350FG / 650FGv2 Milestone Swanzey, NH May, 2015.

Nanotechhas announced customer acceptance oftheir 100th 350FG / 650FGv2 Y-axis Freeform Generator! The 650FGv2 is the latest version of their 5-axisfreeform system.It hasbecometheirglobal"flagship" machine.This is a significant milestone to surpassand a testament to the system's worldwide adoption by leading manufacturers. No other vertical axismachine compares toit's uniquesymmetric Y-axisdesignon any level. Performance, thermal stability, part cutting results,reliability as well as thelifelong technical service/support one receives are unmatched. Visit the 650FG Machine Page for complete details. Spend time with Nanotech anddiscover "Y"premier electro-optics companies choose to team with them.

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Moore Nanotechnology Systems: Ultra-Precision Machining Systems

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Nanotechnology Companies

Posted: at 11:40 pm

Home > Directory > Nanotechnology Business Sites - Sorted by Name

Last Updated: Monday, 20-Apr-2015 19:51:34 PDT

Currently there are 534 businesses listed. If you know of another that is not shown, please contact us.


Altimate EnviroCare "... photo-catalyst and ion exchange products capable of destroying microbial, mould, fungi and odour."

21st Century NanoTechnologies Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT)

3DM Inc. "PuraMatrix, 3DM's innovative and award-winning family of biocompatible hydrogels ... nano-scale properties, synthetic origin, rigorously-tested biocompatability, stability and ease-of-use yield superior cell cultures, with applications in drug discovery, cancer and cell biology, toxicity screening, stem cell therapeutics and tissue engineering."

3rdTech Maker of the NanoManipulator

A123 Systems "... developer of a new generation of Lithium-Ion batteries that revolutionizes the way manufacturers design high power products. Founded in 2001, A123Systems proprietary nanoscale electrode technology is built on initial developments from Massachusetts Institute of Technology."

A&A Company "Thermal spray coatings and nano thermal spray coating using custom designed metal, ceramic, cermet and hard faced materials."

Ablynx "... a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of Nanobodies to treat a range of serious human diseases. Nanobodies are a novel class of antibody-derived therapeutic proteins."

Abraxis Oncology "The proprietary drug division of American Pharmaceutical Partners. ... dedicated to improving treatments for patients with cancer." Maker of Abraxane - paclitaxel protein-bound nano-particles for injectable suspension.

Abtech Scientific "... a biomedical diagnostics company that delivers biosensor devices, biosensor instruments and biosensor systems to the biomedical research community and the point of concern biomedical diagnostics market."

AccuFLEX Golf Company NanoShaft

Acrongenomics "... a publicly traded Nanobiotechnology company that specializes in the field of research and development of solutions in the fields of Genomics, Proteomics and Diagnostics."

AcryMed "... a development and manufacturing company focused on the introduction of novel medical products that help heal wounds or reduce infections."

Actel Corp. "... award winning single-chip FPGA solutions, including FPGAs based on antifuse and Flash technologies, high-performance intellectual property (IP) cores, integrated software development tools, programming tools, debug and demo boards, and design services."

Active Optical Networks "... advanced MEMS-based active optical components and subsystems to enhance the performance and wavelength management capabilities of optical networks."

Admatechs "Spherical shape particulates. Admatechs is a joint venture of Toyota Motor Corp., Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., Shin-Etsu Quartz Products Co., Ltd., and other firms."

Advance Nanotech "Operating in three areas, electronics, biopharma and materials, Advance leverages relationships with financial and development resources to enable a product focused, fast-track commercialization of nanotechnology."

Advanced Battery Technologies "... develops, manufactures and distributes rechargeable polymer lithium-ion (PLI) batteries"

Advanced Fibers & Powders Technology development and advanced material manufacturing.

Advanced Diamond Technologies (ADT) "An early-stage company commercializing a patented technique for making thin films of nanocrystalline diamond. This novel material, which we call Ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD), is a form of natural diamondnot a diamond-like compound. UNCD possesses the material properties of natural diamond in thin film form."

Advanced Magnetics "... a developer of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles used in pharmaceutical products."

Advanced Micro Devices Microprocessor Solutions

Advanced Nano Coatings "... a producer of high performance, VOC compliant epoxy coatings."

Advanced Nano Products (ANP) Manufactures nanocrystalline materials and their chemical precursors for coating and powder processing applications.

Advanced Nano Technologies (ANT) Manufactures of a wide range of ultra fine and nanoscale powders.

Advanced Nanotechnology Limited (Advanced Nano) Manufactures a range of nanopowders and functional products that incorporate nanopowders.

Advanced Powders & Coatings (AP&C) Wholly-owned by Raymor Industries Inc. "... spherical metal powders."

Advanced Sensor Technologies "... developing and bringing to market a variety of miniature, sensor-based biotechnology devices for research and medical applications."

Advion BioSciences "... bioanalytical services and nanoelectrospray products."

Advectus Life Sciences"... an emerging life sciences company focused on the commercialization of a cure for brain cancer. Advectus holds the exclusive worldwide rights including patents to this nanoparticle-based technology for the delivery of approved cancer fighting drugs across the blood-brain barrier for the treatment of brain tumors."

Aegis Semiconductor "... wavelength-monitoring components and modules that are easily manufactured using proven methods from the semiconductor industry."

Affymetrix GeneChip(R) technology has become the industry standard in molecular biology research.

Agendia "... developed high-quality methods, using micro-array genetic profiling, for analyzing tumor samples and mapping the tumors specific properties."

Agere Systems (Formerly the Microelectronics division of Lucent Technologies) The "world leader in sales of communications components. We design, develop and manufacture optoelectronic components for communications networks, and integrated circuits for use in a broad range of communications and computer equipment."

Agilent "Agilent Technologies is on the leading edge of nearly every major trend in communications and life sciences. From optical and wireless communications to disease and discovery research, Agilent delivers product and technology innovations that benefit millions of people around the world."

Ahwahnee "... a leader in the mass production of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs), creates high-energy, long-lasting and cost-effective CNT applications for a variety of industries."

Air Products and Chemicals "... atmospheric gases, process and specialty gases, performance materials and chemical intermediates."

Aktina Limited "Nano-engineered films for creating stable surface structures."

Akzo Nobel Coatings/Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals

AlCove Surfaces Medical device technology using special designed ceramic surfaces made of nanoporous aluminium oxide, applications such as local drug delivery or local brachytherapy. And nanostructured surfaces between 20 nm and 300 nm, changing the reflectivity, adhesion, wettability, and other properties.

ALD NanoSolutions "... commercialization strategy is founded on the assertion that new materials will be designed rather than discovered. The compelling opportunity is to identify and synthesize a new set of composite materials which are comprised of common substrates coated with specific material."

Alien Technology "... has developed, and holds exclusive patent rights to, a manufacturing technology that will dramatically reduce the manufacturing cost of a variety of electronic devices. The technology, called Fluidic Self-Assembly (FSA), permits the efficient assembly of Integrated Circuits into a variety of substrates, from glass to flexible plastic."

Allegro Technologies "... is a knowledge-based campus company. It has developed outstanding proprietary microdispensing technologies for current and next generation applications in the fields of drug discovery, genomics and analytical/diagnostic instrumentation."

Allomet Corporation Powered Metals

Almatis Specialty Alumina Materials

Alnair Labs "... established on 29th August 2001 with the aim to provide ultra-short pulse laser systems and solutions based on its unique carbon-nanotubes photonic technology."

Alnis BioSciences "... a drug development company with a potent, enabling therapeutic platform to treat cancer as well as infectious and inflammatory diseases. Alnis has engineered nanoscopic hydrogels, or NanoGels, comprised of polymers, bioactives, and targeting molecules."

Altair Nanomaterials A wholly-owned subsidiary of Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. Altair owns a proprietary technology for making nanocrystalline materials of unique quality, economically and in large quantities. The company produces closely-sized nanoparticles of titanium dioxide and related ceramic oxide materials and compounds.

Ambri Biosensor Technology "... pioneering the integration of Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Electronics."

AMBIT Corporation "... developer of new and enabling technologies in a variety of fields where rapid commercialization is taking place."

American Elements "... a world leader in commercializing developments in materials science."

American Dye Source "... is now offering nano materials. These materials can be used for a variety of applications in display devices, security devices and heat reflecting devices."

American Superconductor "... supplier of dynamic reactive power grid stabilization products and the world's principal vendor of high temperature superconductor (HTS) wire and large rotating superconductor machinery."

AMICA Advanced Micro-electronic Center Aachen "Our research is dedicated to silicon process technology with a strong focus on nanolithography."

AMR Technologies "... develops, manufactures and distributes performance materials."

Amroy "Our latest product family is Hybtonite-nanoepoxies. Hybtonites can be used in marine, automotive, wind energy and in many industrial applications."

AMT Coatings "A technological based SME industry which deals with engineering coatings and advanced surface treatments for production of nanomaterials coatings (Electroplating, Electroless Plating, Anodising, PVD, etc.)."

Angstrom Medica "... a life-sciences biomaterials company that harnesses nanotechnology for orthopedic applications."

ANP Technologies "... develop cutting-edge technology platforms at the nano/bio interface and apply them in market sectors such as diagnostics/biodetection, protein/drug discovery, therapeutics, chem/bio defense, and homeland security."

Aonex Technologies A subsidiary of Arrowhead Research. "... focused on applying its technology to next-generation solar cells. Ultimately, the company seeks to enable devices with optical, logical, and amplification features on a single substrate."

AP Materials "Nanopowders and Nanotechnology for Advanced Materials."

ApNano Materials "... commercializes nanospheres and nanotubes of inorganic compounds discovered at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. These materials are used in microelectronic, semiconductor, aerospace, lubricant and metal working markets." See funding article for more information.

Applied Materials "... supplier of products and services to the global semiconductor industry."

Applied Membranes "... a manufacturer and distributor for Reverse Osmosis Membranes, RO Systems and Components, both commercial and residential."

Applied MicroStructures Surface chemistry and modification.

Applied Nanotech A subsidiary of Nano-Proprietary, Inc. "Currently ANI is in advanced development for the application of electron emitting carbon nanotubes cathodes in a number of areas, including large area color televisions, new lighting devices, x-ray, and microwave generators."

Applied Sciences, Inc. (ASI) "a nationally recognized Research and Development company specializing in advanced materials and their applications. ASI is located near Dayton, Ohio, and consists of three additional affiliate companies, Pyrograf Products, Inc. (PPI), Nano Graphite Materials (NGM), and Aqua Locator."

Applied Thin Films (ATFI) "An advanced materials company developing thin film technologies to serve defense, energy, aerospace, and other industrial needs."

AQUANOVA German Solubilisate Technologies GmbH "As a scientifically orientated company AQUANOVA specialises in the development and production of clear, stable, water-free solubilisates of particles with a micelle structure for further processing in cosmetics, skin care products, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs and nutritional supplements."

Arc Flash Corporation Photocatalyst coating material

Argonide A resource manufacturer for high purity nanoparticles, nanoscale ceramic fiber materials, and custom alloys.

Asahi Glass Co. A global materials and components supplier.

Asemblon "... specializing in the emerging field of self-assembling molecules or SAMs."

Asia Pacific Fuel Cell Technologies "... PEM fuel cells with technologies in stack design and manufacture, system integration and metal hydride hydrogen storage."

Asklepios BioPharmaceutical "... a biotechnology company engaged in the development and delivery of novel protein and cellular based therapies through design of proprietary Biological Nano Particles (BNP)."

Aspen Aerogels "Using patented technology, Spaceloft and Pyrogel materials combine a silica aerogel with reinforcing fibers to deliver proven thermal performance in the most efficient insulation available."

Atlas Mining "Halloysite is a high-value clay that sells for more than $400 per ton. Its fine particle size enables halloysite to be used extensively as a suspension agent in glaze preparations. The purity of the clay and the low iron and titania content result in ceramic ware with exceptional whiteness and translucency."

Authentix "Formed by the merger of Isotag, Biocode and Calyx in 2003, Authentix combines 20 years experience in providing comprehensive services and technology for the prevention of product counterfeiting, brand adulteration and product diversion."

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BASF BASF is one of the world leaders in the chemical industry, and currently produces several nano-products, such as nanoparticle pigments and nanoscale titanium dioxide particles. See also Nanotechnology at BASF

Baytubes "As a market- and customer-oriented inventor company, Bayer MaterialScience is working closely with Bayer Technology Services to promote the development of this exciting future technology (nanotubes)."

Beijing Nano Sunshine Technology Co. Ltd Nanocor's regional distributor in China

Bell Labs

BioCrystal "... semiconductor-based, nanocrystalline fluorescent markers for cell and intracellular detection and analysis; therapeutic compounds and procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer; and the very innovative OptiCell , a product that represents a significant step forward in the evolution of cell and tissue culture technology."

BioForce Nanosciences "... developer of ultra-miniaturized nanoarray technologies for solid-phase, high-throughput biomolecular analysis."

Biophan Technologies "Biophan is developing technology to make biomedical devices safe, both implanted devices and those used in surgical and diagnostic procedures, and to reduce interference that these devices cause to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) image quality."

BioTrove "A privately held biotechnology company focused on leveraging revolutionary micro- and nano-scale engineering solutions that improve the efficiency and productivity of drug discovery."

Blue Pacific "... a leader in new flavor technology."

Bonderite NT Nanoceramic Technology

Bourne Research "... market intelligence, with a specialized focus on MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical Systems), Nanotechnology, and the convergence of both."

Brewer Science - Specialty Materials Division "Provides novel polymers and resins for use in MEMS device applications, Image Sensors and Flat Panel Displays."

BuckyUSA Specialty manufacturer of carbon nanomaterials.

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C Sixty "... a private biopharmaceutical company focusing on the discovery and the development of a new class of therapeutics based on the fullerene molecule ..."

Cabot Corporation "... our core businesses: carbon black, fumed metal oxides and tantalum. We've also found and developed them into new businesses: inkjet colorants, Nanogel and specialty fluids."

California Molecular Electronics Corporation "... committed to profitably invent, acquire, assimilate, and utilize intellectual property in the field of molecular electronics to develop and sell quality products based on molecular electronics technology ..."

Cambrios Technologies "... mission is to use biological technology to transform the way commercial electronic products are made, expand their impact, and reduce their environmental cost. Cambrios was formed in 2003 to develop commercial applications from the directed-evolution technology invented by the companys founders, Dr. Angela Belcher of MIT and her longtime collaborator, Dr. Evelyn Hu of the University of California at Santa Barbara."

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Nanotechnology Companies

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NanoTech Biomachines – Graphene company

Posted: at 11:40 pm

The Rise of Graphene

Graphene is a rapidly rising star on the horizon of materials science and condensed-matter physics. This strictly two-dimensional material exhibits exceptionally high crystal...

AK Geim, KS Novoselov - Nature materials, 2007 nature.com

The Electronic Properties of Graphene

Carbon is the materia prima for life and the basis of all organic chemistry. Because of the flexibility of its bonding, carbon-based systems show an unlimited number of different

AHC Neto, F Guinea, NMR Peres, KS Novoselov Reviews of modern ,2009 - APS

December 17, 2015

Job Title: Scientist/Sr Scientist

Number: STG-201601 Nanotech Biomachines, Inc. Location: Berkeley, CA Nanotech Biomachines (Nanotech Bio) is a San Francisco Bay Area startup developing a breakthrough sensor technology for therapeutic discovery applications. Our core technology combines advances in electronics, chemistry, biochemistry, microfluidics, engineering, and software. Nanotech Bio is looking for an outstanding scientist to work on the Technology team. This position is a unique opportunity to work on a new form of analytical tool to enable desired discovery applications that were previously unachievable. This person will: (1) be a core member of the new Sensor Technology Group, (2) design and perform experiments of strategic value to the company, and (3) collaborate with marketing, engineering, software and chemistry groups to ensure products fit user needs and deliver promised results. The right candidate must have: (a) extensive knowledge of bioconjugation techniques (b) assay development experience (ELISA or sensor based) (c) experience with early versions of instrumentation. This position will work closely with team members in chemistry, biochemistry, microfluidics, engineering, and software. Key Responsibilities Development and optimization of biocompatible surface chemistry Development and optimization of methods for conjugation of surfaces to proteins and other molecules of interest Development of assays (quantitative and kinetic) on an early stage sensor Work closely with engineering team to assess instrument functionality and suggest improvements Troubleshooting of instrumentation, software, and assay issues Work with applications and marketing team to produce product documentation and publications Interface with key external scientists to promote publications and understand new product directions Desired Skills and Background Required experience in chemistry, biochemistry or biophysical chemistry BS with 5+ years of experience MS with 3+ years of experience PhD with 2+ years of experience Surface modification for development of biocompatible surfaces Solid phase assay development (ELISA or sensors) Protein immobilization and protein conjugation experience Testing of bread-board and prototype versions of instruments Experience with optical biosensors, thin film interferometery, surface plasmon resonance, or other label free techniques preferred Excellent verbal and written communication skills Working as a member of a diverse team Highly independent and self-driven Ability to work in a fast-paced and quickly changing environment Interested candidates should submit a complete resume and short cover letter to: careers@nanotechbio.com

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August 31, 2015

Job Title: Director of Technology

Number: 201502 Nanotech Biomachines, Inc. Location: Berkeley, CA Nanotech Biomachines (Nanotech Bio) is a San Francisco Bay Area startup developing a breakthrough sensor technology for therapeutic discovery applications. Our core technology combines advances in electronics, chemistry, biochemistry, microfluidics, engineering, and software. Nanotech Bio is looking for an outstanding individual to lead its Technology team. This position is a unique opportunity to work on a new form of analytical tool to enable desired discovery applications that were previously unachievable. This person will: (1) lead the expansion of the new Sensor Technology Group, (2) direct experiments of strategic value to the company, and (3) work with marketing, business, and product development management to ensure products fit users needs and deliver promised results. The right candidate must have: (a) A deep and broad expertise across label-free analysis, as well as extremely strong knowledge of binding technologies and their applications to bio-analytical assays in discovery and development operations, (b) Experience with semiconductor electronics and its bio-analytical physics, (c) Strong interpersonal and leadership skills, a burning desire to understand customer needs and mechanisms behind instrument performance, and the ability to communicate results clearly are essential. This position will work closely with team members in chemistry, biochemistry, microfluidics, engineering, and software. Key Responsibilities Lead a group of scientists and engineers drawn from a variety of backgrounds including biochemistry, chemistry, biology, engineering, electronics, and materials science Optimize current assays and drive the expansion of applications on existing products through new protocols Direct experiments of significant strategic value Work with the marketing and support teams to understand product performance in the field and provide feedback to aid with product development decisions Interface with key external scientists to promote publications and understand new product directions Be accountable for prioritization of groups activities and resources Desired Skills and Background PhD in biological field or bioengineering (e.g. biology, biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics, or bioengineering) 5+ years extensive industrial hands-on experience with label-free technologies and discovery assays 5+ years industrial experience leading multidisciplinary groups of scientists and engineers to meet product development milestones and deliverables for bio-analytical and/or diagnostic tool customers Deep and broad knowledge of discovery and binding assays Exceptional analytical ability and facility with electronics hardware An obsession with making sure customers are satisfied and products are a good fit in the market Highly independent and self-driven Ability to work in a fast-paced and quickly changing environment Interested candidates should submit a complete resume and short cover letter to: careers@nanotechbio.com

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NanoTech Biomachines - Graphene company

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WW3 – World War Three in Detail, showing Start Date …

Posted: at 11:39 pm

A Three World War scenario was developed several decades ago (see Conspiratorial History). Two World Wars have already been achieved, and the Third and final World War envisions an attack on Iraq, Iran and/or Syria as being the trigger to set the entire Middle East into fiery conflagration. Once America is firmly entrenched into the Middle East with the majority of her first-line units, North Korea is to attack South Korea. Then, with America's forces stretched well beyond the limit, China is to invade Taiwan. This will usher in the start of World War Three.

What constitutes a 'world war'? How many countries need to be involved? And who decides at which point a number of regional skirmishes can be grouped together and called a World War? At the time, who called the official start of World War 1 and World War 2?

And have you noticed that although the term 'World War Three' is freely used in the alternative press and on the Internet, all the major news networks have stoically avoided using any phrase reminiscent of World War.

Since it's difficult to find a definition for an event which has only happened twice in modern history, here's my attempt at an answer to the question 'what constitutes a world war'?

A World War is a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents, in which at least 20 major countries participate in an attack against a common enemy, and which has the attention of the man-in-the-street due to the significant loss of life.

With that definition, we can agree that WW1 and WW2 were in fact World Wars (both wars involved some degree of participation from most of the world's then existing countries: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and the Soviet Union). We can also agree that we are very close to achieving World War 3. The only requirement left to fulfill the start of WW3 is that of a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents. As soon as Israel attacks Palestine, or North Korea attacks South Korea or the US, or China invades Taiwan, we will have the next World War well underway.

These are, I believe, the stages of the planned Third World War:

Both Biblical prophecy and the Illuminati plan state that Israel is the key. The Third World War is planned to begin when Israel goes to war against her Arab enemies. Then, and only then, will all the other elements begin to occur and they will do so in rapid succession. The plan is to have one disaster following another in such rapid succession that, before people can mentally and emotionally handle one disastrous news event, they will be hit with another. It is also accurate to say that until ALL of the elements for WW3 are in place, the plan will not commence.

While it would be naive to suggest a specific timeline for the events leading up to and including World War 3, we do know that the plans for World War 3 are well advanced, and our leaders involved in this secret plan are waiting only for the right signal before all-out war begins.

We are in the last stages of the preparation to so globalize the world that the Masonic New Age Christ (Antichrist) can appear to receive all the political and economic power of the world's rulers. This is the Illuminati plan and Biblical prophecy (Revelation 17:12-17).

In the words of Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script:

"Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come."

Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats and welcome on stage the players of this Grand Play:

World War Three!

Intro | Prelude | Act I | Act II | Act III | Act IV | Act V | Act VI

For a detailed look at WW3 statistics, including the running cost of World War Three, the number of lives lost and the countries involved in World War Three, please see our World War Overview. Further details will be added as events dictate.

If you found this article interesting and want access to other carefully researched and well written articles, you might want to see what others are saying about the ThreeWorldWars newsletter.

Next: How the tragic events of 911 fit in with the planned World War 3.

Previous: The true cause of World War 2.

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WW3 - World War Three in Detail, showing Start Date ...

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World War 3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries with Irvin Baxter

Posted: at 11:39 pm

Fear nothing but God, only fear God. Never be afraid of Wars, deaths, pain, blood, and anything else that is a Sin against God. Satan is trying his hardest to make all this fear, a fear of Worldy/Earthly things like War, deaths, blood, all that violent stuff. He does not want you all to fear God, but to fear Sin and Evil. Everything is quiet right now: gun shots, music, cars, tvs are all not sounds, they are just limited and illuminated wave lengths created by God to make this World seem like a loud place. Wait until you listen and watch Gods 2nd coming, the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. You will know what true sounds and violence is. Im not even afraid of getting killed when WW3 begins, because I know God will take those out of this World that believes in him, and leave the Anti-Christ people on Earth to feel a temporary suffer and pain to get a taste of what Hell will really be like. You all call this Earth, hell and going through hard times. Wait until you Anti-Christ people see what God will really show you what true pain and suffering is. God is not a man of Peace, God is a man of Justice. Thats why the Bible says you must repent of all your Sins and accept God for who he is if you want to be saved. Most people take Sins for granted, and expect to be forgiven by God without praying to him and asking for forgivness. Most people go a head and Sin all they want and think God will grant them Heaven in the after life. This world shows that God is near, all these events occuring from the Bible. As a Christian, I am still confused and dont fully understand God, but all I know he is ready to come back soon, and not in a Peaceful way like we expect. He is coming with anger, fear, pain, and suffering that no human ever expierenced, he is coming with more Power than those Anti-Christ who brutally crucified Jesus Christ 2016 years ago, he is coming with more Power than all the Nuclear bombs/missiles combined. He wont come sucker punching us all, he will come with everything in his Power he has, and that Power is everything we cant stop. Nothing can never and will never stop Gods power, not even Satan and his Anti-Christ can stop God. God is the creator of all, he created Satan too, and gave Satan limited Power. Just like all of us Humans, Satan too has his own Free Will because God gave us all Free Will. The Earth WILL SHAKE, those who believe in God and repent their Sins and accepts God will be saved, all the Anti-Christ will be left on Earth to Wage War against one another, to feel the Sucker Punch of Hell, to get a taste of what Hell will be like. Imagine the fear, pain, suffering, and INFINITY NON-STOP burning that Hell will really be like. Pinch yourself on your arm as soft as you could, it will hurt. Slap yourself on your cheek, it will hurt. Get a paper cut, and it will hurt. Imagine all the Pain, fear and suffering God has prepared in Hell for all Anti-Christ. In Hell, the pain, suffering and fears wont be from Satan, but from God. God said in the Bible that Satan too will burn and suffer in Hell forever. Right now there is no Heaven and Hell yet, that will be set when God arrives on his 2nd coming. Thats why we put Rest in Peace on all crosses of death, everyone dead right now is unconcsious and resting in death, until God comes. When God comes, all the Dead will arise then, the dead is not risen yet on Earth until God comes. Thats why many places on Earth have demons and haunting in their homes where Violence or death once took place, all the dead Anti-Christ will never rest, never rest, never rest. Thats why you feel peacful about a Christian death, and feel bad inside when a Anti-Christ dies. God is all one, he hears and sees everything from beginning to end. He knows all your secrets and gossips, he knows every single one of your Sins. God knew you before you were born on this Earth. Im glad I grew up in a Christian home, I see many Anti-Christ that are already going through the hardest times Ive ever seen! Ive witness a murder, and all these Anti-Christ are suffering more. Ive been through many trials in my life where I supposed to die in the ER and not even survive, but praying to God saved me. Praying to God saved me. Doctors were speechless, they didnt feel like doctors when they gave everything they got to keep me alive. They gave me the Maximum amount of all pain meds, shots, pills, and IV, they said all that was enough meds to knock out a cancer patient and a big animal like an elephant at the same time from the same dose of pain meds. I dont believe in chemicals thats why it never help me in the ER when i almost died a lot of times from alcohol poisoning. Only thing that kept me going was praying to God.

A lot of people believe in coincidence, what exactly does coincidence mean to them, what is their understanding defintion of coincidence? Everything is meant to happen for a reason, and God created all those reasons. They are not coincidence, a word of the Anti-Christ. Just like God told us, he sees all, he knows all. Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is Gods reason that everything happens, not from coincidence. If you have gone this far in reading and trying to understand more about God and how Satan is at work right now on Earth. Here is your good chance to understand why everything happens for a reason. We all get confused when something happens, oh my god what just happened?, jesus christ, what happened?. We all say those things without realizing it when we are confused, we dont know what happened but we know God had something to do with it and everything else that happens.

One example of something meant to be or meant to happen is not a coincidence, but a true reason of God. I was a witness of a brutal murder on September 8, 2007, a man murdered for his booze and money by a gang of violent alcoholics. It all happened so fast but yet felt so slow to watch it happen. The leader of that violent gang died on May 17th, 2016 from suicide, after he murdered another person, on May 12th, 2016. My best friend died from suicide on March 9, 2013, and my best friends birthday was May 12th, the same day the leader of that gang made his 2nd murder. Coincidence? Nope, reason of God. You see, how can God put it in a more perfect time frame, and you all call it coincidence? Coincidence is a word of Satan, a confusing word he uses that doesnt let you full understand why everything is happening the way they are. Satan doesnt want you to know that everything is happening because of God. Satan doesnt want you to know that God is in control of everything. Satan wants you to be blind and not understand God.

Us Humans, our minds are weaker than we think, it is very easy for Satan to take advantage of your life style without you knowing it. Alcohol, drugs, mixed martial arts fighting, all the violent stuff we see everyday is the hard work of Satan, not the entertainment for ourselves that we think we get, but just a brain-washed violent activity that God hates, called Sin. Satans biggest way of taking over lives and brain-washing lives is through Entertainment. People will say, f*** reading the Bible, im going to go drink, play video games, and watch Mixed Martial Arts all day, and have some beautiful sex with your cousins. Yeah man, all this numb feeling you had is finally turning into pain of understandment of what is really going on. Sin! Sin! Sin! We all think were going to get away with Sin and somehow make it to Heaven. Of course we all think we are going to Heaven, that is a sign of brain-washed by Satan, when you think you can Sin all you want and still make it to Heaven. Lot of people think they are so special and cool or bad a** when they are doing violent things. Those kind of people want to be hugged and kissed and congradulated for their violent things they do. They want to be awarded for their doings and be known to the World. They want the whole attention when they Sin.

You can never be prepared for the unexpected. God will come like a unknown robber, you never know what time and day he will come, just like you never know when a robber will rob your house. We never know when God will come, but he will come unexpected. His angels do not know his time and day of coming to Earth, only God himself knows. Satan is at his best right now, just like any violent Sinner is at their best right now. ISIS, wars, all these violent deaths are occuring because of Satans power and Sin. All these are the signs from the Bible that Satan and all the Anti-Christ will be scavenging the Earth at their best Power trying to destroy all lives to believe there is no God.

Let me put it in words this way, for you people who do not understand about God yet. Satan and his Anti-Christ are a bunch of violent Sinners, and God is a man of Justice. This world is like the Door of Gods house. We are just at the Door of Gods house, and Satan and his Anti-Christ are scavenging this Earth to try rob much souls as they could. We never know when and what God will come out that door with, but we do know he will come out that door pissed off and ready for Justice.

Its like a bunch of people are violently knocking on someones door forever and not giving them rest, we never know what the owner will do when he opens that door, we never know what kind of Justice the owner will have when he opens his door, but we know the owner will be pissed off and want Justice when be opens that door of violent people knocking. Never mess with God, never bang on his door (Sin). Pray (Call) to him before you go to his house, let him know when youre coming. Dont just go knocking on Gods door and expect forgivness and peace. God will come out that door with Justice.

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World War 3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries with Irvin Baxter

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Entheogens: mescaline, LSD, LSA, ALD, psilocybin, DMT …

Posted: at 11:39 pm

Insights, Wisdom & Pleasures

Entheogens marked Legal* means that the plant sourcesare legal, not the refined chemicals. Things marked Legal are.

San Pedro: (Legal*)same active chemicals as Peyote

Cannabis Culture: Cannabis as a way of life...

Psilocybin Mushrooms

LSD: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

ALD-52 : N-Acetyl-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

LSA: (Legal*)Morning Glory/Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seed

5MEO DMT:(Legal) 5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine

Fly Agaric Mushroom: (Legal) The Amanita Muscaria Family

GHB & GBL:Gamma-butyrolactone (now illegal)

MDA:(legal*)Sassafras albidum converts into MDA; Dangerous oil

Blue Lilly:(Legal)Used by ancient Egyptians and Mayans

Ibogaine: Under Construction

United States Drug Control Act:Schedualed Substance Laws


Mystery Man Tea:The tea that makes your spirit soar!

Diary of Two Madmen: Experience Reports


Jimpson Weed:(Legal)"Datura" Hallucinogen; dangerous?

DMT:(legal*)Smokable N,N-dimethyltryptamine from Organic Sources

DXM (Legal) Synthetic (dissociative)


Feed Starving People at NO cost to you


Grow Mushrooms At Home

Psilocybe FAQ

Analysis of three mushroom species

Medical Marijuana

Entheogen Documents

Tryptamine Hallucinogens and Consciousness

Spiritual Hallucinogens


On Site Links:

The Bad: Warnings, Cautions, &StuffThat Goes Wrong

On-Line Suppliers and Catalogs

The Mad Hatter's Home page


Contact info: Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Information are Welcome.

Chesher Cat

The Mind Behind The Madness

The Chesher Cat is a Mysterious Man

updated 02-29-2000

WARNING: Do not use any substance if there is a history or the potential of mental or physical illness unless it has been shown to improve your condition or attitude. Do not use substances if you are on psychotropic pharmaceuticals or other types of drugs until you have researched possible interactions.


This page is not advocating the use of any particular substance. Chemical use should be an individual decision made after much research and thought. To deny people the ability to explore their religion and take their sacraments is horrible. For this reason, an honest source of information is required. There are many dangers in all things in life and this is not any different. This information is provided as a public service to educate. It is built on experience, research and submissions.

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Entheogens: mescaline, LSD, LSA, ALD, psilocybin, DMT ...

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