Daily Archives: June 16, 2016

How Virtual Reality Works | HowStuffWorks

Posted: June 16, 2016 at 5:46 pm

What do you think of when you hear the words virtual reality (VR)? Do you imagine someone wearing a clunky helmet attached to a computer with a thick cable? Do visions of crudely rendered pterodactyls haunt you? Do you think of Neo and Morpheus traipsing about the Matrix? Or do you wince at the term, wishing it would just go away?

If the last applies to you, you're likely a computer scientist or engineer, many of whom now avoid the words virtual reality even while they work on technologies most of us associate with VR. Today, you're more likely to hear someone use the words virtual environment (VE) to refer to what the public knows as virtual reality. We'll use the terms interchangeably in this article.

Naming discrepancies aside, the concept remains the same - using computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that a user can manipulate and explore while feeling as if he were in that world. Scientists, theorists and engineers have designed dozens of devices and applications to achieve this goal. Opinions differ on what exactly constitutes a true VR experience, but in general it should include:

In this article, we'll look at the defining characteristics of VR, some of the technology used in VR systems, a few of its applications, some concerns about virtual reality and a brief history of the discipline. In the next section, we'll look at how experts define virtual environments, starting with immersion.


How Virtual Reality Works | HowStuffWorks

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Ai | Define Ai at Dictionary.com

Posted: at 5:46 pm

Contemporary Examples

On Jan. 11, ai was startled to learn authorities were razing his studio in Shanghai, weeks before the slated demolition date.

With characteristic wit, ai turned the joke back on his captors.

"Girl, it ain't no less exciting," Weaver tells me as table mates egg her on.

He called him a mean word in that there book I ain't actually read!

But then again, they didn't really have ai, surrogacy and cloning to contend with back then, did they?

Historical Examples

I says to myself, I can't prevent her, ain't it best for me to help her?

I ain't felt so young in years as I have since Oscar and I had that clearing up.

I ain't fit to run this shebang, so we need you, and need you bad.

"I ain't got nothing to sell, and don't want to buy nohow," said Bart, violently.

You ain't got much to talk about, with a stummick like yours.

British Dictionary definitions for ai Expand

Word Origin

C17: from Portuguese, from Tupi

artificial insemination

artificial intelligence

ai in Medicine Expand

AI abbr. artificial insemination

ai in Science Expand

Abbreviation of artificial insemination

Abbreviation of artificial intelligence

ai in Technology Expand

Related Abbreviations for ai Expand

artificial insemination

artificial intelligence

Associate Investigator

ai in the Bible Expand

ruins. (1.) One of the royal cities of the Canaanites (Josh. 10:1; Gen. 12:8; 13:3). It was the scene of Joshua's defeat, and afterwards of his victory. It was the second Canaanite city taken by Israel (Josh. 7:2-5; 8:1-29). It lay rebuilt and inhibited by the Benjamites (Ezra 2:28; Neh. 7:32; 11:31). It lay to the east of Bethel, "beside Beth-aven." The spot which is most probably the site of this ancient city is Haiyan, 2 miles east from Bethel. It lay up the Wady Suweinit, a steep, rugged valley, extending from the Jordan valley to Bethel. (2.) A city in the Ammonite territory (Jer. 49:3). Some have thought that the proper reading of the word is Ar (Isa. 15:1).


Ai | Define Ai at Dictionary.com

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Immortality Devices by Alex Chiu

Posted: at 5:46 pm


Been selling since 1996. One of the most successful and famous anti-aging product on the market today. Interviewed by more than 300 radio stations and on TV more than 15 different talk shows including: The Daily Show, Rosanne Show, Tech TV Unscrewed, London Fox, etc.

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We sell the original Alex Chiu's magnetic rings and toe rings, also known as neodymium magnetic ring or anti aging neodymium rings. Other magnetic therapy products, magnetic mattresses, magnetic pads, or magnetic jewelrywill never be able to pair up with Alex's invention. Alex Chiu's invention is highly recommended by Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book.

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We don't sell copper bracelets. We offer neodymium magnet, which was introduced by Natural Cures Trudeau, the book natural cures they don't want you to know about (page 194, 1st edition). Copper bracelet doesn't work as well as health magnets that we sell. Our neodymium magnets are truly the best magnetic finger rings on the market.

See the article here:

Immortality Devices by Alex Chiu

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Dietary Supplements – Food and Drug Administration

Posted: at 5:46 pm

FDA regulates both finished dietary supplement products and dietary ingredients. FDA regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering "conventional" foods and drug products. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA):

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

FDA is responsible for taking action against any adulterated or misbranded dietary supplement product after it reaches the market.

This section provides detailed information about:

Products & Ingredients Information on selected dietary supplement products, ingredients, and other substances.

Information for Consumers Tips for dietary supplement users, including older supplement users.

Information for Industry Resources and links for applications, forms, guidance, and other items of interest to industry members.

Report an Adverse Event Learn how consumers, health care providers, and others can report a complaint, concern, or problem related to dietary supplements. Includes links to guidance for dietary supplement manufacturers, packers, and distributors.

New Dietary Ingredients Notification Process Background information for industry, instructions for submitting premarket notifications, and links to relevant guidance and Federal Register documents.

Originally posted here:

Dietary Supplements - Food and Drug Administration

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Alcor: About Cryonics

Posted: at 5:46 pm

Cryonics is an effort to save lives by using temperatures so cold that a person beyond help by today's medicine might be preserved for decades or centuries until a future medical technology can restore that person to full health.

Cryonics sounds like science fiction, but is based on modern science. It's an experiment in the most literal sense of the word. The question you have to ask yourself is this: would you rather be in the experimental group, or the control group?

Cryonics is justified by three facts that are not well known:

1) Life can be stopped and restarted if its basic structure is preserved.

Human embryos are routinely preserved for years at temperatures that completely stop the chemistry of life. Adult humans have survived cooling to temperatures that stop the heart, brain, and all other organs from functioning for up to an hour. These and many other lessons of biology teach us that life is a particular structure of matter. Life can be stopped and restarted if cell structure and chemistry are preserved sufficiently well.

2) Vitrification (not freezing) can preserve biological structure very well.

Adding high concentrations of chemicals called cryoprotectants to cells permits tissue to be cooled to very low temperatures with little or no ice formation. The state of no ice formation at temperatures below -120C is called vitrification. It is now possible to physically vitrify organs as large as the human brain, achieving excellent structural preservation without freezing.

3) Methods for repairing structure at the molecular level can now be foreseen.

The emerging science of nanotechnology will eventually lead to devices capable of extensive tissue repair and regeneration, including repair of individual cells one molecule at a time. This future nanomedicine could theoretically recover any preserved person in which the basic brain structures encoding memory and personality remain intact.


Then cryonics should work, even though it cannot be demonstrated to work today. That is the scientific justification for cryonics. It is a justification that grows stronger with every new advance in preservation technology.

Death occurs when the chemistry of life becomes so disorganized that normal operation cannot be restored. (Death is not when life turns off. People can and have survived being "turned off".) How much chemical disorder can be survived depends on medical technology. A hundred years ago, cardiac arrest was irreversible. People were called dead when their heart stopped beating. Today death is believed to occur 4 to 6 minutes after the heart stops beating because after several minutes it is difficult to resuscitate the brain. However, with new experimental treatments, more than 10 minutes of warm cardiac arrest can now be survived without brain injury. Future technologies for molecular repair may extend the frontiers of resuscitation beyond 60 minutes or more, making today's beliefs about when death occurs obsolete.

Ultimately, real death occurs when cell structure and chemistry become so disorganized that no technology could restore the original state. This is called the information-theoretic criterion for death. Any other definition of death is arbitrary and subject to continual revision as technology changes. That is certainly the case for death pronounced on the basis of absent "vital signs" today, which is not real death at all.

The object of cryonics is to prevent death by preserving sufficient cell structure and chemistry so that recovery (including recovery of memory and personality) remains possible by foreseeable technology. If indeed cryonics patients are recoverable in the future, then clearly they were never really dead in the first place. Today's physicians will simply have been wrong about when death occurs, as they have been so many times in the past. The argument that cryonics cannot work because cryonics patients are dead is a circular argument.

More than one hundred people have been cryopreserved since the first case in 1967. More than one thousand people have made legal and financial arrangements for cryonics with one of several organizations, usually by means of affordable life insurance. Alcor is the largest organization, and distinguished among cryonics organizations by its advanced technology and advocacy of a medical approach to cryonics.

Alcor procedures ideally begin within moments of cardiac arrest. Blood circulation and breathing are artificially restored, and a series of medications are administered to protect the brain from lack of oxygen. Rapid cooling also begins, which further protects the brain. The goal is to keep the brain alive by present-day criteria for as long as possible into the procedure. It is not always possible to respond so rapidly and aggressively, but that is Alcor's ideal, and it has been achieved in many cases.

In 2001 Alcor adapted published breakthroughs in the field of organ preservation to achieve what we believe is ice-free preservation (vitrification) of the human brain. This is a method of stabilizing the physical basis of the human mind for practically unlimited periods of time. The procedure involves partly replacing water in cells with a mixture of chemicals that prevent ice formation. Kidneys have fully recovered after exposure to the same chemicals in published studies.

Alcor's future goals include expanding ice-free cryopreservation (vitrification) beyond the brain to include the entire human body, and reducing the biochemical alterations of the process to move closer to demonstrable reversibility. Based on the remarkable progress being made in conventional organ banking research, we believe that demonstrably reversible preservation of the human brain is a medical objective that could be achieved in the natural lifetime of most people living today.

To learn more, please read our list of Frequently Asked Questions and the many articles in the Alcor Library.

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Alcor: About Cryonics

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Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Posted: at 5:46 pm

Recalls, Outbreaks & Emergencies

Food recalls, safety alerts and advisories, outbreak investigations, and keeping food safe in emergencies.

Preventing foodborne illness and info on pathogens, chemicals, pesticides, natural toxins, and metals.

FDA regulates the safety of substances added to food and how most food is processed, packaged, and labeled.

Using dietary supplements and FDA's role in regulating supplement products and dietary ingredients.

FDA's role in helping reduce the risk of malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions on the food supply.

Food from genetically engineered plants, laboratory methods and publications, research strategic plan, and research areas such as risk assessment and consumer behavior.

Guidance documents, FSMA, CGMPs, HACCP, facility registration, retail food protection, and import/export.

Reportable Food Registry, warning and untitled letters, and inspection and compliance programs.

International outreach, trade and interagency agreements, and the International Visitor's Program.

Collected information on topics including milk, seafood, juice, energy drinks, and more.

Information for audiences including consumers, regulated industry, health educators, and others.

Updates and announcements, meetings and events, and food safety grants.

See original here:

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

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Zinc Health Professional Fact Sheet

Posted: at 5:46 pm


See Consumer for easy-to-read facts about Zinc.

Zinc is an essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. Zinc is also found in many cold lozenges and some over-the-counter drugs sold as cold remedies.

Zinc is involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolism. It is required for the catalytic activity of approximately 100 enzymes [1,2] and it plays a role in immune function [3,4], protein synthesis [4], wound healing [5], DNA synthesis [2,4], and cell division [4]. Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence [6-8] and is required for proper sense of taste and smell [9]. A daily intake of zinc is required to maintain a steady state because the body has no specialized zinc storage system [10].

Intake recommendations for zinc and other nutrients are provided in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) developed by the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (formerly National Academy of Sciences) [2]. DRI is the general term for a set of reference values used for planning and assessing nutrient intakes of healthy people. These values, which vary by age and gender [2], include the following:

The current RDAs for zinc are listed in Table 1 [2]. For infants aged 0 to 6 months, the FNB established an AI for zinc that is equivalent to the mean intake of zinc in healthy, breastfed infants.

* Adequate Intake (AI)

Food A wide variety of foods contain zinc (Table 2) [2]. Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, but red meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc in the American diet. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain types of seafood (such as crab and lobster), whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and dairy products [2,11].

Phytateswhich are present in whole-grain breads, cereals, legumes, and other foodsbind zinc and inhibit its absorption [2,12,13]. Thus, the bioavailability of zinc from grains and plant foods is lower than that from animal foods, although many grain- and plant-based foods are still good sources of zinc [2].

* DV = Daily Value. DVs were developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help consumers compare the nutrient contents of products within the context of a total diet. The DV for zinc is 15 mg for adults and children age 4 and older. Food labels, however, are not required to list zinc content unless a food has been fortified with this nutrient. Foods providing 20% or more of the DV are considered to be high sources of a nutrient.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Nutrient Database Web site [11] lists the nutrient content of many foods and provides a comprehensive list of foods containing zinc arranged by nutrient content and by food name.

Dietary supplements Supplements contain several forms of zinc, including zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, and zinc acetate. The percentage of elemental zinc varies by form. For example, approximately 23% of zinc sulfate consists of elemental zinc; thus, 220 mg of zinc sulfate contains 50 mg of elemental zinc. The elemental zinc content appears in the Supplement Facts panel on the supplement container. Research has not determined whether differences exist among forms of zinc in absorption, bioavailability, or tolerability.

In addition to standard tablets and capsules, some zinc-containing cold lozenges are labeled as dietary supplements.

Other sources Zinc is present in several products, including some labeled as homeopathic medications, sold over the counter for the treatment and prevention of colds. Numerous case reports of anosmia (loss of the sense of smell), in some cases long-lasting or permanent, have been associated with the use of zinc-containing nasal gels or sprays [14,15]. In June 2009, the FDA warned consumers to stop using three zinc-containing intranasal products because they might cause anosmia [16]. The manufacturer recalled these products from the marketplace. Currently, these safety concerns have not been found to be associated with cold lozenges containing zinc.

Zinc is also present in some denture adhesive creams at levels ranging from 1734 mg/g [17]. While use of these products as directed (0.51.5 g/day) is not of concern, chronic, excessive use can lead to zinc toxicity, resulting in copper deficiency and neurologic disease. Such toxicity has been reported in individuals who used 2 or more standard 2.4 oz tubes of denture cream per week [17,18]. Many denture creams have now been reformulated to eliminate zinc.

Most infants (especially those who are formula fed), children, and adults in the United States consume recommended amounts of zinc according to two national surveys, the 19881991 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) [19] and the 1994 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals (CSFII) [20].

However, some evidence suggests that zinc intakes among older adults might be marginal. An analysis of NHANES III data found that 35%45% of adults aged 60 years or older had zinc intakes below the estimated average requirement of 6.8 mg/day for elderly females and 9.4 mg/day for elderly males. When the investigators considered intakes from both food and dietary supplements, they found that 20%25% of older adults still had inadequate zinc intakes [21].

Zinc intakes might also be low in older adults from the 2%4% of U.S. households that are food insufficient (sometimes or often not having enough food) [22]. Data from NHANES III indicate that adults aged 60 years or older from food-insufficient families had lower intakes of zinc and several other nutrients and were more likely to have zinc intakes below 50% of the RDA on a given day than those from food-sufficient families [23].

Zinc deficiency is characterized by growth retardation, loss of appetite, and impaired immune function. In more severe cases, zinc deficiency causes hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye and skin lesions [2,8,24,25]. Weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy can also occur [5,8,26-30]. Many of these symptoms are non-specific and often associated with other health conditions; therefore, a medical examination is necessary to ascertain whether a zinc deficiency is present.

Zinc nutritional status is difficult to measure adequately using laboratory tests [2,31,32] due to its distribution throughout the body as a component of various proteins and nucleic acids [33]. Plasma or serum zinc levels are the most commonly used indices for evaluating zinc deficiency, but these levels do not necessarily reflect cellular zinc status due to tight homeostatic control mechanisms [8]. Clinical effects of zinc deficiency can be present in the absence of abnormal laboratory indices [8]. Clinicians consider risk factors (such as inadequate caloric intake, alcoholism, and digestive diseases) and symptoms of zinc deficiency (such as impaired growth in infants and children) when determining the need for zinc supplementation [2].

In North America, overt zinc deficiency is uncommon [2]. When zinc deficiency does occur, it is usually due to inadequate zinc intake or absorption, increased losses of zinc from the body, or increased requirements for zinc [26,27,34]. People at risk of zinc deficiency or inadequacy need to include good sources of zinc in their daily diets. Supplemental zinc might also be appropriate in certain situations.

People with gastrointestinal and other diseases Gastrointestinal surgery and digestive disorders (such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and short bowel syndrome) can decrease zinc absorption and increase endogenous zinc losses primarily from the gastrointestinal tract and, to a lesser extent, from the kidney [2,26,35,36]. Other diseases associated with zinc deficiency include malabsorption syndrome, chronic liver disease, chronic renal disease, sickle cell disease, diabetes, malignancy, and other chronic illnesses [37]. Chronic diarrhea also leads to excessive loss of zinc [24].

Vegetarians The bioavailability of zinc from vegetarian diets is lower than from non-vegetarian diets because vegetarians do not eat meat, which is high in bioavailable zinc and may enhance zinc absorption. In addition, vegetarians typically eat high levels of legumes and whole grains, which contain phytates that bind zinc and inhibit its absorption [31,38].

Vegetarians sometimes require as much as 50% more of the RDA for zinc than non-vegetarians [2]. In addition, they might benefit from using certain food preparation techniques that reduce the binding of zinc by phytates and increase its bioavailability. Techniques to increase zinc bioavailability include soaking beans, grains, and seeds in water for several hours before cooking them and allowing them to sit after soaking until sprouts form [38]. Vegetarians can also increase their zinc intake by consuming more leavened grain products (such as bread) than unleavened products (such as crackers) because leavening partially breaks down the phytate; thus, the body absorbs more zinc from leavened grains than unleavened grains.

Pregnant and lactating women Pregnant women, particularly those starting their pregnancy with marginal zinc status, are at increased risk of becoming zinc insufficient due, in part, to high fetal requirements for zinc [39]. Lactation can also deplete maternal zinc stores [40]. For these reasons, the RDA for zinc is higher for pregnant and lactating women than for other women (see Table 1) [2].

Older infants who are exclusively breastfed Breast milk provides sufficient zinc (2 mg/day) for the first 46 months of life but does not provide recommended amounts of zinc for infants aged 712 months, who need 3 mg/day [2,33]. In addition to breast milk, infants aged 712 months should consume age-appropriate foods or formula containing zinc [2]. Zinc supplementation has improved the growth rate in some children who demonstrate mild-to-moderate growth failure and who have a zinc deficiency [24,41].

People with sickle cell disease Results from a large cross-sectional survey suggest that 44% of children with sickle cell disease have a low plasma zinc concentration [42], possibly due to increased nutrient requirements and/or poor nutritional status [43]. Zinc deficiency also affects approximately 60%70% of adults with sickle cell disease [44]. Zinc supplementation has been shown to improve growth in children with sickle cell disease [43].

Alcoholics Approximately 30%50% of alcoholics have low zinc status because ethanol consumption decreases intestinal absorption of zinc and increases urinary zinc excretion [44]. In addition, the variety and amount of food consumed by many alcoholics is limited, leading to inadequate zinc intake [2,46,47].

Immune function Severe zinc deficiency depresses immune function [48], and even mild to moderate degrees of zinc deficiency can impair macrophage and neutrophil functions, natural killer cell activity, and complement activity [49]. The body requires zinc to develop and activate T-lymphocytes [2,50]. Individuals with low zinc levels have shown reduced lymphocyte proliferation response to mitogens and other adverse alterations in immunity that can be corrected by zinc supplementation [49,51]. These alterations in immune function might explain why low zinc status has been associated with increased susceptibility to pneumonia and other infections in children in developing countries and the elderly [52-55].

Wound healing Zinc helps maintain the integrity of skin and mucosal membranes [49]. Patients with chronic leg ulcers have abnormal zinc metabolism and low serum zinc levels [56], and clinicians frequently treat skin ulcers with zinc supplements [57]. The authors of a systematic review concluded that zinc sulfate might be effective for treating leg ulcers in some patients who have low serum zinc levels [58,59]. However, research has not shown that the general use of zinc sulfate in patients with chronic leg ulcers or arterial or venous ulcers is effective [58,59].

Diarrhea Acute diarrhea is associated with high rates of mortality among children in developing countries [60]. Zinc deficiency causes alterations in immune response that probably contribute to increased susceptibility to infections, such as those that cause diarrhea, especially in children [49].

Studies show that poor, malnourished children in India, Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia experience shorter courses of infectious diarrhea after taking zinc supplements [61]. The children in these studies received 440 mg of zinc a day in the form of zinc acetate, zinc gluconate, or zinc sulfate [61].

In addition, results from a pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials of zinc supplementation in developing countries suggest that zinc helps reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea in zinc-deficient or otherwise malnourished children [62]. Similar findings were reported in a meta-analysis published in 2008 and a 2007 review of zinc supplementation for preventing and treating diarrhea [63,64]. The effects of zinc supplementation on diarrhea in children with adequate zinc status, such as most children in the United States, are not clear.

The World Health Organization and UNICEF now recommend short-term zinc supplementation (20 mg of zinc per day, or 10 mg for infants under 6 months, for 1014 days) to treat acute childhood diarrhea [60].

The common cold Researchers have hypothesized that zinc could reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms by directly inhibiting rhinovirus binding and replication in the nasal mucosa and suppressing inflammation [65,66]. Although studies examining the effect of zinc treatment on cold symptoms have had somewhat conflicting results, overall zinc appears to be beneficial under certain circumstances. Several studies are described below in which zinc is administered as a lozenge or zinc-containing syrup that temporarily "sticks" in the mouth and throat. This allows zinc to make contact with the rhinovirus in those areas.

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 50 subjects (within 24 hours of developing the common cold) took a zinc acetate lozenge (13.3 mg zinc) or placebo every 23 wakeful hours. Compared with placebo, the zinc lozenges significantly reduced the duration of cold symptoms (cough, nasal discharge, and muscle aches) [67].

In another clinical trial involving 273 participants with experimentally induced colds, zinc gluconate lozenges (providing 13.3 mg zinc) significantly reduced the duration of illness compared with placebo but had no effect on symptom severity [68]. However, treatment with zinc acetate lozenges (providing 5 or 11.5 mg zinc) had no effect on either cold duration or severity. Neither zinc gluconate nor zinc acetate lozenges affected the duration or severity of cold symptoms in 281 subjects with natural (not experimentally induced) colds in another trial [68].

In 77 participants with natural colds, a combination of zinc gluconate nasal spray and zinc orotate lozenges (37 mg zinc every 23 wakeful hours) was also found to have no effect on the number of asymptomatic patients after 7 days of treatment [69].

In September of 2007, Caruso and colleagues published a structured review of the effects of zinc lozenges, nasal sprays, and nasal gels on the common cold [66]. Of the 14 randomized, placebo-controlled studies included, 7 (5 using zinc lozenges, 2 using a nasal gel) showed that the zinc treatment had a beneficial effect and 7 (5 using zinc lozenges, 1 using a nasal spray, and 1 using lozenges and a nasal spray) showed no effect.

More recently, a Cochrane review concluded that "zinc (lozenges or syrup) is beneficial in reducing the duration and severity of the common cold in healthy people, when taken within 24 hours of onset of symptoms" [70]. The author of another review completed in 2004 also concluded that zinc can reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms [65]. However, more research is needed to determine the optimal dosage, zinc formulation and duration of treatment before a general recommendation for zinc in the treatment of the common cold can be made [70].

As previously noted, the safety of intranasal zinc has been called into question because of numerous reports of anosmia (loss of smell), in some cases long-lasting or permanent, from the use of zinc-containing nasal gels or sprays [14-16].

Age-related macular degeneration Researchers have suggested that both zinc and antioxidants delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and vision loss, possibly by preventing cellular damage in the retina [71,72]. In a population-based cohort study in the Netherlands, high dietary intake of zinc as well as beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E was associated with reduced risk of AMD in elderly subjects [73]. However, the authors of a systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2007 concluded that zinc is not effective for the primary prevention of early AMD [74], although zinc might reduce the risk of progression to advanced AMD.

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), a large, randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial (n = 3,597), evaluated the effect of high doses of selected antioxidants (500 mg vitamin C, 400 IU vitamin E, and 15 mg beta-carotene) with or without zinc (80 mg as zinc oxide) on the development of advanced AMD in older individuals with varying degrees of AMD [72]. Participants also received 2 mg copper to prevent the copper deficiency associated with high zinc intakes. After an average follow-up period of 6.3 years, supplementation with antioxidants plus zinc (but not antioxidants alone) significantly reduced the risk of developing advanced AMD and reduced visual acuity loss. Zinc supplementation alone significantly reduced the risk of developing advanced AMD in subjects at higher risk but not in the total study population. Visual acuity loss was not significantly affected by zinc supplementation alone. A follow-up AREDS2 study confirmed the value of this supplement in reducing the progression of AMD over a median follow-up period of 5 years [75]. Importantly, AREDS2 revealed that a formulation providing 25 mg zinc (about one-third the amount in the original AREDS formulation) provided the same protective effect against developing advanced AMD.

Two other small clinical trials evaluated the effects of supplementation with 200 mg zinc sulfate (providing 45 mg zinc) for 2 years in subjects with drusen or macular degeneration. Zinc supplementation significantly reduced visual acuity loss in one of the studies [76] but had no effect in the other [77].

A Cochrane review concluded that the evidence supporting the use of antioxidant vitamins and zinc for AMD comes primarily from the AREDS study [71]. Individuals who have or are developing AMD should talk to their health care provider about taking a zinc-containing AREDS supplement.

Interactions with iron and copper Iron-deficiency anemia is a serious world-wide public health problem. Iron fortification programs have been credited with improving the iron status of millions of women, infants, and children. Fortification of foods with iron does not significantly affect zinc absorption. However, large amounts of supplemental iron (greater than 25 mg) might decrease zinc absorption [2,78]. Taking iron supplements between meals helps decrease its effect on zinc absorption [78].

High zinc intakes can inhibit copper absorption, sometimes producing copper deficiency and associated anemia [79,80]. For this reason, dietary supplement formulations containing high levels of zinc, such as the one used in the AREDS study [72], sometimes contain copper.

Zinc toxicity can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Acute adverse effects of high zinc intake include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and headaches [2]. One case report cited severe nausea and vomiting within 30 minutes of ingesting 4 g of zinc gluconate (570 mg elemental zinc) [81]. Intakes of 150450 mg of zinc per day have been associated with such chronic effects as low copper status, altered iron function, reduced immune function, and reduced levels of high-density lipoproteins [82]. Reductions in a copper-containing enzyme, a marker of copper status, have been reported with even moderately high zinc intakes of approximately 60 mg/day for up to 10 weeks [2]. The doses of zinc used in the AREDS study (80 mg per day of zinc in the form of zinc oxide for 6.3 years, on average) have been associated with a significant increase in hospitalizations for genitourinary causes, raising the possibility that chronically high intakes of zinc adversely affect some aspects of urinary physiology [83].

The FNB has established ULs for zinc (Table 3). Long-term intakes above the UL increase the risk of adverse health effects [2]. The ULs do not apply to individuals receiving zinc for medical treatment, but such individuals should be under the care of a physician who monitors them for adverse health effects.

Zinc supplements have the potential to interact with several types of medications. A few examples are provided below. Individuals taking these medications on a regular basis should discuss their zinc intakes with their healthcare providers.

Antibiotics Both quinolone antibiotics (such as Cipro) and tetracycline antibiotics (such as Achromycin and Sumycin) interact with zinc in the gastrointestinal tract, inhibiting the absorption of both zinc and the antibiotic [84,85]. Taking the antibiotic at least 2 hours before or 46 hours after taking a zinc supplement minimizes this interaction [86].

Penicillamine Zinc can reduce the absorption and action of penicillamine, a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis [87]. To minimize this interaction, individuals should take zinc supplements at least 2 hours before or after taking penicillamine [85].

Diuretics Thiazide diuretics such as chlorthalidone (Hygroton) and hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrix and HydroDIURIL) increase urinary zinc excretion by as much as 60% [88]. Prolonged use of thiazide diuretics could deplete zinc tissue levels, so clinicians should monitor zinc status in patients taking these medications.

The federal government's 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans notes that "Nutritional needs should be met primarily from foods. ... Foods in nutrient-dense forms contain essential vitamins and minerals and also dietary fiber and other naturally occurring substances that may have positive health effects. In some cases, fortified foods and dietary supplements may be useful in providing one or more nutrients that otherwise may be consumed in less-than-recommended amounts."

For more information about building a healthy diet, refer to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's MyPlate.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans describes a healthy eating pattern as one that:

This fact sheet by the Office of Dietary Supplements provides information that should not take the place of medical advice. We encourage you to talk to your healthcare providers (doctor, registered dietitian, pharmacist, etc.) about your interest in, questions about, or use of dietary supplements and what may be best for your overall health. Any mention in this publication of a specific brand name is not an endorsement of the product.

Updated: February 11, 2016

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Zinc Health Professional Fact Sheet

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Vitrification in Cryonics – BEN BEST

Posted: at 5:46 pm


Although most living organisms are composed of large amounts of water, it is not inevitable that freezing these organisms results in ice-formation. Among amphibians and insects that can tolerate freezing, there is wide variation in the amount of freezing they can tolerate.

Species of frogs can spend days or weeks "with as much as 65 percent of their total body water as ice". Some amphibians achieve their protection due to the glycerol manufactured by their livers. Glycerol is "antifreeze", it reduces ice formation and lowers freezing point. Glycerol (glycerin), like ethylene glycol (automobile anti-freeze) is a cryoprotectant. The sugar glucose is also a cryoprotectant and arctic frogs have a special form of insulin that accelerates glucose release and absorption into cells as temperatures approach freezing. A cryoprotectant can make water harden like glass with no crystal formation a process called vitrification. Freezing-damage to cells is due to the formation of ice-crystals.

Insects most often used sugars for cryoprotectant. They may also refrain from eating (not such a hardship because their metabolism slows at low temperature) and utilize tough waxy coverings to keep nucleating substances out of their body when temperature drops. Adult arctic beetles (Pterostichus brevicornis) normally endure temperatures below 35C. These beetles have been frozen in the laboratory to 87C for 5 hours without apparent injury, ie, they demonstrated "directed, coordinated activity such as walking, feeding, and avoidance response, and no paralysis or erratic behavior..." [SCIENCE166:106-7 (1-OCT-69)]. (A replication of this experiment would be of value to confirm or challenge the results.) This would seem to indicate that neurological tissue can, in principle, recover in a functional way from vitrification. The glycerol, sugars, and other cryoprotectants which are produced naturally in these organisms, are not found in levels that adequately explain (with current knowledge of cryobiology) the remarkable freezing-tolerance.

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Water is not very viscous, therefore it can be vitrified only by an extremely rapid "flash-freezing" of a small sample about 3millionC per second to 135C. Under such rapid cooling, water molecules don't have time to arrange themselves into a crystalline lattice structure. Viscosity increases very little when water is cooled, but at freezing temperature a sudden phase transition occurs to an ice crystal. Molten silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2, liquid glass), by contrast, is very viscous. This viscosity is the result of the tendency of silica to form amorphous networks of polymers rather than to arrange in an orderly crystal lattice.

Quartz (rock-crystal) & sand are examples of SiO2 as pure crystal. SiO2 which has been made to exist in noncrystalline form is called vitreous silica (fused silica). Oxides can be added to prevent crystallization and promote vitrification. About 90% of all manufactured glass (called soda-lime glass) contains about 12% each of soda (Na2O or Na2CO3) and lime (CaO) added to the SiO2. The soda is analogous to cryoprotectants in preventing crystallization (the lime is added to prevent the glass from dissolving in water).

By cooling silica very slowly it is possible to form rock crystal, having very high density and low volume. By cooling faster, resistance to crystallization due to viscosity & the absence of nucleators causes silica to pass below its freezing temperature (supercool) and vitrify at some glass transition temperature (Tg). Viscosity increases rapidly to solidification near Tg, but over a small temperature range rather than at a precise temperature (in contrast to crystallization or fusion, which occurs at a precise temperature). The change that happens at Tg is simply a rapid increase in viscosity, not a change of state. Viscosity becomes very high near Tg when cooling from above, which means that Tg is better characterized as a "rubber/glass transition" than a "liquid/glass transition". Moreover, Tg is a function of cooling-rate. A faster cooling-rate results in Tg at a higher temperature leading to a solid that has a high volume (lower density), is more amorphous and less viscous. A slower cooling-rate results in Tg at a lower temperature leading to a solid that has a low volume (higher density), is less amorphous and is more viscous. In practice, Tg occurs within a narrow temperature range because changing cooling rate an order of magnitude (ie, by a factor of ten) only changes Tg by 35C.

But volume continues to decrease and viscosity continues to increase below Tg. The change at Tg is quantitative, not qualitative (in contrast to crystallization). Because cooling occurs from outside to inside, overly rapid cooling creates stress when the warmer core needs to contract more than the cooler surface. This is the reason why slow cooling reduces cracking. At Tg there is a sudden increase in viscosity and heat capacity (usually many orders of magnitude), but there is no comparable sudden decrease in volume. In fact, Tg is characterized as a temperature-range where the rate of decrease of volume decreases, although volume does continue to decrease (and viscosity continues to increase) linearly below Tg. Tg could be a temperature critical to cracking because the sudden increase in viscosity would be likely to affect heat conduction as well as stress. [For further discussion of Tg, stress and cooling rates, see my essays Physical Parameters of Cooling in Cryonics and Lessons for Cryonics from Metallurgy and Ceramics.]

Sugar, like silica, can form a crystal (rock candy) or a glass (cotton candy) depending on the rate of cooling. Like molten glass, liquid sugar is very viscous and prone to formation of amorphous polymers. In silica the polymerization bonds tend to be of a "mixed" covalent-ionic type, whereas for sugar the polymerization is assisted by weaker forces (van der Waals or hydrogen bonding). In neither case do these bonds have the defined bond-lengths and bond-angles of covalent bonds. Glycerol/water in the human body is more like sugar than like silica. But the situation is complicated by the presence of many salts, proteins, fats, etc.

Vitrifying liquids have been classified as "strong" or "fragile". The term fragile is confusing because it does not refer to the tendency to break under mechanical stress, but rather to a highly rapid rise in viscosity as temperature approaches Tg from above. Substances which are called fragile tend to have more ionic bond types (or hydrogen bonds), whereas substances which are strong (and show a modest decline in viscosity above Tg) have more covalent bonding. "Gripping strength" changes more radically for ionic bonding near Tg. Covalent bonds are stronger (less fragile), and groups of molecules held together by covalent bonds are less susceptible to molecular phase changes just above Tg. Glycerol-type cryoprotectants (which cohere mainly by hydrogen bonding) are more "fragile" than vitreous silica (which has covalent coherence), but is less "fragile" than ionic substances.

(For more on the subject of fragility, viscosity and molecular mobility, see Viscosity and Glass Transition.)

If rapid cooling causes vitrification, it seems plausible that rapid application of pressure could do the same thing at above Tg for rapid-cooling. Because Tg is a function of cooling rate, there is no reason why it could not also be a function of pressure-application rate or some combination of the two (plus cryoprotectant). It is known that pressure distorts the iceI lattice from its ideal tetrahedral orientation, and this could be important in preventing nucleation.

Water can be made to vitrify if cooled at a rate of millions of degrees Celcius per second. Water can also vitrify if mixed with salts or cryoprotectants. Salt solutions have their highest Tg at their eutectic concentration, but this would be too concentrated for cryobiological applications. Salt solutions having cations with a high oxidation state (e.g., trivalent cations) and more basic anions (e.g., citrate) are better glass-formers (have a higher Tg) than salt solutions that do not. Nitrates vitrify better than chlorides, and magnesium (Mg2+) vitrify better than salts of zinc (Zn2+)[THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS; Angell,CA; 52(1):1058-1068 (1970)].

In practice, vitrification can be assisted by substances other than cryoprotective agents. Carrier solutions can reduce the amount of cryoprotectant needed to vitrify. The carrier solution described in CRYOBIOLOGY27(5):492-510 (1990) is a mixture of salts, dextrose and glutathione, and is based on the so-called RPS-2 solution used for storing rabbit kidneys. A carrier solution will substitute for water, but only in a 25% range. The carrier solution effect is largely colligative ie, molecules getting in the way of water molecules which might otherwise form ice. A good carrier solution will be non-toxic, and by reducing the amount of cryoprotectant needed to vitrify will reduce toxicity from cryoprotectant. [For further discussion of carrier solutions, see my essay Perfusion & Diffusion in Cryonics Protocol.]

When freezing occurs in aqueous mixtures of non-crystalline solutes (such as ice cream), the unfrozen freeze-concentrated solute can display a transition temperature Tg' that has a more prominent thermal signature than Tg. Tg' is the Tg of the unfrozen portion of a sample that contains ice. For ice cream, Tg' is about 32C and the unfrozen water(Wg') is about 35wt%[FOOD CHEMISTRY; Owen Fennema; 3rd Edition; Table11; page76]. (Wg is water content of the sample at Tg, whereas Wg' is the unfrozen water content at Tg' which has been called bound water, as if that term could be applied to the water content of any vitrified sample). For low molecular weight solutes, Tg' (andTg) typically increases with molecular weight. Biopolymers (starch, gluten, collagen, albumins, etc.) of high molecular weight typically have Tg' near 10C.

Aqueous solutions of cryoprotectants can themselves freeze, and have an unfrozen portion that solidifies at a temperature Tg' which is considerably higher than Tg[JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE; Brake,NC; 64(1):10-15 (1999)]. The glass transition temperature of the maximally freeze-concentrated portion of the sample (Tg') should, by definition, exhibit the same high viscosity as Tg[FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL; Bai,Y; 34(2-3):89-95 (2001)]. The Tg' will be below the eutectic temperature[PURE & APPLIED CHEMISTRY; Goff,HD; 67(11):1801-1808 (1995)]. Mixtures of basic amino acids with hydroxy dicarboxylic acids added to the protein solute can raise Tg' by hydrogen-bond networking[CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN; Izutsu,K; 57(1):43-48 (2009)]. If ice is formed in a mixture intended to vitrify as in an imperfectly perfused cryonics patient the vitrification mixture remaining in the unfrozen portion will have a higher concentration and, thus, a higher Tg (which will be Tg')[Figure1; CRYOBIOLOGY; Wowk,B; 60(1):11-22 (2010)]. 57(1):43-48 (2009)].

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The other source of assistance for vitrification comes from ice blockers. While cryoprotectants slow ice-crystal growth and formation, ice blockers act specifically against the formation of the ice nuclei which are necessary for freezing to begin. Arctic fish use ice-blocking proteins to keep the freezing temperature of their bodies at or below 2.2C, which is below the freezing temperature of seawater (1.9C). Some plant flavonal glycosides can depress freezing temperature by as much as 9C[CRYOBIOLOGY; Kasuga,J; 60(2):240-243 (2010)].

Although the melting temperature of water is 0C, water that is absolutely pure will not freeze above 40C because water requires nucleating agents to begin crystal growth[PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON; Lundheim,R; 357:937-43 (2002)]. Tapwater has enough nucleating agents that ice trays in refrigerators can freeze water at close to 0C. Water with small amounts of nucleating agents can be supercooled, but once ice crystals begin forming they spread with explosive speed.

The temperature at which pure water will freeze (40C) is called the homogenous nucleation temperature (Th) in contrast to Tm, which is the melting temperature (0C). The temperatures between Th and Tm are the region of heterogenous nucleation where the ice formation is a function of time and nucleating agent concentration (or nucleating ability of the nucleators).

Heterogenous nucleation takes its name from the fact that the nucleus around which ice crystal growth occurs is composed of both water molecules and other kinds of molecules. Conversely, in homogenous nucleation the only molecule found in the crystal nucleus is water. The string used to make rock candy from a cooling super-saturated sugar and water mixture acts as a heterogenous nucleator around which the sugar molecules can crystallize. At temperatures close to 40C in the sky (in polar regions and above 30,000 feet), homogenous nucleation occurs whenever there is a sufficient concentration of water vapor. Silver iodide (AgI) is water-insoluble and has a crystal structure similar enough to ice that it can readily act as a heterogenous nucleator below 5C. Silver iodide is especially suitable for seeding rainclouds because it can be micronized into particles smaller than 10nanometers.

The critical size for a homogenous nucleus to begin ice crystal growth is 45,000 water molecules at 5C, 650water molecules at 20C, and only 70water molecules at 40C[Vali,G; "Principles of Ice Nucleation" in BIOLOGICAL ICE NUCLEATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS, p.5; Richard E.Lee,Jr., et. al., Editors; APS Press (1995)]. Vibrational spectroscopy indicates the onset of ice-like structure for water in gas phase at about 275molecules[SCIENCE; Pradzynski,CC; 337:1529-1532 (2012)]. Below the critical size spontaneous dissolution of the ice nuclei will occur due to solubility. Thus, the temperature of homogenous nucleation is a function of sample volume and of time. But the function is an exponential one, with nucleation decreasing so rapidly above 40C that it is rarely seen more than a few degrees above 40C [CRYOBIOLOGY41(4):257-279 (2000)]. The probability of a volume V of pure water freezing in time t due to homologous nucleation is J(T)xVxt. J(T) is nucleation rate at temperature T, determined by the empirically-derived equation:


for J(T) in meters3/second and T in C[Vali,G; Ibid; p.4]. The e3.9T factor means that the probability of nucleation increases by about 50 for each drop of 1C or by over 6million (504) for a 4C temperature drop. Although volume and time are linear components in the probability, the exponential temperature component means that probability rapidly goes from zero to one in the temperature range between 38C and 42C (being very close to 40C for all practical purposes).

Not surprisingly, the probability of heterogenous nucleation in an animal increases with body size (volume). Some species of reptiles with body mass less than 20grams can supercool to temperatures below 5C, but not reptile having body mass greater than 40grams can supercool to as low as 2C[Costanzo,JP & Lee,RE,Jr.; "Supercooling and Ice Nucleation in Vertebrate Ectotherms" in BIOLOGICAL ICE NUCLEATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS, p.229; Richard E.Lee,Jr., et. al., Editors; APS Press (1995)].

Higher pressures lower Th and elevate Tm [CRYOBIOLOGY21(4):407-426 (1984)]. Increasing cryoprotectant concentrations lower both Th and Tm, but the effect is more dramatic on Th than on Tm. As shown by the two-headed arrow in the figure, enough cryoprotectant to lower Tm by 30C will lower Th to the glass transition temperature (Tg) thereby eliminating homogenous nucleation. Using ice-blockers to prevent heterogenous nucleation creates the possibility of eliminating nucleation (ice formation) altogether and achieving vitrification at roughly 55% cryoprotectant concentration.

The double-arrow shown in the diagram serves to focus attention on another phenomenon which needs to be addressed in attempting tissue cryopreservation. Namely, that maximum nucleation occurs just above Tg near the downward-pointing arrow (80C to 120C) and that maximum ice-crystal growth-rate occurs just below Tm near the upward-pointing arrow (80C to 40C). (The location of the arrowheads is not significant.) The significance of these facts is that it is much easier to avoid ice-crystal formation when cooling (vitrifying) than when re-warming (de-vitrifying). The many nuclei formed when cooling in the 80C to 120C range can cause massive ice growth when rewarming in the 80C to 40C range. This is called the devitrification problem. Before the use of ice-blockers it was believed that only radio-frequency rewarming technology could possibly achieve rewarming rates rapid enough to avoid ice-crystal formation upon devitrification. With ice-blockers, however, ice crystal growth is greatly inhibited during rewarming.

Ice crystals can grow along six symmetric axes the aaxes, all six axes in the same plane or the caxis, which is perpendicular to the plane of the six aaxes. Ice crystal growth at higher temperatures typically occurs along the aaxes, which accounts for the familiar hexagonal shape of snowflakes. Caxis growth results in needle-like, spicular ice crystals, which are potentially damaging[THE FASEB JOURNAL; Davis,PC; 4(8):2460-2468 (1990)]. (For more detail on ice formation see The Freezing Process.) Ice blockers can act by three mechanisms: (1)bind-to and inactivate heterogenous nucleating substances, (2)block aaxis growth or, (3)block caxis growth. In anti-freeze proteins, amino acids such as threonine & serine hydrogen-bond to the ice[CRYOBIOLOGY41(4):257-279 (2000)]. Inhibition of aaxis growth by anti-freeze proteins typically is found in arctic fish. Arctic insects, by contrast, typically have anti-freeze proteins that inhibit caxis growth. By binding to the basal plane(caxis) rather than the prism plane(aaxis), insect anti-freeze proteins can depress freezing temperature by 4-5C, whereas fish anti-freeze proteins only depress freezing temperature by not much more than 1C[BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL; Pertaya,N; 95(1):333-341 (2008)].

Not all ice-blockers are proteins. In fact, 21st Century Medicine (21CM) researchers have discovered that the polymer polyvinyl alcohol (commonly found in adhesives such as Elmer's glue & postage-stamp glue) is an extremely effective ice-blocker if used in the syndiotactic stereochemical form. In the isotactic stereochemical form, the hydroxyl groups are all on the same side of the molecule, whereas in the syndiotactic stereochemical form, the hydroxyl groups are on alternate sides of the molecule. OH OH OH | | | -CH2-C-CH2-C-CH2-C-CH2-C-CH2-C-CH2-C-(POLYVINYL ALCOHOL) | | | OH OH OH

Polyvinyl alcohol in the syndiotactic stereochemical form is an excellent fit size & conformation for attaching to an ice-crystal surface. Every hydroxyl group of the polyvinyl alcohol will hydrogen-bond to a water molecule. The polyvinyl alcohol molecules adhere to ice crystals (preventing growth) at temperatures as high as 30C, above which temperature separation begins to occur and ice-blocking activity diminishes. Polyvinyl alcohol is most effective against caxis growth and most effective in the temperature range of maximum nucleation.

21st Century Medicine researchers have produced a patented co-polymer (mixture of polymers) consisting of 20% vinyl acetate and 80% vinyl alcohol which they now sell as the commercial product Supercool X-1000. It is believed that the vinyl acetate reduces self-association of the vinyl alcohol, making the latter more available for ice-blocking [CRYOBIOLOGY40(3):228-236 (2000)]. A 0.01% solution of X1000 can reduce the amount of glycerol needed to vitrify by 3%. A 1% solution of X1000 can reduce the amount of glycerol needed to vitrify by 5%. Concentrations of X1000 greater than 1% do not provide much additional benefit.

Although these percentage differences may seem small, the benefits from ice-blockers are actually very great. Toxicity increases exponentially as the cryoprotectant concentrations reach the high levels needed to vitrify. Of particular relevance to cryonics, however, is the fact that cryoprotectants become too viscous to perfuse well at high concentrations, whereas ice blockers add little to viscosity. Thus, ice-blocker plus cryoprotectant can produce a solution that can both perfuse and vitrify.

The widespread presence of biological nucleators in the environment causes water to freeze close to 0C rather than at 40C. The most abundant and widely distributed nucleator is protein on the surface of the Pseudomonas syringae bacteria, a kind of bacteria that causes early freezing damage on plants (most commonly found on plant leaves, and other above-ground plant parts)[PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON; Lundheim,R; 357:937-943 (2002) and APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY; Maki,LR; 28(3):456-459 (1974)]. Such proteins must assume a rigid, ice-like conformation larger than 10nanometers and be able to aggregate[JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY; Kajava,A; 232(3):709-717 (1993)].

21st Century Medicine researchers have succeeded in finding an ice-blocker that specifically binds-to and inactivates heterogenous nucleating agents. (These proteins evolved specifically to cause freezing at the highest possible temperature). The linear polymer polyglycerol(PGL) binds and inactivates these proteins, and is complementary to the action of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA). PGL is ineffective at inhibiting nucleation in small volumes, but is more effective than PVA at suppressing initial ice nucleation events in large volumes. The lowest number of visible ice-nucleation events is achieved with 0.1%PGL and 0.9%PVA[CRYOBIOLOGY 44(1):14-23 (2002)]. (PVA can also bind-to heterogenous nucleating agents.) 21CM now markets this formulation as Supercool Z-1000.

Ice blockers cannot cross cell membranes and do not cross an intact blood-brain barrier, which means that for a cryonics patient in good condition the only portion of the brain containing ice blocker will be the vasculature (about 4% of the brain). Ice blockers are not needed inside of cells because cells contain few nucleators cryoprotectant diffusion into cells is adequate. Ice blockers in the brain vasculature could prevent ice crystals from forming in the blood vessels which could propagate through the blood-brain barrier, especially in areas that are weakly perfused due to poor circulation. Circulation is often very poor in cryonics patients and the blood-brain barrier is frequently damaged. Although poor perfusion and reduced cryoprotectant concentration poses a danger of ice formation, ice blocker concentration will also be reduced in those areas and may not be of benefit.

As a cautionary note, it should be mentioned that use of ice-blocker without sufficient cryoprotectant (or rapid-enough cooling) to cause vitrification can result in ice formation that is more damaging than the ice that would have formed at a higher temperature if no ice-blocker had been used. Ice-formation at higher temperature tends to be extracellular and dehydrates the cells. At lower temperature osmosis is less active. So if ice-blockers simply result in ice formation at a lower temperature, the ice that forms at those temperatures is more likely to be inside the cells, thus causing greater damage.

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In 1949 it was discovered that glycerol can be used to protect bull sperm against freezing injury. A year later, the same techniques were successfully applied to red blood cells. Since that time large industries have developed around the cryopreservation of bull sperm and human blood.

In 1959 the substance DiMethyl SulfOxide (DMSO) was demonstrated to be useful as a cryoprotectant. DMSO passes through cell membranes more readily than glycerol, but it can be more toxic at higher temperatures. In 1972, 8-cell mouse embryos were cryopreserved to liquid nitrogen temperature temperature and rewarmed to obtain live mice, thanks to slow cooling and skillful combination of DMSO with glycerol. Glycerol is introduced first, the embryo is cooled to a low temperature, and then the highly permeant DMSO can be introduced with minimal toxic effect.

In 1983 a human pregnancy was first established by Trounson & Mohr using an 8-cell human embryo, which had been cryopreserved to liquid nitrogen temperature using gradually increasing concentrations of DMSO giving time for equilibration to prevent osmotic damage (PBI 10 minutes, 0.25M DMSO 10 minutes, 0.5M DMSO 10 minutes, 1.0M DMSO 10 minutes, 1.5M DMSO 10 minutes)[FERTILITY AND STERILITY 46(1):1-12 (1986)].

Since 1983 human embryos have been cryopreserved with not only DMSO, but with glycerol and propylene glycol. The best embryo survival rates are with those at the 2-cell to 4-cell stage of development. No one knows exactly how many human embryos are now being cryopreserved worldwide, but it is at least a million. And the number of living children who were once embryos at liquid nitrogen temperature is in the tens of thousands. (For an online review of human embryo cryopreservation technology see Human Oocyte and Embryo Cryopreservation.)

Over 50% of nematode worm (C. elegans) larvae and about 3% of adult nematodes can survive cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature. The required protocol is pre-treatment with 5% DMSO at 0C for 10minutes, cooling from 0C to 100C at 0.2C/minute, being plunged into liquid nitrogen (196C) and ultimately rewarming to 10C at a rate of 27.6C/minute. [CRYOBIOLOGY12(5):497-505 (1975)]. This is particularly noteworthy insofar as nematodes are fully functioning organisms with a digestive system, reproductive organs, muscles and a nervous system consisting of approximately 300 neurons.

In an organ with such high water & fat content as the brain, proper perfusion to protect the very delicate cell-to-cell relationships (synaptic connections) would be expected to be especially difficult to achieve. It has been known since the 1950s, however, that brains have a certain tolerance for ice crystallization. Audrey Smith [PROC.ROYAL SOCIETYB145:427-442 (1956) and BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FREEZING AND SUPERCOOLING, A.U.Smith,Ed., p.304-368] demonstrated that hamsters could be slowly cooled to nearly 1C such that over 60% of brain water is turned to crystalline ice with no gross loss of normal behavior upon rewarming. The mechanism of this effect is based on the fact that intracellular ice crystallization & elevated intracellular salt concentrations causes the greatest damage. When tissues are cooled slowly, extracellular crystallization starts first and water tends to migrate out of cells to freeze in the extracellular space. If the intracellular electrolyte concentrations increase, it is evidently not enough to cause observable neurological damage at the 60% level.

[For more recent research on cryopreservation of brain tissue see The Hippocampal Slice Cryopreservation Project.]

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The cryoprotectant glycerol has long been used in vitrifying human blood & sperm and for many years was used to reduce freezing in human cryonics patients. Glycerol cannot be used to completely vitrify organs or cryonics patients because it is not possible to perfuse organs with high enough concentrations of glycerol to fully vitrify. When perfusion is performed with full-strength glycerol, enough glycerol gets into the tissues to achieve partial vitrification with about 20% ice formation.

Cryopreservation of tissues & organs is much more difficult than cryopreservation of small collections of cells. Time is required for cryoprotectant to permeate an organ and also for temperature to penetrate. Tissue is subject to degradation if there is no blood circulation even if the temperature is very low, yet a very low temperature will slow the rate of cryoprotectant perfusion. Moreover, organs can be damaged by even extremely small amounts of ice formation due to the critical cell-to-cell relationships which must be maintained for proper function. Even so, cryoprotectants have been used to preserve bone marrow, fetal hearts, intestines, parathyroid glands, skin, spleens, thymus glands, etc., which have been slowly cooled to dry ice temperature (79C) all without ice crystal damage.

Crystallization is not an inevitable consequence of glycerol cooling. A 68%v/v (volume/volume) glycerol/water solution will not crystallize at any subzero temperature it simply hardens like glass. But concentrations of glycerol much greater than 55%v/v have been called too viscous & toxic for cryonics use. Shortly before Alcor began using vitrification solutions, cryobiologist Brian Wowk determined that a combination of 58.4%v/v (8Molar) glycerol and 1%X1000 ice-blocker could vitrify a 2liter flask presumably meaning that a brain could be vitrified with 8Molar glycerol and 1%X1000 ice-blocker.

Most tissues can tolerate having over 80% of the water in the form of ice crystals upon slow cooling without noticeable damage upon re-warming. Most organs can tolerate 40% of water as ice crystals without damage upon re-warming. As mentioned above, the brain is an especially ice-crystal tolerant organ, insofar as 60% water as ice-crystals causes little gross damage.

The experiments of I.Suda [NATURE212:268-270 (1966) and BRAIN RESEARCH70:527-531 (1974)] indicate that cat brains cooled to 20C in 15%v/v glycerol (62% brain water as ice) for 777 days and 7.25 years, both show normal-looking EEG patterns upon re-warming although neurological activity is less for the 7.25-year brains. Hemorrhaging and cell loss of these specimens probably could have been prevented using several measures: (1)addition of glucose (nutrient) to the perfusion fluid, (2)careful washing of glycerol from the brains as part to the thawing/reperfusion process and (3)storing the brains at lower temperatures with higher glycerol concentrations.

According to an excellent paper describing vitrification (cryoprotectant) solutions [CRYOBIOLOGY24:196-213 (1987)], the quantity of glycerol (C), in %v/v, required to prevent mechanical injury from ice at any subzero temperature is:

C = 68 - 0.68P

where "P" is the percentage of liquid volume of an organ which can be converted to ice without crystal-damage. This formula is the equation of the line in Figure3 of the paper. It is related to the fact that a mixture of 68% glycerol and 32% water (volume/volume) will vitrify completely.

Using the finding that at least 60% of the brain can be frozen without neurological damage, gives:

C = 68 0.68(60) = 27.2

ie, 27.2%v/v glycerol (3.72Molar) should be sufficient to prevent ice-crystal damage to brains cooled to any subzero temperature (including liquid nitrogen temperature, 196C). In fact, rabbit brains perfused at room temperature with 23%v/v glycerol (3Molar) and cooled to dry ice temperature (79C) show excellent histological preservation under a light microscope[CRYOBIOLOGY21(4):407-426 (1984)]. For years cryonicists believed that "the Smith Criterion" of a minimum of 3.72 Molar glycerol concentration might be adequate to prevent freezing damage in cryonics patients.

[NOTE: Glycerol is 1,2,3-propanetriol and has a molecular weight of 92.09grams/mole and a density of 1.2613grams/cm3 at 20C. Therefore, to convert glycerol Molarity to %v/v multiply by 7.30]

In the December 1991 issue of CRYONICS magazine, a cryobiologist described the results of an experiment with a single rabbit brain perfused at room temperature with 3.72 Molar glycerol, cooled to 130C, cut into slabs, and the resulting slabs stored at 78C for many months before examination under an electron microscope. He states: "...the pattern of ice formation seems to be potentially quite damaging. Everywhere one looks, thick sheets of ice are found stabbing their way through brain tissue with apparent abandon."

But if this is true, how can we explain the complete neurological recovery of Audrey Smith's hamsters, 60% of whose brain water had been ice. When asked this question, the cryobiologist could give no answer. He also wrote, "Biochemically, all functions measured to date have always survived freezing and thawing, even under poor circumstances, again in possible disagreement with the poor electron microscope (EM) results. Hence, the reality of the EM results and the possibility of artifacts in these results have been in question for some time." He goes on to say, "It is almost miraculous how well the tissue organization re-establishes itself in general after thawing, even in areas where gaps are present. However, the likelihood of extensive damage existing below the level of resolution of the light microscope, but all too visible in the electron microscope, appears high."

Although a certain caution should be taken in accepting the results of a single preparation of a rabbit brain by a single experimenter, the cryobiologist's observations are not entirely inconsistent with those of Audrey Smith. As expected, the observed freezing was extracellular, rather than intracellular. But the damage seen not only seems inconsistent with the complete neurological recovery of Audrey Smith's hamsters, it also seems inconsistent with the finding that even without cryoprotectants, 80% of synapses in whole brain tissues cooled to 70C retain the metabolic properties of fresh brain biopsy synapses ["Metabolically Active Synaptosomes can be Prepared from Frozen Rat and Human Brain", JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY40:608-614 (1983)]. Could it be that the glycerol cryoprotectant contributes to extracellular damage in some way? In any case, concentrations of glycerol above 3.72 Molar (27.2%v/v) glycerol are not difficult to achieve in cryonics. Cryonicists are typically more concerned with eliminating structural damage than in loss of viability due to cryoprotectant toxicity. At high concentrations glycerol perfuses poorly into cells and osmotically draws water out of cells resulting in dehydration.

Following the ultramicroscopic evidence of intra-cellular damage the cryonics organizations Alcor and later CryoCare began perfusing patients with the highest possible concentrations of glycerol. Cryonics patients became very dehydrated (losing body volume) by this procedure. The high viscosity of glycerol only allowed 55%v/v (7.5Molar) maximum concentration well below the 68%v/v necessary for vitrification. It has been estimated, however, that in combination with ice-blockers, 8Molar glycerol could vitrify if only such a concentration of glycerol could be attained in human patients. (Cryonics patients are now typically perfused with vitrifying cryoprotectants rather than with glycerol.)

Often a cryonics patient has been perfused with glycerol at one location and shipped in dry ice(frozen carbon dioxide) for storage at another location. The solidification temperature(Tg) of glycerol is 90C, which is below the temperature of dry ice(79C). But glycerol is viscous enough at dry ice temperature that little harm results from holding the glycerolized patient in dry ice for a few days. The result can be very damaging, however, if the dry ice is allowed to melt and the patient rewarms. The liquid portion of a glycerolized patient is about 20% water and about 80% glycerol. As can be seen from the diagram at the beginning of the section on ice blockers melting temperature(Tm) declines rapidly with increasing cryoprotectant concentration. In a glycerolized patient considerable melting of ice occurs at 60C and higher. Melting releases debris created by freezing and thereby causes loss of structural information that could potentially be used by future molecular repair technology. Moreover, cryoprotectant toxicity can result in structural damage to the debris and damaged tissues which is far worse on rewarming than what would occur when passing through the same temperatures on cooling. So extreme caution must be taken to prevent a glycerolized patient from rewarming from dry ice temperature.

[For more information about perfusing cryonics patients with cryoprotectant, see my essay Perfusion & Diffusion in Cryonics Protocol.]

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The cell membrane (plasmalemma) is the site of most freezing damage. Therefore good cryoprotectants may not only perform the anti-freeze function of preventing ice formation, but protect cell membranes as well. Cryoprotectant toxicity, however, can potentially affect any organelle or macromolecule with proteins being the most vulnerable.

Sugars are polyhydroxyl aldehydes or ketones (carbon chains with terminal aldehydes or ketones and hydroxyl side-chains). Glyceraldehyde is a very simple sugar. High levels of sugars and sugar alcohols(polyols) are found in many polar plants, insects, fungi, etc. as non-toxic cryoprotectants. The fact that fructose will not crystallize is the reason sucrose is used as table sugar, despite the fact that fructose is cheaper.

Northern frogs use glucose as a cryoprotectant. When temperatures drop the livers of these frogs produce large amounts of glucose which a special form of insulin allows to enter cells in large quantity. The heart and brain does not freeze, but much of the rest of the body does (the frog is two-thirds ice). Upon thawing the frog must rapidly remove the glucose to prevent metabolic injury, but the glucose is saved in a special bladder because the frog cannot risk losing so many precious calories. Gradually, the glucose from the special bladder re-enters the plasma for metabolism or storage in the liver[JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY; Conlon,JM; 21(2):153-159 (1998)].

The two disaccharides (sugars composed of two simple simple sugars) that most protect proteins & cell membranes against chilling, freezing & dehydration are sucrose (fructose,glucose) and trehalose (glucose,glucose). Sucrose is the most common sugar found in freezing-tolerant plants which can increase their sucrose levels ten-fold in response to low temperature. Sucrose and trehalose inhibit the membrane mixing associated with chilling. Both sugars fit well in cell membranes, binding to phospholipid head groups. Trehalose constitutes 20% of the dry weight of organisms able to survive complete dehydration. Trehalose has an abnormally large hydrated radius well over twice as large as other sugars and (unlike other sugars) is totally excluded from the hydration shell of proteins.

Cryoprotection from freezing injury can differ from cryoprotection for vitrification reducing electrolyte toxicity might be more important for the former, but it would not be so important for the latter. Sucrose and ethylene glycol have been used in combination to vitrify human oocytes[HUMAN REPRODUCTION; Kuleshova,L; 14(12):3077-3079 (1999)]. But sugars are more often used as cryoprotectants against freezing and chilling injury rather than for vitrification, with the disaccharide sucrose being more effective than the monosaccharide glucose[CRYOBIOLOGY; Santarius,KA; 20(1):90-99 (1983) and CRYOBIOLOGY; Carpenter,JF; 25(3):244-255 (1988)].

Carbonyl groups (>C=O) such as are found on aldehydes (RCOH) and ketones (RCOR') can reduce certain heavy metal ions (ie, "reduce" the positive charge by adding an electron). Copper ion in the plus two state (Cu2+), for example, can be reduced to the plus one state (Cu+) in the presence of a ketone or aldehyde. (Sugars are ketones or aldehydes, eg, glucose is an aldehyde and fructose is a ketone.) Copper and iron ions in the reduced state can result in production of damaging hydroxyl radicals as a result of the Fenton Reaction.

Because most sugars have free aldehyde or ketone end-groups, they readily bind to the free amine group of lysine or arginine on proteins, a process called glycation. Sugars that participate in this reaction are called reducing sugars. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars because, although the carbonyl group may not be exposed when a ring structure is formed, the carbonyl group is exposed when a hemiacetal ring opens (e.g., in the interconversion of glucose between anomeric forms). Monosaccharides can dissolve in cryoprotectant solutions more readily and vitrify at lower concentrations than disaccharides[CRYOBIOLOGY; Kuleshova,LL; 38(2):119-130 (1999)], but because of their capacity for glycation, monosaccharide exposure to protein should be brief and at low temperature. A 220millimolar D-galactose solution was shown to be nearly as effective a cryoprotectant as 5%DMSO for human embryonic liver cells (and substantially better than D-glucose)[GLYCOBIOLOGY; Chaytor,JL; 22(1):123-133 (2012)], but galactose can be five times more glycating than glucose.

Some disaccharides (such as maltose) are reducing sugars because the link between the composite monosaccharides (the glycosidic bond) does not prevent the composite monosaccharide hemiacetal rings from opening. But trehalose and sucrose are non-reducing sugars because their glycosidic bonds do prevent opening of hemiacetal bonds. In acidic conditions, however, sucrose is far more vulnerable to hydrolysis into its reducing-sugar monosaccharides than is trehalose[CRYOBIOLOGY; Crowe,JH; 43(2):89-105 (2001)]. To the extent that glycation plays as role in enzyme stability and membrane stability associated with freezing damage or chilling injury, trehalose is a superior cryoprotectant to sucrose.

Disaccharides like trehalose and sucrose do not cross cell membranes, however, and thus only protect the inner cell membranes of organisms that synthesize them. Trehalose allows yeast to dehydrate, and can reach up to 35% of the dried weight. Trehalose is a blood sugar for lobsters, but it is not synthesized by vertebrates. Many strategies have been attempted to get trehalose inside of vertebrate cells so that its cryoprotective, protein-protective and membrane-protective properties can be of benefit on the inside as well as on the outside of cells. Plasmids containing the trehalose transporter gene TRET1 from African chironomid larvae[PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (USA); Kikawada,T; 104(28):11585-11590 (2007)] have been transfected into Chinese hamster ovary cells, resulting in a seven-fold increase in trehalose and a 400% increase in growth after dessication[CRYOBIOLOGY; Chakraborty,N; 64(2):91-96 (2012)]. Microinjection has been used to get trehalose into human oocytes which improves cryopreservation[FERTILITY AND STERILITY 77(1):152-158 (2002)]. When combined with 0.5Molar DMSO, 0.5Molar trehalose microinjected into mouse oocytes resulted in excellent cryosurvival and healthy offspring (presumably because trehalose alone would not enter organelles such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum)[BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION; Eroglu,A; 80(1):70-78 (2009)]. Transplanted tissue-engineered epidermis that had been cryopreserved with a trehalose/DMSO mixture was indistinguishable from fresh control grafts[BIOMATERIALS; Chen,F; 32(33):8426-8435 (2011)]. Trehalose may also protect macromolecules by being a free radical scavenger[JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY; Benaroudj,N; 276(26):24261-24267 (2001)].

Nonetheless, non-penetrating cryoprotectants can assist vitrification because most nucleators are extracellular and because dehydration allows for intracellular vitrification by bound water. Extracellular vitrification which involves sugar prevents cell membranes from coming in contact and fusing[ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYSIOLOGY; Crowe,JH; 60:73-103 (1998)]. Cell membranes are commonly believed to be the part of cells most vulnerable to freezing damage.

Trehalose displaces bound water and protects cell membranes by hydrogen-bonding to proteins and the polar ends of phospholipids more strongly than bound water[ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 245(1):134-143 (1986)]. At the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes trehalose is able to displace water molecules bound to carbonyls, but sucrose is not[BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL; Amalfa,F; 78(5):2452-2458 (2000)]. Trehalose interacts more strongly with water than does sucrose, at least partly because sucrose forms intramolecular hydrogen bonds[THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYB; Lerbret,A; 109(21):11046-11057 (2005)]. Trehalose has a hydration radius that is 2.5times greater than that of sucrose, and 2.5times the concentration of sucrose is required to provide an equivalent amount of protein protection[ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS; Sola-Penna,M; 360(1):10-14 (1998)]. 1.5Molar solutions of trehalose & sucrose contain 62.5% & 87% water by volume, respectively. The greater hydrated volume of trehalose reduces freezable water and increases viscosity[PROTEIN SCIENCE; Jain,NK; 18(1):24-36 (2009)]. Trehalose has been shown to be about twice as effective as sucrose in suppressing ice crystal growth, evidently due to the larger hydration radius[JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH; Sei,T; 240(1-2):218-229 (2002)]. At 41.7wt% trehalose concentration crystal growth is about one quarter of what it is at 20.8wt%. At 52.1wt% trehalose crystal growth rate diminishes as crystal size increases.

Trehalose has a higher glass transition temperature (Tg) than sucrose or any other disaccharide studied. As a group, disaccharides have a Tg that is on average about 60C higher than monosaccharides[FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE; Furuki,T; 14:3523-3535 (2009)]. At 5% water content, Tg for trehalose is about 40C whereas Tg for sucrose is about 15C. After being stored at 44C for 45days glucose/sucrose samples lost their amorphous state completely, whereas less than 4% of glucose/trehalose samples had crystallized[BIOCHEMCIA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA; Sun,WQ; 1425(1):235-244 (1998)].

Disaccharides are examples of the class of cryoprotectants that do not cross cell membranes:non-penetrating cryoprotectants. Non-penetrating cryoprotectants are partly effective because ice forms much more readily outside of cells than inside cells due to the fact that nucleating agents are much more prevalent outside of cells than inside cells. In general, non-penetrating cryoprotectants are much less toxic than penetrating cryoprotectants. Many effective cryoprotectant cocktails combine non-penetrating cryoprotectants with penetrating cryoprotectants, thereby reducing the amount of penetrating cryoprotectant required. Non-penetrating cryoprotectants act partially by inducing cell dehydration, thereby reducing the amount of ice that can form in cells. For that reason, non-penetrating cryoprotectants are used in classical cryopreservation methods involving freezing.

Although the penetrating cryoprotectant glycerol is widely used for erythrocyte cryopreservation, efforts have been made to use the non-penetrating cryoprotectant hydroxyethyl starch(HES) because HES is a harmless plasma expander that would not need to be removed from erythrocytes after warming and prior to transfusion as is required with glycerol. Although one study concluded that the increased hemoglobin (increased hemolysis) associated with unwashed cryopreserved erythrocytes is not harmful[ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA; Horn,E; 85(4):739-745 (1997)] concerns over possible renal toxicity from the increased hemoglobin have prevented clinical use of HES[TRANSFUSION MEDICINE REVIEWS; Scott,KL; 19(2):127-142 (2005)]. Erythrocytes preserved in liquid nitrogen with the nonpenetrating cryoprotectants trehalose and Dextran40 retained normal shape and enzyme activity, but had a 56% reduction in ATP[CRYOBIOLOGY; Pellerin-Mendes,C; 35(2):173-186 (1997)].

[For information on sugars in chilling & dehydration injury, see Viability, Cryoprotectant Toxicity and Chilling Injury in Cryonics.]

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Glycerol was the first CryoProtectant Agent (CPA) to gain widespread use in cryobiology, for cryopreserving red blood cells and sperm. The value of DMSO (DiMethylSulfOxide) as a CPA was discovered not long thereafter. Other polyols, such as ethylene glycol (automobile anti-freeze) and propylene glycol (formerly used to reduce ice formation in ice cream) were later shown to be effective cryoprotectants. Glycerol is still regarded as superior for cryopreserving spermatazoa from nearly all species, but lactamide results in motility for rabbit spermatazoa that is nearly double that seen for glycerol[JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT; Kashiwazaki,N; 52(4):511-516 (2006)].

Cryoprotectants are assessed by means of a number of parameters, including glass transition temperature (Tg), permeance, viscosity, toxicity, and concentration needed to vitrify (Cv). Cv is the minimum required concentration of the particular CPA which will vitrify, which is an important quantity to keep in mind because concentrations too much above this minimum result in increased toxicity without increased benefit.

Amides are weak cryoprotectants compared to polyols (formamide is too weak to vitrify on its own, but can assist vitrification by other cryoprotectants). Both amides and polyols become stronger cryoprotectants (have lower Cv) by the addition of methyl groups, as can be seen from the structures and Cvs of methylated amides and polyols [fromCRYOBIOLOGY; Fahy,GM; 24(3):196-213 (1987)].

A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) study has indicated that methylation increases hydrogen bonding strength of the polar groups[JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY; Forsyth,M; 94:6889-6893 (1990)]. Compared to propylene glycol (1,2-propanediol), 1,3-propanediol has a higher concentration needed to vitrify (57% versus 44%) and a higher homogenous nucleation temperature for a 20%w/w solution (60C versus 68C), indicating that it is weaker and even less toxic than ethylene glycol in comparison with propylene glycol[CRYOBIOLOGY; MacFarlane,DR; 27:345-358 (1990)]. Much less inhibition of disaccharidases is seen with 1,3-propanediol compared to propylene glycol[BIOCHEMICAL MEDICINE AND METABOLIC BIOLOGY; 45(2):161-170 (1991)].

Although polyols have long been known to be good cryoprotectants, other CPAs [such as methoxlylated compounds ie, CPAs in which a methyl (-CH3) group is added to an alcohol to make an ether] now being considered are less toxic and more penetrating. Aside from osmotic effects, however, glycerol is probably the CPA which damages cell membranes the least, compared to DiMethyl SulfOxide(DMSO), ethylene glycol, propylene glycol or methoxylated compounds because these other compounds are more likely to have a dissolving effect. Glycerol is, however, biochemically toxic because kidney tissue cannot be subjected to more than 3-4 molar glycerol without loss of viability.

Methoxylated compound toxicity may be similar to ethylene glycol. Human sperm membrane, for example, is 4 times more permeable to ethylene glycol than to glycerol. And the membrane transport of ethylene glycol is less affected by temperature than is glycerol[HUMAN REPRODUCTION; Gilmore,JA; 12(1):112-118 (1997)]. Ethylene glycol is toxic at 38C due to metabolism to oxalic acid by alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver. The oxalic acid can precipitate as calcium oxalate crystals in the brain, heart, kidney, lung and pancreas causing hypocalcemia with the greatest damage being seen in the kidney (see PRINCIPLES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE by Harrison). Methoxylated compounds can have similar toxicity to that of an unesterified glycol (glycol=alcohol with two hydroxyl groups) like ethylene glycol because they are easily hydrolyzed. But glycol ethers can have other toxic effects, such as hemolysis and chromosome damage (see Casarett & Doull's TOXICOLOGY). It is doubtful, however, that many of these toxic effects would be seen during the application of a cryonics protocol with the blood being washed-out thereby preventing liver metabolites from reaching other cells. Moreover, ethylene glycol is of variable toxicity found to be nontoxic for cow embryos, for example[HUMAN REPRODUCTION; Gilmore,JA; 12(1):112-118 (1997)]].

Insofar as the cell membrane (plasmalemma) seems to be the cellular structure that is the most critical target in chilling and freezing injury, stabilization of cell membranes can be a significant aspect of cryoprotectant action. Proline, betaine, sarcosine, glycerol, DMSO, trehalose and sucrose all reduce membrane fusion. Proline, betaine and sarcosine stabilize phosphlipid bilayers by hydrophobic interactions. Hydrophobic interaction with membranes is a less effective means of membrane stabilization than the hydrogen bonding of the other cryoprotectants[CRYOBIOLOGY; Anchordoguy,TJ; 24(4):324-331 (1987)].

The major cryoprotectants can be listed with respect to vitrifying strength, toxicity and viscosity. A listing of cryoprotectants in order of glass-forming ability of 45%(v/v) solutions can be found in[CRYOBIOLOGY; Baudot;A; 40(2):151-158 (2000)]:

propylene glycol > DMSO > DMF > 1,4-butanediol > Ethylene glycol > glycerol > 1,3-propanediol

Studies by 21st Century Medicine (21CM) researchers on kidney slices have indicated that the relative order of toxicity matches the order of glass-forming ability. Formamide is exceptional, being the most toxic CPA while having the weakest glass-forming capability. Mixing CPAs reduces the toxicities of many of the individual agents.

Ordering CPAs by viscosity gives:

glycerol > Propylene glycol > Ethylene glycol > DMSO

A cryoprotectant mixture with high glass-forming ability, low toxicity and low viscosity is the elusive goal of vitrification research.

At the 2005 Society for Cryobiology Conference, 21st Century Medicine announced that it had successfully vitrified a rabbit kidney to solid state, rewarmed the kidney and transplanted it to a rabbit with complete viability[ORGANOGENESIS; Fahy,GM; 5(3):167-175 (2009)]. A rabbit brain has been vitrified with the same cryoprotectant mixture with no ice formation[ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES; 1019:559 (2004)]. In both cases the cryoprotectant mixture used was M22[CRYOBIOLOGY 48:157-178 (2004)], a 65%w/v (9.35M) cryoprotectant mixture having a melting temperature of 55C and a Tg of 123.3C. (M22 was so-named because of the intention to introduce this vitrification cocktail to a biological specimen at Minus 22C.) The vitrified kidney was held at 135C for 4minutes.

Most of the cryoprotectants in M22 are penetrating cryoprotectants (cross cell membranes), with the exception of PVPK12 and (although they are not technically cryoprotectants) ice blockers. The cryoprotectantive agents and ice blockers used in M22 are:

22% dimethyl sulfoxide 13% formamide 17% ethylene glycol 3% N-methylformamide 4% 3-methoxy-1,2-propanediol 3% PVP K12 2% Z-1000 ice blocker 1% X-1000 ice blocker

Cryoprotectants are not simply added to water, they are added to an isotonic carrier solution that often can act as an organ preservation solution. The carrier solution used for M22 is LM5, a mixture of glucose, mannitol, lactose, KCl, K2HPO2, GSH, NaHCO3, and adenineHCl[TABLE1; CRYOBIOLOGY; Fahy,GM; 48(2):157-178 (2004)]. Adding ice blockers and reducing the amount of glucose in a previous carrier solution cut the required warming rate to prevent devitrification by more that half. Choice of carrier solution can affect tissue recovery, and the composition of tissue fluid also has an effect[CRYOBIOLOGY; Wusterman,MC; 56(1):62-71 (2008)]. M22 was optimized for kidney slices.

The cryoprotectant solution used by the Cryonics Institute (CIVM1) has 35% ethylene glycol and 35% dimethyl sulfoxide, a pair of cryoprotectants that can reduce toxicity when used in combination[REPRODUCTION, FERTILITY, AND DEVELOPMENT; Gautam,SK; 20(4):490-496 (2008)]. The carrier solution is mRPS2, a mixture of glucose, KCl, HCl, and TRIS buffer. CIVM1 is a more powerful and much less expensive cryoprotectant mixture than M22, but it is more toxic. CIVM1 was optimized on hippocampal slices by cryobiologist Dr.Yuri Pichugin.


Vitrification in Cryonics - BEN BEST

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Easy Cooked Dog Food Recipe – Homemade Dog Food

Posted: at 5:46 pm

Dog food recipe that is designed to be simple to make and healthy for your dog.

NOTE:In an effort to simplify the dog food recipe I have incorporated the use of supplements. Without the supplements the dog food recipe would need an additional 10 to 20 ingredients. Unfortunately, our current agricultural practices yield foods with a fraction of the nutrient content of wild counterparts.

That said; this dog food recipe is deficient without the two supplements that are essential to the recipe:Dinovitesupplement andLickOchopsomega fatty acid supplement. Feeding this recipe without the supplements will result in multiple nutritional deficiency diseases.

Approximately 40 cups of dog food.

This dog food recipe can be halved or doubled to accommodate the size of your dog or for multi-dog households. Do not feed this dog food recipe without theDinoviteandLickOchopsdog supplements as it will cause this dog food recipe to be deficient.

Place 2-3 days worth of the dog food recipe in zip lock bags or plastic freezer containers. Store them in your freezer.

I personally prefer the freezer containers because they are easy to fill, thaw and serve. There is never any mess. I take one out and let it thaw on my counter. Feed my dogs and store the unused portion in my refrigerator. When its empty I wash it and it is ready for the next batch. Mix up some more of the easy cooked dog food recipe and Im ready to go. It works well.

NOTE:Remember you are handling raw meat so use common sense when making this dog food recipe. Use the same precautions you would use when handling raw meat for your family.

*Special note: These are general guidelines, we are not trying to land a man on Mars. If your dog is losing a little weight and this is not desired, increase the amount you are feeding. If your dog is gaining weight on the serving size then cut back a little. In short, adjust the serving size depending on your dogs age, weight and activity level.

*Special Note: If you add the supplements to the whole batch when making the dog food recipe it is not necessary to add them with each serving. Use whichever method you find easier.

Click here to watch the video.

Please follow this introductory method, your dog will be fine. Your dog will not starve or hate you. Rapid diet changes can cause vomiting and diarrhea. A horrendous mess all over your house!

***Important Note:Do not mix kibble and the Easy Cooked Dog Food together! Doing so will GREATLY increase the chances of digestive upset for your dog!

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Easy Cooked Dog Food Recipe - Homemade Dog Food

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Food Supplements: Their Effects on the Body

Posted: at 5:45 pm

The following text is intended to aid search engines in finding this site:

Information regarding the effects of nutritional supplements on the body. Organized by major categories "Vitamins", "Minerals", "Amino Acids, Enzymes and Botanicals" with detailed listings and references for individual nutrients.

This site is provided as a public service and has no commercial affiliation or sponsorship.


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Food Supplements: Their Effects on the Body

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