Monthly Archives: May 2016

Who Are The Illuminati? – Jesus is Savior

Posted: May 7, 2016 at 3:45 am

By David J. Stewart | April 2009 | Updated November 2015

"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast..." Revelation 13:4

George W. Bush is just a small fish in the globalist empire of darkness. His father George H. Bush is higher up on the food chain. Aleister Crowley, the self-proclaimed World's Most Wicked Man ate the feces of women during bizarre sexual acts involving Luciferian worship and Satanism. According to the shocking documentary film titled, IN SEARCH OF THE GREAT BEAST directed by Robert Garofalo and produced by Lyn Beardsall (2007), Barbara Bush (wife of President George H. Bush) is the daughter of the world's most infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley. The truth is stranger than fiction!

Hollywood sex-pervert, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), filmed his shocking movie Eyes Wide Shut (the film contains nudity) at the Rothschild's mansion. Here's a YouTube video by Infowars exposing some of the Satanic things they do at their parties (including MK Ultra programmingsuch as systematic and ritualized pedophile and torture abuse, shattering the victim's mind into multiple personalities. Former Scorpions (a pedophile promoting Rock band) bass player, Ralph Rieckermann, admitted publicly to attending a snuff party. These are parties where someone is planned to be killed as entertainment (they're snuffed out). Rieckermann says a person was murdered at the party (and worse he said, but he wouldn't elaborate about it). This is how the Illuminati has fun.

I am greatly appreciative as an average person for the gifted insight and prolific writings of good men who care about THE TRUTH; such as, Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) and Dr. Henry Makow; and also for the awesome video documentaries of Alex Jones, to name but a few. Please watch, ENDGAME (a 2:19 video documentary by Alex Jones. This video is a good place to start if you are beginning to learn about the Illuminati). If you desire to know the details of the Illuminati, you will love Henry Makow's book titled, Illuminati 2: Deceit And Seduction (a library in one book of things you just won't learn anywhere else). Here is a quote from page 8...

The central banking cartel scripts both history and culture according to a long-term plan. Cartel members are generational Satanists, Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Their object is to induct mankind into their cult as their servants and slaves.

Their main instrument is war which they contrive for profit and power. They engineer a vast credit expansion for war, and later for reconstruction. They are using debt to enslave us like the Jewish moneylenders who plied 19th century Ukrainian farmers with vodka and loans, and later confiscated their farms. ... The Illuminati buy our complicity with our own money. By monopolizing thought and communication, they are able to deceive us.


As Commander William Guy Carr states in his awesome book, Pawns In The Game, every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1775 has been started, nurtured and FINANCED ON BOTH SIDES by the International Banking Cabal. No matter who loses the war (both sides always lose in the long-run), the banksters always profit incredibly. There's profit for the Illuminati in war!

PAWNS IN THE GAME (MP3, I remixed Cmdr. Carr's 1958 lecture, removing some of bass)

Pawns In The Game (awesome 1:41 hour lecture from 1958 by Cmdr. William Guy Carr)

Dr. Makow writes a great introduction to WHO the Illuminati are, basing his intro on the Biblical truth that The devil conquers by deceit and seduction ...

The devil conquers by deceit and seduction. And so mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. We have been deceived in the most egregious fashion, and seduced by money and sex.

We generally think of the conspiracy as limited and definable. In fact, out world is the product of an ancient diabolical conspiracy that inverts good and evil. The conspiracy is based on a satanic hatred of God and man, partly originating in the Talmud and Cabala (Judaism long ago turned its back on the Old Testament, and used it and Torah Jews as a false front).

These satanic Jews and their satanist gentile collaborators are joined by Freemasonry in the Illuminati. They hate humanity. This hatred has been institutionalized in the routine of war, poverty and depression we now take for granted.

As a result, mankind is dysfunctional. Since the so-called Enlightenment, Western civilization has been based on a foolhardy denial of the Creator, i.e., the inherent design and purpose governing human life.

Not coincidentally, the Enlightenment roughly coincides with the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 by Illuminati bankers, and subsequent spread of Freemasonry throughout Europe. Freemasonry became the in thing for aristocrats and free thinkers, as well as industrious young men on the make.

Freemasonry disguised its worship of Lucifer with specious platitudes like liberty, fraternity, equality, tolerance of anything opposed to the established order, and a blustery faith in humanity, reason and progress.

According to the American Grand Commander Albert Pike, the Masonic rank and file are intentionally misled by false interpretations. (Morals and Dogma, 1871, p. 104)

Controlled by the Illuminati bankers, Freemasonry is the unacknowledged power behind the modern world. Historian Bernard Fay writes: Freemasonry has become the most efficient social power of the civilized world. But it has been a hidden power, difficult to trace and to define. Consequently most historians have avoided treating it and giving it due credit (Revolution and Freemasonry, 1680-1800, 1935, viii)

Bernard Fay shows that the Illuminati bankers used their Masonic dupes to establish the U.S. as a future base for world domination. George Washington, his generals and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were all Masons. Master Mason Benjamin Franklin raised the money to finance the war from bankers in Paris. (pp. 237-261; see article within, Illuminati Bankers Founded the U.S. to Advance NWO within.) [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION (pp. 9-10).

You need to understand THE LUCIFERIAN CONSPIRACY (why sex perversion is being promoted in American culture). Henry Makow has authored numerous articles on this important subject. You need to understand what is going on, and why, so you can fight against the rulers of the darkness of this world as Ephesians 6:12 in the Holy Bible commands. Please read, Satan: Prince Of This World (.pdf book by Commander William Guy Carr). Our battle is not against our neighbor, family, church, or that jerk boss at work; but rather, against the satanic hierarchy of power ruling the world today. Occultist Alice Bailey (1880-1949) foretold that it would be THE CHURCHES through which the Luciferian philosophies of the coming New World Order and Antichrist would be promoted. Please read, Theosophy, The Church and Satan Worship.

Through cleverly designed newsmedia propaganda, white-washing and deliberate disinformation (lying and deceiving), the globalist owned and controlled newsmedia has been able to suppress the blatant horrendous crimes of the global elite th
emselves [which includes the 911 attacks, the Iraqi war, and the ongoing farming of opium (heroine) crops in Afghanistan and thug stealing of Afghan's little girls to supply the insatiable pedophile appetite of the globalists.]

Beware Of Government & Media 'Controlled Opposition'

It is very important for you, the reader, to understand the concept and reality of the psyops weapon of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, because we see it each and every day in politics and the media, used as a red-herring to distract us from the truth.

A red-herring is something used as a distraction. The term originates from herring fish which were smoked and then pickled in brine, which turned them red. As legend goes, some animal-rights activities in 19th century England would drag the red-herring fish along the ground to throw off the foxes' scent, so the hunting hounds (dogs) couldn't follow them. Likewise, we are often misled by the government and the American mainstream newsmedia, such as the still popular false official 9/11 story (which has been proven to be a big fraud). There were thermite charges (bombs) strategically planted in World Trade Center buildings #1,2 and 7. The two jet planes that crashed into buildings 1 and 2 (not building 7) were red-herrings to distract everyone from the truth. The Bush administration got caught red-handed, but they got away with it solely because of the controlled newsmedia. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an unholy evil, who admittedly have a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate brainwashing propaganda into film and TV. Literally, hundreds of television shows, cartoons, sitcoms, movies and productions all contain lying propaganda to dupe American citizens into believing that 9/11 was caused by radical Islam.

Fox News is infamous for controlled opposition, pretending to fair and balanced in their reporting (what a big lie). Fox News deceitfully gains the trust of right-wingers, conservatives and Christians by pretending to be against abortion, pretending to be against open-borders, pretending to be against President Obama's liberal policies, et cetera. In truth, Fox News is owned by Ruppert Murdock, a big time Zionist globalist. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are two big frauds!!! They both get paid several million dollars a year for being controlled opposition, pretending to be good men, when in reality they are evil imposters, going along to get along, complicit to the Zionist takeover of America. They are rich stooges for the Illuminati.

Here's another eye-opening quote from Dr. Makow about controlled opposition...

Clearly the liberal and socialist left is part of the phony opposition. They don't represent the people. They are Masons and part of the Masonic two-step leading to banker world government tyranny. It's a reflection of how the establishment is complicit in the enslavement of society.

Similarly in the U.S. and Europe, all political parties are run by Masons and ruled by the Rothschild cartel. I doubt if any individual or group gains visibility unless they are puppets.


As of August 2015, Presidential candidate Donald Trump was 100% pro-death concerning abortion a decade ago, but now mysteriously has become pro-life to run on the conservative Republican ticket. It's all staged. Trump knows he'll never sit in the oval office as our nation's commander. He's not evil enough. It's a puppet position anyway, beneath Trump's caliber. The job of U.S. President has apparently been reserved for pot-smoking, pedophile-pervert, cocaine-using, draft-dodging, lying, satanic, murderous, homosexuals. I think Trump is like World Trade Center building #7 imploded on 9/11, thrown into the mix to add confusion, dissonance and act as a red-herring, to distract everyone from the truth that two criminal families have hi-jacked The White House. Trump has turned this into a media 3-ring-circus (as I believe he was asked by his Illuminati buddies to do)! I am very confident that Jeb Bush will be U.S. President in 2016. I could be wrong, but that's what I see from where I sit as a caring Christian citizen.

Hillary, a Democrat, likely won't win. If she did, it would be the first time since 1836 that a Democrat won after a seated two-term Democrat. I think this whole e-mail ordeal with Hillary is another red-herring. Hillary is so popular with the sicko public that they need an excuse for her to lose, and this might be it. Legally, Hillary could get 600-years in prison for obstruction of justice. The fact that she is laughing and joking about breaking the law shows that this is all staged. It's not a coincidence that Jeb Bush is quietly lurking like a snake in the background, staying out of sight for now until election time. The mainstream newsmedia lost credibility a very long time ago with smart Americans, but the majority of people are dumb fools marching-on to their destruction!

The name of the game in Washington DC is deception. Dr. Makow titled his book appropriately, Illuminati 2: Deceit And Seduction, because that's how the Illuminati-formed Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) controls America!!! By the way, fighting against Zionism is not anti-Semitism; but rather, anti-corruption! It is imperative that you understand modern-day Israel was started in May of 1948 by the Illuminati, as a pretext to divide and conquer the Middle East on the path to World War III, to achieve a New World Order prepared to receive their coming man of sin and false Messiah, the Antichrist. Yes, present-day Israel is a massive fraud, not established by God in fulfillment of Hosea 3:4-5. It is Satan's Israel, from which will arise the Antichrist. Woefully ignorant Christians who blindly support Israel today are unknowingly supporting the Illuminati. Beware Of The Emerging Church!

All of the political mudslinging each election time is all staged, to divide and conquer the foolhardy public. Behind the scenes there's not a dime's difference between Democrats and Republicans. They're simply two separate legs both walking in the same direction of a New World Order, both parties being subject to the Illuminati's money, threats and blackmail. The CIA are the private police force of the Illuminati. History shows that Wall Street bankers and attorneys started the CIA while Harry Truman was U.S. President. Zionism, Freemasonry, CIA, Wall Street, Pentagon, Rothschilds, puppet Washington DC politicians, complicit newsmedia, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, The Vatican, Masonic false religions, Hollywood, the music industry, and thousands more collaborator groups, are mere puzzle pieces all fitting together to form a satanic hierarchal power structure striving to achieve a New World Order.

I could give you a hundred examples of controlled opposition, which is intended to mislead and deceive the public. For example: in 2011 when President Barrack Obama ran for his second term in office, Goldman Sachs didn't back him for President, when in reality Mr. Obama has hired a few dozen former Goldman Sachs employees right off Wall Street into The White House. They're not fooling everyone! They love Obama! Goldman Sachs is The White House!!! So don't be stupid! Question everything you hear from the media and the government. Be objective! Always ask yourself, why are they telling me this?

I heard news reports this week (August 2015) from the Zionist-controlled U.S. government that Syrian leaders are raping women and children. I don't believe that for a second. The truth is that the CI
A created ISIS as a tool to overthrow the Syrian government. Of course they're going to demonize President Bashar al-Assad, because he has sided with the victimized Palestinians against Israel's thuggery. Israel is the Illuminati's whore, just as we read in Revelation 17:1-2, 18. The kings of the earth have fornicated with the Illuminati-controlled United States and Israel. When the Beast comes, he will burn the whore (Revelation 17:16). Israel is being pimped-out, just as the U.S. is. The Luciferian-worshipping elite behind the Illuminati have no regard for mankind nor God.

Present-Day Israel is Satanic

True Israel has been scattered throughout the world, just as the Bible says in Joel 3:2 (see also, Deuteronomy 28:62-64). Since the fall of Israel in 586 BC to Babylon, the Jews have been scattered around the world. And again, what remaining Jews lived in Jerusalem during the New Testament, were scattered around the world further after Rome annihilated Jerusalem in 70 AD. Present-day Israel was begun in 1948 as a secular state and not as a theocracy. Just like their Illuminati founders, Israel's government today is Marxist/Communist. For many years now, Tel Aviv, Israel is boasted of as being the gay-Mecca for homosexuals worldwide. God's people? No way. Please read Deuteronomy 7:12, which says God's promise to bless the patriarch's descendants will only be honored IF they obey His commandments.

Opium Brides (heroine & 7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)

Excerpt from:
Who Are The Illuminati? - Jesus is Savior

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Cryptocurrency CredaCash

Posted: May 6, 2016 at 9:43 am

How often should a cryptocurrency network create a new block? Every minute? Every 10 minutes?

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Cryptocurrency CredaCash

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NSA Washington

Posted: at 12:48 am

Fleet & Family Readiness (FFR) strives to deliver customer-driven, quality of life programs and services for the Naval Support Activity Washington community (active duty, retired military, reservists, DoD employees and family members). FFR programs include Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC) and the Visiting Flag Quarters.

MWR is comprised of Fitness and Sports Programs, Navy Community Recreation which includes Tickets and Travel, Special Events and other recreational activites and programsand Food and Beverage operations such as the Catering and Conference Center and Mordecai Booth's Public House.

FFSC provides on-base social services through counseling and assistance. FFSC currently offers Clinical Counseling, Crisis Response, Exceptional Family Member Program, Family Advocacy Program, Ombudsman Programs and Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention. As it continues to grow, more services will be added. Until then this office works with the Military & Family Support Center located at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.

The VFQ serves as Chief of Naval Operations guest quarters. The quarters provide temporary accommodations to active duty; grades O-7 and above, Senior Executive Service and their spouses.

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NSA Washington

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Crypto-Currency: Bitcoin, Litecoin,

Posted: at 12:46 am

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Cryptocurrency Trading | CoinStaker | Cloud Mining Services …

Posted: at 12:46 am

This is an old saying in the stock-trading scene, which also should be followed in the cryptocurrency-trading-world! We are going to post our latest trades, suggestions and technical analysis on our blog, but you should not limit yourself only to us. Other sources are twitter hashtags for the crypto-coin and crypto-forums like reddit for example.

There is lots of value created by pump- & dumpers so watch out! Always set a goal, which you want to achieve, for example 25%. If you dont check you exchanges daily, then the best thing you could probably do is add a limit order. A limit order is executed, when a limit price is reached. For example, if you buy a dogecoin for 0.05 BTC. You can make a limit order for 0.075 BTC. This means, when the dogecoin gets a value higher than 0.075 BTC, your order will instantly be executed. This makes sure, that you dont pass out on the moment it can always fall back to 0.05 before you can see the trade opportunity.

Cryptocurrency Trading | CoinStaker | Cloud Mining Services ...

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What is nsa sex? – Answers – The Most Trusted Place for …

Posted: May 5, 2016 at 2:46 am

First Response NSA means " No Strings Attatched" Basically it's just a one night stand, or not even the length of a night. Just a random hookup. A common website for nsa sex is since they cater to this specific type of relationship. Second Response

Not to take sides, but No Strings Attached sex is not necessarily a one night stand. In our society's youth today is quite common to have hook up sex. We hear of this at the hospital a lot now a days. The term of engagement is not important to them. One girl said it just means that she likes and wants sex, but doesn't necessarily want a long term relationship with that person or even a relationship at all. She stated she has a guy that she goes to when she needs "release" with no questions asked. They are not even close friends.

On another note, I have two friends, who are friends with each other but not seeing each other socially. They both just got out of long term relationships. They never spend the night together afterwards or cuddle or anything "intimate" in that context, they just use each other to get off because they have both been tested and aren't at a point where either wants a relationship.

More here:
What is nsa sex? - Answers - The Most Trusted Place for ...

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NSA | New York City Chapter

Posted: at 2:46 am

When you attend an NSA NYC event, you will find a diverse group of professionals who use their passion for the power of the spoken word to create the life and business they love.

This year our programming has been created to support our theme of FUN. As a national keynote speaker on optimism and happiness in the workplace, it is not surprising that FUN would find a way into my leadership style however that theme goes much deeper as we welcome some of the top speaking professionals in our industry to share their tools for success at our monthly meetings.

Here are the 4 aspects of FUN you can expect NSA NYC events to cover this year:

Please have a look around our website to meet some of our successful members, to find out more about professional speaking, and to schedule your visit to our next meeting.

We are thrilled you are here and look forward to you joining us for a warm and welcoming experience filled with engaging content, educational instruction, and some serious FUN.

Whether you are a long time professional or this is your first visit to the world of speaking I say with all my heart

Welcome Home!

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NSA | New York City Chapter

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Genetic Armageddon (Transhuman: As The Days of Noah Were)

Posted: at 2:44 am

Genetic Armageddon

(Transhuman: As The Days of Noah Were)

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. (27) They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

(30) Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

By John P. McTernan, Ph.D.

This is the fourth in my science series. See the others: Singularity and The Image of the Beast; Calling Fire From Heaven; and Prophecy and the Television.

When the Lord Jesus was describing the end of days, the time just prior to His Second Coming, He drew a direct connection back to the days of Noah: the time just before the Great Flood. He mentioned that the people were involved with eating, drinking and marrying right up until the flood came. They were totally unaware of the coming judgment.

At first glance, there does not seem to be anything unusual about eating and drinking until all the Scriptures are studied about the time of Noah. The big picture shows this time period was full of violence and rebellion against God. It is also a time of intense sexual immorality as women were having sexual relations with spiritual beings identified as the sons of God.

This combination of violence and immorality grieved the heart of God. The wickedness of man filled the earth. Mans thoughts and imaginations were continually evil, and this triggered Gods judgment on mankind. Mankind was so corrupted that God deemed it necessary to destroy man and start over again with Noah and his family.

Genesis 6:5-7 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth

The effect of mans sexual immorality was staggering since it altered the race. The offspring of this union between human females and the fallen angelic beings were physical giants. These children were not fully human. They grew enormous in stature with great intellects and were called men of renown.

This cohabitation between humans and the spiritual beings was not isolated to a few individuals but became widespread throughout the earth.

Genesis 6:1,2,4 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

This cohabitation was part of the reason Gods heart was grieved with mankind and triggered the flood as judgment to wipe out this corrupted race of humans. In modern science, the biologists would identify what happened to mankind as altering the human DNA. The DNA of man was changed by this union and some men were no longer fully men. They were a hybrid.

The Bible describes Gods selection of Noah in order to preserve mankind. Noah qualified because he was perfect in his generation. This does not mean he was a morally perfect human, but that he was genetically perfect in his lineage. He had perfect human DNA and was not corrupted by the sons of God.

Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

In the 1970s when I first began to study Bible prophecy, I viewed As the days of Noah as a time of great violence and immorality. I never imagined that a time would come when mankinds DNA would once again be altered. The modern altering would not be done through sexual contact with the sons of God, but rather through mans knowledge of science and breaking the DNA code. We are now living in a time when mans DNA is being tampered with just as it was in Noahs day.

Mans increase in scientific knowledge reached a point that starting in 1990 a concerted effort was made to map the human genome. The United States led this project with assistance from other nations. This was an enormous task as the genome has 25,000 genes with 3.1 billion DNA pairs. The project was 99 percent finished in 2003.

Immediately while this mapping was taking place, the manipulation of the DNA began. This manipulation included splicing DNA together from two females to create a multiple parent egg, and splicing human DNA into other animals such as mice and pigs. Animals such as sheep were cloned, but to this day there is no known case of a human being cloned. Since 2003 there has been a tremendous acceleration in tampering with mans DNA. It seems that scientists are now on a regular basis making discoveries about DNA.

Never before in history did man have the knowledge to break the genetic code. Man now has such knowledge and is developing the technology to alter his DNA. This is once again setting the stage for corrupting the human race. We are now living in As the days of Noah were!

The scientists tamper with mans DNA under the guise of increasing health by identifying genetic diseases and imperfections. By using this argument, the scientists are virtually insulated from criticism and control. They have a free hand to tamper with the human DNA as long as it is tied to health. With this freedom, the geneticists will move to create babies free of any genetic flaw. By 2006, this is exactly what happened.

In 2006 Great Britain opened what is called Designer Baby Clinics. In these clinics, an eight day old embryo was examined for over 200 inherited diseases. A defective embryo was destroyed while the accepted one was used for invitro fertilization.

The following is a quote from an article about the use of two female monkey eggs to produce an offspring. With this type of argument it is impossible to stop the manipulation of mans DNA:

The prospect of a human baby with three biological parents has moved closer after scientists created monkeys using a technique that one day could stop children from inheriting severe genetic disease

It should allow scientists to replace faulty cellular batteries called mitochondria, which affect about 1 in 6,500 births. While most mitochondria defects have mild effects, some can trigger severe brain, heart, muscle and liver conditions, as well as cancer, diabetes, blindness and deafness.

In addition to a baby free from genetic flaws, parents now can create a child to order. It is possible to go shopping for the genetic type baby you want. For example, a child could be created from an egg and sperm of two Olympic athletes and placed in the womb of the future mother. The child would have DNA that was not related in any way to its birth parents. A female Olympians eggs cost around $30,000.

The natural progression is to enhance the human race by sharpening the senses. If the DNA is now understood and can be manipulated, why not increase the eyesight and hearing? With the addition of eagle DNA man could see like an eagle. By placing deer DNA, man could hear like a deer. The same enhancement could be accomplished for smell. For strength
the introduction of gorilla DNA could give super strength, and for speed how about ostrich DNA!

The scientists have already placed human DNA in animals such as mice and pigs; however, there is no report of animal DNA yet being placed in humans. When the science of DNA tampering is perfected, there will be a cry to enhance humans with animal DNA.

Evolution also plays into the tampering of human DNA. The theory of evolution frees man from Genesis 1 which states that everything is to reproduce after its kind. Evolution also detaches man from his Creator and being created in Gods image and likeness. Man is now a free agent to tamper with his DNA under the guise of advancing evolution.

The evolutionists believe they are rapidly advancing evolution by manipulating the DNA. Many scientists believe they are enhancing evolution by improving man. Because, through evolution, man has no fear of God and thus no restraints on tampering with DNA, any attempts to stop this tampering will be met with cries from the scientists. Unless there is a general public outcry, this tampering will continue until mans DNA is altered and merged with animals. The following is a quote from an article We are becoming a new species, we are becoming Homo Evolutis which states:

humanity is on the verge of becoming a new and utterly unique species, which he dubs Homo Evolutis. What makes this species so unique is that it "takes direct and deliberate control over the evolution of the species." Calling it the "ultimate reboot," he points to the conflux of DNA manipulation and therapy, tissue generation, and robotics as making this great leap possible...

The day may come when we are able to take the best biology of the known animal kingdom and make it part of our own. This isn't just about being a bit stronger, or having perfect eyesight our whole lives. All of our organs and limbs have weaknesses that can be addressed, and there are also opportunities to go beyond basic fixes and perform more elaborate enhancements.

The merging of human DNA with animals creates what is called a Chimera (k mir ). The word chimera comes from Greek mythology. This was a frightening looking beast that was made from the parts of several animals. It has a lions head, goat body, and dragons tail with other creatures mixed in. It was always viewed as a monster. Websters dictionary defines a chimera as the following:

3: an individual, organ, or part consisting of tissues of diverse genetic constitution occurring especially in plants and most frequently at a graft union, the tissues from both stock and cion retaining their distinctness in the chimera


There was even a movie made about human chimeras. It was made in 1977 and called The Island of Dr. Morea starring Burt Lancaster. In the picture, Dr. Morea, a mad scientist, creates numerous chimeras and abuses them. Eventually, the chimeras revolt and kill him. This movie was made long before genetic manipulation was possible, yet the idea was there. In the near future, chimeras will be reality and not science fiction.

When reading Greek mythology, one did not give thought to the possibility that one day man could create a Centaur and Minotaur. These were creatures that were half human and half beast. The Centaur had the upper torso of a human and the body of a horse. The Minotaur had the head of a bull and the body of a human.

These beasts were always viewed as pure mythology, but what about today when it is becoming possible to create such beasts! What was viewed as ancient mythology, in the near future, could become reality or at least the possible ability to create such a beast!

The ancient Greeks believed in the Titans which were gods that ruled the earth. They were physical giants and produced offspring with human women. This is very similar to the biblical account found in Genesis 6. Perhaps the Greek myths had some kernel of truth that was twisted away from the Bible into what is now known as mythology.

It is my view, that once the human DNA is contaminated with animal DNA, this beast is no longer human and no longer created in Gods image. This is what happened in Noahs day, and God selected Noah because he was pure in his generations. He was fully human.

The creation of a chimera is in direct violation of the Bible. In Genesis, chapter one, the Bible states eight times that everything is to reproduce after its kind. This is a basic law of life that God instituted at the very beginning.

Genesis 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

The mixing of DNA from two different species violates this law. When God created man, He stated that man was made in His image and likeness. The human DNA is what physically carries this image and likeness. The addition of animal DNA means that man is no longer in Gods image. It is extremely serious to tamper with the integrity of man as transmitted through his DNA. This is, in part, what triggered the flood in Noahs day. All of the hybrid humans were destroyed during the flood, and God then started over with Noah.

Genesis 1:26, 27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

When God moved to redeem mankind through the Lord Jesus, the Bible specially states that He rejected the nature of the angels, but took on Him the seed of Abraham. The Greek word for seed is very interesting; it is sperma, which is the basis for the English word sperm. Sperm is what carries the male DNA.

The Lord Jesus had a human body which had pure DNA that could be traced back to Abraham, then to Noah and finally to Adam. His DNA was 100 percent human, and thus when He shed His blood on the cross for sin, He could redeem mankind!

Hebrews 2:14,16 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil ...

For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

Mankind is racing towards altering his nature. Paralleling tampering with DNA is the merging of man with robotic technology. The merging of man with machines is called Singularity (See my article Singularity and The Image of the Beast). Both Singularity and DNA tampering are on the threshold of altering what it means to be human. This is coming so fast, yet so few outside of the scientific circles are aware of this.

God is fully aware of what is happening. He will only let the tampering with mans DNA go so far, and then He will step in to stop it. It is clear that modern man, led by the geneticists, is right at the very point when God will intervene to stop this madness.

2 Peter 2:5,9 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished

Once again, tampering with mankinds DNA integrity is a very serious of
fense to God and will bring severe judgment. Man is once again in the same position as the Days of Noah. Through science, it is now possible to alter the nature of man. The judgment that happened in Noahs day is a warning of what is fast coming upon the earth. Science has taken mankind beyond the point of no return to a genetic Armageddon.

Because modern science is anchored in evolution, no amount of reasoning can stop this progression. The evolutionists have no respect for the Bible and absolutely no fear of God. The evolutionists mock at the concept that man is created in Gods image, and therefore have no compunction about altering the nature of man. Just as God stopped it in the days of Noah, so God is going to stop it in our day at the glorious Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. Make sure that in the days of Christs Second Coming, you are on Gods side.

Remember, this is coming to a head very, very fast.

Matthew 24:37,38 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

To keep on top of the latest information about genetic Armageddon, please see my blog:

Articles For Reference

The following are quotes from a few related articles to show just how far the genetic manipulation has progressed toward mixing humans with animals and creating Chimeras.

The Technocracy and the Genetic Engineering of Humanity, 01/01/09, Black Listed News,

This is a great article showing the future of man with the coming Singularity and the alterations of mans DNA.

In 2007 evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry from the London School of Economics put forth the theory that, The human race will one day split into two separate species, an attractive, intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted, ugly goblin-like creatures.

Pig Organs available to patient in ten years, 11/7/08, Times on Line

They are attempting to breed pigs that have been genetically modified so that porcine organs are accepted by the human body instead of being immediately rejected. Human immune systems are quick to react to foreign bodies but the scientists are confident that they are close to modifying the genetic make-up of pigs to humanise their organs and make animal-to-human transplants possible.

Genetic mapping of babies by 2019 will transform preventive medicine 02/09/09, Times On Line,

Genetic Armageddon (Transhuman: As The Days of Noah Were)

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The Futurist: The Top Ten Transhumanist Technologies

Posted: May 4, 2016 at 7:45 am

The Lifeboat Foundation has a special report detailing their view of the top ten transhumanist technologies that have some probability of 25 to 30-year availability. Transhumanism is a movement devoted to using technologies to transcend biology and enhance human capabilities.

I am going to list out each of the ten technologies described in the report, provide my own assessment of high, medium, or low probability or mass-market availability by a given time horizon, and link to prior articles written on The Futurist about the subject.

10. Cryonics : 2025 - Low, 2050 - Moderate

I can see the value in someone who is severely maimed or crippled opting to freeze themselves until better technologies become available for full restoration. But outside of that, the problem with cryonics is that very few young people will opt to risk missing their present lives to go into freezing, and elderly people can only benefit after revival when or if age-reversal technologies become available. Since going into cryonic freezing requires someone else to decide when to revive you, and any cryonic 'will' may not anticipate numerous future variables that could complicate execution of your instructions, this is a bit too risky, even if it were possible.

9. Virtual Reality : 2012 - Moderate, 2020 - High

The Technological Progression of Video Games

The Next Big Thing in Entertainment, Part I, II, and III

The Mainstreaming of Virtual Reality

8. Gene Therapy : 2015 - Moderate, 2025 - High

The good news here is that gene sequencing techniques continue to become faster due to the computers used in the process themselves benefiting from Moore's Law. In the late 1980s, it was thought that the human genome would take decades to sequence. It ended up taking only years by the late 1990s, and today, would take only months. Soon, it will be cost-effective for every middle-class person to get their own personal genome sequenced, and get customized medicines made just for them.

Are you Prepared to Live to 100?

7. Space Colonization : 2025 - Low, 2050 - Moderate

While this is a staple premise of most science fiction, I do not think that space colonization may ever take the form that is popularly imagined. Technology #2 on this list, mind uploading, and technology #5, self-replicating robots, will probably appear sooner than any capability to build cities on Mars. Thus, a large spaceship and human crew becomes far less efficient than entire human minds loaded into tiny or even microscopic robots that can self-replicate. A human body may never visit another star system, but copies of human minds could very well do so.

Nonetheless, if other transhumanist technologies do not happen, advances in transportation speed may enable space exploration in upcoming centuries.

6. Cybernetics : 2015 - High

Artificial limbs, ears, and organs are already available, and continue to improve. Artificial and enhanced muscle, skin, and eyes are not far.

5. Autonomous Self-Replicating Robots : 2030 - Moderate

This is a technology that is frightening, due to the ease at which humans could be quickly driven to extinction through a malfunction that replicates rouge robots. Assuming a disaster does not occur, this is the most practical means of space exploration and colonization, particular if the robots contain uploads of human minds, as per #2.

4. Molecular Manufacturing : 2020 - Moderate, 2030 - High

This is entirely predictable through the Milli, Micro, Nano, Pico curves.

3. Megascale Engineering (in space) : 2040 - Moderate

From the Great Wall of China in ancient times to Dubai's Palm Islands today, man-made structures are already visible from space. But to achieve transhumanism, the same must be done in space. Eventually, elevators extending hundreds of miles into space, space stations much larger than the current ISS (240 feet), and vast orbital solar reflectors will be built. But, as stated in item #7, I don't think true megascale projects (over 1000 km in width) will happen before other transhumanist technologies render the need for them obsolete.

2. Mind Uploading : 2050 - Moderate

This is what I believe to be the most important technology on this list. Today, when a person's hardware dies, their software in the form of their thoughts, memories, and humor, necessarily must also die. This is impractical in a world where software files in the form of video, music, spreadsheets, documents, etc. can be copied to an indefinite number of hardware objects.

If human thoughts can reside on a substrate other than human brain matter, then the 'files' can be backed up. That is all there is to it.

1. Artificial General Intelligence : 2050 - Moderate

This is too vast of a subject to discuss here. Some evidence of progress appears in unexpected places, such as when, in 1997, IBM's Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov in a chess game. Ray Kurzweil believes that an artificial intelligence will pass the Turing Test (a bellwether test of AI) by 2029. We will have to wait and see, but expect the unexpected, when you least expect it.

See more here:
The Futurist: The Top Ten Transhumanist Technologies

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Space Adventures, Ltd. | Home

Posted: at 7:45 am

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