Monthly Archives: May 2016

FSTV Store | Free Speech TV

Posted: May 30, 2016 at 2:43 am

Free Speech TV (FSTV) is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization funded entirely through individual donations and grants from foundations. We pride ourselves on being independent from billionaires, corporations, and governments, in that we receive no corporate underwriting or government support and thus are not subject to their influence. Our tax ID number is 51-0173482. To make a donation by mail, please send your check or money order to: Free Speech TV, P.O. Box 44099, Denver, CO 80201. If you have any questions check out our donation help page or contact Heather by calling 303-542-4813 or emailing heather(at)

To leave a comment, compliment, or any input, please contact the comment line at 888-378-8855 and leave a message.

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$ 5 to The Jason Mckain "...

$ 5 to The Jason Mckain "...

On June 14, 2015, Free Speech TV tragically lost our beloved development...

$ 5 to The Jason Mckain "...

$ 5 to The Jason Mckain "Giant Slayer" Fellowship

On June 14, 2015, Free Speech TV tragically lost our beloved development director and friend Jason O McKain. He was affectionately nicknamed "Giant Slayer," because he was fearless in standing up to and calling out giant corporations. Please help FSTV raise $50,000 to fund the next 5 years of "Giant Slayers."


$10 to the Jason McKain "...

$10 to the Jason McKain "...

On June 14, 2015, Free Speech TV tragically lost our beloved development...

$10 to the Jason McKain "...

$10 to the Jason McKain "Giant Slayer" Fellowship

On June 14, 2015, Free Speech TV tragically lost our beloved development director and friend Jason O McKain. He was affectionately nicknamed "Giant Slayer," because he was fearless in standing up to and calling out giant corporations. Please help FSTV raise $50,000 to fund the next 5 years of "Giant Slayers."


$25 to the Jason McKain "...

$25 to the Jason McKain "...

On June 14, 2015, Free Speech TV tragically lost our beloved development...

$25 to the Jason McKain "...

$25 to the Jason McKain "Giant Slayer" Fellowship

On June 14, 2015, Free Speech TV tragically lost our beloved development director and friend Jason O McKain. He was affectionately nicknamed "Giant Slayer," because he was fearless in standing up to and calling out giant corporations. Please help FSTV raise $50,000 to fund the next 5 years of "Giant Slayers."

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FSTV Store | Free Speech TV

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Articles about Free Speech – tribunedigital-baltimoresun

Posted: at 2:43 am


April 18, 2013

The positions The Sun's writers have taken recently with regard to free expression have not fulfilled its higher calling to support these paramount values. First, the essential theme of the Sun's April 3 article about Towson University and the white student union ("Towson U. fights back against negative attention") was that the university needed to apologize for not interfering with the attempts of certain students to form a white student union. But the university should have been commended, not condemned, for taking a principled stand in allowing unpopular speech, weak-kneed though its support may have been.


September 27, 2012

The article, "Free speech clash grips U.N. " (Sept. 25) could also apply to the recent lecture at the Baltimore Council for Foreign Affairs (BCFA), where its president, Frank Burd, caved into pressure from pro-Israel groups and would not allow questions concerning the Middle East during a lecture by University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer. Even though the topic was China, Mr. Burd was evidently afraid that the professor's comments critical of Israel and U.S. policy favoring Israel would offend some of his audience so he limited discussion solely to China, something that he had never done before.


March 6, 2011

More than anything else, the debacle regarding Westboro Baptist proves how once-powerless people can steer the media to convey their message. Through the prism of modern media we share both very enriching, positive story lines (the Chilean miners) and negative, satanic campaigns (Westboro Baptist Church). While we may detest the way some choose to manipulate media to spread their messages to the masses, we still hold freedom of speech to be one of the most fundamental and necessary building blocks of our great society.


April 13, 2013

As a Johns Hopkins University alumna, I am deeply disappointed in the school's decision to chide Dr. Benjamin Carson to the point that he has stepped down from delivering the commencement address to the graduating class ("Dr. Ben Carson steps down as speaker at Hopkins graduation," April 11). A university, especially one with Hopkins' vaunted reputation, should stand for the value of free speech in the marketplace of ideas and the respect for diversity that are the hallmarks of a free and civil society.


February 14, 2014

As a fellow Marylander, former teacher, and mother of a college student, I wish to thank Professor Melani McAlister for her intelligent and thoughtful commentary on protecting academic freedom (" Maryland bills would stifle academic freedom," Feb. 12). I have been following this issue closely and was pleased to see a piece that not only laid out the facts of this important debate but highlighted how serious a threat the bills being considered in Annapolis (and the U.S. Congress) are to what the "Free State" and the Unites States are supposed to stand for. What kind of message are our legislators sending to students and to all citizens if their response to the exercise of free speech is to punish those who engage in it?


By Jonah Goldberg | September 24, 2012

"No One Murdered Because Of This Image. " That was a recent headline from The Onion, the often hilarious parody newspaper. The image in question is really not appropriate to describe with any specificity in a family newspaper. It's quite simply disgusting. And, suffice it to say, it leaves nothing to the imagination. Four of "the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity," according to The Onion, and yet "no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday.

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Articles about Free Speech - tribunedigital-baltimoresun

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NSA San Diego

Posted: May 28, 2016 at 2:45 pm

About NSA San Diego:

The San Diego Chapter of the "National Speakers Association" is the critical organization for experts who speak professionally. Our objective is to facilitate community and education in a local setting for our National Members and to provide a forum for those with an expertise who are looking to speak professionally.

Our members include the top professional expert speakers in business, personal growth, motivation, and many other fields. Authors, humorists and educators count themselves as members.

We have just the right speaker to make your next event a smashing success. Studies show that the speaker is remembered far beyond the other elements of a meeting such as food or the room by the attendees.

People want to leave a convention or meeting with more than they came in with. By using a professional member of San Diego NSA , you can ensure your event will be a sensation.

Click to our meeting planner page for tips on selecting and properly using your professional speaker

If you are not yet speaking professionally but want to learn how to get started in the speaking business, please click here to receive info from NSA-SD about events that are open to the public (no cost to be on the list) and/or click the image on the left to find out more about NSA's Academy for Professional Speaking.

Find a San Diego keynote speaker thru the National Speakers Association!

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NSA San Diego

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NSA Convention – National Speakers Association (NSA)

Posted: at 2:45 pm

Friday, July 22, 2016 8:00am-5:00pm Cavett Institute (separate registration required) 2:00pm-5:00pm

International Speakers Day (separate registration required)

International Speakers Day is geared toward speakers who want toor already dospeak internationally. Appropriate for both speakers inside and outside of the United States. We'll feature a variety of speakers and activities to help you learn more about speaking internationally. Following the session join us at the International Reception where you will have the opportunity to network with participants from around the world. Pre-registration is required for this session. The cost is $77. If space is available we will accommodate onsite registrations; that price is $97. Your registration includes the three-hour session, a refreshment break and a drink ticket at the reception.


Chapter Leadership

Are you influencing the future of the speaking profession in your chapter? Are you a leader in your chapter now or plan to be in the future? Then join us for this half day session where you will have an opportunity to network with other chapter leaders from around the country and learn effective skills to strengthen you and your chapter. Note: 7:00am-8:00am is breakfast and networking. The program begins at 8:00am.


Million Dollar Speakers Group (invitation only)

This is a high-level, peer-to-peer learning session designed exclusively for NSA Members who have speaking-related businesses generating annual revenues of more than $1 million. Participants will brainstorm best practices and work on pressing challenges with their peers. Topics of discussion will include (but not be limited to) scaling your business, online learning models and platforms, selling bigger deals, licensing your intellectual property and leveraging virtual staff and vendors. Youll start new relationships with other successful members and youll leave with cutting-edge insights and strategies on how to grow your business, keep your competitive advantage and reduce complexity. Verification of revenue is required to participate in this program. If you qualify and would like to participate, contact NSA's CEO, Stacy Tetschner, CAE, FASAE, atStacy@NSAspeaker.orgfor more details. Note: 9:00am-9:30am is breakfast and networking. The program begins at 9:30am.


Sports Celebrity Workshop (invitation only)

As a professional athlete, you have achieved great success that most of us can only dream of. You've put in years of blood, sweat and tears to make that a reality. People are intrigued to hear about the challenges you had to overcome to achieve greatness and the lessons you learned along the way. For years, the media has talked about your success; now it's time to tell your story with confidence. This workshop is FREE to all professional and retired athletes who want to improve their presentation skills and learn more about the speaking profession. Pre-registration is required. Please complete the online form to register.


Opening General Session

Kick off Influence 2016 with an evening of magic and laughter, featuring Jeff McBride, Kathy Buckley and Jason Hewlett, CSP. This show is appropriate for all ages. NSA Youth Leadership program participants will be attending with their leaders.

Opening Reception

Enjoy light hors doeuvres while you network with friends old and new.


General Session

Three Speakers. Three Topics. Three Ways to Move Your Business Forward. Scott Stratten, Jennifer Keitt, Don Yaeger, CSP An eight-time New York Times Best Selling author. One of the top five social media influencers per A nationally syndicated radio host. What do these people have in common? Considered experts in their respective fields, all three have built successful speaking careers and are ready to share their tips and tricks with you.

Deep Dive Sessions

Magic for Speakers & Presenters: Using Magic to Enhance Your Presentations Jeff McBride

Creating a Relevant Speaking Empire Jennifer Keitt

UnSpeakable: The Truths Learned About Making a Living as a Keynote Speaker Scott Stratten

Finding and Telling Book-Worthy Stories...and Building Better Keynotes in the Process! Don Yaeger


Concurrent Sessions

Speed Writing: Crank Out the Content Roger Grannis To succeed as a speaker, you must produce thought-provoking written content on a consistent basis. Whether you are writing a blog, a book, presentation, or keynote, this workshop will help you overcome the mental obstacles that hold you back. You'll learn how to write faster and with more confidence. Your prose will be more clear, concise, and engaging. Bring your laptop, buckle up, and get ready to write like you've never written before. By attending this session, you will overcome mental obstacles such as self-doubt, writer's block, and perfectionism; be able to apply proven speed-writing techniques to their daily routines; implement proven literary techniques to produce writing that is more engaging, influential and memorable.

Three Dimensional Storytelling: An Acting Class for Speakers Doug Stevenson, CSP Your stories have the potential to be more memorable and marketable when they are more theatrical. When you use acting, staging, characters and dialogue, your stories take on a third dimension. Im not talking about walking back and forth across the stage. You need to create three-dimensional environments where actions, reactions and conversations take your story to the next level. In this acting class for speakers, you will also witness the power of Stepping IN to act out scenes from your story. Using Doug's Story Theater techniques, you'll set your inner actor free and make a deeper connection with your audience. Doug will model and teach inner monologue, the two-character two-step, emotional management techniques, comedy construction and timing, vocal variety, character development, subliminal messaging, staging, emotional language, telephone conversations and more. In addition, three people will be coached by Doug, and everyone will practice a number of acting techniques. By attending this session, you will learn five specific acting techniques that will take your stories to the next level; discover how to use emotion in your stories; witness how stories are transformed from good to amazing with acting, staging and dialogue.

Make Money with Masterminds Sheryl Bindelglass Do you want to take your expertise as a speaker to the next level and make money doing it? In this session, we'll explore how hosting a mastermind group can bring you the new profit center youve been seeking. A mastermind group is, a hand-picked, exclusive group of professionals who share interests and ideas monthly/quarterly/annually, all with the goal of improving their respective businesses. Meetings offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen business and personal skills. You'll learn how to create market and facilitate the right group for you, and how you can benefit personally, professionally and profitably. By attending this session, you will explore and adopt the best practices for finding the right people for your mastermind group and getting them to sign on; learn how to craft a solid marketing plan that will fill your group and generate income; create an action plan with easy-to-implement forms and templates that will make your group a success.

How to Rock a TED Talk Cathy Armillas Giving a TED Talk is one of the most prestigious platforms in the world and also the most sought after. There are reasons why great, professional speakers get turned down all the time. If you want to get a TED Talk and rock it, it's critical to understand the format and why TED Talks are different than any other type of presentations. As an organizer and speaking coach for TEDxPortland and a TEDx speaker herself; you'll get Cathy's insider secrets to help you get, prepare and deliver a TED Talk that ROCKS! By attending this session, you will find out the differences between a professional speech and a TED Talk (and why it's not what you think); learn the 10 essential elements of a powerful TED Talk and how to use them in your preparation; find out the best way to get invited to give a TED Talk and how to ROCK it!

Exclusively for CSPs/CPAEs: Pitches and Packages for Profit: How to Make the Pitch that Sells Your Mega $ without Peeving the Meeting Planner Sean Roach Two years ago serial entrepreneur and NSA Million Dollar Group member Sean Roach wowed the audience at NSA's 2014 Platform Profit Lab. His lessons in packaging your expertise and then selling it from the platform in a way that doesn't rattle the meeting planner are invaluable and should be a part of any seasoned speakers consideration. Come ready to learn from a master how to make your expertise profitable, past the speech.


Concurrent Sessions

Create your Book Vision: 3 Keys to Credibility, Revenue and Raving Fans with a Book Helen Chang Are people asking, "Do you have a book?" And you keep saying, "Not yet, but it's coming!" But every time you sit down to write your book, you get stuck, confused and overwhelmed. By attending this session, you will discover how to share the message of your book, to position it as a bestseller; how to showcase your credibility and present yourself as an expert; the #1 way to create an emotional bond with your readers and turn them into loyal, raving fans; the top five ways to generate revenue with your book.

Health Strategies for Surviving Business Travel Marlisa Brown You have worked hard to create a lucrative speaking career. Often friends joke about the luxury of your glamorous travel schedule. But you know better than anyone that it is not just a relaxing vacation around the world. Grueling commutes, delays at airports, recycled plane air, lost baggage and dusty hotel rooms can really play havoc on your health. As a professional speaker you are always on stage and you owe it to your clients to keep your energy going no matter what, providing an interactive, exciting program every time. Marlisa will share tips and strategies to not only keep you fit, but to help you recharge, rejuvenate and to bring your energy up, even on those days even when you are not 100%. By attending this session, you will utilize strategies to help speakers to recharge their energy during travel; be able to set a preventive action plan to help address health travel issues; make a self-evaluation checklist in order to develop a healthful work schedule.

Building and Branding a Speaker's Team Boris Nikolai Konrad, CSP & Gabriel Schandl, CSP Founded as a mastermind group four German speaking experts from three different countries came together to foster their speaking businesses. Quickly an idea rose teaming up for synergy effects when addressing international markets. The German Keynote Speakers were born. Today we share a joint staffed office and run our own open events with up to 700 attendees touring internationally. Both as joint package or individual speakers we address international markets using our brand. In this session we will present how to build, developed and establish a brand for a speaker team, how to benefit from it and materialize it as a whole new field of income by staging joint events. Attendees additionally will learn how to address international markets and cooperate in an international team of colleagues.By attending this session, you will learn how to benefit from building a team beyond a mastermind; learn how to work in an international team addressing international markets; learn how to stage public events in cooperation with city councils and public services.

The Many Faces of Client Stress: Recognizing Roadblocks to Boost the Bottom Line Kristen Brown In this funny and interactive session, you will visually experience the most common signs of stress in yourself and others that most dramatically impact relationships, sales and service. Once you recognize these body language cues, behaviors and symptoms, you can better engage with your clients, team and prospects. You will learn specific ways to interrupt the stress response to ensure you maintain relationships with positive bottom-line impact. Kristen's hilarious facial expressions and physical comedy create a memorable and entertaining experience while also educating on the critical impact of stress on professional and sales success. She will guide the audience through scenarios and share the best ways to spin them into positive and lucrative conversations.From the cranky client to the know-it-all vendor to the overworked colleague and other common work relationship challenges, attendees will learn to recognize common roadblocks to sales and service and how to counteract them.By attending this session, you will recognize in yourself and others the body language, behaviors and symptoms of stress that can potentially hurt sales, relationships and service; learn to engage with clients, team members and prospects even when they exhibit these signs of stress; shift your own stress responses to ensure you are seen as a respected professional, engaging personality and solid performer even when you experience challenging times.


Concurrent Sessions

How to Add Storytelling, Humor & Entertainment to Your Presentations for Maximum Impact Lou Heckler, CSP, CPAE & Jane Herlong, CSP Discover how to craft stories and other entertainment to impact your audience. Punch-up your presentations and take your keynotes, webinars and workshops to the next level using powerful stories and added entertainment. By attending this session, you will learn how to craft powerful and entertaining stories; discover talents to add entertainment for added impact; connect key elements in presentations adding an emotional connection.

From 0 to Mach Speed: Working with Video and Green Screen Deborah Johnson Do you wonder how some videos look like they are filmed in exotic locations or in a T.V. studio? With the right green or blue screen and with the right setup, you can produce your own videos with a similar look and feel. Deborah will take you through the steps to create a simple video green screen setup in your own home without going into a huge amount of debt or having to have a great deal of technical video training to begin with. She will walk you through materials available for different budgets, with hardware or software needed for the best results. As a part of the session, she will use some raw footage to demonstrate different looks and editing capabilities. Deborah will also leave you with some ideas of how to use video and green screen in video blogging, in online learning sessions and other creative uses. By attending this session, you will understand the importance of using visual media in your marketing and communicating; gain enough knowledge and insight to decide whether or not you should build into your own studio; leave with your own specific action plan for your successful use of green screen, if you decide to pursue it.

How Introverts Can Use Their Peaceful Power to Rock out Their Sales Karen "Casey" Carpenter This session will focus on sales communication skills for introverts. Introverts have to market and sell their expertise just like extroverts, which may take more effort because of how they're wired. Studies show that social scales are unbalanced those who speak up first and loudest get noticed way more often than their quieter, more cerebral counterparts. Introverts rarely speak up first, and are not usually the loudest. We will explore the innate "sales swag" that introverts possess untapped talents that they might not know about that make customers fall in love with them! You will receive tips on how to use your peaceful power to sell in one-on-one and group scenarios, how to leverage your tendency to listen more than extroverts, and how a peaceful approach is a major asset in closing deals. By attending this session, you will identify your introversion or extroversion preference, which gives insight to how you communicate; discover ways to leverage your style when selling, so you make more sales; get ways to minimize discomfort when selling, and engage in sales activities more readily.

Time to Upgrade: Go from Expert to Thought Leader Justin Branch & Scott James Being an expert means you have the knowledge. Being a thought-leader means being recognized for your knowledge and ideas. Of course transitioning from expert to thought-leader is a tremendous jump that allows a speaker to grow their business, attract larger audiences and monetize their ideas more effectively. In this session, we'll delve into how you can establish yourself as a thought-leader, build your brand and generate higher takeaway value for your growing audience. Greenleaf Book Group's Justin and Scott will share secrets from their experiences working with thought-leaders, top speakers and bestselling authors. They will also provide a step-by-step guide for speakers looking to transition their expertise into recognized thought leadership. By attending this session, you will understand the difference between being an expert and being a thought-leader and what that could mean for your speaking career; know the three key questions that every thought-leader must be able to answer; understand the steps on the path to thought leadership.

Play your Way to Better Pay: What Speakers Can Learn From Game Designers Scott Crabtree Let's play, and get our audiences playing too! "Sage on the stage" is dying; speakers need to provide interaction and fun in their programs in order to be successful in today's world. How can you bring more interaction and fun to your programs? By learning from those who build interaction and fun full-timegame designers. Gamification is the process of applying game design techniques to just about anything. Learn how to gamify your sessions so your audiences have more fun, remember more of your content and tell more people how awesome a speaker you are! What's a key technique to get someone addicted to your material? What do power-ups and badges have to do with people engaging with your content? How does playing help learning? How can you gamify your program when you aren't a game designer? Come to this session and walk away with the answersand a big smile on your face! By attending this session, you will learn how game designers get players hooked and how you can do the same to your audiences; discover concrete techniques you can immediately apply to make your programs more interactive and more fun; see which game design techniques can help boost your careerand which don't work for speakers.

Good Enough for Gov'ment Work Chip Lutz, CSP Have you ever wanted to work with the Federal Government but don't know where to start? There are so many different systems, forms, regulations and procedures that unless you've worked it, it can get overwhelming. Fear not! Chip will give you the tools you need to know how to find out what systems you need to be in. What kind of business you should register yourself as and where to get help when you need it. He'll also cover the basics of how to write a quality proposal for a government solicitation. This session isn't for those who want to get rich quick. It's for those who want to put in the hard work on working with the government and is based on what I've learned over the past eight years as a prime and subcontractor with the Federal Government. By attending this session, you will learn the online systems that they need to be in in order to find government work and bid on it; understand basic government contracting as a sub and prime contractor; get the "hot skinny" on writing a quality proposal for a government solicitation.

NSA Leading Ladies (session open to all Influence 2016 attendees) Join Dianna Booher, CSP, CPAE and Elizabeth Jeffries, CSP, CPAE as they host this session featuring a number of NSA's leading ladies sharing their insights, thoughts and a look at the legacy they have left at NSA.


Foundation Champagne Reception (separate registration required)

In the 43 years since NSA was founded, the organization has been fortunate to have 10 amazing women serve as president. These women have led the association through growth, breaking barriers, and forging into new areas. The NSA Foundation is honored to host a tribute to these 10 amazing women and celebrate their leadership. The Foundation will host a champagne reception and tribute where a number of NSA members will share their talents from the stage in honoring these amazing women. Registration for this event is separate from Influence 2016 registration and the proceeds benefit NSAs Foundation.Registration opening soon!


General Session

Creating and Curating Relevant and Valuable Content Rachel Weintraub, Content & TV Producer; Amy Cosper, VP/Editor in Chief, Entrepreneur Magazine; Patti Dennis, VP News, TEGNA Media; Heath Row, Research Operations Manager, Google Moderator: Kate Delaney, Delaney Media Group How we receive and digest information is changing rapidly. How do we utilize books, television and the internet to communicate? How do we need to change the way we communicate to stay relevant? Hear from this diverse panel of experts to find out what they have to say on the subject.


Concurrent Sessions

30 Minute Story Makeovers Kelly Swanson Got a story that needs a little bling? Could your words use some gloss? Need to conceal the weak spots and highlight the best features? If so, then bring your story to the makeup counter where Kelly Swanson, your cosmetician, will give you some quick applications to make that story spotlight-worthy through details, humor, characters and delivery. By attending this session, you will learn to add depth to characters and see places for more humor; learn how to tell stories in a more authentic conversational way; learn to create more powerful text with fewer words.

Booking More Business with Gen Xer & Millennial Decision Makers (and Boomers Too!) Anna Liotta, CSP Decision makers today are a multi-generational diverse mix. As speakers we have to be nimble in customizing our marketing messages, follow-up and offers to match the Generational CODES of the buyers of today (not yesterday). This fast-paced, action-focused session will share what each makes each generation of decision makers want to see, hear and know more from speakers and what gets you blocked from getting through. By attending this session, you will learn how to customize your messaging to connect and engage Gen X, Millennial and Boomer decision makers; understand what you have been doing that is sabotaging your business with buyers from other generations; leave with powerful, simple adjustments you can make to elevate your ROI in business development activities.

Small Events, Big Money: How to Build a New 6-Figure Revenue Stream in 1 Year Using the Superstar Retreat + Mastermind Model Michelle Villalobos Learn how Michelle quadrupled her business to 7-figures in 1 year using a simple model that most (excellent) speakers could easily emulate. If you can deliver a powerful, lasting transformation in a three-day retreat, then you can use this model too. By attending this session, you will identify a new revenue stream that could multiply your revenues, without eating up your time; get inspired to try something fun and new; figure out how to monetize all those people you speak in front of without making offers from the stage.

TV, Youtube, Periscope: Are Authenticity and Passion Enough? Jan Fox You are a 3D person. TV, YouTube, Periscope flatten you into 1, maybe 2D. Whatever level of authenticity and passion you use in daily speaking, stays flat on video. The natural lilt in your voice dulls. Your body stiffens. By attending this session, you will learn how to move down the continuum to your fullest potential for on-camera work; discover how to use your biggest self without losing the real you; find out how to sit, how to look at your camera, how to use your hands, how to answer interview questions with repeatable, re-tweetable, retainable sound bites; plan for the internal promo tease and the follow-up segment that ensure you'll get invited back, or watched again and again. Volunteer for the video hot seat to see yourself improve before your very eyes. Walk out with a segment plan, a persuade the producer plan to get yourself on TV. NOTE: This is not a technical session. It's a delivery and performance session to help you look and sound your best on video.

The Fine Art of Becoming an Author 2.0 Debra Fine Communications expert, keynote speaker and bestselling author, Debra Fine, will offer the tools to determine the best course for your own book journey. Whether you have yet to write a word, or you are struggling with the prospect of self-publishing versus traditional, during this session you will learn to determine if self-publishing or the traditional publishing route is for you; understand what is involved with self-publishing including text design, printing, bar code and ISBN's, cover design and distribution; locate and secure the right literary agent; develop a publicity campaign with little financial investment; establish the beginnings of a list of local, national and international resources for self-publishing.

5 Killer Ways to Captivate Your Audience with Powerful Presentation Slides (PPT) Paul Vorreiter Most presentations bore the audience. How do you stand out from the crowd and impact your audiences? Learn five killer ways to impact, inform and motivate any audience to action. These techniques are easy to apply, and you don't have to be a PowerPoint genius. By attending this session, you will learn the three core elements you need to use to become memorable; design secrets you need to know to create high-impact slides; walk away with five checklists that will help you present like a pro.

How to Sell From the Stage without Being Pushy, Hype-y, or Sales-y Ava Diamond Selling from the stage without turning off your audience increases your income and impact. Whether it's selling more programs at the back of the room or speaking for free and selling a coaching or consulting package, mastering this skill is essential for speakers. Today's audiences are smarter and more sophisticated. They don't want to be sold to, but they do want information and programs that will improve their lives. By attending this session, you will learn to reverse engineer your talk so that you create hunger in your audience for what you will offer; construct speeches so your audience feels the pain; stop making the most common mistake that kills your sales; activate your audience to buy on the spot instead of thinking about it; how to make offers to your audience when you're not allowed to sell.

How to Generate Multiple Revenue Streams while Living Barcelona! Verne Harnish In this interactive session, Verne will share how he's structured multiple revenue streams, driven by his books and speaking gigs, to generate passive income and spend more time at home with his wife and four children. He'll discuss how he's grown an affiliate network of over 200 partners; built a thriving online training and education platform; and why a 20/20 plan is key driving all this.

Growing Your Single Speaker Practice to a Multiple Speaker Business Margaret Fitzgerald, CSP Many speakers have a speaking practice with a single speaker who usually has collateral product and services beyond the presentation. But what happens when the volume of business goes beyond what a single speaker, even with support staff, can provide? Is your product, including presentations, public seminars, publications, online programs, consultation and the like, in such demand that you know early in your career that a single content expert cannot possibly provide it all? If so, consider developing a business where many speakers and consultants can carry forth the message of your company and build a company with significant residual value. By attending this session, you will identify when to consider the move from a speaking practice to a multiple speaker practice; recognize the benefits and pitfalls of the move from a single speaker practice to an expanded service business; learn about developing a core product that many speakers can present.


Concurrent Sessions

ShowBUSINESS: Producing Presentations with POWer! Tami Evans When it comes to audience engagement, the experience we create is critical. Customize your current program with experiential techniques that will leave your audiences and your clients delighted. You will learn easy tools that will instantly elevate your speech from words to WOW.Former professional actress (Sex and the City, One Life to Live, Stepmom), Tami Evans will walk you through the process. She will show you exactly what it looks like and then guide you step-by-step how to bring the same pizazz to your program. By attending this session, you will create and customize memorable moments that audiences will love (and remember!); learn the steps to turn droning into drama; understand how to make attendees the star of the show, and why that is crucial for engagement.

Dominate Your Niche! 7 Proven Strategies for Growing Your Speaking Business Chuck Gallagher Want to know the secret to growing your speaking career? Dominate your niche! Let's be realistic, you've got to be able to sell yourself or position yourself so that buyers want you. This content-rich session will describe in detail seven proven methodsthat when followedwill position you to more easily sell yourself and/or have buyers looking for you. Bring your computer or tablet and be prepared for a powerful ride. Learn how Chuck turned a concept into the largest provider of his company's service generating revenue of over $250 million. By attending this session, you will learn the seven proven strategies to dominate your niche; actively see the strategies at work and learn what you need to do to implement them; work interactively to leave with a business plan for personal/business use.

12 Ways to Create Irresistible Pitches that Get You Media Interviews Jess Todtfeld, CSP Wouldn't it be great if you could put "As Seen On: ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX" on your website and marketing materials? How would that impact your business? Former National TV Producer, media trainer and Guinness Record Setter for most media interviews (112 in 24 hours), Jess Todtfeld will walk you through the process. He will give you a template designed to to not just get the attention of the media, but to get you booked. By attending this session, you will leave this session with actual pitches you've crafted and personalized; create and customize winning hooks that the media will love (and take them with you.); understand how to create sound bites, and why they are crucial for media pitches.

Secrets of Successful Authors: How to Build Your Platform (and Remain Friends) David Dye & Karin Hurt Co-authoring provides a unique opportunity to increase your platform, write a better book and get the attention of traditional publishers. But co-authoring isn't easy and it's definitely not for the faint-of-heart. Karin and David pull back the curtain and get real about the benefits, challenges and how-to's of successful co-authoring. In this fun, honest and interactive session, you will receive real-life examples of what worked, what can go wrong and what they would do next time. Karin and David will share specific tools, suggestions and resources you can use to determine if co-authoring is a good idea for you, create a profile of your ideal co-author and make the co-author business relationship work for both of you. By attending this session, you will learn how to identify and qualify the right co-author for you; how to make a book business partnership work for both of you; how to co-write your book with one voice and engage in creative conflicts that make you (and the book) better.

More than a Business Card: How to Write a Book that Sells YOU Orvel Ray Wilson, CSP & Robin Colucci You've heard a book can be great for credibility, but it should be intentionally designed as a "Guerrilla marketing" weapon. This session is about how to write a book that can draw to your ideal clients who arrive ready to buy, act as a lead generation and list building tool; deliver the basics to your clients, so the time they spend with you is more valuable (and worth a higher fee); position you as the innovative thought leader in your field; open doors to stronger strategic partners and bigger stages. By attending this session, you will learn the optimal form and format for a speaker's book; learn the three essential elements of a compelling book; find out the seven secrets of a bestselling book title.

Thou Shall Fill Thy Calendar (& 27 Other Speaking Rules That Don't Exist) Jason Kotecki, CSP We talk a lot within NSA about building a business, but not so much about building a life, and the two are not necessarily the same. Little time is spent talking about the challenges of finding balance, as well as starting and maintaining relationships. Travel is part of the job, but we tend to look up to the people who leave their friends and family the most. Too often the great freedoms this profession provides us are wasted because we're too caught up comparing ourselves to each other and basing our value on our fees and the fullness of our calendar. We are quick to steal the tactics of other successful speakers without stopping to consider the strategy behind them, which can steer us down the road to burnout, bad health and broken relationships. Whether you're new to the speaking industry or a seasoned veteran, you've no doubt encountered many so-called rules for success. Although often championed by well-known speakers who are themselves successful, the truth is that following some of these rules can sink your career. How do you know which rules are worth following and which ones are holding you back?

Exclusively for CSPs/CPAEs: Wild Success: Transforming Your Speaking Business Into a Highly Profitable Company Marty Lassen How do you go from a mild success to wild success in the speaking business? Find out from someone who isn't a speaker, but who is an architect of building business in the speaking industry. Marty Lassen and Scott Halford, CSP, CPAE became business partners in 2000 and established their company Complete Intelligence, LLC. Together they have turned the business into an Inc. 5000 company all with speaking and learning and development as its main focus. By attending this session, you will learn how to take the request for a talk and turn it into a multi-year, multiple program contract; how to create and develop allied streams of revenue; how to keep the calendar full.

Leverage Your Expertise, License Your Intellectual Property Michelle May, CSP Could licensing your intellectual property be your next step in building a healthy business model? If you are the go-to expert on your topic, licensing allows you to multiply your influence, leverage your expertise, and generate passive revenue. Bring your unique expertise and Michelle will share her practical experience with a train-the-trainer model, live in-person trainings, teleseminars, webinars and online program delivery. During this session, we'll explore key elements necessary for a successful licensing program, including content, a market for that content and a process, system, or model to transfer your expertise. You'll consider potential buyers, format options, legal considerations (but Michelle is a doctor, not a lawyer!), and efficient administration of your licensing program. By attending this session, you will decide if licensing is a viable way to leverage your intellectual property; explore options for licensing your intellectual property to individuals and organizations; develop a template for your licensing program.


Concurrent Sessions

What Mark Twain Can Learn You 'Bout Captivating an Audience Conor Cunneen Long recognized as a wonderful author and humorist, the man who wrote Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn quite credibly was the most successful professional speaker ever. From his first major speech in San Francisco in 1866 thru the early 20th century, Mark Twain captivated audiences in countries as diverse as United States, England, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa and Germany with material based on detailed preparation and rehearsal. Based on Twain's speeches, writings and interviews, this entertaining and engaging session will learn you nine lessons from the great humorist to prepare material to captivate and engage your audience and ensure repeat business. Twain said "teach" was not in the vocabulary of his youth. Just as the man born Sam Clemens provided unforgettable this is a session that is memorable and implementable. Why? The nine lessons which cover what you do pre-stage and on-stage spell the acronym Mark Twain! By attending this session, you will learn secrets to developing customized speeches to wow your client; learn memorable simple concepts to add humor to your presentations; learn how to connect and engage via TWAINTwitter, Wait, Anecdote, Involve, Narration.

Creating Mass Influence: How to Become THE Authority in Your Industry Teresa De Grosbois This interactive session explores the premise that much of what you learned growing up is stopping you from becoming influential. From the rules of fairness you learned in the schoolyard, to the rules of etiquette you learned in networking, you will discover where the game of influence differs from other social games you've been taught. Exploring the top habits and rules the highly influential operate by and the key mistakes to avoid, you will discover the game of influence and the steps to becoming an authority in your field. By attending this session, you will master the top habits high influencers consistently do to forward their reputation and brand; discover the three mistakes you must avoid to be taken seriously as an authority in your field; learn the top strategy you can start, right now, to significantly grow your connections, influence and reach.

How to Build a Successful Keynote Business One Connection at a Time Marilyn Sherman, CSP It takes more than a killer keynote to get booked over and over again. You must learn how to connect with your audience, meeting planner, bureau, agent, other speakers and the one person you need to convince most of your brillianceyourself. By attending this session, you will learn how to take one keynote and go deep in an association to get booked over and over; learn best practices after your killer keynote to build repeat business; learn how to build your business by building your connections with others.

Editing Tricks to Plan Your Book & Streamline Everything You Write Barbara McNichol Is it time to take your bookyour babyinto the world? In this fun, interactive session, you'll boost your awareness of both the book writing and manuscript editing process as you learn to use a planner to consolidate your thinking about your book's value, communicate better with your editor through the planner and discuss the magic of a sample edit. By attending this session, you will walk away with editing techniques you can use immediately; learn to whack wordinessthe most practical technique ever; use word trippers to match the right word to the meaning you want; apply top techniques to improve everything you write.

How to Fill Your Calendar with Self-Promoted Events Darryl Davis, CSP Sometimes waiting for the phone to ring, or picking up the phone asking to be hired, is not enough to generate the revenue you need to support your family and have the financial abundance you want as a professional speaker. Whether you are a speaker trying to break into an industry, or looking to fill those non-booked days on your calendar, this session is for you. For over 20 years, Darryl's company has created a system on how to effectively promote self-sponsored events and in this session, Darryl will share his winning formula. By attending this session, you will learn the step-by-step system of putting together a self-promoted event; what to sell from the stage without selling; what is the best technology and systems to use to keep track of your success?

The 1:8 Rule: Turn Every Presentation Into a Content Marketing Campaign Daniel Lemin Every speaker hears it they need to be better at marketing their skills, expertise, speaking credentials and services. They need a blog. They need Twitter, Vimeo, Slideshare, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Instagram and Email. We hear it all the time, and it's good advice. The problem is where do you get all of that content? The answer is simple it's all in your talks already. Every presentation you give has the potential to become at least eight pieces of individual content that can be used in digital marketing, social media and email. Learn how to dissect that talk and turn your presentations into killer content that works hard for your speaking business. By attending this session, you will understand how to transform presentation materials into content marketing materials; create a publishing cadence on social media for your content; assess how your content is working to drive business.

Roberts Rules Made Simple Association Leadership, Governance and More! Susan Leahy Roberts Rules of Order is the underutilized team building tool. Associations across the US and Canada use Roberts to run their meetings but many times members of those associations struggle to understand what is going on and this creates tension and unneeded frustration. Great teams run great meetings. It is crucial to give association members a road map so that they can get up to speed quicker. Susan will share with you a simple roadmap to understanding Roberts Rules of Order.

7:00pm 9:30pm

CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame/Cavett Awards Banquet

Join us as we induct the newest members of the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame and honor the Cavett Award recipient, NSAs highest honor. Because our fire insurance is paid in full, weve invited Steve Spangler, CSP, CPAE to emcee the banquet. Whenever Steve takes the stage, things seem to fizz, pop, burn and explode all in an effort to make science fun. But its science that we need as we transform the old statues into the new. The awards are new, the night is new and the experience will be unforgettable. Just watch out for the flying potatoes.


General Session

Speaking Greats of NSA Waldo Waldman, CSP, CPAE; Connie Podesta, CSP, CPAE; Roger Crawford, CSP, CPAE; Patrick Fripp, CSP, CPAE; Charlie Plumb, CSP, CPAE; Tim Gard, CSP, CPAE Kick off the morning with the most dynamic power openings and speeches from some of the best in NSA. Each speaker has been inducted into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame. Prepare to be delighted, inspired, uplifted and amazed by your peers!

The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster Darren Hardy Sixty-six percent of small businesses fail and its not for the reasons you think. In this session you will learn the essential sales and marketing skills every entrepreneur needs to master in order to succeed in todays brutally competitive marketplace. Discover the six brain hacks to conquer fear forever so you can enjoy the terrifyingly thrilling entrepreneur ride!


Farewell Party and Dancing

Now that youve been influenced and inspired through education and peer-to-peer networking, it's time to unwind! Join friends new and old as you dance the night away with a live band, enjoy Arizona specialties and close out Influence 2016!

See the rest here:
NSA Convention - National Speakers Association (NSA)

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Where can I find DNA testing in Buffalo, New York?

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Why Choose DDC?

DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) is proud to offer the most convenient DNA paternity testing locations in Buffalo and surrounding areas.

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DDC offers a variety of DNA Paternity Testing options for every situation:

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Where can I find DNA testing in Buffalo, New York?

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Eczema (atopic dermatitis) – Better Health Channel

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Atopic dermatitis (commonly known as eczema) is an inherited, chronic inflammatory skin condition that usually appears in early childhood. Patches of skin become red, scaly and itchy. Sometimes, tiny blisters containing clear fluid can form and the affected areas of skin can weep. Weeping is a sign that the dermatitis has become infected, usually with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph). Eczema is not contagious.

Eczema can vary in severity and symptoms may flare up or subside from day to day. If your eczema becomes worse, disrupts sleep or becomes infected, see your doctor.

Using moisturisers and cortisone-based ointments can help ease the symptoms. It is also important to avoid skin irritants, such as soap, hot water and synthetic fabrics.

Children with eczema have a higher risk of developing food allergies, asthma and hay fever later in childhood.

Although you only need only one copy of the gene to form a normal skin barrier, two copies are important for skin barrier repair. If a persons skin is exposed to irritants and their skin barrier is affected, a person with only one copy of the gene may find that their ability to repair the skin barrier is limited.

Once the skin barrier is disrupted, moisture leaves the skin and the skin will become dry and scaly. Environmental allergens (irritants from the persons surrounds) can also enter the skin and activate the immune system, producing inflammation that makes the skin red and itchy.

You are more likely to get eczema if your family has a history of eczema or allergic conditions, including hay fever and asthma.

In most cases, eczema is not caused or aggravated by diet. If you feel a food is to blame, see your doctor or a dietitian for proper allergy testing and dietary advice.

While eczema causes stress, and stress may increase the energy with which you scratch, stress does not in itself cause eczema.

Suggestions for washing include:

Suggestions for reducing skin irritation include:

Hard physical activity or exercise that makes you sweat heavily can also trigger the itch of eczema.

Suggestions include:

Never self-diagnose or you risk depriving yourself of enjoyable and nutritious foods for no good reason. Unnecessarily avoiding certain foods (such as dairy products) can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Using high-strength topical steroids for extended periods, especially on delicate areas like the face, can cause side effects, including thinning of the skin. It is best to apply the cream to reddened areas after bathing, but make sure the skin is thoroughly dry.

In severe cases of eczema, a short course of oral corticosteroids may be necessary. This must be done under careful medical supervision because symptoms may become worse once you have finished taking the tablets.

Pimecrolimus cream is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory cream that can help reduce flare-ups of eczema if applied at the first signs of eczema.

A person with stubborn eczema may need up to 30 sessions. The risks of unsupervised ultraviolet radiation therapy can be the same as for sunbathing faster ageing of the skin and greater risk of skin cancer.

Because of these risks, and the need for close and regular monitoring, oral anti-inflammatory treatment is only considered in severe cases of eczema that are difficult to control with other therapies.

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Eczema (atopic dermatitis) - Better Health Channel

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Chocolatey Gallery | Jitsi 2.8.5426

Posted: at 4:44 am

Private CDN cached downloads available for licensed customers. Never experience 404 breakages again! Learn more...

This package was approved by moderator ferventcoder on 4/24/2015.

Jitsi (formerly SIP Communicator) is a free and open source multiplatform voice (VoIP), videoconferencing and instant messaging application for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It supports several popular instant messaging and telephony protocols, including open recognised encryption protocols for chat (OTR) and voice/video/streaming and voice/video conferencing (SIP/RTP/SRTP/ZRTP), as well as built-in IPv6, NAT traversal and DNSSEC. Jitsi and its source code are released under the terms of the LGPL.

To install Jitsi, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

To upgrade Jitsi, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).

Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.

This package has no dependencies.

20042012 Emil Ivov

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Chocolatey Gallery | Jitsi 2.8.5426

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What is Libertarianism? –

Posted: May 27, 2016 at 12:40 pm

This is not without reason. Libertarians talk a lot about auditing the Federal Reserve and returning U.S. currency to the gold standard. They rail against the war on drugs and many of them, including the party's front-runner, enjoy pot. But as the Libertarian Party gathers in Florida to select its nominee during an unprecedented year in politics, it has a chance to break out of the fringe.

Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party offers an ideological and political alternative to the Democratic and Republican parties, in favor of reducing government involvement in all sectors, from the economy to social issues.

Although disagreement abounds on specific measures and the extent to which government should shrink, Libertarians almost universally advocate for slashing government benefits, reducing economic regulations and implementing radical reform -- if not the outright elimination -- of the Federal Reserve. On social matters, Libertarians generally take a liberal approach, favoring same-sex marriage and the decriminalization of most, or all, drugs. The party is deeply pro-gun rights and takes a skeptical stance on any military involvement in other countries.

Many of these ideas are rooted in principles espoused by Ayn Rand, author of "Atlas Shrugged." Rand helped popularize the controversial Libertarian principle that "egoism" was preferable to altruism -- that one's self-interest trumped anything else so long as it did not mean hurting anyone else.

These ideas are old, and debates over core Libertarian principles abound. Rather than dig through the weeds, CNN reached out to several contemporary Libertarians -- all of whom will be key players in the national convention this weekend -- to get a better understanding of Libertarianism as it stands now.

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, the party's 2012 presidential nominee and the frontrunner this cycle, said, "The more government does, the less freedom we enjoy. The Libertarian view is in favor of smaller government and greater individual liberty."

Austin Petersen, a hardcore party advocate and candidate for president, said Libertarianism "means being fiscally conservative and socially whatever you want provided you don't force it on anyone else."

He said people could live as they pleased. Whether that meant living by traditional values or taking hard drugs, Petersen said the government should not regulate anyone's lifestyle.

"You can live a socially conservative lifestyle, but it doesn't mean you want to legislate other people to have a socially conservative lifestyle," Petersen said.

Petersen has split with many socially liberal members of his party on abortion, which allows him to pitch himself social conservatives in a way other candidates cannot.

"I believe a fetus is a human child," Petersen said. "You cannot have liberty without sanctity of life."

Meanwhile, John McAfee, a cybersecurity expert who earned international notoriety years before his recent run for the Libertarian nomination, described libertarianism as an economic and social lifestyle of its own. He rolled off a list of principles he said defined his understanding of the party.

"Number one, our bodies and our minds belong to ourselves and not to the government or anyone else for that matter. Number two, we should not harm one another," McAfee recited.

"Number three, we should not take each other's stuff. We should not steal each other's property. Number four, we should keep our agreements."

Carla Howell, political director of the Libertarian National Committee, offered the party's own answer.

"We advocate for minimum government and maximum freedom," Howell said.

When it comes to policy, Howell cited party commitments to cutting taxes, ending the war on drugs and privatizing poorly performing government agencies. She took the TSA to task in particular, calling for its elimination. Howell also said the Libertarian Party advocates ending military interventions and foreign aid, which she said would promote peace and reduce spending.

"Bottom line," Howell said, "We need to make government much smaller than it is today."

See the rest here:
What is Libertarianism? -

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Theology, Pantheism Spinoza: Discussion Metaphysics of …

Posted: May 26, 2016 at 9:45 pm

Metaphysics / Truth of Spinoza's Pantheism. All is One (Nature, God) Pantheist Quotes from Famous Philosophers & Scientists

'Deus sive Natura' (God or Nature)(Spinoza) We are part of Nature as a whole whose order we follow (Spinoza) A substance cannot be produced from anything else : it will therefore be its own cause, that is, its essence necessarily involves existence, or existence appertains to the nature of it. (Spinoza, 1673)

Pantheism (meaning All is God) is the religious belief in the divinity of Nature and that we humans are part of the One, interconnected whole. It is in realising our connection to the One Universe (Nature, God, Brahman, Tao, Space) that we find truth, spiritual fulfillment and solace. Pantheism offers a positive ecological philosophy to our current destructive and isolated world.

The pantheist philosopher Spinoza, realised two profound things, that All is One (God, Nature) and that Motion is fundamental to existence. He described reality (what exists) in terms of One Substance.

But if men would give heed to the nature of substance they would doubt less concerning the Proposition that Existence appertains to the nature of substance: rather they would reckon it an axiom above all others, and hold it among common opinions. For then by substance they would understand that which is in itself, and through itself is conceived, or rather that whose knowledge does not depend on the knowledge of any other thing. (Spinoza, 1673)

Spinoza recognised the One Substance must be Infinite;

No two or more substances can have the same attribute and it appertains to the nature of substance that it should exist. It must therefore exist finitely or infinitely. But not finitely. For it would then be limited by some other substance of the same nature which also of necessity must exist: and then two substances would be granted having the same attribute, which is absurd. It will exist, therefore, infinitely. (Spinoza)

And Ageless and Eternal;

A substance cannot be produced from anything else : it will therefore be its own cause, that is, its essence necessarily involves existence, or existence appertains to the nature of it. (Spinoza, 1673)

'All is One and Interconnected' is not a new idea, its foundation lies with the ancient philosophers. For thousands of years, philosophers have gazed at the stars and known that One thing must exist that is common to and connects the Many things within the Universe. As Leibniz profoundly says;

Reality cannot be found except in One single source, because of the interconnection of all things with one another. (Leibniz, 1670)

Albert Einstein also had a good understanding of humans as an inseparable part of the One, as he writes;

A human being is part of the whole called by us universe ... We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein)

Unfortunately (and most likely tragically), this knowledge of our interconnection to the Universe (Nature, God) has been lost (or is naively considered as not important) to modern day humanity. As D. H. Lawrence wrote; We are bleeding at the roots because we are cut off from the Earth.

It is important to understand that although 'All is One and Interconnected' is a profound idea of the ancients, they did not actually know how the universe was a dynamic unity, what matter was, how the One Thing / Brahman caused and connected the many things. The Metaphysics of Space and the Wave Structure of Matter shows that we can understand Reality and the interconnection of all things from a foundation of science / reason rather than mysticism / intuition.

On the left side of this page you will find links to the main articles which explain and solve many of the problems of postmodern Metaphysics, Physics and Philosophy from this new foundation.

We hope you enjoy the following pantheist quotes from a diversity of philosophers and scientists.

Geoff Haselhurst, Karene Howie

In essence, pantheism holds that there is no divinity other than the universe and nature. Pantheism is a religious belief that reveres and cares for nature, a religion that joyously accepts this life as our only life, and this earth as our only paradise, if we look after it. Pantheism revels in the beauty of nature and the night sky, and is full of wonder at their mystery and power. Pantheism believes that all things are linked in profound unity ... All things interconnected and interdependent. In life and in death we humans are an inseparable part of this unity, and in realising this we can find our joy and our peace. (Harrison, Pantheism, 1999)

I believe the universe is one being; all its parts are different expressions of the same energy, and they are all in communication with each other, therefore parts of one organic whole ... The whole is in all its parts so beautiful, and is felt by me to be so intensely in earnest, that I am compelled to love it, and to think of it as divine. It seems to me that this whole alone is worthy of the deeper sort of love; and there is peace, freedom, I might say a kind of salvation, in turning one's affections outward toward this one God; rather than inwards on one's self, or on humanity, or on human imaginations and abstractions- the world of spirits. (Robinson Jeffers, Pantheism)

A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. (Albert Einstein ,The Merging of Spirit and Science)

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. (Albert Einstein)

It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death; let feeble souls, from fear or absurd egoism, cherish such thoughts. I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature. (Albert Einstein, The World as I See It)

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)

'Deus sive Natura' (God or Nature) We are part of Nature as a whole whose order we follow (Spinoza)

All things are parts of one single system, which is called Nature; the individual life is good when it is in harmony with Nature. (Zeno)

So we see that the parts of the world (for there is nothing in the world which is not a part of the universe as a whole) have sense and reason. So these must be present to a higher and greater degree in that part which provides the organising principle of the whole world. So the universe must be a rational being and the Nature which permeates and embraces all things must be endowed with reason in its highest form. And so God and the world of Nature must be one, and all the life of the world must be contained within the being of God. (Cicero)

I believe in the cosmos. All of us are linked to the cosmos. So nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals. Being at one with nature. (Mikhail Gorbachev)

Behold but One in all things; it is the second that leads you astray. (Kabir)

When the Ten Thousand things are viewed in their oneness, we return to the Origin and remain where we have always been. (Sen T'sen)

The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living. (Jules Henri Poincare)

One grand great life throbs through earth's giant heart, And mighty waves of single Being roll From nerve-less germ to man, for we are part Of every rock and bird and beast and hill, One with the things that prey on us, and one with what we kill. (Oscar Wilde, Panthea)

We are enabled to apprehend at all what is sublime and noble only by the perpetual instilling and drenching of the reality that surrounds us. We can never have enough of nature. (Henry David Thoreau)

A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. (Albert Einstein)

A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge. (Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot)

'God is not separate from the world; He is the soul of the world, and each of us contains a part of the Divine Fire. All things are parts of one single system, which is called Nature; the individual life is good when it is in harmony with Nature. In one sense, every life is in harmony with Nature, since it is such as Natures laws have caused it to be; but in another sense a human life is only in harmony with Nature when the individual will is directed to ends which are among those of Nature. Virtue consists in a will which is in agreement with Nature.' (Zeno, founder of Stoicism) (Russell, 1946)

Let your gods, therefore, O philosophers, be suited to the present appearances of nature: and presume not to alter these appearances by arbitrary suppositions, in order to suit them to the attributes, which you so fondly ascribe to your deities. (David Hume, Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding, 1737, p137-8)

The word pantheism derives from the Greek words pan (='all') and theos (='God'). Thus pantheism means 'All is God'. In essence, pantheism holds that there is no divinity other than the universe and nature. Pantheism is a religious belief that reveres and cares for nature, a religion that joyously accepts this life as our only life, and this earth as our only paradise, if we look after it. Pantheism revels in the beauty of nature and the night sky, and is full of wonder at their mystery and power. Pantheism believes that all things are linked in profound unity ... All things interconnected and interdependent. In life and in death we humans are an inseparable part of this unity, and in realising this we can find our joy and our peace. (Harrison, Pantheism, 1999)

I believe the universe is one being; all its parts are different expressions of the same energy, and they are all in communication with each other, therefore parts of one organic whole ... The whole is in all its parts so beautiful, and is felt by me to be so intensely in earnest, that I am compelled to love it, and to think of it as divine. It seems to me that this whole alone is worthy of the deeper sort of love; and there is peace, freedom, I might say a kind of salvation, in turning one's affections outward toward this one God; rather than inwards on one's self, or on humanity, or on human imaginations and abstractions- the world of spirits. (Robinson Jeffers, Pantheism)

Aurelius, Marcus - Famous Stoic Roman Emperor & his Meditations on our Interconnected Existence in the Universe & how we are to live. We should not say - I am an Athenian or I am a Roman but I am a Citizen of the Universe.

Philosophy: Greek Philosophers - All is One (Space) and Active-Flux (Wave Motion). Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Atomists (Democritus, Lucretius), Socrates, Plato, Epicurus.

Philosophy: Stoicism Zeno - Famous Roman Stoic Philosopher Zeno realised the Interconnection of All Things in the Universe.

Spinoza, Benedictus de - The Wave Structure of Matter in One Infinite Eternal Space explains Spinoza's Substance (God is Nature) and the Interconnection of all things to One Thing and the Importance of (Wave) Motion in the Universe.

Tesla, Nikola - Tesla was influenced by Vedic Philosophy that all is one and dynamic. The Wave Structure of Matter confirms Nikola Tesla's Theories on Resonance and Transfer of Energy by Waves in Space. 'One day man will connect his apparatus to the very wheel work of the universe ... and the very forces that motivate the planets in their orbits and cause them to rotate will rotate his own machinery.'

Thoreau, Henry David - Thoreau's Civil Disobedience profoundly influenced Martin Luther King and Mohandas Gandhi. On Walden Pond greatly influenced my life of living simply in Nature

Theology: Albert Einstein: Religion & Science - Discussion of Religion and Science Quotes / Quotations / Articles from the Famous Scientist & Philosopher Albert Einstein. 'The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. ... Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.'

World Pantheist Movement

Pantheism: Nature, Universe, Science and Religion - Natural Pantheism, a spiritual approach to Nature and the Cosmos. The Universe is divine and Nature is sacred. The history, theory and practice of Pantheism. By Paul Harrison.

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"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." (George Orwell)

"Hell is Truth Seen Too Late." (Thomas Hobbes)

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." (Mohandas Gandhi)

"When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter. ... Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept 'empty space' loses its meaning. ... The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high. ... The free, unhampered exchange of ideas and scientific conclusions is necessary for the sound development of science, as it is in all spheres of cultural life. ... We must not conceal from ourselves that no improvement in the present depressing situation is possible without a severe struggle; for the handful of those who are really determined to do something is minute in comparison with the mass of the lukewarm and the misguided. ... Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!" (Albert Einstein)

Our world is in great trouble due to human behaviour founded on myths and customs that are causing the destruction of Nature and climate change. We can now deduce the most simple science theory of reality - the wave structure of matter in space. By understanding how we and everything around us are interconnected in Space we can then deduce solutions to the fundamental problems of human knowledge in physics, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, education, health, evolution and ecology, politics and society.

This is the profound new way of thinking that Einstein realised, that we exist as spatially extended structures of the universe - the discrete and separate body an illusion. This simply confirms the intuitions of the ancient philosophers and mystics.

Given the current censorship in physics / philosophy of science journals (based on the standard model of particle physics / big bang cosmology) the internet is the best hope for getting new knowledge known to the world. But that depends on you, the people who care about science and society, realise the importance of truth and reality.

It is easy to help - just click on the social network sites (below) or grab a nice image / quote you like and add it to your favourite blog, wiki or forum. We are listed as one of the top philosophy sites on the Internet (600,000 page views / week) and have a wonderful collection of knowledge from the greatest minds in human history, so people will appreciate your contributions. Thanks! Geoff Haselhurst - Karene Howie - Email

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"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

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