Daily Archives: May 16, 2016

The Genetic Basics: What Are Genes and What Do They Do? – A …

Posted: May 16, 2016 at 11:44 pm

Chromosomes contain the recipe for making a living thing. They are found in almost every cells nucleus and are made from strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Segments of DNA called "genes" are the ingredients. Each gene adds a specific protein to the recipe. Proteins build, regulate and maintain your body. For instance, they build bones, enable muscles to move, control digestion, and keep your heart beating.

Two of these 46 chromosomes determine the sex of a person. A girl inherits two X-chromosomes, one from her mother and one from her father. A boy inherits one X-chromosome from his mother and a small Y-chromosome from his father.

A gene can exist in many different forms, calledalleles. For example, lets say that there is one gene which determines the color of your hair. That one gene may have many forms, or alleles: black hair, brown hair, auburn hair, red hair, blond hair, etc. You inherit one allele for each gene from your mother and one from your father.

Each of the two alleles you inherit for a gene each may be strong ("dominant") or weak ("recessive"). When an allele is dominant, it means that the physical characteristic ("trait") it codes for usually is expressed, or shown, in the living organism. You need only one dominant allele to express a dominant trait. You need two recessivealleles to show a recessive form of a trait. See the heredity diagram for tongue rolling to see how dominant and recessive alleles work.

Tongue Rolling Heredity Diagram

There are several ways the genetic code can be altered. Sometimes genes are deleted or in the wrong place on a chromosome, or pieces of genes are swapped between chromosomes. As a result, the gene may not work or may turn on in the wrong part of the body.

"Point mutations" alter the genetic code by changing the letters in the codons -- the three-symbol genetic words that specify which protein to make. This can change the protein.

Original message: SAM AND TOM ATE THE HAM

Kind of point mutation

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The Genetic Basics: What Are Genes and What Do They Do? - A ...

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Rawls and Nozick: Liberalism Vs Libertarianism

Posted: at 11:41 pm

Image via Wikipedia

These days , in the occasional university philosophy classroom, the differences between Robert Nozicks Anarchy, State, and Utopia (libertarianism) and John Rawls A Theory of Justice (social liberalism) are still discussed vigorously. In order to demonstrate a broad spectrum of possible political philosophies it is necessary to define the outer boundaries, these two treatises stand like sentries at opposite gatesof the polis

John Rawls, A Theory of Justice. Rawls presents an account of justice in the form of two principles: (1) liberty principle= peoples equal basic liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of conscience (religion), and the right to vote should be maximized, and (2) difference principle= inequalities in social and economic goods are acceptable only if they promote the welfare of the least advantaged members of society. Rawls writes in the social contract tradition. He seeks to define equilibrium points that, when accumulated, form a civil system characterized by what he calls justice as fairness. To get there he deploys an argument whereby people in an original position (state of nature), make decisions (legislate laws) behind a veil of ignorance (of their place in the society rich or poor) using a reasoning technique he calls reflective equilibrium. It goes something like: behind the veil of ignorance, with no knowledge of their own places in civil society, Rawls posits that reasonable people will default to social and economic positions that maximize the prospects for the worst off feed and house the poor in case you happen to become one. Its much like the prisoners dilemma in game theory. By his own words Rawls = left-liberalism.

Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia, libertarian response to Rawls which argues that only a minimal state devoted to the enforcement of contracts and protecting people against crimes like assault, robbery, fraud can be morally justified. Nozick suggests that the fundamental question of political philosophy is not how government should be organized but whether there should be any state at all, he is close to John Locke in that government is legitimate only to the degree that it promotes greater security for life, liberty, and property than would exist in a chaotic, pre-political state of nature. Nozick concludes, however, that the need for security justifies only a minimal, or night-watchman, state, since it cannot be demonstrated that citizens will attain any more security through extensive governmental intervention. (Nozick p.25-27)

the state may not use its coercive apparatus for the purpose of getting some citizens to aid others, or in order to prohibit activities to people for their own good or protection. (Nozick Preface p.ix)



Some Practical Questions for Rawls:

Some Practical Questions for Nozick:

Read The Liberal Imagination of Frederick Douglass for an excellent discussion on the state of liberalism in America today.


Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Robert Nozick. Basic Books. 1974

A Theory of Justice. John Rawls. Harvard University Press. 1971

Disclaimer: This is a forum for me to capture in digital type my understanding of various philosophies and philosophers. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the interpretations.

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Rawls and Nozick: Liberalism Vs Libertarianism

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Play NSA Website

Posted: at 7:47 am

Class A EASTERN July 25 - 31, 2016 8U Player Pitch, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U NW Indiana

For more information please contact: Bill Horton, North/Central Zone Vice President 810-629-9551 bhorton@playnsa.com http://www.nsafastpitchworldseries.com


For more information please contact: Bill Horton, North/Central Zone Vice President 810-629-9551 bhorton@playnsa.com http://www.nsafastpitchworldseries.com


For more information please contact: David Butler, Eastern Zone VP 704-596-2270 dbutler@playnsa.comwww.nsafastpitchworldseries.com

Class B SOUTH EASTERN July 12 - 16, 2016 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U Clearwater Beach / St. Pete, FL

"Win, lose or go to the beach" Travel Channel's #1 Florida Beach!

For more information please contact: Pat Affrunti, FL State Youth Director 727-409-9683 baseball1970@hotmail.com

John Wisniewski 407-617-4176 jwisnie344@aol.com http://www.nsafastpitchworldseries.com

Class A & B NORTH WESTERN July 20 - 24, 2016 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U Tri Cities, WA

For more information please contact: Steve Jensen, WA State Youth Director 360-652-5065 skmjensen@aol.com

Marty Lalley, Western Zone Vice President

For more information please contact: Chris Myers, Northern CA State Youth Director 916-473-9455 chris@nsacal.com

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Play NSA Website

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Association of Professional Futurists – Home

Posted: at 7:40 am

28 March 2016: The APF moved its public site to http://www.apf.org. For now, this URL http://www.profuturists.org will remain the address of this earlier site but eventually will direct you to the new site. Most of the public pages are now closed on this website, which will remain for members' only (with a new URL). If you are a member, and need to access the Community Pages (Compass, Board Meeting Minutes, Private Members' directory, etc), renew your membership or update your profile or privacy settings, you will continue to sign on in the lower left hand corner of this page as usual. On the new site, use the "Member Access" link on the left hand navigation to access these public pages. These public pages will be available for a transition period at http://www.profuturists.org. For members, the Community pages, profile, and membership data will remain here after the transition. You may access it directly or through the new site via the "Community" link on the left hand column (sign-in required). THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE DURING THE TRANSITION. If you have any questions, please let us know: contact@profuturists.org.

For members: please see further instructions about the new website on the Community page (navigation at left, sign-in required).

The Association of Professional Futurists is a global community of professional futurists committed to leadership and excellence in the futures field. Our members provide unique perspectives to help people anticipate and influence the future.

The APF aims to set the standard of excellence for foresight professionals. Members include futurists from businesses, governments and non-profits, consulting futurists, educators, and students in futures studies.

We meet regularly, host active electronic discussions among practitioners, provide professional development programs, recognize excellence in futures works, and offer a rich body of ideas and information about the future for the public.

We invite you to browse the site to find out more about what we do. If you are interested in joining, visit theMembershippage where you can apply online.Here's abrief brochureabout the APF andone for students.And, if you have any questions, please doget in touch.

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33 Dramatic Predictions For 2030 – Futurist Speaker

Posted: at 7:40 am

Humanity will change more in the next 20 years than in all of human history.

By 2030 the average person in the U.S. will have 4.5 packages a week delivered with flying drones. They will travel 40% of the time in a driverless car, use a 3D printer to print hyper-individualized meals, and will spend most of their leisure time on an activity that hasnt been invented yet.

The world will have seen over 2 billion jobs disappear, with most coming back in different forms in different industries, with over 50% structured as freelance projects rather than full-time jobs.

Over 50% of todays Fortune 500 companies will have disappeared, over 50% of traditional colleges will have collapsed, and India will have overtaken China as the most populous country in the world.

Most people will have stopped taking pills in favor of a new device that causes the body to manufacture its own cures.

Space colonies, personal privacy, and flying cars will all be hot topics of discussion, but not a reality yet.

Most of todays top causes, including climate change, gay liberation, and abortion, will all be relegated to little more than footnotes in Wikipedia, and Wikipedia itself will have lost the encyclopedia wars to an upstart company all because Jimmy Wales was taken hostage and beheaded by warring factions in the Middle East over a controversial entry belittling micro religions.

Our ability to predict the future is an inexact science. The most accurate predictions generally come from well-informed industry insiders about very near term events.

Much like predicting the weather, the farther we move into the future, the less accurate our predictions become.

So why do we make them?

In the segments below, Ill make a series of 33 provocative predictions about 2030, and how different life will be just 17 years in the future.

I will also explain why predictions are important, even when they are wrong.

Why Understanding the Future is Important

Ignorance is a valuable part of the future. If we knew the future we would have little reason to vote in an election, host a surprise party, or start something new.

Once a future is known, we quickly lose interest in trying to influence it. For this reason, our greatest motivations in life come from NOT knowing the future.

So why, as a futurist, do I spend so much time thinking about the future?

Very simply, since no one has a totally clear vision of what lies ahead, we are all left with degrees of accuracy. Anyone with a higher degree of accuracy, even by only a few percentage points, can achieve a significant competitive advantage.

The Power of Prediction

If I make the prediction that By 2030 over 90% of all crimes will be solved through video and other forms of surveillance, a forecast like that causes several things to happen.

First, you have to decide if you agree that a certain percent of crimes will be solved that way. If so, it forces you to think about how fast the surveillance industry is growing, how invasive this might be, and whether privacy concerns might start to shift current trends in the other direction.

More importantly, it forces you to consider the bigger picture, and whether this is a desirable future. If it reaches 90%, how many police, judges, and lawyers will be out of a job as a result of this? Will this create a fairer justice system, a safer society, or a far scarier place to live?

Please keep this in mind as we step through the following predictions.

33 Dramatic Predictions

Final Thoughts

Reading through the prediction above you will likely have experiences a number of thoughts ranging from agreement, to amusement, to confusion, to total disagreement.

As with most predictions, some will be correct and others not. But the true value in this list will come from giving serious consideration to each of them and deriving your own conclusions.

If you were expecting me to aggressively defend all these predictions, then this column will certainly disappoint you. It has been a lifetime journey for me to formulate my thoughts about the future, but there are far too many variables to build a defensible case for any of them.

That said, I would love to hear your thoughts. Whats missing, too aggressive, or simply misguided? Sometimes my crystal ball is far too fuzzy, so Id love to hear what ideas come to mind.

ByFuturist Thomas Frey

Author ofCommunicating with the Future the book that changes everything



33 Dramatic Predictions For 2030 - Futurist Speaker

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The Futurist: Amazing Future Science & Technology

Posted: at 7:40 am

Future Technology As anyone that lacks a green thumb will know, keeping plants alive is hard work. Unlike most living things we deal with on a daily basis, many of the plants we select for our homes and gardens cant fend for themselves its up to us, the caregivers, to find them the right []

Physicists are pretty great at smashing particles such as protons and lead ions together at mind-boggling speeds in particle colliders like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), but particles are only half the story when it comes to understanding the tiniest interactions that govern the fundamental workings of the Universe. There are also interactions between particles []

Hyperloop Technology A Video featuring the first full-scale demonstration of Hyperloop Technology

Technological Inventions Inc the First drone with virtual reality goggles as well as a mug that regulates the temperature of its contents. Also the only smart key you will ever need and a smart indoor ecosystem that allows you to grow anything with ease. Simplify the way you store and organize your photos by time, []

Here is an amazing new Motorcycle that can turn into aJet Ski in under 5 seconds at the touch of a Button

For the first time, researchers have created a type of stretchy, polymer film that theyre claiming acts like a second skin barrier layer. Thats a big deal, because it means it could one day be used to protect us from sunburn and treat conditions like eczema, but what people are getting really excited about is []

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The Futurist: Amazing Future Science & Technology

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