Monthly Archives: April 2016

homemade eczema cream – Kula Mama

Posted: April 11, 2016 at 5:43 am

Childhood eczema can be very uncomfortable for your little one. In my last article about eczema (holistic remedies for childhood eczema)I explained that the cause of eczema resides inside the body, and the cure for eczema does not come from an external cream. For eczema to heal on the outside, the digestive tract must first be healed on the inside. However, healing the digestive tract can take a bit of time and what should you do in the meantime while your little one is cranky, itchy and inflamed? Homemade Eczema Cream to the rescue! Made with shea butter, coconut oil and lavender and melaleuca (tea tree) essential oils, this cream contains healing properties to soothe your childs irritated skin and offer some relief.

My daughter is prone to eczema patches on her skin from time to time. We usually see them when we have been eating out at restaurants a bit (hello gluten bread bowl!) and she is tired and/or sick. To heal her skin, I focus on a gut healing protocol first (no inflammatory foods like gluten or dairy) and also lots of homemade bone broth and probiotics. She is currently healing a small patch of eczema on her face and after a week of our healing digestive protocol I decided to use this eczema cream for a few nights. This morning she woke up and the patch is nearly gone! When this cream is used in conjunction with a gut healing program, the results are dramatic!

The ingredients:

Shea butter: High in vitamin A, shea butter is healing for an array of skin conditions including eczema, dermatitis and even wrinkles. Make sure you use 100% pure shea butter like this one.

Coconut oil: Coconut oil is naturally tough on bacteria and fungi and this helps to keep the skin clean (source), while the medium chain triglycerides are wonderfully moisturizing and protective for the skin. I like this one.

Lavender and Tea Treeessential oil: We use these oils in our holistic medicine kit to help soothe cuts and scrapes and they both play an important role in supporting skin wellness.

1/4 cup shea butter

1/4 cup coconut oil

15 drops lavender essential oil, therapeutic grade only. (where to buy essential oils)

5 drops tea tree essential oil, therapeutic grade only. (where to buy essential oils)


Fill a saucepan halfway full with water. Heat the water over medium high heat (but do not boil). In a mason jar add the shea butter and the coconut oil. Place mason jar in the saucepan (like a makeshift double boiler) until the oils melt. Remove the mason jar and allow it to cool slightly on the counter before you add the essential oils. Its okay if the oil is warm when you add the essential oils, but it should not be hot. Mix the essential oil into coconut/shea mixture and put the jar in the fridge to get firm. You can use the eczema cream at this point, but if youd like more of a whipped body butter lotion then put the oil in a kitchen aid stand mixer and mix on high for several minutes until the eczema cream looks like whipped butter. You may have to scrape the sides of the mixer down a few times. Apply liberally to any affected area of the skin.

This cream will liquefy if your house is warm, so you may decide to keep it in the fridge. Keeping your eczema cream cool will also feel good to your little ones hot inflamed skin.

Want a regular lotion for your skin everyday? Try out this homemade lotion recipe from Oh Lardy!

Read more here:
homemade eczema cream - Kula Mama

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TCM Recipe | Best Homemade Herbal Eczema Cream

Posted: at 5:43 am

We have proof that TCM Recipe will heal your irritated skin. Countless eczema sufferers have experienced tremendous recovery by applying this all-natural nutrient extract made from traditional Chinese herbs. TCM Recipe will inspire new and healthy skin growth to help you outgrow your itchy Eczema for good!

Have you ever realized that most over-the-counter creams for your eczema need to be reapplied constantly, even when your skin appears healed, or else the irritation will return? Whats even worse is their effectiveness decreases the more often they are used. Thats why youre always forced to replace your remedy with stronger and stronger creams to maintain a clear complexion.

Believe it or not, youre suffering from a vicious cycle called the skin cream addiction and withdrawal. Are you aware that steroids are not the only creams that cause addiction? In fact, even the chemicals found in most moisturizers can lead to a serious and scary addiction too!

The more often you use them, the more dependent you become on them, and eventually you reach the point where you cant start your day without them. Do you remember the last day that you didnt need to lather moisturizer all over your skin?

Please read the following facts carefully

Its true that stronger pharmaceutical remedies may heal your Eczema initially, but they contain dangerous ingredients that will leave a long-term effect on your health. These so-called remedies can quickly turn into a fierce and potentially deadly addiction. An Ohio State University clinical study conducted by their professor of dermatology revealed numerous hazardous chemicals in many popular moisturizers:

These chemicals are not only harming your skin but they also flow into your blood stream and destroy your internal health. Your Eczema remedy will end up doing more harm than good if you cant break your addiction cycle.

Most people are careful about what they eat to avoid ingesting harmful toxins. These same health-conscious people fail to realize that they are consuming more toxic chemicals through their skin than their mouths. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and it has the greatest potential for absorbing harmful toxins.

This is especially dangerous to you as an Eczema sufferer because of your repeated exposure to hazardous chemicals. Most Eczema moisturizers contain countless of harmful chemicals and you are deliberately rubbing them into your skin each day.

If you are not worried now, think about how it will affect you 5 years from now.

What will happen 5 years down the road when your addiction reaches its maximum level? What will you do when the fiery flare-ups start taking over every inch of your skin from your scalp to your feet?

What if those toxic creams are no longer giving you any real relief?

Thats where TCM Recipe fits in.

We dont cause addiction. We beat your addiction!

TCM Recipe enables you to live independently without having to apply chemically based creams every single day for the rest of your life. And after youve established a great skin condition, you wont even need us to feel relief!

Youll experience and enjoy living a joyful life full of enthusiasm again. Youll soon forget the bad memories of Eczema like the rest of our happy customers! Thats what we at TCM Recipe called a REAL recovery.

Hows that possible?

Contrary to all those remedies youve tried, TCM recipe combines genuine herbs known by ancient skincare therapists to have superior skin healing properties. The specialized mixture of ingredients creates a remarkable formula designed to target the root cause of your Eczema and treat it.

Its very simple. TCM recipe will repair and strengthen your damaged epidermis and internal skin structure. Our effective remedy will restore your skins functionalities so it can heal by itself.

Dont you agree thats how healthy skin should be?

Plus, one of our special ingredients actually vanquishes your past addictions and leaves NO SIDE EFFECTS behind. TCM Recipe is a laboratory proven and time tested remedy thats 100% safe and natural. Weve worked hard to win our reputation and we work even harder to keep it.

Heres our official lab test approved and validated by the National Poison Centre, Malaysias most respected authority for lab testing.

We want to make this very clear. If you are looking for an instant cure that promises to solve all your Eczema symptoms overnight, this remedy is not for you. Cures that claim magical results will always have less than magical side effects.

This is for people who are serious about treating their Eczema naturally before it gets even worse. This is for sufferers who have lost hope in harmful conventional medication and want to pursue our traditional way of healing.

We have devoted our passion and time to healing your skin. Over the past 9 years, weve familiarized ourselves with every nuance of Eczema through case studies. No other authority honors the same crystal-clear understanding of this disease.

You see, Eczema is more than just a skin disease. It also indirectly affects your wellbeing, from your physical to mental health. The longer you leave it untreated, the more negative consequences you will suffer. The condition will eventually rob your health and keep you from enjoying the basic pleasures of life.

But luckily, we found the right solution to overcome your problems. Now, lets walk through how TCM Recipe can positively change your life today

Smile while you sleep!

Enjoy the luxury of a full night sleep once again. There will be no more insatiable scratching keeping you awake at night! You can now enjoy sweet dreams soundly until the sun rises without any interruptions. And once you get your sleep back, both your mental and physical health will recover.

Every expert agrees that quality sleep promotes faster healing, especially when it comes to treating your Eczema skin.Insomnia on the other hand will cause stress, stunt new skin growth, and increase your chance of developing depression.

Brings back the vitality in you

Triple your productivity and concentration. Finally! You will stay focused and perform better in your daily tasks when youre not distracted by annoying itching! The best part is that you will regain enough energy to handle your busy workload without feeling fatigued. You will never need to take histamine once you have TCM Recipe!

Stop taking those medicines that make you drowsy and start enjoying your life now! You will quickly realize how dramatic your appetite and mood can simultaneously improve once you are getting a good nights sleep.

Postpone no more, have fun!

Banish your never-ending flare-ups. TCM Recipe will stop your furious flare-ups by cooling down your skin inflammation. Once your inflammation cools down, you can just relax and allow TCM Recipe to stabilize your skin.

We created this remedy to strengthen your skins natural barrier and to prevent your Eczema from rebounding easily. By strengthening the barrier of your skin, it will become more resilient and wont breakout so easily even if you scratch it!

Thats how TCM Recipe actually works to rebuild the core foundation of your skin. It replenishes your radiant and youthful complexion one step at a time. This simply means that youll never need to put your important outings on hold because of unpredictable skin flare-up(s)!

Lets make your birthday party a memorable one!

The kind of vigorous skin youve been waiting for! What if you will never have to experience that painful sensation of water splashing on your skin during a shower again?

We know how hard simple daily tasks can be when you suffer from Eczema. Thats why we have developed this remedy to solve your external skin problems while alleviating your skins internal sensitivity.

We want you to enjoy a normal and healthy life where you can take a shower and swim in a pool without pain. You will never lose out on any precious moments with your friends and family again because of your Eczema! Sounds too good to be true? Let our customers vouch for our credibility.

Rise and shine!!

Put an End to Your Endless Oozing! Still frustrated with the pus oozing from your hives? TCM Recipe is the only remedy you will ever need to cover up your discoid wounds delicately.

Our remedy will help you to regenerate new skin tissue to seal all your wounded parts. And believe it or not, the day you wake up and realize that your pus and bloodstains have totally disappeared from your clean clothes and comfy bed is a day youll never forget.

Walk on the streets the way you are

Clearing Your Rashes Made Easy. Do you dream of you wearing short sleeve clothing confidently anytime anywhere? And just simply enjoying your social life with friends and family while feeling no embarrassment at all?

The good news is turning irritating rashes into pleasant-looking skin is what we do best. As you keep using TCM Recipe, you will witness your rashes subside into a light pinkish colour and then slowly begin to renew with a firm layer of smooth skin.

Are you ready to silence the rude remarks about your skin? Let us prove to you that we can help you to end all the gossip and weird staring youve been enduring right now!

Absorb, retain and moisturize your skin

Ensure your skins comfort and moisture all day long! We know your skin still remains rough and flaky after numerous applications of other moisturizers. Apparently theyre just making your skin wet NOT moisturized.

Consider this fact: people without Eczema dont need moisturizers and they are still comfortable with their skin. This is what we are delivering to you! TCM Recipe will gently soothe your dry skin and quench its thirst! Its the only way to retain all the moisture in your skin.

As a result, youll experience the joy of living the lifestyle everybody else is talking about. Never again you will need to bring a bag full of creams along with you every time you travel.

Everybody is born with beautiful skin

Revive your skins breathability. Getting your skin moisturized is only half the battle. Breathability is vital to keep your skin healthy long term. Without the ability to breathe, your skin cant sweat and you wont be able to excrete toxins from your body.

TCM Recipe encourages the excretion of toxins and waste materials that clog your skin pores. After the detoxification process, you will see your skin pores grow vibrantly. You CAN actually feel your skin breathing! Its that refreshing!

Dont let your scars ruin your day!

Removing your scars is our specialty! Truth be told, TCM Recipe is not perfect. We cant remove your scars instantly or even within days. Lets face it, everybodys skin condition is different and eczema scars are extremely stubborn.

Normally it takes 5-8 weeks to separate your scars from your skin so they exist just on the surface. Once there, you can simply remove them manually with your bare hands in 2 quick and easy steps. Well show you how once you buy TCM Recipe today.

Even though it has to be done by hand, there is no doubt that youre going to love this amazing experience of removing your ugly scars for good! Get your hands on our remedy today. The sooner you try TCM Recipe, the sooner you can get rid of those unwanted scars!

The key is treating your Eczema from the root

Why is removing your scars so important? Did you know that scars are a big part of the reason why your Eczema spreads like wild fire from one area to another?

Eczema scars occur after you suppress your Eczema rashes with inappropriate medication. The tricky part is that they may look benign. In reality, they are like those inconspicuous weeds that spread their roots and pollen all over the place.

Remember the last time you pulled the weeds in your garden? They grew back again in weeks, even tougher and more resilient! The same principle applies here. Your eczema lies just underneath your scars waiting to infect the next wound that you scratch.

Unlike other remedy companies, we insist on providing you with sunshine fresh herbs the way nature made them. Dont fall for those saturated advertising tactics such as Dermatological Tested or 100 % Natural. Many employees who work for these companies dont even dare to use their creams on their own skin long-term! Why should you?

Call us old fashioned but we remain dedicated to protecting you from all those commercial fragrances, artificial colours and wicked chemicals.Your skin is your asset! Why pay money to harm it?

Dont worry! Now your valuable asset is fully protected by us. We care about the longevity of our remedy and the wellbeing of your skin. We are also proud to say that you cant find any complex or weird chemical names on our active ingredient list. We searched far and wide for these rare herbs to ensure the highest quality. See for yourself:

Natural Ingredient #1: Glycyrrhiza Uralensis(Chinese Licorice)

Ancient Egyptians drank Licorice and used it as a pharmaceutical ingredient to treat skin diseases, loss of hair, stomach bleeding and even bronchitis. In TCM, Licorice act as a potent antiviral and anti-allergic agent to fight fungal infections, treat canker sores, herpes, Eczema, and psoriasis.

The book, The Way of Chinese Herbs refers to Licorice as the great detoxifier because of its ability to remove various toxins from the body and for its nature of harmonizing the qualities of other herbs. It also contains an amazing moisturizing component called Glycyrrhizinate.

The amazing anti-inflammatory actions of licorice root extend to the entire surface area of the body, both outside and inside. Not only the skin, but the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract yield to the soothing and healing action of licorice root. The plant reinforces the bodys ability to withstand attack from virtually any kind of pathogen, and should therefore be considered a tonic for the musculoskeletal system. If one is looking for a broad-spectrum tonic to protect, maintain health, and heal injuries, there is no herb better than licorice root. Dr. John R. Christopher-Americas foremost herbalist, Founder of the School of Healing

Natural Ingredient #2: Ruellia Tuberosa Linn (Lu Li Hua)

This pretty lilac-colored flower originates from tropical America, but is naturalized in South East Asia (Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Java), as well as the tropics of India, Sri Lanka and Africa. Traditionally used to prevent stomach problems, Ruellia Tuberosa also reduces fever and alleviates pain. As a matter of fact, this plant also produces sun and salt spray that acts to reduce sensitivity, painful stimulus, and as an anti-inflammatory for skin problems. It has been scientifically proven to possess anti-microbial, anti-cancer properties as well as the ability to counteract the effect of poisons.

Natural Ingredient #3: Fritillaria Cirrhosa (Chuan Bei Mu)

In the West, Fritillaria is most commonly known as an ornamental garden plant. However, in Nepal and China, this plant has traditional value as an herbal remedy. For thousands of years, Asians have used Fritillaria to clear away heat, disperse the accumulation of pathogens and to moisten lung dryness due to Yin deficiency. Using medications prepared with Fritillaria helps counter the effects of toxic exposure. Its also very effective in treating influenza and lupus (a deadly skin disorder).

Natural Ingredient #4: Bambusa Tuldoides Munro (Zhu Qing)

The cooling nature of bamboo shavings acts as a great calming agent for dispersing constrained Qi. It calms the mind, eliminates irritability, and soothes the skin when applied directly through lotions. Modern analysis of bamboo indicates that it contains 88.8 % moisture, 3.9 % protein, 0.5 % fat, 11 % minerals, and 5.7 % carbohydrates. The minerals found in bamboo include calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C, making it very valuable as a curative for your Eczema skin.

The flavone and lactone in bamboo shavings extract offer powerful anti-oxidants that help minimize wrinkles and boost youthful radiance. As you may know, a layer of natural wax lies on the green outer skin of bamboo shavings. We use this wax as the base of our ointment. Now you know why our remedy is 100% genuine. Even our wax is made from a natural herb.

Natural Ingredient #5: Angelica Dahurica (Bai Zhi)

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TCM Recipe | Best Homemade Herbal Eczema Cream

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PI-NEWS NOTFALL-BLOG | Politically Incorrect

Posted: at 5:43 am

Posted on 3. April 2016 by newpi

Der Mrz ist wie erwartet gegenber Februar 2016 stabil geblieben, mit einem leichten Rckgang der Besucherzahlen von 0,15% und einer leichten Steigerung der Zugriffszahlen von 0,84%. Zum Vorjahresmonat Mrz 2015 ist es allerdings eine 24% Steigerung und gegenber dem Mrz 2014 eine 70% Steigerung! Die durchschnittlichen tglichen Besucher- und Zugriffszahlen belaufen sich auf 104.534 Besuchern (nach altem Besucherzhler ca. 150.000) und 289.496 Zugriffen.

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Posted on 16. Mrz 2016 by newpi

PI war heute seit den frhen Morgenstunden nicht zu erreichen, seit 10:30 Uhr sind wir nun aber wieder online. Die technischen Schwierigkeiten sind beseitigt und wir freuen uns, Ihnen in den nchsten Stunden wieder politisch inkorrekte News zur Verfgung zu stellen. Vielen Dank! (16.03.2016 10:51)

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Posted on 1. Mrz 2016 by newpi

Im Monat Februar 2016 gab es weder nach oben noch nach unten groe Ausschlge in der Statistik. Interessant ist lediglich, das PI-News nur an 6 von 29 Tagen unter 100.000 Besuchern war und in den letzten 13 Tagen sogar in Folge ber 100.000 Besucher. Das ist deswegen besonders zu erwhnen, da weiterhin DDos-Angriffe stattfinden, weswegen es Einschrnkungen fr die Besucher gibt, die an der schwachen Zugriffsrate von knapp 277.000 abzulesen sind.

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Posted on 1. Februar 2016 by newpi

Trotz des anhaltenden DDos-Angriffs konnte sich PI-News vom Dezember-Tief deutlich erholen. Nach drei Monaten Minus-Statistik war der Januar wieder positiv. Der tgliche Besucherdurchschnitt liegt bei ber 100.000 (+19,5% zum Vormonat) und der tgliche Zugriffsdurchschnitt bei ber 300.000 (+36,1% zum Vormonat).

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Posted on 10. Januar 2016 by newpi

Update 25.01.2016: PI-News wird immer noch unverndert massiv attackiert. Derzeit haben wir nur die Wahl zwischen Offline gebracht zu werden oder wie aktuell mit den Erreichbarkeitsproblemen. Es wird aber an einer dauerhaften Lsung gearbeitet. Vielen Dank, Ihr PI-Team.


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Posted on 8. Januar 2016 by newpi

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Posted on 4. Januar 2016 by newpi

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Posted on 29. Dezember 2015 by newpi

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Posted on 19. November 2015 by newpi

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Posted on 31. Oktober 2015 by newpi

Offline: 31.10.2015 20:00 Uhr

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Erhebliche Zugriffsprobleme! 01.11.2015 11:30 Uhr

Stand 01.11.2015 18:30 Uhr: Leider unverndert. Hauptseite zwar berwiegend ohne Einschrnkung zu erreichen, drber hinaus funktioniert alles eher nicht.

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Posted on 15. Oktober 2015 by newpi

Grundstzlich ist fr alle PI-News wieder erreichbar. Fr weit ber 100.000 ist dies der Regelfall. Tatschlich haben aber wohl noch einige Zugriffsprobleme? Das knnen aber nur individuelle Probleme sein. Es existiert auch seit Tagen keine Umleitung mehr zu diesem Notfallblog.

Update 17.10.2015: 9:30 Uhr Seit Freitag Nachmittag ldt PI wieder mehr schlecht als Recht, Kommentare und Artikel schreiben sind nur schwer mglich. Der Grund dafr ist, dass unsere Gegner wieder massive DDoS-Attacken gegen den PI-Server fahren. Wir arbeiten gerade an einer Lsung, diese Angriffe abzuwehren und bitten unsere Leser um etwas Geduld. Weiterlesen

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Posted on 10. Oktober 2015 by newpi

Update 14.10.2015: 01.30 Uhr Immer noch Zugriffsprobleme und immer noch DDos-Angriff! Aktuell aber auch wieder ber 100.000 Besucher tglich.

Update 11.10.2015: 23.45 Uhr Erste DDos-Angriffswelle immer noch aktiv, der PI-News-Shield greift aber zunehmend besser zur Abwehr. Eine zweite neue DDos-Angriffswelle ist aus Erfahrung heraus leider wahrscheinlich. Deswegen keine Entwarnung. Weiterlesen

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Posted on 8. Oktober 2015 by newpi

Liebe Leser, seit gestern etwa 20.30 Uhr wird PI-news massiv attackiert, die Attacken halten bis zur Stunde unvermindert an. Die Bundesregierung hat dem deutschen Volk den Krieg erklrt und Medien und Asyllobby als tatkrftige Verbndete. Auf sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook soll die Meinungsfreiheit de facto abgeschafft werden, die Brger drfen aber seitens der Politik als Mischpoke, Ratten und Pack bezeichnet werden. PI ist damit als Schlachtschiff der Meinungsfreiheit nicht nur den von uns seit vielen Jahren verbal attackierten und real dargestellten Koranhrigen und ihren Verbnden und den linken Meinungsfaschisten ein Dorn im Auge, sondern nun auch vermehrt dem Establishment einer derzeit in Installation befindlichen Diktatur. Wir sind zuversichtlich, PI wird aber auch diese Angriffswelle, wie schon viele der vergangenen Jahre, berstehen und bemhen uns so rasch wie mglich wieder online gehen zu knnen. Wir danken im Voraus fr Ihre Geduld. Bleiben Sie uns gewogen.

Update 9.10.2015:11.00 Uhr PI news kmpft weiter mit erheblichen Schwierigkeiten Update: 20.20 Uhr Erneut Ausfall wegen massiver Attacken, bitte um Gedud Update:13.20 Uhr PI-news ist wieder online!

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Posted on 7. Oktober 2015 by newpi

No panic on titanic!

Ursache unbekannt, deswegen leider aber auch vermutlich langfristiger. Das PI-News-Team sucht nach Ursache und Abhilfe.

Wichtige aktuelle Informationen bitte hier verffentlichen. Nun seid ihr PI-News

Aktualisierung: 22:00 Uhr -> Tatschlich massiver DDos-Angriff!

Aktualisierung 22:40 Uhr -> Ganz ehrlich? Aktuell sind wir platt! Wir kommen aber wieder, haltet die politisch unkorrekte Stellung aufrecht bis dahin! Danke. Nicht PI-News ist wichtig, sondern Menschen

Aktualisierung 23:10 Uhr -> Notfall beinhaltet keine Dauerbetreuung bzgl. Freischaltung! 24 Stunden-Freischaltung tolerieren! Service wie auf PI-News ist hier nicht der Gedanke.

Aktualisierung 08.10.2015 8:15 Uhr -> Situation unverndert. Wir bitten um Geduld.

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Posted on 20. September 2015 by newpi

Wie im September-Zwischenbericht schon angedeutet, ist fr PI der Monat September statistisch der erfolgreichste seit Bestehen des Blogs. Leider ist er aber auch seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik der erfolgreichste Monat in Bezug auf die Masseninvasion fremder Vlker, die Abschaffung von Recht und Ordnung und der derzeitige Hhepunkt fr die Linken auf dem Weg zur Endlsung der Deutschenfrage.

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Posted on 16. September 2015 by newpi

Wie auf dem PI-News Notfall-Blog in der Statistik August 2015 angekndigt, hat PI-News nun die 100.000er Schwelle berschritten. Und zwar sehr deutlich: Der aktuelle Tagesdurchschnitt der Besucherzahlen liegt bei 137.593 und der Zugriffszahlen bei 371.163. In fast allen Werten ist dieser Monat der Rekordmonat seit bestehen von PI-News. Der Tag mit der hchsten Besucherzahl ist nun der 14.09.2015 mit 161.245 Besuchern (nach altem Besucherzhler ca. 240.000). Der Tag mit der hchsten Zugriffsrate ist mit 458.641 allerdings weiterhin der 12.01.2015 (bei 130.351 Besuchern).

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Posted on 30. August 2015 by newpi

PI-News steuert stark auf die 100.000 Besuchermarke zu. Der Monat August war der zweitbeste Besucher- und Zugriffsmonat seit bestehen von PI-News. Im Anfang des Monats gab es einen zweitgigen PI-News-Server-Ausfall der in die Statistikerhebung nicht einfliet. Schon in diesem Monat wurde 14mal die 100.000er Besuchermarke berschritten. PI-News geht davon aus, dass noch in diesem Jahr sich die tgliche Besucherzahl auf monatlich ber 100.000 verfestigen wird. Sicherlich trgt zum Erfolg von PI-News die anhaltende und unverantwortliche kopf- und ziellose Asyl-Politik der Bundesregierung bei, aber auch und besonders die daraus resultierenden Konflikte im Alltagsleben der Normalbrger, vor der immer weniger selber noch flchten knnen. Schon zum Winter hin wird bei der deutschen Bevlkerung die Verdrngungsnot bei Wohnung, Arbeit und Soziales ein zunehmendes Konfliktpotential entfalten. Auch drfte die dunkle Jahreszeit fr erhhte Sicherheitsngste sowohl im ffentlichen wie im privaten Bereich fhren.

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Posted on 8. August 2015 by newpi

Dieser Zustand ist nur vorbergehend und kann bis zu 24 Stunden dauern. Aktualisierung 1: +24 Stunden Aktualisierung 2: Grundstzlich wieder online, Aktualisierung 3: Noch Probleme und eine Bitte! Aktualisierung 4: Probleme behoben und aktuelle Besucherzahl


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Posted on 2. August 2015 by newpi

Trotz Ferienzeit konnte PI-News sich nicht nur statistisch gegenber dem Vormonat deutlich steigern, sondern sogar das drittbestes Ergebnis seit bestehen von PI-News erreichen. Das ist insoweit erstaunlich, da in den frheren Ferienzeiten ein allgemeiner Einbruch von ca. 10-15 % blich war. Das anhaltende, ungelste und stetig sich verschlimmernde Dauerthema der unkontrollierten Zuwanderungsstrme (Stichwort: Asyl-Irrsinn), mit immer drastischeren Einschrnkungen und Gefhrdungserhhung gegenber den einheimischen europischen Vlkern, drfte der Grund hierfr sein. Die durchschnittliche Besucherzahl beluft sich im Monat Juli auf 84.075 (nach altem Zhler ca. 125.000) und die durchschnittliche Zugriffszahl betrgt 252.790 und liegen im oberen Drittel des prognostizierten Erwartungsrahmens.

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Posted on 1. Juli 2015 by newpi

PI-News endlich wieder auf statistischen Erfolgskurs! Der Monat Juni 2015 war gegenber dem katastrophalen Monat April eine deutliche Verbesserung und ohne technischen Problemen. Am Anfang des Monats gab es leider bis zum 03.06. unabhngig von PI-News keine Erhebung von Daten durch den Counter, die statistisch einbezogen werden knnen. Die durchschnittliche Besucherzahl beluft sich im Monat Juni auf 78.006 (nach altem Zhler knapp 120.000) und die durchschnittliche Zugriffszahl auf 225.784 und liegen somit wieder im prognostizierten mittleren steigernden Erwartungsrahmen.

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Liberty Bank of Maryland

Posted: April 10, 2016 at 9:45 am

Liberty Bank of Maryland roots date back to 1885. We were originally named Patterson Park Permanent Loan and Building Association of Baltimore City. The Association started as a state charted thrift institution and was headquartered at 2000 E. Lombard Street. In 1937, the Association was issued a Federal Savings and Loan Association charter by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Our corporate headquarters were moved to 211 N. Liberty Street in Baltimore city, and the Association was renamed Liberty Federal Savings and Loan Association. In 1956 the corporate headquarters were moved to 401 N. Howard Street in Baltimore city, where it remained until February of 2012. The corporate headquarters were then relocated to its current location of 5612 The Alameda in Baltimore city. In June 2012 the Association received approval from the State of Maryland, Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation- Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to convert from a federally chartered mutual thrift to a state chartered mutual savings bank. The charter conversion necessitated that the name be changed to Liberty Bank of Maryland. Concurrently, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approved Liberty Bank of Maryland for membership in the Federal Reserve System.

The original name may have changed several times; however, we have remained a financially strong local mutual institution committed to servicing our community and members. Our product lines and office locations have expanded to meet the evolving needs of our members.

Please take the time to navigate our web site. It has been designed for ease of use. Click on any section of interest. The online Banking/Bill Pay section includes a tutorial program. In response to our customers input, Bill Pay service is provided free of charge. We also offer surcharge-free ATM access at any of the 43,000 plus Allpoint ATM Network locations nationwide as well as in Mexico, Australia and the United Kingdom.

On behalf of our Board of Directors, management, and staff, I wish to extend our appreciation for your interest in Liberty Bank of Maryland.

Thomas E. ONeill III NMLS # 790826

Chairman / President

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About NSA

Posted: at 4:47 am

Chartered in 1940, the National Sheriffs' Association is a professional association dedicated to serving the Office of Sheriff and its affiliates through police education, police training, and general law enforcement information resources. NSA represents thousands of sheriffs, deputies and other law enforcement, public safety professionals, and concerned citizens nationwide.

Through the years, NSA has provided programs for Sheriffs, their deputies, chiefs of police, and others in the field of criminal justice to perform their jobs in the best possible manner and to better serve the people of their cities, counties or jurisdictions.

The National Sheriffs' Association headquarters is located in Alexandria, Virginia and offers police training, police information, court security training, jail information and other law enforcement services to sheriffs, deputies, and others throughout the nation. NSA has worked to forge cooperative relationships with local, state, and federal criminal justice professionals across the nation to network and share information about homeland security programs and projects.

NSA serves as the center of a vast network of law enforcement information, filling requests for information daily and enabling criminal justice professionals, including police officers, sheriffs, and deputies, to locate the information and programs they need. NSA recognizes the need to seek information from the membership, particularly the sheriff and the state sheriffs' associations, in order to meet the needs and concerns of individual NSA members. While working on the national level, NSA has continued to seek grass-roots guidance, ever striving to work with and for its members, clients, and citizens of the nation.

NSA has through the years assisted sheriffs' offices, sheriffs' departments and state sheriffs' associations in locating and preparing applications for state and federal homeland security grant funding. The NSA record and reputation for integrity and dependability in the conduction of such public safety programs among government agencies is well recognized and has led to continuing opportunities to apply for grants on the national, state, and local levels as well as management of service contracts.

NSA's roots can be traced back to October 1888, when a group of sheriffs in Minnesota and surrounding states formed an organization, which they named the Inter-State Sheriffs' Association. The purpose of this association was to give opportunity for a wider, mutual acquaintance, to exchange ideas for more efficient service, and to assist one another in the apprehension of criminals.

Over the years the name was changed several times. It is assumed that as laws changed and law enforcement grew and expanded along with the country, the organization felt compelled to change its name to fit its membership and the times. When law enforcement officials in other states and Canada expressed interest in taking part in the Inter-State Sheriffs' Association, the group subsequently changed its name to the International Sheriffs' and Police Association. In 1908 the organization was briefly known as the National Sheriffs' Association before its name was amended as the International Sheriffs and Peace Officers Asociation and then later to the International Sheriffs and Police Association. The organization disbanded in 1938.

The Articles of Incorporation of the new National Sheriffs' Association were filed with the Secretary of State of the state of Ohio on September 26, 1940. Sheriff Walter O'Neil of Akron, Ohio was NSA's first president and held the first annual meeting in 1941 in St. Louis, Missouri. At this meeting a constitution was adopted and the organization's goals, policies, and objectives were agreed upon. NSA began publishing its periodical, The National Sheriff magazine, in February of the same year. NSA's first executive secretary (executive director) was Charles J. Hahn. It is believed that Hahn and the officials of the Buckeye State Sheriffs' Association of Ohio set about to form a national association for sheriffs.

The National Sheriffs' Association today is headquarted in Alexandria, VA and is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising the level of professionalism among sheriffs, their deputies, and others in the field of criminal justice and public safety so that they may perform their jobs in the best possible manner and better serve the people of their cities, counties or jurisdictions.

For more on the history of NSA, consider ordering a copy of our 75th Anniversary Commemorative book. Click here to order today.

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About Us | Free Speech TV

Posted: April 9, 2016 at 2:50 pm

Free Speech TV is a national, independent news network committed to advancing progressive social change. As the alternative to television networks owned by billionaires, governments and corporations, our network amplifies underrepresented voices and those working on the front lines of social, economic and environmental justice.

Reaching over 40 million US television households, we bring our viewers an array of daily news programs, independent documentaries and special events coverage.

Daily News Programs:Our daily programs, including Democracy Now!, The Thom Hartmann Program and The Stephanie Miller Show, tackle the critical issues facing our communities and our democracy, giving you the news as it happens.

Independent Documentaries:Free Speech TV airs numerous award-winning documentaries covering issues ranging from economic injustice and marriage equality to climate change and the real cost of war.

Weekly Programs and Special Events:Free Speech TV viewers gain exclusive access to programs like #ABlackShow with Elon James White and Mike Papantonios Ring of Fire.

Free Speech TV is one of the last standing national independent news channels. As a nonprofit with freedom from corporate control and government pressure, we are uniquely positioned to elevate perspectives that often dont break through the corporate media filter. We believe a more just and democratic world is possible when media empowers people with the information they need to fight for what matters.

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Free Speech TV is owned and operated by Public Communicators, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization, founded in 1974. FSTV is supported primarily by its viewers and philanthropic foundations. FSTV television broadcasts are commercial-free. Free Speech TV is based in Denver, CO.

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You Have The Right To Remain Silent: Fifth Amendment Explained

Posted: at 2:49 pm

Reading time: 6 9 minutes

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution

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The right to remain silent is a fundamental principle of liberty. It gives American citizens better privacy. The burden falls on the accuser to build a case against a person. If the accuser does not meet that burden, the accused is free to go. The accused never, ever, is required to furnish any evidence or testimony against himself. In other words, liberty requires that you have the right to remain silent.

If the accused were forced to produce evidence that they did not commit an act, innocent people would be forced to prove a negative. Proving a negative is usually far more difficult, if not impossible to do. Anyone without an alibi would be convicted. No one could afford to spend even one minute alone in that kind of world. The right to remain silent preserves a functioning system of justice and a functioning society.

The fifth amendment to the United States Constitution does not say explicitly that you have the right to remain silent. It does say that you do not have to be a witness against yourself. This means that you cannot be compelled to reveal information that might implicate you in a crime.

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Law abiding citizens are particularly at risk because they think that the truth will set them free. They feel compelled that if they just tell their story they will be exonerated. This is not true. Numerous opportunities abound for an innocent individual to become entrapped by speaking with police.

Innocent people often overstate or understate some fact while vigorously defending their innocence. This makes their testimony technically untrue, or at least a prosecutor can make it look like its untrue. Once attention is called to the misstatement, the rest of the testimony is suspect because of the one untruth. This suspicion may be sufficient to land the innocent person in jail.

Police officers may make an innocent mistake and not remember correctly what you said. If you claim you told the cop one thing, and he claims you said another, the police officer will be believed over an accused any day. If you had said nothing, the cop would have to flat out lie that you said something. That is not likely to happen.

There may be a witness that will mistakenly identify you as the suspect in a crime. If you claim one thing that is absolutely true, there may be a solid witness that is honestly mistaken about seeing you. If your testimony contradicts theirs, the witness will be believed instead of the accused. If you dont say anything, there will be nothing to contradict and the honesty of the accused will not be in play.

The federal criminal code contains over 10,000 crimes. State laws add even more crimes to the list. Not even the government knows them all. Many of these crimes are for seemingly innocent behavior, such as buying 2 packages of cold medicine, or possessing a flower that any other country in the world has outlawed. Thus, telling your true story about your seemingly completely innocent behavior could, in and of itself, implicate you in a crime, you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever speak to government agents, ever.

Criminals know that talking may incriminate them and so are much more aware of their right to silence and are much more inclined to use it. Innocent people like you arent aware of these dangers. And, if someone is truly innocent, they need to know this right and know how to use it far more than criminals do.

Under no circumstances should you ever talk to a police officer, fire fighter, ticket enforcer or street sweeper. All of them are government agents and can be a witness to use anything you say to them against you in a court of law.

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The Supreme Court recently ruled that to invoke your right to silence, you have to break your silence and speak. They might need the fifth amendment explained to them again, but that is what they said. A simple phrase such as I am invoking my right to remain silent should suffice.

There is a free and handy insert for your passport that will show you exactly what you need to do to invoke your right to remain silent. It is designed to help you right when you need it. You will have it with you as you go through Customs upon re-entering the US. Customs officers may need to have the fifth amendment explained to them too, so there are several cases which clearly show your right to remain silent in that situation. Remaining silent can give you better privacy when re-entering the country.

Customs will still have the right to do a thorough search of you and your belongings whether you invoke your right to remain silent or not. Threatening a search, or actually subjecting you to search for invoking your rights is within their power.

To avoid being targeted for a search, it helps if you are not the only one invoking your rights. If lots of others are invoking their right to remain silent on a regular basis, no single individual will stand out any more than normal.

To decrease the likelihood of a search and promote even better privacy, share the free guide with everyone that you know. You have permission to post it anywhere, share it with anyone, make copies, print, and distribute it for free in any legal way as long as nothing is changed. The more people that exercise their rights, the better privacy for everybody.

Download This Free Guide

So go ahead and download and distribute this free guide and enjoy.

Tagged as: better privacy, crimes, criminal law, double jeopardy, due process, evidence law, exercise, explained, explaining, fifth amendment, fifth amendment explained, grand jury, innocent, law, law enforcement in the united states, miranda warning, pleading the fifth, pocket guide, police officer, private property, process of the accused person, remain, remain silent, right to silence, rights of the accused, the right, united states constitution, you have, you have the right to remain silent

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You Have The Right To Remain Silent: Fifth Amendment Explained

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LumbridgeCity – Bitcoin & Altcoin Trading and Digital …

Posted: at 2:48 pm

Join Our Private Bitcoin Trading Community Sign up for reminders about Registration Week

Registration opens in 27 days, 20 hours, 1 minute*, that is Sat, 01 May 2016 14:50:00 UTC space is limited, and registration finish quickly so we can get right to the lessons.

Soon we open registration and bring a few more people into our Bitcoin and Altcoin Trading community.

Activities are organized to guide participants through an introduction to lending and trading Altcoins on Poloniex, writing your own personalized trading action plan, all the way through to actually micro-trading your plan and updating your trading journal!

As the lessons progress and you learn different ways to grow your cryptocurrency holdings, the private forum, live chat and community groups will provide the support and encouragement to ensure you apply the lessons you learn, and move your new knowledge about growing your money into practical experience! The community will take you from your first wealth building plan and help you build a life-long habit of growing your money!

Private tutorial videos, altcoin trading case studies, trading risk control rules and how to make a trade plan, bitcoin lending tutorials, price charts and much more. Jump right into where the cryptocurrency markets are today and at the same time, take step by step tutorials on the basics of lending and trading altcoins on Poloniex.

Our eight week, step by step approach is organized help you move through a series of short altcoin trading lessons. You will gain an introduction to eachimportant section of more than 30 private tutorials in our membership area, and quickly gain new skills and strategies for making consistent profits!

Questions? Contact Me Personally!

To Your Success!


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Transhuman Archives – Page 2 of 4 – Technocracy News

Posted: at 2:48 pm

Home Transhuman

Transhuman January 31, 2016

An experiment by University of Washington researchers is setting the stage for advances in mind reading technology. Using brain implants and sophisticated software, researchers can

Technocracy, Transhuman January 20, 2016

A new DARPA program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and

Transhuman January 19, 2016

January is a month for renewal and for change. Many of us have been gifted shiny new fitness trackers, treated ourselves to some new gadget

Transhuman January 14, 2016

The first genetically-modified human embryos could be created in Britain within weeks according to the scientists who are about to learn whether their research proposal

Transhuman January 11, 2016

Braving a funding ban put in place by Americas top health agency, some U.S. research centers are moving ahead with attempts to grow human tissue

Technocracy, Transhuman January 10, 2016

Tiny vials of recently repaired blood cells are thriving in a Stanford incubator, proof that a powerful new gene-editing technique is fixing errant genes that

Transhuman January 7, 2016

A mind-reading device that can decipher words from brainwaves without them being spoken has been developed by Japanese scientists, raising the prospect of telepathic communication.

Transhuman January 4, 2016

Entrepreneur Josh Bocanegra attracted a lot of attention when he announced his new artificial intelligence company Humai. Why? Because he claims that by 2045, theyll

Transhuman December 31, 2015

Thats the firm belief of Zoltan Istvan, a third-party presidential candidate who wants to not only beat Trump at the polls, but also cheat death

Technocracy, Transhuman December 31, 2015

Erica enjoys the theatre and animated films, would like to visit south-east Asia, and believes her ideal partner is a man with whom she can

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Defending the Second Amendment – Kasich for America

Posted: at 12:40 am

Experience and Results Like No Other

Gov. John R. Kasich continues to be a strong supporter of the right to bear arms and, as governor, has signed every pro-2nd amendment bill that has crossed his desk to defend this basic, constitutional right. John Kasich is a gun-owner himself, and in his 2014 reelection was endorsed by the National Rifle Association for his support of the Second Amendment as an inviolate part of our Constitution.

Removing Burdensome Restrictions for Law-Abiding Concealed Carry Licensees: John Kasich enacted legislation protecting Ohios concealed carry laws, including protecting the privacy of permit holdersandallowing for reciprocity licenses with other stateswhere permit holders can carry their firearms.

Opposing Barack Obamas Gun Control Efforts: John Kasich opposes President Obamas gun control executive orders. The Second Amendment is too important and Obamas hostility to it is too well known for him to be allowed to go around Congress and undermine the Second Amendment. His efforts to expand the federal governments interference with Americans Right to Keep and Bear Arms are wrong and the governor opposes them.

Upholding Ohios Outdoors Traditions: In addition to having a $3.6 billion annual economic impact in Ohio, hunting and fishing are parts of Ohios long tradition of enjoying our natural places. John Kasich upheld this heritage by enacting legislation that removes restrictions on licensing requirements for hunters and by creating new policies to expand hunting rights in Ohio.

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