Monthly Archives: April 2016

Illuminati Truths | Mystery of the Iniquity

Posted: April 28, 2016 at 4:42 pm

Now, first of all this is taken from the internet. I cannot account for all the statements as the truth. This person also has a YOUTUBE account, recently started. I will post what has been brought forth as of today.

1: First of all, if you do not believe me then I am sorry. I am here to tell the truth, and nothing that is written by me is false exaggeration nor science fiction. This information is real, it is true, it is reality, and it is time for it to be told.

I was a member of the Illuminati for 47 years. I was recruited when I was 19 years old. I have posted here off and on over the past year. (Some of the posts are mine, others are my brothers, mainly they are his) The information that I am about to unfold is very revealing and very dangerous. I am one of seven people in the history of the Illuminati that have performed the Departure Ritual. I knew that I needed to get out when I had something revealed to me at a meeting in June of 2010. For years I was in line with the beliefs, motives, and actions of the Illuminati, but it recently became too much for me to bear, and I had to extinguish my sacred contract.

My reason for coming here is to reveal EVERYTHING about the Illuminati. How you become a member, what the organization is about, what the organization does, and the future plans that we have.

I will be back to make my first post when I can see that this thread has enough attention for me continue. Any time in the near future when I begin to reveal the secrets of the Illuminati, I need to ensure that there are enough people paying attention so that my efforts do not go to waste. Once I see that this thread has a substantial amount of views and replies, I will make my first post.

Here is a preview of some of the things that I will reveal:

Barack Obama is not a member of the Illuminati, he is something much, much worse.

The new space flights which are planes that can briefly enter orbit are not as fun as they seem, they are an Illuminati tool.

Denver, Colorado is an evil place

Aliens are a little different than what mainstream teaches us

The information I have is essential!

2: This post will be about how the Illuminati recruited me and what exactly I had to go through.

When I was nineteen years old, I fell into some money through some connections with friends and some successful investments of some money that I had made throughout my childhood. I got involved in some backroom deals and saw my money begin to grow. As I attended college at Harvard in 1964, I begin to become increasingly rich, and my influence on campus grew as well through my participation in various clubs, and organizations. Some friends and I began to serve as quasi-stock brokers while still at Harvard. I made tons of cash during that year, and was very powerful and influential on campus.

One night as I was walking back to my dorm shortly after midnight, I was approached by two men in black suits. I initially assumed that they were going to investigate my business activity because some of it was not exactly legal. They asked me to come with them and I followed them into the basement of a two story house a couple streets over from my dorm room. They sat me down at a table and asked me if I was willing to make a deal. They would not tell me what deal I would be making, but just continually asked if I would be willing to make a deal. I half-assed agreed that I would, and that is when the biggest man that I have ever seen walked through some closet doors and sat down in a chair directly opposite from me. A television was wheeled in front of me and on it was playing a video of the JFK assassination. The man that was sitting opposite me asked who I thought shot JFK. I naturally said Lee Harvey Oswald. All three of the men laughed, and the video changed to show that the shot that killed JFK actually came from the front seat of the car. It is very hard to make out in the videos that we normally see, but in the version that this man was showing me, it was obvious that the driver of the car was the one who shot JFK. The man asked if I thought that he was capable of doing this, and I did not know what to say. He told me that he was capable of anything. He detailed the story of the Illuminati. How it had formed in the 1700s and how the Illuminati was behind the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, World War I and II, the Vietnam War, and he told me about how a terrorist attack on two buildings would change the world forever.

Two chicken bones were placed in front of me, and I was told that I would be joining the Illuminati. If I did not, then they would kill me on the spot. They told me to take the chicken bones to a crossroad on the outskirts of town, and I had to bury them, then spill my own blood over top of the spot where they were buried. The two men in suits accompanied me, and I performed the ritual. After it was done, I was taken to a large mansion which I was told was mine now. I was given numerous cars, countless women, and a vault that was full of money. I was left with instructions that I had made a deal with Lucifer himself, and that if I did not follow directions, then I would be used in the most unpleasant way.

3: The first time that I was really used by the Illuminati was during the presidential election of 1968. I was called to Denver, CO to partake in a meeting in early February. I was chauffeured to the meeting location, and the windows of the limo were blacked out, so I still to this day do not know exactly where the meeting was held. I was very relieved to find out that the meetings of the Illuminati were not satanic or cultish other than that everything in the room was completely red. A man stood up in front of the room and introduced himself as Rorie Rothschild. He gave us our instructions by saying that it was already put in place that Richard Nixon would be president of the United States. I was astonished to know that this group picked who was going to be the POTUS, but I soon found out that every president in American history has been a puppet of the Illuminati. My assignment was to position myself in Washington D.C., and to work to incite rioting and turmoil after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Yes, I knew about the assassination of MLK before it occurred. The assassination occurred in April if I am correct, and I knew about it in February. It was decided that MLK was a dangerous man because of the way that he was creating a following in the way that he was. The truth is that MLK was approached by the Illuminati and asked to join, but he is one of the view that rejected and somehow escaped death. The elite in the group decided to let him live for awhile, for pure entertainment, but when they were ready for him to die, they made sure he did, and they planned when he would. I was in D.C. at the time of the assassination, and I made the mistake of spreading the word that MLK was dead, an hour before he had actually been shot. Thankfully no one notices, and widespread riots ensued.

Many other people were placed in many other major cities. The purpose of killing MLK at the time that he was assassinated was to serve as a distraction to the coming murder of Bobby Kennedy. The Illuminate had already killed JFK, and they were not about to let another Kennedy make a run for the presidency. The Kennedy family turned out to be a challenge for the Illuminati, but they were taken care of. Remember a few years ago when Ted Kennedy was taken out of a dinner for health problems? He was actually strangled in the bathroom by an Illumina
ti member.

Anyway, after Bobby Kennedy was murdered. The path to the presidency was clear for Richard Nixon who had already been indoctrinated with what the Illuminati wanted to do. The war in Vietnam was a massive opportunity for many people to make a ton of money, and that they did. Nixon was instructed far before the election to continue the fighting in Vietnam.

**Announcing the Birth of the New World Order**

4: Enough with the history, I was just telling that to show you that I was in the Illuminate for a great deal of time. I was involved with some horrible things, but now I want to uncover the current activities of the Illuminati. The activities that caused my departure.

Obama is the grand puppet of them all. Barry Sotero, yes that is his real name, was born in an Illuminati bunker far beneath the ground in Finland. He was groomed to become POTUS. He was indoctrinated from the beginning with the teachings of the Illuminati, with the plans for the New World Order, and with the plans that he was supposed to execute. Barry did not emerge from this bunker until the time that he was twenty three. All photographs and accounts of him before this time are fabricated by the Illuminati. However, the Illuminati forgot one major thing. A birth certificate. It was decided after the mistake that it would seem too fishy to display one now magically, so do not ever expect anyone to reveal it, because it was never made. Barry, who entered into the world as Barack Obama, is the most evil man on this planet. It is not by his own design, but because he is being fed his instructions. If you thought the healthcare bill was a big deal, you have no idea what Obama will unveil in the coming year. A plan is in place, and has already began to be executed that will create a personal army for Obama. The oil that gushed from the pipes in the Gulf was infested with microbodies that plant themselves in the brains of the infected, and can be activated remotely to control the infected. Mostly, these microbodies planted themselves in the minds of children. Remember Obamas address to students that was so controversial? That event was used to transmit radio waves that allowed for the planting of these microbodies in the childrens minds.

Supposedly, and this is the part that I do not know for a fact, this army will never be activated for physical warfare, but they will be used to secure re-election of Obama for many, many years to come. The amendment in the Constitution that restricts the president to serving two terms will be struck out of the Constitution, and Obama will embark on a six term reign during which we will see the destruction of the Middle East.

5: In a nutshell

Aliens are real. There is constant inter-galactic war between them. The grand plan is to involve Earth in their warfare so that human beings can be enslaved in the new world order.

Space flights are being used to carry out MASSIVE Chemical implantation. You all have heard of chem-trailing. Think about it on a global scale. When the governments of the world became exposed because of people like you that exposed chem-trailing, they needed a new way to carry out their operations. Space flights allow them to carry out chem-trailing on a massive scale by placing the chemicals right inside Earths atmosphere. The chemicals then mix with the clouds and upper atmospheric winds to transport the chemicals across a large area. These space flights need to be stopped before it is too late.

6: A question asked:

If I got to choose one place if TSHTF, it would be the Rocky Mountain range, its got water, food, totally self sufficient everything, They could seal off and be their own country if need be, also all the military and Norad and whats underground, inside the mountain and more

There was a plan in WW2 that if things went badly, the US govt. would retreat to Colorado and make a stand.

Theres rumors of caverns in the Sangres still containing prepositioned supplies such as old Sherman tanks.

Colorado contains sufficient resources to instigate the rebuilding of the entire nation.

The answer: This is correct.

7: There are underground research facilities in Colorado where the government is conducting research on how to massively control the population. They are testing it on the citizens of Denver, CO.

8:Aliens are real. There is constant inter-galactic war between them. The grand plan is to involve Earth in their warfare so that human beings can be enslaved in the new world order.

9: These aliens would easily destroy us in minutes. Far more advanced that we are. However, the Illuminati has planned to stage attacks with them in order to place Earth;s population under martial law.

10: Kennedy was strangled because they were warning him to back off some research he was doing into Bobbys death.

11: To the person who wants to know about Obama meeting aliens in the underground bunkers. This has never happened. Obama has not communicated with the aliens. Only the top notch Illuminati members have. They have a constant line of communication with them. The event that I was speaking of where the aliens will stage attacks on Earth will not occur until after World War III does.

World War III is planned to happen in the next five years. The spark is going to be an Israeli attack on Iran. As Obama is the grand puppet president of the Illuminati. Israel is the grand puppet state. Israel will directly attack Iran with missiles, Iran will respond, and World War III will ensue. It is at this time that Venezuela and North Korea will begin attacking their enemies, China will enter, Russia will enter, and there will be a massive global war on our hands. This war is planned to last for at least 7 years, and towards the end of these 7 years, alien lifeforms will stage their attacks on the major countries of the world.

These alien attacks serve the purpose of ending World War III. There is no other way that the citizens of the warring countries would put aside their bad sentiments created by war to fight a common enemy other than if the common enemy are extra-terrestrials.

The only reason that the Illuminati is manufacturing World War III is to destroy some of the world leaders who do not directly fall under their influence. It is also to make many people very , very rich.

These alien attacks will cause the people of the Earth to join together in common defense against the alien lifeforms, but it will also pave the path to the New World Order.

12:(this is transcript from his you tube video)

World War 3 is planned to happen in the next five years. The spark is going to be an Israeli attack on Iran. As Obama is the grand puppet president used by the Illuminati. Israel is the grand puppet state. Israel has already been given permission by the United States and the European Union to directly attack Iran whenever it feels that it is safe to do so. An attack was almost initiated during the summer of 2009; however, the election crisis in Iran at the time proved inopportune to attack. Most people would assume that a time of chaos would be a great time to attack; however, many of the key Iranian political leaders were out of the country at the time for their own safety.

Israel will directly attack Iran with missiles, Iran will respond, and World War 3 will ensue. It is at this time that Venezuela and North Korea will begin attacking their enemies, China will enter, Russia will enter, and there will be a massive global war on our hands. This is another reason that Obama w
ill be allowed to be re-elected past the normal 2 term limit. This war is planned to last for at least 7 years, and towards the end of these 7 years, alien lifeforms will stage their attacks on the major countries of the world.

These alien attacks serve the purpose of ending World War 3. There is no other way that the citizens of the warring countries would put aside their bad sentiments created by war to fight a common enemy other than if the common enemy are extra-terrestrials.

The only reason that the Illuminati is manufacturing World War III is to destroy some of the world leaders who do not directly fall under their influence. It is also to make many people very , very rich.

These alien attacks will cause the people of the Earth to join together in common defense against the alien lifeforms, but it will also pave the path to the New World Order.

The Illuminati has made a deal with these alien life forms. When the New World Order is secured, and select groups of people are placed in containment camps, people such as dissenters, rebels, and other revolutionaries, these people will be handed over to the aliens for them to do experimentation on. The alien culture is very advanced; however, they are not as advanced as they would like to be because they do not have human beings to experiment on. The aliens that are in business with the Illuminati cannot be experimented on in the same way that humans can because they are built and formed in much of a different way in which I am not entirely familiar.

The Illuminati has worked out a very intensive strategy to secure the New World Order, and it will be accomplished by staging a form of false flag attack with these aliens. In return, these aliens receive an inextinguishable supply of experimental beings on which they can perform the many operations that they wish. The Illuminati will secure its New World Order and will establish Obama as the head of it. He will continually be under Illuminati influence and will carry out the next stage of the plan to secure control of all of the worlds oil.

The oil crisis that we are familiar with, the one where the experts say that we are running out, is entirely untrue. There are hundreds of untapped oil reserves in the Middle East. When the New World Order is secured, Obama will ensure that these oil reserves fall into the hands of the Illuminati, and they will be tapped to ensure a great deal of cash flow for the Illuminati. He will secure these oil reserves by destroying the Middle East and reducing it to dust. Russia, China, and the United States will invade the Middle East from all directions claiming that Muslims are dissenters to the New World Order. The first step of this plan has already been initiated with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was necessary for the United States to already have a multitude of troops on the ground in the Middle East, and it is for this reason that George W. Bush pushed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I do not think it is necessary to say that nine eleven was a false flag. This is something that we already knew. Planes were hijacked by operatives brainwashed by the Illuminati, and plastic explosives were used to bring down the towers.

The first step to the destruction of the Middle East, and the establishment of the United States as the new oil kings was initiated on that day.

13: This is the only deal that I know of. However, in my opinion, once the deal is done, the New World Order will proceed to attack and conquer these alien lifeforms. Do not let the general public fool you, we have the capability of reaching other galaxies, and have done it.

14: We can reach Mars, and we have. You just do not know about it. The first human landed on Mars in November of 1999.

15: If the next 7.0+ occurs in Venezuela, then I will be able to tell you something about future events. If one does not occur in Venezuela, then these earthquakes mean nothing as of right now.

16: Ben Bernanke is a very, very evil man. He controls over half of the US money supply personally. He can do anything he wants with it without any consequences.

Rahm Emmanuel was groomed much in the same way that Obama was, and Emmanuel will play the lead role in a HUGE event very soon.

17: Bernanke is an agent of Warren Buffett.

18: The first Mars landing to my knowledge occurred in 1999. The astronauts who performed the landing were murdered upon their return.

19: question: Do you knoow of project pegasus and the history of sending people to a MARS base since the 60s?

Answer: The project was attempted; however, their was not significant funding at the time due to other activities that the organization was pursuing. The project was resumed in the seventies, but the main scientists were no longer willing to work on it. It was eventually abandoned.

Alex Jones is not as innocent as he makes himself sound. He has been in on everything for awhile.

20: question: ..and how exactly did they get past the radiation belt without getting fried?

Answer: Actually I do know about this. Any radiation or obstacles that they encountered were redirected by use of lasers, but radiation and obstacles were also consumed by a generator that produced a mini black hole directed towards whatever was in the way.

This black hole was then destroyed by several remotely detonated explosions inside of it.

These explosions served the purpose of decreasing the gravity in the black hole which destroyed the black hole while preserving the radiation and other obstacles.

21: Cheney was an idiot. He served no role in anything that the Illuminati carried out. He was pretty much a pawn used to divert attention. He tried to play a role, but was never allowed.

A tomahawk cruise missile hit the Pentagon; launched from a ship in the Atlantic.

A plane really hit the ground in PA. Again, an attention diversion. They felt that they needed a feel good story.

Yes, planes hit the towers, and the towers collapses because of explosives already planted on the joists.

Larry Silverstein was the brains behind it all.

Building 7 was used as an operations base. It needed to be demolished to protect information and people.

22: The operatives that hijacked the plane were told to crash it in PA. That is what I know to be true.

23: (regarding911) NORAD never really mobilized to do anything. There was no need to stand them down. NORAD is ran by the government, which is controlled by the Illuminati. See where I am going here?

24: The Anti-Christ is not going to be a single person. It is also very ironic.

The Anti-Christ is Israel.

25: (question)How long till the US economy goes under?

(answer)It wont. World War 3 will kick off at the perfect time to prevent collapse.

26: Hitler committed suicide in the way that most believe he did. Merkel is not his daughter; however, a coming chancellor will be his grandson.

27: The North American Union will form at the start of WW3 as a trade/ defense alliance.

28: A city will burn on November 11, 2011. I am not sure which. Only know that a city will burn to the ground.

29: Islam will be destroyed by killing the Muslims. Christianity will be destroyed by discrediting it. Judaism will not be destroyed, but will gain power. All other religions will fall into irrelevance.

30: Now, we are going to talk about the Anti-Christ being Israel.

I am not talking about the Jewish people, or the people of Israel itself, but I am talking about the state of Israel. As I mentioned earlier, Israel is the grand puppet state of the Illuminati. When the modern Israeli state was formed in 1948, it was all part of a master plan. This plan ties into the long term plan to demolish the Middle East. After World War 2, it was decided that land would be taken from the Palestinians, and this land would be declared the Jewish homeland that they had been driven from many years ago. We all know that fighting ensued between Israel and Palestine, and this violence continues today. Palestine is a state that has defied the control of the Illuminati. They were presented with the opportunity of protection when Israel was formed; however, they rejected, and they will one day be demolished in the most horrific manner. The whole point of the establishment of Israel is to place an Illuminati-influence government directly in the area. Israel is carrying out the order of the Illuminati, and has been since its formation.

I have already detailed the role that Israel will play in sparking World War 3 by a preemptive strike on Iran. However, the influence of Israel on world affairs will span far more than that. Israel will be virtually invincible during World War 3. It will prevail through Iranian attacks, but in the final stages of the war, it will fall under Russian attack. It is in these final stages that the alien attacks will take place, and all worldly fighting will cease. The Illuminati will use this time to establish their New World Order, which will be based in Israel. It is from Israel that the New World Order will execute their evil policies that will eventually lead to the destruction of the world as we know it. The Jews will be banished from Israel yet again, and the people that occupy the land will be a people that lack any form of religion. As I stated, Islam will be destroyed through elimination of the Muslims, Christianity will be destroyed through destruction of its credibility, and once these two religions are eliminated, religion as we know it will cease to exist in worldly affairs. Israel is the state that will carry out the execution of religion.

This is the grand plan of the Illuminati to establish a New World Order that is entirely a One World Order. Israel is the Anti Christ. A beast that will rise from the sea, a sea of turmoil, with many heads, led by many leaders.

Let me talk about religion for a little while. Religion was manufactured long ago by men who wished to control the masses. Different religions were created in different places to suit the needs and beliefs of the area, and it was intended to serve as a crutch. The leaders of these regions used religion to enslave their people, and religion continues to be such an evil. In essence, religion was the first form of mind control.

When the Illuminati was formed, it was evident that religion was something that could keep the masses dumb and ignorant to what was really happening around them. Is this not what has happened? Because of religion, the Illuminati has been able to work in secret for many, many years.

See the original post:
Illuminati Truths | Mystery of the Iniquity

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Dyshidrotic eczema | American Academy of Dermatology

Posted: April 27, 2016 at 11:42 pm

How do dermatologists diagnose dyshidrotic eczema?

When dyshidrotic eczema (DE) flares, a dermatologist can diagnose it by looking at your skin.

Your dermatologist will also ask about your medical history, work, hobbies, and recent stress level.

If your dermatologist thinks that the DE could be due to an allergy, an allergy test called patch testing may be recommended. During patch testing, small amounts of substances that you may be allergic to are placed on your skin often the skin on your back.

Your treatment plan will be designed to treat your signs and symptoms. You may be responsible for doing much of the treatment at home. It is important to carefully follow your treatment plan, which may include several of the following:

After each soak or cool compress, youll likely need to apply a medicated cream or ointment, such as a corticosteroid.

Having an infection can stop DE from clearing.

In one study, researchers found that about 33% of patients who had DE on their hands got rid of the DE only after treating an infection on their feet.

If the above treatments fail to work or you have severe DE, your dermatologist may recommend one of the following:

Botulinum toxin is FDA approved to treat wrinkles and excessive sweating in the underarms but not DE. Its legal to prescribe a medicine for a condition other than its FDA-approved use. This is called off-label use, which can be very helpful for some patients.

Its extremely important to get these treatments at a hospital, clinic, or your dermatologists office. Trying to treat your skin by using a tanning bed is not recommended.

Eliminating foods that contain nickel or cobalt helps some people.

Many foods contain nickel or cobalt. If you are allergic to either, your dermatologist can tell you how to change your diet.

Other treatments than the ones listed here can also be helpful. Your dermatologist can tell you what treatment may be best for you.

Some people have one mild outbreak that clears without treatment. Its much more common to have flares throughout your life. Treatment can help control DE, which cannot be cured.

See original here:
Dyshidrotic eczema | American Academy of Dermatology

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Bitcoin News, Prices, Charts, Guides & Analysis – CoinDesk

Posted: at 1:46 am


Apr 27, 2016 at 03:10 | Charles Bovaird

Global bitcoin prices were more than double their total last year, reaching $470 on the CoinDesk BPI today.


Apr 26, 2016 at 19:01 | Michael del Castillo

A European Parliament committee voted to adopt a report on virtual currencies today, moving Europe one step closer to an AML policy for the industry.


Apr 26, 2016 at 14:36 | Pete Rizzo

Gem has launched an initiative aimed at promoting exploration of blockchain in the healthcare sector.


Apr 25, 2016 at 23:00 | Pete Rizzo

Market observers weigh in on the news bitcoin exchange Bitstamp has secured what could be a key licensing in Luxembourg.


Apr 25, 2016 at 22:17 | William Mougayar

Investor William Mougayar discusses how enterprise businesses are seeking to establish and implement blockchain strategies


Apr 25, 2016 at 20:45 | Stan Higgins

The UK Treasury has said in a new report that it wont impose AML rules on digital currency wallet providers in a bid to avoid regulatory burdens.


Apr 25, 2016 at 19:26 | Charles Bovaird

Bitcoin prices passed $460 on 25th April, reaching their highest total in four months as the digital currency built on past gains.


Apr 25, 2016 at 18:46 | Pete Rizzo

Tokyo-based bitcoin exchange bitFlyer has raised $27 million in new funding, one of the largest rounds for a Japanese digital currency firm to date.


Apr 25, 2016 at 17:50 | Stan Higgins

A major US defense agency devoted to advanced R&D is seeking to create a secure-blockchain-based messaging system.


Apr 25, 2016 at 17:09 | Pete Rizzo

Ita Unibanco has become the first Latin America-based bank to join blockchain and distributed ledger consortium R3CEV.

Read the original here:
Bitcoin News, Prices, Charts, Guides & Analysis - CoinDesk

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Human Longevity | CrunchBase

Posted: April 26, 2016 at 10:42 am

Human Longevity Inc. (HLI) is a genomics and cell therapy-based diagnostic and therapeutic company. Using advances in genomic sequencing, the human microbiome, proteomics, informatics, computing, and cell therapy technologies, HLI is building the worlds most comprehensive database on human genotypes and phenotypes to tackle the diseases associated with aging-related human biological decline. HLI is also leading the development of cell-based therapeutics to address age-related decline in endogenous stem cell function. HLI is concentrating on cancer, diabetes and obesity, heart and liver diseases, and dementia.

The market for healthy human longevity is enormous. Globally, total healthcare expenses run over $7 trillion, with nearly half of these funds being spent in the senior (65+) years of a persons life to help keep them alive longer. Using the combined power of HLIs core areas of expertise genomics, informatics, and stem cell therapies, HLI is going to change the way medicine is practiced by furthering the shift to a preventive, genomic-based medicine model.

HLI revenue streams will be derived from database licensing to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic organizations, sequencing, and development of advanced diagnostics and therapeutics.

Read more:
Human Longevity | CrunchBase

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Politically Incorrect –

Posted: at 10:42 am




Osama Justice is Served



Osama X - Customizable



Try Burning This Flag!



Al Qaeda Hunting Club



Death Before Dishonor Skull



Rock n' Roll



Full Auto






Tank Turret - Customizable



Full Auto - Customizable



Kill 'em All... and let God sort 'em out



Mess with the Best... Die like the Rest - Customizable



Life is Tough - It's Tougher If You're Stupid



Al Qaeda Hunting Club






Chip Implant



Try Burning This Flag! - COLOR









Politically Incorrect -

Posted in Politically Incorrect | Comments Off on Politically Incorrect –

Posted: at 10:42 am

Love or hate Trump, this letter seems to reflect the feelings of many out there:

An Open Letter to the Conservative Media Explaining Why I Have Left the Movement

by: John Kluge March 3, 2016

Let me say up front that I am a life-long Republican and conservative. I have never voted for a Democrat in my life and have voted in every presidential and midterm election since 1988. I have never in my life considered myself anything but a conservative. I am pained to admit that the conservative media and many conservatives reaction to Donald Trump has caused me to no longer consider myself part of the movement. I would suggest to you that if you have lost people like me, and I am not alone, you might want to reconsider your reaction to Donald Trump. Let me explain why.

First, I spent the last 20 years watching the conservative media in Washington endorse and urge me to vote for one candidate after another who made a mockery of conservative principles and values. Everyone talks about how thankful we are for the Citizens United decision but seems to have forgotten how we were urged to vote for the coauthor of the law that the decision overturned. In 2012, we were told to vote for Mitt Romney, a Massachusetts liberal who proudly signed an individual insurance mandate into law and refused to repudiate the decision.

Before that, there was George W. Bush, the man who decided it was Americas duty to bring democracy to the Middle East (more about him later). And before that, there was Bob Dole, the man who gave us the Americans with Disabilities Act.

I, of course, voted for those candidates and do not regret doing so. I, however, am self-aware enough to realize I voted for them because I will vote for virtually anyone to keep the Left out of power and not because I thought them to be the best or even really a conservative choice. Given this history, the conservative medias claims that the Republican party must reject Donald Trump because he is not a conservative are pathetic and ridiculous to those of us who are old enough to remember the last 25 years.

Second, it doesnt appear to me that conservatives calling on people to reject Trump have any idea what it actually means to be a conservative. The word seems to have become a brand that some people attach to a set of partisan policy preferences, rather than the set of underlying principles about government and society it once was. Conservatism has become a dogs breakfast of Wilsonian internationalism brought over from the Democratic Party after the New Left took it over, coupled with fanatical libertarian economics and religiously-driven positions on various culture war issues. No one seems to have any idea or concern for how these positions are consistent or reflect anything other than a general hatred for Democrats and the Left.

Lost in all of this is the older strain of conservatism. The one I grew up with and thought was reflective of the movement. This strain of conservatism believed in the free market and capitalism but did not fetishize them the way so many libertarians do. This strain understood that a situation where every country in the world but the US acts in its own interests on matters of international trade and engages in all kinds of skulduggery in support of their interests is not free trade by any rational definition. This strain understood that a governments first loyalty was to its citizens and the national interest. And also understood that the preservation of our culture and our civil institutions was a necessity.

All of this seems to have been lost. Conservatives have become some sort of schizophrenic sect of libertarians who love freedom (but hate potheads and abortion) and feel the US should be the policeman of the world. The same people who daily fret over the effects of leaving our society to the mercy of Hollywood and the mass culture have somehow decided leaving it to the mercies of the international markets is required.

Third, there is the issue of the war on Islamic extremism. Let me say upfront that, as a veteran of two foreign deployments in this war, I speak with some moral authority on it. So please do not lecture me on the need to sacrifice for ones country or the nature of the threat that we face. I have gotten on that plane twice and have the medals and t-shirt to prove it. And, as a member of the one percent who have actually put my life on the line in these wars movement conservatives consider so vital, my question for you and every other conservatives is just when the hell did being conservative mean thinking the US has some kind of a duty to save foreign nations from themselves or bring our form of democratic republicanism to them by force? I fully understand the sad necessity to fight wars and I do not believe in blow back or any of the other nonsense that says the world will leave us alone if only we will do that same.

At the same time, I cannot for the life of me understand how conservatives of all people convinced themselves that the solution to the 9-11 attacks was to forcibly create democracy in the Islamic world. I have even less explanations for how 15 years and 10,000 plus lives later conservatives refuse to examine their actions and expect the country to send more of its young to bleed and die over there to save the Iraqis who are clearly too slovenly and corrupt to save themselves.

The lowest moment of the election was when Trump said what everyone in the country knows: that invading Iraq was a mistake. Rather than engaging the question with honest self-reflection, all of the so called conservatives responded with the usual How dare he? Worse, they let Jeb Bush claim that Bush kept us safe. I can assure you that President Bush didnt keep me safe. Do I and the other people in the military not count? Sure, we signed up to give our lives for our country and I will never regret doing so. But doesnt our commitment require a corresponding responsibility on the part of the president to only expect us to do so when it is both necessary and in the national interest?

And since when is bringing democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan so much in the national interest that it is worth killing or maiming 50,000 Americans to try and achieve? I dont see that, but I am not a Wilsonian and used to, at least, be a conservative. I have these strange ideas that my government ought to act in Americas interests instead of the rest of the worlds interests. I wish conservatives could understand how galling it was to have a fat, rich, career politician who has never once risked his life for this country lecture those of us who have about how George Bush kept us safe.

Donald Trump is the only Republican candidate who seems to have any inclination to act strictly in Americas interest. More importantly, he is the only Republican candidate who is willing to even address the problem. Trump was right to say that we need to stop letting more Muslims into the country or, at least, examine the issue. And like when he said the obvious about Iraq, the first people to condemn him and deny the obvious were conservatives.

Somehow, being conservative now means denying the obvious and saying idiotic fantasies like Islam is the religion of peace, or Our war is not with Islam. Uh, sorry but no it is not, and yes it is. And if getting a president who at least understands that means voting for Trump, then I guess I am not a conservative.

Fourth, I really do not care that Donald Trump is vulgar, combative, and uncivil and I would encourage you not to care as well. I would love to have our political discourse be what it was even thirty years ago and something better than what it is today. But the fact is the Democratic Party is never going to return to that and there isnt anything anyone can do about it. Over the last 15 years, I have watched the then-chairman of the DNC say the idea that President Bush knew about 9-11 and let it happen was a serious position held by many people, watched the vice president tell a black audience that Republicans would return them to slavery if they could, watched Harry Reid say Mitt Romney was a tax cheat without any reason to believe it was true, and seen an endless amount of appalling behavior on the part of the Democrats which is too long to list here and which I am sure you are aware. And now you tell me that I should reject Trump because he is uncivil and mean to his opponents? Is that some kind of a joke? This is not the time for civility or to worry about it in our candidates.

Fifth, I do not care that Donald Trump is in favor of big government. That is certainly not a virtue but it is not a meaningful vice since the same can be said of every single Republican in the race. I am sorry but the we are just one more Republican victory from small government card is maxed out. We are not getting small government no matter who wins. So Trump being big government is a wash.

Sixth, Trump offers at least the chance that he might act in the American interest instead of the worlds interest or in the blind pursuit of some fantasy ideological goals. There is more to economic policy than cutting taxes, sham free trade agreements, and hollow appeals to cutting government and the free market. Trump may not be good, but he at least understands that. In contrast, the rest of the GOP and everyone in Washington or the media who calls themselves a conservative has no understanding of this.

Rubio would be as Laura Ingram pointed out this week nothing but a repeat of the Bush 43 administration with more blood and treasure spent on the fantasy that acting in other peoples interests indirectly helps ours. Cruz might be somewhat better, but it is unclear whether he could resist the temptations of nation building and wouldnt get bullied into trying it again. And as much as I like Cruz on many areas he, like all of them except Trump, seems totally unwilling to admit that the government has a responsibility to act in the nations interests on trade policy and do something besides let every country in the world take advantage of us in the name of free trade.

Consider the following. Our country is going broke, half its working-age population isnt even looking for work, faces the real threat of massive Islamic terrorist attack, and has a government incapable of doing even basic functions. Meanwhile, conservatives act like cutting Planned Parenthood off the government or stopping gays from getting marriage licenses are the great issues of the day and then have the gumption to call Donald Trump a clown. It would be downright funny if it wasnt so sad and the situation so serious.

It is not that I think Donald Trump is some savior or an ideal candidate. I dont. It is that I cannot for the life of me given the sorry nature of our current political class understand why conservatives are losing their minds over him and are willing to destroy the Republican Party and put Hillary into office to stop him. All of your objections to him either apply to many other candidates you have backed or are absurd.

I dont expect you to agree with me or start backing Trump. I would, however, encourage you to at least think about what I and others have said and to understand that the people backing Trump are not nihilists or uneducated hillbillies looking for a job. Some of us are pretty serious people and once considered ourselves conservatives. Even if you still hate Trump, you owe it to conservatism to ask yourself how exactly conservatism managed to alienate so many of its supporters such that they are now willing to vote for someone you loath as much as Trump.

I would also encourage you to stop insulting Trump voters. Multiple conservative journalists Kevin Williamson to name one have said, in so many words, that Trump supporters are welfare queens, losers, uneducated, and bums. I am a Trump supporter. My father is a Trump supporter. We both went to war for this country. My father spent 40 years in the private sector maintaining this thing we like to call the phone system. I have spent the last 20 years in the Army and toiling away doing national security and law enforcement issues for the federal government. Just what exactly have any of the people saying these things ever done for the country? Where do they feel entitled to say these things? And more importantly, why on earth do they think it is helping their cause?

I am sorry, even if you can convince me Trump is the next Hitler, I dont want to be associated with that. I dont want to be associated with a movement that calls other Americans bums and welfare queens because they support the wrong candidate. If I wanted to do that, I would be a leftist.

Perhaps none of this means anything to you and the movement has left me behind. If it has, I think conservatives should understand that it is leaving a lot of people like me behind. I cant see how that is a good thing.

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Articles about Politically Incorrect – tribunedigital …

Posted: at 10:42 am


By Meghan Daum | December 27, 2011

As fans of the late Christopher Hitchens cycle through the five stages of grief, it's interesting to see which of his opinions can still inspire the kind of anger that is unlikely to ever fade into acceptance. There are, of course, the obvious candidates: his characterization of Bill Clinton as "a rapist" or his vilification of Mother Teresa as "a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud. " There is also his oh-so-chivalrous shout-out to the Dixie Chicks, whom he called "fat slugs" (or "slags" or "sluts" depending on your source)


By Michael Sragow, The Baltimore Sun | November 18, 2010

If you've only seen Bill Maher on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" or ABC's "Politically Incorrect," you haven't really seen Bill Maher. In concert he is, paradoxically, more relaxed and intense. Freed from the five-minute monologue and the host's chair, he moves with a flexible prowl. He plays with and off his fans, without pandering to them. He fearlessly reacts to whatever is happening in the moment. Three years after he filled the Lyric, Maher brings his stage act to the Hippodrome at 8 p.m. tonight.


By KATHLEEN PARKER | July 3, 2008

The words "domestic violence" typically invite images of bruised women and children - and male perpetrators. But the real picture of domestic violence isn't so clear-cut. And the solution to family violence is far more complex than our current criminal justice approach can handle. For about 30 years now, we've been throwing money and punishment at domestic violence with not enough to show for it. Estimates are that more than 32 million Americans are affected by domestic violence each year, with many of those in need of help never reporting their abuse.


By [MICHELLE DEAL-ZIMMERMAN] | November 26, 2006

Listening to Marc Steiner on the phone is just like listening to him on radio. In a fast-paced, scratchy baritone, he talks about a wide range of topics from his love of the city to his love of reading -- he even confesses a love of large trucks. The Baltimore native, 60, hosts a daily talk show on WYPR-FM that's among the station's most popular. On this day, he's just finished interviewing E.L. Doctorow and preparing to attend a reception for the author, where Steiner will be the host -- of course.


By Clarence Page | September 15, 2006

WASHINGTON -- A lot of people have their shorts bunched in a knot over a decision by the CBS reality game show Survivor: Cook Islands to divide its competing "tribes" by race and ethnicity. No surprise there. We have enough wars to worry about these days without having one put forth as prime-time entertainment, even if it's all in good fun. Hispanics Across America founder Fernando Mateo called the Survivor move an "offensive and cheap trick" to boost ratings, which is undoubtedly true, but hardly the first time networks have done that.


August 26, 2006

Confront the threat from radical Islam It's amazing that the liberal Democratic talking points about how President Bush's policies have created more terrorists and fomented hatred toward the United States seem to be gaining currency ("Bush frames touchy topics as winners for Republicans," Aug. 22). Of course, this spurious point of view conveniently omits the fact that the single most devastating attack against us in our history was plotted and planned well before the Bush administration ever existed.

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Posted: April 24, 2016 at 11:44 pm

General Talk Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board. 3665 Posts 439 Topics Last post by canes81787 in Re: NSA All Star Game Ca... on April 23, 2016, 11:31:55 PM Upcoming Tournaments Click here for a listing of the upcoming tournaments. 17021 Posts 1425 Topics Last post by Dirtneck in Re: NSA DIRTCHEAP CLASSI... on Today at 10:31:16 PM Directors Click here for listing of NSA Directors. 1 Posts 1 Topics Last post by Merchants21/LazyOne in NSA Directors on February 02, 2009, 04:49:58 PM Free Agents/Teams Looking Post if you are looking for a team or if you are a team looking for players. 821 Posts 424 Topics Last post by jrice42 in need 1 or 2 on Today at 02:14:02 PM Links Links list to other boards 3 Posts 2 Topics Last post by Dools in NC NSA (as well as other... on September 07, 2008, 03:39:26 PM Photo Gallery Post pics that you want on the softball photo gallery. Team pictures, action photos, etc. 12 Posts 4 Topics Last post by jerrett26 in Re: Just for you Devils ... on February 10, 2009, 09:46:55 AM Player Suggestions Player Suggestions here! 5 Posts 1 Topics Last post by P-Bats in Re: Let me know what you... on July 17, 2009, 07:42:06 AM

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The Fifth Amendment –

Posted: April 23, 2016 at 2:45 pm

In December 2012 The Fifth Amendment happy hour was founded by myself, Michele Bamberg, and Jeffrey Gitto. The happy hour is a social and professional networkin...g event geared towards the legal community which featured food/drink specials, and weekly guest bartenders we dubbed "lawtenders". The Fifth Amendment happy hour quickly became the place to be on Wednesday evenings, and was a favorite among many lawyers, judges, public defenders, prosecutors, paralegals, court reporters, etc. It also attracted many people outside the legal community as well which was great for meeting new people, and building relationships.

The Fifth Amendment has been a huge success. It was originally ran by the best in the business to include, but not limited to Nique Ryan, Aaron Round, Chelsea Sherman, Sammy Morgan, Rachel Valore, Gabrielle Mendez, Brandon Young, Erica Warner, Kj Pignatelli, Justin Sullivan, Amy Jeanine, and more. In just the first 10 months of its inception, The Fifth Amendment became the foundation for an incredible fundraiser in which we rallied the community and successfully raised over $20K in less than 3 weeks for a young boy suffering from Lyme Disease!

After a much needed break, The Fifth Amendment was on a new scene to start the summer of 2015. This time our goal was to raise $10K for Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association, Inc. This would be achieved through the hard work of Rob Bamberg, Michele Bamberg, Nique Ryan, and Donna Haynes; ran by Alex Coven, Trisha Sissons, and Jake Friend; with selflessness generosity from the following sponsors/donors: Amir Ladan of Ladan Law; Eric Boughman of Forster Boughman & Lefkowitz; David Bigney of Bigney Law Firm; Ryan Davis of Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman, P.A.; Amber Neilson Davis of Beusse Wolter Sanks & Maire, PLLC; Mario Ceballos of The Ceballos Law Firm, P.A.; Kirsty Irvin Schouweiler of First Choice Reporting & Video Services, Inc.; Tara Slocum of Legal Realtime Reporting; Kimberly Lorenz of Fisher Rushmer, P.A. Family Law; Rob Bamberg of ProServe USA; Michele Bamberg of Lady Esquire, Men's Stylist; and last but certainly not least, tonight's sponsors William Umansky & Zahra Iravani Umansky of The Umansky Law Firm.

This goes to show there's power in numbers because people working together are greater than they can ever be working apart. And every single person listed past and present, is a huge reason The Fifth Amendment has been a success! On behalf of Jeffrey Gitto, Nique Ryan, Michele Bamberg, and myself, we hope to see you tonight at Side Bar 6 pm - 10 pm, and we thank you for your support!

God Bless America!

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7 Ways to Treat Psoriasis Symptoms at Home

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Psoriasis is a complex, reoccurring autoimmune disorder characterized by red, flaky patches on the skin. Even though there is no cure, many treatments exist to ease the symptoms. Some aren't far away from your computer screen.

Here are seven simple treatments to help quiet its signs.

Connect with other psoriasis patients and share inspiring photos using #pselfie

Dietary supplements may help ease psoriasis symptoms from the inside. Fish oil, vitamin D, milk thistle, and evening primrose oil have been reported to help some sufferers (NPF, 2012). It's important to only take supplements that do not interfere with other pre-existing conditions or have harmful side effects. Fish oil applied directly to the skin has also been known to work well for some.

Use a humidifier to keep the air in your home or office moist. It can prevent dry skin before it starts. Sensitive-skin moisturizers are also great at keeping your skin supple and from forming plaques.

Most soaps and perfumes have dyes and fragrances in them. Sure, they can make you smell great but they also can inflame psoriasis. Choose products labeled as "sensitive skin" these are made without the dyes and perfumes that can irritate skin (NPF, 2012).

Diet may play a role in managing psoriasis. Eliminating red meat and fatty foods have been effective for some. The National Psoriasis Foundation lists soy, nuts, chocolate, and cranberries as a few "functional foods" for treatment (NPF, 2012).

As healthy as olive oil is inside your body, it can have extra benefits for the skin. Applying olive or vegetable oil to scales and patches of psoriasis can lock moisture and nutrients in. Try massaging a few tablespoons on your scalp to help loosen troublesome plaques during your next shower.

Your dermatologist will tell you hot water is your skin's enemy, but a lukewarm bath with Epsom salt, mineral oil, milk, or olive oil can soothe the itching and infiltrate scales and plaques. Moisturize immediately after your bath for double benefits (Mayo Clinic, 2011).

Unfortunately, there is no one single answer to stop psoriasis. What's worse is the fact that not everything works for everyone. Using some of the tips shown here, as well as using other treatment options, you can custom-tailor your daily routine to keep problem itching and flaking to a minimum.

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7 Ways to Treat Psoriasis Symptoms at Home

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