Daily Archives: April 23, 2016

The Fifth Amendment – facebook.com

Posted: April 23, 2016 at 2:45 pm

In December 2012 The Fifth Amendment happy hour was founded by myself, Michele Bamberg, and Jeffrey Gitto. The happy hour is a social and professional networkin...g event geared towards the legal community which featured food/drink specials, and weekly guest bartenders we dubbed "lawtenders". The Fifth Amendment happy hour quickly became the place to be on Wednesday evenings, and was a favorite among many lawyers, judges, public defenders, prosecutors, paralegals, court reporters, etc. It also attracted many people outside the legal community as well which was great for meeting new people, and building relationships.

The Fifth Amendment has been a huge success. It was originally ran by the best in the business to include, but not limited to Nique Ryan, Aaron Round, Chelsea Sherman, Sammy Morgan, Rachel Valore, Gabrielle Mendez, Brandon Young, Erica Warner, Kj Pignatelli, Justin Sullivan, Amy Jeanine, and more. In just the first 10 months of its inception, The Fifth Amendment became the foundation for an incredible fundraiser in which we rallied the community and successfully raised over $20K in less than 3 weeks for a young boy suffering from Lyme Disease!

After a much needed break, The Fifth Amendment was on a new scene to start the summer of 2015. This time our goal was to raise $10K for Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association, Inc. This would be achieved through the hard work of Rob Bamberg, Michele Bamberg, Nique Ryan, and Donna Haynes; ran by Alex Coven, Trisha Sissons, and Jake Friend; with selflessness generosity from the following sponsors/donors: Amir Ladan of Ladan Law; Eric Boughman of Forster Boughman & Lefkowitz; David Bigney of Bigney Law Firm; Ryan Davis of Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman, P.A.; Amber Neilson Davis of Beusse Wolter Sanks & Maire, PLLC; Mario Ceballos of The Ceballos Law Firm, P.A.; Kirsty Irvin Schouweiler of First Choice Reporting & Video Services, Inc.; Tara Slocum of Legal Realtime Reporting; Kimberly Lorenz of Fisher Rushmer, P.A. Family Law; Rob Bamberg of ProServe USA; Michele Bamberg of Lady Esquire, Men's Stylist; and last but certainly not least, tonight's sponsors William Umansky & Zahra Iravani Umansky of The Umansky Law Firm.

This goes to show there's power in numbers because people working together are greater than they can ever be working apart. And every single person listed past and present, is a huge reason The Fifth Amendment has been a success! On behalf of Jeffrey Gitto, Nique Ryan, Michele Bamberg, and myself, we hope to see you tonight at Side Bar 6 pm - 10 pm, and we thank you for your support!

God Bless America!

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The Fifth Amendment - facebook.com

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7 Ways to Treat Psoriasis Symptoms at Home

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Psoriasis is a complex, reoccurring autoimmune disorder characterized by red, flaky patches on the skin. Even though there is no cure, many treatments exist to ease the symptoms. Some aren't far away from your computer screen.

Here are seven simple treatments to help quiet its signs.

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Dietary supplements may help ease psoriasis symptoms from the inside. Fish oil, vitamin D, milk thistle, and evening primrose oil have been reported to help some sufferers (NPF, 2012). It's important to only take supplements that do not interfere with other pre-existing conditions or have harmful side effects. Fish oil applied directly to the skin has also been known to work well for some.

Use a humidifier to keep the air in your home or office moist. It can prevent dry skin before it starts. Sensitive-skin moisturizers are also great at keeping your skin supple and from forming plaques.

Most soaps and perfumes have dyes and fragrances in them. Sure, they can make you smell great but they also can inflame psoriasis. Choose products labeled as "sensitive skin" these are made without the dyes and perfumes that can irritate skin (NPF, 2012).

Diet may play a role in managing psoriasis. Eliminating red meat and fatty foods have been effective for some. The National Psoriasis Foundation lists soy, nuts, chocolate, and cranberries as a few "functional foods" for treatment (NPF, 2012).

As healthy as olive oil is inside your body, it can have extra benefits for the skin. Applying olive or vegetable oil to scales and patches of psoriasis can lock moisture and nutrients in. Try massaging a few tablespoons on your scalp to help loosen troublesome plaques during your next shower.

Your dermatologist will tell you hot water is your skin's enemy, but a lukewarm bath with Epsom salt, mineral oil, milk, or olive oil can soothe the itching and infiltrate scales and plaques. Moisturize immediately after your bath for double benefits (Mayo Clinic, 2011).

Unfortunately, there is no one single answer to stop psoriasis. What's worse is the fact that not everything works for everyone. Using some of the tips shown here, as well as using other treatment options, you can custom-tailor your daily routine to keep problem itching and flaking to a minimum.

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7 Ways to Treat Psoriasis Symptoms at Home

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What is Psoriasis? – Medical News Today

Posted: at 2:42 pm

knowledge center home eczema / psoriasis all about psoriasis what is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that mainly affects the skin. It is non-contagious. A reddish, scaly rash - often referred to as red, scaly patches - is commonly found over the surfaces of the scalp, around or in the ears, the elbows, knees, navel, genitals and buttocks.

The scaly patches, also known as psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production. Skin quickly builds up in the affected area, because skin production is faster than the bodys ability to shed it. Areas with psoriatic plaques take on a silvery-white appearance.

Unlike eczema, psoriasis is more commonly found on the extensor aspect of a joint.

Psoriasis varies in severity - some patients may only have minor localized patches, while others are affected all over the body. Psoriatic nail dystrophy is common among patients with psoriasis - where the fingernails and toenails are affected. Psoriasis may also result in inflammation of the joints, as may be the case with psoriatic arthritis, which affects approximately 10% to 15% of all psoriasis patients.

Experts are not sure what causes psoriasis. Most believe there is a genetic component that can be triggered by a prolonged injury to the skin. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, mental stress, and withdrawal of systemic corticosteroid medications are said to be factors that may aggravate psoriasis.

According to the National Health Service, UK, approximately 2% of the British population is affected by psoriasis. People with psoriasis most commonly develop symptoms between the ages of 11 and 45 years. However, it can start at any age.

The human body produces new skin cells at the lowest skin level. Gradually those cells move up through the layers of skin until they reach the outermost level, where they eventually die and flake off. The whole cycle - skin cell production to skin death and flaking off - takes between 21 and 28 days. In patients with psoriasis, the cycle takes only between 2 to 6 days; resulting in a rapid buildup of cells on the skins surface, causing red, flaky, scaly, crusty patches covered with silvery scales, which are then shed.

Psoriasis is a chronic condition - it is long lasting. Some people have periods with no symptoms, while others live with signs and symptoms all the time. For some people psoriases can be seriously disabling.

Although there is no current cure for psoriasis, there are treatments that can help with the symptoms.

According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary:

Psoriasis is A common multifactorial inherited condition characterized by the eruption of circumscribed, discrete and confluent, reddish, silvery-scaled maculopapules; the lesions occur predominantly on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk, and microscopically show characteristic parakeratosis and elongation of rete ridges with shortening of epidermal keratinocyte transit time due to decreased cyclic guanosine monophosphate.

The word psoriasis comes from the Greek word psoriasis, meaning being itchy.

This Psoriasis information section was written by Christian Nordqvist for Medical News Today, and may not be re-produced in any way without the permission of Medical News Today.

Disclaimer: This informational section on Medical News Today is regularly reviewed and updated, and provided for general information purposes only. The materials contained within this guide do not constitute medical or pharmaceutical advice, which should be sought from qualified medical and pharmaceutical advisers.

Please note that although you may feel free to cite and quote this article, it may not be re-produced in full without the permission of Medical News Today. For further details, please view our full terms of use

MediLexicon International Ltd

Originally posted here:
What is Psoriasis? - Medical News Today

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