Daily Archives: April 1, 2016

Bitcoin Markets – Bitcoinity.org

Posted: April 1, 2016 at 9:45 am

Price of currency / BTC went trend to 0

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Bars in the background represent volume (that is, how many coins were traded during that time) enumerated in [BTC]. The Value for this is shown on the left axis.

change: high: low:

About these bars going up and down (if there are any at the moment). They show market depth changes over the last 10 minutes. The value axis for them is on the right [BTC]. Bars on the left of the current price are bid offer changes, and on the right ask offer changes. So if somebody is adding a bid offer, you will see a green bar up on the left. About colors: if bids are added they are in green, and when removed they are in red. For asks it's the opposite. That's because when somebody is adding an ask, it makes it harder for the price to go up (red). If somebody is removing an ask it's easier for the price to go up (green). Still confused? Try this

The big number here is the price at which last trade was made.

And here we have the last trades table. On the left: amount of bitcoins traded. On the right: price at which it happened.

If you still have some questions, you can find a link to my contact information on the bottom of this page. I also hang out on freenode under nick comboy.

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Bitcoin Markets - Bitcoinity.org

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BitQuick – Buy Bitcoins and Sell Bitcoins Instantly for Cash

Posted: at 9:45 am

Update - March, 31 2016 - 10:40 AM EST

We sincerely appreciate your loyalty and patience while we go through this process. It's a shame that Bitcoin services are targeted so heavily by cyber-criminals, but we will not return until we have the utmost confidence that our platform is secured once again. We realize that we have a truly unique service, not only because of how our platform works, but more importantly because of the way we treat our customers.

We are still on schedule for the platform to return as well. No files or information in the database were destroyed. We have nearly concluded our investigation on the issue, and have determined that our receipt upload function was likely the source of the exploit. We have also discovered that our database was likely leaked. No sensitive financial information was stored in the database, but phone numbers, first and last name and email addresses were released. Please look out for any phishing emails that may occur because of this. As previously stated, all modification PIN's and ID's remain secured.

We are now working on re securing our code base, and performing an additional security audit. We are still targeting 2-4 weeks from now to be back up, but there may be additional delays. We will keep you all updated! We are optimistic that the platform will be back better than before. In the mean time, please email us any questions you may have!

March, 17 2016 - 10:24 AM EST

When BitQuick was first founded back in August, 2013 it was founded with the intention to make Bitcoin trading safer and simpler. Through the years, we have always put customer security as our top priority. In February, 2014 we were the first US trading platform to implement proof of reserves following the Mt. Gox incident. 2015 up through now has seen incredible growth; BitQuick reached $1.5M 30 day trailing volume just last week, 15x where we were in January, 2015. This would not have been possible without our loyal and supportive customer base.

On Monday, March 14, 2016, our server fell victim to an attack that gave the attacker unauthorized administrative access. The breach was immediately noticed, and the server was shutdown to prevent any further damage. We are still performing a formal investigation to determine the attack vector, and specifically what information was obtained from the server. Due to additional security mechanisms in place, no funds were taken, and all IDs (drivers licenses, passports, etc.) and emails remain secured. Sellers were emailed withdrawal instructions Tuesday evening. All outstanding orders and withdrawals have been processed. Only 3% of all funds remain unclaimed. Support is still available at [emailprotected]

We have always provided our customers with the highest level of security and convenience, and we will not restore service until we are 100% confident we can continue to provide the same level of service that our customers are accustomed to, and deserve. This will occur once the investigation has been completed, the attack vector has been patched, and the rest of the source code has been audited for security. We estimate that this process could take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. An update will be issued to all BitQuick customers once the investigation has completed, and once service is restored.

Until then, we will continue working as hard as we can to restore safe service access. We really appreciate the support from everyone, and we will be back soon.

The rest is here:
BitQuick - Buy Bitcoins and Sell Bitcoins Instantly for Cash

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Permanent Mars colony is ‘long way down the road,’ NASA …

Posted: at 9:44 am

The first NASA astronauts to set foot on Mars will aim to establish a research-and-operations base, not a permanently inhabited colony, agency officials say.

According to NASA's current plans,the Mars outpost which NASA hopes to set up by the end of the 2030s will serve as a hub that accommodates astronauts on a temporary basis, said Ben Bussey, the chief exploration scientist in NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate.

A colony is "a long way down the road. No one's thinking of, on the NASA side, like a permanent human base," Bussey said Wednesday (March 16) during a presentation with the space agency's Future In-Space Operations (FISO) working group. [Red Planet orBust: 5 Crewed MarsMission Ideas]

"The idea here is that you would have your exploration zone that you set up for the first crew," Bussey added. "And that crew would leave, and then you send another crew at the next good launch opportunity. So it isn't permanently occupied, but it is visited multiple times." A permanently occupied Mars settlement may eventually grow out of NASA's crewed activities. But for several other organizations, a Red Planet colonyis the explicit goal.

One of these groups is SpaceX, the American spaceflight company founded in 2002 by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk. Musk has stressed many times over the years that he established SpaceX primarily to help make humanity a multiplanet species.

Musk envisions thousands of people living on the Red Planet in the not-too-distant future. The key to making this happen, he has said, is to develop fully and rapidly reusable rockets, which could slash the cost of spaceflight by a factor of 100 or more.

So SpaceX has been conducting a series of increasingly ambitious reusable-rocket tests over the past few years. For example, the company has repeatedly attempted to land the first stage of its Falcon 9 rocket back on Earth during launches.

Most of these tries have been near misses. On multiple occasions, the rocket stage successfully hit the deck of its target "autonomous spaceport drone ship" in the ocean but ended up toppling over and exploding. But a Falcon 9 stage did land softly on terra firma at Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station this past December the first time this had ever been done during an orbital launch. (Blue Origin, the spaceflight company established by Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, has also pulled off rocket landings, but so far, only during suborbital launches.)

The Netherlands-based nonprofit Mars One is also shooting for a Red Planet colony. The group aims to land four pioneers on Mars in 2027 and then send more settlers every two years thereafter. (There are no plans at the moment to bring anyone back to Earth.) Mars One aims to pay for these activities by staging a global media event around the colonization process.

Follow Mike Wall on Twitter@michaeldwallandGoogle+.Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebookor Google+. Originally published onSpace.com.

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Permanent Mars colony is 'long way down the road,' NASA ...

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