Daily Archives: March 20, 2016

Nihilism – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: March 20, 2016 at 12:47 pm

Nihilism comes from the Latin nihil, or nothing. It is the belief that values are falsely invented. The term 'nihilism' can also be used to describe the idea that life, or the world, has no distinct meaning or purpose. Nihilists believe that there are no true morals. Many people think of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche when they think about nihilism, because he said that morals were invented. But in his books, Nietzsche said that people needed to create their own morals to get over nihilism.

Mikhail Bakunins (18141876) Reaction in Germany (1842) included this passage: "Let us therefore trust the eternal Spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unfathomable and eternal source of all life. The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too!"[1] The term was made popular by Ivan Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons (1862). Bazarov, the hero in it, was a nihilist.

Nihilism was the basis of much revolutionary terrorism. It was taken up by Sergei Nechaev, a Russian who wrote a pamphlet that influenced Lenin. Dostoyevsky was a member of a nihilist group in his 20s. He served ten years in exile as a consequence. His novel Devils (or The Possessed) deals with Nechaev. His famous novel Crime and Punishment is also on that theme.

The assassination of the Tsar Alexander II (13 March 1881) by a series of bombs, had long been planned by nihilists. It resulted in the crushing of the nihilist movement.[2]

See the original post here:

Nihilism - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Hedonism | Define Hedonism at Dictionary.com

Posted: at 12:47 pm

Contemporary Examples

But not everyone enjoyed a post-traumatic moment of hedonism.

His life of hedonism suddenly seems empty when he begins to fall in love with Grace.

Women who have struggled with their own hedonism, not to mention ambition and vanity, will appreciate the distinction.

Those avatars of hedonism, The Europeans, are aghast at discovering that the average American vacation lasts for just 4.1 days.

After a night of hedonism, head out into Louisiana'sCajun Country.

Historical Examples

This being so, Egoistic hedonism becomes a possible ethical ideal to which psychological hedonism seems to point.

His own view is that the Austrians are not essentially bound up with hedonism.

Veblen has made it perfectly clear that particular matters of theory are affected by the presupposition of hedonism.

The sonnets on the Days breathe the same quaint medieval hedonism.

This seems to be in itself a sufficient objection to founding a deductive method of hedonism on Mr. Spencers general conclusion.

British Dictionary definitions for hedonism Expand

/hidnzm; hd-/

the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of principle

indulgence in sensual pleasures

Derived Forms

hedonic, hedonistic, adjectivehedonist, noun

Word Origin

C19: from Greek hdon pleasure

Word Origin and History for hedonism Expand

hedonism in Culture Expand

In ethics, the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the highest good in life. Some hedonists, such as the Epicureans, have insisted that pleasure of the entire mind, not just pleasure of the senses, is this highest good.

See the article here:

Hedonism | Define Hedonism at Dictionary.com

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Hillary Clinton Has an NSA Problem | Observer

Posted: at 12:46 pm

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during her primary night gathering on March 15, 2016 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Hillary Clinton defeated rival U.S. Sen Bernie Sanders in the Florida, Ohio and North Carolina primaries.

For a year now, Hillary Clintons misuse of email during her tenure as secretary of state has hung like a dark cloud over her presidential campaign. As I told you months ago, email-gate isnt going away, despite the best efforts of Team Clinton to make it disappear. Instead, the scandal has gotten worse, with never-ending revelations of apparent misconduct by Ms. Clinton and her staff. At this point, email-gate may be the only thing standing between Ms. Clintonand the White House this November.

Specifically, the Federal Bureau of Investigation examination of email-gate, pursuant to provisions of the Espionage Act, poses a major threat to Ms. Clintons presidential aspirations. However, even if the FBI recommends prosecution of her or members of her inner circle for mishandling of classified informationwhich is something the politically unconnected routinely do face prosecution forits by no means certain that the Department of Justice will follow the FBIs lead.

What the DoJ decides to do with email-gateis ultimately a question of politics as much as justice. Ms. Clintons recent statement on her potential prosecution, its not going to happen, then refusing to address the question at all in a recent debate, led to speculation about a backroom deal with the White House to shield Ms. Clintonfrom prosecution as long as Mr. Obama is in the Oval Office. After mid-January, however, all bets would be off. In that case, winning the White House herself could be an urgent matter of avoiding prosecution for Ms. Clinton.

That said, if the DoJ declines to prosecute after the Bureau recommends doing so, a leak-fest of a kind not seen in Washington, D.C., since Watergate should be anticipated. The FBI would be angry that its exhaustive investigation was thwarted by dirty deals between Democrats. In that case, a great deal of Clintonian dirty laundry could wind up in the hands of the press, habitual mainstream media covering for the Clintons notwithstanding, perhaps having a major impact on the presidential race this year.

TheFBI isnt the only powerful federal agency that Hillary Clinton needs to worry about as she plots her path to the White House between scandals and leaks. For years, she has been on the bad side of the National Security Agency, Americas most important intelligence agency, as revealed by just-released State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act.

What did she not want put on a government system, where security people might see it? I sure wish Id asked about it back in 2009.

The documents, though redacted, detail a bureaucratic showdown between Ms. Clinton and NSA at the outset of her tenure at Foggy Bottom. The new secretary of state, who had gotten hooked on her Blackberry during her failed 2008 presidential bid, according to a top State Department security official, wanted to use that Blackberry anywhere she went.

That, however, was impossible, since Secretary Clintons main office space at Foggy Bottom was actually a Secure Compartment Information Facility, called a SCIF (pronounced skiff) by insiders. A SCIF is required for handling any Top Secret-plus information. In most Washington, D.C., offices with a SCIF, which has to be certified as fully secure from human or technical penetration, thats where you check Top-Secret email, read intelligence reports and conduct classified meetings that must be held inside such protected spaces.

But personal electronic devicesyour cellphone, your Blackberrycan never be brought into a SCIF. They represent a serious technical threat that is actually employed by many intelligence agencies worldwide. Though few Americans realize it, taking remote control over a handheld device, then using it to record conversations, is surprisingly easy for any competent spy service. Your smartphone is a sophisticated surveillance deviceon you, the userthat also happens to provide phone service and Internet access.

As a result, your phone and your Blackberry always need to be locked up before you enter any SCIF. Taking such items into one represents a serious security violation. And Ms. Clintonand her staff really hated that. Not even one month into the new administration in early 2009, Ms. Clinton and her inner circle were chafing under these rules. They were accustomed to having their personal Blackberrys with them at all times, checking and sending emails nonstop, and that was simply impossible in a SCIF like their new office.

This resulted in a February 2009 request by Secretary Clinton to the NSA, whose Information Assurance Directorate (IAD for short: see here for an explanation of Agency organization) secures the sensitive communications of many U.S. government entities, from Top-Secret computer networks, to White House communications, to the classified codes that control our nuclear weapons.

The contents of Sid Blumenthals June 8, 2011, email to Hillary Clintonto her personal, unclassified accountwere based on highly sensitive NSA information.

IAD had recently created a special, custom-made secure Blackberry for Barack Obama, another technology addict. Now Ms. Clinton wanted one for herself. However, making the new presidents personal Blackberry had been a time-consuming and expensive exercise. The NSA was not inclined to provide Secretary Clinton with one of her own simply for her convenience: there had to be clearly demonstrated need.

And that seemed dubious to IAD since there was no problem with Ms. Clinton checking her personal email inside her office SCIF. Hers, like most, had open (i.e. unclassified) computer terminals connected to the Internet, and the secretary of state could log into her own email anytime she wanted to right from her desk.

But she did not want to. Ms. Clinton only checked her personal email on her Blackberry: she did not want to sit down at a computer terminal. As a result, the NSA informed Secretary Clinton in early 2009 that they could not help her. When Team Clinton kept pressing the point, We were politely told to shut up and color by IAD, explained the state security official.

The State Department has not released the full document trail here, so the complete story remains unknown to the public. However, one senior NSA official, now retired, recalled the kerfuffle with Team Clinton in early 2009 about Blackberrys. It was the usual Clinton prima donna stuff, he explained, the whole rules are for other people act that I remembered from the 90s. Why Ms. Clinton would not simply check her personal email on an office computer, like every other government employee less senior than the president, seems a germane question, given what a major scandal email-gateturned out to be. What did she not want put on a government system, where security people might see it? the former NSA official asked, adding, I wonder now, and I sure wish Id asked about it back in 2009.

Hes not the only NSA affiliate with pointed questions about what Hillary Clinton and her staff at Foggy Bottom were really up toand why they went to such trouble to circumvent federal laws about the use of IT systems and the handling of classified information. This has come to a head thanks to Team Clintons gross mishandling of highly classified NSA intelligence.

As I explained in this column in January, one of
the most controversial of Ms. Clintons emails released by the State Department under judicial order was one sent on June 8, 2011, to the Secretary of State by Sidney Blumenthal, Ms. Clintons unsavory friend and confidant who was running a private intelligence service for Ms. Clinton. This email contains an amazingly detailed assessment of events in Sudan, specifically a coup being plotted by top generals in that war-torn country. Mr. Blumenthals information came from a top-ranking source with direct access to Sudans top military and intelligence officials, and recounted a high-level meeting that had taken place only 24hours before.

To anybody familiar with intelligence reporting, this unmistakably signals intelligence, termed SIGINT in the trade. In other words, Mr. Blumenthal, a private citizen who had enjoyed no access to U.S. intelligence for over a decade when he sent that email, somehow got hold of SIGINT about the Sudanese leadership and managed to send it, via open, unclassified email, to his friend Ms. Clintononly one day later.

NSA officials were appalled by the State Departments release of this email, since it bore all the hallmarks of Agency reporting. Back in early Januarywhen I reported this, I was confident that Mr. Blumenthals information came from highly classified NSA sources, based on my years of reading and writing such reports myself, and one veteran agency official told me it was NSA information with at least 90 percent confidence.

Now, over two months later, I can confirm that the contents of Sid Blumenthals June 8, 2011, email to Hillary Clinton, sent to her personal, unclassified account, were indeed based on highly sensitive NSA information. The agency investigated this compromise and determined that Mr. Blumenthals highly detailed account of Sudanese goings-on, including the retelling of high-level conversations in that country, was indeed derived from NSA intelligence.

Specifically, this information was illegally lifted from four different NSA reports, all of them classified Top Secret / Special Intelligence. Worse, at least one of those reports was issued under the GAMMA compartment, which is an NSA handling caveat that is applied to extraordinarily sensitive information (for instance, decrypted conversations between top foreign leadership, as this was). GAMMA is properly viewed as a SIGINT Special Access Program, or SAP, several of which from the CIA Ms. Clinton compromised in another series of her unclassified emails.

Currently serving NSA officials have told me they have no doubt that Mr. Blumenthals information came from their reports. Its word-for-word, verbatim copying, one of them explained. In one case, an entire paragraph was lifted from an NSA report that was classified Top Secret / Special Intelligence.

How Mr.Blumenthal got his hands on this information is the key question, and theres no firm answer yet. The fact that he was able to take four separate highly classified NSA reportsnone of which he was supposed to have any access toand pass the details of them to Hillary Clinton via email only hours after NSA released them in Top Secret / Special Intelligence channels indicates something highly unusual, as well as illegal,was going on.

Suspicion naturally falls on Tyler Drumheller, the former CIA senior official who was Mr. Blumenthals intelligence fixer, his supplier of juicy spy gossip, who conveniently died last August before email-gatebecame front-page news. However, he, too, had left federal service years before and should not have had any access to current NSA reports.

There are many questions here about what Hillary Clinton and her staff at Foggy Bottom were up to, including Sidney Blumenthal, an integral member of the Clinton organization, despite his lack of any government position. How Mr. Blumenthal got hold of this Top Secret-plus reporting is only the first question. Why he chose to email it to Ms. Clinton in open channels is another question. So is: How did nobody on Secretary Clintons staff notice that this highly detailed reporting looked exactly like SIGINT from the NSA? Last, why did the State Department see fit to release this email, unredacted, to the public?

These are the questions being asked by officials at the NSA and the FBI right now. All of them merit serious examination. Their answers may determine the political fate of Hillary Clintonand who gets elected our next president in November.

See the original post here:
Hillary Clinton Has an NSA Problem | Observer

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Badbitcoin.org – Helping you stay Safe in the World of …

Posted: at 12:45 pm

Bitpyramid.ml "Don't trust us?" Er, no we don't actually. All ponzi's are scams. 3/19/16

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These are just the most recent badsites. Click below for these and more Cryptocurrency badsites In alphabetical order.

** Important Announcement** The wife of our admin has just undergone a double organ transplant, and so updates and personal responses to emails will be a little erratic for a few weeks. Please bear with us during this unusual but amazing time. Thanks.

The Badbitcoin project was launched in Feb 2014. "The Badbitcoin Team" is made up of volunteers worldwide, and we welcome new contributors and sponsors.

You may read negative comments about this project, but this is the scammers only route to fight back, and a great many of these scammers are the same people who are Senior, and Gold members of forums. Forums relating to bitcoin are the best source of conflicting information ever invented, which is why we keep it plain and simple, we tell you it's a badsite, and thats all you need to know.

It's really easy to misunderstand the bitcoin environment when it's all new to you, and it will take you some time to grasp some of the rules and concepts. This leaves you vulnerable to the swathes of scams and ponzis that try to lure you into their promises of easy money, and doubling or even 100 times multiplying your new 'Magic Internet Money' It doesn't work like that. It isn't magic, it's just very efficient, very secure, and much sought after by thieves the world over. If you have bitcoin, you need to learn to look after it, or these crooks will soon take it from you.

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That's it - nothing to add, nada.

To report Internet Fraud to IC3 - Click Here To report Internet Fraud to the FBI anonymously - Click Here To report Internet Fraud to the UK Police - Click Here

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You can help us to help others by making a donation to this project. However modest, it will help us to continue. We spend nearly all of the donations on advertising in the same space as the scamsites, so we can reach and warn the most users. We also use some expensive investigation tools, but we all give our time for free.

A Ponzi is any scheme which pays interest to "Investors" from Bitcoin coming in from new Investors. A HYIP (high yield investment program) is just a Ponzi. All Ponzi/Hyips will fail The later Investors will lose everything when the scheme folds and leaves with the Bitcoin. Most HYIPS just steal it immediately - Due diligence is your own responsibility. There are plenty of good sites out there where your Bitcoin and your work are safe. You just need to do your homework, including checking here. If it isn't in our Badlist, email us, and we'll check it and get back to you.

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You deposit a small amount, you want to be cautious, you cant quite figure out how they do this but they double it (or pay promised interest) and pay you. You think Ah thats great, so you either redeposit the entire amount, or just your profit. You get that back and think wow, it works, so you deposit a much larger amount and in the worst case, even get your friends involved in this wonderful money making scheme.

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Even if you just put your initial profit back in, the conman hasnt lost anything and the depositors who think they are playing the ponzi do try that, and most of them dont get it back either.

Some people empty their savings into these scams, and they are the ones the scammers are really after. Once they get that big depositor, they move on and create a new ponzi, just leaving the old one alive for a while to mop up any new mugs Some even return after a 3 or 6 month absence to catch a fresh load of hits, they will never run out of victims. Its what they do, and they are expert at it.

Declaration of Interests. We c
urrently have personal and project investments in VIP and Mining shares at Miningsweden.se, and mining shares at Hashnest We would not invest in anything we considered to be a Ponzi or Scam. As a project, we are not directly funded by any organisation and depend on ad revenue, our own, and other donations, and our external investments. We also provide links including referral links to trusted 3rd party sites, not including advertisements beyond our control. Updated August 2015 PS - As a friendly tip, we probably aren't the people to generally ask about good bitcoin investments. We are pretty good at what we do, but so far, like yourselves no doubt, we aren't really that succesful when it comes to our own investments. Mintsy being our latest fail.

The high costs of running this site are helped by adverts. We also have to advertise in the same places as the scamsites. We have little control over the content, and consequently we do not directly endorse any advert. Some adverts will even appear in our Badlist. But at least the Bitcoin they spend on ads is coming back into the Bitcoin Industry.

Footnote. The evolution of society beyond the demise of the failed capitalist neo-liberal experiment, first needs the evolution of it's means of trade and exchange. The current financial system, and system of fiat currency, is not fit for present or future purpose, and for all intents and purposes is already obsolete. Bitcoin is our first financial step towards a fairer, more benefecial society for all. Bitcoin is incorruptible, decentralised, concensus led, and above the influence of conventional politics and economics. A parallel currency with which you can begin to trade, and no middleman to take their slice or to gamble with your asset. When you deposit money to a Bank, it becomes the Banks property to do with what they choose, bitcoin is different, and you are your own Bank. It is up to you to take care of your bitcoin, and also to use it, not hoard it, and to be an important part of helping to build this fair and open global society. Bitcoin is worth what somebody is prepared to exchange it for, be that USD, Yuan, PC-hardware, Webhosting or anything that 'money' might buy. You can even get a bitcoin Debit Card. However, the bitcoin Blockchain, and it's potential is a much much bigger subject.

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Atheism | Define Atheism at Dictionary.com

Posted: at 7:44 am

Contemporary Examples

In 2009 he published a book defaming Hitchens and Richard Dawkins because he was irked by their bellicose brand of atheism.

atheism is highest in Europe, where there are established churches involved in the political process.

Maybe we need a new category other than theism, atheism or agnosticism that takes paradox and unknowing into account, he writes.

Another time, before he wrote his treatise on atheism, he scolded me for believing in God.

They all encourage her to spin her atheism into some form of belief.

Historical Examples

An attempt to exclude him on charges of atheism and blasphemy failed.

It is a shade better than the atheism of despair; yet only a shade better.

Mr. Saunders, so far as his atheism was concerned, was suggested by Professor Clifford.

Mallare closed his eyes, a God shuddering before His own atheism.

atheism and downright infidelity, as a general rule, are never very popular.

British Dictionary definitions for atheism Expand

rejection of belief in God or gods

Word Origin

C16: from French athisme, from Greek atheos godless, from a-1 + theos god

Word Origin and History for atheism Expand

1580s, from French athisme (16c.), from Greek atheos "without god" (see atheist). A slightly earlier form is represented by atheonism (1530s) which is perhaps from Italian atheo "atheist." Ancient Greek atheotes meant "ungodliness."

atheism in Culture Expand

Denial that there is a God. (Compare agnosticism.)

Here is the original post:
Atheism | Define Atheism at Dictionary.com

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Posted: at 7:44 am

The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) is home to America's codemakers and codebreakers. The National Security Agency has provided timely information to U.S. decision makers and military leaders for more than half a century. The Central Security Service was established in 1972 to promote a full partnership between NSA and the cryptologic elements of the armed forces.

NSA/CSS is unique among the U.S. defense agencies because of our government-wide responsibilities. NSA/CSS provides products and services to the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, government agencies, industry partners, and select allies and coalition partners. In addition, we deliver critical strategic and tactical information to war planners and war fighters.

By its very nature, what NSA/CSS does as a key member of the Intelligence Community requires a high degree of confidentiality. Our Information Assurance mission confronts the formidable challenge of preventing foreign adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information. Our Signals Intelligence mission collects, processes, and disseminates intelligence information from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence purposes and to support military operations. This Agency also enables Network Warfare operations to defeat terrorists and their organizations at home and abroad, consistent with U.S. laws and the protection of privacy and civil liberties.

NSA/CSS exists to protect the Nation. Our customers know they can count on us to provide what they need, when they need it, wherever they need it.


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OpenFire Jitsi as Skype(desktop sharing) and Temviewer …

Posted: at 7:43 am

Openfire Jabber/XMPP is a server written in JAVA. This is free software and is also official support. Management has a WEB panel and it works on 9090 (http) and 9091 (https) ports.It supports Plugins(extensions), SSL/TLS, can connect to the database(Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Sybase ASE, MySQL or internal database HSQLDB) via JDBC, can connect LDAP groups and filter by groups, has the ability of users registration based on to different sources and supporting different languages. Most of the management is done via the web interface. The official website is http://www.igniterealtime.org/.


Supported client programs:

Add SRV records in your DNS server as follows: openfire IN A _jabber._tcp.jabber.unixmen.com. IN SRV 0 0 5269 jabber.unixmen.com. _xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.unixmen.com. IN SRV 0 0 5222 jabber.unixmen.com. _xmpp-server._tcp.jabber.unixmen.com. IN SRV 0 0 5269 jabber.unixmen.com.

Before all configuration we will create MySQL database, user and password because we will use this in next configurations: mysql -uroot -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE openfire; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openfire.* TO [emailprotected] IDENTIFIED BY 0penfire0bepassword; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Before the installation absolutely update the ports. cd /usr/ports/net-im/openfire Go to the port folder make config choose the modules make install install

echo openfire_enable=YES >> /etc/rc.conf Add to the startup /usr/local/etc/rc.d/openfire start Start the daemon

sockstat -l | grep openfire Check for listen openfire java 56187 26 tcp4 *:9090 *:* openfire java 56187 29 stream (not connected)

Then go to the http://openfire.unixmen.com:9090 page. You will get the following page (select English and click the continue button):

Write domain name and click the Continue button:

To select different type of database select the Standart Database Connection and click the Continue button:

The selection MySQL database. Write username, password and database URL as the following syntax and click the Continue button: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openfire?rewriteBatchedStatements=true:

Select Default and click Continue button:

In the opened page add the email for administrator account, type password twice and click the continue button. Administrator login name will be admin:

Last configuration page will be as below. Go to the Login to the admin console for login:

Write admin user name and password for this user:

At the end the opened page will be as below:

Create some users as the following template:

Add group:

Then go to this group and add created users to this group:

Now configuration for client program. Download Spark client program from http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/download-landing.jsp?file=spark/spark_2_7_0.exe link and install.

As the following screen configuring user faxri.iskandarov:

Check monitoring service plugin (Must be installed):

Then go to the Server -> Archiving -> Archiving Settings section and select logging between our XMPP clients (as the following screen):

Even you are able to get meetings through web. For this go to the http://openfire.unixmen.com:7070/jitsi/apps/ofmeet link. This channel will not be crypted. For crypted channel go to the http://openfire.unixmen.com:7443/jitsi/apps/ofmeet link.

Note: If you are using Jitsi client program you dont need any plugin for call and any SIP number. Because Jitsi client can call with audio/video over XMPP like as Microsoft Lync and you can share your desktop like as Skype. You can download jitsi client program via https://jitsi.org/Main/Download official page. We will configure jitsi program at next sections.

In general plugin configurations under the Server tab. Also go to the Server -> Jitsi Videobridge section. Add the SIP username, password and SIP registration server and click save button:

In the Sessions -> Tools -> Send Message section you can send broadcast message to all users. As the following screen:

If we want to set SIP number for each user, before this we must add XMPP users to our system and then go to the Server -> Phone -> Add new Phone Mapping section and create SIP users(SIP and XMMP on the same server). For example we will add SIP number for existing namaz.bayramli XMPP user.

Then download Jitsi XMPP/SIP client program to your Windows machine and configure as follows (The official page: https://jitsi.org/Main/Download : File -> Add new account > XMPP -> XMPP Username Password -> Add

As you see XMPP user namaz.bayramli is ready:

Then click File -> Add contact and add the credentials as the screen, click Add button (Of course, user exists in our system):

The previous configuration we did for [emailprotected] and added to his user list [emailprotected]. At the end call from one client to another with audio/video and share your desktop:

This is desktop sharing:

And if you want to control other point from jitsi client, just select Enable desktop remote control checkbox. After that you can control other point as teamviewer.

For example if you want to use SIP configuration together XMPP, choose again Tools -> Options -> Add -> SIP and write SIP username and password (As the follows page). Just change domain name to yours:

As you see XMPP and SIP accounts is together:

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Eczema – Medical Disability Guidelines

Posted: at 7:41 am

History: The most common complaint of eczema is itchiness (pruritus), redness, and tiny bumps or blisters. If untreated, the skin can become thick, scaly, and dry, with areas of hair loss and color changes. The individual may relate a history of work or recreational activities in which the skin is exposed to water, moisture, sun, or new personal care products.

Physical exam: In general, eczema presents with redness, warmth, swelling (edema), tenderness, weeping, crusting, scratches and cracks (excoriations), and thickened and scaling skin with a diffuse border.

Skin changes associated with atopic dermatitis are variable and include excoriations; wet, raised bumps (papules); thickened, red, gray, or scaly skin (lichenification); red, fluid-filled bumps (vesicles); and crusted lesions.

Contact dermatitis presents as areas of reddened (erythematous) and swollen (edematous) skin that later develop small and large blisters (vesicles and bullae, respectively). The pattern, shape, and location of the contact dermatitis rash help identify the causative substance. Hand eczema may present with dryness and cracking of the skin, with some redness and swelling. A variation of this condition, dyshidrotic eczema, has small, very itchy bumps along the fleshy parts of the palms and sides of the fingers. Nummular eczema has round scaly patches that look similar to ringworm and are found on the trunk, the back of the arms and hands, and the shins. Stasis dermatitis often exhibits dark red discoloration and swelling of the skin on the lower leg, ankle, and top of the foot. Stasis dermatitis lesions can become irritated and inflamed and in many cases can result in skin ulcers.

Asteatotic eczema (winter itch) presents with fine cracks over the front surface of the thighs and shins and possibly a dry, shiny appearance. Scabies presents with the classic eczematous lesions found primarily on the ankles, webs of fingers and toes, scalp, wrists, bellybutton (umbilicus), genitals, or the nipples. Seborrheic dermatitis presents as red, itchy, scaly areas, primarily on the face, scalp, groin, anogenital region, and/or below the breasts. Lichen simplex chronicus is a late stage of eczema and consists of thickened, scaly skin due to chronic rubbing or scratching. Common areas for lichen simplex chronicus are the back of the neck, tops of the feet, and ankles.

Tests: Though most eczemas are diagnosed through the history and physical exam, a scraping of the lesion should be examined under the microscope to rule out certain other skin disorders. Skin biopsy is done when persistent eczema does not respond to treatment. Skin patch tests, provocative challenges, and some immunological testing may be required. Elevated total IgE denotes an underlying allergy.

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Eczema / Exzema – Information and treatment

Posted: at 7:41 am

What is Eczema? Eczema (pronounced as 'EK-zeh-ma') comes from two Greek words, 'ek' meaning out and 'zema' meaning boils. Basically eczema, which is also called dermatitis, is a medical condition wherein the skin swells. The discomfort and pain arising from the small blisters of the skin makes it feel as if it is boiling. Both children and adults may contract eczema, but it usually occurs in infants. The cause of eczema is not yet known, but it often affects those having a family history of allergies. A lot of people suffering from eczema have asthma or allergic rhinitis, or have relatives who do. According to the National Institute of Health, approximately 15 million people have eczema in the United States alone. Around 10 to 20 percent of babies have eczema, but the condition will greatly improve by the time they are 5 and 15 years old in nearly have of them. Others will continue to have the said condition for the rest of their lives. Common Types of Eczema There are many types of eczema, each having different symptoms and causes. The most common are the following:

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Eczema – Skin Problems

Posted: at 7:41 am

Eczema is a common skin problem in individuals with brown skin including those of Asian, Latino and African descent. It is felt to be the second most common skin disease in African-Americans. Although it is unknown if the incidence of eczema is increased in Latinos, one study found a significantly higher percent of Mexican American adolescents with eczema than white and African American adolescents. A study of Chinese, Vietnamese and white infants found a higher incidence in the Chinese and Vietnamese infants. Eczema can be a difficult and embarrassing challenge for anyone, but for a person of color with eczema, there are multiple concerns including disfiguring discoloration of the skin (hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation). Also, in brown skin, eczema may appear differently than in white skin thus making the correct diagnosis more difficult.

In cases in which eczema is inherited along with the conditions, asthma and hay fever, it is termed, atopic dermatitis. Eczema usually appears in childhood or adolescence and frequently continues throughout adulthood. The course of eczema varies with intermittent flares which are precipitated by the following factors:

Eczema is a diverse disease that can range from mild skin irritation to severe rashes. In skin of color, eczema may not have the typical appearance of red, flaky patches. Instead, it may appear as dry ashen, brown or gray patches. In addition, in black skin, eczema may appear as rough, brown papules (bumps) near follicles which is termed, follicular papules.

There are three stages of eczema: acute, subacute and chronic. An individual with eczema may have only one stage or the stages may progress from one to another.

Acute Eczema

A major symptom of eczema is very intense itching. Scratching is a natural response to the itching. However, melanin in brown skin makes it more reactive to itching, irritation and inflammation. When scratched or rubbed, the inflamed skin can become hyperpigmented, thickened and crusted. It is important to break the itch-scratch cycle to prevent further hyperpigmentation.

Treatment Once eczema flares in brown skin, treating it promptly is key to not only eliminating the itch, but also avoiding hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. While there is no cure for eczema, the condition can be kept under control by modifying certain daily routines and receiving prompt treatment.

Prevention of eczema is as important as prescription medication. Understanding the causes of eczema, trigger factors and proper skin care techniques are the first step to treating eczema. Some individuals with eczema will need to avoid certain foods, allergens or medicines.

Avoiding skin irritants, including chemicals and clothing, is an important preventative measure for individuals with eczema.

All individuals with eczema will need to modify bathing habits, skin care products and other chemicals that come into contact with the skin. The following patient education tips are commonly recommended by dermatologists.

Corticosteroids topical, oral and injected are the mainstay of treatment of eczema. The selection of the formulation depends upon the severity of the eczema. For mild to moderate eczema, topical corticosteroids, formulated as creams, ointments, lotions, foams or oils are commonly prescribed. These agents, which come in many different strengths from class 1 (superpotent) to class 7 (low potency), are usually prescribed twice daily for a two to three week period. Low potentcy corticosteroids are commonly used to treat the face, body folds (groin, axillary) and in the diaper area. More potent steroids are applied on other parts of the body. For lichenified plaques and regions such as the palms and soles superpotent steroids are often prescribed. Although topical steroids treat the inflammation that is characteristic of eczema, serious complications can develop from overuse or prolonged use, especially those that are superpotent.

Complications of topical steroidsThinning of the skin

For severe eczema, oral steroids (Prednisone) or injected steroids (Kenalog, Aristocort) may be necessary. They are prescribed for a limited period of time only and are reserved for the most severe cases.

TIMS or Topical Immunomodulators are topical agents (calcineurin inhibitors) that are used for the treatment of eczema. They do not contain steroids and therefore do not carry the risks associated with that medications. There are two types of immunomodulator creams: Tacrolimus (0.03% and 0.1% Protopic) and pimecrolimus (1% Elidel). Immunomodulators are applied twice daily until the eczema clears. Itching, burning and irritation are possible side effects. There has been concern raised regarding cancers in laboratory animals fed immunomodulators orally. Further long-term human studies are needed to completely understand the side effects with topical immunomodulator therapy.

Non-TIMS are non-steroid, non-tims topical creams that have been recently developed for the treatment of eczema. One of the most recently approved is Mimyx. It is not only a good emollient, but treats eczema and can be used for chronic cases or eczema.

Phototherapy or light treatment is an effective treatment for eczema. With phototherapy, various wavelengths of sunlight (UVB, UVA, combined UVA/UVB, UVA1, or narrow-band) are administered in a unit that is similar to a telephone booth but which is lined by fluorescent appearing light bulbs. The type of phototherapy that you will receive will be determined by your dermatologist. It is usually administered twice weekly. Possible side effects of phototherapy are redness, sunburn, or dryness. Long-term side effects, which are more likely with white skin, are possible skin cancers and enhanced aging.

Antihistamine pills relieve itching associated with eczema. There are three classes of antihistamines (H1, H2, H3). Type H1 antihistamines (e.g. hydroxyzine, diphenhydramine) are helpful in breaking the itch-scratch cycle. Since they may cause drowsiness, they should be given at bedtime. Type H2 and H3 antihistamines are generally non-sedating and are also helpful in treating eczema. Your doctor will select the antihistamine that is most appropriate for your eczema.

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