Daily Archives: March 17, 2016

Eugenics | Define Eugenics at Dictionary.com

Posted: March 17, 2016 at 12:44 pm

Historical Examples

eugenics is based to a very large extent upon the principles underlying sex hygiene.

I try so hard not to be afraid of men, for I know they are necessary to eugenics.

eugenics is the science of reproducing better humans by applying the established laws of genetics or heredity.

It is a sin of our race that the eugenics Office should have bred out--but they have failed.

eugenics deals with the even more vital subject of improving the inherent type and capacities of the individuals of the future.

It has been said that eugenics is futile because it cannot define its end.

British Dictionary definitions for eugenics Expand

(functioning as sing) the study of methods of improving the quality of the human race, esp by selective breeding

Derived Forms

eugenic, adjectiveeugenically, adverbeugenicist, nouneugenist (judnst) noun, adjective

Word Origin

C19: from Greek eugens well-born, from eu- + -gens born; see -gen

Word Origin and History for eugenics Expand

1883, coined (along with adjective eugenic) by English scientist Francis Galton (1822-1911) on analogy of ethics, physics, etc. from Greek eugenes "well-born, of good stock, of noble race," from eu- "good" (see eu-) + genos "birth" (see genus).

eugenics in Medicine Expand

eugenics eugenics (y-jn'ks) n. The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding.

eugenics in Culture Expand

The idea that one can improve the human race by careful selection of those who mate and produce offspring.

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Eugenics | Define Eugenics at Dictionary.com

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NATO – YouTube

Posted: at 12:44 pm

NATO and Afghanistan videos for 2015. At the end of 2014, NATO completed its combat mission in Afghanistan and opened a new chapter in its relationship with Afghanistan. The security of Afghanistan will be fully in the hands of the countrys 350,000 Afghan soldiers and police. But NATO Allies, together with many partner nations, will remain to train, advise and assist them.

Our new mission, Resolute Support, will bring together around 12,000 men and women from NATO Allies and 14 partner nations. The mission is based on a request from the Afghan government and the Status of Forces Agreement between NATO and Afghanistan. The United Nations Security Council unanimously welcomed the agreement between Afghanistan and NATO to establish the mission and stressed the importance of continued international support for the stability of Afghanistan.

You can find older videos on NATO and Afghanistan in the following playlists on this channel:

2014: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_vlwQEsZAbyZKd28Tf... 2013: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_vlwQEsZAbzi7OzlOR... 2012: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_vlwQEsZAbwIBMVWu8... 2011: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_vlwQEsZAbz4Wokd0i... up to 2010: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_vlwQEsZAbzLc8mY5z...

Visit link:
NATO - YouTube

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