Daily Archives: March 8, 2016

Cryptocurrency Analytic Company: Arbitrage – Bitcoinist.net

Posted: March 8, 2016 at 9:43 pm

We started early stage testing on our system around November of 2013. During the period of November to January our company took on about five clients for our Alpha period. After a successful alpha period, we incorporated in early January as a Delaware C corporation. We then began our beta period, where we have been open to clients for services.Since then we have added 10 more clients, and continue taking on about one client every week or two weeks. We began with one market pair(bitstamp vs btc-e using BTC) and have since expanded our selection of markets to four, with each pair able to connect to each of the other exchanges ( ie bitstamp vs bitfinex, bitstamp vs kraken, ect).

Allow me to answer number 3, which will take care of the Ponzi scheme question. Suffice to say we are MUCH different than any other tradingpool or fund that directly takes BTC from their clients.

Our system was designed by myself to get around a few problems that exist in the field of Bitcoin proprietary trading:

Here is how we address all of those concerns:

The risk factors are holding your BTC or LTC on an exchnage, whichshould be profiled before trusting them. The second risk factor isholding BTC as 50% of your portfolio, which may change in price to thedownside, but may also change in price to the upside. Our trading itselfintroduces no risk as when it buys 1 BTC it also sells 1 BTC. For amarket neutral position. If our models are very off during trading wemay lose money to exchange fees, but our system is designed so that thishas never happened, and foreseeable will never happen.

We are able to consistently execute this strategy because once anaccount is set up we are 100% automatic. Our system is well tested andhas an excellent tech team backing it for great up-time.

Currently we are operational, are taking new clients, and have fourmarket open for trade including Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Btce, and the newlyintroduced Kraken. In our older markets pairs in BTC we have beenshowing between 2-4 % a month from the USD deposited. Our newestaddition has been the same trade in LTC and it has blown by expectationsreturning over 8% in its first month of operations.

Our future development plans include an event that should behappening very soon. We hope to introduce a full client log-in, withpersonalized returns displayed with live data. This already under heavydevelopment and should be released at the end of July. For people interested, you many want to know a minimum of $5000 is required per account. Also, they charge a fee of 20% monthly which is payable via USD or Bitcoin. Do note during their trial period its only 15%.

For more information visit :https://www.cryptocurrencyanalytics.com/Photo Source: Bing Images

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Cryptocurrency Analytic Company: Arbitrage - Bitcoinist.net

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Definition of Cryptocurrency | Coin Pursuit

Posted: at 9:43 pm

What exactly is cryptocurrency, how did it get its name, and how is it coded? Take a look at Coin Pursuit's plain-English definition of the term.

When you see the word root crypto in the English language, it comes from the Greek, meaning hidden or private. From it, we get words like encryption and decryption, which relate to the coding of a message, and its decoding once it's received. Even the English word cryptwhich uses the Greek root in its purest formrefers to a private hiding place, a sanctuary for the remains of a loved one.

Cryptocurrency, then, means money that is made hidden and privateand therefore secureby means of encryption, or coding. All aspects of cryptocurrency are protected by long and complicated blocks of code, each of which is unique to the item or person it's protecting. As an investor, or someone taking part in a transaction, you're identified by a one-of-a-kind code, as is the person or company with whom you're doing business. Each coin of cryptocurrency itself has its own code, and smaller denominations have their own, as well, depending on what amount is needed for a transaction. Finally, the transaction itself is identified with its own code. Layer upon layer of encryption is one of the things that makes cryptocurrency unique, secure and anonymous, if you so choose. And all that coding and concealment is what gives cryptocurrency its apt name.

As is true in any technical field, the industry of cryptocurrency not only has its unique jargon, but often terms that have synonyms that are used interchangeably. Therefore, we'd like to clear the air on that specific point right here: when you see the terms digital currency or alternative currency hereor in any other source, for that matterthose are just additional terms for cryptocurrency. As a matter of fact, you'll more than likely see digital currency used more often, as it has a less-technical and more user-friendly feel to it.

Next Introductory Topic: Cryptocurrency Origins

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Definition of Cryptocurrency | Coin Pursuit

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A Complete Guide for CryptoCurrency Investors & Traders …

Posted: at 9:43 pm

There's so much noise, so much chatter, so much conflicting information out there about the world of digital currency. Even people who are used to investing can find their heads spinning as they try to sort out all the information they're bombarded with about cryptocurrency. And if you're new to investing, wellit can be downright confusing and intimidating. If only there was an unbiased source of clear information a potential investor could really use, a place to sort the facts from all that noise.

Look no further, folks; you're there.

Coin Pursuit was created with one goal in mind: to help the alternative currency investor navigate the minefield of information that's swirling around this new and robust industry. We're investors ourselves, and we discovered early on just how difficult it was to find straightforward info about even the basics of investing. The facts are out there, but they're scattered all over the Internetand they're often drowned out by people with skin in the game who have agendas and products to market. We realized the average investor doesn't have hours and hours of spare time to scour the web for the facts they need. We also saw the need for a comprehensive and thoroughly-researched site that could be bookmarked and referred to by both the new and experienced investor alike.

From this perceived need, Coin Pursuit was born. We'll be doing thorough research, and will sort out the facts from the rumors. The information we find will be put into clear and easy-to understand language, and will be passed along to you. We'll cover the full spectrum of the cryptocurrency industry, from its basic concepts to its most current trends. Here, you'll also find links and details about all the resources you'll ever need to make your investment experience enjoyable andhopefullyprofitable.

There's also another way we're helping traders cut down on the noise and distractions they often find online, and that's our exclusive and interactive SliceFeeds portal. Those of you who use Twitter or Facebook, or try to sort through the content on forums or sites like Reddit, know it can take a lot of time as you try to locate a specific piece of information, or connect with one person directly. SliceFeeds eliminates all that hassle by concentrating all your contacts and cryptocurrency information in one place. Its network is divided into three easy-to-use sections: the network page shows statistics at a glance; the feeds page displays updates as they happen; and your profile page allows you to customize your own personal network-within-the-network. Members will also be able to monetize their unique contributions to the community; for example, bloggers can offer subscriptions (payable in digital currency, of course) for access to their exclusive content, and merchants will be able to advertise their companies and products through SliceFeeds, as well. With SliceFeeds, the days of sorting through dozens of unrelated tweets and forum posts are over; you'll be able to find the digital currency info you need, when you need it.

It's our mission to be the most expansive and expanding resource for digital currency information. And that means fresh information, so stop by often; we're constantly updating our content. So, if you've just got a casual interest in alternative currencies, or you're a hardcore investoror if you fall anywhere in betweenCoin Pursuit will be your trusted resource.

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A Complete Guide for CryptoCurrency Investors & Traders ...

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Cryptocurrency Data Directory (Coins A-Z) – Crypto Junction

Posted: at 9:43 pm

NeuCoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency designed for online microtransactions. NeuCoin aims to reach mainstream adoption by strategically distribute and reward participants in the ecosystem. The cryptocurrency has 2.25 million of initial funding from its founders and strategic angels that will help NeuCoin forge strategic partnerships and drive consumer adoption further. In-App Tipping NeuCoin Value Cykle

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On the 19th of July 2014 the Shadow Project sprung up from a group of like-minded people that wanted to anonymize and decentralize trade and communication. With that mission in mind they started to create the next truly anonymous and decentralized platform with components to facilitate just that. The open source project is now in

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GameCredits is a cryptocurrency that seeks to merge the gaming industry with a socially interchangeable token ideal for in-game currency, play money and boundless applicable implementations. The GameCredits API provides developers and gamers with robust in-game monetization options that are not bound by national borders. GameCredits Foundation Unified Governing Structure Team behind GameCredits consists of

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Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. In many ways Ethereum is how the internet was supposed to be. Free, open and uncensored. In some aspects its design is very similar to Bitcoin. Miners hash blocks

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Viral is the worlds first decentralized and fully native social advertising platform. Participants in the Viral network allow high quality, targeted advertising into their social network feeds and receive 100% of the generated revenue. Earnings are weighted by the quality and reach of their social network on Twitter (and other social networks in the future).

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Nxt is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that was released in late 2013. Like most other digital currencies Nxt is decentralized, no one controls Nxt. It is free of the constraints and restrictions normally seen in traditional currencies. Unlike most other cryptocurrencies Nxt is not a fork of a previous coin such as Bitcoin. Nxt is the

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I/O Coin is a strong, secure, and easy-to-use cryptocurrency designed for mass market and merchant adoption. To achieve this, I/O Coin will focus their efforts on increasing overall ease-of-use and user experience. I/O Coin uses Proof of Stake (PoS) a concept that has expanded in recent years, including implementations such as Reddcoins proof-of-stake velocity and

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Stellar is a cryptocurrency based on technology that enables money to move directly between people, companies and financial institutions as easily as email. This means more access for individuals, lower costs for banks, and more revenue for businesses. News Videos Wallets Mining Exchanges Use Stellar Specs Stellar News & Articles (view all) Latest Stellar Videos

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Launched in May, 2014, Vericoin is a Proof-of-Stake Digital Currency that features a variable interest rate which fluctuates depending on how many coins are staking. As more coins are used to stake and support the network, the interest rate climbs. VeriCoin was created to specifically address the glaring issues other Digital Currencies were faced with.

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Primecoin is an innovative cryptocurrency, a form of digital currency secured by cryptography and issued through a decentralized mining market. Derived from Satoshi Nakamotos Bitcoin, Primecoin introduces an unique form of proof-of-work based on prime numbers, and is the first cryptocurrency in the world designed with scientific computing as its work. The innovative prime proof-of-work

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Cryptocurrency Data Directory (Coins A-Z) - Crypto Junction

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Definition of Cryptocurrency | Coin Pursuit

Posted: at 7:47 pm

What exactly is cryptocurrency, how did it get its name, and how is it coded? Take a look at Coin Pursuit's plain-English definition of the term.

When you see the word root crypto in the English language, it comes from the Greek, meaning hidden or private. From it, we get words like encryption and decryption, which relate to the coding of a message, and its decoding once it's received. Even the English word cryptwhich uses the Greek root in its purest formrefers to a private hiding place, a sanctuary for the remains of a loved one.

Cryptocurrency, then, means money that is made hidden and privateand therefore secureby means of encryption, or coding. All aspects of cryptocurrency are protected by long and complicated blocks of code, each of which is unique to the item or person it's protecting. As an investor, or someone taking part in a transaction, you're identified by a one-of-a-kind code, as is the person or company with whom you're doing business. Each coin of cryptocurrency itself has its own code, and smaller denominations have their own, as well, depending on what amount is needed for a transaction. Finally, the transaction itself is identified with its own code. Layer upon layer of encryption is one of the things that makes cryptocurrency unique, secure and anonymous, if you so choose. And all that coding and concealment is what gives cryptocurrency its apt name.

As is true in any technical field, the industry of cryptocurrency not only has its unique jargon, but often terms that have synonyms that are used interchangeably. Therefore, we'd like to clear the air on that specific point right here: when you see the terms digital currency or alternative currency hereor in any other source, for that matterthose are just additional terms for cryptocurrency. As a matter of fact, you'll more than likely see digital currency used more often, as it has a less-technical and more user-friendly feel to it.

Next Introductory Topic: Cryptocurrency Origins

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Definition of Cryptocurrency | Coin Pursuit

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A Complete Guide for CryptoCurrency Investors & Traders …

Posted: at 7:47 pm

There's so much noise, so much chatter, so much conflicting information out there about the world of digital currency. Even people who are used to investing can find their heads spinning as they try to sort out all the information they're bombarded with about cryptocurrency. And if you're new to investing, wellit can be downright confusing and intimidating. If only there was an unbiased source of clear information a potential investor could really use, a place to sort the facts from all that noise.

Look no further, folks; you're there.

Coin Pursuit was created with one goal in mind: to help the alternative currency investor navigate the minefield of information that's swirling around this new and robust industry. We're investors ourselves, and we discovered early on just how difficult it was to find straightforward info about even the basics of investing. The facts are out there, but they're scattered all over the Internetand they're often drowned out by people with skin in the game who have agendas and products to market. We realized the average investor doesn't have hours and hours of spare time to scour the web for the facts they need. We also saw the need for a comprehensive and thoroughly-researched site that could be bookmarked and referred to by both the new and experienced investor alike.

From this perceived need, Coin Pursuit was born. We'll be doing thorough research, and will sort out the facts from the rumors. The information we find will be put into clear and easy-to understand language, and will be passed along to you. We'll cover the full spectrum of the cryptocurrency industry, from its basic concepts to its most current trends. Here, you'll also find links and details about all the resources you'll ever need to make your investment experience enjoyable andhopefullyprofitable.

There's also another way we're helping traders cut down on the noise and distractions they often find online, and that's our exclusive and interactive SliceFeeds portal. Those of you who use Twitter or Facebook, or try to sort through the content on forums or sites like Reddit, know it can take a lot of time as you try to locate a specific piece of information, or connect with one person directly. SliceFeeds eliminates all that hassle by concentrating all your contacts and cryptocurrency information in one place. Its network is divided into three easy-to-use sections: the network page shows statistics at a glance; the feeds page displays updates as they happen; and your profile page allows you to customize your own personal network-within-the-network. Members will also be able to monetize their unique contributions to the community; for example, bloggers can offer subscriptions (payable in digital currency, of course) for access to their exclusive content, and merchants will be able to advertise their companies and products through SliceFeeds, as well. With SliceFeeds, the days of sorting through dozens of unrelated tweets and forum posts are over; you'll be able to find the digital currency info you need, when you need it.

It's our mission to be the most expansive and expanding resource for digital currency information. And that means fresh information, so stop by often; we're constantly updating our content. So, if you've just got a casual interest in alternative currencies, or you're a hardcore investoror if you fall anywhere in betweenCoin Pursuit will be your trusted resource.

A Complete Guide for CryptoCurrency Investors & Traders ...

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Contact Us – Welcome to the Department of Genetics at …

Posted: at 7:45 pm

Mailing Addresses

Main Departmental Office: Human Genetics Institute Life Sciences Building 145 Bevier Road Piscataway, NJ 08854-8082

Undergraduate Departmental Office: Department of Genetics, Nelson Bio Labs-B416 604 Allison Road Piscataway, NJ 08854-8082

Dr. Linda Brzustowicz - Chair This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (P) 848-445-1638 (F) 732-445-1636

Marylou Carmona - Department Administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (P) 848-445-1638 (F) 732-445-1636

Kathleen McDonald - Administrative Assistant This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (P) 848-445-1146 (F) 732-445-6920

Dr.Christopher Rongo - Vice Chair This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (P) 848-445-0955 (F) 732-445-5735

Email: Gary A. Heiman, PhD This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Contact Us - Welcome to the Department of Genetics at ...

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