Daily Archives: March 5, 2016

Transhumanisten | Communicamus, – ergo sum..

Posted: March 5, 2016 at 8:43 am

Was reading this fascinating article about 8 crazy.. Mega-Engineering Projects We Could Use to Rework the Earth.. , and thought.. 1. This is a good opportunity to keep this blog alive.. 2. Should I miss this golden opportunity to provoke / annoy.. my leftist / green / down-wing friends.., hell no..

Dont get me wrong: I am (partly) a socalled down-winger myself, (although predominantly an up-winger), and youd be a fool if you think Im merely out to offend.. I wrote about the up-wing / down-wing political compass here , but lets recapitulate:

DownWingers, according to social epistemologist Steve Fuller :

Some additional points, credit to Fogbanking :

UpWingers, in contrast, according to Fuller:

Additional points by Fogbanking:

With this outline in mind, lets take a look at a couple of those crazy / fascinating, according to taste, Mega-Engineering Projects , but.. be warned, gutmenschen, conspiracy theorists, foot-dragging conservationists, climate-change religionists, cultural pessimists, etc., youre in for an extropian, post-Darwinian ride..

(1) Global Weather Control

According to nanotechnology expert J. Storrs Hall, the author of Nanofuture: Whats Next for Nanotechnology, we could start to build a weather machine later this century Read more..

(2) Terraforming the Worlds Largest Deserts

Approximately one-third of Earths land surface is a desert.. Imagine then, for instance,pumping desalinated seawater from the coast to the Sahara Desert and Australian Outback, creating, instead, lush forests and making vast regions of land fertile and habitable, besides, potentially ending global warming.. Read more..

(7) Eliminating Predation (!!)

Such is the dream of British futurist David Pearce, who so happens to be my favourite transhumanist philosopher, and who imagines a future in which animals are liberated from the never-ending cycle of Darwinian processes and its attendant pain and suffering.. Read more..

If youve never heard of this, in my opinion, great thinker, do check him out, and learn about Paradise Engineering..

Other projects: (3) Creating Artificial Islands ; (4) Creating a New Continent ; (5) Eliminating Vast Swaths of Land ; (6) Assisted Species Migration ; (8) Mass Carbon Capture.. FULL ARTICLE..

Read the original here:
Transhumanisten | Communicamus, - ergo sum..

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NASA Hijinks Ensues Aboard Space Station – Space.com: NASA …

Posted: at 8:43 am

SpaceX Rocket 1st Stage Landing Attempt - Suc...

Blast-Off! SpaceX Launches Communications Sat...

DARPA Funds New X-Plane With Hybrid-Electric...

Hubble Bags Most Distant Galaxy Yet | Video

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Astronaut Who Has Spent 362 Days In Space Is...

J.J. Abrams Lenses Google Lunar XPRIZE Docume...

Gravitons Are Not A Thing ... Really | Video

All Quantum Gravity Theories Suck - Heres Wh...

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Titanic, Short-Lived Stars Make Skies Glow Re...

Astronaut Scott Kelly Back On Earth - Landing...

One-Year Astronauts Undock From Space Station...

Soyuz Hatch Closed - One-Year Astronauts Prep...

XCOR Lynx Soars To Edge Of Space | Animation

Inside XCOR - Lynx Reusable Engine | Exclusiv...

Bright Jupiter, Total Solar Eclipse and More...

SpaceX Launch Aborted At Last Second, Satelli...

Kittinger's 1957 Record-Breaking Balloon Flig...

March 2016 Solar Eclipse - Mostly Out To Sea...

Titanic Galaxy Explosion Pinpointed 6 Billion...

Milky Ways Cold Anatomy Revealed | Video

Central Milky Way Features Hiding In Plain Si...

#SpaceApe - NASA Hijinks Ensues Aboard Space...

Retired NASA Astronaut Now World View Chief P...

Why Are 'Hot-Jupiters' So Durn' Hot? | Video

How To Discover An Alien Planet | Video

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Book Ventures to the Edge of Space, With Firs...

Mars in 3 Days? Photonic Propulsion Technolog...

Star Trek Replicator Challenge Is All About 3...

SpaceX Crew Dragon Parachutes Tested Successf...

'Super-Earth' Atmosphere Detected For First T...

Suns Busy, 'Buzzy' Life - 1 year In 2.5 Minu...

Luke Skywalker Returns In 'Star Wars Episode...

Stirred, Not Shaken - How Colliding Black Hol...

Gravitational Waves Detection Will Unravel Ma...

What Colliding Black Holes Sound Like | Video

#Yuuuuge Black Hole Lies At Heart Of This Ell...

Neil Tyson Reflects On Gravitational Wave Dis...

How Were Gravitational Waves Found? Coming Mo...

Historic Gravitational Waves Discovery Explai...

Gravitational Waves Simply Explained With A C...

U.S. Radar Spy-Sat Launches Into 'Backwards'...

'Cosmic Clouds' Lit Up By New Star | Video

NASA Employees 'Welcome' You To The Space Age...

Radio Telescope Reveals Hundreds Of Hidden Ga...

Lightning's Dance With Airglow Seen From Spac...

Supermassive Black Hole's 'Death Star' X-Ray...

Super Bowl 50 Stadium Sports Wood From NASA H...

Saturn V vs. SLS - Both Old Tech | Video

Our Sun Is A Roiling Ball Of Magnetism, Compu...

'Bigger Than Chelyabinsk' Asteroid To Skim By...

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Gets Lego Game...

CubeSats Will Swarm NASA's SLS First Flight |...

Chilly Planet-Forming 'Flying Saucer' Probed...

CubeSats Are Bound For The Planets | Video

Unboxing The Best Inexpensive Telescope - AWB...

Orions Jewels Glisten This Winter! | Skywatc...

5 Dawn Planets And A Dusk Comet In Feb. 2016...

Trippy Trip Over Colorful Dwarf Planet Ceres...

Space Station Crew Goes Silent To Recall Fall...

Matter Tears Through Sun's Atmosphere As Magn...

Why Is This Dwarf Galaxy So Clean Of Cosmic S...

Paragliding Through Aurora Borealis Beauty |...

Rising Seas More Accurately Measured From Spa...

Blue Origin Booster Reused! Lands Safely Afte...

Next-Gen Spacesuits - NASA Builds On Old Tech...

Space Coffee - How It's Brewed On ISS | Video...

Space 'Ping Pong' - Astronaut Plays With Ball...

See the original post here:
NASA Hijinks Ensues Aboard Space Station - Space.com: NASA ...

Posted in Space Station | Comments Off on NASA Hijinks Ensues Aboard Space Station – Space.com: NASA …

SpaceX Launch Aborted At Last Second, Satellite and Rocket …

Posted: at 8:43 am

SpaceX Rocket 1st Stage Landing Attempt - Suc...

Blast-Off! SpaceX Launches Communications Sat...

DARPA Funds New X-Plane With Hybrid-Electric...

Hubble Bags Most Distant Galaxy Yet | Video

Kylo Ren On Millennium Falcon In Deleted Scen...

Astronaut Who Has Spent 362 Days In Space Is...

J.J. Abrams Lenses Google Lunar XPRIZE Docume...

Gravitons Are Not A Thing ... Really | Video

All Quantum Gravity Theories Suck - Heres Wh...

Scott Kelly Has 'Mixed Emotions' About Being...

Titanic, Short-Lived Stars Make Skies Glow Re...

Astronaut Scott Kelly Back On Earth - Landing...

One-Year Astronauts Undock From Space Station...

Soyuz Hatch Closed - One-Year Astronauts Prep...

XCOR Lynx Soars To Edge Of Space | Animation

Inside XCOR - Lynx Reusable Engine | Exclusiv...

Bright Jupiter, Total Solar Eclipse and More...

SpaceX Launch Aborted At Last Second, Satelli...

Kittinger's 1957 Record-Breaking Balloon Flig...

March 2016 Solar Eclipse - Mostly Out To Sea...

Titanic Galaxy Explosion Pinpointed 6 Billion...

Milky Ways Cold Anatomy Revealed | Video

Central Milky Way Features Hiding In Plain Si...

#SpaceApe - NASA Hijinks Ensues Aboard Space...

Retired NASA Astronaut Now World View Chief P...

Why Are 'Hot-Jupiters' So Durn' Hot? | Video

How To Discover An Alien Planet | Video

Apollo 10s Mysterious Moon Music Was Radio...

Hawking Finds 'Kindred Spirit' Branson In Spa...

At SpaceshipTwo Christening, Sarah Brightman...

Sir Richard Branson Rolls Out New SpaceShipTw...

Repurposed Spy Space Telescope Could Directly...

'The Last Man On The Moon' Delivers Rare Arch...

Book Ventures to the Edge of Space, With Firs...

Mars in 3 Days? Photonic Propulsion Technolog...

Star Trek Replicator Challenge Is All About 3...

SpaceX Crew Dragon Parachutes Tested Successf...

'Super-Earth' Atmosphere Detected For First T...

Suns Busy, 'Buzzy' Life - 1 year In 2.5 Minu...

Luke Skywalker Returns In 'Star Wars Episode...

Stirred, Not Shaken - How Colliding Black Hol...

Gravitational Waves Detection Will Unravel Ma...

What Colliding Black Holes Sound Like | Video

#Yuuuuge Black Hole Lies At Heart Of This Ell...

Neil Tyson Reflects On Gravitational Wave Dis...

How Were Gravitational Waves Found? Coming Mo...

Historic Gravitational Waves Discovery Explai...

Gravitational Waves Simply Explained With A C...

U.S. Radar Spy-Sat Launches Into 'Backwards'...

'Cosmic Clouds' Lit Up By New Star | Video

NASA Employees 'Welcome' You To The Space Age...

Radio Telescope Reveals Hundreds Of Hidden Ga...

Lightning's Dance With Airglow Seen From Spac...

Supermassive Black Hole's 'Death Star' X-Ray...

Super Bowl 50 Stadium Sports Wood From NASA H...

Saturn V vs. SLS - Both Old Tech | Video

Our Sun Is A Roiling Ball Of Magnetism, Compu...

'Bigger Than Chelyabinsk' Asteroid To Skim By...

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Gets Lego Game...

CubeSats Will Swarm NASA's SLS First Flight |...

Chilly Planet-Forming 'Flying Saucer' Probed...

CubeSats Are Bound For The Planets | Video

Unboxing The Best Inexpensive Telescope - AWB...

Orions Jewels Glisten This Winter! | Skywatc...

5 Dawn Planets And A Dusk Comet In Feb. 2016...

Trippy Trip Over Colorful Dwarf Planet Ceres...

Space Station Crew Goes Silent To Recall Fall...

Matter Tears Through Sun's Atmosphere As Magn...

Why Is This Dwarf Galaxy So Clean Of Cosmic S...

Paragliding Through Aurora Borealis Beauty |...

Rising Seas More Accurately Measured From Spa...

Blue Origin Booster Reused! Lands Safely Afte...

Next-Gen Spacesuits - NASA Builds On Old Tech...

Space Coffee - How It's Brewed On ISS | Video...

Space 'Ping Pong' - Astronaut Plays With Ball...

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SpaceX Launch Aborted At Last Second, Satellite and Rocket ...

Posted in Space Station | Comments Off on SpaceX Launch Aborted At Last Second, Satellite and Rocket …