Daily Archives: February 22, 2016

Fourth Amendment – United States Bill of Rights – YouTube

Posted: February 22, 2016 at 2:43 am

United States Bill of Rights - Application - Fourth Amendment

Previous video: United States Bill of Rights - Application - Second Amendment YouTube: http://youtu.be/AffgFT3YyhY?list=PLAu...

Next video: United States Bill of Rights - Application - Fifth Amendment YouTube: http://youtu.be/lXHDihXzzOA?list=PLAu...


United States Bill of Rights - Background - The Philadelphia Convention - Background - The Anti-Federalists - Background - The Federalists - Background - Massachusetts compromise - Proposal and ratification - Anticipating amendments - Proposal and ratification - Crafting amendments - Proposal and ratification - Ratification process - Application - Application - First Amendment - Application - Second Amendment - Application - Fourth Amendment - Application - Fifth Amendment - Application - Eighth Amendment - Application - Ninth Amendment - Display and honoring of the Bill of Rights

All videos about United States Bill of Rights: YouTube: http://youtu.be/w7esXiZuEKM?list=PLAu...

Mission: Our mission is to help people learn according to their learning styles. Some people are mainly auditory learner who need to hear the information to easily understand and learn it. Most people have mixed learning styles, these people learn and understand information better when they read AND hear the text simultaneously.

Sources: - Wikipedia CC BY-SA (text) - Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA (image)

Originally posted here:
Fourth Amendment - United States Bill of Rights - YouTube

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