Daily Archives: January 18, 2016

Free Speech | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Posted: January 18, 2016 at 3:51 pm

Social networking websites allow groups to grow from a dozen friends, to a hundred hobbyists, to a huge organization that transcends national borders. Meanwhile, a new generation of citizen journalists have taken to (micro)blogging and video live-streaming to expose the world to stories that would otherwise go unheard. Websites like Wikipedia and the Internet Archive contribute to a new open-source model of sharing and preserving information.

In countless ways the Internet is radically enhancing our access to information and empowering us to share ideas and connect with the entire world. Speech thrives online freed of limitations inherent in traditional print or broadcast media that are created by corporate gatekeepers.

Preserving the Internet's open architecture is critical to sustaining free speech. But this technological capacity means little without sufficient legal protections. If laws can censor us to limit our access to certain information, or restrict use of communication tools, then the Internet's incredible potential will go unrealized.

Governmental organizations have time and again tried to do just that. Censorship laws often aim at speech that would also be restricted offline, but they can also erect new barriers to free expression on the Internet in order to privilege established stakeholders. When old laws are not properly adapted to this medium, it's all too easy for governments and companies to undermine your rights.

EFF defends the Internet as a platform for free speech, and believes that when you go online, your rights should come with you. Learn more below and consider supporting our efforts.

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Could We Live On The Moon In The Future? – Playlist

Posted: at 3:44 pm

Playlist Description

Have you ever weighed the pros and cons of colonizing on the moon: to be, or not to be? That has seemed to be the question for decades since humankind first put a man on the moon in the 1960s. As we learn more about our solar system, it would seem as if the next logical step after space exploration would be to establish a colony on the moonright? One of the first things to consider when you're 238,855 miles away from Earth would be implementing a self-sufficient lifestyle. This means food and water supply, as well as waste, would need to have sustainable systems in place. The good news is, researchers have found a crater with literally one billion gallons of water.

Many believe that although long-term residency may still be a far cry away, small nano-structures may pop up within the next decade. There is still much to be learned before making the big move. How will lunar weather systems will affect human life? How is government, an economy, a job market and housing constructed? Learn more about what we'd need to accomplish in order to fulfill a long-term future in space.

Playlist by Linze Rice

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Could We Live On The Moon In The Future? - Playlist

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Eczema Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

Posted: at 3:43 pm

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre.

Eczema, tambm chamada de dermatite,[1] se refere a qualquer tipo de inflamao da pele. Os eczemas, em geral, iniciam-se pela aparecimento, superfcie da pele, de vermelhido (eritema) e inchao (edema) da superfcie cutnea. Como consequncia, pode ocorrer um acmulo de lquidos em pequenas vesculas, com prurido das vesculas, um lquido seroso secretado, o que favorece a formao de crosta. Com a progresso do quadro a pele torna-se espessa (liquenificada).[2]

bastante comum na infncia e adolescncia, afetando cerca de um em cada nove jovens (11%-15%), mas provavelmente muitos casos no so diagnosticados.[3] Tambm frequente em profissionais de sades, pessoas responsveis pela limpeza e lactantes. Atinge cerca de 5-10% dos adultos.[4]

Em alguns pases, como a Inglaterra, 15-20% das crianas j foram diagnosticadas com eczema em algum momento e o ndice para adultos semelhante ao nosso (5-10%).[5] Enfermeiras desenvolvem dermatites pelo menos uma vez em 85% dos casos, sendo mais comum nas que lavam as mos frequentemente com lcool gel ou sabo bactericida, pois seu uso regular danifica a pele.[6] Entre profissionais de sade a mdia varia entre 10 e 45%, sendo considerado uma sria doena ocupacional.[7]

Os principais sintomas so:

Os outros sintomas vo depender da origem do eczema. Manchas tambm causam prejuzo significativo na socializao, um problema srio para crianas com dermatites frequentes que so estigmatizadas e excludas do convvio social.

O diagnstico essencialmente clnico e consiste na localizao das leses e dos sintomas levando em conta a idade do doente, o carcter crnico ou agudo da doena e o histrico pessoal ou familiar de alergias. A bipsia cutnea pode ser til no diagnstico diferencial mas raramente necessria.[2]

Os eczemas e dermatites so abordados pelo Dicionrio Internacional de Doenas como sinnimos, e esto no L20 ao L30:[1]

Existem tambm dermatites classificadas em outras partes do CID:[1]

A principal causa a hipersensibilidade, nesse caso sendo chamada de dermatite atpica, que possui fatores hereditrios mas s so ativados por um estmulo que desencadeie a alergia (como leite,[10]camaro ou plen).[11] Podendo ser originada por fatores de ordem interna ou externa, variando de acordo com a resposta imune de cada organismo, ao ambiente em questo.

Pessoas vulnerveis a dermatites frequentemente possuem um defeito na filagrina, uma protena estrutural da pele, fundamental para a manuteno de uma funo barreira normal.[12]

Fatores psicolgicos como estresse excessivo ou situaes traumticas podem desencadear uma dermatite por somatizao. Outras possveis causas incluem fatores hormonais (como a menstruao), a troca do leite materno pelo industrial (uma das principais causas em bebs), pode ser desencadeado por certas vacinas (geralmente na infncia e sem graves consequncias) e pode ocorrer por atrito com certos materiais (fibras sintticas). Pacientes acamados h muito tempo geralmente desenvolvem eczema por no mudarem muito de posio, mantendo as mesmas partes do corpo em contato constante com o tecido.

Uso de cremes com corticoide, como hidrocortisona, recomendado para o tratamento de episdios agudos e hidratao da pele mas no para episdios crnicos pelo risco de repercusses graves quando o tratamento interrompido subitamente.[2] Uma alternativa so os inibidores da calcineurina como pimecrolimus e tacrolimus.[13]

Deve-se, tambm, evitar coar a pele para prevenir agravamento da infeco. A melhor opo procurar um bom dermatologista que indique que quais remdios voc deve usar. Pacincia, acompanhamento mdico e cuidado so muito importantes.

As infeces bacterianas, geralmente por Staphylococcus aureus, devem ser tratadas com antibioterapia sistmica, como cefalosporinas de 1.a gerao ou as penicilinas. A limpeza deve ser feita gentilmente, o banho deve ser rpido e morno e em seguida aplicar um emoliente (creme hidratante) com alta oleosidade.[2]

Anti-histamnicos sedativos podem ser usados para controlar o prurido e coceira, e assim permitir um sono mais revigorante.[14]

Quando as causas envolverem fatores psicolgicos como ansiedade, compulses, transtornos de humor, transtornos somatoformes ou traumas psicolgicos necessrio acompanhamento psicolgico de longo prazo.[15]

No h evidncia que leo de peixe, leo de borragem ou outros, bem como suplementos vitamnicos ou minerais tenham qualquer eficcia teraputica na dermatite alrgica.[14] Alguns dermatologistas tambm podem recomendar fototerapia e ciclosporina ou outros imunossupressores dependendo do caso.

Um alergologista pode fazer testes com diversas substncias para descobrir as causas de crises alrgicas frequentes.

Eczema Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

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Rationalism | Definition of rationalism by Merriam-Webster

Posted: at 3:42 pm

absurdism, activism, Adventism, alarmism, albinism, alpinism, anarchism, aneurysm, anglicism, animism, aphorism, Arabism, archaism, asterism, atavism, atheism, atomism, atticism, Bahaism, barbarism, Benthamism, biblicism, blackguardism, bolshevism, boosterism, botulism, bourbonism, Brahmanism, Briticism, Caesarism, Calvinism, can-do-ism, careerism, Castroism, cataclysm, catechism, Catharism, centralism, chauvinism, chimerism, classicism, communism, concretism, conformism, cretinism, criticism, cronyism, cynicism, dadaism, dandyism, Darwinism, defeatism, de Gaullism, despotism, die-hardism, dimorphism, Docetism, do-goodism, dogmatism, Donatism, Don Juanism, druidism, dynamism, egoism, elitism, embolism, endemism, erethism, ergotism, erotism, escapism, Essenism, etatism, eunuchism, euphemism, euphuism, exorcism, expertism, extremism, fairyism, familism, fatalism, feminism, feudalism, fideism, fogyism, foreignism, formalism, futurism, gallicism, galvanism, gangsterism, genteelism, Germanism, giantism, gigantism, globalism, gnosticism, Gongorism, Gothicism, gourmandism, gradualism, grangerism, greenbackism, Hasidism, heathenism, Hebraism, hedonism, Hellenism, herbalism, hermetism, hermitism, heroism, highbrowism, Hinduism, hipsterism, hirsutism, hispanism, Hitlerism, hoodlumism, hoodooism, hucksterism, humanism, Hussitism, hybridism, hypnotism, Ibsenism, idealism, imagism, Irishism, Islamism, Jansenism, jim crowism, jingoism, journalism, John Bullism, Judaism, Junkerism, kabbalism, kaiserism, Krishnaism, Ku Kluxism, laconism, laicism, Lamaism, Lamarckism, landlordism, Latinism, legalism, Leninism, lobbyism, localism, locoism, Lollardism, luminism, lyricism, magnetism, mammonism, mannerism, Marcionism, masochism, mechanism, melanism, meliorism, Menshevism, Mendelism, mentalism, methodism, me-tooism, modernism, Mohockism, monachism, monadism, monarchism, mongolism, Montanism, moralism, Mormonism, morphinism, mullahism, mysticism, narcissism, nationalism, nativism, nepotism, neutralism, nihilism, NIMBYism, nomadism, occultism, onanism, optimism, oralism, Orangeism, organism, ostracism, pacifism, paganism, Pan-Slavism, pantheism, Parsiism, passivism, pauperism, phallicism, pianism, pietism, Platonism, pleinairism, pluralism, pointillism, populism, pragmatism, presentism, privatism, prosaism, Prussianism, puerilism, pugilism, Puseyism, Pyrrhonism, Quakerism, quietism, rabbinism, racialism, realism, reformism, rheumatism, rigorism, robotism, Romanism, Rousseauism, rowdyism, royalism, satanism, saturnism, savagism, scapegoatism, schematism, scientism, sciolism, Scotticism, Semitism, Shakerism, Shintoism, skepticism, socialism, solecism, solipsism, Southernism, specialism, speciesism, Spartanism, Spinozism, spiritism, spoonerism, Stalinism, standpattism, stoicism, syllogism, symbolism, synchronism, syncretism, synergism, talmudism, tarantism, tectonism, tenebrism, terrorism, Teutonism, titanism, Titoism, toadyism, tokenism, Toryism, totalism, totemism, transvestism, traumatism, tribalism, tritheism, Trotskyism, ultraism, unionism, urbanism, utopism, Vaishnavism, vampirism, vandalism, vanguardism, Vedantism, veganism, verbalism, virilism, vitalism, vocalism, volcanism, voodooism, vorticism, voyeurism, vulcanism, vulgarism, Wahhabism, warlordism, welfarism, Wellerism, witticism, womanism, yahooism, Yankeeism, Yiddishism, Zionism, zombiism

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Definition of Rationalism – kosmicki.com

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Rationalism is the term used to describe writers and philosophers who privilege scientific reason and logical thought over and above everything else. The Rationalists in America were very much influenced by the Enlightenment that was happening in the 18th century in Europe. However, unlike the Enlightenments great thinkers and philosophers, the Founding Fathers of America attempted to put the philosophy of the Enlightenment to actual use. This is most likely directly related to the fact that American Rationalists evolved out of the tradition of Puritanism, not the class structure and Feudalism of Europe.

Rationalism is based on the concepts of logic and scientific reasoning, but the Rationalists themselves were not scientists as we think of the term. Science in the 18th century was not a profession it was a hobby. Wealthier Americans who had gone to the universities went back to their homes and began to categorize the flora and fauna of their home regions. Not because they were biologists, but because somebody had to do it, and it might as well be them.

Most American science was based on figuring out how to do things more efficiently (and profitably). Rationalists used the scientific method of identifying the problem, hypothesizing a solution, and testing the hypotheses until you reach a satisfactory conclusion. Benjamin Franklin became one of Americas great scientists, but almost everything that he invented (bifocals, lightning rods, Franklin stoves, etc) were designed to solve specific problems. He was not just puttering around or doing experiments willy-nilly.

One side effect of rationalism was that it led to questioning of everything. Instead of following tradition simply because it had always been done that way, rationalists questioned the traditions and made the necessary changes based on what they observed. Thus, because of the rationalist worldview, instead of automatically setting up a government like every other government in Europe, the Founding Fathers asked what sort of government made the most logical sense.

One other significant element of rationalism is their view of religion. As is often pointed out in church/state discussions today, the Founding Fathers made reference to God on a regular basis. However, their view of God and religion was NOT the same as the Puritans. The vast majority of the Founding Fathers and other leading Rationalists were Deists. They believed in God, but it was not a God who was involved in human affairs. The metaphor that was commonly used was the God was like a Clockmaker who had made the universe, wound it up, and was letting it wind down. By referencing God, they were referencing the very notion of a rational, planned universe. Mans role was to try to make proper use of what God had created, whether it be in political structures, daily life, or even scientific observation. Studying the world scientifically wasnt in defiance of religion, it was to better understand what God had created.

This is just a very simple beginning explanation of Puritanism. Check out these websites if you want to know more:




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Definition of Rationalism - kosmicki.com

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Rationalism (international relations) – Wikipedia, the …

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Rationalism in politics is often seen as the midpoint in the three major political viewpoints of realism, rationalism, and internationalism. Whereas Realism and Internationalism are both on ends of the scale, rationalism tends to occupy the middle ground on most issues, and finds compromise between these two conflicting points of view.

Believers of Rationalism believe that multinational and multilateral organizations have their place in the world order, but not that a world government would be feasible. They point to current international organizations, most notably the United Nations, and point out that these organizations leave a lot to be desired and, in some cases, do more harm than good. They believe that this can be achieved through greater international law making procedures and that the use of force can be avoided in resolving disputes.[1]

Rationalists tend to see the rule of law and order as being equally important to states as it helps reduce conflicts. This in turn helps states become more willing to negotiate treaties and agreements where it best suits their interests. However, they see it as wrong for a nation to promote its own national interests, reminiscent of Internationalism, but that there is already a high level of order in the international system without a world government.[1]

Rationalists believe that states have a right to sovereignty, particularly over territory, but that this sovereignty can be violated in exceptional circumstances, such as human rights violations.

In situations such as that of Burma after Cyclone Nargis, rationalists find it acceptable for other states to violate that country's sovereignty in order to help its people. This would be where an organisation such as the United Nations would come in and decide whether the situation is exceptional enough to warrant a violation of that state's sovereignty.[1]

Realists believe that states act independently of each other and that states' sovereignty is effectively sacred. Rationalists agree to a certain extent. However, as stated previously, rationalism includes sovereignty as a vital factor, but not as untouchable and 'sacred'.

Realists also hold the Treaty of Westphalia and the international system that arose from this as the international system that prevails to this day. Rationalists acknowledge that the treaty has played an important part in shaping international relations and the world order and that certain aspects, such as sovereignty, still exist and play a vital role, but not that it has survived in its entirety. They believe that through the existence of international organisations, such as the European Union and the United Nations, the international system is less anarchic than Realists claim.[2]

Internationalists believe in a world order where an effective world government would govern the world, that sovereignty is an outdated concept and barrier to creating peace, the need for a common humanity and the need for cooperative solutions. Rationalists adhere to these beliefs to some extent. For example, with regards to the need for a common humanity and cooperative solutions, rationalists see this as being achieved without the need to abolish sovereignty and the Westphalian concept of the nation-state. The current system is seen as the example of this, as nation-states still hold their sovereignty and yet international organisations exist that potentially have the power to violate it, for the need to create peace, law and order.[1]

It is believed that the proposals for reform of the United Nations come from rationalist thoughts and points of view. This belief is held because most members of the UN agree that the UN requires reform, in the way of expanding or abolishing the Security Council and granting it more powers to violate sovereignty if necessary.[1]

Some figures who consider themselves as 'rationalist' include:

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Goldman Sachs Files Patent for Cryptocurrency System …

Posted: at 6:42 am

Goldman Sachs is seeking to create its own cryptocurrency for post-trade settlement, according to a recently released patent filing.

The cryptocurrency, called SETLcoin, would be the architecture behind a new securities settlement system for the banking giant that would reduce delays in the transfer of assets; the time between when the transaction is initiated and finalized can take days.

SETLcoin guarantees instant execution and settlement, according to the filing, submitted October 2014.

"As implemented by the described technology, a trader no longer trades securities by meeting at an exchange with an indication of cash for security and then settles the transaction meanwhile bearing all of the associated credit risk in the interim," it says.

Goldman isn't the first to patent its own cryptocurrency. Citi and Bank of New York Mellon have also created them, CitiCoin and BK Coins respectively, for internal testing of blockchain technology.

Banks have become increasingly interested in blockchain technology this year. Goldman Sachs was one of the inaugural members of the R3CEV consortium, which now has 30 members and is expected to announce more soon. That firm is developing a similar distributed ledger-based settlement platform with which its members can experiment.

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Natasha Vita-More | Transhuman Art

Posted: at 6:40 am

Natashas research concerns the aesthetics of human enhancement and radical life extension, with a focus on sciences and technologies of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive and neuro sciences (NBIC). Her conceptual future human design Primo Posthuman has been featured in Wired, Harpers Bazaar, Marie Claire, The New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Net Business, Teleopolis, and Village Voice. She has appeared in over twenty-four televised documentaries on the future and culture, and has exhibited media artworks at National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Brooks Memorial Museum, Institute of Contemporary Art, Women In Video, Telluride Film Festival, and United States Film Festival and recently Evolution Haute Couture: Art and Science in the Post-Biological Age. Natasha has been the recipient of several awards: First Place Award at Brooks Memorial Museum, Special Recognition at Women in Video, and Best Graduate Student Project of 2005 for her Futures Podcast Series: at the University of Houston, Future Studies program.

Natasha is a proponent human rights and ethical means for human enhancement, and is published in Artifact, Technoetic Arts, Nanotechnology Perceptions, Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology, Death And Anti- Death. She has a bi-monthly column in Nanotechnology Now, is a Guest Editor of The Global Spiral academic journal and on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Green Nanotechnology. Natasha authored Create / Recreate: the 3rd Millennial Culture on the emerging cybernetic culture and the future of humanism and the arts and sciences. She co-authored One on One Fitness, a guide to nutrition and aerobic and anaerobic exercise for women. Her new book The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Look at Philosophy and Technology is scheduled for publishing in 2012 through Wiley-Blackwell.

Natasha is Chair of Humanity+, international non-profit 501c3 organization and was the former president of Extropy Institute, networking organization Natasha continues to work with academic institutions, non-profit organizations and business about human futures. She is a track advisor at the Singularity University, on the Scientific Board of Lifeboat Foundation, a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, Visiting Scholar at 21st Century Medicine, and advises non-profit organizations including Adaptive A.I. and Alcor Life Extension Foundation. She has been a consultant to IBM on the future of human performance.

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Natasha Vita-More | Transhuman Art

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