Best Practices for Application Security in the Cloud – Security Boulevard

An overview of threats and best practices in all stages of software development in thecloud.

The future of application security is in the cloud. Software development and application deployment continue to move from on-premise to various types of cloud environments. While the basics of application security (AppSec) carry over from on-premise, the cloud introduces new areas of complexity and a new set of requirements.

AppSec best practices for the cloud are somewhat different from standard AppSec best practices. Cloud applications tend to be more segmented into different services and are more likely to use other cloud services, delivered via API, to compose application functionality. AppSec teams may need to coordinate with security and ops teams from cloud service providers (CSPs) to ensure proper coverage and to adapt cloud-specific best practices. This blog covers AppSec cloud best practices and offers a basic framework on how to think about cloudAppSec.

Cloud application security is the discipline of securing application code running in public, private, or hybrid cloud environments. Logically, this means threat modeling for cloud environments and deploying tools and controls to protect applications running in thecloud.

It also involves creating policies and compliance processes that may be different from traditional application security practices used for legacy on-premise application deployments. More specifically, traditional security for applications has focused on the network and infrastructure layer. In the cloud, because applications tend to be more accessible to third-parties via API and incorporate third-party code and services, more care must be taken to secure the application code and application environment itself.

For cloud applications, software development is more likely to involve rapid iterations pushed through Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This dynamic is causing security to shift left with developers increasingly responsible for writing secure code and DevOps teams responsible for testing code with security tooling prior to code submission. For this reason, the AppSec team has an expanded role in defining cloud security best practices but also teaching developers and DevOps teams how to better secure applications at the code and CI/CD pipelinestages.

It is critical that AppSec teams understand and plan for their level of responsibility in guarding applications. The different types of cloud environments determine who is responsible for security. In a private cloud, the organization owns full responsibility for the fullstack.

For applications running in public cloud service provider (CSP) environments like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, responsibility for application security starts at the operating system layer. That said, AppSec teams should still factor in the risk of compromise of lower layers of the CSPs multi-tenant environment.

For Platform-as-a-Service offerings like RedHat OpenShift or Heroku, security teams are primarily responsible for security of the application code anddata.

For SaaS applications, AppSec teams do not need to be involved as full responsibility is on the vendor. The only exception is if a SaaS application integrates directly into a cloud application, in which case the AppSec team must be mindful of the risks of this integration and apply controls against those risks, e.g., data loss protection or payment gateway abuse. The reality is that in an era of microservices and APIs, application security rarely stops at the application or cloudedge.

Cloud applications face the same threats as on-premise applications plus several additional risk types. The list of threats that AppSec teams must guard against includes:

For best results, think about your cloud AppSec practice as segmented into stages. The first stage, application development, requires a certain set of best practices. The second stage, formal application security, requires an overlapping but slightly different set of practices. The third stage, DevOps and production, requires yet another overlapping set of practices. The three stages do tend to blend together in rapidly iterating application development organizations but this remains a useful guide to building a cloud AppSec best practices playbook.

For developers responsible for shifting left application security, key considerations and best practices include:

AppSec teams often conduct their own security reviews on top of existing efforts by development teams. As advanced security practitioners, AppSec teams should apply a broad range of security measures and best practices more appropriate to a discrete security discipline. Specifically, AppSec working with the network security and operations teams should put in place and or at least verify and help configure solutions for the following:

DevOps manages CI/CD solutions and controls application code deployment and lifecycle. DevOps is responsible for implementing any of the elements of AppSec practices that work at the CI/CD level. This mayinclude:

Cloud AppSec practices will continue to evolve. What we have detailed here is a starting point. Because cloud and cloud services are changing so rapidly, it is important to review cloud AppSec best practices and playbooks frequently. Just as the lines of responsibility between networking, development and operations have blurred, in cloud AppSec the lines have also blurred. Cooperation between all stakeholders is essential, however.

Responsibility for security is shifting left but the AppSec team remains the quarterback and the ultimate accountable party for ensuring that cloud applications remain safe and performant. Creating a detailed runbook for cloud AppSec and the responsibilities of the different stakeholders will help clarify your cloud AppSec approach and create a practice guide you can follow to continuously evolve and improve your cloud security.

To shift left and get started with cloud AppSec in the development stage, create a free account with a modern static analysis tool. A single scan from ShiftLeft CORE finds vulnerabilities in custom code, CVEs in open-source code, and hard-coded secrets. It is delivered as SaaS so it is easy for DevOps to integrate into your CI/CD and, because it never takes source code off of your servers, it is a safe alternative to on-premtools.

Best Practices for Application Security in the Cloud was originally published in ShiftLeft Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from ShiftLeft Blog - Medium authored by The ShiftLeft Team. Read the original post at:

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Best Practices for Application Security in the Cloud - Security Boulevard

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