Finally we have teleportation for particles with a mass – InTallaght

Teleportation between photons has not been a novelty for a long time, but when it comes to massive particles everything becomes more complicated. Thanks to the strange rules of quantum entanglement, physicists believe they have found a method for teleport information between two electrons distant from each other.

The teleportation of information it is not only the first step to get to teleportation itself, but it has important applications in the development of quantum computing and in data encryption. The development of teleportation between electrons can allow the construction of quantum computers with architecture more similar to the current one.

We got evidence of an entanglement exchange, in which we created an entanglement bond between two electrons even though they hadnt interacted before and we teleported information, a technique potentially useful for quantum computers, explains John Nichol of the University of Rochester, New York.

Teleport is a word that is part of the jargon of physics and serves to explain a very simple concept. When you buy a pair of shoes, even if you separate them you always know all the characteristics of both even if you cannot observe them directly. In a sense, the shoes are entangled.

Things get strange if you imagine that your shoe can be both rights and left at the same time, at least until you look at it. When you look at it, it instantly assumes one of two states and the distant shoe becomes right or left according to the first.

This is the mechanism behind the idea of teleportation in physics.

Their computational logic uses binary language, states are described by sequences of 0 and 1. Quantum computers use qubits, which can take on both states simultaneously, providing possibilities that current technology cannot achieve.

Using photons to teleport information is very easy and intuitive, they can be separated very quickly after they have been tied, and it can also be done inside a chip. Separating massive particles is much more difficult because transport could be lost mathematical purity of their quantum state, and have interference.

Individual electrons are very promising qubits because they interact very easily with each other, making long-distance connections is essential for quantum computing, says Nichol.

To create this teleportation, scientists exploited some fundamental laws of subatomic physics. When two electrons share the same state, they must necessarily have one opposite spin. Researchers had previously shown how this property can be manipulated without acting directly on electrons, presenting itself as a method for teleportation.

Scientists have managed to make one spin exchange between a pair of electrons without having interacted before. There is still a lot of work to be done to replace photons with electrons, as the latter is very difficult objects to control. But having convincing evidence of electron teleportation is an encouraging step.

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Finally we have teleportation for particles with a mass - InTallaght

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