A quantum computer simulates traveling to the past and manages to dismantle a myth | Technology – Explica

Quantum computing continues to advance and a computer has managed to simulate a journey back in time to dismantle the theory of the butterfly effect.

If you go back in time dont touch anything, any change could be catastrophic We all know similar phrases from movies and books, but is it true? At Los Alamos National Laboratory, in the United States, have tried to test this thesis and the results obtained deny this widespread belief.

Using a quantum computer, they conducted an experiment to test the so-called butterfly effect and how changes in the past affect the present. To make it simulated the conditions of time travel thanks to the IBM-Q quantum processor and they sent a damaged set of qubits with the intention of seeing if that information returned in the same state to the present and how it altered it.

The results obtained have been that only part of that data has been returned damaged, most qubits were intact, the so-called butterfly effect had not occurred, which should affect much of that information.

IBM has just announced a new milestone within the quantum computing industry: They have created the most powerful quantum computer yet, capable of operating at 53 qubits.

This study carried out at the Los lamos National Laboratory and whose press release was released a few days ago shows that quantum computing already allows simulations that until now were unthinkable, and irrefutable, like emulating time travel.

In any case, it must be taken into account that it has been carried out in a quantum environment as small as it is localized, as explained by Trends 21, but it should be verified what would be the results within the laws of reality that we have.

From said study they also affirm that these tests may have different utilities in the future, starting with its application to computer security environments, analyze if there are alterations and make contrasts to improve verification. But at the moment the result they have obtained is so interesting that it raises a good number of questions. Hopefully quantum computing will continue to answer new questions in the future.

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A quantum computer simulates traveling to the past and manages to dismantle a myth | Technology - Explica

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