States, sovereignty and the brave new world of cryptocurrencies – TRT World

How are governments adapting to disruptive digital currencies like bitcoin and blockchain payment systems?

Cryptocurrencies pose an unprecedented challenge to the existing monetary system. Powered by a decentralised blockchain platform, they transcend national sovereignty, central banks and commercial finance.

While cryptocurrencies were designed to be independent of any particular nation-state, that doesnt mean countries or multilateral institutions can afford to be indifferent to them.

Less than two weeks ago, the independent body,G30, published a report that put global policymakers and central bankers on notice, warning against technocratic passivity as digital currency systems rapidly develop and begin to shape the future of finance.

Having largely defied international coordination, the advent of cryptocurrencies and their increasing popularity has led to disjointed approaches by governments that often rely on arcane laws to regulate radically new technologies. Some states have started wielding it to promote their own political agendas, project influence, and bypass economic sanctions.

As aconsequence of Covid-19, the desire for digital payments and the growing appetite for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin has only accelerated, thrusting digital currencies onto the agenda of public officials forcing nation states to adjust to the brave new world of cryptocurrencies with their own central bank-backed digital tenders.

In an effort to tame anarchic cryptographic systems while appropriating its ability to reshape the financial order, could we see a super-sovereign digital currency that fundamentally reconstructs the global monetary system?

A spectacularly capricious rise

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that relies on cryptography to facilitate direct peer-to-peer (P2P) online payments and eliminate the need for financial intermediaries. The first cryptocurrency, bitcoin, was conceived by a mysterious programmer Satoshi Nakamoto in a2008 whitepaper at the peak of the financial crisis.

While bitcoin has been the most popular, the cryptocurrency family members include ethereum, ripple, cardano, and litecoin, to name but a few.

The main technological innovation underpinning cryptocurrencies is the blockchain: a ledger containing all transactions for every single unit of currency. It differs from existing physical and digital ledgers in that there is no central authority verifying the validity of transactions.

What makes blockchain computing unique is the strongcommitments between users, developers and the platform. Trust arises from the mathematical and game-theoretic properties of the system without having to depend on the trustworthiness of individual network participants.

Authentication is built on cryptographic proof, where various members of the network verify blocks of transactions approximately every 10 minutes. The incentive is compensation in the form of newly minted cryptocurrency for the first member who provides the verification. This mining, while digitally rendered, requires specialised equipment as well as substantial electricity costs.

Scarcity is used to instill monetary value, much like gold. Ostensibly to prevent inflation, there will only ever be21 million bitcoin's in existence, and once miners have unlocked all of them (currently it stands at 18.5 million) supply will have tapped out unless protocols are changed.

As the limit is approached, the coin-creating algorithms get more difficult to solve, demanding additional computing power. Bitcoin's mining difficulty is now said to be at arecord high, coming two months after itsquadrennial halving.

Seven years since the firstinitial coin offering (ICO), the total market capitalization of crypto assets stands at$357 billion. Market valuations have been notoriously volatile in December 2017 Bitcoin hit an all-time-high of $20,000 only to lose84 percent of its value by the same time next year.

Some have dismissed bitcoin as a fad, evoking parallels with other great historical manias like theDutch tulip bulb frenzy of the 1630s, theSouth Sea bubble of the 1710s and the US stock market orgies of the 1920s and 1990s.

Indeed, one of the core contentions with cryptocurrencies is their speculative nature; the broad correction that occurred in 2018 points to the threat of collapse. Digital gold comparisons aside,questions linger over their reliability as a store of value and means of exchange in other words, the classic properties of money. Theirenvironmental impact cannot be dismissed either.

To mitigate the problem of volatility is a category of cryptocurrencies called stablecoins, which can be pegged to a currency or exchange-traded commodities. Many new issuers have entered the stablecoin market in recent years (Tether being the major one) with the total value of issued US dollar stablecoins reaching almost$3 billion by 2019.

After bitcoins meteoric rise into themainstream in 2015 and the subsequentcrypto boom in 2017, financial institutions and governments alike could no longer ignore the growth of digital currencies anddecentralised finance (DeFi) projects.

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are not localised to a particular country or region. Due to its decentralised nature, bitcoins circulation has largely circumvented regulatory oversight or monetary policy that traditionally is enforced upon private currencies and e-money.

For new technology enthusiasts and those who want to build a world outside the control of state machineries and regulatory authorities, cryptocurrencies are revolutionary for some, even the basis for a post-capitalist future in which nations have withered away.

For governments and central banks, its very design undermines notions of national sovereignty and how fiat money functions.

Meanwhile, unregulated exchanges are also expanding incredibly fast. Mature blockchain startups are gaining market share and a new crypto services industry is taking shape as part of the evolution towardsWeb 3.0, or the next iteration of the Internet premised on decentralised tenets.

New consumer products range fromDIY index fund creators,bitcoin derivatives,crypto wallet-cum-domain registrars,decentralised exchange aggregators,interest-earning savings accounts, todividend reinvestment plans.

If the industry is able to move beyond the current phase of speculation and volatility, and build more institutional structures, crypto assets have the potential to play a pivotal role in underpinning a new financial architecture.

But some technology expertswarn that for all the promise of new cryptographic systems, it could take between five to ten years to harden. For any country that decides to transition, a substantial amount of risk is inevitable.

An evolving regulatory landscape

As with any emerging market, regulators are having to play catch up, tasked with protecting the public and maintaining market stability while not stifling innovation.

Last June, G20 memberspublished a request for a global regulatory framework to be implemented to manage the benefits and challenges of the emerging crypto ecosystem.

Yet, something as fundamental as classification evades consensus: Are cryptocurrencies an entirelynew asset class? Are they monetary, commodities, taxable property?

Within the first few months of 2020 alone,French,German andAustralian authorities issued decisions with three different interpretations of bitcoin: as a currency, a financial instrument, and a security.

Regulators have particularly honed on the risks crypto assets pose concerningterrorism,money laundering, and other forms of financial crime. A US Drug Enforcement Administrationreport warned that virtual currencies like bitcoin enable transnational criminal organisations to easily transfer illicit proceeds internationally.

Globally, regulatory approaches have been divergent, albeit constantly evolving.

South Korea, which experienced arguably the greatestcrypto mania to date, has seen proactive government intervention. In March, the National Assembly passed one of the worldsfirst comprehensive cryptocurrency laws that will provide the framework for regulation and legalisation of cryptocurrencies and exchanges.

Japan recognises Bitcoin as a currency and was the first country to have enacted a law defining Virtual Currency as a legal term. Amendments to laws that regulate crypto in Japan werepassed this May, tightening measures aimed at helping the marketmature in the long run.

Singapore, commonly referred to as one of the worlds cryptohavens, has fostered a balanced legal and regulatory regime. In June, the carpooling app Ryde became theworlds first ride-sharing company to incorporate crypto as a native payment method.

By contrast, China has one of the most restrictive crypto environments in the world, having banned all ICOs and domestic crypto exchanges in 2017. It still permits crypto mining activities at its peak China was home to over 80 percent of the worlds bitcoin miners although it hascracked down on those operations too. Last month, the supreme courtcalled for stronger protections of digital currency rights.

In India, where a cashless economy is actively promoted, crypto still remains an outlier. The industry has beengrowing exponentially since March, when the supreme courtoverturned the Reserve Bank of Indias prohibition on banks providing services to crypto-related entities. Three months later however, the government wasreconsidering a blanket ban.

Russia meanwhile has been hostile to the industry. At the end of last month, Russian President Vladimir Putinsigned the first of two bills on digital assets into law that makes it illegal to issue and trade crypto on Russian-based infrastructure.

The UKs Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) took over as the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF) supervisor last October and since the jurisdiction officially came into effect on January 10, all UK crypto firms aremandated to register with the agency and operate under its supervision within a year or be forced to terminate all activity

In January, the5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive came into effect, requiring registration of crypto exchanges with financial regulators and the transfer of client wallet addresses to them. While bitcoin has legal status in the EU there exists no overarching framework, leaving member states to forge their own regulatory paths.

Malta has taken a very progressive approach and positioned itself as a global leader in crypto regulation. While not legal tender, cryptocurrency exchanges are, and in 2018 the government introducedlandmark legislation that defined a regulatory framework and addressed AML/CFT concerns.

Portugal has pushed the spread of crypto withtechnological free zones. As thefirst European country to develop rules governing ICOs, Gibraltar is positioning itself as acrypto hotspot this year, attracting firms with regulations that grant formal licenses.

Switzerland has long been a blockchain startup magnet; the city of Zug was nicknamed Crypto Valley during the 2017 bonanza. In July, the Swiss governmentpassed a legislative package intended to encourage crypto businesses by lowering legal barriers to applications of blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

In the US and Canada, a piecemeal approach prevails where federal and state regulators claim portions of the regulatory responsibility. At the federal level, both countries view cryptocurrencies as securities. However, provincial and state regulation differ in their taxation requirements of profits from crypto investments.

The US does not prohibit cryptocurrencies but it is still not integrated into the countrys financial structure. Glen Goodman, the author of The Crypto Trader, highlights afundamental tension: the US government has an interest in maintaining the dollars dominant position in global finance and encouraging cryptocurrencies would ultimately undermine that power.

The sovereign strikes back

While cryptocurrencies challenge the primacy of the state and its monopoly on creating, printing and control of legal tender, the recent development of state-sanctioned, sovereign-backed cryptocurrencies reveals that states (along with Big Tech platforms and financial institutions) have begun to maneuver and adapt to this disruptive landscape.

Central banks have since begun exploring the concept of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) through the creation ofresearch and working groups, as have international organisations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in addition to aCBDC Group think tank.

ABIS survey published in January showed that advanced economies were actively analysing the potential impact of stablecoins, with central banks like the US Federal Reserve, European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of England (BoE) and Bank of Japan (BoJ) all actively exploring the space.

In contrast to bitcoin and other decentralised digital currencies, CBCDs are issued and tracked by central banks. They are intended to be digital versions of fiat currencies and represent many of the same features. CBDCs attempt to upgrade payment infrastructure, while bitcoin is an attempt to upgrade money.

The launch of Facebooks stablecoin Libra, announced in the summer of 2019, undoubtedly raised the stakes. Here was an entity with 2.7 billion users proposing to institute aprivate parallel currency that would bypass central banks, regulators and existing currency systems.

State authorities naturally feared their monetary autonomy was at risk of being undermined by a privately centralised digital currency.

Libra has been a motivating factor behind the pursuit by governments to begin issuing their own digital currencies and a key impetus behind Chinas launching its own sovereign digital currency project.

Against the backdrop of a trade war, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg cautioned Congress to support Libra lest the Chinese get a head start in the digital currency arms race. Anxiety that the yuan could be cut out from Libras basket of currencies was duly registered by Chinese bankers.

Beijing then moved into high gear. On October 24, 2019, a day now called China Blockchain Day, President Xi Jinping announced the rollout of the countrys state-sanctioned cryptocurrency called the Digital Currency and Electronic Payment (DCEP), linked to the yuan on a 1-to-1 basis.

The contrast was clear. While Libra sought to challenge government authority over legal tender, Chinas DCEP reinforces state control, discarding paper currency not central banks.

In late April, Chinatrialledthe digital yuan in four cities: Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chengdu and Xiongan. The trial was adopted into the cities monetary systems, with some government employees and public servants receiving salaries in the digital currency and select food and retail outlets also involved.

By running the most advanced simulation to date, China is well on its way to launching the worlds first official digital currency.

There aremultiple motivations behind Beijings drive to tokenise the yuan.

For one, Beijing understood bitcoins popularity in China and the potential of cryptocurrencies to usurp the states money-printing capabilities. While the response was a ban at first, it was savvy enough to convert cryptocurrencys most beneficial aspects to serve state goals: reducing transaction costs for business and friction in P2P payment; easier cross-border payments; and potentially bringing millions of unbanked Chinese citizens into the system. Not to mention, a more hygienic payment option in a pandemic-ridden world.

Secondly, by developing a sovereign digital currency administered by the People Bank of China (PBOC), a supervisory architecture would be in place tostem capital flight, which China considers high risk despite extensive capital controls currently in place.

There is also a more ambitious long-term goal: internationalisation of the yuan. If widely implemented, the expectation is that a digital yuan would compete with the US dollar-denominated financial order and make attacks on and speculation of the yuan harder something PBOC governor Yi Gang has madeexplicit.

Another ambition of the DCEP is to regionalise the currency and tie it to Chinas expansive Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). To accelerate adoption, what if Beijing makes it a condition for recipient countries taking loans to accept the digital yuan?

With pressure mounting to catch up with China, the BoJ has prioritised adigital yen and confirmed that it will be considered as part of this years legislative agenda. The Philippine central bank has alsocommissioned CBDC research.

Project Ubin, designed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in partnership with state-owned investor Temasek and US investment bank JP Morgan, just completed itsfifth phase and has branched out to capital markets, supply chain finance and insurance. With the Singaporean blockchain payments initiative moving closer to commercialisation, it could eventually form the basis of a global payments platform for central banks.

There are shadier sides to CBDCs too. Venezuela created its own cryptocurrency the Petro designed to skirt US sanctions on the countrys oil trade business and secure liquidity for the Maduro regime in the face of exorbitant inflation and a collapsing economy.

The Petro was met with major resistance from the US, and Donald Trumps executive order ban might set aprecedent for how future (foreign) state-backed cryptocurrencies will be regulated by Washington.

In each of these cases, a clear theme has emerged: the state is alive and well, and not going away anytime soon.

Amid the fallout of a global pandemic, the managerial role of the state has only increased. With geopolitics slowly shaping the landscape of the cryptosphere, investors that have so far been insulated from government oversight are unlikely to be for much longer.

Centralised digital currencies now present governments with the capacity to upgrade payment infrastructures while retaining fiduciary hegemony, a win-win.

As James Cooper, a law professor and blockchain adviser,poignantly observes: nothing is more centralising than a states control over decentralized technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrency.

For the moment, the libertarian dream of cryptocurrencies being pregnant with the ability to transcend the state apparatus appears premature. Governance mechanisms will continue to exist as long as someone controls the supply of digital money.

The more relevant question to ask now is: have we entered into an era of sovereign digital currencies?

Source: TRT World

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States, sovereignty and the brave new world of cryptocurrencies - TRT World

The League of Entropy Launches Production Drand Network, Providing the First Publicly Verifiable Distributed Randomness Beacon – PRNewswire

WASHINGTON, Aug. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Today a consortium of technology companies and universities launched an upgraded public randomness network. Drand is a distributed randomness beacon that generates verifiable, unpredictable, and unbiasable random numbers as a service available for all. Drand's largest deployment is known as the League of Entropy, and its founding members include Cloudflare, cole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Kudelski Security, Protocol Labs, and the University of Chile. With the upgraded drand network, the consortium also announced its expanded member list, now also including C4DT, ChainSafe, cLabs, Emerald Onion, Ethereum Foundation, IC3, PTisp, Tierion,and UCL, and a new model of collaborative governanceto better protect drand for its users.

The upgrade to drand, which was initially developed by Nicolas Gailly at the DEDIS laboratory and first launched as an experimental research network in 2019, includes many new features and architecture improvements to make it a production-level service. The updates include a three-layered network architecture, deployment and network monitoring tools, a full specification and security model and more.

Filecoin, Protocol Labs' decentralized storage network, is the first production user of drand. Drand's randomness values record the consensus of all clients on the correct history of the Filecoin blockchain and powers the leader elections that decide which miner will publish a new block to the blockchain, which ensures the Filecoin blockchain continues to grow.

The League of Entropy believes that drand can become a fundamental internet service.

David Dias, P2P Software Engineer and Researcher at Protocol Labs, said, "We're thrilled to make the upgraded drand network available for the world to access. Drand has the potential to transform the internet as we know it by offering an unbiasable and publicly verifiable randomness beacon. We look forward to seeing how drand gets used by mission critical and high value operations, such as new blockchain systems, like Filecoin."

Nick Sullivan, Head of Research at Cloudflare, said, "The League of Entropy is creating the basis for future systems to leverage trustworthy public randomness online, and the new collaborative governance will only improve its ability to do so. We're excited to watch drand help prevent bias and detect manipulation in elections, lotteries, and distributed ledger platforms, and improve the Internet for generations to come."

Ryan Spanier, VP of Innovation at Kudelski Security, said,"We are excited to launch the next iteration of the drand network, and are proud to provide three secure, trusted sources of randomness fully monitored by our Cyber Fusion Center. Issues in randomness generation remain among the most common vulnerabilities uncovered by our cryptography audit teams and we hope that drand will contribute to build a safer digital space."

Randomness is crucial for nearly every sector of modern society from voting systems and traffic management to financial services and secure communications. In order for public randomness to be practical, it needs to be unpredictable, verifiable, bias-resistant, decentralized, and always available, which drand achieves.

To learn more about drand, visit their new website at

About the League of Entropy

The League of Entropy is a consortium of organizations that are working together to produce a truly random beacon. Members currently include C4DT, ChainSafe, cLabs, Cloudflare, Emerald Onion, EPFL, Ethereum Foundation, IC3, Kudelski Security, Protocol Labs, PTisp, Tierion, UCLand the University of Chile. Every other existing randomness beacon is generated by an individual entity, which means that an adversary would need to take control of only one party to tamper with randomness. This is the first time ever that a randomness beacon is run by several organizations in concert. The League of Entropy has created a global unbiased beacon that can be cryptographically verified, an industry first.

SOURCE The League of Entropy

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The League of Entropy Launches Production Drand Network, Providing the First Publicly Verifiable Distributed Randomness Beacon - PRNewswire

The actions of Trump guests at N.J. golf club should concern us all, Murphy says –

President Donald Trumps guests at his Bedminster golf club Friday evening engaged in behavior that should concern us all, Gov. Phil Murphy said Monday.

You see people inside on top of each other, Murphy said at his coronavirus press briefing. We all ought to be really concerned. Thats where the flareups are coming from.

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Earlier this month, Murphy tightened the rules for indoor gatherings, restricting them to no more than 25 people, except for weddings, funerals and religious and political events.

Photos of Trumps Friday press conference showed Bedminster golf club members congregating in the back of the ballroom to watch the event, cheering the president. Many did not wear masks.

Asked about the guests, Trump said they took advantage of Murphys exemption.

You know, you have an exclusion in the law, Trump said. It says exactly political activity or peaceful protests. And you can call it political activity, but Id call it peaceful protests because they heard you were coming up. And they know the news is fake. They understand it better than anybody.

Murphy said the exemption on crowd size was for outdoor protests, not those inside a room.

The First Amendment protests relate to outdoor activities principally, and not indoors, he said. Any pictures of people inside on top of each other without wearing face coverings top of each other should concern us all.

The guests wore masks when they attended Trumps Saturday press conference, according to White House pool reports. They watched the president sign four executive orders designed to address the coronavirus-caused recession.

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The actions of Trump guests at N.J. golf club should concern us all, Murphy says -

DARPA’s AI-powered jet fight will be held virtually due to COVID-19 – AI News

An upcoming event to display and test AI-powered jet fighters will now be held virtually due to COVID-19.

We are still excited to see how the AI algorithms perform against each other as well as a Weapons School-trained human and hope that fighter pilots from across the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, as well as military leaders and members of the AI tech community will register and watch online, said Col. Dan Javorsek, program manager in DARPAs Strategic Technology Office.

Its been amazing to see how far the teams have advanced AI for autonomous dogfighting in less than a year.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is using the AlphaDogfight Trial event to recruit more AI developers for its Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program.

The upcoming event is the final in a series of three and will finish with a bang as the AI-powered F-16 fighter planes virtually take on a human pilot.

Regardless of whether the human or machine wins the final dogfight, the AlphaDogfight Trials is all about increasing trust in AI, Javorsek added.

If the champion AI earns the respect of an F-16 pilot, well have come one step closer to achieving effective human-machine teaming in air combat, which is the goal of the ACE program.

The first event was held in November last year with early algorithms:

A second event was held in January this year demonstrating the vast improvements made with the algorithms over a relatively short period of time. The algorithms took on adversaries created by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab:

The third and final event will be streamed live from the Applied Physics Lab (APL) from August 18th-20th.

Eight teams will fly against five APL-developed adversary AI algorithms on day one. On day two, teams will fly against each other in a round-robin tournament.

Day three is when things get most exciting, with the top four teams competing in a single-elimination tournament for the AlphaDogfight Trials Championship. The winning teams AI will then fly against a real F-16 pilot to test the AIs abilities against a human.

ACE envisions future air combat eventually being conducted without putting human pilots at risk. In the meantime, DARPA hopes the initiative will help improve human pilots trust in fighting alongside AI.

Prior registration is required to view the event. Non-US citizens must register prior to August 11th while Americans have until August 17th.

You can register for the event here.

(Image Credit: DARPA)

Interested in hearing industry leaders discuss subjects like this? Attend the co-located 5G Expo, IoT Tech Expo, Blockchain Expo, AI & Big Data Expo, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo World Series with upcoming events in Silicon Valley, London, and Amsterdam.

Tags: ace, ai, air force, alphadogfight, artificial intelligence, combat, darpa, f-16, Featured, fighter plane, military, usa

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DARPA's AI-powered jet fight will be held virtually due to COVID-19 - AI News

Ben Domenech Clashes With Joe Trippi Over Censorship Of Trump’s Social Media – The Federalist

Federalist publisher Ben Domenech highlighted the dangers of social media companies censoring President Trumps comments about kids being almost immune to Covid-19 on Media Buzz on Sunday, slamming Democratic strategist Joe Trippi for appearing to suggest Facebook and Twitter were right to take down clips of the presidents remarks.

The most concerning part of [this issue] is the aspect of Facebook and Twitter, major media outlets we do have to think of them as media entities taking down clips of the presidential interview, Domenech said. The people deserve to be able to hear what their president has to sayIt is extremely troubling to me that any kind of entity, especially one with the kind of power Facebook and Twitter have, would eliminate that type of interview from the public eye as if its something that needs to be shut down or eliminated from the conversation.

I think it is important for Facebook and Twitter and these social media when you start to use things like children are immune and that starts to move, theres a lot of damage that can be done from making that argument, Trippi responded.

Its problematic that that happened, he admitted of social media companies decision to take down Trumps comments. But there is a real question there when you have that kind of information flowing from the president of the United States.

Are you saying this is a good thing they took down what the president of the United States was saying? Domenech asked.

Thats not what I was saying. I was saying that I think its a good thing for this show to talk about, to have shows like this that talk about that because I think it is theres a big theres danger on both sides of what youre saying and what the president said, Trippi insisted.

In an Oval Office interview with Domenech in June, President Trump said he expects to be banned by Twitter before Election Day.

Watch Domenech and Trippis conversation here:

Elle Reynolds is an intern at the Federalist, and a senior at Patrick Henry College studying government and journalism. You can follow her work on Twitter at @_etreynolds.

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Ben Domenech Clashes With Joe Trippi Over Censorship Of Trump's Social Media - The Federalist

Cryptocurrency Market Update: Bitcoin flirts with $12,000, Cosmos and Band Protocol lead the altcoin rally – FXStreet

Bitcoin is leading the market with considerable gains on Monday following a weekend characterized by stability at $11,500. The impressive price action pushed BTC above $12,000 but stalled short of $12,100. An intraday high was traded at $12,083 cut shot the momentum resulting in a reversal below $12,000. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is pivotal at $12,000, although buyers lack the energy to keep the price above this same level.

The daily chart shows that consolidation is likely to take precedence in the short term. The RSI is currently horizontal at 70 (significantly lower than the levels seen during the last week of July and the first week of August). The MACD also highlights a sideways price action. If this consolidation would be a stepping stone for gains above $13,000, it is something that we will have to wait to see. For now, establishing higher support seems to be the wisest action to make.

Read more:Cryptocurrency Market News: Bitcoin attacks $12,000 as selected altcoins roar

Cosmos is among the best performing cryptocurrencies in the market. In the last 24 hours, this token has surged over 20% to trade highs of $5.88 from the lowest level traded in August at $3.50. As reported during the Asian hours, ATOM is holding well in the hands of the bulls despite the minor correction to $5.64 (prevailing market value).

The price also extended the action above the moving averages with the 50 SMA and 200 SMA holding positions at $4.78 and $4.22. Other key support areas include $5.50, $5.00 and $4.00. ATOM/USD 1-hour chart.

Read more:Cosmos Price Forecast: ATOM/USD goes ballistic eyeing $6.00 critical level

Band Protocol price update

BAND/USD is flying the bullish flag pattern high in the skies following gains of over 34% in the last 24 hours. After starting the month of August trading around $4.21, Band Protocol has more than quadrupled its value trading highs of $18.00. At the time of writing, the digital currency is trading at $15.51 following a minor retreat. The token is still in the bulls hands with gains towards $20.00 still possible in the near term.

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Cryptocurrency Market Update: Bitcoin flirts with $12,000, Cosmos and Band Protocol lead the altcoin rally - FXStreet

Why we should be wary of any attempt to dismantle the NRA – Bangor Daily News

The attorney general of New York has sued to seek the dissolution of the National Rifle Association, alleging fraud and abuse in the way the NRAs chief executive and other officials ran the operation. Given that the NRA has played such a powerfully destructive role in U.S. politics, fighting against gun regulations that demonstrably save lives, its tempting to react with applause.

Yet even liberals who oppose the NRAs mission should take a deep breath and ask: Do we really want an elected attorney general to try to destroy a prominent nongovernmental organization that is arrayed on the other side of the political spectrum from her? What if this were Alabama and the organization were the NAACP? Or Tennessee and the ACLU?

If an organization has really fallen into a condition of fundamental corruption, a state attorney general can demand that it get new leaders, or replace its board of directors and its management in their entirety. Maybe New York Attorney General Letitia James is prepared to settle the case against the NRA with that sort of an organizational overhaul.

But asking the court not to order the reform of the organization, but to dismantle and dissolve it altogether, creates the impression that the attorney general is trying to use the legal system to intervene in the very political dispute in which the NRA is such an important player: the fight over Second Amendment rights and gun control.

It should go without saying that it would be entirely improper for a state official or a federal official, for that matter to use the awesome enforcement power of the government to target advocacy organizations with whose policies the official strongly disagrees. That is the kind of politicization of the legal system that President Donald Trump has tried to promote during his four years in office.

It is no answer to this set of concerns to say that the NRA can just leave New York and incorporate itself somewhere else (like Texas, as Trump suggests). And its not primarily that there would be real-world costs in shifting the organizations location.

The very fact of the lawsuit sends and is presumably at least in part intended to send a message that conservative political organizations are not welcome in progressive New York. You can see where that leads. Progressive organizations then will not be welcome in conservative states. In both environments, partisan, elected attorneys general, who often aspire to become governors, will develop the practice of targeting nonprofit groups that are politically unpopular in their states.

The consequences go beyond the use of the legal system for political aims. They reach all the way to the fundamental right to free association. Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court case that established the modern free association right involved similar issues. NAACP v. Alabama was a 1958 case that arose when Alabama Attorney General John Patterson tried to force the NAACP to reveal the names of all its members in the state. Although the NAACP was chartered in New York, it still needed state approval to operate in Alabama, and the attorney general claimed the NAACP hadnt qualified for that approval and couldnt without providing the names.

The Supreme Court held in a landmark decision that the NAACP and its members had a right to freely associate in order to engage in expressive activities. That right to associate included a right not to disclose the names, the court concluded.

The point of the comparison is only to observe that an attorney general has tremendous power to harass a disfavored organization using purportedly neutral state laws and legal processes to get there.

To be clear, I am not taking a view on whether the NRA leadership has in fact engaged in conduct so egregious that the ordinarily appropriate remedy would be dissolution. I dont know the legally correct answer to that question; no one does yet. A court would have to engage in extensive fact-finding to determine the right answer.

But by seeking to dissolve the NRA, the New York attorney general is knowingly creating a narrative that is potentially costly to the rule of law, that may create terrible precedents for other states and that potentially implicates the First Amendment.

This is a situation where the importance of the First Amendment has relevance for the Second Amendment. The NRA is wrong about what the Second Amendment means. But it should enjoy an unimpeded First Amendment right to argue for that incorrect and dangerous interpretation of the Second.

Noah Feldman is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and a professor of law at Harvard University.


Why we should be wary of any attempt to dismantle the NRA - Bangor Daily News

Federal judge rules wedding receptions in New York state can be held at 50 percent capacity and not capped at 50 people – WKBW-TV

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) A federal judge has delivered some much-needed relief to frustrated brides-to-be in New York, issuing a temporary injunction allowing wedding receptions to be held at 50 percent of the venue's capacity and not be capped at 50 people.

Judge Glenn Subbady of the Northern District of New York ruled in favor of two couples with weddings booked at the Arrowhead Golf Club in Akron, who-- along with the co-owner of the club-- sued Governor Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Letitia James, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, the Erie County Department of Health, and the Empire State Development Corporation.

The couples claimed the restrictions put in place by the governor's executive order in March at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic violated their First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights, stating the "restriction will deprive Plaintiffs of an 'irreplaceable life event' (i.e., their ability to have a wedding that allows their friends and family to participate to the full extent contemplated by their Christian faith)."

The ruling allows wedding reception halls to operate at the same level of service as restaurants, which is 50 percent capacity for indoor dining.

"The judge's decision is irresponsible at best, as it would allow for large, non-essential gatherings that endanger public health," a spokesperson for the governor told 7 Eyewitness News in response to the ruling. "We will pursue all available legal remedies immediately and continue defending the policies that have led New York to having - and maintaining - one of the lowest infection rates in the country, while cases continue to rise in dozens of other states."

Judge Subbady's ruling states wedding venues and guests must comply with the same rules in place for restaurants, including tables placed at least six-feet apart from one another and mandatory face coverings when not seated.

See more here:

Federal judge rules wedding receptions in New York state can be held at 50 percent capacity and not capped at 50 people - WKBW-TV

Artificial Intelligence in Sports Market 2020 | In-Depth Study On The Current State Of The Industry And Key Insights Of The Business Scenario By 2026…

The Global Artificial Intelligence in Sports Market Research Report methodically describes every component of the market and assists the reader in evaluating the current and future market trends and formulate business expansion strategies. The key growth trends and opportunities are offered through a comprehensive investigation and examination of the market. A detailed course of development is provided in the report, along with insights into businesses connected with it, which include firms, industries, organizations, vendors, and local manufacturers. Better products and services to gain global and regional market share form the competitive landscape of the industry.

The report is studied with reference to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has impacted several segments of the market on both the global and regional levels. The market report comprises of extensive research done on the current and in the post-COVID-19 scenario for the market. The study covers the present and future impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the market.

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The report provides an in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape and covers profiles of key players, along with their product portfolios and business strategies.

Key players of the market mentioned in the report are:

Amazon Inc.,Anodot, AOL Inc.,Apple Inc,Google Inc.,Graphcore,,Haier Group Corporation,Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE),Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.,IBM Corporation,Imagen Technologies,Inbenta Technologies Inc.,Intel Corporation,InteliWISE,IPsoft Inc.,iRobot Corp.,Juniper Networks, Inc.,Koninklijke Philips N.V.,Kreditech,KUKA AG,Leap Motion Inc.,LG Electronics,Lockheed Martin,MAANA,Micron Technology,Microsoft Corporation,MicroStrategy Incorporated,Miele,Motion Controls Robotics Inc.,Neurala,NewtonX,

The global Artificial Intelligence in Sports market has been exponentially growing on a global scale. The upstream raw materials, increase in the population, expanding regions, demand and supply, and advancements in technologies have contributed to the increasing growth figures. Various analytical tools like SWOT analysis, Porters Five Forces analysis, and others are implemented in the study to provide a deeper analysis of the market and its competitive landscape. Furthermore, the report covers market history, changing scenarios, demand and supply, manufacturing, production and consumption ratio, and technological developments.

The report further studies the segmentation of the market based on product types offered in the market and their end-use/applications.

Market has been divided by Technology as:

Market has been divided by Application as:

Market has been divided by Deployment as:

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Regional bifurcation mentioned in the Artificial Intelligence in Sports market report:

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Artificial Intelligence in Sports Market 2020 | In-Depth Study On The Current State Of The Industry And Key Insights Of The Business Scenario By 2026...

QUANTUM COMPUTING : Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, (form 10-Q) –

This quarterly report on Form 10-Q and other reports filed Quantum Computing,Inc. (the "Company" "we", "our", and "us") from time to time with the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") contain or may containforward-looking statements and information that are based upon beliefs of, andinformation currently available to, the Company's management as well asestimates and assumptions made by Company's management. Readers are cautionednot to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are onlypredictions and speak only as of the date hereof. When used in the filings, thewords "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "future," "intend," "plan,"or the negative of these terms and similar expressions as they relate to theCompany or the Company's management identify forward-looking statements. Suchstatements reflect the current view of the Company with respect to future eventsand are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors,including the risks contained in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company'sAnnual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, relatingto the Company's industry, the Company's operations and results of operations,and any businesses that the Company may acquire. Should one or more of theserisks or uncertainties materialize, or should the underlying assumptions proveincorrect, actual results may differ significantly from those anticipated,believed, estimated, expected, intended, or planned.Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in theforward-looking statements are reasonable, the Company cannot guarantee futureresults, levels of activity, performance, or achievements. Except as required byapplicable law, including the securities laws of the United States, the Companydoes not intend to update any of the forward-looking statements to conform thesestatements to actual results.Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principlesgenerally accepted in the United States ("GAAP"). These accounting principlesrequire us to make certain estimates, judgments and assumptions. We believe thatthe estimates, judgments and assumptions upon which we rely are reasonable basedupon information available to us at the time that these estimates, judgments andassumptions are made. These estimates, judgments and assumptions can affect thereported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the financialstatements as well as the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during theperiods presented. Our financial statements would be affected to the extentthere are material differences between these estimates and actual results. Inmany cases, the accounting treatment of a particular transaction is specificallydictated by GAAP and does not require management's judgment in its application.There are also areas in which management's judgment in selecting any availablealternative would not produce a materially different result. The followingdiscussion should be read in conjunction with our financial statements and notesthereto appearing elsewhere in this report.OverviewAt the present time, we are a development stage company with limitedoperations. The Company is currently developing "quantum ready" softwareapplications and solutions for companies that want to leverage the promise ofquantum computing. We believe the quantum computer holds the potential todisrupt several global industries. Independent of when quantum computingdelivers compelling performance advantage over classic computing, the softwaretools and applications to accelerate real-world problems must be developed todeliver quantum computing's full promise. We specialize in quantumcomputer-ready software application, analytics, and tools, with a mission todeliver differentiated performance using non-quantum processors in thenear-term.We are leveraging our collective expertise in finance, computing, mathematicsand physics to develop a suite of quantum software applications that may enableglobal industries to utilize quantum computers, quantum annealers and digitalsimulators to improve their processes, profitability, and security. We primarilyfocus on the quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) formulation,which is equivalent to the Ising model implemented by hardware annealers, bothnon-quantum from Fujitsu and others and quantum from D-Wave Systems, and alsomappable to gate-model quantum processors. We have built a software stack thatmaps and optimizes problems in the QUBO form and then solves them powerfully oncloud-based processors. Our software is designed to be capable of running onboth classic computers and on annealers such as D-Wave's quantum processor. Weare also building applications and analytics that deliver the power of oursoftware stack to high-value discrete optimization problems posed by financial,bio/pharma, and cybersecurity analysts. The advantages our software delivers canbe faster time-to-solution to the same results, more-optimal solutions, ormultiple solutions. 19

Products and Products in Development

The Company is currently working on software products to address, communitydetection (analysis for pharmaceutical applications and epidemiology),optimization of job shop scheduling, logistics, and dynamic route optimizationfor transportation systems. The Company is continuing to seek out difficultproblems for which our technology may provide improvement over existingsolutions.

We are continuing to develop software to address two classes of financialoptimization problems: Asset allocation and Yield Curve Trades. For assetallocation, our target clients are the asset allocation departments of largefunds, who we envision using our application to improve their allocation ofcapital into various asset classes.

Three Months Ended June 30, 2020 vs. June 30, 2019

Gross margin for the three months ended June 30, 2020 was $0 as compared with $0for the comparable prior year period. There was no gross margin because theCompany has not yet commenced marketing and selling products or services.

Six Months Ended June 30, 2020 vs. June 30, 2019

Gross margin for the Six months ended June 30, 2020 was $0 as compared with $0for the comparable prior year period. There was no gross margin because theCompany has not yet commenced marketing and selling products or services.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The following table summarizes total current assets, liabilities and workingcapital at June 30, 2020, compared to December 31, 2019:

Off Balance Sheet Arrangements

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

We have identified the accounting policies below as critical to our businessoperations and the understanding of our results of operations.

The Company's policy is to present bank balances under cash and cashequivalents, which at times, may exceed federally insured limits. The Companyhas not experienced any losses in such accounts.

Net loss per share is based on the weighted average number of common shares andcommon shares equivalents outstanding during the period.

Edgar Online, source Glimpses

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QUANTUM COMPUTING : Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, (form 10-Q) -