Mobile Encryption Technology Market to Deliver Greater Revenues during the Forecast Period until 2027 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper – KSU | The…

The latest ResearchMoz report on the Global Mobile Encryption Technology Market offers complete study of all factors responsible for the growth of this market during forecast period of 2021 to 2027. The study presented in this report covers data on drivers and restraints of the market for Mobile Encryption Technology. This aside, it sheds light on various historical trends along with their impact on the overall market growth. In addition to this, the report provides dependable forecasts on potential trends in the global Mobile Encryption Technology market.

This study offers detailed data on shares, volume, and revenue of the global Mobile Encryption Technology market during forecast period of 2021 to 2027. This aside, the assessment presents all technological advancements and product development activities in the market. The information provided in the report on Mobile Encryption Technology market works as a guide for industry players while making strategic moves to expand their businesses. The report on the market for Mobile Encryption Technology is helpful for various other important entities such as end-use industries, opinion leaders, investors, and policy makers.

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The report covers reliable data on key players together with competitive landscape of the Mobile Encryption Technology market during the tenure of 2021 to 2027. In addition to this, it delivers data on various strategies including alliances, joint ventures, product launches, regional expansions, partnerships, collaborations, and research and development activities by key players. The study also provides analysis on the impact of these strategies on the development of the Mobile Encryption Technology market in the years ahead.

The report on the Mobile Encryption Technology market includes information on the strategic collaborations. The study also mentions the key players across the Mobile Encryption Technology market. Here are some prominent participants involved in the Mobile Encryption Technology market: McAfee (Intel Corporation), Blackberry, Deutsche Telekom, ESET, Sophos, Symantec Corp, Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd., Dell, IBM, Mobileiron, BeiJing Zhiyou Wangan Tech. Co. Ltd, CSG,Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Proofpoint, Inc., Silent Circle, Adeya SA

Mobile Encryption Technology Market Segmentation

The report contains the market size with 2020 as the base year and an annual forecast up to 2027 in terms of sales (in million USD). For the forecast period mentioned above, estimates for all segments including type and application have been presented on a regional basis. We implemented a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches to market size and analyzed key regional markets, dynamics and trends for different applications.

Mobile Encryption Technology Market Segment by Type:

Mobile Encryption Technology Market Segment by Application:

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This study has a great analysis on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has changed the overall growth projections across various markets. The Mobile Encryption Technology market has also observed various changes in terms of functioning and growth rate. These details have been included in the report.

This study includes regional prospects of the Mobile Encryption Technology market. The details related to the geographical landscape have been studied with scrutiny by the researchers and the data has been included in this study. The regions covered in this report are:

* North America: U.S., Canada, Mexico* South America:Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica* Europe:U.K., Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark* APAC:China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong* Middle East and Africa:Israel, South Africa, Saudi Arabia

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Mobile Encryption Technology Market to Deliver Greater Revenues during the Forecast Period until 2027 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper - KSU | The...

Facebooks proposed move to end-to-end encryption threat to child protection – Yahoo Finance UK


Oggi San Valentino, festa degli innamorati dalle origini molto antiche intrecciandosi alla tradizione pagana e in particolare a quella romana. Nel 496 dopo Cristo l'allora Papa Gelasio I volle porre fine ai lupercalia, gli antichi riti pagani dedicati al dio della fertilit Luperco. Questi riti si celebravano il 15 febbraio, prevedevano festeggiamenti sfrenati ed erano apertamente in contrasto con la morale e l'idea di amore dei cristiani ricorda Focus. Per 'battezzare' la festa dell'amore, il Papa Gelasio I decise di spostarla al giorno precedente, dedicato a San Valentino, facendolo diventare in un certo modo il protettore degli innamorati. Ma il 'merito' moderno di aver consacrato San Valentino come santo patrono dell'amore spetta a Geoffrey Chaucer, l'autore dei 'Racconti di Canterbury', che alla fine del '300 scrisse, in onore delle nozze tra Riccardo II e Anna di Boemia, 'The Parliament of fowls', ('Il parlamento degli uccelli'), un poema in 700 versi che associa Cupido a San Valentino. Che cos divenne il tramite ultraterreno della dimensione dell'amore cortese. Certo che l'amore ai tempi del Covid non affatto semplice, spesso lontano, forse tiepido, addirittura virtuale. Non si festeggia in tempo di pandemia, questo l'imperativo. Se sono molte le coppie 'scoppiate' durante il lockdown, chi ha resistito non certo in vena di romanticismo: le restrizioni in atto e la convivenza forzata hanno spento il desiderio di celebrare San Valentino. E per i single sono poche le frecce di Cupido tra mascherine e igienizzanti. E quanto emerge da un sondaggio condotto dallEurodap (Associazione Europea per il Disturbo da Attacchi di Panico) per l'Adnkronos Salute su 659 persone per indagare come Covid stia incidendo nel rapporto di coppia. In particolare, il 47% ammette che le misure restrittive dovute alla pandemia hanno inciso nella scelta dei festeggiamenti; solo il 23% ha maggiori aspettative e dichiara di avere programmi romantici, nonostante i disagi. Il 39% ha iniziato ad avere difficolt di coppia a causa delle convivenza forzata; per il 21% la vicinanza invece ha contribuito a rinsaldare il rapporto. Per il 73%, infine, la pandemia ha costituito un impedimento alla formazione di nuove relazioni o nelle relazioni a distanza. "Dai dati appare evidente che la pandemia ha sensibilmente inciso nel rapporto di coppia e nella maggior parte dei casi in maniera negativa - spiega Eleonora Iacobelli, psicoterapeuta e presidente Eurodap - E anche la festa degli innamorati questanno sar diversa. A causa delle restrizioni in molti a non potranno celebrare la ricorrenza come da tradizione. Chi si augurava di ritagliare del tempo per la coppia, ad esempio con una fuga romantica, dovr accontentarsi di un pranzo Covid-free e anche le cene galanti, con bar e ristoranti chiusi, saranno da scartare. Chi vive rapporti a distanza non potr ricongiungersi e peggio ancora va per chi single in cerca di amore: la paura del virus rende infatti le nuove conoscenze pi difficili che mai". Ma per quelli che proprio si volessero ostinare, esistono modi 'alternativi' suggeriti dagli esperti, per festeggiare il santo degli innamorati pur rispettando divieti e coprifuoco. Cos il pranzo al ristorante pu essere un sostituto alla cena. Chi aveva in programma una gita fuori porta pu programmare una 'staycation' con cenetta e pernottamento nella propria citt. O passeggiare mano nella mano allaria aperta (magari cantando sotto la pioggia in caso di cattivo tempo). Le coppie che non rinunciano alla tavola pi dolce dell'anno, possono sempre adottare la soluzione del delivery o del takeaway a casa, con - a seguire - maratona di film sentimentali, aspettando il 2022. Gli amanti lontani invece non godranno della compagnia del proprio partner per le restrizioni ancora in vigore e toccher loro accontentarsi di festeggiare 'a distanza' in modi hi-tech, magari donandosi reciprocamente una stella da intitolare all'altro. Una via irta di pericoli si prospetta invece a coloro che sono alla ricerca di un nuovo amore: in questo caso la questione si fa pi spinosa. Anche i pi impavidi e avventati dovranno fare i conti con gli ostacoli rappresentanti da spostamenti ('ndo 'vado?), mascherine (chi sei?) e igienizzanti (sono pulito!). Ma solo per un giorno. Passata la domenica, grazie a Dio luned, tutto torner come prima. Niente panico.

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Facebooks proposed move to end-to-end encryption threat to child protection - Yahoo Finance UK

The global quantum computing race has begun. What will it take to win it? – ZDNet

The UK is now facing a huge challenge: after having secured a top spot in the quantum race, retaining the country's status is going to require some serious stepping up.

National quantum programs and decade-long quantum strategies are increasingly being announced by governments around the world. And as countries unlock billions-worth of budgets, it is becoming clear that a furious competition is gradually unrolling. Nations want to make sure that they are the place-to-be when quantum technologies start showing some real-world value and the UK, for one, is keen to prove that it is a quantum hotspot in the making.

"We have a very successful program that is widely admired and emulated around the world," said Peter Knight, who sits on the strategic advisory for the UK's national quantum technology program (NQTP), as he provided a virtual update on the NQTP's performance so far.

Speaking at an online conference last month, Knight seemed confident. The UK, said the expert, in line with the objectives laid out in the program, is on track to become "the go-to place" for new quantum companies to start, and for established businesses to base all manners of innovative quantum activities.

SEE: Hiring Kit: Computer Hardware Engineer (TechRepublic Premium)

The UK is just over halfway through the NQTP, which saw its second five-year phase kick off at the end of 2019, and at the same timehit an impressive milestone of 1 billion ($1.37 billion) combined investment. This, the government claims, is letting the UK keep pace with competitors who are also taking interest in quantum namely, the US and China.

There is no doubt that the country has made strides in the field of quantum since the start of the NQTP. New ground-breaking research papers are popping up on a regular basis, and so are news reports of rounds of funding from promising quantum startups.

But with still just under half of the national quantum program to carry out, and despite the huge sums already invested, the UK is now facing a bigger challenge yet: after having chased a top spot in the quantum race, retaining the country's status in the face of ferocious competition is going to require some serious stepping up.

Clearly playing in favor of the UK is the country's early involvement in the field. The NQTP was announced as early as 2013, and started operating in 2014, with an initial 270 million ($370 million) budget. The vision laid out in the program includes creating a "quantum-enabled economy", in which the technology would significantly contribute to the UK's economy and attract both strong investment and global talent.

"The national program was one of the first to kick off," Andrew Fearnside, senior associate specializing in quantum technologies at intellectual property firm Mewburn Ellis, tells ZDNet. "There are increasingly more national programs emerging in other countries, but they are a good few years behind us. The fact that there has been this sustained and productive long-term government initiative is definitely attractive."

The EU's Quantum Technologies Flagship, in effect,only launched in 2018; some countries within the bloc,like France, started their own quantum roadmaps on top of the European initiative even later. Similarly, the National Quantum Initiative Act wassigned into law by the Trump administration but that was also in 2018, years into the UK's national quantum technology program.

Since it launched in 2014, there has been abundant evidence of the academic successes of the initial phase of the NQTP. In Birmingham, the Quantum Sensing Hub is developing new types of quantum-based magnetic sensors that could help diagnose brain and heart conditions, while the Quantum Metrology Institute leads the development of quantum atomic clocks. There are up to 160 research groups and universities registered across the UK withprograms that are linked to quantum technologies, working on projects ranging from the design of quantum algorithms to the creation of new standards and verification methods.

A much harder challenge, however, is to transform this strong scientific foundation into business value and as soon as the UK government announced the second phase of the NQTP at the end of 2019,a clear messageemerged: quantum technology needed to come out of the lab, thanks to increased private sector investment that would accelerate commercialization.

Some key initiatives followed. A national quantum computing center was established for academics to work alongside commercial partners such as financial services company Standard Chartered, "possibly with an eye on financial optimization problems," notes Fearnside, given the business'established interest in leveraging quantum technologies. A 10 million ($13 million) "Discovery" program alsolaunched a few months ago, bringing together five quantum computing companies, three universities and the UK's national physical laboratory all for the purpose of making quantum work for businesses.

The government's efforts have been, to an extent, rewarded. The quantum startup ecosystem is thriving in the UK, with companies like Riverlane or Cambridge Quantum Computing completing strong rounds of private financing. In total, up to 204 quantum-related businesses have been listed so far in the country.

But despite these encouraging results, the UK is still faced with a big problem. Bringing university-born innovation to the real worldhas always been a national challenge, and quantum is no exception. A 2018 report from the Science and Technology committee, in fact,gave an early warning of the stumbling blocksthat the NQTP might run into, and stressed the need for improved awareness across industry of the potential of quantum technologies.

The committee urged the government to start conveying the near-term benefits that quantum could provide to businesses something that according to the report, CEOs and company chairs in North America worryingly seem to realize a whole lot better.

It's been three years since the report was published, and things haven't changed much. Speaking at the same forum as the NQTP's Peter Knight, Ian West, a partner at consultancy firm KPMG, said that there remained a huge barrier to the widespread take-up of quantum technologies in the UK. "Some of our clients feel they don't understand the technology, or feel it's one for the academics only," he argued.

"We need that demand from businesses who will be the ultimate users of quantum technologies, to encourage more investment," West added. "We need to do much more to explain the near-term and medium-term use cases for business applications of quantum technologies."

SEE: BMW explores quantum computing to boost supply chain efficiencies

Without sufficient understanding of the technology, funding problems inevitably come. The difficulty of securing private money for quantum stands in stark contrast to the situation across the Atlantic, where investors have historically done a better job of spotting and growing successful technology companies. Add the deep pockets of tech giants such as Google, IBM or Microsoft, which are all pouring money into quantum research, and it is easy to see why North America might have better prospects when it comes to winning the quantum game.

In the worst of cases, this has led to US technology hubs hoovering up some of the best quantum brains in the UK. In 2019, for example, PsiQ, a promising startup that was founded at the University of Bristol with the objective of producing a commercial quantum computer, re-located to Silicon Valley. The movewas reported to be partly motivated by a lack of access to capital in Europe. It was a smart decision: according to the company's latest update, PsiQ hasnow raised $215 million (156 million) in VC funding.

Pointing to the example of PsiQ, Simon King, partner and deep tech investor at VC firm Octopus Ventures, explains that to compete against the US, the UK needs to up its game when it comes to assessing the startups that show promise, and making sure that they are injected with adequate cash.

"The US remains the biggest competitor, with a big concentration of universities and academics and the pedigree and culture of commercializing university research," King tells ZDNet. "Things are definitely moving in the right direction, but the UK and Europe still lag behind the US, where there is a deeper pool of capital and there are more investors willing to invest in game-changing, but long-term technology like quantum."

US-based private investors are only likely to increase funding for the quantum ecosystem in the coming years, and significant amounts of public money will be backing the technology too. The National Quantum Initiative Act that was signed in 2018 came with $1.2 billion (870 million) to be invested in quantum information science over the next five years; as more quantum companies flourish, the budget can be expected to expand even further.

Competition will be coming from other parts of the world as well. In addition to the European Commission's 1 billion ($1.20 billion) quantum flagship, EU countries are also spending liberally on the technology. Germany, in particular, has launched a 2 billion ($2.4 billion) funding program for the promotion of quantum technologies in the country, surpassing by far many of its competitors; but France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland are all increasingly trying to establish themselves as hubs for quantum startups and researchers.

SEE: Less is more: IBM achieves quantum computing simulation for new materials with fewer qubits

Little data is available to measure the scope of the commercialization of quantum technology in China, but the country has made no secret of its desire to secure a spot in the quantum race, too. The Chinese government has ramped up its spending on research and development, and the impact of that investment has already shown in the countryachieving some significant scientific breakthroughs in the field.

In the midst of this ever-more competitive landscape, whether the UK can effectively distinguish itself as the "go-to place" for quantum technologies remains to be seen. One thing is for certain: the country has laid some very strong groundwork to compete. "The UK has some genuinely world-class universities with some really brilliant academics, so while the objective is certainly ambitious, it's not out of the question," argues King.

But even top-notch researchers and some of the most exciting quantum startups might not cut it. The UK has positioned itself well from an early stage in the quantum race, but becoming a frontrunner was only one part of the job. Preserving the country's position for the coming years might prove to be the hardest challenge yet.

See more here:
The global quantum computing race has begun. What will it take to win it? - ZDNet

The Quantum Computing market is expected to grow from USD 472 million in 2021 to USD 1,765 million by 2026, at a CAGR of 30.2% – Yahoo Finance

The early adoption of quantum computing in the banking and finance sector is expected to fuel the growth of the market globally. Other key factors contributing to the growth of the quantum computing market include rising investments by governments of different countries to carry out research and development activities related to quantum computing technology.

New York, Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Quantum Computing Market with COVID-19 impact by Offering, Deployment, Application, Technology, End-use Industry and Region - Global Forecast to 2026" - Several companies are focusing on the adoption of QCaaS post-COVID-19. This, in turn, is expected to contribute to the growth of the quantum computing market. However, stability and error correction issues is expected to restrain the growth of the market.

Services segment is attributed to hold the largest share of the Quantum Computing marketThe growth of services segment can be attributed to the increasing number of startups across the world that are investing in research and development activities related to quantum computing technology. This technology is used in optimization, simulation, and machine learning applications, thereby leading to optimum utilization costs and highly efficient operations in various end-use industries.

Cloud based deployment to witness the highest growth in Quantum Computing market in coming yearsWith the development of highly powerful systems, the demand for cloud-based deployment of quantum computing systems and services is expected to increase.This, in turn, is expected to result in a significant revenue source for service providers, with users paying for access to noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) systems that can solve real-world problems.

The limited lifespan of rapidly advancing quantum computing systems also favors cloud service providers.The flexibility of access offered to users is another factor fueling the adoption of cloud-based deployment of quantum computing systems and services.

For the foreseeable future, quantum computers are expected not to be portable. Cloud can provide users with access to different devices and simulators from their laptops.

Optimization accounted for a major share of the overall Quantum Computing marketOptimization is the largest application for quantum computing and accounted for a major share of the overall Quantum Computing market.Companies such as D-Wave Systems, Cambridge Quantum Computing, QC Ware, and 1QB Information Technologies are developing quantum computing systems for optimization applications.

Networked Quantum Information Technologies Hub (NQIT) is expanding to incorporate optimization solutions for resolving problems faced by the practical applications of quantum computing technology.

Trapped ions segment to witness highest CAGR of Quantum Computing market during the forecast periodThe trapped ions segment of the market is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period as quantum computing systems based on trapped ions offer more stability and better connectivity than quantum computing systems based on other technologies. IonQ, Alpine Quantum Technologies, and Honeywell are a few companies that use trapped ions technology in their quantum computing systems.

Banking and finance is attributed to hold major share of Quantum Computing market during the forecast periodIn the banking and finance end-use industry, quantum computing is used for risk modeling and trading applications.It is also used to detect the market instabilities by identifying stock market risks and optimize the trading trajectories, portfolios, and asset pricing and hedging.

As the financial sector is difficult to understand; the quantum computing approach is expected to help users understand the complexities of the banking and finance end-use industry. Moreover, it can help traders by suggesting them solutions to overcome financial challenges.

APAC to witness highest growth of Quantum Computing market during the forecast periodAPAC region is a leading hub for several industries, including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, banking and finance, and chemicals.Countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea are the leading manufacturers of consumer electronics, including smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles, in APAC.

There is a requirement to resolve complications in optimization, simulation, and machine learning applications across these industries.The large-scale development witnessed by emerging economies of APAC and the increased use of advanced technologies in the manufacturing sector are contributing to the development of large and medium enterprises in the region.

This, in turn, is fueling the demand for quantum computing services and systems in APAC.In APAC, the investments look promising, as most countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea have successfully contained the virus compared with the US and European countries.China is easing the restrictions placed on factory lockdowns and worker movement.

Despite being the epicenter of COVID-19, China has maintained its dominant position as a global network leader.

The break-up of primary participants for the report has been shown below: By Company Type: Tier 1 - 18%, Tier 2 - 22%, and Tier 3 - 60% By Designation: C-level Executives - 21%, Manager Level - 35%, and Others - 44% By Region: North America - 45%, Europe - 38%, APAC - 12%, and RoW - 5%

The Quantum Computing market was dominated by International Business Machines (US), D-Wave Systems (Canada), Microsoft (US), Amazon (US), and Rigetti Computing (US).

Research Coverage:This research report categorizes the Quantum Computing based on offering, deployment, application, technology, end-use industry and region. The report describes the major drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities pertaining to the Quantum Computing market and forecasts the same till 2026.

Key Benefits of Buying the Report

The report would help leaders/new entrants in this market in the following ways:1. This report segments the Quantum Computing market comprehensively and provides the closest market size projection for all subsegments across different regions.2. The report helps stakeholders understand the pulse of the market and provides them with information on key drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities for market growth.3. This report would help stakeholders understand their competitors better and gain more insights to improve their position in the business. The competitive landscape section includes product launches and developments, partnerships, and collaborations.4. This report would help understand the pre and post-COVID-19 scenarios as to how would the penetration of quantum computing will look like for the forecast period. The region segment includes the country wise impact analysis of COVID-19 and initiatives taken to overcome these impacts.

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Originally posted here:
The Quantum Computing market is expected to grow from USD 472 million in 2021 to USD 1,765 million by 2026, at a CAGR of 30.2% - Yahoo Finance

Fujitsu and Entanglement Solve Problems Related to COVID-19 and Other Previously Unsolvable Problems through Quantum-Inspired Technology – PRNewswire

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Feb. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Fujitsu partnered with Entanglement, Inc. to demonstrate and validate the capabilities of the Digital Annealer (DA), a quantum-inspired computing platform and related services, to address large scale logistical combinatorial optimization challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other intractable challenges facing humankind.

From the beginning of the pandemic, provisioning Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to high demand areas continues to pose an enormous logistical challenge. Through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the Department of Defense, Fujitsu and Entanglement offered to deliver a theoretical nationwide optimization model to solve the challenge, optimizing the equitable resource allocation of the potentially available stock of PPE in the United States, while minimizing the mileage and time traveled to emerging hotspots.

A report prepared by the CRADA validated that this highly complex, combinatorial challenge is solvable in seconds using the DA solution, versus days or weeks for other traditional computing algorithms. In fact, one metric in the report the efficiency of overall supply and demand allocation showed the DA outperformed a comparative Evolutionary Algorithm by 90 percent. Using real-time data from an array of public and private sources, Digital Annealer efficiency increases exponentially with the addition of diverse variables and larger datasets.

"Traditional logistics tools are simply too slow and incapable of managing the complexities of these huge combinatorial problems," said Jason Turner, CEO of Entanglement, Inc. "Fujitsu's Digital Annealing technology and related services, in combination with our advanced computational and quantum computing expertise, not only solve these problems quickly, but do so in a way that is scalable, effective, iterative, equitable, and transparent. The best part? The more complex the problem, the more it shines, producing evermore accurate and efficient results the more its stressed."

Fujitsu and Entanglement formed their partnership in May of 2020 based on their common core values, which together aim to deliver advanced technology ecosystems that assist in solving large-scale, human-centric problems for end users. Fujitsu intellectual property and DA technology, combined with Entanglement's intellectual property, domain experience and commitment to demonstrate and accelerate quantum information science and artificial intelligence, created an optimum environment for the two companies to spotlight computing capabilities beyond the reach of traditional computing systems in the market today, and make a significant impact.

"While our initial collaborations centered on commercial prospects leveraging the emerging mobility ecosystem, the COVID-19 pandemic made it abundantly clear we needed to redeploy our conceptual thinking and quickly offer new models that accelerated our response to the virus," said Paul Warburton, Global Head of Mobility DX business at Fujitsu. "Both companies felt and embraced a deep responsibility to use our capabilities for good, and there is no area of greater need today than fighting this pandemic."

The DA solution, related consultancy and professional services, together with the advanced research, experienced team and purpose-built laboratory capabilities from Entanglement, make the particular use case for PPE optimization highly transferrable to a number of different applications in a variety of public and private sector endeavors. Agile and adaptive, the quantum-inspired model is designed to tackle a variety of linear parallel processes including predictive modeling for financial markets and portfolio optimization; supply chain logistics; transport and mobility; drug discovery; diagnosing, preventing and treating disease; predicting and preventing cyber threats; and modeling simulations, to name a few. The DA also adapts to fast-moving environments and integrates with existing systems, making it non-disruptive to ongoing and transforming operations.

Online Resources- More on the Fujitsu Digital Annealer: Read the Fujitsu blog: Follow Fujitsu on Twitter: Follow us on LinkedIn: Find Fujitsu on Facebook: Fujitsu pictures and media server: For regular news updates, bookmark the Fujitsu newsroom:

About FujitsuFujitsu is the leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company offering a full range of technology products, solutions and services. Approximately 130,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 3.9 trillion yen (US$35 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. For more information, please see

About Fujitsu AmericasFujitsu America, Inc. is the parent and/or management company of a group of Fujitsu-owned companies operating in North, Central and South America and Caribbean, dedicated to delivering a comprehensive range of digital transformation solutions and services to clients in the Western Hemisphere. These companies are collectively referred to as Fujitsu Americas. Fujitsu enables clients to meet their business objectives through integrated offerings and solutions, including consulting and professional services, systems integration, managed services, outsourcing and cloud services for infrastructure, platforms and applications; AI and data analytics; and quantum-inspired computing solutions. For more information, please visit: and

About Entanglement, Inc.Entanglement is an early-stage deep technology company dedicated, inter alia, to providing unprecedented commercial access to diverse and advanced computing systems (including quantum computing, high-performance / super- computing and purpose-built computing systems) to a broad range of customers. Focused to accelerate the development of quantum information science (QIS) and artificial intelligence (AI) without enormous up-front capital investment, Entanglement has designed an environment for rapid experimentation and breakthroughs. Through the democratization of these integrated computing capabilities and the experience of its team, the company lowers the barriers to entry for solving seemingly unsolvable real-world problems today. It provides a bridge from classical to quantum computation. Entanglement, together with its partners and customers, push "Beyond Binary." For more information, please visit:

All other company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information provided in this press release is accurate at time of publication and is subject to change without advance notice.

SOURCE Fujitsu America, Inc.

Original post:
Fujitsu and Entanglement Solve Problems Related to COVID-19 and Other Previously Unsolvable Problems through Quantum-Inspired Technology - PRNewswire

A Swiss company claims it used quantum computers to find weakness in encryption – HT Tech

Security experts have long worried that advances in quantum computing could eventually make it easier to break encryption that protects the privacy of peoples data. Thats because these sophisticated machines can perform calculations at speeds impossible for conventional computers, potentially enabling them to crack codes previously thought indecipherable.

Now, a Swiss technology company says it has made a breakthrough by using quantum computers to uncover vulnerabilities in commonly used encryption. The company believes its found a security weakness that could jeopardize the confidentiality of the worlds internet data, banking transactions and emails.

Terra Quantum AG said its discovery upends the current understanding of what constitutes unbreakable encryption and could have major implications for the worlds leading technology companies, such as Alphabet Inc.s Google, Microsoft Corp., and International Business Machines Corp.

Don't miss: ProtonMail, Threema, Tresorit and Tutanota warn EU of risks of weakening encryption

But some other security experts said they arent nearly ready to declare a major breakthrough, at least not until the company publishes the full details of its research. If true, this would be a huge result, said Brent Waters, a computer science professor who specialises in cryptography at the University of Texas at Austin. It seems somewhat unlikely on the face of it. However, it is pretty hard for experts to weigh in on something without it being published.

IBM spokesman Christopher Sciacca said his company has known the risks for 20 years and is working on its own solutions to address the issue of post-quantum security. This is why the National Institute of Science & Technology (NIST) has been hosting a challenge to develop a new quantum safe crypto standard, he said in an email. IBM has several proposals for this new standard in the final round, which is expected in a few years.

Brian LaMacchia, distinguished engineer at Microsoft, said company cryptographers are collaborating with the global cryptographic community to prepare customers and data centers for a quantum future. Preparing for security in a post-quantum world is important not only to protect and secure data in the future but also to ensure that future quantum computers are not a threat to the long-term security of todays information.

Google didnt reply to a message seeking comment.

Terra Quantum AG has a team of about 80 quantum physicists, cryptographers and mathematicians, who are based in Switzerland, Russia, Finland and the US What currently is viewed as being post-quantum secure is not post-quantum secure, said Markus Pflitsch, chief executive officer and founder of Terra Quantum, in an interview. We can show and have proven that it isnt secure and is hackable.

Also read: Heres how an encrypted, locked Android and Apple phone gets bypassed

Pflitsch founded the company in 2019. Hes a former finance executive who began his career as a research scientist at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Terra Quantums research is led by two chief technology officers Gordey Lesovik, head of the Laboratory of Quantum Information Technology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and Valerii Vinokur, a Chicago-based physicist who in 2020 won the Fritz London Memorial Prize for his work in condensed matter and theoretical physics.

The company said that its research found vulnerabilities that affect symmetric encryption ciphers, including the Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES, which is widely used to secure data transmitted over the internet and to encrypt files. Using a method known as quantum annealing, the company said its research found that even the strongest versions of AES encryption may be decipherable by quantum computers that could be available in a few years from now.

Vinokur said in an interview that Terra Quantums team made the discovery after figuring out how to invert whats called a hash function, a mathematical algorithm that converts a message or portion of data into a numerical value. The research will show that what was once believed unbreakable doesnt exist anymore, Vinokur said, adding that the finding means a thousand other ways can be found soon.

Read more: Chinese scientists make world's first light-based quantum computer: Report

The company, which is backed by the Zurich-based venture capital firm Lakestar LP, has developed a new encryption protocol that it says cant be broken by quantum computers. Vinokur said the new protocol utilizes a method known as quantum key distribution.

Terra Quantum is currently pursuing a patent for the new protocol. But the company will make it available for free, according to Pflitsch. We will open up access to our protocol to make sure we have a safe and secure environment, said Pflitsch. We feel obliged to share it with the world and the quantum community.

The US government, like China, has made research in quantum computing research an economic and national security priority, saying that the world is on the cusp of what it calls a new quantum revolution. In addition, technology companies including Google, Microsoft, and IBM have made large investments in quantum computing in recent years.

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A Swiss company claims it used quantum computers to find weakness in encryption - HT Tech

Microsoft Scientists Build Chip That Can Handle Thousands Of Qubits – Analytics India Magazine

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Scientists and engineers at the University of Sydney and Microsoft Corporation have developed a device that can handle thousands of qubits. To put things in perspective, the current state-of-the-art quantum computer can control only 50 qubits at a time.

Scaled-up quantum computers require control interfaces to manipulate or readout a large number of qubits, which usually operate at temperatures close to absolute zero (1 Kelvin or -273 degrees celsius).

The complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology has its limitations due to high thermodynamic dissipation, leading to heating of the fragile quantum bits. Overheating of quantum bits compromises its quantumness, the property of being in two states at the same time (also called superposition).

The current architecture uses multiple connections as every qubit is controlled by external circuitry with a separate electrical connection, generating a lot of heat.

The scientists from the University of Sydney built a CMOS interface between the qubits and the external circuitry, in such a way that the CMOS chip can generate control pulses for multiple qubits, with just four low-bandwidth wires, at 0.1 Kelvin, a temperature 30 times colder than deep space, with ultralow power dissipation.

The interface consists of four low-bandwidth wires at room temperature to provide input signals to the chip, which then configures 32 analogue circuit blocks to control the qubits that use dynamic voltage signals.

Analogue circuit boards use the low leakage of the transistors to generate dynamic voltage signals for manipulating qubits, consuming significantly less power.

Quantum computers are at a similar stage that classical computers were in their 40s when machines needed control rooms to function.

However, this chip, according to the scientists, is the most advanced integrated circuit ever built to operate at deep cryogenic temperatures.

The quantum computers that we have now are still lab prototypes and are not commercially relevant yet. Hence, this is definitely a big step towards building practical and commercially relevant quantum computers, said Mr Viraj Kulkarni, But I think that we are still far away from it.

This is because of the Error Correction. Any computing device always has errors in it and no electronic device can be completely perfect. There are various techniques that computers use to correct those errors.

Now the problem with quantum computing is that qubits are very fragile. Even a slight increase in temperature, vibrations, or even cosmic rays can make qubits lose their quantumness, and this introduces errors. So the key question of whether we can really control these errors is still relevant.

Nivedita Dey, research coordinator at Quantum Research and Development Labs, said the qubit noise is still a roadblock in developing quantum computers.

One of the biggest challenges in implementing a quantum circuit in this Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era is qubit noise, which causes hindrance in commercial availability of fault-tolerant full-scale quantum computers, said Ms Dey.

This approach can be well suited for practical quantum applications and might reduce the number of error-correcting qubits to be associated with noisy qubits, she added.

If quantum computing does prove to be commercially viable, it will open up completely new avenues.

A plane is not just faster than a car, it can also fly, said Mr Kulkarni, drawing an analogy between quantum computers and conventional computers. The idea is that quantum computers are not just faster, but at the same time will provide us with solutions that are better, especially in AI.

Hence, many applications in AI including complex mathematical equations, drug discovery by enabling chemical simulations, or building financial applications to come up with a better strategy will be solved in a faster and efficient way.

In the end its a tool, so any function a conventional computer can achieve, quantum computers will be able to do it faster and better.

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Microsoft Scientists Build Chip That Can Handle Thousands Of Qubits - Analytics India Magazine

Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Shipping Industry’s Efficiency – The Maritime Executive

MOL's 300,000 dwt Brasil Maru bulk carrier (Mitsui O.S. K. Lines)

By The Maritime Executive 02-10-2021 05:39:48

Efforts are progressing to harness emerging technologies to improve the efficiency of shipping operations. Japans Mitsui O.S.K. Lines announced that it is expanding its efforts with artificial intelligence to achieve greater efficiency with routing which will also contribute to lower emissions from their ships.

Building on a partnership that began in 2019, MOL is working with Bearing, a Silicon Valley-based AI technology startup, to improve efficiencies within the maritime industry. Together the two companies are developing a range of products that combine MOL's maritime expertise and Bearing's AI technology infrastructure.

Bearing, according to MOL, is building technologies using highly-accurate ship performance models built off of a diverse set of real-world data points. These AI-powered models with some historical voyage data for certain vessels such as vessel speed, trim, main engine operation, weather, and sea condition allow Bearing to predict metrics like fuel consumption with state-of-the-art accuracy even without vessels' design parameters.

Through various trials and intensive discussions concerning ship modeling, MOL announced that it has developed an AI-powered Smart Routing Engine. This application automatically analyzes multiple potential routes for a given voyage and recommends prudent, efficient routing through the use of optimal main engine output and propeller RPM profiles.

MOL says that it continuously monitors the condition of its fleet to ensure optimum operational efficiency which is being further aided by combining the technologies of Bearing as well as other existing and new solutions. Through the addition of AI technology to the existing voyage routing systems, MOL expects that it will be able to further enhance the operations of its fleet which currently numbers approximately 800 ships in operation.

MOL says that it understands the transformative potential of AI and looks forward to leveraging Bearings AI expertise and background in building scalable AI technology products to further advance operating efficiencies.

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Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Shipping Industry's Efficiency - The Maritime Executive

Tech for Good: Artificial Intelligence Applications that will Improve the Environment and Healthcare in the EU – GlobeNewswire

Stockholm, Sweden, Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Logical Clocks announces three new research projects part of the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme that will benefit from Hopsworks artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to scale deep learning and enhance research focused on understanding environmental changes and improving healthcare in Europe. Hopsworks is the worlds first and most advanced managed Feature Store with an end-to-end AI platform for the development and operation of AI applications at scale.

The European Union leads the world when it comes to leveraging AI for the benefit of the environment and public health comments Jim Dowling, CEO at Logical Clocks and Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. Research is part of our DNA and we are proud to be one of the few AI companies leading projects that will ultimately enhance quality of life, not just in the European Union, but around the world.

AI Applications to Improve HealthcareThe Human Exposome Assessment Platform (HEAP) is building a research platform, leveraging AI capabilities, to reveal the influence of environmental factors on human health, such as the link between airborne particles and predisposition to late-onset disease such as cancer. The project received 11 million funding from the European Union for 11 partners from 6 European countries to combine machine learning with computational statistics and develop powerful statistical modelling tools. With Hopsworks metadata mechanisms, which makes large volumes of data easily searchable, accessible and shareable, the HEAP platform will not only unlock new insights but it will also facilitate sharing data in a secure environment, becoming an open resource for the research communities as well as policy-makers across the world.

AI Applications to Predict Climate ChangesThe DeepCube project tackles, through AI, urgent problems caused by climate change in Europe and the whole Mediterranean region, such as forecasting of localized extreme drought and deadly heat impacts in Africa. The project is part of a consortium formed by 9 organizations from 6 European countries that will combine cutting-edge technologies, such as the Hopsworks platform for machine learning, the Earth System Data Cube, and an advanced visualization tool, to extract meaningful information from a large volume of data and to develop data-driven AI models. Funded with 4 million million by the European Union, the project will develop AI applications by extracting extract data from the Copernicus Earth Observation programme which already produces annually more than 3 petabytes of free, open and high quality data from satellites and from non-conventional data sources, such as social network data, industry-specific data, and sensor data.

AI Applications to Improve Food Security and Navigation SafetyThe ExtremeEarth project focuses on the most concerning issues of food security, such as water availability for irrigation of vegetation growth for the former. Currently 20 percent of the agricultural areas of the world are irrigated, producing 40 percent of the global food. The project is also dedicated to developing near real-time automated sea mapping, positively impacting the maritime sea navigation and safety, thus improving the life of 4 million people living in the Arctic. Currently, sea ice information is available either as ice charts or as satellite data, a practice that requires time consuming expert analysis to produce and, consequently, leads to less frequent updates than desired. With support of 11 organizations, the project is implementing state-of-the-art technologies such as Hopeworks Deep Learning and big data processing of massive amounts of data. ExtremeEarth received 6 million funding from the European Union and it is generating key insights for the development of sustainable practices with high significant financial impacts.

The Hopsworks platform will play a major role in going beyond the current state of the state-of-the-art of AI technologies, especially when addressing large volumes of data and scale-out deep learning, while remaining open source. We will continue to make Hopsworks available for free to researchers across the world to bring answers to problems that concern all of us, comments Dowling.

About Logical ClocksLogical Clocks was founded by the team that created and continues to drive Hopsworks Feature Store, the worlds first and most complete feature store with an end-to-end machine learning platform. With offices in Stockholm, London and Palo Alto, Logical Clocks aims to simplify the process of refining data into intelligence at scale.

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Tech for Good: Artificial Intelligence Applications that will Improve the Environment and Healthcare in the EU - GlobeNewswire

How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming the Textile Industry – IoT For All

As the demand for products such as fitness trackers and wearable technology increases, so does the need for smart textile and smart apparel. According to a recent market report, the global elegant textile market size is expected to reach USD 5.55 billion by 2025.

The rise of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the once labor-intensive textile industry. Computerized machinery is now found in most textile factories, and these machines are far more efficient at creating specific designs on a massive volume than human workers.

New smart apparel products are being created every day. By implementing AI along with technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), edge computing, and cloud data, smart textiles can monitor and communicate the wearers information, including biometric data such as blood pressure, heart rate, perspiration, temperature, and more.

This article will examine how AI is impacting the textile industry, some new use cases, and why ultra-low-power (ULP) technologies are a must to fully unleash AI at the endpoints.

For textile manufacturers, AI is reshaping their entire production process and the way they conduct business. AI can access and collect historical and real-time operational data, providing insights that can improve operational efficiency. When you have a clear view of your operations, it is easier to tweak processes to magnify human workers capabilities.

Whether it is product cost, textile production, quality control, just-in-time manufacturing, data collection, or computer integrated manufacturing, AI leaves an imprint on every part of the process. Some commonly integrated AI applications for textile production include defect detection, pattern inspection, and color matching.

The use of AI has enabled smart apparel, or smart clothes that leverage IoT and electronic sensors to create a better user experience. By leveraging these technologies, smart clothes can offer a more comfortable experience and a more healthcare-focused experience. Below, we will examine some of these new possibilities in the textile industry.

Much like how fitness trackers can help their users live a healthier and more attentive lifestyle, smart apparel combined with electronic sensing technology can do the same. However, since your clothes have a larger area of contact with your body than something like a smartwatch, smart apparel can potentially provide more types of physiological signal measurements.

Smart clothing can enable continuous monitoring of important biometrics, such as our heart rate. With long-term monitoring more feasible, physicians can better identify or diagnose potential cardiac diseases. Smart clothing helps patients collect complete and comprehensive heart-related data, track long-term heart disease, and enhance the detection and diagnosis of heart issues through regular monitoring over an extended period.

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, consumers have emphasized healthcare and medical attention in their wearable products, which is now extending to smart apparel. Clothes embedded with BLE technology can feel, sense, and regulate data, and the development of fabric-based sensors should only improve the overall wearing experience.

Artificial Intelligence isnt the only technology driving forward the textile industry. Cloud data, edge compute, accurate sensors, and ultra-low-power technologies are also necessary components. Especially for smart clothes that rely on BLE and IoT technologies, a long-lasting energy source from their embedded battery must provide a satisfactory and useful consumer experience.

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How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming the Textile Industry - IoT For All