File-Based Encryption | Android Open Source Project

Android 7.0 and later supports file-based encryption (FBE). File-basedencryption allows different files to be encrypted with different keys that canbe unlocked independently.

This article describes how to enable file-based encryption on new devicesand how system applications can be updated to take full advantage of the newDirect Boot APIs and offer users the best, most secure experience possible.

Warning: File-based encryption cannotcurrently be used together with adoptable storage. On devices usingfile-based encryption, new storage media (such as an SD card) must be used astraditional storage.

File-based encryption enables a new feature introduced in Android 7.0 called DirectBoot. Direct Boot allows encrypted devices to boot straight to the lockscreen. Previously, on encrypted devices using full-diskencryption (FDE), users needed to provide credentials before any data couldbe accessed, preventing the phone from performing all but the most basic ofoperations. For example, alarms could not operate, accessibility services wereunavailable, and phones could not receive calls but were limited to only basicemergency dialer operations.

With the introduction of file-based encryption (FBE) and new APIs to makeapplications aware of encryption, it is possible for these apps to operatewithin a limited context. This can happen before users have provided theircredentials while still protecting private user information.

On an FBE-enabled device, each user of the device has two storage locationsavailable to applications:

This separation makes work profiles more secure because it allows more than oneuser to be protected at a time as the encryption is no longer based solely on aboot time password.

The Direct Boot API allows encryption-aware applications to access each of theseareas. There are changes to the application lifecycle to accommodate the need tonotify applications when a users CE storage is unlocked in response tofirst entering credentials at the lock screen, or in the case of work profileproviding aworkchallenge. Devices running Android 7.0 must support these new APIs andlifecycles regardless of whether or not they implement FBE. Although, withoutFBE, DE and CE storage will always be in the unlocked state.

A complete implementation of file-based encryption on an Ext4 file system isprovided in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and needs only be enabled ondevices that meet the requirements. Manufacturers electing to use FBE may wishto explore ways of optimizing the feature based on the system on chip (SoC)used.

All the necessary packages in AOSP have been updated to be direct-boot aware.However, where device manufacturers use customized versions of these apps, theywill want to ensure at a minimum there are direct-boot aware packages providingthe following services:

Android provides a reference implementation of file-based encryption, in whichvold (system/vold)provides the functionality for managing storage devices andvolumes on Android. The addition of FBE provides vold with several new commandsto support key management for the CE and DE keys of multiple users. In additionto the core changes to use the ext4 Encryptioncapabilities in kernel many system packages including the lockscreen and theSystemUI have been modified to support the FBE and Direct Boot features. Theseinclude:

* System applications that use the defaultToDeviceProtectedStoragemanifest attribute

More examples of applications and services that are encryption aware can befound by running the command mangrep directBootAware in theframeworks or packages directory of the AOSPsource tree.

To use the AOSP implementation of FBE securely, a device needs to meet thefollowing dependencies:

Note: Storage policies are applied to a folder and all of itssubfolders. Manufacturers should limit the contents that go unencrypted to theOTA folder and the folder that holds the key that decrypts the system. Mostcontents should reside in credential-encrypted storage rather thandevice-encrypted storage.

First and foremost, apps such as alarm clocks, phone, accessibility featuresshould be made android:directBootAware according to DirectBoot developer documentation.

The AOSP implementation of file-based encryption uses the ext4 encryptionfeatures in the Linux 4.4 kernel. The recommended solution is to use a kernelbased on 4.4 or later. Ext4 encryption has also been backported to a 3.10 kernelin the Android common repositories and for the supported Nexus kernels.

The android-3.10.y branch in the AOSP kernel/common git repository mayprovide a good starting point for device manufacturers that want to import thiscapability into their own device kernels. However, it is necessary to applythe most recent patches from the latest stable Linux kernel (currently linux-4.6)of the ext4 and jbd2 projects. The Nexus device kernels already include many ofthese patches.

Note that each of these kernels uses a backport to 3.10. The ext4and jbd2 drivers from linux 3.18 were transplanted into existing kernels basedon 3.10. Due to interdependencies between parts of the kernel, this backportbreaks support for a number of features that are not used by Nexus devices.These include:

In addition to functional support for ext4 encryption, device manufacturers mayalso consider implementing cryptographic acceleration to speed up file-basedencryption and improve the user experience.

FBE is enabled by adding the flagfileencryption=contents_encryption_mode[:filenames_encryption_mode]to the fstab line in the final column for the userdatapartition. contents_encryption_mode parameter defines whichcryptographic algorithm is used for the encryption of file contents andfilenames_encryption_mode for the encryption of filenames.contents_encryption_mode can be only aes-256-xts.filenames_encryption_mode has two possible values: aes-256-ctsand aes-256-heh. If filenames_encryption_mode is not specifiedthen aes-256-cts value is used.

Whilst testing the FBE implementation on a device, it is possible to specify thefollowing flag:forcefdeorfbe=""

This sets the device up with FDE but allows conversion to FBE for developers. Bydefault, this behaves like forceencrypt, putting the device intoFDE mode. However, it will expose a debug option allowing a device to be putinto FBE mode as is the case in the developer preview. It is also possible toenable FBE from fastboot using this command:

This is intended solely for development purposes as a platform for demonstratingthe feature before actual FBE devices are released. This flag may be deprecatedin the future.

The generation of keys and management of the kernel keyring is handled byvold. The AOSP implementation of FBE requires that the devicesupport Keymaster HAL version 1.0 or later. There is no support for earlierversions of the Keymaster HAL.

On first boot, user 0s keys are generated and installed early in the bootprocess. By the time the on-post-fs phase of initcompletes, the Keymaster must be ready to handle requests. On Nexus devices,this is handled by having a script block:

Note: All encryption is based on AES-256 inXTS mode. Due to the way XTS is defined, it needs two 256-bit keys; so ineffect, both CE and DE keys are 512-bit keys.

Ext4 encryption applies the encryption policy at the directory level. When adevices userdata partition is first created, the basic structuresand policies are applied by the init scripts. These scripts willtrigger the creation of the first users (user 0s) CE and DE keys as well asdefine which directories are to be encrypted with these keys. When additionalusers and profiles are created, the necessary additional keys are generated andstored in the keystore; their credential and devices storage locations arecreated and the encryption policy links these keys to those directories.

In the current AOSP implementation, the encryption policy is hardcoded into thislocation:

It is possible to add exceptions in this file to prevent certain directoriesfrom being encrypted at all, by adding to the directories_to_excludelist. If modifications of this sort are made then the devicemanufacturer should include SELinux policies that only grant access to theapplications that need to use the unencrypted directory. This should exclude alluntrusted applications.

The only known acceptable use case for this is in support of legacy OTAcapabilities.

To facilitate rapid migration of system apps, there are two new attributes thatcan be set at the application level. ThedefaultToDeviceProtectedStorage attribute is available only tosystem apps. The directBootAware attribute is available to all.

The directBootAware attribute at the application level is shorthand for markingall components in the app as being encryption aware.

The defaultToDeviceProtectedStorage attribute redirects the defaultapp storage location to point at DE storage instead of pointing at CE storage.System apps using this flag must carefully audit all data stored in the defaultlocation, and change the paths of sensitive data to use CE storage. Devicemanufactures using this option should carefully inspect the data that they arestoring to ensure that it contains no personal information.

When running in this mode, the following System APIs areavailable to explicitly manage a Context backed by CE storage when needed, whichare equivalent to their Device Protected counterparts.

Each user in a multi-user environment gets a separate encryption key. Every usergets two keys: a DE and a CE key. User 0 must log into the device first as it isa special user. This is pertinent for DeviceAdministration uses.

Crypto-aware applications interact across users in this manner:INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS and INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULLallow an application to act across all the users on the device. However, thoseapps will be able to access only CE-encrypted directories for users that arealready unlocked.

An application may be able to interact freely across the DE areas, but one userunlocked does not mean that all the users on the device are unlocked. Theapplication should check this status before trying to access these areas.

Each work profile user ID also gets two keys: DE and CE. When the work challengeis met, the profile user is unlocked and the Keymaster (in TEE) can provide theprofiles TEE key.

The recovery partition is unable to access the DE-protected storage on theuserdata partition. Devices implementing FBE are strongly recommended to supportOTA using A/B system updates. Asthe OTA can be applied during normal operation there is no need for recovery toaccess data on the encrypted drive.

When using a legacy OTA solution, which requires recovery to access the OTA fileon the userdata partition:

To ensure the implemented version of the feature works as intended, employ themany CTS encryption tests.

Once the kernel builds for your board, also build for x86 and run under QEMU inorder to test with xfstest by using:

In addition, device manufacturers may perform these manual tests. On a devicewith FBE enabled:

Additionally, testers can boot a userdebug instance with a lockscreen set on theprimary user. Then adb shell into the device and usesu to become root. Make sure /data/data containsencrypted filenames; if it does not, something is wrong.

This section provides details on the AOSP implementation and describes howfile-based encryption works. It should not be necessary for device manufacturersto make any changes here to use FBE and Direct Boot on their devices.

The AOSP implementation uses ext4 encryption in kernel and is configured to:

Disk encryption keys, which are 512-bit AES-XTS keys, are stored encryptedby another key (a 256-bit AES-GCM key) held in the TEE. To use this TEE key,three requirements must be met:

The auth token is a cryptographically authenticated token generated byGatekeeperwhen a user successfully logs in. The TEE will refuse to use the key unless thecorrect auth token is supplied. If the user has no credential, then no authtoken is used nor needed.

The stretched credential is the user credential after salting andstretching with the scrypt algorithm. The credential is actuallyhashed once in the lock settings service before being passed tovold for passing to scrypt. This is cryptographicallybound to the key in the TEE with all the guarantees that apply toKM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID. If the user has no credential, then nostretched credential is used nor needed.

The secdiscardable hash is a 512-bit hash of a random 16 KB filestored alongside other information used to reconstruct the key, such as theseed. This file is securely deleted when the key is deleted, or it is encryptedin a new way; this added protection ensures an attacker must recover every bitof this securely deleted file to recover the key. This is cryptographicallybound to the key in the TEE with all the guarantees that apply toKM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID. See the KeystoreImplementer's Reference.

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File-Based Encryption | Android Open Source Project

Cryptocurrencies trading | your guide in the world of trading …

CryptoCurrencies TradingCryptocurrencies is the Big thing at the moment.

It will be hard to not have heard about Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. The markets of these cryptocoins have gone through the roof and those that were early to get in are reaping now the fruits.But in order for you to do the same you need a little bit more information

Cryptography has everything to do with coding to keep data secure. This term is not something new. The cryptocurrency is a virtual or better said digital asset that utilizes cryptography as its security measure. That makes it thus saver and makes it very hard to impossible counterfeit unlike regular bills and coins.

and the most known of the first cryptocurrencies that were launched and opened the way for Crypto Currencies Trading on other cryptocoins. It was launched in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonym that could be a person or a group , there has been some debate about this and every now and then this story pops back up.

The system was open source and peer to peer. The most important aspect of this is that theres no central agency (like the government) that regulates or issues these cryptocurrencies or CryptoCurrencies Trading in general

The same fact made it also somewhat perfect for the business that were trying to keep their delaing off the books and unknown to the goverments and banks.

The difference being that cryptocurrencies have ICOs, initial coin offerings, and any entity or group is able to launch it as an investment, while regular companies have IPOs, or initial public offerings.

The Atlantic lays bare the actual problem with not having a central authority regulating these currencies. Because there are no checks and balances the way there are with IPOs, there are many scammers out there looking for fast cash. So, This brings me to the points that if you plan to invest in a cryptocoin and want to do some cryptocurrency Trading you better make sure that it is a save and sound currency with a good reputation.

What about for example CryptoCurrencies Trading in Bitcoin or Ethereum? . Are they smart investments? Since both are very popular, and areactually used as currency.

Some are, some might be and some are not.

Not the answer you were looking for ? look at it from this way

While there are people that state that investing in general is just gambling this is not really the case. Investment that are long-term. And broad investments are very different from active trading and more speculative investment, in the short term format it can go either way , like forex or retail commodity trading and cryptocurrencies trading falls into that category.

With active short term trading, you are predicting in a short term what the coin will do. This has been for many an amazing income when it comes to bitcoin , but keep in mind where there are winners there losers.

Since the prices go up and down so fast as in forex , you are able to buy bitcoin and lose money , there is no sure thing .

the price of these cryptocurrencies often swings from one extreme to another. For example inone day in June, the price of Ethereum plummeted from $US319 to $US0.1o.

This does not mean that you have to run now as the price recovered and then some. It just means that you have to be aware of the market like any day trading requires. This is not like buying Bitcoin forgetting about it and then just cash in and buy a car. You have to educate yourself, find the right broker and watch the markets and news for developments.

But as a price goes down it also can go up tremendously. This creates thou the fear of a bubble which will make the price eventually crash. People that cashed out before a crash are the lucky or well, educated ones and make enormous amounts of money.

So be aware of the risks but if you were not interested you would not be reading this. There sis money to be made in cryptocurrency trading.

That was my little moment of doom , now lets looks how it actually works

All cryptocurrencies follow the same general system.

It starts by a cryptocurrency choosing a base unit and how much that particular unit is worth when compared to other currencies (often, the U.S. dollar is used as a baseline).this would be the ICOs.

Here everyone goes about it a bit different and this often will already indicate what kind and how success full the crypto coin will be.

Keep in mind that there are sometimes very smart people behind it that try to push the envelope of what is done till that moment but in the end, the unitin one way or another relates to the value of other established currency, which is the format all currencies are following

Units of the new cryptocurrency are then created. When a transaction is made the units are carefully formed and preserved through algorithmic encryption, then linked together in enormous chains of data (term is blockchains) , where the currency can be tracked and exchanged.

This is not enough thou, as this is not secure enough it needs more information to keep it save. The currency units need to be timestamped and properly processed to make them more stable and harder to copy.

This can be done by a third party developer, but today most of the cryptocurrencies rather crowdsource the process to those with the correct hardware and software to mine the cryptocurrency.

This in essentially verifies the transaction and build its position online. This entire process is most of the times called the consensus protocols, there are some variations of this due to other currencies.

This it will make the currency very hard to duplicate and this forger it. Some say that it can be done but in general a good crypto currency has this part covered as it would be in most cases be simpler to just print fake bills.

Since the coins are only digital ( regardless of the nice bitcoin pictures ) there are some serious implications.

When last checked there are more than a thousand different cryptocurrencies and more are popping up every month.

Some of these are to be taken very serious and those in general are the ones we are looking at when talking about cryptocurrencies trading in general.

Others are more for fun experiments or for other reasons (that you have to ask those developers).

Besides Bitcoin (who remains the big leader of the pack) there are a few crypto currencies out there that you should take notice of if you are interested in cryptocurrencies trading online. I can mention them all but that would not really help you.

The main ones that I expect to become larger stronger and more mainstream or already are those things are, the litecoin, Dash, Ripple and last but not least Ethereum.

Since many of the uses are still in the shadow it is perceived as a way to stay under the radar for less kosher deals, it needs to become a legit means of payment for everyday life and business to succeed.

Japan makes waves in this direction allowing micropayments in supermarkets with some crypto currencies.

2.The pass-through problem.

Investors, that can be even you and me, need to hold onto and invest these currencies long-term if they are going to become a real force.

As long as they are used by companies as well as regular people to switch between other currencies but for the reason to only avoid paying the exchange rates it will not achieve the right reputation, this also reflects back on point one.

3. Continues Stability.

They need to be more save then regular currencies and remain this for a longer period of time. When Ethereum,was hacked which made a damage of around 50 million dollars. It hurt then entire Cryptocurrency world.

The cryptocurrency will have to be fully trusted to see real mainstream use which is currently still not the case. On the other hand, as long as governments keep on printing money whenever they need some regular currencies are not a better option just less volatile in most cases.

The thing is thou that crypto currencies will never go away, it simple cannot be erased or ignored anymore, the banks start to fear as they are losing business and some smart countries like some Scandinavian ones are integrating some cryptocurrencies in their society making it more mainstream and accepted.

In some years to come I expect that we would know any better and the trading would be like trading EUR US is now. That said Cryptocurrencies trading is exciting and with the right education, the right broker and exchange can be very profitable.

Enjoy but be smart careful and educated. Dont trade with funds you cannot spare and follow the markets.

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Cryptocurrencies trading | your guide in the world of trading ...

Encryption – 2018 News, Articles and Trends – Tom’s IT Pro

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Encryption - 2018 News, Articles and Trends - Tom's IT Pro

Even Edward Snowden Is Slamming the Devin Nunes Memo

Edward Snowden is the latest to weigh in on U.S. Representative Devin Nunes push to release a formerly classified memo suggesting the F.B.I and Justice Department abused their authority to spy on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Paige. Snowdens rise to fame and perspective on the matter comes courtesy of his 2013 leaking of top-secret N.S.A. documents detailing a broad domestic and international spying program orchestrated by the U.S. Government.

#TBT: I required the journalists who broke the 2013 domestic spying stories (as a condition of access) to talk with gov in advance of publication as an extraordinary precaution to prevent any risk of harm. Turns out our standard of care was higher than the actual Intel committee.

And while Snowden says he took the precaution of making journalists who published information from his 1.5 million files talk to the members of the intelligence community to prevent harm, Nunes reportedly took no such measures.

Mr. Nunes has not read the warrant from which the memo is said to be drawn, wrote Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Matthew Rosenberg, in a New York Times report on Nunes. The Justice Department considers such warrants extremely sensitive and allowed only one Democrat and one Republican from the [Ways and Means] committee, plus staff, to view it. Rather than do so himself, Mr. Nunes designated Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina to be the Republican reader.

The memo, warrant and related investigation are all directly tied to F.B.I. reports of Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election. In addition to serving as Trumps campaign advisor, Paige met with two men who were charged with working as agents for Russian intelligence in New York. Donald Trump, who won the election and has been accused of collusion with Russian operatives, signed off on releasing the memo. Trump granted the release against what the F.B.I. called grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memos accuracy.

Trump then took to Twitter to note (in the third person) that the memo he signed off on releasing totally vindicates him.

This memo totally vindicates Trump in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!

Among other things, that led to Snowden calling out the very House Intelligence Committee he asked journalists to talk to in 2013.

Turns out our standard of care was higher than the actual Intel committee, Snowden tweeted, after it was all but confirmed Nunes push to publicize the memo would be successful.

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Even Edward Snowden Is Slamming the Devin Nunes Memo

El Paso Cryptocurrency – El Paso Conference

What is happening in the world right now?

As people are waking up to the existence of Cryptocurrenices,such as Bitcoin and Ethereum,many are seeking ways to learn about this new technology.With that knowledge, they are finding out that there is a lot of money to be made; it is an investment opportunity of a lifetime. Our commitment is to share this knowledge so that anyone can take advantage of what many are considering to be the future of global currency.

Join El Paso's first conference and learn from experts everything you need to know to understand this technology, and begin investing.


Mr. Ward has dedicated much of his time to learn about Blockchain technology and has published several articles about this topic with local magazines such as The City Magazine, and After 50; this is in addition to his YouTube channel Paul and Dani's Bits, which he uses as a tool to educate viewers with tutorials, and gives insight into the world of Cryptocurrencies.

The conference will include workshops for both beginners and advanced investors.

What is a cryptocurrency (or crypto currency)?

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies.

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El Paso Cryptocurrency - El Paso Conference

Chelsea Manning – – Biography

U.S. Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning delivered hundreds of thousands of classified documents that he found troubling to WikiLeaks, and in 2013 was sentenced to 35 years in prison for espionage and theft. In 2014, Manning, who is transgender, was granted the right to be legally recognized as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning. President Barack Obama commuted her sentence and she was released from prison in 2017.

Bradley Manning was born on December 17, 1987. Years later, the Crescent, Oklahoma native, who is transgender,was granted the right to be legally recognized as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning.After joining the Army and enduring harsh bullying, Manning was sent to Iraq in 2009. There she had access to classified information that she described as profoundly troubling. Manning gave much of this information to WikiLeaks and was later arrested after her actions were reported to the U.S. government by a hacker confidant.

On July 30, 2013, Manning was found guilty of espionage and theft, but not guilty of aiding the enemy. In August 2013, she was sentenced to 35 years in prison. Serving time in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Manning was able to receive hormone treatments, although she has faced other restrictions around gender expression. On January 17, 2017, President Barack Obama commuted Manning's remaining sentence, and she was released from prison on May 17, 2017.

Bradley Manning was born in Crescent, Oklahoma on December 17, 1987. Years later, Manning announced that she is transgender and hence would be legally recognized as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning.

As a child, Manning was highly intelligent and showed an affinity for computers. Though presenting as a boy during her youth, Manning dressed as a girl at times in private, feeling profoundly alienated and fearful about her secret. She was bullied at school and her mother also attempted suicide at one point. (Her father would later paint a more stable picture of the household.)

After her parents split, Manning lived during her teens with her motherin Wales, where she was also bullied by peers. She eventually moved back to the United States to live with her stepmother and father, who was a former soldier. There the family had major clashes after Manning lost a tech job, and at one point Manning's stepmother called the police after a particularly volatile confrontation. The young Manning was then homeless, living in a pickup truck for a time and eventually moving in with her paternal aunt.

Manning joined the Army in 2007 at the behest of her father, girded by thoughts of serving her country and believing that a military environment might mitigate her desire to exist openly as a woman. She was initially the target of severe bullying there as well, and the besieged, emotionally suffering Manning lashed out at superior officers. But her posting at Fort Drum in New York had some happy moments. She began dating Tyler Watkins, a Brandeis University student who introduced Manning to Boston's hacker community.

A U.S. Army photo of Bradley Manning. (Photo: By United States Army [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

In 2009, Manning was stationed at Forward Operating Base Hammer in Iraq, an isolated site near the Iranian border. Her duties as an intelligence analyst there gave her access to a great deal of classified information. Some of this informationincluding videos that showed unarmed civilians being shot at and killedhorrified Manning.

Manning reportedly made her first contact with Julian Assange's WikiLeaks in November 2009 after having made attempts to contact The New York Times and TheWashington Post. While at work in Iraq, she proceeded to amass information that included war logs about the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, private cables from the State Department and assessments of Guantnamo prisoners. In February 2010, while on leave in Rockville, Maryland, she passed this informationwhich amounted to hundreds of thousands of documents, many of them classifiedto WikiLeaks. In April, the organization released a video that showed a helicopter crew shooting at civilians after having confused a telephoto lens for weaponry. Releases of other information continued throughout the year.

Upon her return to Iraq, Manning had behavioral issues that included attacking an officer. She was demoted and told she would be discharged. Manning subsequently reached out to a stranger online, hacker Adrian Lamo. Using the screen name "bradass87," Manning confided in Lamo about the leaks. Lamo contacted the Defense Department about what he had learned, which led to Manning's arrest in May 2010.

Manning was first imprisoned in Kuwait, where she became suicidal. After returning to the United States, she was moved to a Marine base in Virginia. Manning was kept in solitary confinement for most of her time there, and was unable to leave her small, windowless cell for 23 hours each day. Deemed a suicide risk, she was watched over constantly, sometimes kept naked in her cell and not permitted to have a pillow or sheets.

Even when a psychiatrist said that Manning was no longer a danger to herself, the conditions of her imprisonment did not improve. When word of these conditions spread, there was an international outcry. Manning was transferred to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas in 2011, where she was allowed to have personal effects in a windowed cell. In January 2013, the judge in Manning's case ruled that her imprisonment had been unduly harsh and gave her a sentencing credit.

In June 2010,Manning was charged with leaking classified information. In March 2011, additional charges were added. These included the accusation of aiding the enemy, as the information Manning had leaked had been accessible to Al-Qaeda.

In February 2013, Manning pleaded guilty to storing and leaking military information. She explained that her actions had been intended to encourage debate, not harm the United States. She continued to plead not guilty to several other charges while her court martial proceeded. On July 30, Manning was found guilty of 20 counts, including espionage, theft and computer fraud. However, the judge ruled she was not guilty of aiding the enemy, the most serious charge Manning had faced.

On August 21, 2013, Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison.Manning was dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and forced to forfeit all pay.

The Obama administrationmaintained that military and diplomatic sources were endangered by Manning's leaks. Even with Manning's conviction, the debate continues as to whether she shared dangerous intelligence or if she was a whistleblower who received too harsh of a punishment.

On the day after her sentencing, Manning announced via a statement on the morning talk showTodaythat she is transgender. "As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible," Manning said.

How Chelsea Manning sees herself. By Alicia Neal, in cooperation with Chelsea herself, commissioned by the Chelsea Manning Support Network, April 23. 2014. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

After filing a court petition, Manning was granted the right in late April of 2014 to be legally recognized as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning. The army made hormone therapy available to the former intelligence analyst, who continued to be held at Fort Leavenworth, though other restrictions were imposed, including measures on hair length. During the summer of 2015, Manning was reportedly threatened with solitary confinement for prison rule violations that her attorneys asserted were veiled forms of harassment by authorities.

In May 2016, Manning's attorneys filed an appeal of her conviction and 35-year sentence stating that No whistleblower in American history has been sentenced this harshly, and describing the sentence as "perhaps the most unjust sentence in the history of the military justice system.

On July 5, 2016, Manning was hospitalized aftera suicide attempt. She faced a disciplinary hearing related to her suicide attempt and was sentenced to solitary confinement. OnOctober 4, 2016, while spendingthe first night in solitary confinement, she attempted suicide again.

Support for her release continued to grow and in the waning days of President Barack Obama's presidency, 117,000 people signed a petition asking him to commute her sentence. On January 17, 2017, Obama did just that, cutting shortManning's remaining prison sentence, which allowed her to be freed on May 17, 2017. (An administration official said she was not immediately released in order to allow for time to handle items like procuring housing.) Manning served seven years of the 35-year sentence, with some Republicans, including Speaker of the HousePaul Ryan, critiquing the act of clemency.

Manning has shared her perspectives on gender identity, imprisonment and political affairs via a series of columns written for The Guardian. Four months after her release from prison, Manning appeared in the September 2017 issue of Vogue magazine, featuring photographs by Annie Liebovitz. Manning posted a photograph from the article, in which she is wearing a red bathing suit on the beach, writing: Guess this is what freedom looks like.

My goal is to use these next six months to figure out where I want to go, Manning explained in the Vogue interview. I have these values that I can connect with: responsibility, compassion. Those are really foundational for me. Do and say and be who you are because, no matter what happens, you are loved unconditionally.

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Chelsea Manning - - Biography

Julian Assange Offered Hannity Impersonator News About Top …

At about 4 a.m. on Saturday morning, a couple hours after she started pretending to be Sean Hannity, Dell Gilliam says she got a direct message back from the head of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. Thats when she said she kind of panicked.

I felt bad. He really thought he was talking to Sean Hannity, said Gilliam.

Gilliam, a technical writer from Texas, was bored with the flu when she created @SeanHannity__ early Saturday morning. The Fox News host's real account was temporarily deleted after cryptically tweeting the phrase Form Submission 1649 | #Hannity on Friday night. Twitter said the account had been briefly compromised, according to a statement provided to The Daily Beast, and was back up on Sunday morning.

When Gilliam made the account, she did not expect to be setting up a meeting over other channels for Assange to send some news about Warner, an apparent reference to Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.

During the election, WikiLeaks dumped Democratic emails stolen by Kremlin hackers, even leading President Donald Trumps CIA director to brand Assanges organization a hostile intelligence service last year.

Just minutes after @SeanHannity disappeared, several accounts quickly sprung up posing as the real Hannity, shouting from Twitter exile. None were as successful as Gilliams @SeanHannity__ account, which has since amassed over 24,000 followers.

Gilliam then used her newfound prominence to direct message Assange as Hannity within hours.

I cant believe this is happening. I mean I can. Its crazy. Nothing can be put past people, Gilliam, posing as Hannity, wrote to Assange. Im exhausted from the whole night. What about you, though? You doing ok?

Im happy as long as there is a fight! Assange responded.

Gilliam reassured Assange that she, or Hannity, was also definitely up for a fight and set up a call for 9:30 a.m. Eastern, about six hours later.

You can send me messages on other channels, said Assange, the second reference to other channels he made since their conversation began.

Have some news about Warner.

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Less than 48 hours later, Warner made headlines claiming that the Senate intelligence committee received end-of-the-year document dumps that opened a lot of new questions about Trump and Russia.

When reached by The Daily Beast about the messages, Warners spokesperson pointed to WikiLeaks ties to the release of recent document drops performed by Russian entities, like Kremlin cutout Guccifer 2.0.

Give me a break.WikiLeaks is a non-state hostile intelligence service with longstanding ties to the Russian government and Russian intelligence.

While Assange was not the only high-profile person duped by the account, his interactions with it were likely the most significant.

Citing mysterious sources and to-be-revealed bombshells, Hannity has been alleging he will unveil the biggest scandal in American history for weeks on his primetime Fox News show that has devolved into mostly a recitation of conspiracy theories about a secret society and the deep state.

Both Hannity and Assanges WikiLeaks have pushed similar document drops and hashtag campaigns since before the 2016 election, most recently the push to release a confidential memo about government spying under the hashtag #releasethememo. Last year, Hannity even invited Assange to guest host his radio program. Both participated in baseless speculation about the murder of former DNC staffer Seth Rich, which Hannity later dropped after advertisers dropped his program.

Leaked Twitter correspondences between Donald Trump Jr. and the official WikiLeaks account made headlines in November of 2017. Trump Jr. had not disclosed the direct messages until after the November report by The Atlantic.

Hannity, Assange and Fox News public relations did not respond to a request for comment.

You can send me messages on other channels. Have some news about Warner.

Julian Assange

This was not Gilliams plan when she created the account on Saturday morning. In fact, she said she didnt really know much about Sean Hannity when it all started. Gilliam said she watches Fox News, NPR, and CNN in equal parts, had intentionally ignored [Hannity] because he seems to have no respect from anybody on either side except for Trump.

She said she simply wanted to play a joke on another Sean Hannity account, @SeanHannity_, with one underscore and not two.

It kind of started on a whim. I was going to tweet at one of the fake Sean Hannity accounts that was up to tell them not to be me, she said.

Then, in part because Gilliam seemed to have picked up on Hannitys conspiratorial and frenzied voice, things picked up fast.

I dont even really know how [Hannity] sounds, so I started by copying the tone of the first fake one, she said.

It worked.

To all the lib haters, know that I am back and here to stay. You cant silence the truth and you have no idea whats coming, her first tweet read. To all my loyal supporters - follow me on my new account to stay updated. Twitter can try to knock us down but we will keep rising up! #SeanHannity

That tweet, which had 1,800 retweets and 3,500 likes, was retweeted by dozens of verified journalists and Twitter personalities.

Chrissy Teigen took a shot at Gilliams version of Hannity in front of her 9.67 million followers.

Settle down, braveheart, she wrote. Over 8,000 people retweeted it.

Gilliams experience as a bureaucrat, whose interest in fine print is interesting to me, but nobody else, helped her monopolize the fake Hannity space.

I realized that in the Twitter rules it says you cant make a fake account unless you say youre not affiliated with that person, she said.

Under @SeanHannity__s bio, it reads (Above not affiliated with) New Account! She remained live while SeanHannity_ with one underscore and several others were booted off the service.

People dont read parentheticals, she said.

Gilliam said she plans on keeping the account going, or donating her 24,000 followers to an environmental nonprofit she works with. Shes already tweeted out a YouTube video from a band she likes from Nashville to try to get them more followers.

Recovering from the flu, she didnt sleep all of Saturday, reading through tweets by duped celebrities and mountains of messages.

Id say its one-third hate mail, one-third hero worship, one-third people saying they figured it out. His followers are disturbingly angry, she said.

Reading the messages, I can see how believing in this false reality would be really easy to do. I was starting to get really nervous about what was really happening. It all sucks you into a level of paranoia Id never seen before.

Julian Assange Offered Hannity Impersonator News About Top ...

Julian Assange mistakenly offers dirt on Dem senator to Sean …

When Sean Hannity's Twitter account went offline for a few hours over the weekend (Hannity fans say the deep state did it), a woman named Dell Gilliam set up a parody account called @SeanHannity__ (note the underscores). Julian Assange, the head of Wikileaks, thought the account belonged to Hannity and sent a direct message to the account offering some "new about Warner" (meaning Democratic senator Mark Warner, who is part of the Trump-Russia investigation.

From Daily Beast:

While Assange was not the only high-profile person duped by the account, his interactions with it were likely the most significant.

Citing mysterious sources and to-be-revealed bombshells, Hannity has been alleging he will unveil the biggest scandal in American history for weeks on his primetime Fox News show that has devolved into mostly a recitation of conspiracy theories about a secret society and the deep state.

Both Hannity and Assanges WikiLeaks have pushed similar document drops and hashtag campaigns since before the 2016 election, most recently the push to release a confidential memo about government spying under the hashtag #releasethememo. Last year, Hannity even invited Assange to guest host his radio program. Both participated in baseless speculation about the murder of former DNC staffer Seth Rich, which Hannity later dropped after advertisers dropped his program.

Dell's account now has 23.6k followers.

Images: Julian Assange by Cancillera del Ecuador -, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link. Sean Hannity by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

A billboard mysteriously appears in St. Paul, Minn. in which God offers a special message to noted crazy ex-congresscritter Michele Bachmann. Hope she obeys The Lord.

An Amtrak train carrying GOP lawmakers and their staff to a retreat has collided with a garbage truck, killing at least one person, and injuring others. This is a developing story.

So, geophysicists have been studying the earths magnetic field, and they think its getting ready to flip with the north and south poles changing places.

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Julian Assange mistakenly offers dirt on Dem senator to Sean ...

Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder will have to wait until …

A LONDON court will rule on February 6 whether to drop an arrest warrant against Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, after his lawyers made a surprise request for the move in Westminster Magistrates Court.

Assange, who has spent the past five years holed up in the embassy, next door to Harrods in Londons posh Knightsbridge district, asked his lawyers to argue that the warrant, issued after he breached his bail conditions, be discontinued after Swedish authorities confirmed that their extradition warrant is no longer live.

Assange, 46, breached his bail conditions and requested asylum in the embassy in 2012 in order to avoid extradition to Sweden over an allegation of rape, which he has consistently denied.

Swedish prosecutors confirmed they had dropped the investigation against him last year but Assange could still be arrested if he leaves the building in Knightsbridge due to his skipping of the UK bail conditions.

In the Westminster Magistrates Court his lawyers argued now that the Swedish case had been dropped the warrant had lost its purpose and its function.

Asked if Assange could walk free, a spokesman for the Crown Proscution Service said: Hypothetically, yes. That would be our interpretation.

The magistrate also said she needed to examine medical evidence that Assange is suffering a terrible bad tooth, frozen shoulder and depression.

A scrum of photographers and broadcast vans assembled outside the embassy as a single supporter tied a red Free Assange banner on to the wrought iron fence and handed out leaflets condemning Sweden and the UKs legal pursuit of the Wikileaks founder.

Shoppers from the famous department store Harrods, which is next door, stopped to ask questions while cars and taxis slowed down to make sense of the throng.

There was no appearance of Assange who sometimes makes speeches from the embassy balcony.

MORE: Australia refuses to intervene in Ecuador embassy row

British police have said Assange would be arrested for breaching bail conditions should he leave the building.

He is seeking to have the warrant of arrest discontinued because the Swedes have confirmed that the extradition warrant is no longer live, a spokesman for Britains Crown Prosecution Service said.

He is seeking that therefore the warrant of arrest should be taken out as well.

Asked if a successful ruling could enable Assange to walk free, the spokesman replied: hypothetically yes, that would be our interpretation.

It comes as his doctors warned his health was at risk as a result of his six-year confinement.

Sondra S Crosby, Brock Chisholm and Sean Love, writing on The Guardians website, said that they spent 20 hours over three days assessing Assanges condition.

Without giving any particular details, they said that his confinement has had an impact on his physical and mental health.

As clinicians, it is our ethical duty to advocate for the health and human rights of all people as promised under international law, wrote the doctors. Experience tells us that the prolonged uncertainty of indefinite detention inflicts profound psychological and physical trauma above and beyond the expected stressors of incarceration.

These can include severe anxiety, pathological levels of stress, dissociation, depression, suicidal thoughts, post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain, among others.

It is unconscionable that Mr Assange is in the position of having to decide between avoiding arrest and potentially suffering the health consequences, including death, if a life-threatening crisis such as a heart attack were to occur.

Further, our assessment reveals that he has had no access to sunlight, appropriate ventilation or outside space for over five and a half years.

The WikiLeaks founder has not stepped out of the Knightsbridge, west London, embassy since August 2012.

The rest is here:
Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder will have to wait until ...

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