Which are the best technology and stacks for blockchain development? – Medium


Were not going to try and sell you on anything, just a list of the best places to start learning blockchain development. This is meant for people who already know how to code in some form or are interested in finding out more about blockchain engineering. Well be looking at popular blockchains and stacks that are being used for the development of various smart contracts.

This is not a list of the best programming languages, although you dont need to speak SQL. Im also pushing back on the idea that you need to know concurrency, multithreading, or any other aspect of what makes blockchain interesting. It just so happens that a lot of talks are getting around things like state reconciliation and whatnot, but it isnt necessary. We wont be touching on those topics at all; there are plenty of guides and videos available online if you want to learn more about them.

Figure out what you want to create and then pick the stack that lets you create it. This list looks at common transactions, what technologies are being used to build different smart contracts and dApps, and the general order of importance. Ill start by looking at basic blockchain concepts before moving on to more complex things like Turing complete blockchains and RSK Rootstock smart contract development. Were not going to get into specific examples, but this should give you a good place to start when learning about blockchains.

This is where we should start looking at how blockchains work from an engineering perspective. A lot of blockchain technology is about the transactions that occur within each block, and you should start with the basics. You can find more advanced blockchain topics later on in this post.

Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developers Guide

If youre interested in Ethereum smart contracts development, then this is a must-read. It covers how to create a smart contract, as well as deploy it to the main Ethereum network. There are also plenty of Ethereum specific examples to get your feet wet with Solidity (Ethereums programming language).

Learn Blockchain By Building Your Own

This guide is a free course that teaches you the basics of blockchain development through the use of an IDE. Youll learn how to deploy your first smart contract, as well as blockchain testing and debugging.

In this section, were going to look at some of the most popular alternatives for blockchain development in areas like smart contracts, IoT, Big Data, and more. Not only will we take a look at how specific dApps or contracts are built on different blockchains, but well also talk about what stack they utilize.

Ethereum and Solidity Development: The Complete Developers Guide

We already talked about this book earlier, but were repeating it because it is something you should read. It covers how to create smart contracts on the Ethereum network using Solidity, which is the language of choice for most decentralized applications. This will teach you how to deploy a smart contract, and even what to do if things go wrong. You can also read this guide as an ebook for free on Github or Amazon.

Ethereum Development Guide for Dummies

This Ethereum guide is meant for people who are interested in learning about the Ethereum blockchain from a developers perspective. It goes into detail about how Ethereum works and what you can do with each block. This guide is not meant to be a deep dive into smart contract creation, but it will give you a good understanding of how the network functions overall. You can download the ebook here.

Zcash and Zcash Parity Tech Stack Guide: Everything You Need to Know

This guide explains how to utilize Parity to run the Zcash node implementation. This includes a brief overview of BigChainDB, which is used for storage purposes by many blockchains. In this guide, youll also learn how to create a private and public chain.

Maidsafe and SAFE Network: Decentralized Cloud Technologies

The SAFE network is built on top of the MaidSafe stack, which is used for decentralized cloud storage solutions. This guide will introduce you to both the MaidSafe and SAFE networks. It covers topics like distributed hash table (DHT) operations, data redistribution, and more. You can find the source code here or download the ebook as a PDF.

Quorum: The Future of Private Transactions Technology in Financial Services?

Quorum is a distributed ledger technology that runs on JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It is used in conjunction with JPMorgan, and other financial institutions. It can be used for on-chain and off-chain transactions. This guide talks about Quorum and how it could potentially be used for private financial transactions. You can also find the source code for this guide here.

BigchainDB Blockchain Database Technology For Everyone

This overview of BigchainDB explains how exactly blockchain technology works to create an immutable database that can be easily accessed by anyone with a web browser. BigchainDB is a blockchain database that supports multiple companies and their private networks, as well as individual developers working on smart contracts. The bulk of this guide goes into explaining how to interact with BigchainDB using dApps like Ethereum, and it also explains chain interoperability. You can find the source code for this guide here.

So far, weve only looked at the Ethereum blockchain in a lot of detail. It is by far the most powerful, or Turing complete blockchain that exists today. But just because Ethereum isnt particularly useful for development doesnt mean other blockchains arent as well. The following sections go over some of the most popular alternatives for smart contract development today.

Ripple and XRP: A Guide for Newcomers

This guide goes into detail about Ripple technology and how it can be used to exchange currency. Ripple is considered a distributed ledger technology and is often compared to the blockchain as well. This guide goes over the basics of how Ripple works as well as describes XRP (Ripples native digital asset). You can find the source code for this guide here on Github.

Golem Project Development Status Report: Yellow Paper v0.10.0

The Golem Project is a decentralized global network that allows users to spend computing resources from their own devices. It is built on top of Ethereum smart contracts and cryptography. This guide goes into detail about the golem stack and what you can do with it. You can find the source code for this guide here on Github.

Ethereum Smart Contract Tutorials: The Bare Essentials

This guide covers the fundamentals of creating a smart contract using Solidity, which is the programming language for the Ethereum blockchain. In this tutorial, we cover the whole process, from beginning to end. We also cover contract creation, deployment, and testing in detail. You can find the source code for this tutorial here on Github.

Ethereum Book: Beginners Guide to Smart Contracts

This is a very technical guide that covers all the ins and outs of writing smart contracts. It goes into detail about the Ethereum blockchain and how it works, as well as how smart contracts work. You can find the source code for this guide here on Github.

Before we break things down into individual projects and tools that work with specific blockchains, lets first look at what the most popular platforms are used for. There are many different open-source blockchain frameworks that developers use to create dApps or decentralized applications. Some of the most popular platforms are:

Ethereum Formerly known as Ethereum Classic, this is also the most popular blockchain in existence. It allows developers to create smart contracts using Solidity, which is a programming language for smart contract developers.

Hyperledger Fabric This is a permissioned blockchain framework that was invented and designed by IBM. It comes with its ecosystem. The Hyperledger Project was created to enable diverse business blockchain technologies and platforms to connect and communicate with each other.

R3 Corda R3 Corda is another permission distributed ledger (blockchain) that runs on Java, similar to Quorum. This platform enables users to create new financial systems using blockchain technology.

Developers need the proper tools to use the technology. They need to be able to access it and test changes, as well as create more advanced applications. This is why open source tools and platforms are so widely used. In this section, we will discuss the tools you can use to create blockchain applications with:

Ethereum Wallet: Where To Store Your Ether & NEO-GAS Tokens

This guide will cover the different Ethereum wallet options you have today and how they can be used for storing your ETH (Ethereums native token). It also covers NEO-GAS, which is also known as Red Pulse tokens. You can find the source code for this guide here on Github.

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Which are the best technology and stacks for blockchain development? - Medium

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