SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Cloud Seed –

Cloud Seed is a new open source project developed jointly by GitLab and Google Cloud. It allows developers to provision Google Cloud services right from within GitLabs UI.

We believe that it should be trivial to deploy web applications (and other workloads) from GitLab to major cloud providers. To support this effort, Cloud Seed makes it simple and intuitive to consume appropriate Google Cloud services within GitLab, GitLab wrote on the projects documentation page.

While it is initially available for Google Cloud, GitLab hopes to work with every major cloud provider to extend it to those platforms as well.

GitLab users can use the interface to set up automated deployments to Google Cloud Run, and all Git commits, branches, and tags will be deployed to the proper Cloud Run environment.

It can also be used to provision Google Cloud SQL databases, with support for all major versions of PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Service.

To learn more, visit the Cloud Seed website.

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SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Cloud Seed -

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