Niklas Gray’s Blog – The Machinery Goes Open Beta – Gamasutra

I've written a lot of blog posts here on Gamasutra about the design decisions and implementation choices we have made in our game engine: The Machinery. So I'm happy to announce that The Machinery is now in Open Beta, available for anyone to download and try out.

The download includes all the engine APIs, headers, and docs, so you can see how a lot of the stuff I've written about here works in practice. For example, check out foundation/carray.inl and foundation/hash.inl to see our type-safe C implementations of arrays and hash tables, that I talked about in the MinimalistcontainerlibraryinC blog post. Or foundation/slab.inl for a similar implementation of the bulk data storage model that I talked about in the DataStructuresPart1:BulkData post.

If you run into any problems with the download or have requests for specific features, post them to our issue tracker. For more general discussions and help getting started, we have a forum. You can also chat with us on our Discord server. You will find us there every now and then, but well pay special attention on Thursdays.

If you haven't heard about it before, The Machinery is a new lightweight and flexible game engine, designed to give you all the power of a modern engine in a minimalistic package that is easy to understand, extend, explore, rewrite, and hack. Beyond games, the API can also be used for simulations and visualizations as well as building custom tools, editors, and applications.

Some of the things that make The Machinery more hackable than other game engines are:

Some of the features currently available in The Machinery are:

Finally, here is some user-created content from The Machinery. Happy hacking!

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Niklas Gray's Blog - The Machinery Goes Open Beta - Gamasutra

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