Wicked Good Development Episode 13: Hacks and Ax, July Edition – Security Boulevard

Wicked Good Development is dedicated to the future of open source. This space is to learn about the latest in the developer community and talk shop with open source software innovators and experts in the industry.

Ax Sharma, a security researcher at Sonatype and tech journalist at large, joins Kadi and Omar for his monthly malware update. Ax breaks down the latest on protestware and ransomware.

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Kadi 0:10 Hi, my name is Kadi Grigg, and welcome to another episode of Wicked Good Development, where we talk shop with OSS innovators, experts in industry and dig into really whats happening in the developer community.

Omar 0:21 Hola, my name is Omar, and Ill be your co-host for Wicked Good Development and today, we have an awesome Ax Sharma update.

Ax 0:35 Yes, hi, Kadi and Omar, everyone. Thanks for having me here. Im Ax Sharma, a security researcher and a tech journalist. I just love to analyze malware and novel vulnerabilities and write about them. So here I am with you today.

Kadi 0:50Well, thanks for coming back on, Ax. Lets dive in. The last time I spoke with you, I believe we were both reporting on the Log4Shell or Spring4Shell event that happened back in April. Can you bring us up to date on what youve seen happening in the cybersecurity space since (Read more...)

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Wicked Good Development Episode 13: Hacks and Ax, July Edition - Security Boulevard

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