Want to dare to be different? Start here, with SUSE – Armenian Reporter

The old adage in business technology says that no-one ever got fired for choosing IBM. That type of sentiment may well have held water a generation ago, when technology itself was something of a gamble to invest in, and an area only ever really ventured in by the cutting-edge corporate entity, or the generally foolhardy.

Today, choosing a stalwart solution provider might be relatively safe, but in many cases, its not indicative of the type of agility and foresight that todays businesses need. Of course, the older workhorses of technology (think Salesforce and Oracle) still offer significant value to many. Still, no-one ever chose those platforms and vendors to reflect their differences or to better promote their unique offering to markets that are open for disruption. But conversely, organizations today need not choose technology that no-ones heard of, or thats unproven. Theres a significant path being trodden by large, well-established companies that give organizations the type of agility and scalability they crave but without sacrificing stability, security, interoperability, and standards.

In this new age of software and hardware, open-source vendors provide cutting-edge technological platforms on which the next generation of businesses can base their offerings. But underpinning those platforms are the support, security, and developmental momentum that allow companies to become something different, without going out on a limb.

In the webinar above (sign up in the embedded form), the type of tech were talking about gets showcased by SUSE, one of the worlds biggest providers of open source solutions. Open source software already runs the internet, powers the vast majority of all cloud services, and is the technology on which companies base their entire technology stacks. Twenty years ago, people were asking, how can software thats free provide value? Todays business professionals know that open source solutions are superior. Heres why:

The future of software lies in the community of its users, its developers, testers, security overseers, and visionaries. That broad, varied, and resourceful community is only available in the open source arena. In a webinar presented by Brent Schroeder (CTO, SUSE) and Daniel Nelson (VP of Products & Solutions, SUSE), new business theory concepts are laid out, alongside how the balance is struck between open source software capabilities and a commercial mindset.

With the cloud, and the enterprise now being run the open-source way, isnt it time you too learn about the IBM alternatives and dare to be different?

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Want to dare to be different? Start here, with SUSE - Armenian Reporter

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