Twitter did a Reddit AMA about open source. Here are some highlights

Apr. 24, 2014 - 2:50 PM PDT Apr. 24, 2014 - 2:50 PM PDT

A handful of Twitter employees who work on the companys open source software projects took to Reddit for an Ask Me Anything on Wednesday. The questionswere wide ranging, from questions about specific projects to how to get a job at Twitter. Here are some of the highlights.

Here are some detailed reasons why to open source code:

The whole thread is available here.

Using open source in the beginning was just practical when youre a small scrappy startup. Since the first Tweet was sent, Twitter has been built on top of open source software (see Our early stack was mostly MySQL, Rails and Memcached. But then we then rapidly evolved from a simple application into a service-oriented architecture, leading us to integrate even more open source technologies such as OpenJDK (JVM), Netty, Apache Lucene, Apache Thrift, Apache Hadoop and Redis. This had to happen to allow us to scale and we discussed some of this in this blog post:”

The whole thread is available here.

Generally we look for strong candidates. It is hard to give a recipe for interviews. Everyone must be able to code well. After that, some know more math, some are stronger with systems, some have more DB experience, some are functional programming PhDs. Find your niche and be great in your niche, BUT eagerly learn new things that inspire you.

That whole thread is available here. Heres anotheron the same topic.

Apache Mesos is one of the bigget parts of Twitter infrastructure. It currently powers our compute cloud (with Apache Aurora) and part of our real time analytics (with Storm on Mesos). Almost all new services at Twitter are being written on top of Mesos. Twitter has been recently investigating/using YARN but its use case so far has been targeted towards Hadoop based work loads. In contrast, Mesos has been running in production at Twitter for more than 3 years now and has been thoroughly battle tested to run at Twitters scale.

The whole thread is available here.

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Twitter did a Reddit AMA about open source. Here are some highlights

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