Open Source Software – W3

About W3C Software

The natural complement to W3C specifications is runningcode. Implementation and testing is an essential part of specificationdevelopment and releasing the code promotes exchange of ideas in the developercommunity.

All W3C software is certified OpenSource/Free Software. (see the license)

2022-04-25 Version3.0of Ical2html includesthe changes byJohannes Weil: command line options to set a title on thegenerated page, to highlight the current day, and to start the week onMonday; and update to libical version3.

ical2html now also recognizes text in descriptions,summaries and locations that looks like a URL and turns it into ahyperlink.

(News Archive)

2022-04-15The slide framework b6+ can nowshow a second window with a preview of the current and next slides andspeaker notes. During a presentation, you could thus show the slideswhile looking at the preview on a second screen.

(News Archive)

2022-04-01 Version8.4 ofthe HTML-XML-utils fixes a bugwith ::attr() selectors. If hxselect wasgiven multiple, comma-separated selectors, the ::attr()selector only worked on the first selector. (Thanks to Bas Ploeger forthe patch!)

(News Archive)

2021-11-28 The slide framework b6+ has a couple ofnew features: 1)When slides are embedded in aniframe or object, links in the slide replacethe parent document, rather than open inside the iframe.2)It is possible to embed a slide as a static page, disablingthe navigation to other slides. 3)Accessibility has improved:When switching slides, the new slide is made available to screenreaders. See an explanationof ARIA role=application and aria-live by Lonie Watson. Theexplanation talks about Shower, but b6+ is similar. 4)Whenslides do not have ID attributes, you can still start at a specificslide by giving its number as fragment ID. E.g., to open apresentation with slide 25, end the URL with ?full#25.5)The F1 key switches to full screen, because not all browsersprovide a command for that. 6)Pressing the ? keyin slide mode pops up a brief overview of available commands.7)It is now possible to disable the use of a left mouse click toadvance slides. 8)Another option hides the mouse pointer when itdoesn't move for some seconds. 9)Various small bug fixes andimprovements.

You can read the manual ordownload a zip filecontaining the JavaScript file (b6plus.js), a style sheet(simple.css), the manual (Overview.html) and some images used in themanual.

(News Archive)

News Archives: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003.

Here is the list of Past Open SourceProjects developed at W3C.

W3C software is free and open source: the software is made primarily bypeople of the Web community, for the Web community.

There are many ways to get involved:

Great communities make great tools, and with only a few minutes of your timeyou can join the mailing-lists associated with W3C open source projects (suchas www-validator forthe markup validator or www-validator-cssfor the CSS validator) and participate in discussions and user support.

A lot of W3C software have a specific user discussion mailing-list (see eachprojects for details), some also have IRC (chat) channels, such as the#validator channel on the fordiscussions on W3C validation services.

Developers are welcome to get involved by contributing code. either to existing projects (see list above and check each project'sdocumentation for contact e-mail information), or proposed future software.Patches and bug fixes are alwayswelcome, and developers willing to get seriously involved will generally getcommit access after a proving period.

As explained below, all of W3C software source is freely available, developers areencouraged to get the source for the projects they care about and start hackingright away.

Read the IPR FAQon software contribution if you intend to contribute code. Note that asthis license is GPL compatible, it is possible to redistribute software basedon W3C sources under a GPL license.

Code is not the only way to get involved in making W3C software better.Testing, bug reports, suggestions, or help in creating good documentation areequally important! Most project will have a Feedback page, and you canreport bugs, test cases and patches on our Bugzilla.

All the tools listed on this page are free and open source, but hosting,maintaining and developing them often costs a lot. With your support throughthe Validator Donation Programor the W3C Supporters Program,we can build even better tools.

Most W3C software is available directly from our CVS base or in our Mercurial repository. You can browse the contentand history of either through their respective web interfaces.

See the documentation of each software for specific instructions fordownload and installation.

Some software that was formerly available via FTP has been moved to our web site.

See original here:
Open Source Software - W3

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