Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) – UNESCO

Software plays a crucial role in access to information and knowledge;

Different software models, including proprietary, open-source and free software, have many possibilities to increase competition, access by users, diversity of choice and to enable all users to develop solutions which best meet their requirements;

The development and use of open, interoperable, non-discriminatory standards for information handling and access are important elements in the development of effective infostructures;

The community approaches to software development has great potential to contribute to operationalize the concept of Knowledge Societies;

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) model provides interesting tools and processes with which people can create, exchange, share and exploit software and knowledge efficiently and effectively;

FOSS can play an important role as a practical instrument for development as its free and open aspirations make it a natural component of development efforts in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

Consistent support plays an important role in the success and sustainability of FOSS solutions;

All software choices should be based upon the solution's ability to achieve the best overall return on technology investments.

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Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) - UNESCO

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