The water department mess continues in Jyvskyl: City of the encryption information of the consultant the additional fee, accusing the publication of…

the Jyvskyl city board decided on Tuesday that the center of the city authorized Aila Paloniemi and Kirsi Knuuttila are weakened confidentiality in the preparation of matters. The decision relates to the fire cape and Knuuttila in January published opinion writing (you move to another service) (central finland), which dealt with the Alva share related to the sale of previously unpublished information.

writing in his fire cape and Knuuttila reported that the sale of the related report of the consulting agency KPMG will get the success fee, i.e. the additional compensation, if the city ended up selling a minority stake in the Alva company.

About the content of the agreement and the success fee had been told by the only board members. Council members and parishioners of the data was encrypted.

the board of governors seated in Knuuttila told Yle that he had received information verbally from a reliable source in mid-January. After that, he said that they had contacted the city government and the preparatory officials, in order to confidentiality, the information should be public.

Board members did not see the success fee of the problem and not left to decrypt. I was told that I can appeal to the administrative court and try to decode it through, but there of the decision take half a year. We decided to publish the opinion in writing of because we experienced, that we have no other options, Knuuttila said.

Legal grounds for sanctions not found

the city government tiistaisen decision according to the information success fee and other commission contract content is confidential information that should not have been leaked to the public.

the Decision is justified by the fact that the data contract for content had been given to board members in confidence, and procedure safeguards the preparatory officials and city board members between the open preparation.

the city government appealed the decision in the openness act and stated that freedom of expression does not go to data secrecy regulations over.

a legal basis for the police report for the fire cape and Knuuttila activity is not, however, been found. Authorized therefore does not follow the sanctions.

fire cape to the decision puzzling.

This decision is based on just the governments opinion, that we have undermined confidence. I would like to ask whether the government have thought of, how much it will undermine local peoples confidence in the decision-making by hiding these things, she said.

Koivisto: trust in the consultants professional pride

the mayor Timo Koivisto comment to Yle in brief. According to him, the city governments decision is unequivocal and based on the law.

night school is a legal procedure, which shall be confidential. If anyone decides to leak those things to the public, the trust suffers from.

Kirsi knuuttila, according to the processing stage, the information often is confidential, but at the stage when the decision has already been made, secrecy usually falls.

He likes the peculiar and worrying, that the city has wanted to conceal the use of money and decision-making process impact analysis related information.

Im worried about the citys transparency in decision-making. If the survey enterprise is financially advantageous for the fact that the outcome is certain, how the survey information can be considered reliable? Knuuttila asks.

Koivisto does not see the problem. He said he was confident that the consultants skills and professional pride.

Is a peculiar idea, that the consultant could guide the city decision making or that we would notice, if someone makes a purpose-oriented calculations. In addition, the success fee is the usual procedure, he said.

koivisto, according to the decision making process has been sufficiently transparent, since the subject has been informed in a coherent and organized two city council workshops.

the Actual decision-making Alva a minority stake sale would happen at the earliest in June 2020. By the information commission agreement on the content of the success fees who should Koivisto, according to told the council and possibly also the public.

So far we havent seen it yet topical, the mayor said.

Researcher: confidentiality may apply only to day school in the

Legislation in the light is not at all unambiguous, that the fire cape and Knuuttila had acted wrong when he told the information to the public. City government day schools confidentiality is binding only at the school in the presence of, point out the public law associate professor Riku Neuvonen .

If the question is not the issue, the propagation of which is otherwise criminalized, outsiders are not bound by the same confidentiality or criminal liability. Thus, if person X is in a meeting and told the meeting the contents of Y, not Y, not necessarily bound to secrecy and confidentiality. This is what the founders of practically all the media I get the most leaks, Neuvonen says.

fire cape and knuuttila in the case of the delegates are also not received information from the supervisor position. Data should, therefore, be pointedly given to anyone.

Data belong to authorized and for the people

the Case is not Neuvonen according to the one-track also freedom of expression point of view.

Here we are close to it, that freedom of speech would pass the criterion of secrecy. It is a locally important issue, which is subject to a lot of local political and even national interest. The fact that the consultants receive fees of city property to sell is the thing that yes, I authorized and even community residents, Neuvonen says.

in Addition, it is already a contract and a situation where consultants, for example, is to be tendered, in which case publication would be the effect on corporate activities. Neuvonen, it is hard to see justification for why the information could not be published.

for Example, the patient data are the researcher according to the degree of secrecy in terms of clear things. Instead, the company secrets are a bit more obscure than the area.

Especially if you try to secret concerns already made to the mandate agreement. This is, therefore, to remember it, that the authorities own view of secrecy is possible to dispute in court. The document can be partially kept secret, i.e. it can also be a point that could be public.

Alvas minority stake sale to a related processing was interrupted in February, when concerns about water privatization rose strongly in the public debate. As a consequence also the consultant company KPMG investigation was suspended.

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The water department mess continues in Jyvskyl: City of the encryption information of the consultant the additional fee, accusing the publication of...

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