Snowden Says Technology Companies Should Lead on Data Encryption

Edward Snowden, who leaked classified documents revealing the surveillance activities of the National Security Agency, said technology companies need to take a leadership role in protecting users privacy.

Theres a technical response that needs to occur, said Snowden, speaking through a video feed to a packed room of more than 3,000 people today at the South by Southwest Interactive conference in Austin, Texas. Technology companies can add layers of security that make it harder for intelligence agencies to scour for data, and can do it faster than new surveillance-oversight laws can be implemented, he said.

Snowden is now living in Russia to avoid arrest following last years release of the documents, which disclosed how global spy agencies collect vast amounts of data about phone calls and online activities. The revelations frayed U.S. relationships with countries such as Brazil and Germany and set off a global debate about whether the government is overstepping its authority and violating privacy to bolster security.

The leaks from Snowden, a former NSA contractor, showed that the U.S. had been collecting phone records as well as data from companies such as Google Inc. (GOOG), Facebook Inc. and Apple Inc. The disclosures made Snowden a hero to some people who want to see government activities reined in, while others, including U.S. President Barack Obama, say his actions compromised efforts to combat terrorism.

Snowden, speaking in front of an image of the U.S. Constitution, said the NSAs technique of collecting mass amounts of data hasnt been effective because there arent good ways to interpret the material.

What did we get out of it? he said. We got nothing.

Better oversight of intelligence agencies is needed, said Snowden, whose talk at South by Southwest drew a crowd of people who lined up hours before he spoke. Congress has been cheerleading instead of acting as a watchdog, he said.

Thats the biggest failure, he said.

Chris Soghoian of the American Civil Liberties Union, speaking with Snowden today, said theres inherent tension in having technology companies play a central role because their business models are dependent on using personal information to sell advertising. Technology companies have dramatically improved their security since Snowdens leaks, he said, because the revelations raised concerns among their users.

His disclosures have improved Internet security, Soghoian said. The goal isnt to blind the NSA. The goal is to make it so it cant spy on innocent people.

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Snowden Says Technology Companies Should Lead on Data Encryption

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