Police encryption should be retained (letter) | Letters To The Editor – LancasterOnline

Next month, the Lancaster County commissioners will vote whether to end the encryption of police radio transmissions. As a retired officer, I implore them to not allow the transmissions to be heard by the general public, as this may jeopardize the safety of the officers, victims and potential witnesses.

Please do not give in to the mob mentality and the media, which perpetuate the anti-police rhetoric. The media harps on the issue of transparency, but they dont always practice what they preach. How many times have we seen the phrases a source close to the investigation or an anonymous source in articles from news outlets?

I believe the only reason the media want to hear these transmissions is so they can respond to a scene in order to get the scoop. I experienced this many times in my 41-year career, as did my fellow officers.

I strongly request that the commissioners dont rescind the encryption.

On a lighter note, I found it very amusing no, hilarious that LNP | LancasterOnline was not permitted access to presidential candidate Joe Biden on his recent visit to Lancaster. The nerve of his campaign staff to allow reporters from other parts of the state access and deny local journalists! Im surprised LNP | LancasterOnline hasnt filed a complaint against the Biden campaign under the Right-to-Know law, as it has in the past against government officials and entities that have denied it access to information. Or maybe LNP | LancasterOnline is just waiting for the proper time.

Randy L. Herman

Manor Township

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Police encryption should be retained (letter) | Letters To The Editor - LancasterOnline

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