Facebook , Apple being threatened by US senators over data encryption – Gizmo Posts 24

According to a recent study, US senators threatened the most renowned companies such as facebook and apple. A meeting was held on the 10th of December. The main vision behind the meeting is to get rid of the obstacles they have been facing in finding abusers.

Why are they being threatened?

The senator says that data encryption is coming in the way of finding evidence. Also, the senator does not want to provide a safer place for the child abusers over this reason of not being able to catch the abusers. Both the technology representatives marked their presence in the meeting.

It seems like a serious issue prevailing in the country. Also, Facebook is facing many governments recently. Can you guess the reason why? The reason behind this is extending end to end encryption of WhatsApp messages.

Companies trying to save themselves

Facebook also tried explaining to the senator that it did not develop any particular operating system or a device. It says that it is open for any scanning of illegal copies. Similarly, the head of privacy issues in Apple says that there are no particular forums through which strangers can connect to each other.The user profile is not base on the materials of the user, says Apple

The track record of Apple and facebook are tremendous across the world. Taking their innovation over time and protection of data against third parties, it is very difficult for the companies to give up on data encryption.

A drawback for these major companies:

Amidst all these circumstances, the tech giant Cupertino has allowed law enforcement to access a locked phone to find a suspect of a mass shooting. This has put additional pressure on the heads of these renowned companies from the senator. The regulations that will be imposed on both of these companies are still ambiguous.

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Facebook , Apple being threatened by US senators over data encryption - Gizmo Posts 24

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