End-to-End Encryption, Next Tech Target – CloudWedge

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The United States Justice Department hintedthat their next primary target in the world of tech might be end-to-endencrypted messages. Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen aimed at the technologyin a speech delivered on the 18th of November, 2019. However, the interest inthis technological advancement isnt exactly new. Lawmakers and law enforcementagencies have raised concerns about the use of this technology by criminals toobscure their digital traces for over two decades.

End-to-End encrypted transmissions ensurethat nobody that intercepts the communication can decipher whats inside of it.For law enforcement that uses surveillance to collect data on potentialcriminals, this can be a severe drawback. However, legitimate concerns existfor the techs continued use. Encrypted transmissions ensure privacy betweencommunicants. For individuals that are concerned about the government or otherorganizations gathering data on them, these encrypted messages are exactly whatthey want for their peace of mind.

End-to-end encryption operates between twodevices. The sending device encrypts a message into a non-readable format thensends it to the second device, which then decrypts the statement for therecipient to read. How it does this is by generating two cryptographic codes, apublic key, and a private key. Any device with the public key can send messagesto the machine, but only the device with the private key can decode thosemessages. The result is that only the recipient can read the words since theprivate key is stored locally on the device.

End-to-end Encryption has gone back andforth for years. One of the most recent cases of law enforcement trying todefeat it was in 2016 when the FBI attempted to compel Apple to install abackdoor in their device for law enforcement to read encrypted messages. Therhetoric for creating a backdoor for governments and law enforcement continuesto this day, even though Apple successfully defended the FBIs attempt.End-to-End encryption offers a level of privacy and freedom that, oncecompromised, can never be recovered.

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End-to-End Encryption, Next Tech Target - CloudWedge

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