Cloud Security Strategy: Encryption Keys

A strong cloud security strategy is important for midsize firms to truly innovate with the cloud. One way of approaching that strategy is by using encryption keys. Midsize firms that have a better understanding of encryption can better protect their cloud data.

The Key

According to a recent article on Cloud Tech, there is an ever-changing world of regulatory and compliance requirements to achieve data privacy. Companies will always need improved ways of protecting cloud data, and encryption key technology is one possible solution. Cloud data encryption makes corporate data unreadable. Only a key can switch it back to readable form. Many cloud providers use this mathematical method to protect a firm's data from the growing threat of cybercrime.

The article points to a Gartner report that emphasizes a trend, familiar to midsize firms, that shows companies as having a limited amount of time and staff to dedicate to becoming experts in a given solution such as encryption. Too many cryptographic solutions offered by security vendors can lead to an increasing amount of complexity and misunderstandings and may even put more constraints on staff resources when deployed at midsize firms. As a result, companies are putting cloud data encryption completely in the hands of cloud services providers, and that leads to less control of their corporate data. Maintaining a level of control over encryption keys, however, can help IT professionals verify how information is shared.

Clouds and Control

Any firm can strike a good balance between encryption and the cloud. Midsize firms can retain control of their encryption keys while freely sending data to trusted cloud providers. The consumerization of IT and the rise of mobility and third-platform technologies are forcing IT professionals at midsize firms to think seriously about their cloud security strategy, and encryption keys are part of that process. IT professionals that work with their security teams and experienced cloud security vendors can ensure that the type and strength of encryption being used is well understood by all.

IT professionals at midsize firms must grapple with using limited time, resources and knowledge to truly understand the latest encryption offerings available. Cloud services partners can help apply various algorithms that are used for encryption, including hashing, private-key and public-key. Understanding algorithms and cryptography-based security is important for IT professionals to be comfortable with their cloud security solutions.

As security and compliance needs continue to change and evolve, firms are ultimately responsible for keeping their most sensitive data safe. Firms that utilize encryption keys can also maintain control of those keys to help hold on to cloud data. By working with trusted cloud computing vendors that understand their security concerns, IT professionals at midsize firms will be on their way to implementing the best solutions that work for them.

This post was written as part of the IBM for Midsize Business program, which provides midsize businesses with the tools, expertise and solutions they need to become engines of a smarter planet. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

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Cloud Security Strategy: Encryption Keys

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