3 Different Data Encryption Methods – DataShield blog

Its no secret that we at DataShield are large proponents of data security. Not only are data breaches incredibly expensive, but there are also laws regarding data securitythat need to be followed if businesses want to avoid large fines.

And while we are obviously advocates of shredding hard drivesonce its time to get rid of your computer, doing that only guarantees the safety of your data once its time for new hard drives. So what about all the time in between?

Enter data encryption: a highly recommended way to keep your data out of the wrong hands the entire time its on your computer.

Encryption is a technique for transforming informationon a computer in such a way that it becomes unreadable. So, even if someone is able to gain access to a computer with personal data on it, they likely wont be able to do anything with the data unless they have complicated, expensive software or the original data key.

The basic function of encryption is essentially to translate normal text into ciphertext. Encryption can help ensure that data doesnt get read by the wrong people, but can also ensure that data isnt altered in transit, and verify the identity of the sender.

There are three different basic encryption methods, each with their own advantages (list courtesy of Wisegeek):

Any of these methods would likely prove sufficient for proper data security, and a quick Google search will reveal the multitude of software available for data encryption. Data encryption is a necessity (both for legal reasons and otherwise) when transmitting information like PHI, so no matter what method you choose, make sure youre doing everything you can to protect data.

Dont just stop with encryption, though. DataShield offers compliance consultingto ensure that all of your business data and policies are up-to-spec for local and federal laws.

Contact us today for more information on how DataShield can help your data stay safe through its entire life cycle, from its conception to its destruction, when your computer is finally thrown out.

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3 Different Data Encryption Methods - DataShield blog

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