Dorian Nakamoto didn’t create Bitcoin and doesn’t know cryptography

THE MAN ACCUSED by Newsweek of creating the Bitcoin digital currency is still disputing that and has a newly appointed lawyer to deal with any questions on the subject.

Doriani Nakamoto was 'unmasked' by Newsweek as the elusive Bitcoin creator in a report that came to be much criticised.

Almost as soon as it was published people doubted the tale, and its subject, Dorian Nakamoto, disputed it, claiming that none of it was true.

In a statement released through his lawyer he said that he is not Satoshi Nakamoto, and is not an expert in cryptography.

The first time I heard the term 'Bitcoin' was from my son in mid-February 2014. After being contacted by a reporter, my son called me and used the word, which I had never heard before," he said.

"Shortly thereafter, the reporter confronted me at my home. I called the police. I never consented to speak with the reporter. In an ensuing discussion with a reporter from the Associated Press, I called the technology 'Bitcom'. I was still unfamiliar with the term."

Doriani Nakamoto said that the 'false report' has caused stress and confusion for him and his family, and as a result he has retained legal counsel.

He added that he does not want to have to discuss the news story or its allegations anymore. He said that he previously worked as an electrical engineer, but has not had an internet connection since 2013.

Saying that he is in poor health and dire financial straits, he claimed that the Newsweek story has damaged his job prospects.

See more here:
Dorian Nakamoto didn’t create Bitcoin and doesn’t know cryptography

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