Crypto Innovation School 2019 to start this Friday – Cryptomorrow

The CIS 2019 event, which is co-organized by the Crypto Innovation School andPlatON, the global trustless computing network, will kick-off on Friday December 13 until Sunday, December 15, 2019 in Shanghai, China.

Accredited with the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), CIS has been organised in collaboration with Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Showcasing rising cryptography Talent, IACR-Accredited Crypto Innovation School Returns for a Second Year, and among those invited isTuring award-winning computer scientist and computational theorist Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao who has been invited as the Honourary Chair of this years cryptographic research programme. This years programme aims to showcase the latest advancements and insights in the mathematical foundations of lattice-based cryptography.

Renowned scholars and experts in the field are confirmed to be in attendance. This year, award-winning computer scientist and theorist Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao has been invited as an Honourary Chair. A member of the US National Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yao was awarded the Knuth Prize in 1996 and the Turing Award in 2000 in recognition of his critical contributions to cryptography and computer science, such as Yaos Principle.

CIS 2019 co-chairs include International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) fellow Academician Xiaoyun Wang and Prof. Yu Yu, of Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, respectively. PlatON CEO Lilin Sun will also be serving as Executive Chair. Dr. Xie will also be serving as an organising committee member as part of this years winter school.

PlatON Algorithm Scientist Dr. Xiang Xie said, With digital transformation at the forefront of the global business agenda, greater standards in information security, encryption, and data protection continue to be pioneered around the world. Despite being hidden from public view, cryptography has historically played a critical role in how digital communication and commerce has evolved throughout the years. At CIS, we allow some of the most promising minds in cryptography research to connect with renowned experts in the industry, as they work to examine and understand the current opportunities, risks, and challenges facing us today.

PlatONs trustless computing architecture leverages a broad range of cryptographic algorithms ranging from homomorphic encryption, zero-knowledge non-interactive proofs, and multi-party computation. Having previously sponsored prominent academic cryptography conferences in the past, such as IACR Crypto, Eurocrypt, Asiacrypt, and the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), encouraging research and education is a key area of focus at PlatON. Its work with CIS strives to expand the influence and application of cryptographic mechanisms amid an increasingly data-driven world.

Open to researchers, students, and cryptography enthusiasts of all levels and from all around the globe, CIS 2019 is expected to host approximately 150 attendees. Last years CIS winter school saw a diverse cohort of over 130 researchers, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers hailing from countries such as China, India, Singapore, Japan, Korea, France, Germany, and the United States. Hosted in Shenzhen, last years programme focused predominantly in areas of privacy-preserving cryptography and featured renowned academics and researchers.

PlatON is a next-generation computing architecture that aims to facilitate secure, seamless, and open data sharing for the public good. Through Privacy-Preserving Computation (PPC), PlatON breaks down data silos and enables secure data exchange and collaborative computing for enterprise users. With its open-source data marketplace, PlatON supports and incentivises individuals and businesses looking to both monetise and utilise data resources.

PlatON addresses limitations in scalability and security by way of Verifiable Computation and privacy-preserving encryption capabilities, currently enabling real-world usability across a variety of global industries, including advertising, healthcare data management, IoT and decentralised AI, financial services, as well as key management systems.

Crypto Innovation School (CIS) is a cryptology innovation school that looks to bring promising researchers from all over the world to gather and discuss groundbreaking research in cryptology today. Accredited with the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), CIS is hosted by PlatON and is supported by leading local Chinese universities such as Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the State Key Laboratory of Cryptology.

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Crypto Innovation School 2019 to start this Friday - Cryptomorrow

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