Bitcoin (BTC) Down $78.19 Over Past 4 Hours, Moves Up For the 2nd Day In A Row; Pin Bar Pattern Appearing on Chart – CFDTrading

Bitcoin 4 Hour Price Update

Updated July 31, 2020 07:18 PM GMT (03:18 PM EST)

Bitcoins 3 four-hour candle positive streak has officially concluded, as the candle from the last 4 hour candle closed down 0.69% ($78.19). On a relative basis, Bitcoin was the worst performer out of all 5 of the assets in the Top Cryptos asset class during the last 4 hour candle.

Bitcoin is up 0.01% ($1.62) since the day prior, marking the 2nd day in a row an upward move has occurred. The price move occurred on volume that was down 26.94% from the day prior, but up 21.32% from the same day the week before. On a relative basis, Bitcoin was the worst performer out of all 5 of the assets in the Top Cryptos asset class during the day prior. The daily price chart of Bitcoin below illustrates.

Trend traders will want to observe that the strongest trend appears on the 14 day horizon; over that time period, price has been moving up. For additional context, note that price has gone up 11 out of the past 14 days. As for those who trade off of candlesticks, we should note that were seeing pin bar pattern appearing here.

Behold! Here are the top tweets related to Bitcoin:

GOLD about to pass $2000 all time high. BITCOIN pass $10,000. Why silver best. Silver supplies low. Silver used in tech, EVs medicine, water purification & money. Stock market about to crash. Silver at $25 below high of $45. Everyone can afford. Please do not miss opportunity.

Good news: Gold, Silver, #Bitcoin all hitting, or going, to new ATH Bad news: Its because global central banks are staging a debt-for-equity coup disenfranchising 7.6 billion people who will be left for dead unless they have some Gold, Silver, Bitcoin

Dont know why I said deleted lolI meant abandoned, because fuck that thingWouldnt want to rid you of the Sonic 06 series eitherthat and I could do with whatever bitcoin that thing can chuck out to keep the lights onHaving 11 cats and no brain cells doesnt come cheap

As for a news story related to Bitcoin getting some buzz:

Bitcoin. Thanks, but no thanks.. A brief history of disruption. | by Tyler Durden | The Crypto | Medium

Henry Ford had produced one of the modern worlds most important innovations and revolutionized American society and later, the whole world.American computer engineer Ray Tomlinson was working with his team on the development of an early computer operating system and he created two programs called SNDMSG and READMAIL.Steve Jobs, a modern day visionary imagined a future in which every home had a personal computer and Apple Computer, Inc.This was preceded by several years of strenuous campaigning by Sir Tim, now 62, to persuade professors, convince students, urge programmers and computer enthusiasts to create and build more servers and web browsers.Wed existed wonderfully for hundreds of years without the single most important technology of the 21st century coming along and creating all this new opportunity.Satoshi Nakamoto, an anonymous computer programmer produced and published a paper on a cryptography mailing list.

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Bitcoin (BTC) Down $78.19 Over Past 4 Hours, Moves Up For the 2nd Day In A Row; Pin Bar Pattern Appearing on Chart - CFDTrading

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